[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 47 workers. Initialize engine version: 2023.1.20f1 (35a524b12060) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Pingperfect/Users/royj/7338816/Data/UnitySubsystems Forcing GfxDevice: Null GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0; jobified=0 NullGfxDevice: Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0] Renderer: Null Device Vendor: Unity Technologies There is no texture data available to upload. There is no texture data available to upload. There is no texture data available to upload. Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding to texture disabled: graphics device is Null, only Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 (only on desktop) are supported for hardware-accelerated video decoding. UnloadTime: 0.334700 ms Rising World Dedicated Server Version (13) 2024-09-09 15:01 Windows 10 (10.0.20348) 64bit (Desktop) AMD EPYC 9274F 24-Core Processor , 48 Cores, 4050 MHz AS -2115GT-HNTF (Supermicro) 392932 MB RAM Commit: 4f36c26adee10a0e8670ff594b231d40652bca5d Branch: master JobID: 15943 ____________________________________________________________ [C++] Initialize Main.cpp Initialized default settings (830 ms) Initialized command-line arguments (0 ms) Load definitions... Loaded 312 block infos from db! Loaded ore spawn definitions from db! Loaded 241 item definitions from db! Loaded 42 item variants from db! Loaded 32 picking definitions from db! Loaded 50 item-info definitions from db! Loaded 27 consume definitions from db! Loaded 5 projectile definitions from db! Loaded 5 weapon definitions from db! Loaded 60 construction definitions from db! Loaded 269 plant definitions from db! Loaded 142 object definitions from db! Loaded 22 object variants from db! Loaded 9 object info definitions from db! Loaded 13 storage definitions from db! Loaded 85 clothing definitions from db! Loaded 89 skin definitions from db! Loaded 6 player definitions from db! Loaded 3 vehicle definitions from db! Loaded 13 vehicle components from db! Loaded 14 vehicle assembly data from db! Loaded 57 npc definitions (60 variants, 143 loot tables, 14 feeding info) from db! Loaded 3 music track definitions from db! Found 623 crafting recipes... Loaded 11 crafting stations from db! Loaded 560 crafting recipes from db! Loaded 7 crafting requirements from db! Loaded 23 biomes from db (493 spawns)! Loaded 4 world regions from db! Loaded 14 weather definitions from db! Loaded 24 loot definitions from db! Initialized definitions (40 ms) Checking ports... Port check done! Init hm manager... 1889447656 b Hm header: 19, total: 1889447656, num: 150 Init biome data manager... 41943470 b Bd header: 14, total: 41943470, num: 4 Close SQLite databases... Check world version: Load world 'RunAndHideServer' (SQLite) JavaVM options: [0] -Xmx1024M [1] -Xms32M [2] -Xss1M [3] -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256M [4] -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow [5] -XX:+SuppressFatalErrorMessage JNI: Successfully created new VM (140714141046448)! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861461688288, thread: 1) [Java] INITIALIZED CLASSLOADER [Java] Add library: C:/Pingperfect/Users/royj/7338816/Data/Java/Libs/snakeyaml.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Pingperfect/Users/royj/7338816/Data/Java/Libs/sqlitejdbc.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Pingperfect/Users/royj/7338816/Data/Java/Libs/mariadb.jar Initialize C# PluginManager... [Java] Initialize event handler (net.risingworld.api.events.Listener) [Java] PluginManager initialized! JDK 20 [Java] Initialize plugin UI manager [Java] Initialize plugin game object manager [Java] Initialize plugin visuals manager Initialized PluginManager after 114 ms - Override permission 'general_keepinventory' -> True Default permission loaded successfully! - Override permission 'general_keepinventory' -> True Permission 'admin' loaded successfully! Permission 'example' loaded successfully! SQLite version: 3.42.0 World infos: * Version: * Seed: 5565565668787654544 * Gamemode: Survival * WorldType: Default * OreAmount: Default * Flatness: Default * Vegetation: Enabled * Caves: Enabled * Ocean: Enabled * SnowyMountains: Enabled * CreationDate: 1725222808 * LastPlayed: 1725918352 * SpawnPosition: (2816.50, 99.06, 992.50) * SpawnRotation: (0.00000, 0.81620, 0.00000, -0.57777) GlobalID counter set to 3741333 Loaded 32 meta objects from DB... Loaded 7 growing plants from DB... Loaded 1049 npcs from DB... Loaded 2 vehicles from DB... INITIAL WEATHER: Default (13576.47) PluginLoader: Load plugins (False) [Java] Load 1 possible plugins from C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: WorldProtection.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /Assets/BackGround.JPG [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection (1) main class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AdminPage1Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AdminPage2Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AdminPage3Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AreaBack [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AreaConfirmationPanel [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AreaNext [Java] Found class: worldprotection.AreaPanelUI [Java] Found class: worldprotection.BluePrintPlace [Java] Found class: worldprotection.BlueprintBack [Java] Found class: worldprotection.BlueprintNext [Java] Found class: worldprotection.BlueprintPanelUI [Java] Found class: worldprotection.CreateDatabase [Java] Found class: worldprotection.DataUpdate [Java] Found class: worldprotection.FoxButtons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.FoxPanel [Java] Found class: worldprotection.HorsePanel [Java] Found class: worldprotection.OpenAreaPanel [Java] Found class: worldprotection.OpenBluePrintPanel [Java] Found class: worldprotection.OpenNPCPanels [Java] Found class: worldprotection.OpenWPCommand [Java] Found class: worldprotection.PlayerPage1Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.PlayerPage2Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.PlayerPage3Buttons [Java] Found class: worldprotection.ResetAllAreasProectionToOff [Java] Found class: worldprotection.TameAnimals [Java] Found class: worldprotection.UpDateAdminSettings [Java] Found class: worldprotection.UpDatePlayerSettings [Java] Found class: worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldProtection * Version: * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: * Description: WorldProtection plugin * License: * Website: [Java] ADD PLUGIN: WorldProtection 1 [Java] -- WorldProtection PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] -- WorldProtection PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date v8 [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date v9 [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date v10 [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date v11 [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date v12 [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeConstructionColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerConnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerSpawnEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterChunkEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.ui.PlayerUIElementClickEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitNpcEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerChangePositionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterWorldPartEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.npc.NpcAddClothesEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectInfoEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerDisconnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerKeyEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerMountNpcEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerLeaveAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.npc.NpcRemoveClothesEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCreateBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCommandEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerObjectInteractionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitItemEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerGameObjectHitEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitPlayerEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerMouseButtonEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerEditConstructionEvent Loaded 1 plugins! Starting RW Dedicated Server... [ENET SERVER] Version: 2.4.7 Starting 8 server chunk worker threads... Starting 1 server water worker threads (update: 0.1, sync: 0.5)... Server bind to IP: [ENET SERVER] Create Server IP: Port: 4255 Clients: 256 Init server platform (Steam) Set environment variable to 324080 [S_API] GameServer.Init(3232322917, 4255, 4254, eServerModeAuthentication, 202409091) Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 324080 SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197960265728 [API loaded no] Register Steam message hook... Server SteamID: 90071992547409920 (0) [Masterlist] Start ping Initialized server (480 ms) Create Public Webserver IP: Port: 4254 Add Prefix: / Add Prefix: /info Add Prefix: /playerlist Add Prefix: /images/header Initialized webserver (1 ms) Establishing connection... [Masterlist] Returned OK. IP -> [15:02:02] [STEAM] Server connection failed! k_EResultNoConnection (attempt: 1, still retrying: True) [STEAM] Server connected, public IP -> Dedicated server is ready! (34.655 s) [READY] [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [15:02:23] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [15:02:23] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:02:23] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Nightowl, 76561198033023740, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:02:23:521 - 76561198033023740 Nightowl [20, 0, 0, 0, 152, 92, 2, 80, 40, 14, 189, 160, 252, 50, 86, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 92, 112, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 81, 114, 14, 141, 220, 129, 152, 253, 141, 127, 115, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 252, 50, 86, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 170, 237, 58, 66, 6, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 22, 210, 102, 224, 197, 237, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 183, 147, 183, 213, 18, 58, 222, 57, 120, 168, 211, 91, 135, 82, 112, 137, 94, 36, 69, 65, 102, 204, 226, 229, 208, 196, 94, 33, 146, 176, 151, 166, 64, 231, 89, 10, 76, 7, 245, 70, 147, 198, 55, 120, 98, 139, 130, 248, 249, 150, 246, 245, 116, 32, 214, 3, 109, 86, 156, 193, 53, 52, 208, 9, 160, 191, 140, 68, 59, 121, 184, 252, 91, 156, 116, 164, 33, 133, 84, 94, 106, 146, 177, 10, 127, 121, 5, 27, 109, 30, 66, 37, 73, 161, 8, 199, 231, 9, 237, 83, 150, 235, 35, 111, 123, 101, 174, 54, 45, 242, 116, 240, 34, 56, 199, 237, 162, 22, 42, 44, 136, 33, 137, 25, 127, 152, 111] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198033023740): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:02:23] Client 0 (76561198033023740) fully authenticated! 15:02:23:604 - PLAYER CONNECT: Nightowl (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198033023740 exists in database Loaded 75 item stats from database Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1863215091296, thread: 19) Inventory for player 18 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (2) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png (EXT: png, CH: e5c1d555915cbbf3e06dbad7c4b01534) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (3) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png (EXT: png, CH: 4574993a7124924b02e8a56da8402d4f) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (4) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png (EXT: png, CH: d2737687091509bd2586658253fb1bf4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (5) FROM FILE: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png (EXT: png, CH: efa179bbd6a205bb7df971dafa3591a3) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1049 -> serialized 1049 npcs (1049) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460027792, thread: 29) Load sector from db (0, 0) Loaded 10117 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (8, 6) generated (29 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198033023740) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK WorldPart (8, 5) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (7, 5) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (8, 7) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (49 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! WorldPart (7, 7) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (7, 6) generated (45 ms) WorldPart (6, 7) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (6, 6) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (6, 5) generated (45 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460041392, thread: 17) Spawn npc cow (2) at (3872.00, 104.28, 3196.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (3886.00, 105.22, 3168.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (3872.00, 104.25, 3182.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4000.00, -24.50, 3086.00) Player Nightowl (0) spawned at (3860.37, 96.33, 3146.00)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460045472, thread: 20) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 4) generated (38 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1052 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1052 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 6) generated (15 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (9, 5) generated (20 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 7) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 5) generated (43 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1052 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 4) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (52 ms) WorldPart (6, 4) generated (46 ms) WorldPart (6, 5) generated (45 ms) WorldPart (6, 6) generated (41 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3648.00, -7.50, 3228.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 7) generated (32 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3669.00, -5.50, 2944.00) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3747584 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 6) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (5, 5) generated (34 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3527.00, -7.50, 3143.00) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460053632, thread: 27) [09:09 15:05:32] RemoveVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3743828(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 115 0 98 (3706.5, 106.72, 3152.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (3598.00, 202.09, 3349.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (3591.00, 199.84, 3342.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (3612.00, 196.00, 3328.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460048192, thread: 18) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3748749 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 4) generated (49 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 4) generated (46 ms) [DB] Saved 1049 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460042752, thread: 28) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1048 npcs in database (2 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 4) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (50 ms) WorldPart (6, 4) generated (47 ms) WorldPart (6, 5) generated (45 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (3989.00, -7.50, 2951.00) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3748175 [09:09 15:10:47] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3476401(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 119 1 95 (3810.83, 99.18, 3046.89) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree redmaple (3749356) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:07] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3476401(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 119 1 95 (3810.83, 99.18, 3046.89) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:10] PlaceVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3749363(type: 572, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 119 1 95 (3810.87, 99.18, 3046.95) Player Nightowl placed growable plant redmaple_sapling (ID: 3749363), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant redmaple_sapling (3749363), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 1 connect ( [15:11:17] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CONNECTED ( [15:11:17] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:11:17] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Kesselia, 76561198191018286, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:11:17:822 - 76561198191018286 Kesselia [20, 0, 0, 0, 223, 214, 56, 87, 217, 243, 228, 93, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 166, 109, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 236, 175, 181, 238, 225, 245, 80, 244, 138, 66, 19, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 139, 182, 134, 76, 12, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 216, 212, 102, 185, 135, 240, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 209, 66, 245, 1, 115, 149, 98, 124, 237, 60, 166, 86, 206, 23, 237, 43, 238, 105, 78, 144, 138, 230, 192, 133, 251, 103, 191, 29, 98, 228, 71, 249, 92, 203, 201, 226, 0, 166, 194, 95, 93, 44, 233, 79, 107, 193, 33, 176, 52, 87, 247, 220, 71, 167, 163, 76, 20, 43, 243, 243, 206, 77, 243, 108, 157, 76, 5, 114, 23, 18, 57, 61, 21, 36, 102, 63, 2, 23, 185, 192, 105, 60, 241, 251, 212, 176, 88, 48, 159, 176, 55, 101, 212, 134, 50, 23, 6, 37, 172, 73, 183, 247, 55, 90, 136, 121, 217, 26, 108, 112, 19, 92, 120, 116, 74, 169, 107, 161, 123, 71, 40, 28, 106, 235, 114, 223, 174, 96] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198191018286): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:11:17] Client 1 (76561198191018286) fully authenticated! 15:11:17:858 - PLAYER CONNECT: Kesselia (ID: 1) DB: Player 76561198191018286 exists in database Loaded 114 item stats from database Inventory for player 20 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 1 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1057 -> serialized 1057 npcs (1057) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (0, -1) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (13, -5) generated (42 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198191018286) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK WorldPart (12, -7) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (13, -6) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (12, -3) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (12, -4) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (13, -4) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (12, -5) generated (58 ms) WorldPart (12, -6) generated (48 ms) WorldPart (12, -8) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (11, -5) generated (61 ms) WorldPart (11, -6) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (11, -7) generated (52 ms) WorldPart (11, -8) generated (47 ms) WorldPart (11, -3) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (11, -4) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (11, -2) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (10, -2) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (10, -3) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (10, -4) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (10, -5) generated (61 ms) WorldPart (10, -7) generated (61 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (61 ms) WorldPart (9, -7) generated (48 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (9, -2) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (9, -3) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (9, -4) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (41 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (8, -2) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (8, -3) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (8, -4) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (8, -5) generated (33 ms) [15:11:22] ChunkMultiRequest: Unable to create chunk! [15:11:22] ChunkMultiRequest: Unable to create chunk! [15:11:22] ChunkMultiRequest: Unable to create chunk! [15:11:22] ChunkMultiRequest: Unable to create chunk! WorldPart (8, -7) generated (49 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (8, -6) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:11:23] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3806.53, 92.71, 3102.85) WorldPart (7, -3) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -4) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, -5) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, -6) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (7, -7) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (6, -5) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (6, -6) generated (43 ms) [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5326.00, -224.50, -2336.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5333.00, -328.50, -2379.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5333.00, -35.50, -2411.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5333.00, -235.50, -2528.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5262.00, -12.50, -2539.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5216.00, -185.50, -2244.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5216.00, -180.50, -2450.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5244.00, -146.50, -2564.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5173.00, -276.50, -2315.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5056.00, -328.50, -2265.00) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3749355 Player Kesselia (1) spawned at (5182.83, -231.54, -2421.37)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:11:37] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3806.53, 92.71, 3102.85) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787855 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -232, -2424) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460029152, thread: 7) [09:09 15:11:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -232, -2423) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460044112, thread: 12) [09:09 15:11:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -232, -2422) [09:09 15:11:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -232, -2420) [09:09 15:11:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -231, -2419) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460054992, thread: 8) [09:09 15:11:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -230, -2419) [09:09 15:11:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -229, -2419) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460049552, thread: 9) [09:09 15:11:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -228, -2418) [09:09 15:11:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -228, -2418) [09:09 15:11:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -230, -2419) [09:09 15:11:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -230, -2419) [09:09 15:11:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -231, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -233, -2425) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Object chest1 (3215169) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:47] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787929(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -233.5, -2424.5) [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:47] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787930(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -233.5, -2424.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -233, -2422) [09:09 15:11:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -234, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -234, -2424) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787931(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -234.5, -2423.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:53] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787932(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -234.5, -2423.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -233, -2420) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:11:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -233, -2421) [09:09 15:11:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -234, -2422) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:11:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -234, -2421) Object chest1 (3215169) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -233, -2422) [09:09 15:12:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -233, -2423) [09:09 15:12:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -232, -2425) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787933(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -235.5, -2422.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787934(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -235.5, -2422.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -234, -2420) [09:09 15:12:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -235, -2421) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460050912, thread: 11) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -235, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -235, -2423) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460046832, thread: 10) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2420) [09:09 15:12:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2419) [09:09 15:12:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -234, -2418) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460038672, thread: 13) [09:09 15:12:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -232, -2418) [09:09 15:12:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -232, -2417) [09:09 15:12:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -231, -2417) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 1861460030512, thread: 14) [09:09 15:12:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -230, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -233, -2418) [09:09 15:12:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -232, -2418) [09:09 15:12:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -230, -2417) [09:09 15:12:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -229, -2417) [09:09 15:12:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -229, -2419) [09:09 15:12:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -231, -2419) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -233, -2420) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:12:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -233, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -235, -2420) [09:09 15:12:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -235, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:12:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -236, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -237, -2421) [09:09 15:12:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -238, -2421) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787935(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -236.5, -2421.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787936(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -236.5, -2421.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787937(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -237.5, -2420.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787938(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -237.5, -2420.5) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787939(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -238.5, -2419.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:34] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3787940(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -238.5, -2419.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, -5) generated (47 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (50 ms) WorldPart (10, -5) generated (60 ms) WorldPart (13, -6) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (13, -4) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (13, -7) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (12, -4) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (12, -7) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (12, -3) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (50 ms) WorldPart (12, -8) generated (31 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -3) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (11, -8) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (11, -2) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (10, -2) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -236, -2419) [09:09 15:12:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -237, -2418) [09:09 15:12:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2418) [09:09 15:12:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -234, -2417) [09:09 15:12:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -233, -2416) [09:09 15:12:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2417) [09:09 15:12:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -237, -2417) [09:09 15:12:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -236, -2419) [09:09 15:12:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -237, -2420) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [09:09 15:12:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -238, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -236, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -237, -2419) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:12:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -236, -2417) [09:09 15:12:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -235, -2416) [09:09 15:12:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -236, -2416) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -235, -2418) [09:09 15:12:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -234, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -234, -2419) [09:09 15:12:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -234, -2417) [09:09 15:12:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -233, -2417) [09:09 15:12:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -232, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -238, -2418) [09:09 15:12:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -238, -2416) [09:09 15:12:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -235, -2415) [DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:12:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -234, -2414) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 15:12:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -233, -2414) [09:09 15:12:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184, -232, -2414) [09:09 15:12:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2414) [09:09 15:12:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -235, -2413) [09:09 15:12:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -234, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:12:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -236, -2416) [09:09 15:12:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -236, -2415) [09:09 15:13:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -234, -2415) [09:09 15:13:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -232, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -239, -2419) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -238, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788757(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -239.5, -2418.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788758(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -239.5, -2418.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -239, -2417) [09:09 15:13:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -240, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -240, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -239, -2416) [09:09 15:13:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -239, -2415) [09:09 15:13:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -237, -2415) [09:09 15:13:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -237, -2413) [09:09 15:13:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -238, -2414) [09:09 15:13:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -237, -2413) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -236, -2413) [09:09 15:13:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -239, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -238, -2415) [09:09 15:13:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -238, -2416) [09:09 15:13:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -238, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:13:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -240, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788759(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -240.5, -2417.5) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (4 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788760(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -240.5, -2417.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -241, -2416) [09:09 15:13:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -241, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -241, -2417) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -242, -2418) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788761(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.5, -241.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:28] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788762(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -241.5, -2416.5) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789023(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -241.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:32] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3788761(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.5, -241.5, -2416.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789025(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -242.5, -2415.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789026(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -242.5, -2415.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2415) [09:09 15:13:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -241, -2414) [09:09 15:13:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -240, -2413) [09:09 15:13:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -238, -2412) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -240, -2413) [09:09 15:13:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -241, -2415) [09:09 15:13:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -242, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -240, -2412) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -239, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -238, -2411) [09:09 15:13:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -239, -2410) [09:09 15:13:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -241, -2411) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:13:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2411) [09:09 15:13:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2413) [09:09 15:13:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -243, -2413) [09:09 15:13:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2413) [09:09 15:13:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -241, -2413) [09:09 15:13:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -240, -2411) [09:09 15:13:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -238, -2411) [09:09 15:13:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -239, -2412) [09:09 15:13:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -242, -2412) [09:09 15:13:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -243, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -242, -2414) [09:09 15:13:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -241, -2415) [09:09 15:13:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -240, -2415) [09:09 15:13:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -238, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2415) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -243, -2415) [09:09 15:13:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184, -244, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:13:57] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789029(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -243.5, -2414.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:13:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789030(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -243.5, -2414.5) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787853 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -244, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -243, -2411) [09:09 15:14:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2410) [09:09 15:14:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2409) [09:09 15:14:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -243, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2410) [09:09 15:14:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2409) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2411) [09:09 15:14:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2410) [09:09 15:14:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:14:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -245, -2411) [09:09 15:14:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -246, -2411) [09:09 15:14:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -246, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:11] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789034(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -244.5, -2413.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:12] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789035(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -244.5, -2413.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:17] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789037(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -245.5, -2412.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -5) generated (61 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (53 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3748475 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -244, -2407) [09:09 15:14:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -244, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:14:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -244, -2405) [09:09 15:14:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -244, -2407) [09:09 15:14:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2406) [09:09 15:14:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -244, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:14:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2407) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:15:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -242, -2406) [09:09 15:15:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -242, -2405) [09:09 15:15:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2407) [09:09 15:15:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -242, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -246, -2408) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:15:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -246, -2407) [09:09 15:15:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -246, -2407) [09:09 15:15:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -245, -2406) [09:09 15:15:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -244, -2406) [09:09 15:15:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -243, -2408) [09:09 15:15:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -242, -2408) [09:09 15:15:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -242, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -246, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:10] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789047(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -245.5, -2412.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:12] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789048(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -246.5, -2411.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:15:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -246, -2411) [09:09 15:15:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -247, -2412) [DB] Saved 1050 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789051(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -246.5, -2411.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789052(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -247.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789053(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -247.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -247, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -247, -2410) [09:09 15:15:23] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789053(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -247.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -248, -2410) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789055(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -247.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789057(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -248.5, -2409.5) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:28] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789058(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -248.5, -2409.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -247, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -248, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -248, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 5) generated (43 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -249, -2409) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4000.00, -6.50, 3004.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -246, -2406) [09:09 15:15:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -247, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -248, -2407) [09:09 15:15:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184, -249, -2408) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -248, -2408) [09:09 15:15:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -248, -2406) [09:09 15:15:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -248, -2405) [09:09 15:15:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -247, -2405) [09:09 15:15:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -246, -2405) [09:09 15:15:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -247, -2404) [09:09 15:15:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -248, -2403) [09:09 15:15:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -249, -2404) [09:09 15:15:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -248, -2403) [09:09 15:15:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -248, -2402) [09:09 15:15:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -247, -2404) [09:09 15:15:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -248, -2404) [09:09 15:15:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -249, -2404) [09:09 15:15:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -249, -2406) [09:09 15:15:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -250, -2406) [09:09 15:15:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -251, -2405) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -249, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -250, -2404) WorldPart (8, 5) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (8, 4) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (51 ms) [09:09 15:15:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -250, -2403) [09:09 15:15:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -250, -2402) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -250, -2402) [09:09 15:15:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -249, -2401) [09:09 15:15:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -249, -2403) [09:09 15:15:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -249, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -249, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:15:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -246, -2403) [09:09 15:15:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2402) [09:09 15:15:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -245, -2403) [09:09 15:15:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -244, -2403) [09:09 15:15:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -243, -2403) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:15:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -242, -2403) [09:09 15:15:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -246, -2404) [09:09 15:15:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -245, -2404) [09:09 15:15:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -244, -2404) [09:09 15:15:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -244, -2403) [09:09 15:15:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -246, -2403) [09:09 15:15:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -246, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -246, -2401) [09:09 15:16:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -247, -2401) [DB] Saved 1049 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 15:16:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -75 (5184, -247, -2400) [09:09 15:16:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -245, -2401) [09:09 15:16:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -244, -2401) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3808.00, -42.50, 2862.00) [09:09 15:16:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -244, -2402) [09:09 15:16:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -246, -2401) [09:09 15:16:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -75 (5180, -247, -2400) [09:09 15:16:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -248, -2402) [09:09 15:16:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -248, -2402) [09:09 15:16:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -249, -2401) [09:09 15:16:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -250, -2401) [09:09 15:16:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -250, -2401) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:16:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -251, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789291(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -249.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789292(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -249.5, -2408.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -250, -2407) WorldPart (6, 4) generated (47 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -250, -2408) [09:09 15:16:12] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789292(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -249.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -251, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 5) generated (45 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789409(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -249.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789500(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181.5, -250.5, -2407.5) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3612.00, -44.50, 2958.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789502(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -250.5, -2407.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789503(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -250.5, -2407.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789505(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -251.5, -2406.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789506(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -251.5, -2406.5) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:24] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789500(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181.5, -250.5, -2407.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -251, -2405) [09:09 15:16:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -251, -2406) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -252, -2406) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789521(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -252.5, -2405.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789522(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -252.5, -2405.5) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3789060 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -252, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -251, -2403) [09:09 15:16:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -252, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -252, -2405) [09:09 15:16:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -253, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -251, -2403) [09:09 15:16:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -252, -2403) [09:09 15:16:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -252, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -252, -2402) [09:09 15:16:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -252, -2401) [09:09 15:16:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -75 (5181, -253, -2400) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -253, -2401) [09:09 15:16:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -253, -2401) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789524(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -253.5, -2404.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789600(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -253.5, -2404.5) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:16:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -253, -2403) [09:09 15:16:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -254, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -253, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -253, -2403) [09:09 15:16:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -254, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -252, -2403) [09:09 15:16:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -251, -2403) [09:09 15:16:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -250, -2403) [09:09 15:16:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -252, -2402) [09:09 15:16:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -253, -2401) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:16:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -253, -2403) [09:09 15:16:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -254, -2403) [09:09 15:16:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -255, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -254, -2401) Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789601(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -254.5, -2403.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:16:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789602(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -254.5, -2403.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -255, -2401) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182, -255, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:06] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789603(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183.5, -255.5, -2402.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:07] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789604(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5182.5, -255.5, -2402.5) [DB] Saved 1045 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:17:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -256, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789606(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5183.5, -256.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:17] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789607(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5183.5, -256.5, -2400.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789608(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5182.5, -256.5, -2401.5) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3789290 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789611(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5182.5, -256.5, -2400.5) WorldPart (5, 5) generated (37 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -256, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5183, -256, -2401) Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5181, -256, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (10, -5) generated (62 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (54 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (57 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5045.00, -392.50, -2379.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789645(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5181.5, -256.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:17:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789646(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5181.5, -256.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:17:39] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789653(type: 701, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.44, -252.25, -2400.5) Player Kesselia placed object element sign2 (ID: 3789653) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (76561198191018286) updated text 3789653: 13th Deck [09:09 15:17:47] SetText: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789653(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) '13th Deck ' @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.44, -252.25, -2400.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 2 connect ( [15:17:48] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CONNECTED ( [15:17:48] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:17:48] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (neobohemian, 76561198131050606, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:17:48:155 - 76561198131050606 neobohemian [20, 0, 0, 0, 235, 230, 160, 28, 45, 23, 11, 36, 110, 248, 45, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 224, 115, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 103, 233, 203, 187, 42, 18, 23, 152, 193, 228, 145, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 110, 248, 45, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 254, 109, 52, 184, 6, 42, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 205, 214, 221, 102, 77, 134, 249, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 247, 18, 131, 172, 197, 109, 228, 159, 44, 204, 24, 102, 15, 114, 193, 2, 192, 64, 79, 65, 52, 21, 173, 226, 83, 237, 128, 68, 23, 103, 195, 108, 229, 50, 183, 202, 227, 68, 169, 60, 107, 157, 82, 24, 202, 79, 228, 182, 186, 1, 85, 110, 102, 190, 165, 45, 170, 152, 69, 121, 75, 207, 30, 218, 112, 239, 32, 221, 211, 29, 225, 123, 109, 201, 60, 202, 246, 255, 153, 109, 200, 183, 224, 249, 26, 91, 165, 42, 67, 91, 165, 126, 122, 192, 94, 158, 107, 55, 136, 115, 14, 24, 226, 62, 53, 246, 46, 96, 174, 55, 205, 169, 228, 100, 124, 134, 89, 196, 125, 60, 71, 150, 54, 93, 235, 99, 61] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198131050606): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:17:48] Client 2 (76561198131050606) fully authenticated! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db 15:17:49:070 - PLAYER CONNECT: neobohemian (ID: 2) DB: Player 76561198131050606 exists in database Loaded 67 item stats from database Inventory for player 3 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 2 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1065 -> serialized 1065 npcs (1065) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198131050606) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 2) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (5, 1) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (4, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (4, 2) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (4, 1) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (4, 3) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (3, 2) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (3, 3) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (3, 1) generated (12 ms) WorldPart (3, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (5, 0) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (76561198191018286) updated text 3789653: 13th Deck -253 [09:09 15:17:57] SetText: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3789653(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) '13th Deck -253 ' @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.44, -252.25, -2400.5) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! Spawn npc pig (1) at (2304.00, 109.94, 1148.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2304.00, 109.22, 1141.00) Spawn npc piglet (1) at (2304.00, 106.81, 1127.00) Spawn npc bull (0) at (2151.00, 143.50, 1148.00) Spawn npc fox (0) at (2165.00, 107.22, 1045.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Transform npc sheepshorn (2807323) -> sheep (variant: 0) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:18:04] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791157(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -4 -76 (5184.15, -251.08, -2400.48) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3791157) Object walltorch (3791157) change status 0 -> 1 Spawn npc chicken (0) at (2069.00, 102.81, 1077.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (2062.00, 100.03, 1056.00) Spawn npc chick (0) at (2069.00, 99.72, 1056.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (2076.00, 103.38, 1077.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (2076.00, 101.16, 1063.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (2055.00, 102.44, 1077.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -255, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -255, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -255, -2402) [09:09 15:18:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -254, -2402) [09:09 15:18:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -254, -2402) [09:09 15:18:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -253, -2402) [09:09 15:18:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -252, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -251, -2402) [09:09 15:18:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -250, -2402) [09:09 15:18:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -252, -2404) [09:09 15:18:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -254, -2404) [09:09 15:18:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5178, -256, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:18] Nightowl: Hello there Neo! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5179, -256, -2401) [09:09 15:18:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5178, -257, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -254, -2402) [09:09 15:18:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -252, -2402) [09:09 15:18:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -251, -2402) [09:09 15:18:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -249, -2402) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -249, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -251, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -250, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Player neobohemian (2) spawned at (2217.51, 90.71, 969.34)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1042 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -256, -2403) [09:09 15:18:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5180, -256, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -256, -2401) [09:09 15:18:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -256, -2401) [09:09 15:18:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -255, -2401) [09:09 15:18:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -254, -2401) [09:09 15:18:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -252, -2401) [09:09 15:18:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -250, -2401) [09:09 15:18:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -250, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5177, -255, -2403) [09:09 15:18:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -255, -2403) [09:09 15:18:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -255, -2404) [09:09 15:18:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -253, -2403) [09:09 15:18:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -252, -2403) [09:09 15:18:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -251, -2404) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:18:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -253, -2404) [09:09 15:18:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -253, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -256, -2402) [09:09 15:18:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -255, -2402) [09:09 15:18:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -255, -2402) [09:09 15:18:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -255, -2402) [09:09 15:18:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -256, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -256, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -254, -2401) [09:09 15:18:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -253, -2401) [09:09 15:18:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -253, -2401) [09:09 15:18:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -252, -2401) [09:09 15:18:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -254, -2403) [09:09 15:18:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -253, -2403) [09:09 15:18:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -253, -2404) [09:09 15:18:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -253, -2404) [09:09 15:18:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -254, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -254, -2406) [09:09 15:18:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5176, -254, -2405) [09:09 15:18:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5175, -254, -2406) [09:09 15:18:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -255, -2406) [09:09 15:18:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5174, -256, -2404) [09:09 15:18:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5173, -256, -2404) [09:09 15:18:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -256, -2403) [09:09 15:18:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -256, -2402) [09:09 15:18:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -255, -2401) [09:09 15:18:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -256, -2401) [09:09 15:18:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -257, -2400) [09:09 15:18:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -256, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -254, -2401) [09:09 15:18:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -254, -2401) [09:09 15:18:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -253, -2401) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -253, -2401) [09:09 15:18:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -252, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -251, -2402) [09:09 15:18:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -251, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -250, -2402) [09:09 15:18:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -249, -2402) [09:09 15:18:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -252, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -251, -2402) [09:09 15:18:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5172, -250, -2402) [09:09 15:18:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -249, -2402) [09:09 15:18:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -249, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -75 (5173, -250, -2400) [09:09 15:18:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -75 (5173, -252, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -254, -2403) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:18:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -255, -2404) [09:09 15:18:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -255, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:18:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5179, -257, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:18:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5180, -257, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3789501 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:18] neobohemian: Howdy Nightowl good to be back SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791183(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5180.5, -257.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791184(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5180.5, -257.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176, -257, -2402) [09:09 15:19:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5177, -258, -2402) [DB] Saved 1054 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:19:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5179, -258, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791197(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5179.5, -258.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791198(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5179.5, -258.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5178, -258, -2401) WorldPart (2, 2) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (2, 1) generated (5 ms) [09:09 15:19:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5178, -259, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5178, -259, -2403) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791209(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5178.5, -259.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:17] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791210(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5178.5, -259.5, -2401.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5177, -259, -2401) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176, -260, -2401) [09:09 15:19:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176, -258, -2401) [09:09 15:19:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5175, -259, -2402) [09:09 15:19:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -260, -2402) [09:09 15:19:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -259, -2402) [09:09 15:19:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -259, -2402) [09:09 15:19:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -258, -2402) [09:09 15:19:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -258, -2402) [09:09 15:19:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -258, -2403) [09:09 15:19:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -258, -2404) [09:09 15:19:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -259, -2404) [09:09 15:19:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -258, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -258, -2402) [09:09 15:19:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -258, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:19:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -258, -2403) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:19:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -258, -2404) [09:09 15:19:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -259, -2403) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -259, -2401) [09:09 15:19:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -260, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -260, -2401) [09:09 15:19:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -261, -2401) [09:09 15:19:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -262, -2401) [09:09 15:19:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -261, -2401) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [09:09 15:19:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -262, -2401) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -257, -2400) [09:09 15:19:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -257, -2399) [09:09 15:19:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -257, -2398) [09:09 15:19:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -257, -2399) [09:09 15:19:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -257, -2398) [09:09 15:19:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -75 (5169, -256, -2397) [09:09 15:19:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -258, -2398) [09:09 15:19:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -259, -2398) [09:09 15:19:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -259, -2400) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:19:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -259, -2399) [09:09 15:19:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -259, -2398) [09:09 15:19:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -258, -2397) [09:09 15:19:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5172, -260, -2400) [09:09 15:19:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5172, -262, -2400) [09:09 15:19:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -261, -2400) [09:09 15:19:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -260, -2400) [09:09 15:19:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -259, -2401) [09:09 15:19:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -258, -2400) [09:09 15:19:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5166, -257, -2399) [09:09 15:19:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5165, -257, -2399) [09:09 15:19:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -259, -2399) [09:09 15:19:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -260, -2398) [09:09 15:19:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -258, -2397) [09:09 15:19:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -258, -2396) [09:09 15:19:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -258, -2396) [09:09 15:19:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -259, -2396) [09:09 15:19:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -260, -2398) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -260, -2398) [09:09 15:19:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -260, -2397) [09:09 15:19:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -261, -2396) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -260, -2396) [DB] Saved 35 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791214(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5177.5, -260.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5177, -260, -2402) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:19] neobohemian: I built a tree baerricade to keep the riff raff out, tempted to test it out [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:19:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791217(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5177.5, -260.