Galochka Intermediate

  • Female
  • 44
  • from Россия. Сахалин, Дальний восток
  • Member since Apr 8th 2018
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  • Good day). Thanks for your feedback. I am very grateful for your help. IP: [RU] Rising World Server 16+ Privat, GPS ... Audience server Russian, Sprache Plugin is not installed. Tell my further actions that I need to write in the file or ... I do not know what to do. Thank. Sorry for English, this is not me, this is Google translator.
    • nothing to right in ether file .... you make the signs in game ones the plugin is there i will be on sunday sometime to help u ... put them in ur plugins folder (they each have to have there own folder) so when i come to ur server i will show u how to right them ..... its easy to do .... ничего в праве в эфирном файле .... вы делаете знаки в игре те плагин там я буду в воскресенье, чтобы помочь вам ... положить их в папку плагинов ур (у каждого из них должна быть там своя папка), так когда я приду к вашему серверу, я покажу вам, как их исправить ..... это легко сделать ....( Google translator)
  • what server are u on .. i can help u set up the signs plugin ..... or come to mine and i will help ... Rising Against Humanity ... ask for Mcfly ...... we love the plugin use it in main way