zfoxfire Professional

  • Male
  • from Florida, USA
  • Member since Nov 1st 2015
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The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi, i'm trying to create a plugin.jar using maven and i have problems gettuing the .yml file into it. can you please send me an example .pom? Thanks
    • Try placing the yml file under src somewhere in your maven project and "include" it. here's an example: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-jar-plugin/examples/include-exclude.html
    • thanks, works now :-)
  • can u check my client thread pls and tell me whats wrong Thks x
  • Thank you zfoxfire for the help you have been great!!!
    • Glad I can help. I love the Rising World community so I want to help as much as I can. Feel free to ask any questions. I've been actively managing my own server for a few months now so feel free to ask me any questions. My server name is called "foxbox" if you also wish to come in and take a look around.
  • Hello I'm posting today to spread the word that I have started a Rising World Face Book page. So we can chat about things and show off our builds. I really enjoy the game and am wanting to spread the word about it and was shocked that there wasn't already a page on it. So I started one I'm sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. I just want more people to play. The page name is just Rising World. At the moment I'm the only admin but as soon as I get more people on the page I'll assign others. If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact me on here of FB.
    • Could you send a direct link please? I am having trouble finding the group
    • I'm not sure how to give me your fb name and I can tag you.
    • https://www.facebook.com/groups/1811625672434189/
    • Did that work ?
    • Got it. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the welcome, I can't seem to reply to your post, so I just wanted to say hello from here ^_^
  • Hi there Bud!