TutMeistensNix Professional

  • Male
  • 47
  • from Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Member since Jan 30th 2015
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  • Hi, wäre cool wenn du mal Videos zum Thema eigene Items erstellen machen könntest. Vor allem auch schwierigere Sachen, die nicht über den CustomItemLoader funktionieren wie z.B. eigene Schusswaffen und das man Items beim abbau von z.B. Erde automatisch erhalten kann. Neue Erze, Diamanten usw.
    • Hmm, leider kenne ich mich mit den neuen 3D Objekten ins Spiel bringen nicht wirklich aus. Ich kann mir die Geschichte ja mal etwas genauer anschauen und gucken ob ich es verstehe und verständlich erklären kann.
  • Bin immer noch da,jetzt geht es wieder ?wann machst Du den Laden dicht.
  • wurde von kadaboom server gekickt, komme nicht mehr drauf ?
    • Hmmm, da spielt doch niemand. Bin noch arbeiten, schaue ich mir heute Abend mal an.
    • Könnte aber auch sein dass unser Server nicht ganz aktuell ist. So genau nehmen wir das damit nicht mehr.
  • guten tag :-) i have added updated protection script maybe you could also do German translation :-)
  • ok i uploaded my message script it gives you a mail box so users can leave messages to mates online or off line ;-D injoy
  • ok i have just uploaded our portal script maybe you could test and make German translate for us
    • This is nice! I look for translate
    • thanks, hope you can under stand how to use it, this ones a little tricky to understand
    • Ok, I wrote a German translation
    • Awesome :-)
    • o yes sorry there is also removeportal [id] oO forgot to add that will also add to help but it works now
  • hello do you now somthing abouyt scripts ?
    • Yes, but very little. And my english very bad. LordFoobar is very good with scripts
    • yeah i need some script or knowing what information you is language
    • I speak german.
    • werden Sie mich mit Lua Script helfen ?
    • Sorry, but I'm not good enough and the game will change soon on Java.
  • Hey! I just realized that Yahgiggle had made an english variation of a script you had already wrote (which is fine, "Pflanzen" is not intuitive for english-speaking ppl! :P ) I wanted to know if I could use the images you have taken for each plant, and put them in world-edit's script for the README? It could also be possible to make a German README. And Github has a Wiki feature to paste examples and other information (like posting youtube videos, etc.) If you feel like contributing to world-edit, and other scripts, you're welcome ;) Yahgiggle talked to me about adding user management to world-edit and I am thinking about the correct way to do this. There's already a file called "security.lua" that currently only check for player:isAdmin(). So, this feature will be added soon. Cheers!
    • Hey. My English is not so good. ^^ I use a translator and hope that he does his job well. ^^ The photos are not from me. The question is whether it is still worthwhile to program a system of rights, I think Red has already talked to you because of changes? I want now is not accurate because it received it's not yet 100% safe.
    • I am not 100% sure what Red is planning regarding rights management in the game but, yes, I would wait a little while longer before implementing anything on that matter. I talk to Red once in a while, but he' does not share much with me about the future of the game... All I know is that it should be implemented at some point. So, we can simply add a temporary solution to world-edit (like in the area protection script).
  • i have new script you may like its to place objects its up loaded and added ;-D
  • hi i make more options in the plant script like how far away distance from you also i will add not only random option but also type of plant, is this what you want ?
    • This is very nice. Thank you.
    • no problem i have idea to code also make one type of plant with simple [/planting 10 20 30] 30 = type but if not enter number then it does random
    • This idea is good. For Forest or Garden of flowers :D Sorry, my english is bad. :(
    • yeah i will also make it so some plants go deeper into the ground than others this will give a better look for flower beds, by the way your English is good ;-) i will code this tomorrow its 220am i need sleep lol
    • ok. Good Night. :)
  • Sorry dass ich den Thread "RW funzt nicht" mit deinem Post gekillt hab :P
  • Sei gegrüßt. Es gibt doch den Worldedit. In deinen Videos habe ich beobachtet, wie man z.B. erde auffüllen kann. Kann ich eine genaue Anleitung zum Worldedit bekommen? Vielen Dank
    • Wenn du möchtest kann ich dir das gerne mal im TS erklären. Schriftlich habe ich da nicht wirklich was von vorliegen. Ich bin gleich auf unseren TS, kannst ja rein kommen wenn du Lust hast. ts3.kadaboom.de Oder meinst du als eigenes Video bei YouTube?
    • Als eigenes Video auf Youtube
    • Weisst du vielleicht schon, wann etwa das Biomupdate kommen wird? Die Spannung ist größer als alles andere
    • Es ging mal das Gerücht rum das es bestimmt noch 2 Monate dauern kann. Als eigenes Video kann ich mal versuchen.