angriff Professional

  • Member since Feb 16th 2018
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The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • hi angriff. Was ist los? Ich komm nicht mehr auf den Server. Hast du ihn beendet?
  • Hello Attack I can not access the Server again. A question? Is he locked longer? or may one know the passwort.
    • Switched to new address. Old server is stopped. Now use the following IP
  • I thought you said you were going back to Arabella and were not online 4 days so I thought you left.
  • Hallo Angriff, was ist den los? Aus welchen Grund hast du mich vom Administrator entbunden. Habe ich was falsch gemacht? Hello attack, what`s going on? For what reason did you release me from the administrator? Did I do something wrong?
  • Hey Angriff, mit den Rechten von Masil sitmmt was nicht, ich habe alles eingegeben wie ich es sollte aber, er kann auf seinem stück land keine Arbeiten verrichten. Ich weiss nicht was ich falsch gemacht habe, könntest du mal nachsehen was ich falsch gemacht habe. Gruss Erich
  • Hello attack I tried to establish a connection, I had to realize that you need a password since recently. Can you please send it to my email address. Greeting Erich
  • Angriff's Lair Rising World IP mild PVP, full repertoire of building, period areas, Animal Breeding, Area plug in and Aktive signs are no longer being tested here. Cooking timer, in game mail and TP points are available.