print("Loading Administration.lua"); ----- --GLOBAL VARS ----- --is set to true if the server is shutting down -- -> no more players can connect serverIsShuttingDown = false; instance_Administration = nil; Administration = {}; Administration.__index = Administration; ---Creates an instance of Administration function local newAdministration = {}; setmetatable(newAdministration, Administration); return newAdministration; end ---Catch Callback: OnPlayerCommandText function Administration:OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext) local character = getCharacterById(playerid); if not character then return; end; local cmd, params = GetCommand(cmdtext); --determines whether the command was recognized or not local recognized = 0; --check administrator commands if character.rights >= 2 then recognized = self:checkAdminCommands(playerid, cmd, params); end --check game manager commands if character.rights >= 1 and recognized == 0 then recognized = self:checkGameManagerCommands(playerid, cmd, params); end --check player commands if recognized == 0 then recognized = self:checkPlayerCommands(playerid, cmd, params); end if recognized == 1 then LogString("Administration", string.format("%s used command: %s", GetPlayerName(playerid), cmdtext)); else LogString("Administration", string.format("[NOT RECOGNIZED] %s used command: %s", GetPlayerName(playerid), cmdtext)); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, string.format("Der Befehl %s ist nicht bekannt.", cmdtext)); end end ---Checks the input for the commands an administrator can execute function Administration:checkAdminCommands(playerid, cmd, params) if cmd == "/set_char_skills" then local result, value = sscanf(params,"d"); local character = getCharacterById(playerid); for k, v in pairs(instance_TeachSystem.skillMan.skills) do character:setSkillValue(v.skillID, value) end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast jetzt in jedem Skill einen Wert von %d.", value)); elseif cmd == "/set_all_char_skills" then local result, value = sscanf(params,"d"); local character = nil; for i = 0, GetMaxPlayers() - 1 do if IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1 then character = getCharacterById(i); if character then for k, v in pairs(instance_TeachSystem.skillMan.skills) do character:setSkillValue(v.skillID, value) end SendPlayerMessage(i, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast jetzt in jedem Skill einen Wert von %d.", value)); end end end elseif cmd == "/reload_database" then instance_CraftingSystem:reload(); instance_TeachSystem:reload(); elseif cmd == "/shutdown_server" then SendMessageToAll(COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, string.format("Wir fuehren einen Serverneustart durch. Du wirst in %d Sekunden automatisch abgemeldet. Der Server wird in wenigen Minuten wieder online sein.", GENERAL_SERVER_RESTART_ANNOUNCE_TIME)); SetTimer("shutdownServer", GENERAL_SERVER_RESTART_ANNOUNCE_TIME * 1000, 0); elseif cmd == "/set_server_time" then local result, val = sscanf(params,"d"); SetTime(val, 0); elseif cmd == "/set_server_password" then local result, pw1, pw2, pwold = sscanf(params,"sss"); if pwold ~= self:getAdminPassword() then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst das korrekte aktuelle Password angeben."); return; end if pw1 ~= pw2 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Das neue Passwort und seine Wiederholung muessen uebereinstimmen."); return; end self:changeAdminPassword(playerid, pw1); elseif cmd == "/give" then local result, amount = sscanf(params,"d"); if not amount then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst eine Anzahl an Items angeben (/give )"); return; end for k, v in pairs(instance_InventorySystem.inventoryMan.inventoryCategories) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v.items) do GiveItem(playerid, v2.instanceName, amount); end end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast jedes Item %dx bekommen.", amount)); elseif cmd == "/set_teacher_level" then local result, level = sscanf(params,"d"); if not level then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst ein Level angeben (/set_teacher_level )"); return; end if level < 0 or level > 1 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Das Level muss zwischen 0 und 1 liegen."); return; end local character = getCharacterById(playerid); for k, v in pairs(instance_TeachSystem.teachMan.teachCategories) do character:setTeacherRank(v.categoryID, level) end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast jetzt Lehrerlevel %d in jeder Kategorie.", level)); elseif cmd == "/spawner_switch" then if (SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning()) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); else SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("Spawner.running = %s", tostring(SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning()))); elseif cmd == "/sa" then local x,y,z = GetPlayerPos(playerid); -- für knapp über dem Bodenniveau y = y - 80; SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:collInsert(0, 1, 1, {id=-1, x=x, y=y, z=z, properties={prob=1}}, false); local