red51 Developer
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Hey man, just wanted to tell you that. I brought this game in 2017, played it few hours or more... Then I realized that was not much stuff. It was laggy, Glitchy. Got bored quickly but I Refunded. it awhile later rebought it back. Checking out again
Then I decided to keep it. I don't know what made me Kept it. But didn't play it and wait this out patiently. Watching this game Grow. each update. Until 7 Years later. I received a notification steam app update from the phone of this game having it a major update seen it got on check it out. My addiction Grew a little bit. Lost it again. Then Few months went by Until this last week in half I Checked it out and never thought I would end up Hooked addicted to this game. My addiction was so hooked that bad enough I even forced myself playing it during work nights.
Tell you what got me Fully Interested.
1.) The crafting of woods and Building Is so Amazing and so Real life like Closest relative as Carpenter Contruction.
2.) The Designed of the Graphic Details of unreal engine Blows my mind out of the Water.
3.) It's Not as Glitchy or Severely Buggy as I remembered years ago.
4.) More Animals and the artwork Designed is Flawless!
5.) Abling to Increase the maxed out graphic details settings I can Tolerated A couple performance input lag. which not as bad as Valium id Say it is 10 or 15% better.
6.) Chopping down trees never gets old.
7.) Break a leg or getting hungry or get stabbed to bleed out.
8.) Shivering Quivering to the core of a character itself That made me Thought something is wrong with my mouse sensor acting up! winding up smacking at it until I didn't realize it not my mouse! wow! that got me more addictive.
9.) Getting mauled by any dangerous animals or provoked! which is entertaining
10.) Mining the ore's Is Legit!
Let me Tell you what I have Discovered Downside of this game to feel free and spread out the developer teamwork.
Bugs Report Information's
1.) Occasionally While chopping down trees the Trunks when rolling down mountains or small hill sometimes 100% Forced like Something or someone Slam that chopped down trees Across the map. or appear vanished.
2.) Placing a plank or any kind of woods to build sometimes where I expect to place specific spot appear to vanish. Or Poof Then meanwhile exploring I find a Plank or Crafting wood I was building was placed in midair away from the base.
3.) Horse A.I Sometime Get Stuck in Mountain gap depth of hole or unable to move. I get advantage to kill it for food.
4.) Sometimes I glitched When I get stuck or got a hold of something.
Idea's Offer Development.
1.) Maybe add A the durability of how long tools AND weapons Or Armors and How Long It Can Last Before it breaks.
2.) Possibly maybe Have a Bit of Rework Caves to Have The cave work underground a little bit more unique. which I know you guys just updated that. It an awesome fine work! maybe bit more Unique Caves tunnel additional.
3.) Maybe Work on Increase Load Of Numbers Bandits Perhaps Making it bit more active of A.I Roam.
4.) I don't know if it too much to ask but do you guys ever wonder About Having a Default Biome Added to Such as Real-life Seasonal Weather Pattern? like Summer, Then Fall And winter? Then Spring? Which I am Aware of how much amount of work that is and how much it can be severely impacted of the game Performances.
hello I recently had a friend request on steam by a player profile waveshapr, that player sent me this message
Hey Urshala, I'm Andre from JIW Games. I'm usually responsible for the music and sound in Rising World, but currently working on the new trailer for the game and potentially some video content for our YouTube channel. In my search for cool buildings to show I found some of yours quite awesome (literally!). I'm always incredibly inspired by the stuff the community builds. I have zero talent building stuff in the game and I have been working on it for a while ^^. Is there a way you could upload some of your worlds (or blueprints if that's easier)? I'm especially interested in the nuclear power plant, ferris wheels, the creepy cemetery and playground. But I'm also open to other suggestions as to what people should see from you. was wondering if this is legit message
Hey Red I am trying to install NetBeans and it does not think JAVA is is installed when I go to the JAVA directory in the game I do not see a installer. When I installed it from the Webpage it gives me version 21 a newer version. Not sure I did this with the old game along time ago so I am sort of lost. Do I install the netbeans in your game java directory to get it to recognize it?
Never mind I figured it out using online https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
after I had to uninstall an older version using the uninstaller https://www.java.com/en/download/uninstalltool.jsp
Not sure about the version but we will see. Thanks for all the effort on Rising World it is my favorite game and I bought several of my friends copies. We will see if they play it once I get my server running.
Hello Red, first of thanks for the great game! I also wanted to share this link with you though you may already know of it. Its a site that is fairly new and offers public domain meshes in fbx and obj format. The objects are base mesh though and need to be textured as you like and i thought maybe there are items you could add into RW.
