Rising World - (Steam) 11.04.2016 10:40 content.Launcher INFO: Initialize HIVE... Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_73 amd640.6.5.1_26 -H:3072 -D:3072 (Steam) AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 970 Processor, M5A97 LE R2.0, 8503 MB (3186 MB Heap) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST 20160321000000.000000-000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIVE is initialized Start game... Start context... com.jme3.renderer.opengl.GLRenderer INFO: OpenGL Renderer Information * Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation * Renderer: GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST/PCIe/SSE2 * OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 364.72 * GLSL Version: 4.50 NVIDIA * Profile: Compatibility com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.MeshLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.SkeletonLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.MaterialLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.SceneLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderModelLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.SceneLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.SceneWithAnimationLoader com.jme3.asset.AssetConfig WARNING: Cannot find loader com.jme3.audio.plugins.OGGLoader GL_ARB_draw_instanced = true GL_ARB_instanced_arrays = true Initialize Static Classes... Collision Shapes initialized! Constructions initialized! Items initialized! Objects initialized! Plants initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! NPCs initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Initialize Default Options... 1920 X 1080 steam connect [UPTIME: 0s] Connected to: / BUFFER SIZE 482 10 HIVE OnConnect - STEAM VERSION Initialize Materials... Initialize RenderingSettings... Initialize FMod for Windows64 ... Initialize SerializerRegistrations... Load Native Library: fmod64.dll Filesize:1893888 bytes Load Native Library: fmodL64.dll Filesize:2024448 bytes Initialize InputMappings... Initialize Bulletphysics... Load Native Library: fmodstudio64.dll Filesize:2888704 bytes Initialize IngameContext... Load Native Library: fmodstudioL64.dll Filesize:3661312 bytes Load Native Library: JavaFMod64.dll Filesize:86016 bytes ... finished (0) Lautsprecher (C-Media USB Headphone Set ), STEREO, 2, 44100 (1) Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio), STEREO, 2, 48000 (2) Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition ..., STEREO, 2, 48000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read bytes from resource: 11417 read bytes from resource: 7342 Initialize LocalPlayer... DECODE h ap.h@108a5f3a SteamTicketReturnMessage -1 DECODE h ap.h@7f8ab672 SteamTicketReturnMessage -1 -> 1 Initialize AppStates... com.jme3.animation.SkeletonControl INFO: Hardware skinning engaged for LocalPlayer_Chest (Node) warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision! Initialize Music... Initialize Sounds... content.Game INFO: FMOD Driver: Lautsprecher (C-Media USB Headphone Set ) ID: 0 content.Game INFO: FMOD Mode: STEREO Channels: 2 Systemrate: 44.100 Initialize GUI... com.jme3.texture.plugins.DDSLoader WARNING: Got 11 mipmaps, expected 12 111833128 bytes loaded screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 Initialize PostProcessFilters... GrassOccludeProcessor initialized! MATERIALS INITIALIZED SET ANISOTROPIC FILTER TO 1 skip registration/login initialized ppc Loadingtime: 7,39 seconds https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 55 QUERY FAILED: REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 Connect to - Playername: Der Heinz CLIENT: Connect to address NetworkClient version 0.6 CLIENT: Connect done! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [3, 4266, 5, 4267, 6, 4268] SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4266 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 2 channelCount: 0 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4267 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 3 channelCount: 0 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP / 4265 UDP / 4266 UDP / 4267 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4268 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 4 channelCount: 0 Client TCP Connect Completed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onUdpConnectorConnect 4266 onUdpConnectorConnect 4267 onUdpConnectorConnect 4265 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** ConnectorAdapter ID: 0 TCP 4265 ConnectorAdapter ID: 1 UDP 4265 ConnectorAdapter ID: 2 UDP 4266 ConnectorAdapter ID: 3 TCP 4266 ConnectorAdapter ID: 4 UDP 4267 ConnectorAdapter ID: 5 TCP 4267 ConnectorAdapter ID: 6 TCP 4268 CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Der Heinz ticket: 9bc12a46-b400-45e8-9284-f0347756311c *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / CLOSE R E S E T G A M E C O N T E X T Executor shut down... Clear tasks (2)... DC network... Client send: Client not connected! Client send: Client not connected! DC network completed! State reset... Initialize Bulletphysics... Physics reset... Clear asset cache... Clearing asset cache completed! Destroying VMAs... Clearing ccs lists... Clearing ccs lists completed! Bct reset... reset gametime initialized ppc Additional state reset... Release all sound instances... All sound instances released! Soundstate reset... Reset integrated server... Resetting integrated server completed! Terrainfactory reset... Manager reset... GC Reset done! https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 55 REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 Connect to - Playername: Der Heinz CLIENT: Connect to address NetworkClient version 0.6 CLIENT: Connect done! