Rising World - - Dedicated Server Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 Java 1.8.0_73 (amd64) Memory: 5659 MB 11.04.2016 20:07 Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Objects initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! read bytes from resource: 11417 read bytes from resource: 7342 Initializing world (mysql) LOAD WORLD New World DATABASE TYPE: MySQL CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! 11.04.2016 20:07 v.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 10 WORLDINFO Gamemode :survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed :1425778629825 WORLDINFO Caves :true WORLDINFO Vegetations :true WORLDINFO OreAmount :4 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs : WORLDINFO Worldtype :Normal WORLDINFOS seed: 1425778629825 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 4 disablednpc: [] WORLDINFO Time :20.4.2041 16:33:0.8214793 set game time from string: 20.4.2041 16:33:0.8214793 WORLDINFO Spawninventory :3 0 0 23 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 17 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 2 0 98 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 98 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 98 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 2 1 10 0 3 -65 -128 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Creationdate :1425778636361 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 0 - 0 (168ms) WORLDINFO Version : TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawnposition :13952.027 93.351685 -11679.08 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation :0.20134428 0.031320583 -0.006441502 0.9789985 Loading custom images... 2496 images successfully loaded! 5989 chests loaded from DB! 1216 texts loaded from DB! 157 Plants loaded from DB! 1375 Furnaces loaded from DB! 36604 NPCs loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: NetworkServer version 0.6 ThreadPoolSize 4255 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4255 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4258 TCP: 1 (1) 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! Found 5 files in groups folder 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g WARNING: Permission command.setofflinegroup not found! 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully! 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Group "inventar" permissions loaded successfully! 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Group "kreative" permissions loaded successfully! 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Group "owner" permissions loaded successfully! 11.04.2016 20:08 E.g INFO: Group "terras" permissions loaded successfully! StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4258 CREATED SERVER SAVE THREAD RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED START C:\RisingWorldServer\server\scripts [LUA]Script "AreaProtection 1.8" loaded. Author: KingGenius Team: JIW-Games [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerEnterWorldpart" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectStatusChange" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainFill" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerGrassRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "InventoryToChest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestToInventory" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestItemDrop" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerRespawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerDamage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "Update" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] AREA PROTECTION script started! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Admin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Default Group found "Guest" [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Guest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Owner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:58 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:59 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:60 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:65 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:66 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:67 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:68 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:69 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:71 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:73 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:74 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:75 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:76 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:77 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:78 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:79 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:161 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:163 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:164 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:187 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:211 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:244 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:314 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:337 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:348 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:352 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:354 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:356 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:381 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:382 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:452 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:454 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:456 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:475 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1717 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1720 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1726 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1800 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2009 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2037 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2039 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2040 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2041 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2043 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2046 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2082 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2108 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2110 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2111 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2154 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2229 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2236 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2237 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3451 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3452 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3466 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3467 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3475 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3479 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3480 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3495 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3496 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3499 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3501 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3502 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3523 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3610 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3611 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3612 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3641 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3645 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3750 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3751 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3752 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3753 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3922 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3980 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3985 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:3997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4061 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4063 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4064 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4065 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4066 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4103 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4108 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4109 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4110 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4111 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4158 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4160 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4192 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4193 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4194 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4357 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4461 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4462 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4483 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4484 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4499 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4563 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4568 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4635 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4638 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4639 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4641 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4642 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4645 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4648 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4663 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4664 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4690 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4914 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4922 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4933 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4934 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4960 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4970 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:4997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5002 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5009 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5013 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5014 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5015 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5016 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5017 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5018 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5028 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5029 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5032 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5094 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5097 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5098 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5139 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5140 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5141 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5143 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5144 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5147 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5155 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5239 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5249 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5250 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5257 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5258 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5308 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5336 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5348 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5378 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5380 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5381 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5481 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5482 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5503 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5608 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5610 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5611 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5612 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5615 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5635 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5638 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5716 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5717 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5747 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5748 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5764 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5768 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5770 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5931 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5933 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5984 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5985 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5987 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5989 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5991 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5992 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:5999 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6000 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6002 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6009 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6013 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6014 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6027 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6028 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6053 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6102 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6103 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6104 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6105 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6107 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6108 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6109 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6110 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6111 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6129 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6131 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6155 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6159 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6160 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6161 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6162 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6163 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6164 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6165 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6187 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6192 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6193 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6194 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6211 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6229 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6251 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6252 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6253 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6255 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6256 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6257 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6258 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6259 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6261 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6262 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6267 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6269 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6273 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6276 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6304 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6351 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6358 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6361 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6363 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6378 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6384 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6432 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6445 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6483 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6484 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6495 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6501 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6503 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6504 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6534 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6539 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6608 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6642 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6650 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6653 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6654 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6655 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6657 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6675 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6685 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6686 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6688 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6698 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6705 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6720 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6726 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6727 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6732 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6739 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6747 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6748 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6749 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6750 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6764 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6770 