Minotorious Moderator
- Member since Dec 24th 2016
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Hi Mino! I have all your plugins on both my servers. Big fan! Question: Do you know an easy way to make a text based journal? Instead of the regular one, a text block I can update with ease that looks like Yahgiggle's Auto protection world help where players can just hit a key like H and all my server info. is there. then click "Close". Me trying to update the RW journal is a pain trying to line up the text on the pages, etc. Maybe a "text Journal" plugin or something? Thanks!
Thanks for the info. I have a query - just like underground dungeons is it possible to have structures up in the sky? A crashed UFO site maybe :p Players who are able to fly can salvage resources from sky then, like crystals, diamonds, krypton etc. Also there will be less lags as the structures will be way up in the sky. I hope in future RW becomes more tech oriented. Futuristic techs that will help players to colonize a Space or a galaxy someday...just a thought :)
How do I reassign F3 Key? Also what are the other objects but items like technical _smoke?
what do you mean by reassign? all key binds can be found in the config.properties file in your game's directory (something like USER/steam/steamapps/commons/RisingWorld). You can change the values and save the file and then start the game. Currently only technical_smoke exists but more like lights (spot/omni/etc.) and fires will be added in the future :)
im finished with my midian build so all bp's are ready maybe you can make it in to 1 clear post cause i could not put it all in the 1 post and im going to think how if i do somethig like this in the future i can make it clearer cause i aso wanted all parts to be avalible as loose bp's
there all in but is it posible to put the full version of the city in a difrent post aybe easyer to keep it seperated from the parts iv made with loose parts so ppl can find that 1 directly instead of having to seach for them in the list of partial bp's with deorations also if you get a chanse id like to hear your apinion of my city of midian i would love to see it been used by players in there worlds in deserts as a abandond city of the dead
And when you have a command to create an NPC on the server?
I am sorry I don't fully understand the question but to spawn NPCs you can type spawnnpc male/female/dummy and use the other NPC specific commands to change things about it. If you mean if players are getting the command on Artisan's Realm that hasn't been discussed yet as many NPCs could cause huge lag issues if spawned at one place.
hello on server tools, do you place the tools on the server or client, i was reading you said plugin folder. i do not have that folder..do i make a folder named plugin..etc thanks
Hello Minotorious! I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this; however, I didn't know any other way to contact you. My claim on Artisan's Realm has expired a few days ago and I don't seem to be able to chat while there to contact you or another Admin. Can my claim be reinstated? Ty for your help! My ingame name is Raen.
hy Mino
Is your Server Artisan Realm down?
Hey, Artisan's Realm has moved to a new host since quite some time. I am not familiar with the details as I haven't played in a while.
Here is the discord server of the new host where you can get more info: https://discord.gg/5xPAbSw
Oh... Thanks