Hallo, wollte meine alte Welt aus Version 0.9.1 Konvertieren dies stütz ab und es erscheint eine Java Fehlermeldung ist es möglich die Welt doch noch zu Konvertieren oder sie gar mit einer älteren Rising World Version zu starten.
Hi, die Welt ist leider etwas zu alt =/ Grundsätzlich können Welten von 2017 oder Anfang 2018 - die zwischenzeitlich nicht nochmal geladen wurden - leider nicht mehr ohne Weiteres geladen werden. Wenn es aber eine für dich wertvolle Welt ist, kannst du sie uns gerne zusenden und wir können sie reparieren. Es reicht, wenn du uns die Haupt .db Datei im Weltordner zusendest (also wenn die Welt zB "New World" heißt, dann sende uns die Datei "New World.db" im "/Rising World/Worlds/New World/" Verzeichnis). Du kannst sie mir als private Nachricht hier im Forum senden, oder per Mail an support@jiw-games.net
Please, PLEEEASE release a pre-alpha, Demo or something, for us to try out the game in its current state... I have played this game for a few years now, for several hours, and can't wait to see the updated version.
Its kind of disappointing to have the game, knowing its been updated, and still have a version that is abandoned for more than one year...
Good evening, I bought a license in 2017, after about 3 years of inactivity I'm trying to migrate my account to the new system. I followed the instructions on the "Important notice for Standalone users" message, and got a serial number, but I can't seem to find the download page. I tried several addresses including but not limited to "www.rising-world.net/download" and "www.rising-world.net/data", none of them worked. When I go into the store he tells me that I need to pay him 14.99 marks. Could you please help? I'm not trying to be mean at all just asking.
Guten Abend, Ich habe 2017 jahr eine Lizenz gekauft, nach etwa 3 Jahren Untätigkeit versuche ich, mein Konto in das neue System zu flüchtling. Ich habe die Anweisungen auf der Nachricht "Wichtige Hinweise für eigenständige Benutzer" befolgt und eine Seriennummer erhalten, aber ich kann die Download-Seite nicht finden. Ich habe mehrere Adressen ausprobiert, darunter "www.rising-world.net / download" und "www.rising-world.net / data", keiner davon funktionierte. Wenn ich in den Laden gehe, sagt er mir, dass ich ihm 14,99 DM zahlen muss. Könnten Sie bitte helfen? Ich versuche überhaupt nicht zu sein empört, nur fragen.
Hi, sometimes it's necessary to refresh the homepage (F5) after migrating the legacy account. Then you should be able to get to the download page: https://shop.rising-world.net/download-list/
Alternatively you can click on your avatar in the top right corner of the screen, then go to "Downloads". If you want to find your serial, just go to "Licenses", or visit https://shop.rising-world.net/license-list/
Thank you very much for your response. I realized I have to first confirm the registration, I mean confirm the electronic mail verification, then I could download just fine. I'm extremely sorry for bothering you and taking your time. Could you please answer one more question, please? Okay then, here it is: There are four executables in the x86 Windows NT version, which one of them do I execute? I tried executing that Rising World (32-Bit).EXE, but then at the JIW-Games title card an exception occurs and the game crashes. From the error log: "Image format 'RGB111110F' is unsupported by the video hardware."
My video card is NVidia Quadro NVS 285 (yes, I know it's a tiny bit old) and I have the proprietary drivers for it. The card support OpenGL 2.1
I used the config file to disable all the resource-heavy features and changed the resolution to 640x480 but it still won't work. Here's the full log: (//UPDATE June 5, 19:10, Some parts of it were removed)
CodeDeustche (OUTDATED!!!!)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich zunächst die Registrierung bestätigen muss, Ich meine, die elektronische Nachprüfung zu bestätigen, dann konnte ich die Last nur felony. Es tut mir sehr leid, dass ich dich belästigt und deine Zeit genommen habe. Könnten Sie bitte noch eine Frage beantworten? Okay, hier ist: Es gibt vier Tötungen in den achtundachtzig Windows NT Version, die einer von ihnen töte ich? Ich versuchte, sie mit aufstrebender Welt (32- Bit) .EXE zu ermorden, aber dann bei der JA-Spiele Titelkarte kommt eine Ausnahme und die Spielfehlfunktion. Aus dem Fehlerprotokoll: "Filmformat 'RGB111110F' wird von der Bandhardware nicht unterstützt.