length = #SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures(); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("(%d) Punkt hinzugefügt bei x=%d y=%d z=%d.", length, x, y, z)); -- SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Spawner-Status=" .. SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning()); elseif cmd == "/srl" then local length = #SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures(); local x = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures()[length].x local y = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures()[length].y local z = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures()[length].z SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:collRemove(0, 1, length); length = #SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv().Spatials[1]:getFeatures(); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("(%d) Punkt gelöscht bei x=%d y=%d z=%d.", length, x, y, z)); elseif cmd == "/sr" then local Spatials = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:getSpatials(); local x,y,z = GetPlayerPos(playerid); x = tonumber(x); y = tonumber(y); z = tonumber(z); if (x and y and z) then local nearest,lookupIndex,collIndex,index,nearestDist = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:nearestSpatialMember(x, y, z); print(nearest,lookupIndex,collIndex,index,nearestDist); if (nearest) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:collRemove(0, collIndex, index); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("(%d) Punkt gelöscht bei x=%d y=%d z=%d.", #Spatials[collIndex]:getFeatures(), nearest.x, nearest.y, nearest.z)); end end elseif cmd == "/spawner_clear" then local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:clearColl(0, 1); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Alle Spawn-Punkte gelöscht."); elseif cmd == "/spawner_rh" then local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resetHistory(); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Spawn-Historie resetted."); elseif cmd == "/sh" then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Spawner-Historie wird gespeichert..."); local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:saveHistory(); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "... Speichervorgang gespeichert."); elseif cmd == "/spawner_save" then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "SPAWNER_PLANTS_001 wird speichert..."); local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); -- SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:saveAll(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:saveCollections(0); -- SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:saveCollections(1); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:saveHistory(); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "... Speichervorgang beendet."); elseif cmd == "/spawner_load" then local priv = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001.getPriv(); local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Spawn-Punkte werden geladen..."); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); priv.Spatials = {}; priv.Spawns = {}; SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:loadCollections(0); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:loadCollections(1); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "... Ladevorgang beendet."); elseif cmd == "/spawner_incit" then local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:setIterTime(SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:getIterTime() + 500); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("Spawn-Itervall=%d", SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:getIterTime())); elseif cmd == "/spawner_decit" then local running = SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:isRunning(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:stop(); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:setIterTime(SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:getIterTime() - 500); if (running) then SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:resume(); end SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, string.format("Spawn-Itervall=%d", SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:getIterTime())); elseif cmd == "/sm" then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Marking Spatials..."); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:markSpatials(); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Done marking Spatials..."); elseif cmd == "/sum" then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Unmarking Spatials..."); SPAWNER_PLANTS_001:unmarkSpatials(); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, 100, 255, 255, "Done unmarking Spatials..."); --Saves a Waypoint for the Position and angle of the Command-Sender with the specified Waypoint name elseif cmd == "/savewp" then local waypointname = string.match(params, "([%w%p]+)"); if SaveWaypointAtPlayer(playerid, waypointname) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, "Waypoint '" .. waypointname .. "' gespeichert"); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Waypoint '" .. waypointname .. "' nicht gespeichert"); end elseif cmd == "/deletewp" then local waypointname = string.match(params, "([%w%p]+)"); if DeleteWaypoint(waypointname) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, "Waypoint '" .. waypointname .. "' gelöscht."); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Waypoint '" .. waypointname .. "' nicht gelöscht."); end elseif cmd == "/sheep" then local focusID = GetFocus(playerid); if focusID == -1 then return; end SetPlayerInstance(focusID, "SHEEP"); elseif cmd == "/inst" then local result, instanceName = sscanf(params,"s"); SetPlayerInstance(playerid, instanceName); elseif cmd == "/ork1" then SetPlayerInstance(playerid, "ORCELITE_REST"); elseif cmd == "/ork2" then SetPlayerInstance(playerid, "orkelite_antipaladinorkoberst"); elseif cmd == "/ork3" then SetPlayerInstance(playerid, "orcwarrior_rest"); elseif cmd == "/set_char_scale" then local id, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ = string.match(params, "(%d) (%d) (%d) (%d)"); id = tonumber(id); scaleX = tonumber(scaleX); scaleY = tonumber(scaleY); scaleZ = tonumber(scaleZ); if (id and scaleX and scaleY and scaleZ) then SetPlayerScale(id, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ); end elseif cmd == "/npc" then local x, y, z = GetPlayerPos(playerid); local params = string.upper(params); local npc = CreateNPC(params); SetPlayerInstance(npc, params); SetPlayerPos(npc, x, y, z); elseif cmd == "/fanim" then local id, anim = string.match(params, "(%d+) ([%w_]+)"); id = tonumber(id) anim = string.upper(anim); print(id, type(id), anim, type(anim)); PlayAnimation(id, anim); else return 0; end return 1; end ---Checks the input for the commands a gamemanager can execute function Administration:checkGameManagerCommands(playerid, cmd, params) if cmd == "/kick" then local result, id, reason = sscanf(params,"ds"); self:kickPlayer(playerid, id, reason); elseif cmd == "/ban" then local result, id, reason = sscanf(params,"ds"); self:banPlayer(playerid, id, reason); elseif cmd == "/warn" then local result, id, reason = sscanf(params,"ds"); self:warnPlayer(playerid, id, reason); elseif cmd == "/tp" then local to = tonumber(params); if to then local to_x, to_y, to_z = GetPlayerPos(to); if (to_x and to_y and to_z) then SetPlayerPos(playerid, to_x, to_y, to_z); end end elseif cmd == "/tpcoord" then local to_x,to_y,to_z = string.match(params, "([%w%p]+) ([%w%p]+) ([%w%p]+)"); to_x = tonumber(to_x); to_y = tonumber(to_y); to_z = tonumber(to_z); if (to_x and to_y and to_z) then SetPlayerPos(playerid, to_x, to_y, to_z); end print(params, to_x, to_y, to_z); --Teleports the Command-Sender to the specified waypoint elseif cmd == "/goto" then local waypointname = string.match(params, "([%w%p]+)"); if TeleportPlayerToWayPoint(playerid, waypointname) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, "Zu '" .. waypointname .. "' teleportiert."); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Bitte einen gueltigen Waypointname eingeben."); end else return 0; end return 1; end ---Checks the input for the commands a player can execute function Administration:checkPlayerCommands(playerid, cmd, params) if cmd == "/set_char_rights" then local result, value, password = sscanf(params, "ds"); if not password then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst das Passwort angeben."); return; end if password ~= self:getAdminPassword() then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Falsches Passwort."); return; end local character = getCharacterById(playerid); character:setRights(value); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast jetzt Nutzerrechte der Stufe %d", value)); elseif cmd == "/getskills" then local focusID = GetFocus(playerid); local character; if focusID == -1 then --use player: ME character = getCharacterById(playerid); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEUTRAL.r, COLOR_NEUTRAL.g, COLOR_NEUTRAL.b, string.format("Skills von dir: %s", character:skillsToString())); else --use player: focused player character = getCharacterById(focusID); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_NEUTRAL.r, COLOR_NEUTRAL.g, COLOR_NEUTRAL.b, string.format("Skills von %s: %s", instance_NameSystem:getPlayerNameFromViewOf(playerid, character.playerid), character:skillsToString())); end elseif cmd == "/charedit" then CharEditor:new(playerid); elseif cmd == "/dice" then local result, numOfSides, numOfThrows = sscanf(params, "dd"); self:dice(playerid, numOfSides, numOfThrows); elseif cmd == "/anim" then local anim = string.upper(tostring(params)); PlayAnimation(playerid, anim); elseif cmd == "/walk" then SetPlayerWalk(playerid, params); elseif cmd == "/config" then local keybinder =; keybinder:start(); playersInKeybinder[playerid] = keybinder; else return 0; end return 1; end function Administration:dice(playerid, numOfSides, numOfThrows) if not numOfSides then numOfSides = 6; end; if not numOfThrows then numOfThrows = 1; end; if numOfSides < 2 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Der Wuerfel muss mindestens zwei