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6793 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6800 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6948 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:6996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7025 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7026 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7040 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7080 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7098 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7099 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7100 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7141 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7143 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7162 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7257 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7258 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7259 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7267 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7269 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7288 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7289 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7319 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7320 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7324 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7336 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7337 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7338 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7342 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7343 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7354 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7358 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7360 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7369 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7402 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7463 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7495 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7496 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7501 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7523 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7531 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7532 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7534 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7535 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7539 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7540 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7555 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7615 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7657 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7658 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7663 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7664 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7665 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7675 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7676 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7677 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7678 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7679 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7680 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7681 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7682 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7683 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7684 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7685 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7686 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7688 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7689 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7716 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7717 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7720 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7726 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7727 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7739 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7740 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7749 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7750 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7751 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7752 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7753 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7811 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7980 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:7998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8015 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8017 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8019 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8059 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8076 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8077 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8079 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8080 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8081 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8082 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8100 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8141 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8144 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8157 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8161 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8269 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8292 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8293 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8303 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8304 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8305 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8307 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8308 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8310 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8312 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8319 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8320 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8322 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8324 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8328 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8332 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8333 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8334 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8336 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8337 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8338 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8339 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8351 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8363 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8366 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8367 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8368 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8369 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8370 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8371 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8372 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8373 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8384 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8418 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8431 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8432 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8444 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8445 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8451 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8465 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8478 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8481 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8484 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8485 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8488 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8490 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8501 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8502 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8503 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8534 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8555 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8569 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8570 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8608 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8610 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8611 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8612 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8615 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8654 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8657 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8658 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8689 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8690 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8691 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8750 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8793 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8911 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8914 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8915 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8918 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8922 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8952 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8960 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8970 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8980 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:8983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9009 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9014 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9015 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9018 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9019 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9020 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9022 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9029 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9037 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9039 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9040 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9041 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9043 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9046 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9048 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9053 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9101 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9110 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9111 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9131 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9132 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9154 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9155 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9156 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9157 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9158 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9164 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9165 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9166 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9211 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9248 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9267 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9269 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9273 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9276 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9340 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9342 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9343 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9344 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9345 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9346 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9347 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9351 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9352 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9353 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9358 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9360 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9361 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9363 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9365 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9402 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9431 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9432 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9442 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9444 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9451 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9452 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9456 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9457 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9465 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9466 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9469 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9471 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9475 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9490 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9535 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9539 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9540 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9563 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9574 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9579 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9580 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9581 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9582 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9586 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9589 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9610 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9611 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9612 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9615 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9635 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9642 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9648 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9654 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9663 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9664 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9665 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9675 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9676 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9678 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9679 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9680 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9681 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9682 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9683 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9684 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9685 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9686 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9688 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9689 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9690 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9691 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9698 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9717 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9720 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9747 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9768 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9811 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9922 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9948 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:9999 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10000 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10002 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10065 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10082 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10087 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10093 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10094 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10097 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10098 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10099 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10100 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10101 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10105 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10107 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10108 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10126 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10192 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10193 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10194 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10242 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10255 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10362 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10365 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10381 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10382 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10445 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10451 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10452 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10461 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10495 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10496 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10499 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10500 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10501 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10502 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10505 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10531 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10532 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10570 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10574 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10579 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10580 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10611 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10612 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10615 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10655 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10716 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10726 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10732 