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176, -261, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5175, -260, -2403) [09:09 15:20:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176, -261, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791218(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176.5, -261.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791219(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5176.5, -261.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:06] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791220(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5175.5, -262.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -261, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5175, -262, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -261, -2403) [09:09 15:20:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -261, -2403) [09:09 15:20:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -261, -2403) [09:09 15:20:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -262, -2403) [09:09 15:20:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -262, -2403) [DB] Saved 1053 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 15:20:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -261, -2403) [09:09 15:20:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -261, -2403) [09:09 15:20:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -261, -2402) [09:09 15:20:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -262, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -262, -2403) [09:09 15:20:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -263, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791221(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5175.5, -262.5, -2401.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -263, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -263, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791222(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174.5, -263.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791223(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174.5, -263.5, -2401.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -263, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -263, -2401) [09:09 15:20:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -264, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -263, -2403) [09:09 15:20:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -264, -2403) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -264, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -264, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -265, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791224(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173.5, -264.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791225(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173.5, -264.5, -2400.5) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:20:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -265, -2402) [09:09 15:20:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -266, -2402) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:20] neobohemian: Lure them in as it were [09:09 15:20:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -265, -2401) [2024-09-09 15:20] Nightowl: Ah yes I remember seeing that in passing [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 3 connect ( [15:20:44] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CONNECTED ( [15:20:44] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:20:44] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Littlelamb, 76561198341802932, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:20:44:431 - 76561198341802932 Littlelamb [20, 0, 0, 0, 70, 166, 224, 96, 106, 245, 51, 81, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 24, 114, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 215, 181, 24, 140, 30, 16, 186, 62, 181, 133, 10, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 54, 15, 30, 203, 221, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 114, 223, 102, 153, 33, 251, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 166, 80, 101, 58, 13, 20, 231, 212, 122, 204, 108, 130, 22, 91, 56, 64, 55, 135, 196, 177, 212, 224, 152, 240, 236, 252, 222, 209, 79, 26, 50, 225, 108, 40, 159, 200, 230, 246, 168, 221, 219, 232, 46, 51, 136, 63, 103, 195, 106, 178, 245, 10, 2, 224, 246, 229, 176, 77, 112, 105, 73, 193, 7, 16, 75, 215, 139, 141, 239, 51, 7, 246, 71, 180, 42, 15, 228, 101, 51, 153, 236, 107, 149, 143, 7, 13, 229, 25, 116, 181, 40, 163, 144, 119, 114, 206, 119, 198, 205, 79, 146, 38, 187, 56, 186, 124, 236, 55, 194, 104, 109, 206, 249, 5, 101, 185, 160, 72, 138, 206, 181, 240, 183, 3, 18, 247, 141, 242] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198341802932): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:20:44] Client 3 (76561198341802932) fully authenticated! 15:20:44:631 - PLAYER CONNECT: Littlelamb (ID: 3) DB: Create new player (76561198341802932) Loaded 0 item stats from database Create new inventory for player 21 Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 3 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1075 -> serialized 1075 npcs (1075) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198341802932) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK WorldPart (6, 2) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (6, 1) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (5, 3) generated (46 ms) WorldPart (5, 0) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (5, 2) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (5, 1) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (6, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (6, 3) generated (40 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2812.00, 98.31, 1141.00) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) Player Littlelamb (3) spawned at (2816.50, 99.06, 992.50)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 35 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791737(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172.5, -265.5, -2402.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:09] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791739(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172.5, -265.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:11] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791740(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172.5, -265.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:12] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791741(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171.5, -266.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 3) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791784(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171.5, -266.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 3) generated (17 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:20] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3791737(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172.5, -265.5, -2402.5) WorldPart (3, 2) generated (15 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -265, -2403) [DB] Saved 1053 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -266, -2403) [09:09 15:21:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -267, -2403) WorldPart (2, 2) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -266, -2401) [09:09 15:21:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -266, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (2076.00, 183.25, 1212.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2005.00, 111.31, 1120.00) WorldPart (2, 1) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (3, 1) generated (13 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -267, -2403) [09:09 15:21:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -268, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -266, -2404) [09:09 15:21:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -266, -2404) [09:09 15:21:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -265, -2404) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:21:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -266, -2404) [09:09 15:21:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -265, -2404) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:21:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -266, -2405) [09:09 15:21:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -266, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:21:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -268, -2404) [09:09 15:21:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -269, -2404) [09:09 15:21:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5174, -267, -2403) [09:09 15:21:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -267, -2402) [09:09 15:21:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -268, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5173, -268, -2401) [09:09 15:21:31] RemoveVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3790215(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 66 0 32 (2120.5, 101.5, 1046.5) [09:09 15:21:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5173, -268, -2400) [09:09 15:21:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -269, -2402) [09:09 15:21:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5172, -270, -2402) [09:09 15:21:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -269, -2403) [09:09 15:21:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -268, -2404) [09:09 15:21:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -268, -2404) [09:09 15:21:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -268, -2405) [09:09 15:21:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -270, -2402) [09:09 15:21:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -270, -2401) [09:09 15:21:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -270, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc cow (1) at (3015.00, 130.25, 956.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (3036.00, 136.75, 949.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (3004.00, 107.38, 1173.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2976.00, 106.50, 1173.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (2990.00, 101.88, 1180.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc horse (1) at (1895.00, 92.03, 1116.00) Spawn npc horse (2) at (1916.00, 96.53, 1109.00) Spawn npc horse (0) at (1916.00, 95.97, 1102.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:41] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3792077(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170.5, -267.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (1920.00, 98.59, 1276.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (1920.00, 98.66, 1255.00) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 3) generated (10 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3792080(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169.5, -268.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -268, -2402) [09:09 15:21:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -268, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:47] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 435563(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 91 0 32 (2922.5, 127.53, 1032.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5172, -267, -2400) [09:09 15:21:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -267, -2400) [09:09 15:21:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -268, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:21:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -270, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -270, -2403) [09:09 15:21:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5171, -271, -2403) [09:09 15:21:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -272, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -272, -2401) [09:09 15:21:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -272, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -271, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -271, -2399) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:21:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5169, -269, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -266, -2404) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:21:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -266, -2404) [09:09 15:21:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -265, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:21:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -267, -2404) [09:09 15:22:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -268, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -269, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:22:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -271, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:22:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -270, -2404) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (33 ms) [09:09 15:22:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -269, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -269, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -270, -2402) Spawn npc hare (1) at (3086.00, 137.81, 1088.00) Spawn npc hare (0) at (3079.00, 136.69, 1095.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -270, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -268, -2402) [09:09 15:22:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -267, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -266, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -265, -2401) [09:09 15:22:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -264, -2401) Spawn npc goat (0) at (2030.00, 181.66, 1312.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (2023.00, 180.56, 1333.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (12, -3) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (6, -5) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (10, -5) generated (60 ms) WorldPart (11, -3) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (11, -2) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (10, -2) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (9, -2) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (8, -2) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (8, -3) generated (18 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, -3) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (7, -4) generated (36 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (5308.00, -394.50, -2244.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:17] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3792628(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170.5, -267.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3792818(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169.5, -268.5, -2400.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Spawn npc pig (1) at (1973.00, 140.88, 1429.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1959.00, 138.72, 1436.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc chicken (0) at (3168.00, 133.16, 1070.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793010(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -269.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1063 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:34] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793223(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168.5, -269.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:37] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793010(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -269.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793343(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -270.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -272, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:22:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -272, -2405) [09:09 15:22:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -273, -2405) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -273, -2404) [09:09 15:22:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -274, -2403) WorldPart (5, 3) generated (36 ms) [09:09 15:22:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -273, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -274, -2403) [09:09 15:22:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -272, -2404) [09:09 15:22:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5170, -273, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -272, -2405) [09:09 15:22:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -273, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:22:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -270, -2404) [09:09 15:22:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -269, -2403) [09:09 15:22:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -268, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -267, -2403) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:22:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -266, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:22:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -269, -2405) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:22:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -268, -2405) [09:09 15:22:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -267, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 3) generated (47 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:22:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -271, -2405) [09:09 15:22:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -271, -2404) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (3143.00, 106.28, 1237.00) [09:09 15:22:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -269, -2404) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:22:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -267, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -272, -2405) [09:09 15:23:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -271, -2405) [09:09 15:23:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -270, -2405) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:23:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -268, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -269, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -269, -2407) [09:09 15:23:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -270, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -270, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -270, -2403) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -269, -2404) [09:09 15:23:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -269, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -269, -2402) [09:09 15:23:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -269, -2402) [09:09 15:23:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -269, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -268, -2404) [09:09 15:23:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -268, -2403) [09:09 15:23:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -267, -2402) [09:09 15:23:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -267, -2401) [09:09 15:23:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -267, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:14] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 443173(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 34 (3114.5, 141.25, 1116.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:23:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -268, -2401) [09:09 15:23:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5166, -269, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -267, -2400) [09:09 15:23:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5168, -267, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -270, -2399) [09:09 15:23:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5167, -271, -2398) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -270, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:24] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3791709(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 35 (3122.5, 140.09, 1128.5) [09:09 15:23:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -271, -2402) [09:09 15:23:24] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793343(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -270.5, -2401.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793571(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165.5, -270.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793572(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166.5, -270.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793573(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -270.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:34] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3791712(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 35 (3130.5, 138.25, 1138.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793574(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166.5, -271.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:38] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793571(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165.5, -270.5, -2401.5) [09:09 15:23:38] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3791710(type: 270, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 35 (3126.5, 132.81, 1148.5) [09:09 15:23:38] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793572(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166.5, -270.5, -2401.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1067 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -271, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -272, -2402) [09:09 15:23:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -273, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:46] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793575(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165.5, -272.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5166, -271, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5165, -270, -2399) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -272, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:23:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -272, -2403) [09:09 15:23:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -273, -2404) [09:09 15:23:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -274, -2405) [09:09 15:23:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -274, -2405) [09:09 15:23:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -275, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (1 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -273, -2403) [09:09 15:24:07] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 443512(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 33 (3118.5, 142, 1070.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:09] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793850(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164.5, -273.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 3) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -275, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -275, -2404) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:13] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 443512(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 97 0 33 (3118.5, 142, 1070.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -274, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5166, -274, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -274, -2401) Spawn npc cow (1) at (2400.00, 116.44, 1198.00) Spawn npc bull (0) at (2428.00, 109.25, 1191.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (2272.00, 153.31, 1248.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -275, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -271, -2403) [09:09 15:24:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -270, -2402) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -270, -2402) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree redmaple (3793576) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -270, -2401) [09:09 15:24:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -271, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -269, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -268, -2401) [09:09 15:24:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -268, -2402) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -270, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -272, -2401) [DB] Saved 1052 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793878(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168.5, -269.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793879(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167.5, -270.5, -2400.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793880(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166.5, -271.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793881(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165.5, -272.5, -2400.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3793882(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164.5, -273.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -273, -2401) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2368.00, 162.75, 1308.00) [09:09 15:24:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -274, -2401) [09:09 15:24:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -273, -2401) [09:09 15:24:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -272, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -271, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -271, -2403) [09:09 15:24:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -270, -2403) [09:09 15:24:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -269, -2403) WorldPart (5, 1) generated (13 ms) [09:09 15:24:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -268, -2403) [09:09 15:24:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -267, -2403) [09:09 15:24:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -266, -2402) [09:09 15:24:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -265, -2402) [09:09 15:24:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -266, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -266, -2403) [09:09 15:24:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -267, -2404) [09:09 15:24:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -267, -2405) [09:09 15:24:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -269, -2404) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -268, -2403) [09:09 15:24:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -266, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -266, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -267, -2401) [09:09 15:24:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -267, -2400) [09:09 15:24:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -267, -2399) [09:09 15:24:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -267, -2398) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -266, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -268, -2401) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:24:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -268, -2402) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:24:49] PlaceObject: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3793904(type: 150, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 119 1 97 (3816.63, 93.15, 3106.43) Player Nightowl placed object element chest1 (ID: 3793904) [15:24:49] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3793904 (119|1|97) [09:09 15:24:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -268, -2403) [DB] Saved 38 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -270, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -270, -2402) [09:09 15:24:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -269, -2403) [09:09 15:24:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -269, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3793904) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:24:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -270, -2400) [09:09 15:24:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -270, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -267, -2400) [09:09 15:24:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -266, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -265, -2398) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -266, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -269, -2400) [09:09 15:24:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5159, -269, -2399) [09:09 15:24:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -268, -2398) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -268, -2399) [09:09 15:24:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -268, -2398) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:24:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -267, -2398) [09:09 15:24:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -265, -2400) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:24:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -264, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5159, -265, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:00] RemoveVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 430927(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 75 0 36 (2426.5, 103.44, 1164.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3793904) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -265, -2397) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:25:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -264, -2396) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -266, -2397) [09:09 15:25:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5157, -266, -2396) [09:09 15:25:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5158, -267, -2397) [09:09 15:25:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5159, -267, -2397) [09:09 15:25:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -269, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 4 connect ( [15:25:10] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CONNECTED ( [15:25:10] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:25:10] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Run And Hide Gamer, 76561198133853136, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:25:10:413 - 76561198133853136 RunAndHideGamer [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 202, 53, 0, 120, 93, 159, 208, 187, 88, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 100, 115, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 84, 39, 125, 143, 90, 130, 153, 63, 54, 252, 99, 7, 26, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 208, 187, 88, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 87, 83, 119, 193, 75, 60, 21, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0, 233, 249, 210, 102, 105, 169, 238, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 102, 30, 12, 134, 143, 78, 159, 33, 224, 11, 187, 216, 90, 73, 129, 119, 184, 246, 153, 163, 140, 135, 218, 51, 127, 152, 216, 90, 34, 160, 165, 160, 191, 86, 97, 94, 62, 22, 179, 219, 198, 31, 40, 174, 159, 108, 72, 8, 214, 191, 114, 84, 170, 40, 52, 83, 88, 103, 159, 79, 93, 245, 50, 141, 168, 22, 101, 92, 175, 226, 193, 115, 147, 214, 101, 55, 110, 241, 213, 134, 253, 135, 20, 229, 236, 93, 77, 224, 91, 113, 177, 205, 145, 110, 222, 213, 89, 75, 122, 54, 185, 82, 86, 152, 252, 84, 123, 213, 162, 51, 15, 127, 171, 179, 2, 177, 204, 200, 0, 206, 89, 79, 246, 227, 91, 227, 235] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198133853136): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:25:10] Client 4 (76561198133853136) fully authenticated! [09:09 15:25:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -267, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db 15:25:10:708 - PLAYER CONNECT: RunAndHideGamer (ID: 4) DB: Player 76561198133853136 exists in database Loaded 72 item stats from database Inventory for player 1 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 4 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1101 -> serialized 1101 npcs (1101) [09:09 15:25:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -266, -2397) Object chest1 (3215169) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:25:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5160, -265, -2398) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:25:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5161, -264, -2398) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (2478.00, 123.50, 1344.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (2478.00, 124.72, 1372.00) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198133853136) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3215169) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -272, -2404) [09:09 15:25:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -273, -2404) [09:09 15:25:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -272, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:25:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:25:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -272, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3215169) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:25:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -271, -2406) [09:09 15:25:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -270, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -270, -2406) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -272, -2402) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4032.00, -3.50, 3029.00) [09:09 15:25:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -272, -2402) [09:09 15:25:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -272, -2404) [09:09 15:25:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -272, -2405) [09:09 15:25:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -272, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -272, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (2300.00, 221.00, 1397.00) Spawn npc wolfcub (0) at (2300.00, 222.22, 1383.00) [09:09 15:25:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -273, -2404) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:25:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -273, -2402) [09:09 15:25:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -274, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -274, -2403) [09:09 15:25:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -274, -2404) [09:09 15:25:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -273, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -273, -2401) [09:09 15:25:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -272, -2402) [09:09 15:25:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -272, -2402) [09:09 15:25:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -271, -2401) [09:09 15:25:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -270, -2401) [09:09 15:25:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -269, -2402) [09:09 15:25:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -271, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -271, -2405) [09:09 15:25:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -271, -2406) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:25:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -271, -2407) [09:09 15:25:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -271, -2408) [09:09 15:25:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -272, -2405) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -272, -2404) Player RunAndHideGamer (4) spawned at (3939.75, 109.00, 3193.57)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -273, -2403) [09:09 15:25:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -273, -2405) [09:09 15:25:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -273, -2406) [09:09 15:25:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -273, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -274, -2403) [09:09 15:25:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -274, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -273, -2401) [09:09 15:25:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -273, -2402) [09:09 15:25:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -272, -2403) [DB] Saved 1052 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -274, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -274, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794495(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163.5, -274.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794496(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163.5, -274.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -275, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -275, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794497(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162.5, -275.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:46] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794498(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162.5, -275.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -275, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -275, -2401) [09:09 15:25:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -276, -2401) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3215169) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 15:25:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -276, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -276, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:53] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794499(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161.5, -276.5, -2400.5) Object chest1 (3793904) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3794500(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161.5, -276.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -276, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -277, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:25:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -275, -2402) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -270, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -271, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -271, -2402) [09:09 15:26:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -270, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -269, -2402) [09:09 15:26:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -270, -2401) [09:09 15:26:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -271, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:26:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -272, -2401) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:26:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -273, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -274, -2401) [09:09 15:26:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -275, -2401) [09:09 15:26:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -275, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -274, -2403) [09:09 15:26:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -273, -2404) [09:09 15:26:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -272, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -270, -2405) [09:09 15:26:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -269, -2404) [09:09 15:26:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -268, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -268, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3793904) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -272, -2406) [09:09 15:26:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -271, -2407) [09:09 15:26:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -273, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -273, -2404) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (2165.00, 211.44, 1301.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (2151.00, 211.41, 1308.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (2144.00, 205.59, 1294.00) [09:09 15:26:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -274, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -272, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -271, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -271, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -271, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -271, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -270, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -271, -2409) [09:09 15:26:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -271, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:26:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -272, -2407) WorldPart (8, 7) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (8, 6) generated (27 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -273, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -273, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -272, -2408) WorldPart (9, 6) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (9, 5) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (9, 7) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (8, 5) generated (28 ms) [09:09 15:26:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -272, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -273, -2408) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -273, -2409) WorldPart (8, 4) generated (38 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -272, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -272, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -273, -2411) [09:09 15:26:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -274, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 4) generated (57 ms) [09:09 15:26:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -275, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc shewolf (1) at (4085.00, 132.00, 2848.00) [09:09 15:26:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -274, -2407) [09:09 15:26:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -274, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 4) generated (29 ms) [09:09 15:26:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -274, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:26:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -274, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -274, -2410) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3982.00, -7.50, 2784.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -274, -2407) [09:09 15:26:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -274, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -273, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1078 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -273, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -275, -2408) [09:09 15:26:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -276, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -273, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 3) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, 3) generated (45 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -274, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -275, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 4) generated (46 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -274, -2408) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 1) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (9, 3) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (4245.00, -3.50, 2304.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4494.00, -5.50, 2496.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4455.00, -4.50, 2350.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (4373.00, -18.50, 2261.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -276, -2401) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3795284 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -276, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -276, -2401) [09:09 15:26:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -276, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -276, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:26:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -276, -2403) [09:09 15:26:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -276, -2403) [09:09 15:26:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -276, -2403) [09:09 15:26:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -276, -2404) [09:09 15:26:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -276, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -276, -2405) [09:09 15:26:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -276, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -277, -2409) WorldPart (3, 2) generated (14 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -275, -2406) WorldPart (10, 4) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -275, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -276, -2404) [09:09 15:26:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -276, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 3) generated (35 ms) [09:09 15:26:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -276, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 5) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -277, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 35 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802785(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160.5, -277.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:47] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802786(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160.5, -277.5, -2400.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (2087.00, 193.72, 1436.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2101.00, 200.50, 1408.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2080.00, 195.31, 1415.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -277, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -278, -2401) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3800101 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -278, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3800102 [09:09 15:26:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -277, -2402) [09:09 15:26:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -278, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -277, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:55] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802790(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159.5, -278.5, -2400.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:55] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802791(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159.5, -278.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -277, -2402) [09:09 15:26:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -278, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:26:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -278, -2403) [09:09 15:26:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -279, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:27:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -278, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -278, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -279, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -279, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802792(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158.5, -279.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802793(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158.5, -279.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -279, -2401) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -280, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:27:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -279, -2403) [09:09 15:27:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -280, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:11] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802794(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157.5, -280.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:11] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802795(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157.5, -280.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -280, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -281, -2402) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3800787 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -281, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -279, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -280, -2402) [09:09 15:27:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -281, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802796(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156.5, -281.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3802797(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156.5, -281.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -281, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -281, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -281, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -280, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -279, -2401) [09:09 15:27:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -278, -2401) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (32 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -278, -2403) [09:09 15:27:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -280, -2403) [09:09 15:27:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -281, -2404) [09:09 15:27:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -282, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -282, -2402) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -283, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 3) generated (43 ms) [DB] Saved 1089 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -280, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -279, -2405) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:27:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -279, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -278, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -278, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -279, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -281, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 3) generated (35 ms) [09:09 15:27:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -282, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (1) at (3335.00, 97.88, 1116.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -281, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -280, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -279, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -278, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -278, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -277, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -277, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -279, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 5) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (11, 4) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 6) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (9, 6) generated (15 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3800103 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -282, -2401) [09:09 15:27:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -283, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -283, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -279, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -280, -2399) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -281, -2399) [DB] Saved 41 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:27:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -282, -2399) [09:09 15:27:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -283, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5156, -278, -2400) [09:09 15:27:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5156, -278, -2399) [09:09 15:27:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5156, -279, -2399) [09:09 15:27:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5156, -281, -2399) [09:09 15:27:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5156, -282, -2399) Spawn npc cow (0) at (3420.00, 101.66, 1326.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -279, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -278, -2399) [09:09 15:27:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -282, -2399) [09:09 15:27:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -283, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:27:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5155, -284, -2399) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:28:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5155, -285, -2399) [09:09 15:28:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -285, -2398) [09:09 15:28:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -285, -2398) [09:09 15:28:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -285, -2398) [09:09 15:28:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151, -285, -2398) [09:09 15:28:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -284, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -284, -2397) [09:09 15:28:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -285, -2397) [09:09 15:28:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -287, -2397) [09:09 15:28:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -287, -2398) [09:09 15:28:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -285, -2399) [09:09 15:28:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -286, -2400) [09:09 15:28:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5153, -287, -2400) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5154, -284, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -285, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -285, -2396) [09:09 15:28:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -286, -2396) [09:09 15:28:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5152, -287, -2396) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -284, -2397) [09:09 15:28:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5149, -283, -2397) [09:09 15:28:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151, -283, -2398) [09:09 15:28:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -282, -2398) [09:09 15:28:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -282, -2399) [09:09 15:28:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5149, -283, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151, -285, -2399) [09:09 15:28:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -285, -2400) [09:09 15:28:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -286, -2400) [09:09 15:28:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151, -287, -2400) [09:09 15:28:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -286, -2398) [09:09 15:28:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -286, -2397) [09:09 15:28:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5149, -285, -2396) [09:09 15:28:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5148, -284, -2397) [09:09 15:28:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5148, -283, -2398) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5149, -285, -2399) [09:09 15:28:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5148, -286, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5148, -286, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc goat (0) at (3470.00, 100.50, 1191.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5150, -287, -2400) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (6, -6) generated (48 ms) WorldPart (9, -2) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (47 ms) WorldPart (8, -2) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (8, -3) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (7, -3) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (7, -7) generated (31 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, -4) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (7, -6) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (6, -4) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (6, -5) generated (38 ms) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (4960.00, -114.50, -2315.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5148, -284, -2399) [09:09 15:28:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -284, -2399) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (5301.00, -48.50, 2581.00) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -285, -2397) [09:09 15:28:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -284, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -283, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -286, -2399) [09:09 15:28:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -285, -2400) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (26 ms) [09:09 15:28:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -284, -2400) [09:09 15:28:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5147, -283, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -283, -2402) [09:09 15:28:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -281, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, -8) generated (52 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (56 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (28 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 6) generated (23 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -284, -2402) [09:09 15:28:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -284, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -284, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -283, -2404) [09:09 15:28:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -284, -2402) [09:09 15:28:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5148, -285, -2402) [09:09 15:28:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5148, -286, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3808711 Spawn npc pig (1) at (5269.00, 140.50, 2869.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5262.00, 142.00, 2848.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5248.00, 142.94, 2862.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5269.00, 141.38, 2848.00) [DB] Saved 1079 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -282, -2402) [09:09 15:28:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5149, -282, -2403) [09:09 15:28:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -281, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -281, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -282, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -280, -2406) [09:09 15:28:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5150, -279, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -279, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 4) generated (49 ms) WorldPart (6, 4) generated (46 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (5244.00, 140.28, 2983.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:47] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3792401(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 110 0 44 (3530.5, 160.25, 1430.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3809639 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc chicken (0) at (5244.00, 118.94, 3086.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (5237.00, 117.25, 3079.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:51] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3810925(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155.5, -282.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3810926(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155.5, -282.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:53] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 2458425(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 111 0 45 (3554.5, 173.94, 1450.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 7) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (9, 7) generated (7 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc scorpion (0) at (3680.00, 224.31, 1532.00) [09:09 15:28:55] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 2458427(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 111 0 45 (3560.5, 176.41, 1452.5) WorldPart (4, 1) generated (13 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:28:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -282, -2403) Spawn npc cow (0) at (5276.00, 102.41, 3175.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (5248.00, 98.59, 3168.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811172(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154.5, -283.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc sheep (0) at (5365.00, 175.59, 2997.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (5351.00, 171.41, 3004.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5365.00, -23.50, 3093.00) [DB] Saved 51 npcs in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, 7) generated (12 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:03] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811176(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154.5, -283.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 1) generated (28 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811318(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -284.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:12] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811439(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -284.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc sheep (0) at (3765.00, 228.50, 1621.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3751.00, 228.50, 1628.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811542(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -284.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811543(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -284.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1077 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:32] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3806913(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 49 (3748.5, 229.5, 1568.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 7) generated (21 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -264, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -263, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -264, -2402) [09:09 15:29:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -265, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3811175 [09:09 15:29:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -265, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -264, -2401) [09:09 15:29:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -265, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -262, -2399) [09:09 15:29:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -262, -2398) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:29:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -261, -2397) [09:09 15:29:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -263, -2397) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -263, -2399) [09:09 15:29:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5171, -263, -2396) [09:09 15:29:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -75 (5170, -263, -2396) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:29:47] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807162(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 51 (3798.5, 231.28, 1650.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 49 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! WorldPart (8, 6) generated (29 ms) [09:09 15:29:50] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807163(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 51 (3806.5, 231.09, 1642.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:02] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807189(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 51 (3820.5, 225.94, 1634.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:30:06] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807190(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 51 (3836.5, 226.97, 1642.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:11] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807336(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 51 (3850.5, 230.22, 1656.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:30:13] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811893(type: 701, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151.5, -279.85, -2399.52) Player Kesselia placed object element sign2 (ID: 3811893) [09:09 15:30:13] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807338(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 51 (3858.5, 230.75, 1660.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 7) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc ram (0) at (3950.00, 238.44, 1781.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3964.00, 231.50, 1767.00) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:17] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807374(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 52 (3856.5, 235.25, 1672.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (3, 1) generated (13 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:30:22] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811929(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151.31, -279.48, -2400.42) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3811929) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) Object walltorch (3811929) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:27] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807619(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 53 (3856.5, 249.44, 1724.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1063 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 3) generated (41 ms) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (3943.00, 244.50, 1916.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (3957.00, 243.50, 1888.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (3964.00, 243.28, 1895.00) Spawn npc chicken (2) at (3936.00, 244.50, 1909.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3808.00, 242.81, 1980.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3815.00, 242.50, 1980.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3822.00, 243.31, 1952.00) Spawn npc zebra (1) at (3808.00, 243.94, 1966.00) Spawn npc zebra (1) at (3822.00, 242.50, 1973.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (76561198191018286) updated text 3811893: 14th Deck -280 [09:09 15:30:46] SetText: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3811893(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) '14th Deck -280' @ chunk 160 -5 -75 (5151.5, -279.85, -2399.52) [09:09 15:30:46] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808095(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 57 (3822.5, 255.5, 1842.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -283, -2404) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:30:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:30:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -283, -2406) [09:09 15:30:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -280, -2408) [09:09 15:30:50] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808094(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 57 (3816.5, 255.5, 1850.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:30:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -282, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -282, -2408) [09:09 15:30:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -284, -2406) [09:09 15:30:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2406) [09:09 15:30:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -283, -2404) [09:09 15:30:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -284, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2406) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [09:09 15:30:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -281, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -280, -2405) [09:09 15:30:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -280, -2406) [09:09 15:30:54] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808858(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 58 (3834.5, 255.5, 1870.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -285, -2404) [09:09 15:30:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -286, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -283, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2404) [DB] Saved 60 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:30:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2409) [09:09 15:30:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -281, -2410) [09:09 15:31:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -283, -2407) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:31:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2408) [09:09 15:31:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2409) [09:09 15:31:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2410) [09:09 15:31:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2410) [09:09 15:31:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2411) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:31:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2412) [09:09 15:31:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -282, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -282, -2408) [09:09 15:31:03] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809373(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 58 (3840.5, 256, 1874.5) [09:09 15:31:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2409) [09:09 15:31:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2410) [09:09 15:31:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2411) [09:09 15:31:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -282, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -283, -2408) [09:09 15:31:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -284, -2409) [09:09 15:31:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -284, -2411) [09:09 15:31:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2412) [09:09 15:31:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -284, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -283, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:09] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808857(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 58 (3814.5, 255.5, 1876.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:13] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3812553(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -284.5, -2402.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:13] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3812554(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -284.5, -2402.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3812555(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -285.5, -2403.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3812556(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -285.5, -2403.5) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1083 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:31] neobohemian: so far, so good [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:37] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807869(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3772.5, 255.5, 1866.