It's better to post these things in our forums
However, unfortunately 32 bit operating systems aren't supported by the game (that's what's causing the error). There is no chance to run the game on a 32 bit OS =/ But in addition to that, your machine does not have enough RAM (the game requires at least 4 GB of RAM, but your machine only has 2 GB) and the graphics card and CPU do not meet the minimum requirements of the game... I'm so sorry
Ohh that's totally fine! I also have a computer with a amd64 processor, and 4294967296 bytes DDR2 SDRAM, so I tried that one in it and it works almost perfectly, I just had to put in RAM module from another PC, because it only had 2bGB (1GBx2), so replace it with (2GB*2) good. Good bye. And thank you for helping me.
I have a question concerning my Legacy account. I have just returned to the game after a required break, and I have updated my profile.
I only have the Beta version on my pc. It is stand alone, not thru Steam.
How do I update to the newest version of RW and keep my original game information, or is that not possible?
Do I need to buy and download the newest version and begin again? I would like to keep the legacy status if possible.
Hey, you find more information about linking your legacy account here
Important notice for Standalone users
Hallo. Habe seit einiger Zeit einen neuen Rechner und wollte nun seit längerem mal wieder spielen. Allerdings startet das Spiel nicht. Der Loader öffnet sich und bleibt immer bei ''Started downloading AbsolutetLayout.jar (2,9 kB)'' stehen. Habe ein 64Bit-System mit Windows 8.1 Pro. Zudem die 64Bit-Version von Java 8-221 installiert. Das Spiel befindet sich ebenfalls wie Java auf Laufwerk C im 64Bit-Programme-Ordner. Wo befindet sich das Problem? Wie kann ich es lösen? Habe schon einiges im Forum nachgelesen - war aber bisher nicht hilfreich. Weitere Informationen zum System folgen auf Wunsch - da ich nicht weiß, welche Systeminfos nötig sind, um das Problem zu lösen. Vielen lieben Dank schon Mal vorab! Gruß, Dirk.
Hallöchen red51! Bisher konnte ich so leidlich auf Hessenstrolche spielen. Immer wenn Ping hoch ging (über 5460 in rot) blieb das Spiel stehen, fror ein. Jetzt habe ich mir Glasfaser-Internet legen lassen. Es hat über 1500,00 € gekostet was ich bezahlen mußte, in Spanien ist das so. Na egal und heute habe ich es auf Rising World Hessenstrolche ausprobiert. Meine Ping ist jetzt 60, trotzdem ist ein spielen unmöglich da das Spiel einfriert und nicht mehr geht. Auch Lenko versteht es nicht und weiß auch keinen Rat. Bisher habe ich nichts im Spiel umgestellt, was kann ich tun damit ich wieder spielen kann ? Bitte hilf mir. Gruß zwerk 7
Hello Red, I was able to get shadowplay up and running yesterday. So When I said that I had that problem with the scaffolding disappearing I had. But When I downloaded the Shadowplay I had to restart my pc. WIll I had not restarted and I had not had the update that you had released yet. Since I have updated I have not seen any issues with the disappearing act of items. I will keep recording when doing things with boxes and inventory for the next few days just to make sure. But I do believe that it is fix now. I played for another 5 hrs last night and had no issues. Thanks !!! Was great having you stop by the server. :)
Hi Red, I am not all that computer literate (my husband is but usually very busy) I posted a game problem a couple of days ago and you graciously left instructions on how to report them to you (thank you) My game crashed sporadically. I did the report thing before I closed the game . report_1553226691987.log! after closing the game and then trying to log back in it would not allow me to as the game was still running. (they also had all kinds of instructions regarding I should let someone know about that incident. Here are 2 more reports from today of the typical problems we are having. report_1553208075874.log Last night I quit the game on my horse. I logged in today and was under the horse in the ground. I could not interact with the game. I logged out and logged back in and found myself deep in the ground and then I died. I logged back in again. Not sure where in this scenario that I did the report but I hope that finds something for you. report_1553209436715.log this one is an aggrivating problem. The boards could not be manipulated while building. This happens fairly regularly and the only fix I have found is leave the game and come back. Hope this is enough If you need my husband to get into the server logs for anything just let me know and I will get what you need.
The unity version is INSANE!!11!!1
since the unity version I play this game every week at least 2 times it's so cool!
Even the unity version is not done, it's already the best game I ever played, and this grow! a few years ago the graphics where bad, buggy and pyshics where not that good, but now... This grow over years is insane! red, you are a great developer, and your very chill and nice
Thanks for this great game, I wish you much luck whit the game and hope this game will be more populair than minecraft (that game is pretty.. uhhmm stupi*) very much succes whit the game!!