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10747 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10749 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10751 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10752 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10911 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10914 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10915 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10918 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10934 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10936 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:10949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11018 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11019 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11020 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11022 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11023 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11029 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11063 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11064 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11065 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11066 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11068 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11069 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11129 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11165 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11193 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11236 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11249 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11250 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11251 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11252 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11259 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11261 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11262 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11273 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11276 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11289 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11292 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11293 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11339 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11382 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11384 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11431 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11471 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11472 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11473 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11481 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11485 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11523 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11540 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11568 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11663 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11664 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11676 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11681 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11689 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11705 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11718 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11726 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11727 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11748 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11793 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11811 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:11962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12013 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12025 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12039 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12068 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12074 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12075 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12087 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12139 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12194 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12229 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12237 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12241 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12242 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12261 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12273 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12276 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12293 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12336 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12337 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12338 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12339 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12343 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12347 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12365 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12366 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12368 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12373 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12374 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12382 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12384 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12432 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12444 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12445 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12459 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12460 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12473 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12485 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12488 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12531 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12532 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12534 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12535 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12608 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12639 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12658 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12675 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12680 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12682 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12698 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12732 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12800 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12931 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12933 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12934 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12936 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12937 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12945 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12947 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12948 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12952 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12960 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12970 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12989 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12991 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12992 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:12995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13037 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13048 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13053 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13064 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13068 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13069 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13077 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13079 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13080 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13093 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13094 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13109 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13143 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13144 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13162 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13307 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13317 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13319 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13322 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13328 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13343 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13344 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13345 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13353 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13365 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13366 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13367 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13368 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13369 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13370 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13371 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13372 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13373 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13374 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13410 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13430 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13459 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13460 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13461 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13462 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13478 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13496 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13648 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13649 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13686 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13688 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13690 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13691 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13719 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13768 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13770 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13911 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13914 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13915 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:13979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14013 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14014 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14017 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14022 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14043 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14046 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14048 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14053 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14082 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14211 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14229 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14236 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14237 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14239 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14240 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14241 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14242 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14244 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14248 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14256 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14334 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14342 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14343 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14344 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14345 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14346 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14347 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14348 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14349 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14350 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14351 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14352 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14353 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14354 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14355 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14356 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14357 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14358 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14365 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14366 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14368 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14370 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14374 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14378 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14380 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14381 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14418 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14444 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14470 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14485 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14488 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14499 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14500 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14540 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14555 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14570 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14642 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14716 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14720 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14911 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14936 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14937 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14945 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14947 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14952 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14980 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:14990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15032 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15043 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15059 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15060 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15061 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15071 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15072 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15074 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15075 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15076 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15077 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15097 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15139 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15141 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15147 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15164 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15187 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15192 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15252 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15303 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15304 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15305 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15307 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15308 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15310 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15312 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15313 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15314 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15317 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15319 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15320 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15322 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15324 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15328 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15334 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15402 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15459 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15479 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15480 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15482 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15484 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15485 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15488 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15490 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15499 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15504 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15574 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15579 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15581 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15582 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15586 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15589 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15897 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15918 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15948 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15991 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15992 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:15999 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16002 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16015 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16016 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16059 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16060 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16061 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16063 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16071 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16072 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16073 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16103 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16104 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16105 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16106 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16107 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16108 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16109 