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 58 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:31:48] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807867(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3768.5, 255.5, 1872.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [09:09 15:31:54] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807867(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3768.5, 255.5, 1872.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3792625 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3812692) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 45 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:09] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807863(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3752.5, 255.5, 1884.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -218, -2429) [09:09 15:32:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -218, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -221, -2428) [09:09 15:32:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -220, -2428) [09:09 15:32:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -220, -2429) [09:09 15:32:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -220, -2428) [09:09 15:32:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -219, -2427) [09:09 15:32:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -219, -2426) [09:09 15:32:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5171, -221, -2426) [09:09 15:32:16] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807878(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 58 (3738.5, 255.5, 1870.5) [09:09 15:32:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -221, -2425) [09:09 15:32:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -220, -2426) [09:09 15:32:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -221, -2427) [09:09 15:32:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -222, -2428) [09:09 15:32:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -222, -2429) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5169, -223, -2428) [09:09 15:32:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -222, -2427) [09:09 15:32:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -223, -2426) [09:09 15:32:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -220, -2425) [09:09 15:32:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -219, -2426) [09:09 15:32:19] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807880(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 58 (3740.5, 255.5, 1860.5) [09:09 15:32:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -218, -2426) [09:09 15:32:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -219, -2424) [09:09 15:32:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -220, -2424) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -221, -2426) [09:09 15:32:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -221, -2427) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -220, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -219, -2428) [09:09 15:32:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -218, -2426) [09:09 15:32:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -219, -2424) [09:09 15:32:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -220, -2424) [09:09 15:32:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -221, -2427) [09:09 15:32:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -221, -2426) [09:09 15:32:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -220, -2425) [09:09 15:32:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -221, -2424) [09:09 15:32:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -222, -2423) [09:09 15:32:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -221, -2425) [09:09 15:32:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -222, -2425) [09:09 15:32:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -223, -2424) [09:09 15:32:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -224, -2424) [09:09 15:32:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -221, -2424) [09:09 15:32:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -220, -2425) [09:09 15:32:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -219, -2426) [09:09 15:32:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -218, -2427) [09:09 15:32:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -218, -2428) [09:09 15:32:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -219, -2428) [09:09 15:32:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -220, -2427) [09:09 15:32:27] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807862(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3748.5, 256, 1862.5) [09:09 15:32:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -220, -2425) [09:09 15:32:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -220, -2424) [09:09 15:32:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -222, -2424) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -222, -2425) [09:09 15:32:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -221, -2427) [09:09 15:32:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -220, -2428) [09:09 15:32:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -221, -2429) [09:09 15:32:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -222, -2428) [DB] Saved 1069 npcs in database (2 ms) [09:09 15:32:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -222, -2427) [09:09 15:32:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -223, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:30] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807803(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3750.5, 255.5, 1854.5) [09:09 15:32:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -224, -2424) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:32:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -223, -2426) [09:09 15:32:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -223, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -220, -2424) [09:09 15:32:33] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807806(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3758.5, 255.5, 1850.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -219, -2425) [09:09 15:32:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -219, -2426) [09:09 15:32:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -218, -2427) [09:09 15:32:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -221, -2425) [09:09 15:32:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -222, -2424) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -221, -2426) [09:09 15:32:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -221, -2428) [09:09 15:32:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -221, -2429) [09:09 15:32:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -222, -2427) [09:09 15:32:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -223, -2426) [09:09 15:32:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -224, -2425) [09:09 15:32:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -224, -2426) [09:09 15:32:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -223, -2428) [09:09 15:32:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -223, -2429) [09:09 15:32:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -223, -2428) [09:09 15:32:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -223, -2428) [09:09 15:32:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -224, -2426) [09:09 15:32:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -225, -2427) [09:09 15:32:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -224, -2427) [09:09 15:32:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -223, -2428) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5170, -223, -2429) [09:09 15:32:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -224, -2427) [09:09 15:32:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -223, -2426) [09:09 15:32:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -224, -2429) [09:09 15:32:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -223, -2430) [09:09 15:32:41] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807807(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3762.5, 255.5, 1840.5) [09:09 15:32:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -222, -2430) [09:09 15:32:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -221, -2430) [09:09 15:32:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -220, -2430) [09:09 15:32:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -220, -2430) [09:09 15:32:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -218, -2429) [09:09 15:32:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -219, -2428) [09:09 15:32:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -220, -2429) [09:09 15:32:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -220, -2430) [09:09 15:32:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -219, -2429) [09:09 15:32:44] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807804(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3754.5, 255.5, 1832.5) [09:09 15:32:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -221, -2427) [09:09 15:32:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -220, -2430) [09:09 15:32:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -221, -2430) [09:09 15:32:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -220, -2431) [09:09 15:32:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -220, -2431) [09:09 15:32:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -218, -2429) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -217, -2429) [09:09 15:32:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -218, -2429) [2024-09-09 15:32] neobohemian: They JUST DON'T like the water [09:09 15:32:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -217, -2428) [09:09 15:32:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -217, -2429) [09:09 15:32:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -217, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -218, -2431) [09:09 15:32:48] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807855(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3782.5, 255.5, 1834.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -220, -2432) [09:09 15:32:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5167, -219, -2431) [09:09 15:32:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5168, -218, -2431) [09:09 15:32:50] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807858(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3784.5, 255.5, 1832.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [09:09 15:32:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -222, -2431) [09:09 15:32:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -222, -2432) [09:09 15:32:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5164, -223, -2433) [09:09 15:32:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -224, -2431) [09:09 15:32:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -224, -2430) [09:09 15:32:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -224, -2431) [DB] Saved 63 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:32:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -223, -2432) [09:09 15:32:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5162, -224, -2433) [09:09 15:32:53] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807857(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3784.5, 255.5, 1830.5) [09:09 15:32:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -225, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5165, -225, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5164, -225, -2432) [09:09 15:32:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5163, -226, -2432) WorldPart (4, 0) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (3, 1) generated (13 ms) [09:09 15:32:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5163, -224, -2434) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5164, -224, -2434) [09:09 15:32:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5164, -225, -2435) [09:09 15:32:56] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807797(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3792.5, 255.5, 1820.5) [09:09 15:32:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5163, -226, -2435) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5162, -226, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -224, -2429) [09:09 15:32:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -224, -2430) [09:09 15:32:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5161, -224, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:32:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -224, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5165, -223, -2433) [09:09 15:33:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5166, -223, -2432) [09:09 15:33:01] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807795(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3782.5, 255.5, 1812.5) [09:09 15:33:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5165, -222, -2434) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:33:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5165, -222, -2435) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:33:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5164, -221, -2433) [09:09 15:33:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5163, -221, -2434) [09:09 15:33:02] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807794(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3780.5, 255.5, 1810.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5162, -222, -2434) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -222, -2429) [09:09 15:33:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -221, -2430) [09:09 15:33:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -223, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -222, -2428) [09:09 15:33:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -221, -2428) [09:09 15:33:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -220, -2429) [09:09 15:33:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -220, -2431) [09:09 15:33:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5160, -220, -2432) [09:09 15:33:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5160, -219, -2433) [09:09 15:33:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -219, -2431) [09:09 15:33:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5158, -219, -2432) [09:09 15:33:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5158, -219, -2430) [09:09 15:33:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5157, -219, -2430) [09:09 15:33:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5158, -221, -2430) [09:09 15:33:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5158, -221, -2431) [09:09 15:33:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5157, -221, -2432) [09:09 15:33:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5157, -222, -2430) [09:09 15:33:09] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807799(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3796.5, 255.5, 1810.5) [09:09 15:33:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5156, -223, -2430) [09:09 15:33:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -223, -2430) [09:09 15:33:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -222, -2431) [09:09 15:33:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5159, -222, -2432) [09:09 15:33:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5159, -222, -2433) [09:09 15:33:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5157, -223, -2432) [09:09 15:33:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5156, -223, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5157, -220, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:33:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5156, -220, -2434) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:33:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5156, -221, -2434) [09:09 15:33:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5156, -222, -2434) [09:09 15:33:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5157, -223, -2434) [09:09 15:33:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5157, -221, -2434) [09:09 15:33:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5158, -220, -2435) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5159, -219, -2436) [09:09 15:33:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5159, -221, -2436) [09:09 15:33:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5158, -222, -2435) [09:09 15:33:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5159, -222, -2435) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:33:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5160, -221, -2434) [09:09 15:33:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5160, -220, -2435) [09:09 15:33:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5161, -220, -2435) [09:09 15:33:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5161, -222, -2435) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (12, -8) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (52 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, -8) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (3, 2) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (49 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (28 ms) [09:09 15:33:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5161, -220, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5161, -219, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5162, -219, -2433) WorldPart (2, 1) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5160, -223, -2434) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -76 (5162, -221, -2431) [09:09 15:33:28] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807800(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3798.5, 255.5, 1794.5) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 0) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1082 npcs in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:47] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807861(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3800.5, 255.5, 1836.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 3) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (2, 2) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 3) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (7, 5) generated (45 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:33:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807861(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3800.5, 255.5, 1836.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:33:56] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3812997(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -4 -77 (5152.11, -196.03, -2432.06) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3812997) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Object walltorch (3812997) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 3) generated (30 ms) Spawn 4 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (3812993) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc cow (1) at (2030.00, 169.41, 1504.00) Spawn npc bull (1) at (2037.00, 168.69, 1504.00) Spawn npc fox (0) at (1888.00, 95.53, 1532.00) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 4) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (3, 4) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -182, -2412) [09:09 15:34:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -182, -2411) [09:09 15:34:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5148, -182, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5148, -181, -2412) [09:09 15:34:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -183, -2412) [09:09 15:34:14] RemoveVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3790966(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 44 (1974.5, 142.38, 1436.5) [09:09 15:34:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -183, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:15] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 2812733(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 98 (3856.5, 97.5, 3158.5) [09:09 15:34:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -181, -2410) [09:09 15:34:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5148, -180, -2410) [09:09 15:34:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -181, -2412) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -181, -2414) [09:09 15:34:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -182, -2412) [09:09 15:34:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -182, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -183, -2412) [09:09 15:34:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -183, -2414) [09:09 15:34:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -184, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (3813091) [09:09 15:34:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -183, -2411) [09:09 15:34:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -182, -2410) [DB] Saved 1088 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 15:34:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -180, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5144, -181, -2412) [09:09 15:34:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5144, -183, -2412) [09:09 15:34:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -181, -2411) Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (2023.00, 122.31, 1628.00) Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (2016.00, 119.25, 1614.00) [09:09 15:34:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -180, -2411) [09:09 15:34:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -179, -2410) [09:09 15:34:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -181, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -183, -2409) [09:09 15:34:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -183, -2409) [09:09 15:34:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -181, -2409) [09:09 15:34:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -181, -2408) [09:09 15:34:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5144, -182, -2411) [09:09 15:34:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5145, -184, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5146, -185, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (8, 6) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (8, 5) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5147, -184, -2410) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! Spawn npc spider (0) at (2080.00, -50.50, 1582.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 4) generated (16 ms) Spawn npc scorpion (0) at (1966.00, 101.75, 1696.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:40] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808852(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3856.5, 256, 1826.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:34:44] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 2812733(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 98 (3856.5, 97.5, 3158.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc fox (0) at (2080.00, 129.22, 1696.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -186, -2415) [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:34:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -185, -2416) [09:09 15:34:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5149, -185, -2417) WorldPart (9, 6) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (9, 5) generated (20 ms) [09:09 15:34:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -186, -2417) [09:09 15:34:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -187, -2418) [09:09 15:34:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -185, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -184, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -183, -2419) [09:09 15:34:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -182, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:34:50] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808096(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 57 (3836.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [09:09 15:34:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -185, -2420) [09:09 15:34:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -3 -76 (5150, -187, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (2144.00, 185.56, 1518.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (2140.00, -26.50, 1749.00) WorldPart (5, 3) generated (36 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2030.00, 91.84, 1799.00) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, 4) generated (37 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -5) generated (67 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (50 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787860 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3789644 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 67 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787852 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [09:09 15:35:21] DestroyVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3791821(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 65 0 51 (2108.5, 155.47, 1660.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787854 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787851 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1078 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787856 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787858 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig (0) at (2069.00, 113.13, 1909.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2062.00, 108.38, 1888.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 7) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (10, 6) generated (17 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 7) generated (12 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:35:57] PlaceVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3814106(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 120 1 98 (3856.33, 97.47, 3158.33) Player Nightowl placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3814106), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3814106), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 68 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 6) generated (31 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 5) generated (28 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc zebra (0) at (5152.00, 110.50, -2596.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (5159.00, 110.94, -2596.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (5152.00, 111.56, -2610.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (5173.00, 114.50, -2624.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (5166.00, 111.81, -2603.00) Spawn npc horse (0) at (5340.00, 147.44, -2539.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bearmale (0) at (5429.00, 140.97, 3157.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5376.00, -32.50, 3104.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, -6) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (7, -7) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (7, -6) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 4 disconnected ( [15:36:29] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [15:36:29] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [15:36:29] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198133853136, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198133853136 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:36:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3832.62, 255.71, 1818.83) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3814115 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1078 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (2204.00, -58.50, 1870.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3813173 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3814259 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 4) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 4) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:37:04] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3814309(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3836.33, 256.54, 1815.6) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 3814309) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:37:06] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 2813012(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 97 (3852.5, 92.56, 3130.5) [2024-09-09 15:37] Kesselia: The bandits don't like the water? Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree willowoak (3814346) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:37:27] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3834.43, 255.71, 1817.15) Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:37:36] DestroyVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 2813012(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 97 (3852.5, 92.56, 3130.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:37:40] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3814444(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 120 3 56 (3841.18, 255.7, 1818.71) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 3814444) [15:37:40] CREATE NEW FURNACE 3814444 (120|3|56) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1079 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:37] neobohemian: The angry critters, I have a tree barricade that goes up to the water> [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:02] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:02] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:04] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:04] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:04] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3837.17, 255.71, 1817.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:38] Kesselia: Ah. Gotchya. [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:38] neobohemian: hey will try to find a way at me but stop at the water [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:38:34] PlaceVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3814453(type: 542, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 120 1 97 (3852.37, 92.82, 3130.86) Player Nightowl placed growable plant willowoak_sapling (ID: 3814453), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant willowoak_sapling (3814453), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:38] neobohemian: HEY [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 51 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:38] Kesselia: I've only seen bandits once on this or any seed, so I'm naive to their tactics. WorldPart (10, -6) generated (55 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:38] neobohemian: THEY [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:58] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.1, 107.01, -2449.45) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:59] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.1, 107.01, -2449.45) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:38:59] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.1, 107.01, -2449.45) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1104 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:39] neobohemian: Hoping to roust up some barbarians to test them too [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:39:21] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519406(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5129, 105.32, -2425) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:39:23] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519406(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5129, 105.32, -2425) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3814454) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 4) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (3, 4) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (2, 4) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (2, 3) generated (9 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:39:42] PlaceVegetation: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3814555(type: 542, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 120 1 97 (3841.48, 91.05, 3135.47) Player Nightowl placed growable plant willowoak_sapling (ID: 3814555), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant willowoak_sapling (3814555), growth time: 7000 [09:09 15:39:43] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807860(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3796.5, 255.5, 1844.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 3) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 53 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (2005.00, 92.28, 2005.00) Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (2005.00, 92.22, 1998.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:39:50] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519419(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107.19, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 4) generated (33 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [09:09 15:39:52] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519419(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107.19, -2414) Spawn npc spider (0) at (2165.00, -56.50, 2005.00) [09:09 15:39:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807856(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3782.5, 255.5, 1844.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree spruce (3814775) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:02] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807856(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 57 (3782.5, 255.5, 1844.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:04] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519420(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5167, 107.46, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:06] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519420(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5167, 107.46, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree spruce (3815484) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1105 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3815476) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:40:13] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3807.15, 92.71, 3102.68) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:19] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519417(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5158, 107.05, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:20] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519417(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5158, 107.05, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:40:22] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3807.15, 92.71, 3102.68) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree spruce (3815501) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:40] neobohemian: Gets pretty sketchy at night when you only have a campsite [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:31] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517797(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107.24, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 15:40:33] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807801(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3748.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 59 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:40:35] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517797(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107.24, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815508) [09:09 15:40:38] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807801(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 57 (3748.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3815509) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3815475 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 5) generated (54 ms) [2024-09-09 15:40] Kesselia: I'm in the desert, so my bandits will be different. We should compare notes. [09:09 15:40:59] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807391(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 56 (3730.5, 253, 1808.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:02] RemoveVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3792017(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 53 (1966.5, 95.5, 1720.5) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:41:07] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807630(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 56 (3762.5, 255.5, 1806.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:09] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807631(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 56 (3764.5, 255.5, 1800.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:41] Kesselia: But I haven't seen any yet. SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:17] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517799(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5173, 108, -2400) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1105 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 15:41:19] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517799(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5173, 108, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815529) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:29] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808090(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 56 (3848.5, 255.5, 1808.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:32] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517798(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5169, 107.7, -2403) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:41:34] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517798(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5169, 107.7, -2403) [09:09 15:41:35] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808090(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 56 (3848.5, 255.5, 1808.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815541) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3815540) [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:41:45] PlaceObject: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3815559(type: 160, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 97 (3804.26, 92.7, 3104.77) Player Nightowl placed object element woodenbarrel (ID: 3815559) [15:41:45] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3815559 (118|1|97) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:41:48] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519418(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107, -2409) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3794273 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:41:50] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519418(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5163, 107, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree spruce (3815560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:00] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519416(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5157, 106.91, -2409) [09:09 15:42:00] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808093(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 56 (3870.5, 255.5, 1808.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:02] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519416(type: 600, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5157, 106.91, -2409) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree spruce (3815570) [DB] Saved 1093 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:14] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517796(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5159, 107.08, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:16] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517796(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5159, 107.08, -2410) [2024-09-09 15:42] neobohemian: there WAS a camp just to the North of me but I can't find them now [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815578) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:40] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517800(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -75 (5181, 108.18, -2395) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:42:43] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517800(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -75 (5181, 108.18, -2395) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815590) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 63 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 15:43:03] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517795(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5155, 107.02, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3813614 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:06] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517795(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5155, 107.02, -2413) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815602) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1086 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:21] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519415(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5151, 106.46, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:23] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519415(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5151, 106.46, -2412) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (4, 3) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815613) [09:09 15:43:26] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808856(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3868.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:35] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809865(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3908.5, 250.75, 1846.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 65 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:38] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517794(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5152, 106.88, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (3989.00, 236.50, 2005.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, 2) generated (15 ms) [09:09 15:43:41] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517794(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5152, 106.88, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815622) [09:09 15:43:44] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810070(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 58 (3920.5, 249.88, 1860.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Received map tile request 0 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:52] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810072(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 58 (3926.5, 249.03, 1856.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:55] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519414(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5151, 106.81, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:43:57] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809870(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3932.5, 246.59, 1848.5) [09:09 15:43:57] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519414(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5151, 106.81, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 3) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815634) [DB] Saved 66 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc wolf (0) at (4085.00, 149.09, 1767.00) Spawn npc wolf (0) at (4085.00, 149.84, 1774.00) [09:09 15:44:01] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810066(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 57 (3944.5, 242.53, 1850.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:07] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809869(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3932.5, 244.84, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:10] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809367(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 56 (3920.5, 247.84, 1812.5) [09:09 15:44:11] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517793(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5147, 106.13, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:16] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517793(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5147, 106.13, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:17] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809365(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 56 (3906.5, 251.28, 1812.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 3) generated (12 ms) WorldPart (2, 2) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815651) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1089 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:44:24] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809864(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3906.5, 251.72, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:26] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809863(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3904.5, 252.09, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:44:28] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809866(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3912.5, 250.59, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:31] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519413(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5146, 106, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:31] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809867(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3920.5, 248.84, 1838.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:33] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519413(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5146, 106, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815662) [09:09 15:44:38] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809868(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 57 (3924.5, 248.72, 1844.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:42] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810478(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 58 (3946.5, 243.38, 1858.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 63 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:48] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519412(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5143, 105.76, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:44:50] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519412(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5143, 105.76, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815671) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [09:09 15:44:53] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810071(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 58 (3920.5, 248.5, 1880.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [09:09 15:45:02] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517792(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5144, 105.93, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:45:03] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810069(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 58 (3910.5, 248.94, 1884.5) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [09:09 15:45:04] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517792(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5144, 105.93, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (3893.00, 222.13, 2037.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815681) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [09:09 15:45:23] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808097(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 57 (3838.5, 255.5, 1854.5) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 2 Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 2 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1102 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 2, DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606, Name: neobohemian), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3813137), Stopped: True, Info: None [09:09 15:45:35] KillNpc: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3813137(type: 130, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 1 48 (1870.3, 91.21, 1558.21) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3813137 Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 2 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:45:39] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807638(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 57 (3740.5, 255.5, 1844.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 2 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3814376) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814377) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814378) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814379) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814380) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814381) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814382) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814383) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814384) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814385) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814386) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814387) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814388) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814389) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814390) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814391) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814392) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814393) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814394) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814395) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814396) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814404) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814405) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814406) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814407) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814408) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814409) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814410) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814411) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814412) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814413) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814414) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814415) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814416) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814417) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814418) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814419) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814420) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814421) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814422) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814423) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814424) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814425) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814426) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814427) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814428) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814429) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814430) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814431) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814432) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814433) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814434) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814435) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814436) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814437) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814438) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814439) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814440) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814441) from meta object 3396000 Remove item ironingot (3814442) from meta object 3396000 WorldPart (7, 5) generated (43 ms) [09:09 15:45:46] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807636(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 57 (3738.5, 255.5, 1852.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 55 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 2) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 1 -> 0 Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 1 -> 0 Player Kesselia sets secondary spawn point (object: 3396063 @ 160 1 -77) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (52 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (3814451) from meta object 3814444 [DB] Saved 53 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3814445) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814446) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814447) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814448) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814449) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814450) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3814452) from meta object 3814444 SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:46] Nightowl: Are we sleeping orworking through the night? [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:30] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:30] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:31] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:32] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:32] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:32] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:32] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:33] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:33] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [2024-09-09 15:46] neobohemian: Mmmmm, RHINO, it's the New White Meat! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:46:36] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1101 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:46] Kesselia: I'm okay to do either. [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 1) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 1) generated (12 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:47] Nightowl: Same [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 15:47:04] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517791(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5141, 105.7, -2421) [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:47:06] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517791(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5141, 105.7, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815759) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:13] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:15] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:47:20] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519411(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5139, 105.7, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 0) generated (5 ms) [09:09 15:47:22] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519411(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5139, 105.7, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! WorldPart (3, 0) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815770) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:25] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.15, 255.71, 1817.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:47:35] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519410(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5139, 105.78, -2426) WorldPart (4, 2) generated (22 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:47:37] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519410(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5139, 105.78, -2426) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815779) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:40] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3806.63, 92.71, 3102.84) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 1) generated (13 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:47:45] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3815788(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829.77, 255.84, 1820.02) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 3815788) Player Littlelamb sets secondary spawn point (object: 3815788 @ 119 3 56) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1092 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:47:55] CraftItem: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 118 1 96 (3806.63, 92.71, 3102.84) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:48] Littlelamb: sleeping [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 5) generated (44 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Nightowl sets secondary spawn point (object: 3209230 @ 119 1 97) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 1 -> 0 Player Kesselia sets secondary spawn point (object: 3396063 @ 160 1 -77) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:48] Kesselia: ZZZZZZZZZ [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [2024-09-09 15:48] Nightowl: Ok Zzz [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (62 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Player neobohemian sets secondary spawn point (object: 520056 @ 67 1 29) Skip night (server) 583 ingame minutes skipped... Delete growing plant 3638951 (200) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 39 npcs in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:48:45] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517790(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5137, 105.7, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:48:48] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517790(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5137, 105.7, -2423) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815789) [2024-09-09 15:48] Littlelamb: ty all i have only just started my claim SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [2024-09-09 15:48] neobohemian: No one should sleep alone... [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1086 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [2024-09-09 15:49] Kesselia: lol. I have my cats, so I'm never alone. [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:49:14] PlaceObject: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: 3815808(type: 150, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 119 1 96 (3811.43, 93.15, 3093.94) Player Nightowl placed object element chest1 (ID: 3815808) [15:49:14] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3815808 (119|1|96) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (1 ms) [09:09 15:49:15] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519409(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5136, 105.7, -2421) Object chest1 (3815808) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:49:19] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519409(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5136, 105.7, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815809) [DB] Saved 59 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 15:49] neobohemian: indeed SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:49:34] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519408(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5132, 105.7, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:49:37] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519408(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5132, 105.7, -2422) Object chest1 (3815808) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815818) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1084 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:49:49] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519407(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5132, 105.7, -2426) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 15:49:52] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519407(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5132, 105.7, -2426) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... Object chest1 (3215169) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3815827) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:50] Littlelamb: i have my hubby 2cats and a bearded dragon so i also am not alone [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [09:09 15:50:01] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517789(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5133, 105.7, -2425) SERVER: Despawn 2 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:50:04] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517789(type: 620, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -76 (5133, 105.7, -2425) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree spruceforest (3815836) [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:50:20] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517345(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5145, 106.14, -2433) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [09:09 15:50:22] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517345(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5145, 106.14, -2433) Remove item ironore (3815804) from meta object 3814444 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3815847) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:50:37] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517344(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5140, 106.13, -2434) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:50:39] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517344(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5140, 106.13, -2434) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3815856) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:50:51] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517343(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5136, 106.13, -2434) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:50:53] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517343(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5136, 106.13, -2434) [DB] Saved 1083 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3815865) Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:51:08] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517342(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5132, 106.09, -2434) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:51:09] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517342(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5132, 106.09, -2434) [2024-09-09 15:51] neobohemian: tbh I was gonna check on skellie activity but I'm pretty sure I'm safe SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3815874) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:51:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.38, 255.71, 1819.13) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:51:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.38, 255.71, 1819.13) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:51:23] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519405(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5125, 105.31, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3815882) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:51:29] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3815889(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 120 3 57 (3840.17, 255.7, 1825.06) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 3815889) [15:51:29] CREATE NEW FURNACE 3815889 (120|3|57) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:51:30] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519405(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5125, 105.31, -2433) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:51:35] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517346(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5127, 106.06, -2438) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:51:36] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517346(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5127, 106.06, -2438) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree willowoak (3815891) [DB] Saved 52 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 15:51:45] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3815899(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 120 3 56 (3840.35, 255.7, 1812.48) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 3815899) [15:51:45] CREATE NEW FURNACE 3815899 (120|3|56) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:51] neobohemian: yeah but none of them can make the sunrise [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 15:52] Kesselia: As soon as I reach sulfur, I'll be able to hunt them down too. SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1088 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 15:52:05] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519403(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5124, 106, -2441) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:07] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519403(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5124, 106, -2441) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3815916) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (6, -6) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (28 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, -7) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (7, -4) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (7, -6) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (6, -4) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (6, -5) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:52:20] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519404(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105, -2438) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:23] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519404(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105, -2438) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3816117) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 67 npcs in database (0 ms) Object chest1 (3215169) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:32] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519402(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5121, 105.8, -2444) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakburned (1819291) from meta object 519882 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:34] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519402(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5121, 105.8, -2444) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakburned (1819292) from meta object 519882 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3816126) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakburned (1819293) from meta object 519882 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 5) generated (42 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:44] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:45] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519401(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105.32, -2451) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 15:52:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.03, 255.71, 1818.42) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:52:48] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519401(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105.32, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3816136) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3793904) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:53:01] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519400(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105.87, -2457) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:53:03] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519400(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5118, 105.87, -2457) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (54 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3816146) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1090 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -8) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (52 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:53:14] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519399(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5116, 106.08, -2462) [09:09 15:53:14] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808851(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3844.5, 255.5, 1848.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:53:16] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519399(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 159 1 -77 (5116, 106.08, -2462) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3816552) [09:09 15:53:20] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808851(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3844.5, 255.5, 1848.