Jjustmee22 Student

  • Member since Feb 9th 2016
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The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • realy ?
  • Good to see it back up! (But can't build in our zone and all things done previously are gone, although /home still works and the zone still exists).
  • hope its back up soon
  • i need a server update everything kom okay :p
  • I ran my own server and understand the importance of having good admins, Im in USA west coast. Also the server is down right now
    • its fine bhut its hard there are many server and lower players bhut i loking for admins mayby you kan
  • I'm getting a server/client mismatch in trying to connect today but I can't find any signs of a current RW update. Any ideas?
  • we got 7 active admins bhut in the nigt belgium time whe have 1 admin i have not found more acetable people :p bhut i wil fix it :p
  • Do you own MIDA? If so we need a few more active admins. If your not can you tell me who it is.
  • why is our server down
    • ik ben veranderd naar mysql, en sindsdien zijn er problemen ik probeer het probleem zo snel mogelijk op te lossen
    • Thanks , houd me op de hoogte , ik geniet van uw server en genoot van het bouwen van mijn huisje . e-mail me als je het opstaan nepthauler@yahoo.com
    • sory for Dutch server would surely be back to normal tomorrow I hope :)
    • sounds great!
    • Server is back online after 30 min