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16110 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16111 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16112 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16113 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16114 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16115 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16126 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16129 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16131 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16132 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16147 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16310 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16342 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16344 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16345 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16360 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16361 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16362 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16363 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16364 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16369 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16370 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16402 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16411 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16465 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16466 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16478 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16481 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16482 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16514 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16523 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16555 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16563 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16579 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16641 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16698 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16704 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16721 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16722 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16739 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16740 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16952 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16970 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16984 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16985 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16987 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16989 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16991 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16992 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:16997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17014 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17015 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17016 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17017 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17018 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17092 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17094 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17096 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17104 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17129 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17132 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17147 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17154 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17155 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17156 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17160 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17161 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17162 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17167 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17195 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17196 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17197 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17312 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17356 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17360 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17383 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17425 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17426 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17427 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17428 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17431 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17442 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17445 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17454 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17456 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17457 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17467 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17468 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17469 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17472 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17473 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17503 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17504 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17505 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17515 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17528 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17529 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17530 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17531 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17532 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17534 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17539 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17563 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17581 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17582 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17645 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17660 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17704 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17705 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17732 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17960 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17992 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:17999 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18000 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18022 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18023 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18024 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18025 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18026 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18027 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18028 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18029 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18037 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18040 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18041 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18048 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18059 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18060 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18061 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18063 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18064 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18065 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18066 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18068 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18069 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18070 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18071 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18072 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18073 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18074 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18075 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18076 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18077 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18087 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18089 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18091 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18126 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18204 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18205 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18206 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18207 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18208 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18209 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18210 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18211 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18212 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18214 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18215 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18221 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18223 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18224 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18225 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18226 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18229 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18230 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18232 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18233 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18234 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18235 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18236 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18237 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18238 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18239 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18240 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18241 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18242 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18244 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18245 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18246 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18248 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18249 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18250 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18267 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18269 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18270 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18272 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18273 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18276 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18288 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18289 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18292 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18293 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18294 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18303 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18304 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18305 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18307 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18308 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18310 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18312 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18313 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18314 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18317 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18319 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18320 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18321 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18322 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18324 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18328 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18333 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18334 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18335 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18336 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18337 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18338 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18339 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18340 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18341 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18342 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18344 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18345 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18346 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18347 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18348 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18349 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18375 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18384 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18400 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18409 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18414 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18418 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18431 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18435 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18436 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18438 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18440 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18443 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18446 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18447 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18450 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18451 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18452 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18453 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18454 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18456 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18457 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18458 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18459 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18461 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18462 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18463 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18464 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18466 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18467 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18468 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18469 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18470 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18471 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18475 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18478 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18486 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18487 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18488 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18489 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18490 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18491 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18492 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18503 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18504 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18509 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18510 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18511 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18512 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18513 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18516 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18520 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18521 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18522 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18523 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18531 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18532 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18533 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18568 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18582 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18608 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18609 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18616 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18639 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18645 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18649 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18650 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18655 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18657 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18658 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18679 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18680 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18681 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18682 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18691 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18716 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18723 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18724 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18725 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18730 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18731 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18740 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18881 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18915 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18918 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18934 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mefistus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "hoppel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "vadderico" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "pfingstrose" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "dirty" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eddie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rynelion" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drkellog" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rabenfels" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Taverne - Zum wilden Eber" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bluna" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hogar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dromar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Totencoop - Yakusi - Coffin2Nail" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Battlerealms" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Thomas & MrSchuller" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "andy296" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "chiller456" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Friends - Asator050 & Khage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ANGA" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Keleoth" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "GrafTalon" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hogar2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "chilller456x2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "PuehOne" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berlinfisch" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Trouble1504" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Asator050" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mefistus2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Corson92/BennoP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "andrey79" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MushroomAK" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "WILLKOMMEN" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kiligamer3441" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ArenaVite" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AndreasMine" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "PaPaFrag/HobbitFraegger" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ALBUNDYgroup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mefistus 3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " xiAirAs" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "perrue" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "COUNTER" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bafferjunior" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " SmokyBone" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kanone" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " maXe44" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " LexLutha" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "KaiZerCJ" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HogarsWeg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AndysHogarWay" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " andy296" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Velcon" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bella" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ChripZ" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bunnyx3 - sirsulan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "meggy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SirRenquist" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "PongLenis & Friend" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HellSnakeRT & Jenny29" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eddie´s Bunker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DieMitDemHut" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Höllenschloss - sirsulan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JasonMartin85m" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Fozzmaniac" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HoNeYlInN-Ikares" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermann - stefan85" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Tischknopf" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Waldhütte" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TjenneLP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lufttempel (sirsulan)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "chiller456" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Acurrid" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eddie2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Montanac" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Spielparadies (sulan)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "craig84" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Viper" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Anubis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "avidsway" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Event Island" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mine" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Event Gelände" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Anty + Lycos" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drcrow" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gozen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gozen Tunnel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Event Gelände II" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gozen Tunnel LOOONG" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "PVP Arena" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Webus873" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Tunnel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Tunnel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Fluchtweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Feuerwache" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "dirty 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hoga spezial xd" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Legionfury" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Samtpfoetchen und Syriix" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eventhaus (by Bunnyx3)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Tunnel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Tunnel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Polizei" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RW-Fluchtweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Papa_Rimskiy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "." successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "." successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bauzelt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "." successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hondimaaru" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Blackpanther1996" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Parkallee" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Parkallee" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mokele_Mbembe" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Maria-Theresa Kirche" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " michi10012001" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Accu" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Maria-Theresa Friedhof" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kita Miau" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Flame" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pssy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bunny`s Diner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Cinema Pathe" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustelle Grundschule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sandro9563" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JamesMorrisen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hogar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SOG-project" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rudio" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rico" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grone" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ZuckerSharky " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rudio" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Nerezada" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pirakhan + Dennis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Erwin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ZiBrook" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drkellog" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "NewDirty" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Celtic" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Suzi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "FroWeedy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DatenWonka" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "pawlickid" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Recker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Frank79" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg 3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wollbert" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JellyB-SYSTEMxFEHLER" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Stefan1302" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Koltor" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "nolaloth" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "suslon-Janoschkaya" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kuhltalingen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weiler Benno" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hogars Stadt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "XStefanX" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergbau ag Timbo255" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DivPlays" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Orkanass" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DanP xGuffyDK" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg 4" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "cats" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "lethyro" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Moshi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HDMaster KesselBurg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hunter25" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Groundplan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "GrummelBernd" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "triplemaster" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drcrow" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Frank79" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Titan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AndreasMine +" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Raven" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Fragstore" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Tommsen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Aridus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AngelofDarkness" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "NxnCxrZ" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drummer1904" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TheFighter" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DerMeister" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " Eisenberge - Haupttor by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " Eisenberge - Oberstadt by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kazak" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kokmus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "gta5zocker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sacardos" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Evilwing1989" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "droedel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Soul" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reaper + Taras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sletthult" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "T1mb0w" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "liosalpha" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reaper + Taras + bbkmzz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Station 34" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "U-Bahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Station 33" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hogars Stadt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Phil + Klausi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dirtyhary" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jotaker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sevenup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BlubberBernd" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "XStefanX" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "XStefanX" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Campiotti+Grosjean" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "EddyKing" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RonnyReibach+ShinChan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ta2ronny" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Xsision und Molluck" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Allerit" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sminki + Tatooin_96" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Memphizs" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "The Hive" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Westbox" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MrVince95" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bluna2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DaRkHoL3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "trucker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mazeplays" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Admin Vault 404 by LazyMuffin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "McLauth" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mikhail" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "LaCoockie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "FireFlyN7" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "craig84 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Quadraceracht" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kaiserpfalz-Goslar by Hogar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jaanus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kadaniya + Yannik" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mato´ Farm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Nemmo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Uniman + LordSataan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominikPL" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rhyudo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominikPL 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Graf_van_der_berge" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy & Tino" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy & Tino" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Evilwing1989 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Evilwing1989 3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Valielea" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermyne" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "blub" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy & Tino" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zanros85 & Devlin & Freakhorst" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zanos85 & Devlin & Freakhorst" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Saske" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ZeldaFun1000" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Knorck" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy & Timo 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Osttor by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hermy & Tino" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "McKay & Felix_Tec" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "McKay & Felix_Tec" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Oberstadt by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Buddajang" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Schmiede am Osttor by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Amokcore" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Seventhon1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "die 10ner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Angelus_Mortis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jigsaw71" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "finger weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Transformers" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "chaZZ" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "makki03" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bigbadwolf RuffyDMatrix" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Garfield1986" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Macdalena" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Metzler86" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ReaxxioN & Crox" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wartburg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Boesergolf" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Daisy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "tibo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "GamblersBeast" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Killercalli" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rayyazz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Chain2412" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AvaPhilomena" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "semmy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Thenea" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "nitram2013" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pannama" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Transformers" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Razor491" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Svini" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TenRiox" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kev26" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jacky" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ruffy Badwolf bruges" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Agrolux" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jonas24" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Busetti" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "finger weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "finger weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "finger weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "finger weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Buildinger" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " ." successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Oberstadt by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Achimo1997" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Traudie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "gamingstar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MinneBeuker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Svini" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mombo20222" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jessica" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mygen16" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ThemaSpiele