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3816553) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3793904) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 55 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item aluminiumingot (3815699) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815700) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815701) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815702) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815703) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815704) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815705) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815706) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815707) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815708) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815709) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815710) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815711) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815712) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815713) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815714) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815715) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815716) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815717) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815718) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815719) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815720) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815721) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815722) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815723) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815724) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815725) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815726) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815727) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815728) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815729) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815730) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815731) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815732) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815733) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815734) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815735) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815736) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815737) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815738) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815739) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815740) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815741) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815742) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815743) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815744) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815745) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815746) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815747) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815748) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815749) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815750) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815751) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815752) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815753) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815754) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815755) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815756) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815757) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3815758) from meta object 3396000 Object chest1 (3215169) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object chest1 (3215169) change status 1 -> 0 [2024-09-09 15:53] neobohemian: apparently, I left meat on the spit last time I was here, maybe charcoal is good for my teeth? Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [ENET SERVER] Client 4 connect ( [15:53:44] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CONNECTED ( [15:53:44] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [15:53:44] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (waltup369er, 76561198337454361, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 15:53:44:058 - 76561198337454361 waltup369er [20, 0, 0, 0, 249, 34, 250, 92, 15, 183, 240, 181, 25, 113, 123, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 85, 95, 222, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 239, 78, 79, 91, 191, 105, 138, 180, 95, 79, 21, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 25, 113, 123, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 22, 224, 168, 66, 50, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 117, 28, 217, 102, 245, 203, 244, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 169, 131, 91, 116, 123, 64, 165, 136, 31, 85, 98, 236, 1, 33, 89, 27, 124, 3, 14, 83, 189, 63, 28, 129, 98, 95, 189, 60, 141, 75, 18, 128, 122, 75, 157, 88, 251, 3, 4, 90, 63, 64, 9, 190, 21, 151, 190, 130, 87, 18, 128, 74, 156, 210, 149, 62, 237, 248, 127, 236, 254, 151, 97, 16, 122, 146, 192, 103, 13, 175, 72, 53, 136, 156, 166, 87, 197, 102, 196, 4, 189, 224, 200, 79, 169, 75, 104, 167, 15, 112, 26, 129, 76, 71, 190, 184, 212, 226, 55, 199, 249, 109, 180, 116, 251, 135, 66, 196, 56, 245, 254, 130, 148, 253, 72, 234, 241, 158, 178, 30, 233, 202, 243, 104, 31, 190, 40, 207] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198337454361): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [15:53:44] Client 4 (76561198337454361) fully authenticated! 15:53:44:146 - PLAYER CONNECT: waltup369er (ID: 4) DB: Create new player (76561198337454361) Loaded 0 item stats from database Create new inventory for player 22 Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 4 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1155 -> serialized 1155 npcs (1155) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (29 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198337454361) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK WorldPart (7, 1) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (8, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (7, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (7, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (6, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (6, -1) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 4) generated (46 ms) WorldPart (6, -2) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (6, 5) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (5, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (5, -1) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, 5) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (5, 4) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (5, 3) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (5, -2) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (4, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (4, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (4, -2) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (4, 5) generated (49 ms) WorldPart (4, 4) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (3, 0) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (3, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (2, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (2, 1) generated (5 ms) Player waltup369er (4) spawned at (2816.50, 99.06, 992.50)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:53:49] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808853(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3858.5, 255.5, 1842.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 2) generated (23 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:53:54] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808853(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3858.5, 255.5, 1842.5) WorldPart (4, 1) generated (13 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 44 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3820649) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (5, 1) generated (17 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 2) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, -1) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1089 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:54:25] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808854(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3864.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 7 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:54:30] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808854(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 57 (3864.5, 255.5, 1828.5) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:54:33] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 4141(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2760.5, 97.22, 1082.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3822194) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:54:43] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 4141(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2760.5, 97.22, 1082.5) Delete growing plant 4141 (551) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (3823655) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:54:52] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809369(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 57 (3876.5, 255.16, 1834.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (50 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:55:00] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809369(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 57 (3876.5, 255.16, 1834.5) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:55:02] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3791076(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 87 0 35 (2808.5, 97.94, 1146.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1087 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3823661) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:55:14] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3789936(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 88 0 35 (2836.5, 110.34, 1126.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 2) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (30 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:55:19] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3789931(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 89 0 35 (2864.5, 119.09, 1126.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 0) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 59 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! WorldPart (12, -7) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (12, -8) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (11, -8) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (51 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, -6) generated (47 ms) WorldPart (13, -7) generated (36 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 1) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (6, 2) generated (32 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, -5) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (13, -4) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (12, -4) generated (48 ms) WorldPart (12, -3) generated (33 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! WorldPart (8, 3) generated (35 ms) Object tanningrack (1721773) change info 750 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (9, 2) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (9, 1) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (11, -3) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (11, -2) generated (22 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:55:50] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3791728(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 95 0 37 (3048.5, 94.31, 1202.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (1721773) change info 0 -> 747 WorldPart (8, -1) generated (6 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -2) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 67 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:55:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807792(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 55 (3830.5, 255.5, 1780.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 3) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (7, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (9, -2) generated (18 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:55:58] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3791719(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 96 0 36 (3102.5, 121.56, 1170.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 0) generated (5 ms) [09:09 15:56:06] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807626(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 55 (3796.5, 255.5, 1772.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, -2) generated (20 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:14] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807625(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 55 (3776.5, 255.41, 1768.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (520055) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1083 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:20] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3791611(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 100 0 35 (3224.5, 138.28, 1134.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (6, 1) generated (28 ms) [09:09 15:56:24] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807357(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 55 (3738.5, 249.22, 1764.5) [09:09 15:56:26] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807355(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 55 (3734.5, 249.31, 1772.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:28] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3791582(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 101 0 36 (3254.5, 137.03, 1164.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:30] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 442959(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 101 0 37 (3260.5, 137.72, 1186.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:37] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807207(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 54 (3716.5, 244.56, 1744.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 6 chunks... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:39] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807205(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 54 (3712.5, 244.09, 1742.5) [DB] Saved 76 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 3) generated (47 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 520083 (550) Delete growing plant 520084 (550) Delete growing plant 489323 (550) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (520055) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:48] KillNpc: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 2513841(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 115 3 55 (3710.84, 244.81, 1767.75) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 2513841 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:51] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826173(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2158.71, 91.28, 956.31) Player neobohemian placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3826173), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3826173), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest1 (3815808) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:58] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807358(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 55 (3740.5, 251.66, 1784.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:56:58] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826259(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2159.27, 91.41, 956.41) Player neobohemian placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3826259), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3826259), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:02] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807385(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 55 (3748.5, 252.66, 1788.5) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3516.00, 101.97, 1116.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3516.00, 92.38, 1088.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3502.00, 95.81, 1116.00) [DB] Saved 1082 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:03] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 443466(type: 205, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 107 0 38 (3448.5, 96.66, 1246.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:06] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807627(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 56 (3750.5, 254.84, 1802.5) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (33 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:07] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826405(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2159.42, 91.7, 957.14) Player neobohemian placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3826405), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3826405), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:09] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 2807684(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 108 0 38 (3480.5, 117.53, 1234.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:09] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826406(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2159.37, 91.7, 957.81) Player neobohemian placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3826406), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3826406), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:16] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807393(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 56 (3740.5, 254.41, 1808.5) WorldPart (9, -1) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:18] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826413(type: 202, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2158.42, 91.7, 958.69) Player neobohemian placed growable plant tomato_sapling (ID: 3826413), growth time: 600 Created growing plant tomato_sapling (3826413), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:20] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826414(type: 202, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2158.57, 91.7, 959.27) Player neobohemian placed growable plant tomato_sapling (ID: 3826414), growth time: 600 Created growing plant tomato_sapling (3826414), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [09:09 15:57:22] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807393(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 56 (3740.5, 254.41, 1808.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3826412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, -1) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (32 ms) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:39] KillNpc: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826343(type: 120, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 109 1 34 (3513.46, 97.01, 1101.21) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3826343 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:44] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807635(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 57 (3732.5, 255.5, 1838.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3815559) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 2) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (10, 1) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (7, -2) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (6, -2) generated (22 ms) Spawn npc deerred (0) at (3598.00, 120.69, 960.00) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:57:56] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807870(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 58 (3712.5, 254.91, 1860.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, -2) generated (18 ms) [09:09 15:58:01] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807875(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 58 (3734.5, 255.5, 1856.5) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (51 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (3680.00, 96.00, 903.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (10, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1090 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 3) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:58:20] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807866(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3762.5, 255.5, 1864.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:27] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807866(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 58 (3762.5, 255.5, 1864.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:29] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826429(type: 252, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2156.55, 90.8, 956.43) Player neobohemian placed growable plant hemp_sapling (ID: 3826429), growth time: 800 Created growing plant hemp_sapling (3826429), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:31] PlaceVegetation: neobohemian (DbID: 3, UID: 76561198131050606 element: 3826430(type: 252, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 3) @ chunk 67 1 29 (2155.9, 90.73, 956.52) Player neobohemian placed growable plant hemp_sapling (ID: 3826430), growth time: 800 Created growing plant hemp_sapling (3826430), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 68 npcs in database (0 ms) WorldPart (6, 5) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (6, 6) generated (40 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (3566.00, -117.50, 3008.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (3598.00, -113.50, 3136.00) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree willowoak (3826427) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 0 96 (3694, 62, 3101) Object chest2 (520055) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -1) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 0 96 (3693, 63, 3102) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:46] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 0 96 (3692, 63, 3103) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:50] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 64, 3106) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:58:52] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 64, 3104) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (9, -2) generated (18 ms) [09:09 15:58:54] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 64, 3104) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 15:58:59] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3693, 65, 3102) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:02] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3692, 65, 3103) Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (520055) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:07] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3694, 64, 3101) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:10] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3692, 64, 3101) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:13] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3693, 64, 3100) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3815908) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815909) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815910) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815911) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815912) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815913) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815914) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3815915) from meta object 3815889 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:18] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 65, 3105) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3815800) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815801) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815802) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815803) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815805) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815806) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815807) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3815873) from meta object 3814444 Spawn npc bear (0) at (3893.00, 103.44, 1077.00) Spawn npc bearmale (0) at (3886.00, 101.72, 1056.00) [DB] Saved 1077 npcs in database (3 ms) Object chest2 (520055) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 15:59:23] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 66, 3104) Remove item ironingot (3815906) from meta object 3815899 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3815900) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815901) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815902) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815903) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815904) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815905) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3815907) from meta object 3815899 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:26] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 67, 3106) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (520055) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:32] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3708, 67, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:34] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3708, 70, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:37] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3710, 68, 3110) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:40] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3706, 69, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (519861) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 15:59:43] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517778(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.96, -2437) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 15:59:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3704, 69, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:47] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517778(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.96, -2437) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:49] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 68, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (520055) change status 0 -> 1 Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (3826450) [09:09 15:59:52] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 70, 3109) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:54] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3702, 70, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 15:59:57] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 69, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:00] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 68, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:02] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 70, 3109) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (27 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 16:00:05] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 69, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1071 npcs in database (3 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:07] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 70, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:09] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3826515(type: 522, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160.48, 107, -2441.42) Player Kesselia placed growable plant weepingbeech_sapling (ID: 3826515), growth time: 12000 Created growing plant weepingbeech_sapling (3826515), growth time: 12000 [09:09 16:00:09] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 69, 3109) Object chest2 (520055) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:12] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 68, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:14] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 69, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:00:17] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 69, 3108) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (4149.00, 127.22, 1205.00) Spawn npc goatling (0) at (4128.00, 125.50, 1212.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (4135.00, 125.50, 1212.00) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:19] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 68, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item tungsteningot (3822149) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822150) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822151) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822152) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822153) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822154) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822155) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822156) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822158) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822159) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822160) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822161) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822162) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822163) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822164) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822165) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822166) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822167) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822168) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822169) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822170) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822171) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822172) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822173) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822174) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822175) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822176) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822177) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822178) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822179) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822180) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822181) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822182) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822183) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822184) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822185) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822186) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822187) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822188) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822189) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822190) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822191) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822192) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822193) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822195) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822196) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822197) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822198) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822199) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822200) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822201) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822202) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822203) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822204) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822205) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822206) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822207) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822208) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822209) from meta object 3396000 Remove item tungsteningot (3822210) from meta object 3396000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:21] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 67, 3109) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:26] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 69, 3108) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 2) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (11, 1) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (29 ms) [09:09 16:00:29] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 68, 3108) [DB] Saved 65 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:00:31] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 67, 3108) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc sheep (0) at (4160.00, 95.66, 1052.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (4167.00, 96.69, 1052.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (4160.00, 92.38, 1038.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, 3) generated (22 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:00:33] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826629(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3831.25, 256.76, 1811.45) Player Littlelamb placed object element workbench (ID: 3826629) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:38] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3809840(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 127 0 34 (4092.5, 93.38, 1090.5) WorldPart (10, -1) generated (5 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:39] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 66, 3108) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 16:00:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 67, 3106) [09:09 16:00:43] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3810694(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 128 0 33 (4124.5, 93.13, 1064.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:46] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 66, 3107) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:52] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3705, 68, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:00:54] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3705, 70, 3110) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, 0) generated (5 ms) [09:09 16:00:57] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3707, 69, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc wildboar (0) at (4256.00, 142.72, 1148.00) Spawn npc wildboar (0) at (4284.00, 134.84, 1134.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, -1) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:01] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3709, 70, 3110) [09:09 16:01:01] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3811317(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 129 0 32 (4158.5, 94.88, 1044.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:08] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 68, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:10] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3811536(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 130 0 32 (4184.5, 92.66, 1024.5) [09:09 16:01:10] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 68, 3111) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:12] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 67, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! WorldPart (9, -2) generated (19 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:01:15] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 67, 3110) [DB] Saved 1065 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:01:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.61, 255.71, 1812.99) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:01:18] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 67, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 2) generated (20 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:22] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 457838(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 131 0 31 (4206.5, 97.5, 996.5) [09:09 16:01:22] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 66, 3110) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 16:01:25] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 68, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc snake (0) at (4366.00, 117.69, 1045.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (4380.00, 111.56, 1045.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:27] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816908(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 132 0 31 (4244.5, 97.41, 1016.5) Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:28] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826700(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1829.5) [09:09 16:01:28] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 68, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:29] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816898(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 132 0 32 (4254.5, 96, 1024.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:31] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826759(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3825.5, 255.5, 1829.5) [09:09 16:01:32] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 66, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 7 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:36] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826770(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3834.5, 255.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:38] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 68, 3112) [DB] Saved 62 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:40] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826809(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3826.5, 255.5, 1821.5) [09:09 16:01:40] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3820638(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 134 0 32 (4298.5, 123.31, 1052.5) [09:09 16:01:41] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 67, 3111) [2024-09-09 16:01] neobohemian: BBL Happy Hinting [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:44] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826842(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc elephant (0) at (4448.00, 151.69, 1116.00) Spawn npc hare (0) at (4462.00, 94.50, 967.00) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:48] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816947(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 136 0 32 (4360.5, 119.13, 1046.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 6 chunks... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:01:50] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816949(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 136 0 32 (4372.5, 112.16, 1034.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 4) generated (26 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, -1) generated (5 ms) [09:09 16:02:00] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816926(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 137 0 31 (4398.5, 101.97, 1010.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1099 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 2 disconnected ( [16:02:03] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [16:02:03] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [16:02:03] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198131050606, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198131050606 SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! Spawn npc ram (0) at (4572.00, 117.94, 1063.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (4551.00, 116.56, 1077.00) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:05] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826939(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 256.5, 1829.5) [09:09 16:02:05] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816888(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 138 0 30 (4434.5, 105.09, 990.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, -2) generated (18 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:07] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3816890(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 138 0 30 (4442.5, 108.44, 990.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:14] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3824094(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 140 0 31 (4486.5, 113.44, 1000.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 2) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (9, 1) generated (26 ms) Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (4615.00, 100.09, 981.00) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:17] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517190(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2452) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:18] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517188(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2452) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:19] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517186(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:20] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3824298(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 141 0 31 (4530.5, 102.56, 1000.5) [09:09 16:02:20] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517187(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:21] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517174(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:22] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517172(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:02:23] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517170(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! WorldPart (12, 2) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (12, 1) generated (7 ms) [09:09 16:02:24] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517171(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -2) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 71 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:02:24] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517157(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:25] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517156(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:26] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517154(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:27] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517155(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:29] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517140(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:30] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517141(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (4679.00, 102.16, 1116.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:31] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517153(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2447) WorldPart (12, 3) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (12, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:32] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517142(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:33] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3825386(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 144 0 31 (4620.5, 104.66, 1004.5) [09:09 16:02:33] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517152(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2447) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [09:09 16:02:33] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3825389(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 144 0 31 (4622.5, 104.75, 1014.5) [09:09 16:02:34] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517143(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2446) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:35] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517151(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:35] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517144(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:36] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517150(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:37] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517145(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:38] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517149(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:39] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517146(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:40] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517148(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2447) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:41] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517147(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2446) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:42] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517162(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:43] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517163(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 16:02:44] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517165(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:45] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517164(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2449) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:45] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517178(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:46] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517179(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:47] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517182(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2451) [DB] Saved 51 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:02:48] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:48] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517180(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:49] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517177(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:50] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517181(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2451) [09:09 16:02:50] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (70 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:51] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517176(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:52] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517183(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:53] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 67, 3112) [09:09 16:02:53] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517175(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:53] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517184(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2451) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:02:54] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517173(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2450) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:55] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 67, 3110) Spawn npc pig (0) at (4796.00, 127.50, 1180.00) [09:09 16:02:55] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517185(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2451) [09:09 16:02:56] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807793(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 55 (3838.5, 255.5, 1784.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:56] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517191(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2452) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:57] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517189(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2452) [09:09 16:02:57] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 67, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:58] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517167(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:02:59] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807845(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 55 (3848.5, 254.5, 1768.5) [09:09 16:02:59] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517168(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:00] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 68, 3111) [09:09 16:03:00] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517169(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:01] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517158(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc sheep (0) at (4654.00, 123.50, 1237.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (4668.00, 123.41, 1223.00) [09:09 16:03:02] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517159(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2448) [09:09 16:03:02] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807849(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 55 (3862.5, 251.84, 1764.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:03] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517160(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2448) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:04] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517161(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2448) [09:09 16:03:04] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 68, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:04] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3517166(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2449) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:05] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807839(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 54 (3872.5, 250.59, 1750.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (2) at (4565.00, 128.00, 1205.00) Spawn npc bull (1) at (4544.00, 127.88, 1212.00) [09:09 16:03:06] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 69, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:09] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 70, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:10] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827411(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827411), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827411), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 1100 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:10] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827412(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827412), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827412), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:11] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827413(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827413), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827413), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:11] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3825928(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 148 0 35 (4752.5, 101.69, 1136.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:11] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827414(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827414), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827414), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:11] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807841(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 54 (3882.5, 249.56, 1750.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:12] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827415(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827415), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827415), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:12] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827416(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827416), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827416), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:12] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 70, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:12] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827417(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827417), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827417), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:13] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827418(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2446) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827418), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827418), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:13] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827419(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827419), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827419), growth time: 800 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:14] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827420(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827420), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827420), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:14] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808085(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 55 (3884.5, 250, 1762.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:14] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827421(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827421), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827421), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:15] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827422(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827422), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827422), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:15] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827483(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827483), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827483), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:15] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827484(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827484), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827484), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:16] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827485(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827485), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827485), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:16] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827486(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2447) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827486), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827486), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:16] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3706, 69, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:17] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827487(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827487), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827487), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:17] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827618(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827618), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827618), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:18] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827651(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827651), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827651), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:18] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827652(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827652), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827652), growth time: 800 Spawn npc snake (0) at (4917.00, 145.50, 1237.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (4896.00, 146.50, 1244.00) [09:09 16:03:19] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3705, 69, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:19] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827655(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827655), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827655), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:19] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827656(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827656), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827656), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:20] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827657(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827657), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827657), growth time: 800 WorldPart (12, 4) generated (29 ms) Storing 5 chunks... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (4796.00, 142.00, 1326.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:20] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827744(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2448) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827744), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827744), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:21] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3825968(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 149 0 37 (4796.5, 130.41, 1194.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:21] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827745(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827745), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827745), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:21] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827746(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827746), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827746), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:21] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827747(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827747), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827747), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:22] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3707, 68, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:22] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827748(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827748), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827748), growth time: 800 Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:22] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827749(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827749), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827749), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:23] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827750(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827750), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827750), growth time: 800 SERVER: Despawn 3 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:23] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827954(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827954), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827954), growth time: 800 SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:24] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827955(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2449) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827955), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827955), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:24] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826006(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 150 0 37 (4818.5, 133.31, 1200.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:24] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827956(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827956), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827956), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:25] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826008(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 150 0 37 (4826.5, 132.97, 1202.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:25] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827957(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827957), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827957), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:25] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827958(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827958), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827958), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:26] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827959(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827959), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827959), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:26] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827960(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827960), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827960), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:26] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3827961(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3827961), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3827961), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:27] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826051(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 151 0 37 (4840.5, 132.13, 1202.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:27] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828159(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828159), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828159), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:27] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828160(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2450) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828160), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828160), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:28] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 70, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:28] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828161(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828161), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828161), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:28] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828162(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828162), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828162), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:28] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826052(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 151 0 37 (4850.5, 135.16, 1210.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:29] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828163(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828163), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828163), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:29] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828164(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828164), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828164), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:30] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828165(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828165), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828165), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:30] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 70, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:31] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828166(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828166), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828166), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:31] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828167(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828167), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828167), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:31] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828344(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2451) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828344), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828344), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:32] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828345(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828345), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828345), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:32] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828346(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828346), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828346), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:33] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 69, 3112) Spawn npc bull (2) at (4999.00, 105.13, 1173.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:33] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828348(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828348), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828348), growth time: 800 Storing 6 chunks... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:33] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828349(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828349), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828349), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:34] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828350(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828350), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828350), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:34] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828545(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828545), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828545), growth time: 800 Spawn npc wildsow (0) at (5020.00, 122.44, 1301.00) Spawn npc wildboar (0) at (4992.00, 133.03, 1287.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:35] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828548(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828548), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828548), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:35] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828549(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2452) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828549), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828549), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:35] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 70, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:36] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828550(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828550), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828550), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:36] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828551(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828551), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828551), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:37] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828552(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828552), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828552), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:37] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828553(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828553), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828553), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:38] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828554(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828554), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828554), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:38] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 69, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:38] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828555(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828555), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828555), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:38] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808087(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 55 (3896.5, 249.5, 1762.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:39] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828557(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828557), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828557), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:39] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828558(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5162, 106.7, -2453) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828558), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828558), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:40] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828736(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828736), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828736), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:40] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828768(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828768), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828768), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:41] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828769(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828769), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828769), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:41] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826157(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 154 0 37 (4938.5, 140.69, 1210.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:41] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828770(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828770), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828770), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:42] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828771(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828771), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828771), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:42] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828772(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828772), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828772), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:42] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828773(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2454) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828773), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828773), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 66, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:43] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828774(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828774), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828774), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:43] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826158(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 154 0 37 (4950.5, 135.44, 1200.