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [3, 4256, 5, 4257, 6, 4258] SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4256 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 2 channelCount: 0 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4257 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 3 channelCount: 0 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP / 4255 UDP / 4256 UDP / 4257 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4258 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 4 channelCount: 0 Client TCP Connect Completed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onUdpConnectorConnect 4255 onUdpConnectorConnect 4256 onUdpConnectorConnect 4257 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** ConnectorAdapter ID: 0 TCP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 1 UDP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 2 UDP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 3 TCP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 4 UDP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 5 TCP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 6 TCP 4258 CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Der Heinz ticket: 9bc12a46-b400-45e8-9284-f0347756311c Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / CLOSE Closing socket for: / R E S E T G A M E C O N T E X T Executor shut down... Clear tasks (2)... DC network... Client send: Client not connected! Client send: Client not connected! DC network completed! State reset... Initialize Bulletphysics... Physics reset... Clear asset cache... Clearing asset cache completed! Destroying VMAs... Clearing ccs lists... Clearing ccs lists completed! Bct reset... reset gametime initialized ppc Additional state reset... Release all sound instances... All sound instances released! Soundstate reset... Reset integrated server... Resetting integrated server completed! Terrainfactory reset... Manager reset... GC Reset done! https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 55 send hive ping message... REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 Connect to - Playername: Der Heinz CLIENT: Connect to address NetworkClient version 0.6 CLIENT: Connect done! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [3, 4256, 5, 4257, 6, 4258] SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4256 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 2 channelCount: 0 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP / 4255 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4257 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 3 channelCount: 0 UDP / 4256 UDP / 4257 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4258 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 4 channelCount: 0 Client TCP Connect Completed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onUdpConnectorConnect 4255 onUdpConnectorConnect 4256 onUdpConnectorConnect 4257 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** ConnectorAdapter ID: 0 TCP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 1 UDP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 2 UDP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 3 TCP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 4 UDP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 5 TCP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 6 TCP 4258 CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Der Heinz ticket: 9bc12a46-b400-45e8-9284-f0347756311c Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / CLOSE Closing socket for: / R E S E T G A M E C O N T E X T Executor shut down... Clear tasks (2)... DC network... Client send: Client not connected! Client send: Client not connected! DC network completed! State reset... Initialize Bulletphysics... Physics reset... Clear asset cache... Clearing asset cache completed! Destroying VMAs... Clearing ccs lists... Clearing ccs lists completed! Bct reset... reset gametime initialized ppc Additional state reset... Release all sound instances... All sound instances released! Soundstate reset... Reset integrated server... Resetting integrated server completed! Terrainfactory reset... Manager reset... GC Reset done! https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 55 https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 103 QUERY FAILED: QUERY FAILED: QUERY FAILED: QUERY FAILED: QUERY FAILED: QUERY FAILED: rising.kadaboom.de QUERY FAILED: https://api.rising-world.net/v1/rw/serverlist?sort=servername&order=ASC&version= load servers: 102 QUERY FAILED: REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 Connect to - Playername: Der Heinz CLIENT: Connect to address NetworkClient version 0.6 CLIENT: Connect done! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [3, 4256, 5, 4257, 6, 4258] SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4256 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage onConnectorConnect channels.size: 2 channelCount: 0 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4257 SEND ClientRegisterChannelMessage onConnectorConnect channels.size: 3 channelCount: 0 UDP / 4255 UDP / 4256 UDP / 4257 onConnectorConnect: TCP Port: 4258 onConnectorConnect channels.size: 4 channelCount: 0 Client TCP Connect Completed *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** onUdpConnectorConnect 4255 onUdpConnectorConnect 4256 onUdpConnectorConnect 4257 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** ConnectorAdapter ID: 0 TCP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 1 UDP 4255 ConnectorAdapter ID: 2 UDP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 3 TCP 4256 ConnectorAdapter ID: 4 UDP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 5 TCP 4257 ConnectorAdapter ID: 6 TCP 4258 CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Der Heinz ticket: 9bc12a46-b400-45e8-9284-f0347756311c Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / CLOSE Closing socket for: / Closing socket for: / R E S E T G A M E C O N T E X T Executor shut down... Clear tasks (2)... DC network... Client send: Client not connected! Client send: Client not connected! DC network completed! State reset... Initialize Bulletphysics... Physics reset... Clear asset cache... Clearing asset cache completed! Destroying VMAs... Clearing ccs lists... Clearing ccs lists completed! Bct reset... reset gametime initialized ppc Additional state reset... Release all sound instances... All sound instances released! Soundstate reset... Reset integrated server... Resetting integrated server completed! Terrainfactory reset... Manager reset... GC Reset done! send hive ping message... DECODE [UPTIME: 121s] Disconnected from: / HIVE ConnectionError Client send: Client not connected! SHUTOWN DONE HIVE Disconnect