DrNinator" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DriveSpot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mb007" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "NGHunter" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MightyMarcore" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BubbtiZ92" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DaLe" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Parpaing" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sirpixl" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Blizzard022012" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "LordHelmchen Schranz0r_23" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SurvivalKing04" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "LordHelmchen2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ffflo1993" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kasfrisch" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Min3Craft3t74" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Atanis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Chesterfield_21" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Fluxi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grulli" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Camiere" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MightyMarcore" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Asurmen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "niklas500" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hesperaia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hesperaia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "floschi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Napfy + rox1992" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "floschi 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "xX_Brox_Xx DJZoger46" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zommo_HD" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Erdnussflip" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ungespielt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "UltraGamer332" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Borderline + Hektor243" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "shockwave1974" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Xenian&Hesperaia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "schild" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominikPL" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Marcel88" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grobi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Donna&Ojmann" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MinneBeuker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Oberstadt by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Katzenbach" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ameise & Drummer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sven1979" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gurkentier Cocacabana" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bluivel + Midway" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Elboca" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "shiina" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bluivel + Midway" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Blaulila" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jaanus & Murdoc" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Svini" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Czoky + Gollum" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "tgcbenny" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jolie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DiggerTos + Greed" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Norella + Iseral" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Seaturtle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jesaia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Herbertie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hartmut" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hartmut" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "crazy1234" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "hyphen + bhaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bautschi & Benni-90" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "GhostriderXDXD & Hartmut" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Locutus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Vagabundus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "marakoras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pixel_Arti CrashingGame " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hartmuts Dorf" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Befreier" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bushdoctor" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Butcha01" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Serlo561" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RedForman" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " xXEinfachREYXx" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "knowme223" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "grayhound" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TeoxBlow" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "WhiteLight + Idorny" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "FraggFighter" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ciervo + binderolli" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "nobi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "arturanos + marakoras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dragen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rikfarold" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "MAKAY45" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Liam84" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jolie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bluna 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Svini" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Iseral" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Willkommen auf "Deutschland spielt Rising World"" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge - Oberstadt by Boendal" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "shiina2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jingel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Symnator" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ary" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ary" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "martenniko" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Serehpro" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Deirdre" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "knieendeAmeise" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "nakrud" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HuiBuh1988 + KingLui1986" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Drummerlocke" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Der_Einsame" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Krauti" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "kevin20 + LCPD117" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "deepofficer71" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "kickcheater" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Cassavir21217" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "guterhelfer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Andreas76 Dschay Shakes Maaady" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Frember005 + flexi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Cassavir21217" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Assassine1 + Worker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Benetekt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BlackEisTee" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Protoss" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jolie" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rens_stijn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Schrotti555" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Aycarambakid" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Deirdre" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dirtyhary" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DeathTheKiiD/ Hidzuke" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bunnyx3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hofnarr_Haffi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "drcrow" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Strikeseven390" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gatham" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lord_Erik" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Leyvin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dadde" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Drummerlocke" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Alriksson" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "xNatalina31" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Stoffilp" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eisenberge" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gimo88" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "psalzwedel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "marian375 bierly2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jochen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "locke2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mr_Padman + friends" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Glaedron + JhonyDrama" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mikhail" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JACKINABOXx" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Scream86" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kettler" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "xBlacky_ + zockerhase" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Crusabo / Frozen Puma" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AIRKAIRS + michi123" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Evilwing1989" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Butcher" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bluna 2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Akeel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Popel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "cellmen1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Winky + Brain" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Voootan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BuddelMuff / Suffsky" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "stimpy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "tacoboks" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Natrina + Sangwa" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "marakoras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "marakoras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "marakoras" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Alexmurphy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Akeel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Neradon" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dragonkiller" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ProfessorHirm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TheFatfoogo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "M4fiosi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mcpijay / saskiz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "serfiz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "tola" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "serfiz " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Nerlon + Chilifreak " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wurm_motocross" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Methos + Yamahapsr200" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dawn1988" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Der Excler" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Knobiwahn / Arawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Melwin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "edcardy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mithrandirr" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Raffzack" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "xXsarixXx" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bob6910" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "fingerweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Boosster" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Everest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Killerkami" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kane87hl" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "byEnterPol" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "tremolo58" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eleton" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "ChrisDeBorg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bob6910" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pyramide" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sara_Skagen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "hamsterma12" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Freakynight" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "alles Hogar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eleton" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "EyCey" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "megaboni/Max_Craft2000" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Dragon1969" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "sLaay23 / overhans" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "fingerweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Entez117" successfully [LUA]Script "compass" loaded. Author: Yahgiggle and RichieS Team: Rising Citys [LUA][compass] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][compass] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][compass] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][compass] Compass loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "PflanzenScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: Kadaboom [LUA][PflanzenScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][PflanzenScript] PflanzenScript loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "plantScript" loaded. Author: Yahgiggle Team: Rising Citys [LUA][plantScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][plantScript] plantScript loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "TP - Teleport 0.6" loaded. Author: s3mt3x Team: Pixelcoder [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Teleport plugin loaded. [LUA]Script "HomeScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: TMN-Team [LUA][HomeScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][HomeScript] TMNs Home Script loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "World Edit" loaded. Author: LordFoobar Team: [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale de... [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale en... [LUA][World Edit] Script v0.5.85 loaded. [LUA]Script "Zcript" loaded. Author: Zabka and h0tw1r3 Team: [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerDisconnect" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerDeath" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerText" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:08:10 Loaded StartUp BasicKernel Port: 3555 RCON Server bind to IP: HTTP Server bind to IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP:4254 11.04.2016 20:08 server.Main INFO: Server successfully authenticated! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** de.jiw.network.base.MessageProtocol@4642569b RCON: Client connected *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 1 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** 11.04.2016 20:09 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@647c32e9 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@647c32e9 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@647c32e9 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@e928e30 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6cec165f 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@68d39f1a 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2ca0de75 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@2dd11c64 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@730ec9ab 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@21857161 1 11.04.2016 20:09 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Symnator *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Symnator LOADPLAYER: Symnator [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:09:10 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4721, 'Symnator', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** serverPlayerListener -> Survival *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Worldpart generating... *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 4 - -6 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 9 - -12 (178ms) Worldpart generating... *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Loaded Worldpart from cache: 9 - -11 (179ms) *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:09:17 ** Symnator - ist angekommen! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CREATE CHEST ID 18951 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 2 11.04.2016 20:18 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 2 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51dd4d1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51dd4d1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51dd4d1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7e2a8b30 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@7dec380b 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5618477a 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@76c360c8 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@345620bd 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@60df79c 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@5b9630f6 2 11.04.2016 20:18 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT ZeldaFun1000 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: ZeldaFun1000 LOADPLAYER: ZeldaFun1000 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:18:49 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (1635, 'ZeldaFun1000', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 3 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -1 - 6 (112ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: -1 - 7 (105ms) [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:18:55 ** ZeldaFun1000 - ist angekommen! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 3 11.04.2016 20:23 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@4fe79a6a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@4fe79a6a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@4fe79a6a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2f807b44 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@73a022f4 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@7479beb 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@e0eb12a 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6d93fab6 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7e1f5fcf 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@23d6499e 3 11.04.2016 20:23 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 3 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Deirdre *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Deirdre LOADPLAYER: Deirdre [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:23:54 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (527, 'Deirdre', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 7 - -8 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 14 - -15 (103ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 7 - -7 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 14 - -14 (113ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 15 - -15 (113ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 15 - -14 (228ms) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:24:06 ** Deirdre - ist angekommen! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:25:14 Deirdre: //tp 444 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -10 - -10 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -19 - -19 (111ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -10 - -9 (6ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -19 - -18 (244ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -9 - -10 (0ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -18 - -19 (114ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -9 - -9 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -18 - -18 (109ms) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:27:43 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]Deirdre? Chat Symnator 20:27: [#FFFFFF]Deirdre? ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 4 11.04.2016 20:28 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 4 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@30a48b55 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@30a48b55 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@30a48b55 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7aa151ce 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@793c064e 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@1c337f74 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@609adf5f 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@1b5cae20 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@3b449017 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@6aec1571 4 11.04.2016 20:28 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 4 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Ary *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Ary LOADPLAYER: Ary [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:28:03 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (3481, 'Ary', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:28:10 ** Ary - ist angekommen! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:29:15 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]Admin? Chat Symnator 20:29: [#FFFFFF]Admin? ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! cut 36 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:30:48 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]hallo? Chat Symnator 20:30: [#FFFFFF]hallo? ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:31:07 Deirdre: [#FFFFFF]ja? Chat Deirdre 20:31: [#FFFFFF]ja? ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:31:38 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]kannst du kurz zu mir kommen Chat Symnator 20:31: [#FFFFFF]kannst du kurz zu mir kommen ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 46 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:32:36 Deirdre: /tp 1 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 8 - -12 (115ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 8 - -11 (105ms) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:32:53 Deirdre: [#FFFFFF]ja? Chat Deirdre 20:32: [#FFFFFF]ja? ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: Um was genau geht es? [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:33:07 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]für was is des gebüsch hier Chat Symnator 20:33: [#FFFFFF]für was is des gebüsch hier ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! RCON CHAT: Deko [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:33:18 Deirdre: [#FFFFFF]das ist eine eberesche Chat Deirdre 20:33: [#FFFFFF]das ist eine eberesche ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:33:23 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]ok Chat Symnator 20:33: [#FFFFFF]ok [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:33:33 Deirdre: [#FFFFFF]mach sie kaputt wenn sie dir nicht gefällt Chat Deirdre 20:33: [#FFFFFF]mach sie kaputt wenn sie dir nicht gefällt ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:33:53 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]jo beim bauen sind die manchmal im weg Chat Symnator 20:33: [#FFFFFF]jo beim bauen sind die manchmal im weg [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:34:01 Deirdre: [#FFFFFF]hau sie doch um^^ Chat Deirdre 20:34: [#FFFFFF]hau sie doch um^^ ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: Symnator komm doch TS ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:34:44 Deirdre: //tp 444 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 38 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 38 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:35:34 Symnator: [#FFFFFF]ok ich komm gelich ts muss kurz weg Chat Symnator 20:35: [#FFFFFF]ok ich komm gelich ts muss kurz weg cut 38 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 11.04.2016 20:35 java.lang.NullPointerException at de.jiw.network.kernel.KernelAdapter.dispatch(KernelAdapter.java:119) at de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket.run(RawPacket.java:54) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:35:48 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:35:48 ** Symnator - ist abgehauen. cut 48 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! RCON CHAT: https://www.facebook.com/DeutschlandspieltRisingWorld/ ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 27165) deleted! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! despawn corpse 0 ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 48 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 11.04.2016 20:43 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5c04f547 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5c04f547 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5c04f547 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2bce206d 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@4f4262bb 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3e7a6784 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@150a1989 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3b5189a9 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@651b30d2 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@38d26410 1 11.04.2016 20:43 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Dragon1969 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Dragon1969 LOADPLAYER: Dragon1969 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:43:13 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4651, 'Dragon1969', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 2 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 1 - 5 (109ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - 2 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 2 - 5 (109ms) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:43:40 ** Dragon1969 - ist angekommen! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 48 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Server: BlueprintBlockplacement 9 ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 cut 48 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 36 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 48 cut 35 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:47:57 Deirdre: /we select [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:48:06 Deirdre: /we clear all 0 objects removed via LUA 34 constructions removed via LUA 1 vegetations removed via LUA get edit array 23 15 -16 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 cut 50 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 35 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 5 11.04.2016 20:50 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 5 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@730c115 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@730c115 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@730c115 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4a672825 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@7b657187 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5c5ffb4a 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@3f2a944d 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@7a263289 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4909f49f 5 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@e943244 5 11.04.2016 20:50 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 5 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Symnator *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Symnator LOADPLAYER: Symnator [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:50:18 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4721, 'Symnator', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:50:44 ** Symnator - ist angekommen! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (10, 10) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 9) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! cut 38 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 20:55:37 Symnator: /tp 447 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! cut 37 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 35 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! cut 38 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 27170) deleted! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! despawn corpse 1 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 9) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (10, 10) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! cut 59 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 1 - 4 (129ms) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 32 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 38 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 3) Chunks saved to DB! cut 37 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (10, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! cut 37 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 4) Chunks saved to DB! cut 31 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 27167) deleted! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! cut 33 despawn corpse 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 45 cut 36 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! cut 46 cut 45 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 45 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 2 - 4 (111ms) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (12, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (9, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (10, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 3) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 17979) deleted! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18955 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! despawn corpse 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 17893) deleted! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18956 despawn corpse 4 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 17961) deleted! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18957 despawn corpse 5 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 115) has been planted: 34294 Regrowing vegetation (type 115) has been planted: 34295 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 123) has been planted: 34296 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:17:06 Symnator: /sethome ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (10, 10) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 6 11.04.2016 21:19 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 6 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@452ff5ff dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@452ff5ff dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@452ff5ff dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@56028852 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@27152e7f 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@1aca7bd9 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2716e82c 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@23d60f16 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@6310a77d 6 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@46e753eb 6 11.04.2016 21:19 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 6 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Akeel *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Akeel LOADPLAYER: Akeel [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:19:24 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2837, 'Akeel', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 5 - -6 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 11 - -12 (236ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 11 - -11 (100ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 6 - -6 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 12 - -12 (122ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 12 - -11 (112ms) ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:20:05 ** Akeel - ist angekommen! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:20:20 Akeel: [#FFFFFF]Hallo Chat Akeel 21:20: [#FFFFFF]Hallo ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34297 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34298 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34299 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34300 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34303 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34304 ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34305 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34306 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34307 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34308 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34309 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34310 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34311 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34312 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34313 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34314 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34315 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34316 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (12, 12) Chunks saved to DB! ... (11, 11) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- java.lang.NullPointerExceptionClient: 4 removed at de.jiw.network.kernel.KernelAdapter.dispatch(KernelAdapter.java:119) at de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket.run(RawPacket.java:54) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 11.04.2016 21:28 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 4 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:28:20 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:28:20 ** Ary - ist abgehauen. ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 11.04.2016 21:28 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 4 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@502543ad dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@502543ad dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@502543ad dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@5e184c5a 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3d4acf8d 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6a5b38f2 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@23f66fe5 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@31705aae 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@23bc1d16 4 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@229d3684 4 11.04.2016 21:28 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 4 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Ary *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Ary LOADPLAYER: Ary [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:28:33 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (3481, 'Ary', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:28:42 ** Ary - ist angekommen! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 34317 ... (5) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (7, 7) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 514 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18950 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x62 - remove treelog x62 - remove treelogspruce x62 - remove treelogbirch x62 - remove treelogwillow x39 - remove treelogmaple x22 - remove treelogapple x22 - remove treeloglemon x19 - remove treelogacacia x7 - remove treelogcactus x7 - remove treelogpalm x7 - remove treelogpoplar x7 - - count is null, return Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 11.04.2016 21:37 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:37:05 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:37:05 ** Dragon1969 - ist abgehauen. ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! CREATE CHEST ID 18958 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 5) Chunks saved to DB! CREATE CHEST ID 18959 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! Chest (18959) deleted from DB! Chest (18958) deleted from DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! CREATE CHEST ID 18960 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! CREATE CHEST ID 18961 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 27166) deleted! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! despawn corpse 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18938 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18951 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18951 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage Server DisconnectMessage ---------------------------java.lang.NullPointerException Client: 4 removed at de.jiw.network.kernel.KernelAdapter.dispatch(KernelAdapter.java:119) at de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket.run(RawPacket.java:54) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 11.04.2016 21:55 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 4 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:55:47 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 21:55:47 ** Ary - ist abgehauen. ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18951 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18951 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (5, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 5 removed 11.04.2016 22:12 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 5 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:12:43 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:12:43 ** Symnator - ist abgehauen. ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 3 removed 11.04.2016 22:16 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 3 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:16:20 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:16:20 ** Deirdre - ist abgehauen. ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:37:34 ZeldaFun1000: [#FFFFFF]hura hura die hüte brennt Chat ZeldaFun1000 22:37: [#FFFFFF]hura hura die hüte brennt cut 30 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 11.04.2016 22:41 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@3b385878 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@3b385878 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@3b385878 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@384cd6db 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@19725ad 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@72ab81d7 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7af0e29c 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@350de3a8 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@169c0479 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@41fd2538 1 11.04.2016 22:41 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Greed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Greed LOADPLAYER: Greed [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:41:14 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2646, 'Greed', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:41:17 ZeldaFun1000: [#FFFFFF]ist das normal das ich nur 20-10 fps habe wen ich render? Chat ZeldaFun1000 22:41: [#FFFFFF]ist das normal das ich nur 20-10 fps habe wen ich render? Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -1 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 0 - -1 (119ms) [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:41:37 ** Greed - ist angekommen! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER: TcpKernel Exception java.io.IOException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 11.04.2016 22:42 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:42:26 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:42:26 ** Greed - ist abgehauen. cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:45:38 ZeldaFun1000: [#FFFFFF]??? Chat ZeldaFun1000 22:45: [#FFFFFF]??? cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 cut 30 cut 30 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 30 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:9536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:9536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:9536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:9536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:9536 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 6 removed 11.04.2016 22:52 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 6 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:52:49 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 22:52:49 ** Akeel - ist abgehauen. ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 11.04.2016 23:12 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@ad29ce5 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@ad29ce5 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@ad29ce5 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@625f54ca 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3d4c0f95 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5ceefdc 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@a0e9556 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@2b45638b 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4dc5387c 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@261ca34d 1 11.04.2016 23:12 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT ThiagoHDS *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: ThiagoHDS LOADPLAYER: ThiagoHDS [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 23:12:04 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4628, 'ThiagoHDS', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 13 - -12 (140ms) [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 23:12:24 ** ThiagoHDS - ist angekommen! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 11.04.2016 23:13 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 23:13:10 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/11/16 23:13:10 ** ThiagoHDS - ist abgehauen. ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 2 removed 12.04.2016 01:12 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 2 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:12:09 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:12:09 ** ZeldaFun1000 - ist abgehauen. dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 01:35 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@70908e39 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@70908e39 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@70908e39 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@32b5a0cf 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@2c625ceb 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5e20f6b4 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@24709d0a 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5ef99fc0 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@40d41115 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@79e5976e 1 12.04.2016 01:35 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Akeel *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Akeel LOADPLAYER: Akeel [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:35:58 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2837, 'Akeel', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:36:37 ** Akeel - ist angekommen! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 01:37 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:37:40 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:37:40 ** Akeel - ist abgehauen. dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 01:38 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@67a8aa94 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@67a8aa94 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@67a8aa94 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@19b07943 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5156a172 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6f6d3ab7 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7a583229 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@36a1f4b8 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@3cfc268d 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@23cc2d34 1 12.04.2016 01:38 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Akeel *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Akeel LOADPLAYER: Akeel [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:38:42 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2837, 'Akeel', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:39:08 ** Akeel - ist angekommen! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 01:41 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:41:47 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 01:41:47 ** Akeel - ist abgehauen. 12.04.2016 02:40 de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket WARNING: RawPacket (UDP) contained incomplete data (EndpointID: 12) 12.04.2016 02:41 de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket WARNING: RawPacket (UDP) contained incomplete data (EndpointID: 13) 12.04.2016 06:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 12.04.2016 07:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 07:21 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1eaac581 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1eaac581 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1eaac581 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@60a74a12 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@24b46a33 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@408d02e6 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@489eb1a0 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@463330c2 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1231a12 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@6aa6560d 1 12.04.2016 07:21 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Suzi *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Suzi LOADPLAYER: Suzi [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:21:12 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (59, 'Suzi', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 2 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: -1 - 5 (98ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 0 - 5 (118ms) [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:21:24 ** Suzi - ist angekommen! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 07:22 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:22:38 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:22:38 ** Suzi - ist abgehauen. dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 07:34 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@15705 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@15705 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@15705 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@77be8814 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@7f0e0888 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@786c10a8 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@62617f6b 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@50dea771 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@731e2d2d 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@782639b 1 12.04.2016 07:34 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Akeel *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Akeel LOADPLAYER: Akeel [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:34:27 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2837, 'Akeel', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 07:35:06 ** Akeel - ist angekommen! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 08:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18798 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 08:01 C.a INFO: Player Akeel (ID: 1, DBID: 2.837, IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ uploaded image '560536115_o.jpg' (608.174b) on 1.460.440.864.681 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 08:19 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 2 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@7414f07a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@7414f07a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@7414f07a dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@b49d3fd 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@f12bbe 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@18809258 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@7dca9e 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3d404b16 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@74695f60 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@ff24fbe 2 12.04.2016 08:19 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Greed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Greed LOADPLAYER: Greed [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:19:15 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (2646, 'Greed', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:19:36 ** Greed - ist angekommen! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:17434 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 08:36 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@56ca1866 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@56ca1866 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@56ca1866 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@11074a9c 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@131ec45e 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@1a3bb158 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2e62d332 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6b5e215 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@515cf10 3 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@74eead51 3 12.04.2016 08:36 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 3 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Dragon1969 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Dragon1969 LOADPLAYER: Dragon1969 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:36:49 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4651, 'Dragon1969', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:37:13 ** Dragon1969 - ist angekommen! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER: TcpKernel Exception java.io.IOException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen --------------------------- Client: 2 removed 12.04.2016 08:41 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 2 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:41:28 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:41:28 ** Greed - ist abgehauen. cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! cut 44 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 08:44 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:44:15 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 08:44:15 ** Akeel - ist abgehauen. ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18803 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x64 - remove treelog x64 - remove treelogspruce x64 - remove treelogbirch x45 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x64 - remove treelog x64 - remove treelogspruce x64 - remove treelogbirch x64 - remove treelogwillow x49 - remove treelogmaple x49 - - count is null, return ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18805 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 09:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18804 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18804 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 09:14 C.a INFO: Player Dragon1969 (ID: 3, DBID: 4.651, IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ uploaded image '1920x1080_14.jpg' (532.941b) on 1.460.445.271.627 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 09:15 C.a INFO: Player Dragon1969 (ID: 3, DBID: 4.651, IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ uploaded image '12291024_426132137583801_4898188387927753938_o.jpg' (652.290b) on 1.460.445.326.277 12.04.2016 09:15 C.a INFO: Player Dragon1969 (ID: 3, DBID: 4.651, IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ uploaded image 'Lindsay S..png' (308.254b) on 1.460.445.349.934 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 09:16 C.a INFO: Player Dragon1969 (ID: 3, DBID: 4.651, IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ uploaded image '001.jpg' (233.392b) on 1.460.445.382.446 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:18804 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x7 - remove treelog x7 - remove treelogspruce x7 - remove treelogbirch x7 - remove treelogwillow x7 - remove treelogmaple x7 - - count is null, return ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 3 removed 12.04.2016 09:23 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 3 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 09:23:22 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 09:23:22 ** Dragon1969 - ist abgehauen. ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! 12.04.2016 10:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 12.04.2016 11:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 12.04.2016 12:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 12:59 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e8449f3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e8449f3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e8449f3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2226d139 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6a59a58b 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@519c1f67 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@66a939b5 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5031c45e 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4f14be99 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@5d1f618b 1 12.04.2016 12:59 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Kiaralei *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Kiaralei CREATEPLAYER: Kiaralei LOADPLAYER: Kiaralei [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 12:59:01 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4735, 'Kiaralei', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival 12.04.2016 13:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 13:00 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:00:29 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:00:29 ** Kiaralei - ist abgehauen. dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 12.04.2016 13:01 C.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@14378c59 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@14378c59 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@14378c59 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4f15db5f 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@356d5f3f 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@12bfc1e4 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@12033bc3 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@236983f3 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@645e4d9e 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1819637e 1 12.04.2016 13:01 C.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: WIN-1H9157TG6AP/ SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Kiaralei *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Kiaralei LOADPLAYER: Kiaralei [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:01:14 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (4735, 'Kiaralei', 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:01:23 ** Kiaralei - ist angekommen! Server DisconnectMessage --------------------------- Client: 1 removed 12.04.2016 13:04 C.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:04:41 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = 'WIN-1H9157TG6AP/' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); [LUA][Zcript] 04/12/16 13:04:41 ** Kiaralei - ist abgehauen. 12.04.2016 13:43 de.jiw.network.message.RawPacket WARNING: RawPacket (UDP) contained incomplete data (EndpointID: 20) 12.04.2016 14:00 server.Main WARNING: Error while sending http_update_get java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.readFully(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readDataRecord(Unknown Source) at sun.security.ssl.AppInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) at commons.util.k.a(SourceFile:43) at server.e.run(SourceFile:303) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)