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:43] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828775(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828775), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828775), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:44] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828776(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828776), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828776), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:44] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828777(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828777), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828777), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:45] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828778(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828778), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828778), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:45] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 66, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:46] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828779(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828779), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828779), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:46] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828780(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2455) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828780), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828780), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:46] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826159(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 154 0 37 (4954.5, 133.22, 1186.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:47] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828781(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828781), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828781), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:47] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828782(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828782), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828782), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:48] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 66, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:48] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828783(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828783), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828783), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:48] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3828784(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5160, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3828784), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3828784), growth time: 800 WorldPart (11, 5) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:49] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829018(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829018), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829018), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:49] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829019(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829019), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829019), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:49] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829020(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829020), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829020), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:50] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826211(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 155 0 37 (4976.5, 128.69, 1204.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:50] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829021(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5158, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829021), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829021), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:50] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:50] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829022(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829022), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829022), growth time: 800 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:51] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829023(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5157, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829023), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829023), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:51] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829024(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829024), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829024), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:52] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829025(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5156, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829025), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829025), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:52] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829026(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2456) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829026), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829026), growth time: 800 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:53] PlaceVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3829027(type: 302, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5155, 106.7, -2457) Player Kesselia placed growable plant wheat_sapling (ID: 3829027), growth time: 800 Created growing plant wheat_sapling (3829027), growth time: 800 [09:09 16:03:53] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 66, 3111) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (3828556) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 28 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (4910.00, 151.50, 1344.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (4924.00, 152.25, 1351.00) Spawn npc piglet (0) at (4903.00, 152.44, 1358.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:03:55] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826208(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 155 0 38 (4988.5, 131.72, 1232.5) [09:09 16:03:55] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 66, 3114) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 2) generated (20 ms) [09:09 16:03:58] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 68, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:01] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 68, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:03] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 67, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (5077.00, 92.56, 1383.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5070.00, 94.84, 1383.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:04] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808089(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 55 (3902.5, 248.53, 1774.5) [09:09 16:04:05] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826310(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 157 0 39 (5030.5, 112.97, 1270.5) [09:09 16:04:05] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:04:09] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 66, 3115) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 16:04:11] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 66, 3115) Spawn npc wildsow (0) at (4960.00, 122.53, 1454.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:12] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808841(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 55 (3906.5, 248.13, 1770.5) WorldPart (13, 3) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (13, 2) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (13, 1) generated (7 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [09:09 16:04:14] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 67, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 2 connect ( [16:04:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CONNECTED ( [16:04:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [16:04:15] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (temerenon, 76561199133254936, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 16:04:15:352 - 76561199133254936 temerenon [20, 0, 0, 0, 79, 155, 95, 5, 233, 46, 229, 27, 24, 101, 234, 69, 1, 0, 16, 1, 254, 124, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 106, 35, 214, 102, 152, 76, 46, 190, 54, 80, 138, 32, 33, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 24, 101, 234, 69, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 15, 110, 177, 73, 94, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 127, 126, 220, 102, 255, 45, 248, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 109, 118, 35, 227, 2, 43, 102, 196, 77, 128, 179, 130, 184, 220, 118, 226, 125, 24, 103, 102, 26, 4, 108, 53, 48, 127, 227, 225, 34, 43, 124, 135, 116, 212, 138, 169, 214, 53, 77, 190, 14, 62, 216, 14, 199, 210, 159, 49, 135, 222, 122, 53, 254, 151, 246, 228, 29, 52, 105, 38, 213, 111, 110, 177, 50, 125, 179, 159, 204, 66, 254, 11, 197, 22, 116, 73, 199, 101, 131, 110, 253, 126, 30, 47, 7, 3, 168, 125, 200, 221, 38, 238, 97, 192, 247, 30, 69, 70, 6, 152, 59, 149, 25, 141, 233, 105, 118, 137, 136, 166, 227, 114, 52, 137, 42, 152, 128, 226, 157, 139, 227, 104, 143, 124, 19, 243, 210, 83] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561199133254936): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [16:04:15] Client 2 (76561199133254936) fully authenticated! 16:04:15:424 - PLAYER CONNECT: temerenon (ID: 2) DB: Create new player (76561199133254936) Loaded 0 item stats from database Create new inventory for player 23 Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 2 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1195 -> serialized 1195 npcs (1195) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561199133254936) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:17] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 66, 3113) WorldPart (12, 5) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (5, 1) generated (13 ms) Spawn npc bull (0) at (5063.00, 104.66, 1500.00) Spawn npc calf (0) at (5070.00, 104.03, 1493.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1103 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:04:20] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808842(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 55 (3920.5, 243.13, 1760.5) Player temerenon (2) spawned at (2816.50, 99.06, 992.50)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:04:25] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 3) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (10, 3) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (5, 2) generated (23 ms) [09:09 16:04:28] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 67, 3112) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:29] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808084(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 54 (3928.5, 238.09, 1740.5) [09:09 16:04:31] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3702, 67, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:33] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3702, 68, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:04:36] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3705, 68, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:04:39] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 69, 3112) [09:09 16:04:39] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807837(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 53 (3924.5, 224.25, 1702.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:41] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807838(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 53 (3926.5, 223.09, 1698.5) [09:09 16:04:41] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3704, 68, 3113) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5063.00, -50.50, 1596.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:44] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 70, 3113) SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:04:46] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826357(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 158 0 46 (5072.5, 102.69, 1486.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:04:51] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826352(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 158 0 47 (5060.5, 96.66, 1534.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc cow (1) at (4910.00, 95.13, 1582.00) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:04:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807766(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 52 (3920.5, 220.19, 1670.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:01] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826352(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 158 0 47 (5060.5, 96.66, 1534.5) Delete growing plant 3826352 (551) [09:09 16:05:01] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 67, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:03] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807768(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 52 (3932.5, 212.44, 1668.5) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 2) generated (35 ms) [09:09 16:05:05] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807827(type: 320, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 51 (3936.5, 211.41, 1660.5) [DB] Saved 1115 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:06] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 65, 3111) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (3832154) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:09] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 65, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:11] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 65, 3107) [09:09 16:05:12] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807828(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 51 (3938.5, 210.69, 1654.5) [09:09 16:05:14] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826346(type: 503, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 158 0 48 (5060.5, 95.88, 1536.5) SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:16] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 65, 3111) [09:09 16:05:16] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808080(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 52 (3942.5, 214.72, 1676.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:05:18] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808081(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 52 (3950.5, 215.13, 1676.5) [09:09 16:05:18] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3695, 65, 3113) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:20] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 65, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:23] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 65, 3115) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:25] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 65, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 1) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:28] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 66, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:31] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808838(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 54 (3960.5, 222, 1740.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 2) generated (38 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:34] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 68, 3114) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:36] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3690, 67, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:39] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 66, 3116) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:05:40] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809364(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 55 (3966.5, 231.56, 1768.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 1) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item goldingot (3826540) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826541) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826542) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826543) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826544) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826545) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826546) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826547) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826548) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826549) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826550) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826551) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826552) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826553) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826554) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826555) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826556) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826557) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826558) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826559) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826560) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826561) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826562) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826563) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826564) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826565) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826566) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826567) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826568) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826569) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826570) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826571) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826572) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826573) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826574) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826575) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826576) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826577) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826578) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826579) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826580) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826581) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826582) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826583) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826584) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826602) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826603) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826604) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826605) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826606) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826607) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826608) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826609) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826610) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826611) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826612) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826613) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826614) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826615) from meta object 3396000 Remove item goldingot (3826616) from meta object 3396000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, 2) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (13, 4) generated (19 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 79 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [09:09 16:05:54] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809362(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 55 (3954.5, 238.5, 1784.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:01] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809362(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 55 (3954.5, 238.5, 1784.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 1) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 2) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:07] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3705, 67, 3111) Spawn npc moosebull (0) at (4359.00, 183.50, 1212.00) Spawn npc moosebull (0) at (4366.00, 182.28, 1205.00) Spawn npc moose (0) at (4380.00, 181.22, 1205.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (3833270) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc horse (1) at (4590.00, 131.31, 1312.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1115 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (1) at (4661.00, 183.13, 1404.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (4647.00, 169.81, 1376.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Received map tile request 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:16] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3706, 67, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (4743.00, 193.75, 1468.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:19] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3704, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:20] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809361(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 55 (3942.5, 242.69, 1790.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deerred (0) at (4743.00, 181.84, 1660.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:21] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3702, 68, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:22] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809359(type: 270, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 55 (3938.5, 242.84, 1790.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:24] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 68, 3113) SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, 4) generated (31 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 6) generated (23 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:26] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 69, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:27] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809366(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 56 (3912.5, 249.22, 1792.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 3) generated (35 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:29] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 68, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 4) generated (42 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:32] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 69, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:34] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808086(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 55 (3892.5, 249.5, 1760.5) [09:09 16:06:34] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 67, 3113) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 66 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:06:38] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 68, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:41] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 69, 3113) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:43] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807787(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 54 (3856.5, 250.5, 1732.5) [09:09 16:06:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 67, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 39 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:45] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807621(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 53 (3862.5, 249.16, 1724.5) [09:09 16:06:46] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 66, 3115) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, -6) generated (55 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (60 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:06:48] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3698, 66, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:06:51] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3696, 68, 3114) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [09:09 16:06:54] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807617(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 53 (3840.5, 244.38, 1698.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787857 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3787859 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:06:58] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3694, 67, 3115) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:06] temerenon: I have been gone a little while.. but now I have no home or land or inventory... so sad [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:07:01] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3693, 67, 3115) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (12, 6) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc ram (0) at (5276.00, 95.22, 1909.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (5276.00, 94.50, 1895.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (5276.00, 94.97, 1902.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:07:04] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807342(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 52 (3838.5, 238, 1678.5) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (12, -8) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (11, -8) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (10, -8) generated (51 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -9) generated (47 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 4) generated (50 ms) WorldPart (9, -9) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (36 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3831762 Spawn npc spider (0) at (5166.00, -58.50, -2681.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! Spawn npc deerred (0) at (3879.00, 107.94, 2524.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (3879.00, 153.97, 2748.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc fox (0) at (3776.00, 171.97, 2645.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, -7) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (12, -7) generated (44 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3751.00, 152.66, 2812.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (3772.00, 174.66, 2805.00) Spawn npc zebra (1) at (3772.00, 176.00, 2798.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc fox (0) at (3623.00, 113.41, 2816.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 5) generated (45 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:07] Littlelamb: did you die WorldPart (6, 6) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 6) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (5, 5) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1131 npcs in database (3 ms) Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (3445.00, 151.44, 3125.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3445.00, 162.28, 3029.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3424.00, 162.41, 3022.00) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [09:09 16:07:25] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807341(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 52 (3834.5, 232.16, 1664.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, 5) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (5390.00, 121.81, 1856.00) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:07] temerenon: did not look like it... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3835669 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (6, 7) generated (33 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 7) generated (45 ms) [09:09 16:07:32] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807191(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 51 (3838.5, 230.44, 1652.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (3349.00, 116.22, 3100.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 7) generated (32 ms) Spawn npc pig (0) at (3317.00, 171.75, 3456.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (3317.00, 173.59, 3463.00) Spawn npc piglet (0) at (3303.00, 169.56, 3456.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3125.00, 205.81, 3456.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (3132.00, 205.38, 3463.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3104.00, 213.31, 3477.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (3111.00, 211.38, 3477.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 6) generated (53 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 7) generated (34 ms) [09:09 16:07:39] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 67, 3108) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 5) generated (48 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (3029.00, 216.41, 3413.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (3008.00, 209.38, 3406.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bear (1) at (2965.00, 197.84, 3541.00) Spawn npc bear (0) at (2951.00, 193.72, 3548.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (2880.00, 181.69, 3374.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (2908.00, 185.50, 3381.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (2880.00, 181.81, 3367.00) [09:09 16:07:42] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 66, 3108) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2848.00, 119.50, 3260.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2855.00, 119.84, 3260.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2862.00, 119.53, 3232.00) Spawn npc zebra (0) at (2862.00, 120.50, 3253.00) [09:09 16:07:44] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 67, 3106) SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, 1) generated (7 ms) Spawn npc pig (0) at (5365.00, 140.03, 1973.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (5351.00, 138.94, 1980.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (5358.00, 137.22, 1952.00) Spawn npc piglet (1) at (5365.00, 137.69, 1952.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:07:47] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 65, 3106) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:07:49] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3692, 67, 3105) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:07:51] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807376(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 53 (3810.5, 245.44, 1704.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:07:54] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5151, 106, -2458) [2024-09-09 16:07] temerenon: If I did, I should have respawned in my house. [09:09 16:07:54] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807350(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 53 (3806.5, 247.5, 1722.5) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:07:58] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5151, 106, -2468) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:00] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3699, 66, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:08] temerenon: No house [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:03] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 66, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deerred (0) at (2812.00, 162.00, 3495.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! Spawn npc pig (0) at (2773.00, 126.59, 3360.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2780.00, 125.97, 3367.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (2780.00, 125.81, 3374.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (2780.00, 125.53, 3360.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:06] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3701, 66, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deerred (0) at (2663.00, 163.09, 3484.00) Spawn npc lion (0) at (2677.00, 151.50, 3381.00) Spawn npc lion (0) at (2688.00, 153.50, 3292.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 8) generated (40 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 8) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (2823.00, 182.00, 3644.00) Spawn npc shewolf (1) at (2830.00, 183.50, 3637.00) Spawn npc wolf (1) at (2844.00, 182.66, 3637.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (2574.00, 142.00, 3413.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (2567.00, 140.75, 3413.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (2574.00, 141.81, 3399.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (2574.00, 141.53, 3406.00) Spawn npc deerstag (0) at (2588.00, 165.28, 3605.00) Spawn npc deer (0) at (2588.00, 166.00, 3598.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 7) generated (25 ms) [09:09 16:08:08] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 66, 3110) WorldPart (3, 6) generated (38 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc scorpion (0) at (2485.00, 98.81, 3349.00) [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 5) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:10] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5163, 107, -2471) [09:09 16:08:10] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3706, 66, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc shewolf (1) at (2396.00, 118.16, 3420.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:11] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5162, 107, -2475) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 8) generated (21 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deerred (0) at (2464.00, 199.09, 3708.00) [09:09 16:08:12] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5162, 107, -2479) Object primitivefurnace (519861) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:13] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3708, 67, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:14] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5165, 107, -2478) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2222.00, 103.75, 3712.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2222.00, 105.94, 3733.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2236.00, 106.88, 3719.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! [09:09 16:08:15] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5168, 107, -2479) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (2, 7) generated (21 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 6) generated (23 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:16] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3709, 68, 3111) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:16] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5173, 107, -2478) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:17] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5177, 107, -2478) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:18] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5176, 106, -2474) WorldPart (2, 8) generated (21 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deerred (0) at (1920.00, 259.97, 3470.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:19] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5180, 107, -2476) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:08:19] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3711, 70, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:21] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5180, 107, -2480) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:22] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5179, 107, -2484) [09:09 16:08:22] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 116 1 97 (3712, 71, 3110) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:23] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5174, 107, -2481) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:24] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5175, 107, -2486) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [09:09 16:08:24] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 116 1 97 (3713, 70, 3109) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:25] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5174, 107, -2489) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:08:26] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5170, 107, -2487) [2024-09-09 16:08] temerenon: was there a server wipe at anytime? [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:27] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 116 1 97 (3715, 70, 3108) [09:09 16:08:27] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5169, 107, -2490) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:29] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5165, 107, -2491) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:30] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5168, 107, -2485) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 5) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3826431 Spawn npc deerred (0) at (1664.00, 220.94, 3516.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1092 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (1, 7) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (1, 6) generated (14 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (1, 8) generated (22 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:08] Littlelamb: sorry f this is a silly question are you in the right place [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:36] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3710, 70, 3106) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (5472.00, 131.50, 1902.00) Spawn npc piglet (1) at (5500.00, 122.69, 1902.00) WorldPart (2, 9) generated (30 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (1, 9) generated (28 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (0, 8) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (0, 7) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (12, 1) generated (8 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (0, 6) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:44] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3703, 67, 3113) SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:08] Kesselia: I thought they totally reset the server a couple of days ago, because of the update. [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:46] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3702, 66, 3112) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:47] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5168, 107, -2483) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:08:48] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5164, 107, -2483) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:49] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5164, 107, -2487) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:50] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5160, 107, -2486) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:52] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3700, 66, 3114) [09:09 16:08:52] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5156, 106, -2486) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:53] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5153, 107, -2486) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:54] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5155, 107, -2483) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc sheep (0) at (5600.00, 101.88, 1948.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (5600.00, 102.50, 1934.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [09:09 16:08:55] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3697, 68, 3115) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:08:55] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5155, 107, -2479) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:56] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5154, 107, -2476) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 3) generated (24 ms) [09:09 16:08:57] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5157, 107, -2474) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:08:59] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5158, 107, -2470) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:00] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5155, 106, -2468) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:01] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5157, 106, -2468) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:02] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5153, 106, -2466) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:09] Littlelamb: i do not know as i am new here this morning [09:09 16:09:03] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5155, 106, -2470) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (5685.00, 97.28, 1877.00) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (14, 4) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (14, 3) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (14, 2) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (12, 0) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, 6) generated (23 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc lioness (0) at (5710.00, 92.41, 1984.00) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [09:09 16:09:28] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826718(type: 550, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 175 0 59 (5622.5, 99.5, 1892.5) [2024-09-09 16:09] Nightowl: I think Kess is correct [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple (3867187) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:34] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5167, 107, -2494) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:35] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5162, 107, -2492) SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:36] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5159, 106, -2490) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:37] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5155, 107, -2490) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:38] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5152, 107, -2490) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:39] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5157, 106, -2494) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:40] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5161, 107, -2496) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:41] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5164, 107, -2496) [DB] Saved 1080 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:42] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826717(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 175 0 59 (5620.5, 100.81, 1898.5) [2024-09-09 16:09] temerenon: Well, I did find a place I know I lived.. but someone else is on it now... No worries... [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) [09:09 16:09:43] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 96 (3695, 66, 3103) [09:09 16:09:43] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807383(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 54 (3802.5, 253.94, 1754.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 41 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:46] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5171, 107, -2484) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, 4) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (11, 4) generated (27 ms) [09:09 16:09:49] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807384(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 54 (3804.5, 253.59, 1752.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:50] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5158, 106, -2484) Storing 7 chunks... Storing 7 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 14 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:51] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826831(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 177 0 60 (5682.5, 99.5, 1928.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:51] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5157, 106, -2480) [09:09 16:09:52] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826832(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 177 0 60 (5686.5, 98.84, 1924.5) [09:09 16:09:53] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 1 97 (3691, 65, 3105) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:53] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5152, 107, -2473) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:54] RemoveVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3826788(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 177 0 59 (5688.5, 97.72, 1912.5) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (1, 9) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:55] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5150, 107, -2480) WorldPart (2, 9) generated (30 ms) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:56] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5150, 107, -2483) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (0, 9) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (14, 5) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:09:59] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5151, 107, -2495) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 9) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 8) generated (20 ms) [09:09 16:10:00] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5154, 106, -2496) Spawn npc moose (0) at (917.00, 93.72, 4469.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:10:01] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5158, 107, -2498) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 10) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (1, 10) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 9 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 17 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (0, 10) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 142 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 27 growing plants! [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (0) at (892.00, 121.50, 4935.00) Spawn npc cow (0) at (892.00, 121.53, 4928.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:10:08] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3833.18, 255.71, 1816.14) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 11) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (1, 11) generated (19 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (0, 11) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (0) at (878.00, 95.72, 5276.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:10:12] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5181, 107, -2484) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 10) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (0) at (999.00, 159.50, 5308.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (1006.00, 166.44, 5280.00) Spawn npc bull (0) at (1013.00, 165.56, 5280.00) Spawn npc calf (0) at (999.00, 160.88, 5301.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:10:15] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5177, 107, -2499) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:10:16] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5174, 107, -2499) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 11) generated (17 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 12) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (1, 12) generated (13 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (1109.00, 148.50, 5728.00) Spawn npc piglet (0) at (1116.00, 146.97, 5749.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1116.00, 147.72, 5742.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (1116.00, 144.72, 5756.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3826452) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826459) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826460) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826461) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826462) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826463) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826464) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3826465) from meta object 3815889 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (0) at (1052.00, 106.03, 5838.00) WorldPart (0, 12) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1122 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (14, 1) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (13, 0) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:10] temerenon: Oh those dogs are mean.. [DB] Saved 84 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc elephant (0) at (1084.00, 120.28, 5973.00) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! WorldPart (3, 12) generated (14 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc hare (1) at (1205.00, 147.66, 5973.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (1) at (1120.00, 100.13, 6069.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (1141.00, 114.81, 6055.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (2, 13) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (1, 13) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (1230.00, 129.00, 6112.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (1237.00, 129.81, 6112.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 1 disconnected ( [16:11:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [16:11:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [16:11:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198191018286, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198191018286 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 13) generated (9 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:11:13] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 0 96 (3698, 62, 3102) [DB] Saved 164 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc horse (1) at (1333.00, 93.72, 6261.00) Spawn npc horse (0) at (1326.00, 95.22, 6240.00) Spawn npc foal (0) at (1340.00, 95.38, 6254.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Spawn npc elephant (0) at (1365.00, 128.28, 6133.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (1312.00, 148.50, 6044.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (1319.00, 149.28, 6044.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (1326.00, 149.75, 6016.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (1447.00, 97.75, 6236.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1454.00, 102.72, 6222.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1440.00, 109.44, 6208.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc cow (1) at (1493.00, 129.72, 6101.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (1472.00, 130.59, 6108.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (1486.00, 129.75, 6080.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (1557.00, 129.72, 6176.00) Spawn npc wolf (0) at (1564.00, 129.28, 6183.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1500.00, -6.50, 6055.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 12) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (4, 11) generated (17 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:11] Littlelamb: what dogs [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 16:11] temerenon: the new wolves... [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 26 growing plants! Spawn npc snake (0) at (1600.00, 131.41, 6076.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1101 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 13) generated (12 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:11:44] DestroyTerrain: Nightowl (DbID: 18, UID: 76561198033023740 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 18) @ chunk 115 0 96 (3704, 58, 3102) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3875608 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! WorldPart (4, 10) generated (27 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:00] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875849(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3834.5, 256.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:01] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875247(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 57 0 193 (1838.5, 107.88, 6192.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:05] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875902(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3825.5, 256.5, 1821.5) SERVER: Updated 25 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [09:09 16:12:07] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875912(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3826.5, 256.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:09] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875922(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3834.5, 257.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:12] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875247(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 57 0 193 (1838.5, 107.88, 6192.5) Delete growing plant 3875247 (551) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (3875933) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3826432 [DB] Saved 1166 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:23] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875247(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 57 0 193 (1838.5, 107.88, 6192.5) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (11, 2) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (1813.00, 130.72, 6005.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1792.00, 133.50, 6012.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1806.00, 131.84, 5984.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (1792.00, 133.44, 5998.00) Spawn npc cow (0) at (1941.00, 95.31, 6005.00) Spawn npc calf (0) at (1927.00, 99.41, 6012.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 12) generated (28 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 11) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc cow (2) at (1920.00, 99.44, 5916.00) Spawn npc calf (1) at (1927.00, 97.59, 5916.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (1934.00, 96.59, 5909.00) Spawn npc calf (0) at (1920.00, 98.28, 5895.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc snake (0) at (1792.00, 122.38, 5884.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (14, 0) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (11, 0) generated (5 ms) Spawn npc moose (0) at (1870.00, 92.50, 5760.00) Spawn npc moose (0) at (1884.00, 91.56, 5774.00) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:12:59] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875447(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 186 (1918.5, 104.84, 5954.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (12, 3) generated (19 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (12, 2) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (12, -1) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (11, -1) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:08] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875445(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 186 (1916.5, 103.84, 5966.5) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (1831.00, -50.50, 5728.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! WorldPart (5, 10) generated (37 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:20] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877007(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 257.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:21] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875609(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 183 (1952.5, 96.72, 5870.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:22] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877018(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 257.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:26] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875565(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 183 (1922.5, 99.5, 5880.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1160 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:13:34] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875511(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 183 (1904.5, 100, 5874.5) SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (15, 3) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (15, 2) generated (5 ms) Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (6094.00, 92.09, 1376.00) Spawn npc shewolf (0) at (6080.00, 92.28, 1383.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc snake (0) at (1696.00, 126.03, 5948.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (1703.00, 127.22, 5948.00) Spawn npc snake (0) at (1710.00, 124.72, 5920.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1717.00, 118.16, 5813.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (1696.00, 117.22, 5820.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1696.00, -54.50, 5788.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:46] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877247(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 257.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:48] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875517(type: 320, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 182 (1866.5, 106.38, 5846.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:13:54] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877540(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3826.5, 257.5, 1821.5) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1888.00, -39.50, 5607.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1749.00, -3.50, 5621.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (13, -1) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [09:09 16:13:57] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877552(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3834.5, 258.5, 1821.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:14:00] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877563(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3833.5, 258.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:14:03] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877594(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 258.5, 1828.5) WorldPart (4, 9) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (3, 9) generated (24 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:14:05] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877708(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3826.5, 258.5, 1821.5) SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [2024-09-09 16:14] Nightowl: BBL I have a friend on 7 days gonna go join. [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc pig (0) at (2005.00, 92.03, 5543.00) Spawn npc piglet (1) at (1998.00, 92.25, 5543.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (15, 1) generated (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ( [16:14:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Zombie) [16:14:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Zombie -> Disconnected) [16:14:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [16:14:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198033023740, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198033023740 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (15, 4) generated (9 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1174 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3877246 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! Spawn npc spider (0) at (1845.00, -12.50, 5493.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 10) generated (38 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 11) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc wildsow (0) at (2080.00, 100.84, 5493.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:57] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 20, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:14:59] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 15, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:15:01] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:15:03] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:15:04] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875775(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1928.5, 95.5, 5610.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:15:06] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 35, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.08, 255.71, 1814.27) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3878305) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:15:19] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875775(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1928.5, 95.5, 5610.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1134 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:15:48] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875774(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1924.5, 95.69, 5602.5) [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (3878327) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 24 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [16:16:16] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [16:16:16] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [16:16:16] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (lil' wolf 05, 76561199545854959, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 16:16:16:787 - 76561199545854959 lil'Wolf05 [20, 0, 0, 0, 252, 32, 15, 11, 228, 149, 125, 70, 239, 43, 130, 94, 1, 0, 16, 1, 121, 149, 219, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 37, 131, 113, 149, 205, 23, 92, 200, 92, 43, 43, 137, 4, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 239, 43, 130, 94, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 40, 103, 2, 96, 197, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 47, 218, 102, 134, 222, 245, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 129, 94, 199, 24, 199, 124, 145, 88, 194, 15, 44, 89, 21, 227, 30, 223, 30, 163, 202, 113, 30, 216, 71, 214, 184, 157, 162, 161, 66, 232, 190, 201, 200, 45, 40, 182, 193, 29, 189, 189, 7, 168, 38, 33, 226, 38, 57, 56, 148, 242, 5, 95, 152, 18, 140, 82, 18, 207, 82, 32, 198, 162, 37, 186, 11, 33, 165, 185, 162, 190, 107, 157, 10, 74, 143, 19, 241, 69, 247, 45, 87, 100, 24, 23, 154, 234, 204, 180, 175, 175, 168, 245, 39, 129, 237, 235, 56, 195, 103, 148, 62, 102, 13, 52, 54, 188, 180, 217, 227, 171, 5, 116, 14, 195, 27, 119, 5, 68, 50, 209, 230, 160, 190, 82, 207, 126, 120, 129] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561199545854959): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [16:16:16] Client 0 (76561199545854959) fully authenticated! 16:16:17:041 - PLAYER CONNECT: lil'Wolf05 (ID: 0) DB: Create new player (76561199545854959) Loaded 0 item stats from database Create new inventory for player 24 Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [16:16:17] [Java] org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "Wolf05": syntax error) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1179) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1190) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.core.DB.throwex(DB.java:1150) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._exec_utf8(Native Method) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._exec(NativeDB.java:93) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Statement.lambda$executeLargeUpdate$2(JDBC3Statement.java:128) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Statement.withConnectionTimeout(JDBC3Statement.java:454) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Statement.executeLargeUpdate(JDBC3Statement.java:115) [16:16:17] [Java] at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Statement.executeUpdate(JDBC3Statement.java:102) [16:16:17] [Java] at net.jiw.unity.runtime.database.SQLiteDatabase.executeUpdate(SQLiteDatabase.java:58) [16:16:17] [Java] at PLUGIN_CLASS_LOADER//worldprotection.WorldProtection.onPlayerConnect(WorldProtection.java:951) [16:16:17] [Java] at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104) [16:16:17] [Java] at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578) [16:16:17] [Java] at net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(PluginEventHandler.java:138) SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1332 -> serialized 1332 npcs (1332) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561199545854959) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [09:09 16:16:19] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875774(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1924.5, 95.69, 5602.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, 2) generated (23 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 9) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player lil'Wolf05 (0) spawned at (2816.50, 99.06, 992.50)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 55 growing plants! [09:09 16:16:26] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875762(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 175 (1916.5, 96.5, 5602.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:16:34] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875797(type: 205, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 174 (1942.5, 94.59, 5598.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1134 npcs in database (3 ms) WorldPart (4, 9) generated (36 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (2) at (1984.00, 137.50, 5436.00) Spawn npc cow (0) at (1984.00, 137.50, 5429.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:16:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3838.9, 255.71, 1815.4) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:16:42] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875773(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1922.5, 95.84, 5600.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 53 growing plants! Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3878731) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 54 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 103 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:16:59] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875773(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1922.5, 95.84, 5600.5) [09:09 16:16:59] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4144(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2774.5, 98.84, 1064.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (3878742) [09:09 16:17:12] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875782(type: 543, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1950.5, 94.13, 5610.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1147 npcs in database (3 ms) WorldPart (11, -1) generated (6 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:17:24] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875780(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1942.5, 94.5, 5604.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 35 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:17:32] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875780(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 175 (1942.5, 94.5, 5604.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3878751) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:17:39] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4146(type: 550, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2780.5, 100.28, 1068.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:17:42] RemoveObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3815788(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829.77, 255.84, 1820.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 11) generated (17 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple (3878759) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:17:55] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877544(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3828.5, 257.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 35 growing plants! [09:09 16:17:58] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877713(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.5, 258.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:17:59] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877712(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3828.5, 258.5, 1821.5) [09:09 16:17:59] RemoveVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4145(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2778.5, 99.53, 1080.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:00] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875767(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 175 (1952.5, 94.5, 5602.5) [09:09 16:18:00] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877545(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.5, 257.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:02] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875917(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.5, 256.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:04] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3875916(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3828.5, 256.5, 1821.5) [09:09 16:18:04] DestroyVegetation: waltup369er (DbID: 22, UID: 76561198337454361 element: 3827136(type: 950, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 194 0 44 (6230.5, 92.38, 1438.5) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3878764) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:07] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826844(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:08] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826851(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [09:09 16:18:09] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826858(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:10] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875767(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 175 (1952.5, 94.5, 5602.5) [09:09 16:18:10] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826865(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [09:09 16:18:12] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826872(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:13] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826879(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 10) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (4, 10) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (4, 9) generated (31 ms) [09:09 16:18:15] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826886(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [09:09 16:18:16] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826893(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:17] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826894(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1827.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:19] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826895(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:18:19] CraftItem: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 24) @ chunk 86 1 33 (2775.04, 99.21, 1072.94) [09:09 16:18:20] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826897(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:21] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826896(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:23] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826899(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3833.