Seiten haben. (/dice )"); return; elseif numOfSides > 20 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Der Wuerfel darf maximal 20 Seiten haben. (/dice )"); return; end if numOfThrows < 1 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst mindestens ein Mal wuerfeln. (/dice )"); return; elseif numOfThrows > 5 then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du darfst maximal fuenf Mal wuerfeln. (/dice )"); return; end local seed = os.time(); local result = ""; for i = 1, numOfThrows do Permafrost.Util.quickRandom(seed); result = string.format("%s %d", result, math.random(1, numOfSides)); seed = seed + 9873; end instance_ChatSystem:dice(playerid, result); end ---Kicks all players and prepares shutdown function shutdownServer() --let all connected players exit the game for i = 0, GetMaxPlayers() - 1 do if IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1 then ExitGame(i); LogString("Shutdown", string.format("Kicked player with id %d.", i)); end end --destroy all vobs Vob.DestroyAllVobs(); --update player inventories to db updateInventoriesInDB(); --update plants to db updatePlantsInDB(); --free unused RAM collectGarbage(); --disable connection requests serverIsShuttingDown = true; LogString("Shutdown", "--KICKED ALL PLAYERS--"); end ---Kicks a player from the server function Administration:kickPlayer(playerid, id, reason) if not (id and reason) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst eine Spieler-ID und Begruendung angeben. (/kick )"); return; end local playerName1 = GetPlayerName(playerid); local playerName2 = GetPlayerName(id); if id < GetMaxPlayers() and IsPlayerConnected(id) == 1 then local playerName = GetPlayerName(id); SendPlayerMessage(id, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, string.format("Du wirst vom Server gekickt. Begruendung: %s", reason)); Kick(id); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast %s (%d) vom Server gekickt.", playerName, id)); LogString("Kick", string.format("%s kicked %s from the server. Reason: %s", playerName1, playerName2, reason)); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Bitte gib eine gueltige Spieler-ID ein."); end end ---Bans a player from the server function Administration:banPlayer(playerid, id, reason) if not (id and reason) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst eine Spieler-ID und Begruendung angeben. (/ban )"); return; end local playerName1 = GetPlayerName(playerid); local playerName2 = GetPlayerName(id); if id < GetMaxPlayers() and IsPlayerConnected(id) == 1 then local playerName = GetPlayerName(id); SendPlayerMessage(id, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, string.format("Du wirst vom Server gebannt. Begruendung: %s", reason)); Ban(id); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast %s (%d) vom Server gebannt.", playerName, id)); LogString("Ban", string.format("%s banned %s from the server. Reason: %s", playerName1, playerName2, reason)); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Bitte gib eine gueltige Spieler-ID ein."); end end ---Warns a player (e. g. for trolling etc.) function Administration:warnPlayer(playerid, id, reason) if not (id and reason) then SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Du musst eine Spieler-ID und Begruendung angeben. (/warn )"); return; end local playerName1 = GetPlayerName(playerid); local playerName2 = GetPlayerName(id); if id < GetMaxPlayers() and IsPlayerConnected(id) == 1 then local playerName = GetPlayerName(id); local character = getCharacterById(id); character:addWarning(); SendPlayerMessage(id, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, string.format("Du hast eine Verwarnung erhalten. Du hast jetzt %d Verwarnungen. Begruendung: %s", character.warnings, reason)); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, string.format("Du hast %s (%d) eine Verwarnung ausgesprochen. Der Spieler hat jetzt %d Verwarnungen.", playerName, id, character.warnings)); LogString("Warning", string.format("%s warned %s. Reason: %s", playerName1, playerName2, reason)); else SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_FAILURE.r, COLOR_FAILURE.g, COLOR_FAILURE.b, "Bitte gib eine gueltige Spieler-ID ein."); end end ---Returns the current administrator password function Administration:getAdminPassword() local currentPassword = nil; local file ="adminpassword.txt"); if not file then --return default admin password return GENERAL_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD; end for line in io.lines("adminpassword.txt") do currentPassword = line; break; end return currentPassword; end ---Changes the administrator password function Administration:changeAdminPassword(playerid, password) local file ="adminpassword.txt", "w"); file:write(password); file:flush(); file:close(); LogString("Administration", string.format("Changed admin password to: %s", password)); SendPlayerMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS.r, COLOR_SUCCESS.g, COLOR_SUCCESS.b, "Du hast das Administratorpassword erfolgreich geaendert."); end --instantiate administration if not instance_Administration then instance_Administration =; end