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [09:09 16:18:24] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826898(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3833.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:25] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826891(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3832.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:26] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875786(type: 533, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 174 (1956.5, 95.44, 5596.5) [09:09 16:18:27] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826892(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3832.5, 255.5, 1822.5) SERVER: Updated 35 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:29] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826889(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [09:09 16:18:29] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826890(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832.5, 255.5, 1824.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1129 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:31] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826888(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:32] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832, 255, 1826) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:18:34] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826887(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3832.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:35] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826880(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 11) generated (26 ms) [09:09 16:18:37] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826873(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1827.5) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:38] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826866(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:39] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826859(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:40] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826852(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:42] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826845(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1827.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:43] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826, 255, 1827) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:44] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826846(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3877551 [09:09 16:18:45] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826847(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:47] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826848(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1824.5) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3876904 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3878151 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:48] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826849(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3826.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:49] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826850(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3826.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:51] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826864(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3828.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [09:09 16:18:52] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826857(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3827.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 170 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:54] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826871(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [09:09 16:18:55] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829, 255, 1822) [09:09 16:18:55] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4140(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2758.5, 95.69, 1074.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:18:55] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826878(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [09:09 16:18:56] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830, 255, 1822) SERVER: Updated 35 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:18:57] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826885(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.5, 255.5, 1822.5) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree willowoak (3878867) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:02] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878874(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:02] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878875(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:03] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878876(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3830.5, 256.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object furnacebig (3396000) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:12] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878878(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3834.5, 259.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:15] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878890(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3830.5, 259.5, 1821.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 61 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:17] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878896(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3825.5, 259.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:20] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878901(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3825.5, 259.5, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:24] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878911(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3833.5, 259.5, 1829.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:30] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878922(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3834.5, 260.5, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:38] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878933(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3825.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1162 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:19:41] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878938(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3825.5, 260.5, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:19:52] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 1946741(type: 533, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 87 0 34 (2802.5, 100.88, 1088.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 9) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (1735.00, -44.50, 5500.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:02] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 1946744(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 87 0 34 (2808.5, 101, 1090.5) [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3878966) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3878964 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:19] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:19] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:19] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:19] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:21] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 1946744(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 87 0 34 (2808.5, 101, 1090.5) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:22] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:22] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.55, 255.71, 1815.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1127 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:27] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875796(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 174 (1942.5, 95, 5596.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:28] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878977(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:31] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4146(type: 550, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2780.5, 100.28, 1068.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:32] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878988(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:36] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875796(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 174 (1942.5, 95, 5596.5) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:36] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878999(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3833.5, 255.5, 1826.5) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:38] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879007(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3833.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (3878976) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:20:45] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4144(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 33 (2774.5, 98.84, 1064.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:20:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.94, 255.71, 1814.15) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:20:56] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879019(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1826.5) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:00] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826853(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [09:09 16:21:00] DestroyVegetation: lil'Wolf05 (DbID: 24, UID: 76561199545854959 element: 4128(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 86 0 34 (2766.5, 98.5, 1094.5) [09:09 16:21:01] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826860(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [09:09 16:21:03] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826867(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:04] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826874(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1826.5) WorldPart (4, 10) generated (33 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3879020) [09:09 16:21:05] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826881(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:21:07] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826882(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1825.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:07] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879029(type: 554, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 61 1 174 (1979.58, 93.2, 5589.09) Player temerenon placed growable plant apple_sapling (ID: 3879029), growth time: 8000 Created growing plant apple_sapling (3879029), growth time: 8000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:09] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826868(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:09] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829, 255, 1825) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:11] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826861(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 79 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:21:12] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826854(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:13] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826869(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [09:09 16:21:14] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826875(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:15] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830, 255, 1825) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:19] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879007(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3833.5, 255.5, 1822.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:21] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826883(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [09:09 16:21:22] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826884(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:23] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826877(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [09:09 16:21:24] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830, 255, 1823) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:25] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826876(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:31] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879031(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:32] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879032(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1131 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:36] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878875(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [09:09 16:21:37] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878876(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3830.5, 256.5, 1828.5) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:21:38] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3878874(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:41] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879033(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:42] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879034(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:42] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879035(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:43] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879036(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:44] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879037(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3831.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:44] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879038(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3830.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:21:51] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879039(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3832.46, 256.14, 1826.83) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 3879039) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:21:56] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826870(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829.5, 255.5, 1823.5) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:21:56] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 60 1 175 (1925.14, 95.42, 5611.85) [09:09 16:21:57] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826863(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3828.5, 255.5, 1823.5) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [09:09 16:21:57] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828, 255, 1825) [DB] Saved 149 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:21:59] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826862(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3828.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [09:09 16:22:00] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826855(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1824.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:22:01] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826856(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3827.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:01] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3827, 255, 1823) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:22:09] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879040(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.77, 97.54, 5603.43) Player temerenon placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 3879040) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:16] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879041(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3833.5, 260.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 75 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:22] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879042(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3832.5, 260.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:22:23] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.8, 96.75, 5606.86) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:22:28] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.8, 96.75, 5606.86) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:29] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879050(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3834.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:30] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879051(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3833.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:31] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879052(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3832.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:31] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879053(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3831.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:32] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879054(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3830.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:34] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879055(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:22:35] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.8, 96.75, 5606.86) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:36] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879056(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3828.5, 260.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:22:39] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.8, 96.75, 5606.86) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:39] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879057(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3826.5, 260.5, 1829.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:41] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879058(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 260.5, 1824.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:42] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879059(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3826.5, 259.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:46] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879059(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3826.5, 259.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:52] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879060(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 260.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:54] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879061(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 260.5, 1826.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:55] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879062(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 260.5, 1827.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:22:56] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879063(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 60 1 175 (1920.49, 96.45, 5602.8) Player temerenon placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 3879063) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:22:56] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879064(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 260.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player temerenon sets secondary spawn point (object: 3879063 @ 60 1 175) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 161 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:11] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:11] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:11] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:11] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:11] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:12] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:20] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.54, 255.71, 1812.96) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:23:38] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879364(type: 110, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829, 258, 1821.94) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitivedoor1 (ID: 3879364) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:23:50] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.26, 96.7, 5606.41) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1165 npcs in database (3 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:24:00] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.26, 96.7, 5606.41) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:24:06] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 190, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.26, 96.7, 5606.41) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3878317) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878318) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878319) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878320) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878322) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878323) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878324) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3878325) from meta object 3815889 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:24:09] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.26, 96.7, 5606.41) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (3826488) from meta object 3814444 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:24:14] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879370(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1915.93, 96.72, 5603.63) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3879370) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3826476) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826477) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826478) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826486) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826487) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826489) from meta object 3814444 Remove item ironingot (3826490) from meta object 3814444 Object standingtorch (3879370) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815899) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3826496) from meta object 3815899 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3826491) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826492) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826493) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826494) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826495) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826497) from meta object 3815899 Remove item ironingot (3826498) from meta object 3815899 SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:24:33] KillNpc: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3877986(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 1 175 (1963.87, 92.49, 5618.87) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3877986 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (4 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 9) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (3, 9) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (1966.00, -58.50, 5397.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1728.00, -43.50, 5468.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:07] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875824(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 173 (1914.5, 108.84, 5562.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:15] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875822(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 173 (1922.5, 110.09, 5554.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:15] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:15] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3879486 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:17] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) Delete growing plant 2734587 (550) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:25:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.06, 255.71, 1814.92) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (1703.00, -50.50, 5532.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:24] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879497(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3827.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:26] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875828(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 173 (1870.5, 127.88, 5540.5) Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:29] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879498(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3829.5, 255.5, 1826.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:32] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879504(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.5, 255.5, 1825.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:33] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876015(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 172 (1876.5, 129.16, 5532.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:36] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875829(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 173 (1884.5, 126.28, 5540.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:38] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879581(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3826.5, 255.5, 1823.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:42] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876010(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 172 (1888.5, 128.25, 5534.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3879495 [DB] Saved 1141 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:25:54] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875823(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 173 (1942.5, 101.47, 5562.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 10) generated (26 ms) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 3) generated (38 ms) [09:09 16:26:01] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875814(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 173 (1956.5, 98.94, 5560.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:04] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809371(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 57 (3888.5, 254.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:07] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809371(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 57 (3888.5, 254.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3879610) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:26:14] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.1, 96.7, 5605.8) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3879485 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 3) generated (30 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (2599.00, -55.50, 1749.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (2542.00, 91.88, 1600.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (2535.00, 92.50, 1621.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (2542.00, 92.00, 1607.00) [09:09 16:26:17] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808850(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 56 (3894.5, 253.59, 1822.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:19] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808849(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 56 (3894.5, 252.5, 1812.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (2446.00, -8.50, 1813.00) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:26:25] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879640(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.48, 96.21, 5611.35) Player temerenon placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 3879640) [16:26:25] CREATE NEW FURNACE 3879640 (59|1|175) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3814444) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (2) at (2606.00, 94.69, 1856.00) Spawn npc bull (1) at (2592.00, 99.41, 1870.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (2613.00, 93.94, 1856.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3879640) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:48] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879661(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3788.38, 255.7, 1806.63) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879661), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879661), growth time: 7000 SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:49] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879662(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3786.14, 255.7, 1809.31) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879662), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879662), growth time: 7000 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3879629 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:51] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879663(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3779.53, 255.7, 1807.99) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879663), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879663), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:52] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879665(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3781.5, 255.7, 1801.7) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879665), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879665), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:53] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879666(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3785.61, 255.7, 1798.93) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879666), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879666), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3879639 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:54] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879668(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 56 (3780.16, 255.7, 1795.21) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879668), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879668), growth time: 7000 SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:56] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879669(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 55 (3785.04, 255.7, 1791.17) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879669), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879669), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 1149 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:26:57] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879670(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 55 (3790.44, 255.7, 1789.27) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 3879670), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (3879670), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 36 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Received player damage event (426) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ( [16:27:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [16:27:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [16:27:07] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561199545854959, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561199545854959 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:27:09] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.24, 96.7, 5606.23) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 143 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 43 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1145 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:47] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879682(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 56 (3772.61, 255.7, 1805.67) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879682), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879682), growth time: 7000 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:48] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879683(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 56 (3766.91, 255.7, 1808.74) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879683), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879683), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:50] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879684(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 56 (3766.49, 255.7, 1799.62) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879684), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879684), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:52] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879685(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 56 (3771.46, 255.7, 1793.52) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879685), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879685), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:54] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879686(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 55 (3769.01, 255.7, 1790.56) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879686), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879686), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:56] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879687(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 55 (3775.9, 255.7, 1786.7) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879687), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879687), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:57] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879688(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 55 (3782.13, 255.7, 1783.93) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879688), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879688), growth time: 7000 SERVER: Updated 43 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:27:59] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879689(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 117 3 55 (3774.83, 255.7, 1779.2) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879689), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879689), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:28:02] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879690(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 55 (3791.35, 255.7, 1778.83) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879690), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879690), growth time: 7000 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:28:16] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807798(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3794.5, 255.5, 1796.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 35 growing plants! [09:09 16:28:20] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3807798(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 56 (3794.5, 255.5, 1796.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (3879691) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:48] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3570504 (550) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:49] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:49] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:49] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:49] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:49] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:50] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:52] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:28:52] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3836.48, 255.71, 1817.72) [DB] Saved 1147 npcs in database (4 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:29:04] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879703(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3825.49, 255.7, 1792.12) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879703), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879703), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:29:06] PlaceVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879704(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 55 (3832.34, 255.7, 1787.22) Player Littlelamb placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 3879704), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (3879704), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3570506 (550) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:29:23] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3830.51, 255.71, 1808.76) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:29:33] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879705(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3826.5, 255.5, 1822.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:29:38] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879723(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3833.5, 260.5, 1822.5) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:29:41] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879761(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3827.5, 260.5, 1822.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:29:52] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3831.43, 255.71, 1814.01) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1176 npcs in database (3 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:30:02] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879766(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3827.5, 260.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:30:05] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3879782(type: 0, tex: 150, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.5, 260.5, 1828.5) Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! Player Littlelamb sets secondary spawn point (object: 3879039 @ 119 4 57) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 16:30] temerenon: do skellies come out at night here? [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 3 disconnected ( [16:30:17] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [16:30:17] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [16:30:17] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198341802932, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198341802932 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1138 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:31:17] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1919.98, 96.57, 5605.73) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1142 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivefurnace (3879640) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (3879652) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879653) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879654) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879655) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879656) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879657) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879658) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879659) from meta object 3879640 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Object primitivefurnace (3879640) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:32:26] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.58, 96.7, 5605.77) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:32:41] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879798(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1915.57, 97.78, 5603.33) Player temerenon placed object element workbench (ID: 3879798) [DB] Saved 1153 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:32:59] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 15, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.92, 96.72, 5605.55) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:33:02] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.92, 96.72, 5605.55) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:33:05] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.92, 96.72, 5605.55) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:33:23] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875758(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 175 (1898.5, 98.41, 5602.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 78 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:33:29] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875794(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 174 (1930.5, 95.72, 5598.5) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1136 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:34:04] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.29, 96.74, 5607) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:34:13] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879799(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.62, 96.7, 5604.17) Player temerenon placed object element chest2 (ID: 3879799) [16:34:13] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3879799 (59|1|175) [DB] Saved 161 npcs in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3879799) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3879799) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 65 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:34:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 99, 5583) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:34:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 100, 5581) [09:09 16:34:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 100, 5579) [09:09 16:34:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 101, 5578) [09:09 16:34:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 101, 5578) [09:09 16:34:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 101, 5577) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1164 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:35:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 101, 5576) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 102, 5575) [09:09 16:35:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 102, 5574) [09:09 16:35:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 101, 5573) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 16:35:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 100, 5577) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 100, 5575) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 103, 5574) [09:09 16:35:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 103, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:35:31] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 103, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:35:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 103, 5572) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 104, 5571) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 102, 5571) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [09:09 16:35:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 104, 5570) [09:09 16:35:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 103, 5570) [09:09 16:35:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 105, 5570) [09:09 16:35:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 102, 5569) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1133 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:35:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 105, 5569) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 16:35:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 102, 5568) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:35:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 104, 5572) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:35:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 103, 5568) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:35:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 103, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:36:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 101, 5571) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:36:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 103, 5570) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (2 ms) SERVER: Despawn 2 world items... [09:09 16:36:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 102, 5568) [09:09 16:36:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 103, 5567) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 105, 5568) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [09:09 16:36:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 104, 5569) [09:09 16:36:13] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 103, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 103, 5575) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:36:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 100, 5576) [09:09 16:36:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 101, 5577) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 78 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:36:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 106, 5569) [09:09 16:36:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 106, 5568) [09:09 16:36:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 107, 5568) [09:09 16:36:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 107, 5568) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 106, 5569) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 106, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:36:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 101, 5568) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 16:36:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 102, 5571) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 101, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1137 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:36:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 101, 5567) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:36:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 103, 5566) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:37:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 104, 5567) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:37:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 101, 5571) [09:09 16:37:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 102, 5571) [09:09 16:37:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 103, 5572) [09:09 16:37:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 104, 5571) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:37:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 101, 5569) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:37:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 101, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:37:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 102, 5576) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3879640) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (3879790) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879791) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879792) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879793) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879794) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879795) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879796) from meta object 3879640 Remove item ironingot (3879797) from meta object 3879640 [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:37:59] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.1, 96.73, 5605.65) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1156 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:38:17] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1916.27, 96.7, 5600.8) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 156 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 61 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1166 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:39:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5581) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 16:39:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5580) [09:09 16:39:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5578) [09:09 16:39:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5577) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:40:15] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879800(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 97.5, 5581.5) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1165 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:40:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 98, 5579) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:40:25] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 98, 5578) [09:09 16:40:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 100, 5578) [09:09 16:40:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 100, 5577) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:40:31] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 100, 5576) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:40:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 100, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:40:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 98, 5583) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:40:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 99, 5582) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:40:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 98, 5579) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:40:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 97, 5577) [09:09 16:40:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5576) [09:09 16:40:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 99, 5577) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:40:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5575) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:40:59] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879801(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 97.5, 5576.5) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:41:04] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879802(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 97.5, 5581.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:41:06] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879803(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 97.5, 5576.5) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:41:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 99, 5575) [09:09 16:41:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 98, 5575) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:41:22] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 99, 5574) [09:09 16:41:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 100, 5574) [09:09 16:41:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 101, 5574) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:41:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 101, 5576) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:41:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 101, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1161 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:41:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 98, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:41:34] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 99, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:41:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 98, 5576) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:41:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 98, 5574) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:41:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5577) [09:09 16:41:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 98, 5577) [09:09 16:41:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5575) [09:09 16:41:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 101, 5575) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 89 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:42:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 98, 5573) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [09:09 16:42:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 99, 5572) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:42:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 99, 5574) [09:09 16:42:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 99, 5573) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:42:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 98, 5573) [09:09 16:42:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 100, 5574) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 16:42:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 101, 5573) [09:09 16:42:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 100, 5573) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:42:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 100, 5573) [09:09 16:42:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 99, 5574) [09:09 16:43:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 98, 5575) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 48 growing plants! [09:09 16:43:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 99, 5573) [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:43:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5573) [09:09 16:43:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5572) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:43:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 98, 5572) [09:09 16:43:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 98, 5572) [09:09 16:43:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 99, 5572) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [09:09 16:43:13] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 100, 5572) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:43:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 100, 5571) [09:09 16:43:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 100, 5569) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:43:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 99, 5571) [09:09 16:43:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 99, 5571) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 16:43:22] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 99, 5571) [09:09 16:43:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 101, 5571) [DB] Saved 1145 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 49 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:43:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 98, 5572) [09:09 16:43:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 98, 5573) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:43:53] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879804(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 97.5, 5571.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:43:56] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879805(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 97.5, 5571.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1146 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! WorldPart (3, 11) generated (17 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:01] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879806(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.5, 98.5, 5579.5) SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:03] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879810(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.5, 99.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:04] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879811(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 99.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:05] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879812(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:07] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879813(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 101.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:08] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879814(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 102.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:09] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879815(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.5, 103.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:10] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879816(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.5, 103.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:11] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879817(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907.5, 103.5, 5579.5) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:12] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879818(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906.5, 103.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:13] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879819(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 103.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [09:09 16:45:18] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879820(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906.5, 98.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:26] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879832(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.5, 103.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 47 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:40] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879838(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.5, 102.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:45:40] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879839(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907.5, 102.5, 5579.5) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1138 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:00] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879840(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 101.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:01] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879841(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 102.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:01] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879842(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5579.5) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:04] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879843(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 102.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:04] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879844(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:05] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879845(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 102.5, 5577.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:06] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879846(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5577.5) [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:07] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879847(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5576.5) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:17] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879848(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 101.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:22] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879853(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 103.5, 5578.5) SERVER: Updated 32 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:26] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879861(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 101.5, 5578.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:43] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879875(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.5, 103.5, 5576.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:45] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879876(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.5, 103.5, 5571.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1141 npcs in database (3 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:54] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879877(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 103.5, 5578.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:55] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879884(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5575.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:46:59] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879885(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 103.5, 5572.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:47:18] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879886(type: 56, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 100, 5579.94) Player temerenon placed object element doorold3 (ID: 3879886) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 45 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:47:36] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1916.59, 96.7, 5601.05) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 16:47:40] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 25, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1916.59, 96.7, 5601.05) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 52 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 97, 5587) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5587) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 97, 5586) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 98, 5587) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 97, 5586) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 97, 5585) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:47:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911, 98, 5584) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1142 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:03] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879887(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.5, 97.5, 5586.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:10] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 97, 5586) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [16:48:13] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [16:48:13] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [16:48:13] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Kesselia, 76561198191018286, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 16:48:13:951 - 76561198191018286 Kesselia [20, 0, 0, 0, 110, 10, 240, 104, 130, 92, 254, 92, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 15, 111, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 63, 166, 87, 73, 133, 212, 18, 111, 126, 1, 108, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 139, 182, 134, 76, 12, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 216, 212, 102, 185, 135, 240, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 209, 66, 245, 1, 115, 149, 98, 124, 237, 60, 166, 86, 206, 23, 237, 43, 238, 105, 78, 144, 138, 230, 192, 133, 251, 103, 191, 29, 98, 228, 71, 249, 92, 203, 201, 226, 0, 166, 194, 95, 93, 44, 233, 79, 107, 193, 33, 176, 52, 87, 247, 220, 71, 167, 163, 76, 20, 43, 243, 243, 206, 77, 243, 108, 157, 76, 5, 114, 23, 18, 57, 61, 21, 36, 102, 63, 2, 23, 185, 192, 105, 60, 241, 251, 212, 176, 88, 48, 159, 176, 55, 101, 212, 134, 50, 23, 6, 37, 172, 73, 183, 247, 55, 90, 136, 121, 217, 26, 108, 112, 19, 92, 120, 116, 74, 169, 107, 161, 123, 71, 40, 28, 106, 235, 114, 223, 174, 96] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198191018286): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [16:48:13] Client 0 (76561198191018286) fully authenticated! 16:48:13:995 - PLAYER CONNECT: Kesselia (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198191018286 exists in database Loaded 114 item stats from database Inventory for player 20 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1336 -> serialized 1336 npcs (1336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198191018286) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (9, -6) generated (59 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (52 ms) WorldPart (10, -5) generated (64 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 97, 5586) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 150 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Player Kesselia (0) spawned at (5151.29, 107.71, -2493.55)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:48:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1914, 97, 5586) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1913, 97, 5588) [09:09 16:48:38] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5147, 107, -2491) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 96, 5588) [09:09 16:48:39] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5146, 107, -2493) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:41] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5148, 107, -2488) [09:09 16:48:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 96, 5589) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:42] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5142, 106, -2491) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 97, 5589) [09:09 16:48:43] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5141, 106, -2493) SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 97, 5588) [09:09 16:48:44] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5137, 106, -2493) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:45] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5133, 106, -2492) [09:09 16:48:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 97, 5588) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:46] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5132, 106, -2489) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 98, 5587) [09:09 16:48:47] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5130, 106, -2493) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 98, 5587) [09:09 16:48:48] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5126, 106, -2494) [DB] Saved 83 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:48:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1912, 98, 5588) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:51] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5127, 106, -2483) [09:09 16:48:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 97, 5589) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:52] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5126, 106, -2479) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:48:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 97, 5589) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:54] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5123, 105, -2476) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:55] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5127, 106, -2475) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 97, 5588) [09:09 16:48:56] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5126, 106, -2471) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:57] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5124, 105, -2467) [09:09 16:48:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 97, 5588) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:58] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5121, 105, -2466) [09:09 16:48:58] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3773046(type: 970, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 159 0 -78 (5100.5, 104.41, -2467.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:48:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 97, 5589) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:48:59] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5129, 106, -2468) [09:09 16:49:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 97, 5589) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:01] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5130, 106, -2467) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:02] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5134, 106, -2467) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:03] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3376259(type: 57, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 160 0 -78 (5138.5, 106.66, -2467.5) [09:09 16:49:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 97, 5589) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:04] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5139, 105, -2469) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:49:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 97, 5589) [09:09 16:49:05] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5140, 105, -2467) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:06] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5144, 106, -2468) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:07] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5144, 106, -2466) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:08] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5148, 106, -2467) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:10] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5137, 106, -2466) [DB] Saved 1131 npcs in database (4 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:12] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5136, 106, -2475) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [09:09 16:49:13] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5136, 106, -2479) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:14] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5131, 106, -2478) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:15] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5131, 106, -2481) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:16] DestroyVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3376256(type: 120, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 160 0 -78 (5130.5, 106.5, -2473.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:17] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5130, 106, -2474) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:19] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -78 (5139, 106, -2473) [09:09 16:49:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 101, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:49:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 101, 5574) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 16:49:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 101, 5573) [09:09 16:49:25] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 102, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 102, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 102, 5572) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 46 growing plants! [DB] Saved 174 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 98, 5571) [09:09 16:49:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 100, 5571) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 51 growing plants! [09:09 16:49:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 100, 5577) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 100, 5578) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 101, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 101, 5572) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:49:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 102, 5570) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 71 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:49:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 101, 5569) [09:09 16:49:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 101, 5568) [09:09 16:50:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 99, 5570) SERVER: Updated 59 growing plants! [09:09 16:50:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 99, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:50:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 98, 5570) [09:09 16:50:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 99, 5570) [09:09 16:50:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 98, 5570) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:50:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 99, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:50:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 98, 5569) SERVER: Updated 50 growing plants! [09:09 16:50:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5569) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, -9) generated (48 ms) WorldPart (9, -8) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (8, -8) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -8) generated (27 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:50:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 98, 5569) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! WorldPart (6, -6) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (7, -7) generated (31 ms) [09:09 16:50:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 99, 5571) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:50:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 101, 5571) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:50:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 101, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:50:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 99, 5574) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:50:34] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 101, 5574) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:50:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 100, 5575) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:50:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 100, 5576) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:50:55] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879640(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1918.48, 96.21, 5611.35) DELETE META OBJECT: 3879640 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:51:02] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879370(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1915.93, 96.72, 5603.63) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1136 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:51:07] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879798(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1915.57, 97.78, 5603.33) Object chest2 (3879799) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3879799) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:17] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879799(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.62, 96.7, 5604.17) [16:51:17] DELETE STORAGE: 3879799 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:20] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5176, 107, -2504) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:21] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5172, 107, -2507) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:51:22] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5176, 107, -2509) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:23] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5181, 107, -2504) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:24] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5180, 108, -2509) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:25] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5179, 108, -2514) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:27] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -79 (5179, 109, -2520) [09:09 16:51:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 99, 5576) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:51:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 99, 5574) [09:09 16:51:31] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 98, 5571) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:51:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 98, 5570) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:51:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 100, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 100, 5572) [09:09 16:51:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 100, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 98, 5575) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 16:51:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 101, 5574) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:51:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 102, 5574) [09:09 16:51:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 101, 5572) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:51:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 101, 5571) WorldPart (13, -6) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (13, -7) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (12, -7) generated (42 ms) [09:09 16:51:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 101, 5569) [DB] Saved 84 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:03] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880789(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899.5, 97.5, 5571.5) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:06] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880791(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899.5, 97.5, 5576.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:12] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5173, 107, -2468) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:13] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5169, 107, -2470) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 102, 5575) [09:09 16:52:14] RemoveGrass: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -78 (5168, 106, -2474) [DB] Saved 1140 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 16:52:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 102, 5574) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:52:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 102, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item aluminiumingot (3832715) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3832716) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3832717) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3832718) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3832719) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3832892) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833079) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833246) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833247) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833248) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833249) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833250) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833251) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833252) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833253) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833254) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833255) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833256) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833257) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833258) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833259) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833260) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833261) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833262) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833263) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833264) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833265) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833266) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833267) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833268) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833269) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833271) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833272) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833273) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833274) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833275) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833276) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833277) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833278) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833279) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833280) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833281) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833282) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833283) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833284) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833285) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833286) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833287) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833288) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833289) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833290) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833291) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833292) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833293) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833294) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833295) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833296) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833297) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833298) from meta object 3396000 Remove item aluminiumingot (3833299) from meta object 3396000 Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:34] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 103, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:52:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 103, 5575) [09:09 16:52:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 102, 5577) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:52:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 102, 5576) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:52:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 103, 5576) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 16:52:51] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879063(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 60 1 175 (1920.49, 96.45, 5602.8) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 80 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:53:11] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880796(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900.85, 98.14, 5574.37) Player temerenon placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 3880796) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player temerenon sets secondary spawn point (object: 3880796 @ 59 1 174) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1159 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:30] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880799(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 102.5, 5572.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:33] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880800(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 101.5, 5572.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 102, 5569) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 99, 5569) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903, 99, 5568) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 98, 5568) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:53:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 98, 5567) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:53:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 98, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:53:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 100, 5568) [09:09 16:54:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 100, 5567) [09:09 16:54:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 101, 5567) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 101, 5567) [09:09 16:54:06] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 100, 5566) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:08] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 99, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:10] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 98, 5567) [DB] Saved 66 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 98, 5567) [09:09 16:54:13] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 99, 5566) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 16:54:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 100, 5565) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 101, 5567) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 99, 5567) [09:09 16:54:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 98, 5567) [09:09 16:54:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 98, 5568) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:54:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1907, 99, 5568) [09:09 16:54:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908, 99, 5568) [09:09 16:54:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 98, 5568) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:31] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 98, 5569) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911, 98, 5571) [DB] Saved 1158 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:54:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 98, 5568) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 100, 5570) [09:09 16:54:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911, 100, 5568) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2407) [09:09 16:54:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2408) [09:09 16:54:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2409) [09:09 16:54:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 102, 5568) [09:09 16:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2411) [09:09 16:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -286, -2412) [09:09 16:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -285, -2413) [09:09 16:54:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -284, -2414) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -283, -2415) [09:09 16:54:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -283, -2416) [09:09 16:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -284, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 16:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -285, -2412) [09:09 16:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -285, -2410) [09:09 16:54:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -286, -2410) [09:09 16:54:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -286, -2408) [09:09 16:54:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -286, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -286, -2406) [09:09 16:54:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911, 98, 5569) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -284, -2407) [09:09 16:54:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -285, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -286, -2405) [09:09 16:54:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 98, 5567) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:50] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880811(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -286.5, -2404.5) [09:09 16:54:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 99, 5567) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:50] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880812(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -286.5, -2404.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -286, -2408) [09:09 16:54:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 101, 5567) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -287, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 98, 5567) [09:09 16:54:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -287, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:54:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -287, -2406) [DB] Saved 122 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880813(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -287.5, -2405.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:54:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880814(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -287.5, -2405.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -286, -2410) [09:09 16:55:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -287, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:55:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -287, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -288, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:05] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880815(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909.5, 97.5, 5566.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -288, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:07] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880816(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904.5, 97.5, 5566.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880817(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -288.5, -2406.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880818(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -288.5, -2406.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -288, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:12] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880819(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899.5, 97.5, 5566.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -289, -2409) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -287, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -288, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -289, -2408) [09:09 16:55:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 99, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880820(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -289.5, -2407.5) [09:09 16:55:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 99, 5566) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880821(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -289.5, -2407.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 99, 5566) [09:09 16:55:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -289, -2410) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:55:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 100, 5566) [09:09 16:55:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -290, -2409) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:55:25] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 102, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880822(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -290.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880823(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -290.5, -2408.5) [09:09 16:55:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 103, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2411) [09:09 16:55:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 102, 5567) [09:09 16:55:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2412) [09:09 16:55:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -288, -2412) [09:09 16:55:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -287, -2413) [09:09 16:55:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -286, -2414) [09:09 16:55:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -288, -2413) [09:09 16:55:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 102, 5566) [09:09 16:55:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -290, -2413) [09:09 16:55:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -290, -2410) [09:09 16:55:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -290, -2411) [09:09 16:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -289, -2412) [09:09 16:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -287, -2413) [09:09 16:55:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 99, 5565) [09:09 16:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -286, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -288, -2411) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:55:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -287, -2412) [09:09 16:55:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -285, -2413) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:55:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 98, 5565) [09:09 16:55:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -286, -2411) [09:09 16:55:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -285, -2411) [09:09 16:55:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -284, -2411) [09:09 16:55:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -285, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -291, -2414) [09:09 16:55:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2414) [09:09 16:55:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -289, -2414) [09:09 16:55:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -288, -2415) [09:09 16:55:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -288, -2414) [09:09 16:55:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -289, -2414) [09:09 16:55:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -291, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1174 npcs in database (4 ms) [09:09 16:55:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -291, -2411) [09:09 16:55:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -292, -2410) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880826(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -291.5, -2409.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:46] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880827(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -291.5, -2409.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:49] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880828(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -292.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:50] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880829(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -292.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -292, -2412) [09:09 16:55:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2412) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:55:57] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880830(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -293.5, -2411.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880831(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -293.5, -2411.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:56:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -292, -2414) [09:09 16:56:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2414) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:56:02] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880832(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.83, 99.06, 5572.31) Player temerenon placed object element workbench (ID: 3880832) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -293, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2413) [09:09 16:56:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2413) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -293, -2414) [09:09 16:56:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2415) [09:09 16:56:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2416) [09:09 16:56:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2417) [09:09 16:56:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2418) [09:09 16:56:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -292, -2419) [09:09 16:56:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -291, -2418) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:56:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -291, -2416) [09:09 16:56:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -292, -2418) [09:09 16:56:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -292, -2418) [09:09 16:56:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -291, -2419) [09:09 16:56:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -290, -2416) [09:09 16:56:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2416) [09:09 16:56:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -290, -2417) [09:09 16:56:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -290, -2417) [09:09 16:56:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -290, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -291, -2416) [09:09 16:56:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -292, -2415) [09:09 16:56:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -293, -2416) [09:09 16:56:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2416) [09:09 16:56:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -294, -2417) [09:09 16:56:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2418) [09:09 16:56:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -294, -2418) [09:09 16:56:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2419) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2416) [09:09 16:56:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -295, -2415) [09:09 16:56:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -295, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -294, -2416) [09:09 16:56:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2415) [09:09 16:56:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2413) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880833(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -294.5, -2412.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880834(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -294.5, -2412.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:24] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880835(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -295.5, -2413.5) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:24] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880836(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -295.5, -2413.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2417) [09:09 16:56:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -296, -2416) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -295, -2417) [09:09 16:56:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -296, -2416) [DB] Saved 94 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:56:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -296, -2418) [09:09 16:56:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -296, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -296, -2420) [09:09 16:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -294, -2420) [09:09 16:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -293, -2421) [09:09 16:56:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -292, -2422) [09:09 16:56:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2419) [09:09 16:56:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2420) [09:09 16:56:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -295, -2421) [09:09 16:56:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -296, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -296, -2421) [09:09 16:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2421) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -293, -2423) [09:09 16:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -293, -2420) [09:09 16:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2421) [09:09 16:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -294, -2422) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:56:36] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880839(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900.23, 98, 5568.22) Player temerenon placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 3880839) [16:56:36] CREATE NEW FURNACE 3880839 (59|1|174) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -296, -2419) [09:09 16:56:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -297, -2418) [09:09 16:56:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -297, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -297, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:46] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880840(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -296.5, -2414.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:50] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880844(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -296.5, -2414.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:56:51] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880845(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.05, 98, 5577.05) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3880845) [DB] Saved 1182 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880846(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -297.5, -2415.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880847(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -297.5, -2415.5) Object standingtorch (3880845) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:56:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -297, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -298, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:57] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880848(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -298.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880849(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -298.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:56:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -298, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -298, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -298, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -299, -2418) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:04] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880850(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -299.5, -2417.5) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:05] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880851(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -299.5, -2417.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -298, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -299, -2419) [09:09 16:57:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -299, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:57:12] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3880854(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.31, 98, 5572.24) Player temerenon placed object element chest2 (ID: 3880854) [16:57:12] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3880854 (59|1|174) [09:09 16:57:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -299, -2420) [09:09 16:57:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -300, -2421) [09:09 16:57:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -297, -2421) [09:09 16:57:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -298, -2422) [09:09 16:57:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -297, -2422) [09:09 16:57:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -296, -2422) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:57:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -296, -2423) [09:09 16:57:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -295, -2423) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 79 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:57:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -295, -2424) [09:09 16:57:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -296, -2422) [09:09 16:57:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -296, -2423) [09:09 16:57:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -297, -2424) [09:09 16:57:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -296, -2425) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -298, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -298, -2423) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -299, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -299, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -300, -2423) [09:09 16:57:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -300, -2423) [09:09 16:57:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -300, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -300, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -300, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880855(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -300.5, -2418.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880856(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -300.5, -2418.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -301, -2422) [09:09 16:57:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151, -301, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -301, -2420) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880857(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -301.5, -2419.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880858(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -301.5, -2419.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -302, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:57:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -302, -2421) [09:09 16:57:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -303, -2420) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880859(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -302.5, -2420.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880860(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -302.5, -2420.5) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -301, -2424) [09:09 16:57:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -301, -2425) [09:09 16:57:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -302, -2426) [09:09 16:57:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -301, -2424) [09:09 16:57:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -301, -2425) [09:09 16:57:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -302, -2426) [09:09 16:57:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -302, -2424) [09:09 16:57:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -303, -2424) [09:09 16:57:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -303, -2424) [09:09 16:57:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -304, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -303, -2422) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:49] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880861(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -303.5, -2421.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:50] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880862(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -303.5, -2421.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -304, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -304, -2422) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:55] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880863(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -304.5, -2422.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:57:56] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880864(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -304.5, -2422.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:57:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -305, -2424) [09:09 16:57:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 98, 5564) [DB] Saved 1194 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880865(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -305.5, -2423.5) [09:09 16:58:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 100, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880866(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -305.5, -2423.5) [09:09 16:58:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 101, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -304, -2426) [09:09 16:58:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -304, -2427) [09:09 16:58:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -303, -2428) [09:09 16:58:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 102, 5566) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 16:58:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -303, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -303, -2428) [09:09 16:58:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -303, -2429) [09:09 16:58:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -303, -2426) [09:09 16:58:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -303, -2427) [09:09 16:58:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 101, 5565) [09:09 16:58:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -305, -2426) [09:09 16:58:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -306, -2426) [09:09 16:58:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -305, -2427) [09:09 16:58:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -305, -2427) [09:09 16:58:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -305, -2428) [09:09 16:58:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -305, -2429) [09:09 16:58:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 102, 5565) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:58:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -305, -2427) [09:09 16:58:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -306, -2428) [09:09 16:58:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 102, 5564) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -306, -2425) [09:09 16:58:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 100, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880867(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -306.5, -2424.5) [09:09 16:58:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 99, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880868(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -306.5, -2424.5) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:16] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 99, 5564) [09:09 16:58:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -306, -2426) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -307, -2426) [09:09 16:58:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 98, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880869(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -307.5, -2425.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880870(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -307.5, -2425.5) [09:09 16:58:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 98, 5564) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -307, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -307, -2426) [09:09 16:58:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 98, 5564) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -307, -2428) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:58:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -307, -2429) [09:09 16:58:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -307, -2430) [09:09 16:58:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 100, 5564) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 16:58:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -306, -2431) [09:09 16:58:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -307, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 101, 5564) [09:09 16:58:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -308, -2427) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:28] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880871(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -308.5, -2426.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:28] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880872(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -308.5, -2426.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -308, -2427) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -309, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -308, -2430) [09:09 16:58:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -309, -2431) [09:09 16:58:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -310, -2432) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -309, -2430) [09:09 16:58:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -309, -2431) [09:09 16:58:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -309, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -310, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -311, -2430) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -307, -2432) [09:09 16:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -77 (5152, -306, -2433) [09:09 16:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -305, -2430) [09:09 16:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -305, -2432) [09:09 16:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -305, -2431) [09:09 16:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -307, -2431) [09:09 16:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -308, -2432) [09:09 16:58:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -306, -2432) [09:09 16:58:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -306, -2432) [09:09 16:58:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -308, -2432) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:58:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -310, -2431) [09:09 16:58:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -309, -2429) [09:09 16:58:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -309, -2429) [09:09 16:58:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -310, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -310, -2428) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1171 npcs in database (4 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -77 (5151, -310, -2433) [09:09 16:58:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -77 (5151, -309, -2434) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:58:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880880(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -309.5, -2427.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880882(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -309.5, -2427.5) Object primitivefurnace (3880839) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:02] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880883(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -310.5, -2428.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:02] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880884(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -310.5, -2428.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 16:59:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -310, -2430) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -311, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:08] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880885(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -311.5, -2429.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:09] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880886(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -311.5, -2429.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -311, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -312, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880887(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -312.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:14] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880888(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152.5, -312.5, -2430.5) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880889(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -312.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880890(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153.5, -312.5, -2430.5) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5153, -312, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5152, -312, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -312, -2432) [09:09 16:59:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -312, -2432) [09:09 16:59:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -311, -2432) [09:09 16:59:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -311, -2432) [09:09 16:59:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -311, -2430) [09:09 16:59:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -312, -2430) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (10, -5) generated (64 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (57 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (53 ms) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880893(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154.5, -312.5, -2431.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880894(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154.5, -312.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 16:59:36] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880895(type: 701, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151.69, -308.06, -2431.47) Player Kesselia placed object element sign2 (ID: 3880895) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (76561198191018286) updated text 3880895: 15th Deck [09:09 16:59:44] SetText: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880895(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) '15th Deck ' @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151.69, -308.06, -2431.47) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! Player temerenon sets secondary spawn point (object: 3880796 @ 59 1 174) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 16:59:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 98, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:00:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 99, 5565) [09:09 17:00:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 100, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (76561198191018286) updated text 3880895: 15th Deck -309 [09:09 17:00:02] SetText: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3880895(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) '15th Deck -309 ' @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151.69, -308.06, -2431.47) [09:09 17:00:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 101, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:00:06] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 102, 5564) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:00:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 102, 5564) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:00:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 101, 5563) [09:09 17:00:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 100, 5563) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 17:00:16] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 98, 5564) [DB] Saved 94 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:00:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 100, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ( [17:00:20] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [17:00:20] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [17:00:20] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198191018286, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198191018286 Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1799.00, 114.50, 5596.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:00:22] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 101, 5564) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1902.00, 140.72, 5504.00) [09:09 17:00:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 102, 5564) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (6197.00, 92.50, 1429.00) SERVER: Updated 42 growing plants! [09:09 17:00:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 103, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:00:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 103, 5565) [09:09 17:00:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 101, 5564) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:00:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 100, 5563) [09:09 17:00:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 103, 5563) [09:09 17:00:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 104, 5565) [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:00:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 104, 5564) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [17:00:46] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [17:00:46] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [17:00:46] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Littlelamb, 76561198341802932, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 17:00:46:066 - 76561198341802932 Littlelamb [20, 0, 0, 0, 75, 120, 215, 56, 205, 232, 222, 121, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 207, 115, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 205, 111, 167, 23, 245, 83, 167, 171, 111, 25, 102, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 54, 15, 30, 203, 221, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 114, 223, 102, 153, 33, 251, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 166, 80, 101, 58, 13, 20, 231, 212, 122, 204, 108, 130, 22, 91, 56, 64, 55, 135, 196, 177, 212, 224, 152, 240, 236, 252, 222, 209, 79, 26, 50, 225, 108, 40, 159, 200, 230, 246, 168, 221, 219, 232, 46, 51, 136, 63, 103, 195, 106, 178, 245, 10, 2, 224, 246, 229, 176, 77, 112, 105, 73, 193, 7, 16, 75, 215, 139, 141, 239, 51, 7, 246, 71, 180, 42, 15, 228, 101, 51, 153, 236, 107, 149, 143, 7, 13, 229, 25, 116, 181, 40, 163, 144, 119, 114, 206, 119, 198, 205, 79, 146, 38, 187, 56, 186, 124, 236, 55, 194, 104, 109, 206, 249, 5, 101, 185, 160, 72, 138, 206, 181, 240, 183, 3, 18, 247, 141, 242] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198341802932): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [17:00:46] Client 0 (76561198341802932) fully authenticated! 17:00:46:277 - PLAYER CONNECT: Littlelamb (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198341802932 exists in database Loaded 32 item stats from database Inventory for player 21 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1339 -> serialized 1339 npcs (1339) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198341802932) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1998.00, 122.72, 5479.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 3) generated (48 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (3847.00, 244.50, 1916.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:01:01] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.33, 98.01, 5570.17) [DB] Saved 1163 npcs in database (3 ms) Player Littlelamb (0) spawned at (3830.58, 256.01, 1825.87)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:01:07] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881211(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910.55, 98, 5567.37) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3881211) Object standingtorch (3881211) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1799.00, 101.41, 5660.00) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1166 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:02:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 75, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3830.58, 256.01, 1825.87) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1158 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:03] Littlelamb: does any oneelse have a dark screen [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:03:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 101, 5578) [DB] Saved 143 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (3847.00, 244.50, 1916.00) [2024-09-09 17:03] temerenon: No... but it is night.. [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:04:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 98, 5578) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 103 npcs in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3880839) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (3880873) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880874) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880875) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880876) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880877) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880878) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880879) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3880881) from meta object 3880839 [ENET SERVER] Client 1 connect ( [17:04:26] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CONNECTED ( [17:04:26] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [17:04:26] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (arivas919, 76561198126007507, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 17:04:26:616 - 76561198126007507 arivas919 [20, 0, 0, 0, 209, 171, 179, 75, 247, 10, 52, 251, 211, 4, 225, 9, 1, 0, 16, 1, 199, 234, 222, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 63, 173, 160, 13, 113, 131, 48, 142, 210, 69, 254, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 211, 4, 225, 9, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 58, 54, 18, 47, 117, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 239, 210, 102, 2, 159, 238, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 50, 89, 39, 132, 83, 91, 113, 224, 30, 127, 9, 159, 254, 210, 17, 221, 8, 57, 10, 186, 128, 178, 234, 37, 174, 229, 245, 63, 225, 91, 252, 8, 190, 188, 40, 114, 223, 92, 182, 92, 244, 182, 50, 153, 149, 124, 104, 255, 44, 232, 87, 247, 194, 182, 104, 8, 247, 63, 131, 221, 87, 116, 214, 28, 59, 125, 142, 52, 97, 145, 218, 75, 4, 64, 225, 102, 234, 145, 221, 219, 195, 5, 61, 123, 55, 222, 75, 205, 176, 120, 136, 200, 111, 102, 48, 48, 6, 103, 180, 30, 125, 228, 19, 56, 57, 100, 205, 14, 65, 30, 142, 6, 253, 163, 239, 121, 48, 166, 119, 33, 9, 111, 4, 1, 213, 117, 69] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198126007507): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [17:04:26] Client 1 (76561198126007507) fully authenticated! 17:04:26:705 - PLAYER CONNECT: arivas919 (ID: 1) DB: Player 76561198126007507 exists in database Loaded 88 item stats from database Inventory for player 7 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 1 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1343 -> serialized 1343 npcs (1343) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198126007507) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [DB] Saved 1126 npcs in database (3 ms) [2024-09-09 17:04] Littlelamb: ty i just had trouble getting my torch to light WorldPart (3, 11) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (44 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (3904.00, 92.50, 949.00) Player arivas919 (1) spawned at (3824.30, 90.98, 881.04)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 168 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [2024-09-09 17:04] Littlelamb: are we sleeping or just letting night run [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 Player temerenon sets secondary spawn point (object: 3880796 @ 59 1 174) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1813.00, 101.50, 5653.00) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:05] temerenon: I will sleep I arivas [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:05] temerenon: HI arivas lol [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Player arivas919 sets secondary spawn point (object: 518625 @ 119 1 27) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) Player Littlelamb sets secondary spawn point (object: 3879039 @ 119 4 57) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:06] Littlelamb: going to sleep now [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:06] temerenon: I am in.. [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1140 npcs in database (3 ms) Player arivas919 sets secondary spawn point (object: 518625 @ 119 1 27) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:07] arivas919: hi temerenon SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:07] temerenon: Oh well, I guess not everyone is sleeping.... SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1144 npcs in database (3 ms) [2024-09-09 17:07] arivas919: hi everyone SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:07] Littlelamb: waltup do you want to selp [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:07] arivas919: i did sleep SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Player arivas919 sets secondary spawn point (object: 518625 @ 119 1 27) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:08] temerenon: shows I am still in bed [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:08] Littlelamb: not everyone did we all have to slep to change to day [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:08] arivas919: yes [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1164 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 162 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:09] arivas919: im sill in bed [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player temerenon sets secondary spawn point (object: 3880796 @ 59 1 174) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:09] temerenon: Me too [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:09] Littlelamb: waltup are you here SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received map tile request 0 0 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:09] arivas919: maybe they not Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1941.00, 93.56, 5621.00) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (3 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (3740.00, 95.56, 942.00) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:09] temerenon: grrr sour applels... [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 127 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:10] arivas919: [2024-09-09 17:10] Littlelamb: waltup must be away afk as the name is still showing as being in the game [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:10] arivas919: yep SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1183 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1973.00, 92.13, 5621.00) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:11] Littlelamb: so it is going to be a long nigh as there is no admins on to change to day for us [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:12] Littlelamb: wish we could hold the porch and still use other tools [DB] Saved 83 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1204 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:25] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881528(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 103.5, 5571.5) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:13:33] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3830.8, 256.01, 1825.94) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:33] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881529(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908.5, 103.5, 5566.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:35] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881530(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903.5, 103.5, 5566.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:47] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881531(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908.5, 103.5, 5561.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:50] PlaceConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3881532(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3827.5, 256.5, 1828.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 98, 5564) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 99, 5564) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:13] arivas919: some server we can change the night. i lke that [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:13:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 100, 5563) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 101, 5563) [09:09 17:14:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 102, 5562) [09:09 17:14:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 101, 5561) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 99, 5562) [DB] Saved 1179 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:14:09] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 98, 5562) [09:09 17:14:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 99, 5563) [09:09 17:14:13] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 99, 5562) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 101, 5562) [09:09 17:14:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 102, 5561) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:14:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 101, 5563) [09:09 17:14:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 102, 5562) [09:09 17:14:22] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 101, 5562) [09:09 17:14:24] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 99, 5562) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1966.00, 94.66, 5600.00) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:27] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 98, 5563) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:29] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 99, 5562) [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:14:31] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 101, 5562) [09:09 17:14:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 102, 5561) [09:09 17:14:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 102, 5562) Door 511663 is locked... Door 511962 is locked... [09:09 17:14:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 102, 5563) Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change info 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:14:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 102, 5565) Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change status 0 -> 1 Door 511962 is locked... Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 102, 5562) Object frontdoorglass1 (511962) change info 1 -> 0 Object frontdoorglass1 (511962) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:14:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 98, 5562) [09:09 17:14:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 100, 5561) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:14:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 101, 5561) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 101, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:14:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 97, 5563) [09:09 17:14:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 99, 5563) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:15] Littlelamb: usually it is only the admins that can do that [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:15:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 102, 5561) [09:09 17:15:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 102, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:15:08] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 103, 5559) [09:09 17:15:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 103, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:15:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 103, 5560) [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:15:18] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881534(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903.5, 103.5, 5561.5) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:15] Littlelamb: here i notice we also can not use the gm 1 command [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:15:45] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881535(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903.5, 97.5, 5561.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:16:00] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881536(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909.5, 97.5, 5561.5) [DB] Saved 133 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:16:14] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881537(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906.5, 97.5, 5561.5) [2024-09-09 17:16] Littlelamb: Red sure made night dark SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1155 npcs in database (6 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1845.00, 131.41, 5525.00) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:16:44] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877598(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 258.5, 1826.5) [09:09 17:16:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 101, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:16:46] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877599(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3825.5, 258.5, 1825.5) [09:09 17:16:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 101, 5575) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:16:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1900, 101, 5575) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:16:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901, 102, 5573) [2024-09-09 17:16] arivas919: yes SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:17:00] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3881532(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3827.5, 256.5, 1828.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:17:04] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881543(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 103.5, 5574.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:17:06] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3881544(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3827.4, 256.84, 1828.26) Player Littlelamb placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 3881544) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:17:19] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881545(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1901.5, 103.5, 5574.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:17:22] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.61, 256.01, 1826.23) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:17:29] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3881553(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 57 (3826.82, 256, 1826.68) Player Littlelamb placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3881553) Object standingtorch (3881553) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1177 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:17:43] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877716(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3832.5, 258.5, 1821.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:17:46] DestroyConstruction: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3877715(type: 0, tex: 201, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3831.5, 258.5, 1821.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:17] temerenon: I am underground in a little cave I carved out...waiting for the sun... [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:18:21] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881554(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 101.5, 5578.5) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 11) generated (23 ms) Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:18] arivas919: i have this wolf in the front of my house for days i use the back door. [ENET SERVER] Client 3 connect ( [17:18:41] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CONNECTED ( [17:18:41] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [17:18:41] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Amogan2, 76561198884212147, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 17:18:41:904 - 76561198884212147 Amogan2 [20, 0, 0, 0, 14, 85, 23, 55, 226, 142, 34, 34, 179, 77, 18, 55, 1, 0, 16, 1, 76, 141, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 225, 196, 123, 250, 0, 255, 242, 113, 85, 190, 118, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 179, 77, 18, 55, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 89, 214, 204, 69, 17, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 68, 215, 102, 17, 244, 242, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 180, 135, 203, 36, 54, 236, 96, 103, 90, 173, 180, 2, 115, 105, 129, 44, 3, 185, 218, 62, 19, 200, 47, 33, 117, 153, 1, 171, 51, 179, 165, 209, 212, 218, 218, 52, 144, 115, 180, 5, 26, 220, 246, 72, 130, 24, 121, 143, 12, 161, 148, 199, 43, 151, 42, 210, 179, 230, 19, 242, 222, 143, 71, 253, 137, 2, 81, 43, 36, 12, 199, 201, 236, 247, 149, 62, 120, 200, 190, 111, 103, 190, 154, 60, 7, 72, 34, 172, 22, 195, 96, 47, 245, 199, 101, 154, 26, 190, 7, 80, 107, 165, 144, 190, 28, 172, 218, 112, 158, 115, 3, 230, 106, 156, 10, 204, 70, 235, 243, 188, 8, 51, 24, 201, 96, 125, 192, 222] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198884212147): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [17:18:41] Client 3 (76561198884212147) fully authenticated! 17:18:41:995 - PLAYER CONNECT: Amogan2 (ID: 3) DB: Player 76561198884212147 exists in database Loaded 10 item stats from database Inventory for player 12 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 3 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1350 -> serialized 1350 npcs (1350) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198884212147) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [DB] Saved 1173 npcs in database (3 ms) WorldPart (13, 10) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (13, 9) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (13, 11) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (13, 8) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (12, 12) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (12, 11) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (12, 10) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (12, 9) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (12, 8) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (12, 7) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (11, 12) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (11, 11) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (11, 10) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (11, 8) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (11, 7) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (11, 9) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (10, 8) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (10, 7) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (10, 12) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (10, 11) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (10, 10) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (10, 9) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (9, 12) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (9, 11) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (9, 10) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (9, 9) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (9, 8) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (8, 10) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (8, 9) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (13, 12) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Spawn npc hare (0) at (6197.00, 131.69, 5461.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (6176.00, -40.50, 5376.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (6172.00, -26.50, 5212.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc deer (0) at (6037.00, 135.13, 5589.00) Spawn npc deerstag (0) at (6023.00, 132.38, 5596.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (6016.00, -39.50, 5568.00) Spawn npc deer (0) at (6016.00, 130.50, 5422.00) Spawn npc deerstag (0) at (6037.00, 138.41, 5408.00) Spawn npc deerstag (0) at (6044.00, 140.72, 5429.00) Spawn npc deer (0) at (6016.00, 130.09, 5429.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (6016.00, -55.50, 5415.00) Spawn npc wolf (0) at (6037.00, 128.69, 5269.00) Spawn npc wolfcub (0) at (6044.00, 127.50, 5255.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (6076.00, -1.50, 5045.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5920.00, -17.50, 5052.00) Spawn npc deer (0) at (5845.00, 118.09, 5440.00) Spawn npc deerstag (0) at (5852.00, 115.16, 5461.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (5824.00, 108.88, 5340.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (5831.00, 108.75, 5340.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (5838.00, 109.38, 5333.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5824.00, -58.50, 5383.00) Spawn npc deerred (0) at (5856.00, 101.69, 5660.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (5838.00, 95.22, 5212.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (5973.00, 108.50, 5358.00) [09:09 17:18:53] RemoveObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3826629(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3831.25, 256.76, 1811.45) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5792.00, -29.50, 5148.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (5781.00, 104.56, 5589.00) Spawn npc bull (1) at (5760.00, 105.88, 5596.00) Spawn npc cow (1) at (5767.00, 105.81, 5596.00) Spawn npc pig (0) at (5760.00, 103.50, 5038.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5767.00, 103.00, 5038.00) Spawn npc pig (1) at (5774.00, 106.66, 5052.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5696.00, -54.50, 5550.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (5696.00, 192.50, 5365.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (5710.00, -56.50, 5308.00) Spawn npc billygoat (0) at (5756.00, 158.13, 5447.00) [09:09 17:18:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 98, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:18:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 98, 5561) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! Spawn npc chicken (0) at (5568.00, 209.94, 5500.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (5582.00, 209.81, 5472.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (5568.00, 210.50, 5486.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (5568.00, 210.44, 5493.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (5568.00, 210.50, 5479.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (5568.00, -39.50, 5479.00) Spawn npc wolf (1) at (5568.00, 212.16, 5372.00) Spawn npc wolfcub (0) at (5589.00, 211.13, 5344.00) Spawn npc bear (1) at (5589.00, 154.59, 5180.00) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:19:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 98, 5561) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905401 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905402 [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905405 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905413 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 98, 5563) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905414 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905431 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:08] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 98, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:19:10] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 97, 5563) Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 1 -> 0 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905440 [09:09 17:19:12] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 99, 5562) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:19:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 98, 5561) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:19:16] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 98, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:18] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 99, 5560) [09:09 17:19:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 98, 5560) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:19:19] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3905444(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3827.01, 257.06, 1824.08) Player Littlelamb placed object element workbench (ID: 3905444) Player Amogan2 (3) spawned at (5886.26, 88.71, 5326.52)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 99, 5560) [09:09 17:19:23] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 98, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:25] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 98, 5560) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 98, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [09:09 17:19:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 98, 5559) [09:09 17:19:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1908, 99, 5559) [09:09 17:19:34] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906, 98, 5559) [09:09 17:19:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 99, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:19:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 100, 5560) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:19:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 101, 5559) [09:09 17:19:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 101, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 99, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:19:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [09:09 17:19:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 101, 5560) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:19:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 102, 5559) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:19:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 99, 5558) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1149 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:19:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 100, 5557) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:19:55] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3905445(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3826.84, 258.02, 1822.56) Player Littlelamb placed object element anvil (ID: 3905445) [09:09 17:19:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 101, 5560) [09:09 17:19:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 101, 5559) [09:09 17:19:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1909, 102, 5558) [DB] Saved 5 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:20:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 99, 5557) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 3 disconnected ( [17:20:06] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [17:20:06] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [17:20:06] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198884212147, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198884212147 [09:09 17:20:06] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 100, 5559) [09:09 17:20:08] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 101, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:20:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1910, 102, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:20] arivas919: you inside the cave oh yes you can not see the day light [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:13] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:14] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [DB] Saved 205 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:16] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905410 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905420 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905423 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905424 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905433 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:20:18] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:20:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1904, 98, 5563) [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:20:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 99, 5560) [09:09 17:20:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 100, 5559) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:20:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 101, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:20:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 102, 5559) [09:09 17:20:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1902, 101, 5559) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [09:09 17:20:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 100, 5558) [09:09 17:20:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1901, 98, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:20:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1907, 101, 5558) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1199 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:21] Littlelamb: no i an in my little shelter i dont go into caves at night i think that is wherea the skeletons spawn Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:39] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:40] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:41] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:42] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:42] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:43] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:43] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:43] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:44] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:44] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:44] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:44] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:45] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:46] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1129 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:21:47] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.63, 256.01, 1825.02) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:21] temerenon: I carved out my own little cave home... gotta door and floor and a light... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:09] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.97, 98.01, 5570.79) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 175 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:13] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 20, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.97, 98.01, 5570.79) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:22] arivas919: SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:21] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:22:23] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881557(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 100.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:24] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:22:25] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3881556(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 101.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:28] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:30] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1973.00, 92.13, 5621.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:30] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 57 (3828.49, 256.01, 1825.79) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:22:40] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905448(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1906.5, 97.5, 5560.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:51] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.06, 256.01, 1823.44) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:22:52] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3829.06, 256.01, 1823.44) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1145 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:23:15] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3905452(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3829.44, 255.7, 1815.46) Player Littlelamb placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3905452) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 177 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:23] temerenon: I have only been here a couple of hours.... and I am scared of skellies so I burrowed into a hill I will make a hobbit home. [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object standingtorch (3905452) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:23:40] PlaceObject: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3905453(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 3 56 (3815.04, 255.7, 1814.74) Player Littlelamb placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3905453) [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object standingtorch (3905453) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:24:04] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.7, 98.01, 5571.14) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1175 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:24:16] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905454(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898.5, 97.5, 5561.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:24] arivas919: oh i see [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 183 npcs in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 76 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Littlelamb sets secondary spawn point (object: 3879039 @ 119 4 57) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:24:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1902, 101, 5576) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:25:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 99, 5571) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1182 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 99, 5572) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:26] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 100, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1909.00, 140.84, 5504.00) [09:09 17:25:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 101, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 100, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 150 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:25:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 102, 5560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:25:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 101, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1905, 98, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1903, 99, 5558) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 99, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:25:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 98, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:25:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 100, 5566) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [2024-09-09 17:26] Littlelamb: i can hear foot steps out side but can not see who it is [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 98, 5565) SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:26:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 100, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 98, 5563) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:26:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 100, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 98, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doormodern3 (511316) change info 1 -> 0 [09:09 17:26:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 99, 5561) Object doormodern3 (511316) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 17:26:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 100, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:44] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 100, 5562) Object doormodern3 (511316) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:26:46] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 101, 5561) Storing 2 chunks... [09:09 17:26:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 101, 5563) [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Object doormodern3 (511316) change info 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 101, 5566) Door 511316 is locked... SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:26:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 99, 5559) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:26:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 98, 5560) [09:09 17:27:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5562) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1959.00, 95.75, 5596.00) [09:09 17:27:03] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 99, 5564) [09:09 17:27:05] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 101, 5564) [09:09 17:27:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 99, 5566) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [09:09 17:27:11] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:27:13] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 100, 5559) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:27:16] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 101, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 17:27] Littlelamb: got to go out for now, Hubby need my help [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:27:22] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 99, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:27:23] CraftItem: arivas919 (DbID: 7, UID: 76561198126007507 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 7) @ chunk 119 1 27 (3826.02, 90.97, 882.72) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:27:28] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ( [17:27:28] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [17:27:28] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [17:27:28] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198341802932, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198341802932 [09:09 17:27:30] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 100, 5563) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1202 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:27:32] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 100, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:27:37] PlaceObject: arivas919 (DbID: 7, UID: 76561198126007507 element: 3905457(type: 15, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 7) @ chunk 119 1 27 (3824.81, 90.97, 887.59) Player arivas919 placed object element blueprinttable (ID: 3905457) [09:09 17:27:38] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 99, 5565) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881210 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881213 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:27:53] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.89, 98.01, 5570.22) [DB] Saved 90 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:28:13] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905458(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912.5, 97.5, 5564.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 122 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 33 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3826429 (250) Delete growing plant 3826430 (250) [DB] Saved 1215 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:28:45] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905468(type: 291, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5564) Player temerenon placed growable plant pumpkin_seeds (ID: 3905468), growth time: 600 Created growing plant pumpkin_seeds (3905468), growth time: 600 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:28:47] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905469(type: 291, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5563) Player temerenon placed growable plant pumpkin_seeds (ID: 3905469), growth time: 600 Created growing plant pumpkin_seeds (3905469), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Blueprint craft: Blueprints\LILLY\WINTER_HOUSE_copy_1724559254.blueprint (player: arivas919) [09:09 17:29:04] CraftItem: arivas919 (DbID: 7, UID: 76561198126007507 element: -1(type: 60, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 7) @ chunk 119 1 27 (3825.31, 91.16, 884.7) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:29:19] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.24, 98.01, 5570.99) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Door 511316 is locked... SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:29:26] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905471(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913.5, 97.5, 5565.5) [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:29:30] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905475(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912.5, 97.5, 5560.5) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:29:34] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905481(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914.5, 97.5, 5559.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Door 511296 is locked... Door 511362 is locked... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:29:39] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905490(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912.5, 97.5, 5566.5) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 1) generated (49 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 WorldPart (8, 1) generated (28 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1179 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:13] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879829(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 100.5, 5579.5) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1920.00, 94.44, 5628.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (2 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 101, 5573) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 100, 5574) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:55] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 98, 5572) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 98, 5571) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 98, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:31:59] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 100, 5570) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:32:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 102, 5570) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (2 ms) [09:09 17:32:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1898, 101, 5572) [09:09 17:32:01] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1899, 101, 5574) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [DB] Saved 143 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:32:33] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905492(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:32:37] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879837(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:32:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910, 100, 5579) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1194 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:33:02] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905493(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1191 npcs in database (3 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1973.00, 92.13, 5621.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 166 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1157 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [09:09 17:35:33] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 102, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 179 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:35:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 102, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:35:39] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 102, 5562) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:35:42] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 103, 5564) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:35:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 103, 5566) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:35:51] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1912, 102, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 17:35:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 102, 5562) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 97 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:36:08] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5560) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1206 npcs in database (3 ms) Object primitivefurnace (3815889) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:36:42] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909, 98.01, 5570.59) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:36:55] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905495(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913.5, 97.5, 5566.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:37:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:37:12] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.7, 98.01, 5569.58) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:37:17] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905496(type: 0, tex: 7, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914.5, 97.5, 5566.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 173 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (8, 1) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1973.00, 92.13, 5621.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:38] temerenon: wow the night is soooooooo loooong SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1158 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:35] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 102, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 102, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:37] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 102, 5565) [DB] Saved 174 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 102, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:41] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 102, 5559) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1911, 98, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:48] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5558) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 98, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 98, 5564) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:38:53] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1915, 98, 5566) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:56] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 101, 5558) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:38:57] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 102, 5559) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:02] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5559) [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5566) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:07] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 101, 5567) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900, 101, 5563) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 101, 5563) [09:09 17:39:15] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 101, 5562) [09:09 17:39:16] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 102, 5561) [09:09 17:39:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 102, 5562) [09:09 17:39:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 102, 5565) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:39:19] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 99, 5562) [09:09 17:39:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 99, 5561) [09:09 17:39:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 99, 5560) [09:09 17:39:21] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 99, 5560) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 172 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:40:21] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.77, 98.01, 5571.35) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 17:40:23] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.77, 98.01, 5571.35) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:40:33] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905498(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1900.89, 98, 5560.49) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3905498) [DB] Saved 1194 npcs in database (3 ms) Object standingtorch (3905498) change status 0 -> 1 [2024-09-09 17:40] arivas919: yes [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 143 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) Object frontdoorglass1 (511962) change status 1 -> 0 Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! Object frontdoorglass1 (511962) change info 0 -> 1 Door 511962 is locked... Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change status 0 -> 1 Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object frontdoorglass1 (511663) change info 0 -> 1 Door 511663 is locked... Door 511962 is locked... SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Door 509882 is locked... Door 509849 is locked... Door 509849 is locked... Door 509882 is locked... Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 11) generated (17 ms) [DB] Saved 1173 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [17:44:05] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [17:44:05] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [17:44:05] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Kesselia, 76561198191018286, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 17:44:05:811 - 76561198191018286 Kesselia [20, 0, 0, 0, 145, 103, 192, 64, 55, 29, 163, 206, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 133, 114, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 247, 192, 210, 53, 172, 23, 132, 201, 132, 38, 159, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 46, 1, 193, 13, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 139, 182, 134, 76, 12, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 216, 212, 102, 185, 135, 240, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 209, 66, 245, 1, 115, 149, 98, 124, 237, 60, 166, 86, 206, 23, 237, 43, 238, 105, 78, 144, 138, 230, 192, 133, 251, 103, 191, 29, 98, 228, 71, 249, 92, 203, 201, 226, 0, 166, 194, 95, 93, 44, 233, 79, 107, 193, 33, 176, 52, 87, 247, 220, 71, 167, 163, 76, 20, 43, 243, 243, 206, 77, 243, 108, 157, 76, 5, 114, 23, 18, 57, 61, 21, 36, 102, 63, 2, 23, 185, 192, 105, 60, 241, 251, 212, 176, 88, 48, 159, 176, 55, 101, 212, 134, 50, 23, 6, 37, 172, 73, 183, 247, 55, 90, 136, 121, 217, 26, 108, 112, 19, 92, 120, 116, 74, 169, 107, 161, 123, 71, 40, 28, 106, 235, 114, 223, 174, 96] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198191018286): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [17:44:05] Client 0 (76561198191018286) fully authenticated! 17:44:05:848 - PLAYER CONNECT: Kesselia (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198191018286 exists in database Loaded 114 item stats from database Inventory for player 20 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1386 -> serialized 1386 npcs (1386) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198191018286) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Player Kesselia (0) spawned at (5153.33, -311.99, -2430.78)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:44:31] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3905807(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 -5 -76 (5151.64, -307.79, -2430.44) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3905807) Object walltorch (3905807) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1158 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:44:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -312, -2431) [09:09 17:44:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -311, -2432) [09:09 17:44:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -310, -2432) [09:09 17:44:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -310, -2431) [09:09 17:44:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -308, -2431) [09:09 17:44:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -306, -2431) [09:09 17:44:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -305, -2431) [09:09 17:44:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -307, -2430) [09:09 17:44:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -309, -2429) [09:09 17:44:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -308, -2429) [09:09 17:44:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -309, -2431) [09:09 17:44:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -308, -2432) [09:09 17:44:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -307, -2432) [09:09 17:44:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -306, -2431) [09:09 17:44:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -309, -2431) [09:09 17:44:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -311, -2432) [09:09 17:44:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -312, -2431) [09:09 17:44:54] RemoveObject: arivas919 (DbID: 7, UID: 76561198126007507 element: 3905457(type: 15, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 7) @ chunk 119 1 27 (3824.81, 90.97, 887.59) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [09:09 17:44:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -312, -2432) [09:09 17:44:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -312, -2431) [09:09 17:44:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -312, -2430) [09:09 17:44:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -310, -2429) [09:09 17:44:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -309, -2429) [09:09 17:44:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -310, -2430) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:44:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -309, -2430) [09:09 17:44:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -308, -2431) [09:09 17:44:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -307, -2432) [09:09 17:44:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -307, -2431) [09:09 17:44:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -306, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:44:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -307, -2429) [09:09 17:44:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -307, -2430) [09:09 17:44:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -306, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -310, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -309, -2432) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Door 511963 is locked... Door 511662 is locked... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -310, -2431) [09:09 17:45:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -310, -2431) [09:09 17:45:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -310, -2431) [09:09 17:45:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -308, -2431) [09:09 17:45:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -307, -2431) [09:09 17:45:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -306, -2431) [09:09 17:45:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -308, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -310, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -311, -2432) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:45:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -312, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -313, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -313, -2432) [09:09 17:45:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -314, -2432) [09:09 17:45:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -312, -2430) [09:09 17:45:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -312, -2429) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1952.00, 94.44, 5607.00) [09:09 17:45:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -312, -2430) [09:09 17:45:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -311, -2430) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:45:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -311, -2431) [09:09 17:45:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -310, -2432) [DB] Saved 124 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -313, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155, -313, -2431) [09:09 17:45:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5154, -314, -2431) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906117(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155.5, -313.5, -2431.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:25] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906118(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5155.5, -313.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:45:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -314, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -313, -2430) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906119(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156.5, -314.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906120(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156.5, -314.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -314, -2432) [09:09 17:45:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -315, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:45:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -313, -2430) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5156, -314, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906121(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157.5, -315.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906122(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157.5, -315.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -314, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -315, -2432) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -316, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -314, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -315, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5157, -316, -2432) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906123(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158.5, -316.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906124(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158.5, -316.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -315, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159, -316, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -316, -2432) [09:09 17:45:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -316, -2432) [09:09 17:45:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -314, -2432) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:45:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -314, -2432) [09:09 17:45:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -312, -2432) [09:09 17:45:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -313, -2431) [09:09 17:45:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -314, -2430) [09:09 17:45:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -313, -2430) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:45:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -313, -2430) [09:09 17:45:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -313, -2429) [09:09 17:45:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -314, -2429) [09:09 17:45:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -315, -2431) [09:09 17:45:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -316, -2431) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 17:45:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -316, -2431) [09:09 17:45:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -315, -2431) [09:09 17:45:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -313, -2431) [09:09 17:45:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -312, -2431) [09:09 17:45:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -313, -2429) [09:09 17:45:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -315, -2429) [DB] Saved 1153 npcs in database (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -316, -2430) [09:09 17:45:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -317, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:45:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5158, -317, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -317, -2432) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:02] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906125(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159.5, -317.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:03] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906126(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5159.5, -317.5, -2430.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -316, -2432) [09:09 17:46:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -317, -2432) [09:09 17:46:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -318, -2432) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:46:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -318, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -318, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -318, -2429) [09:09 17:46:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -317, -2430) [09:09 17:46:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -317, -2430) [09:09 17:46:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -317, -2431) [09:09 17:46:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -317, -2431) [09:09 17:46:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -317, -2431) [09:09 17:46:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -315, -2431) [09:09 17:46:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -315, -2430) [09:09 17:46:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -316, -2429) [09:09 17:46:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -316, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -315, -2429) [09:09 17:46:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160, -314, -2429) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906127(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160.5, -318.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906128(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5160.5, -318.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -318, -2432) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161, -319, -2431) [DB] Saved 122 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -320, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906129(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161.5, -319.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:24] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906130(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5161.5, -319.5, -2430.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:25] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906131(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162.5, -320.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906132(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162.5, -320.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -318, -2432) [09:09 17:46:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -319, -2432) [09:09 17:46:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -320, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -318, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5163, -319, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5162, -320, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:46:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -320, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -5) generated (72 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (44 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (56 ms) [09:09 17:46:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -320, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5164, -320, -2432) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3880899 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881526 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881527 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905808 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881522 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881525 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881533 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905455 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905456 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905491 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881542 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1215 npcs in database (5 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -320, -2431) [09:09 17:46:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5167, -320, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905497 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3880898 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881524 [09:09 17:46:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -319, -2432) [09:09 17:46:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -318, -2432) [09:09 17:46:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -318, -2431) [09:09 17:46:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -318, -2432) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:46:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -318, -2430) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905447 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3880900 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881209 [09:09 17:46:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5165, -319, -2429) [09:09 17:46:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -319, -2429) [09:09 17:46:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -320, -2430) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:46:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -320, -2431) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3905494 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3881212 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5168, -320, -2432) [09:09 17:46:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5169, -320, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -5 -76 (5166, -320, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -321, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -321, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906140(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163.5, -321.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906141(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163.5, -321.5, -2431.5) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -321, -2431) [09:09 17:46:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -322, -2431) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:46:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -322, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:46:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906142(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164.5, -322.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906143(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164.5, -322.5, -2430.5) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -321, -2432) [09:09 17:47:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -322, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -322, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -323, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [DB] Saved 85 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:06] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906144(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165.5, -323.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:07] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906145(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165.5, -323.5, -2431.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -322, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -323, -2432) [09:09 17:47:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -77 (5166, -323, -2433) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -77 (5165, -324, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -324, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -324, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906146(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166.5, -324.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906147(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166.5, -324.5, -2430.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -324, -2432) [09:09 17:47:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -325, -2432) [09:09 17:47:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -325, -2432) [09:09 17:47:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -324, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -323, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -322, -2431) [09:09 17:47:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -322, -2430) [09:09 17:47:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -324, -2430) [09:09 17:47:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -325, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -322, -2430) [09:09 17:47:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -323, -2429) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:47:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -323, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -323, -2431) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -325, -2432) [09:09 17:47:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -325, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -323, -2432) [09:09 17:47:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -322, -2432) [09:09 17:47:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -321, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -325, -2430) [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:47:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -324, -2430) [09:09 17:47:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -323, -2431) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -325, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906148(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167.5, -325.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906149(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167.5, -325.5, -2430.5) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -326, -2431) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906150(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168.5, -326.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:38] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906151(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168.5, -326.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -326, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -327, -2432) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -327, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906152(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169.5, -327.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906153(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169.5, -327.5, -2430.5) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -327, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -326, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -325, -2432) [09:09 17:47:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -324, -2432) [09:09 17:47:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -325, -2431) [09:09 17:47:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -325, -2430) [DB] Saved 1178 npcs in database (4 ms) [09:09 17:47:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -326, -2429) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -327, -2431) [09:09 17:47:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -327, -2431) [09:09 17:47:53] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875759(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 175 (1900.5, 95.53, 5630.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -326, -2431) [09:09 17:47:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -326, -2431) [09:09 17:47:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -325, -2431) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [09:09 17:47:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -324, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -326, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:47:58] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875759(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 175 (1900.5, 95.53, 5630.5) [09:09 17:47:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -328, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906156(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170.5, -328.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906157(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170.5, -328.5, -2431.5) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3906154) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -328, -2432) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:48:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -328, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -328, -2430) [09:09 17:48:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -329, -2430) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -329, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -328, -2431) [09:09 17:48:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -328, -2432) [09:09 17:48:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -328, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -328, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -329, -2430) [09:09 17:48:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -329, -2429) [09:09 17:48:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -328, -2430) [09:09 17:48:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -327, -2429) [09:09 17:48:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -328, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -329, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906165(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171.5, -329.5, -2431.5) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906166(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171.5, -329.5, -2430.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -330, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -330, -2430) [09:09 17:48:19] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875723(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 175 (1864.5, 101.59, 5608.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906168(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172.5, -330.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906169(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172.5, -330.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -329, -2432) [09:09 17:48:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -330, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -331, -2432) [09:09 17:48:24] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875723(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 175 (1864.5, 101.59, 5608.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -330, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3906167) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:48:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -331, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906179(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173.5, -331.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906180(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173.5, -331.5, -2430.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -330, -2432) [09:09 17:48:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -330, -2432) [09:09 17:48:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -330, -2432) [09:09 17:48:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -330, -2430) [09:09 17:48:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -331, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -331, -2431) [09:09 17:48:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -332, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906181(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174.5, -332.5, -2430.5) [DB] Saved 124 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -332, -2432) [09:09 17:48:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -333, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:42] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906182(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174.5, -332.5, -2431.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906183(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175.5, -333.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906185(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175.5, -333.5, -2430.5) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -332, -2432) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:48:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -332, -2432) [09:09 17:48:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -331, -2432) [09:09 17:48:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -330, -2431) [09:09 17:48:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -332, -2430) [09:09 17:48:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -333, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -334, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -334, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -333, -2431) [09:09 17:48:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -332, -2431) [09:09 17:48:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -331, -2431) [09:09 17:48:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -329, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -328, -2432) [09:09 17:48:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -329, -2432) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [09:09 17:48:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -77 (5178, -330, -2433) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -330, -2430) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [09:09 17:48:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -330, -2429) [09:09 17:48:57] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -329, -2429) [09:09 17:48:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -332, -2429) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:48:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -333, -2432) [09:09 17:49:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -332, -2431) [09:09 17:49:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -331, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -330, -2431) [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:49:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -329, -2431) [09:09 17:49:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -331, -2429) [09:09 17:49:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -332, -2429) [09:09 17:49:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -333, -2430) [09:09 17:49:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -333, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -333, -2432) [09:09 17:49:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -333, -2432) [09:09 17:49:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -332, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -334, -2432) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [09:09 17:49:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -333, -2430) [09:09 17:49:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -333, -2429) [09:09 17:49:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -331, -2430) [09:09 17:49:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -330, -2430) [09:09 17:49:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -329, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -331, -2432) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:49:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -77 (5182, -331, -2433) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -334, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -334, -2430) [09:09 17:49:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -334, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -334, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -335, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -335, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:18] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906191(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176.5, -334.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:19] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906192(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176.5, -334.5, -2431.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906194(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177.5, -335.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:23] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906195(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177.5, -335.5, -2430.5) [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (10, -5) generated (64 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (41 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -335, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -335, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -335, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -335, -2431) [09:09 17:49:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -335, -2430) [09:09 17:49:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -336, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -336, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -336, -2432) WorldPart (4, 10) generated (28 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -336, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906199(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178.5, -336.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906200(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178.5, -336.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -337, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -337, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:41] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906201(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -337.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:42] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906203(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -337.5, -2430.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -337, -2432) [09:09 17:49:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -338, -2432) SERVER: Updated 57 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -336, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -337, -2430) [DB] Saved 1214 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -338, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -339, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:51] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906204(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -338.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:49:53] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906204(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -338.5, -2431.5) SERVER: Updated 31 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:55] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906205(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180.5, -338.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:56] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906206(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180.5, -338.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906207(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181.5, -339.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:49:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906208(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181.5, -339.5, -2430.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -337, -2432) [09:09 17:50:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -337, -2432) [09:09 17:50:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184, -336, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -77 (5185, -337, -2433) [2024-09-09 17:50] arivas919: gnite [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:50:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -339, -2432) [09:09 17:50:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -339, -2432) [09:09 17:50:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -339, -2432) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 9) generated (32 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 66 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 17:50] Kesselia: Goodnight. Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 40 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, 10) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (5, 9) generated (34 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -338, -2431) [09:09 17:50:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -338, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184, -337, -2429) [09:09 17:50:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -336, -2429) [09:09 17:50:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -335, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -339, -2430) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 1 disconnected ( [17:50:24] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [17:50:24] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [17:50:24] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198126007507, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198126007507 Delete growing plant 3826173 (300) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2431) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2432) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906218(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -340.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:34] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906219(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -340.5, -2431.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:34] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906220(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -340.5, -2430.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906221(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -340.5, -2430.5) Delete growing plant 3826259 (300) SERVER: Updated 30 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -340, -2432) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:38] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875808(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 63 0 173 (2042.5, 93.56, 5544.5) [09:09 17:50:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -340, -2430) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:50:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -339, -2429) [09:09 17:50:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -339, -2428) [09:09 17:50:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -337, -2429) [09:09 17:50:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -336, -2427) [09:09 17:50:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -338, -2427) [09:09 17:50:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -339, -2429) [09:09 17:50:42] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875808(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 63 0 173 (2042.5, 93.56, 5544.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3826405 (300) Delete growing plant 3826406 (300) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3906224) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1230 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2428) [09:09 17:51:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2427) [09:09 17:51:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -338, -2426) [09:09 17:51:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -337, -2426) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:51:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -336, -2425) [09:09 17:51:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -336, -2424) [09:09 17:51:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -337, -2427) [09:09 17:51:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -337, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -337, -2426) [09:09 17:51:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -338, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -336, -2426) [09:09 17:51:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -335, -2426) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -340, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -340, -2427) [09:09 17:51:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -340, -2426) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 30 growing plants! [09:09 17:51:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -339, -2425) [09:09 17:51:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -339, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2424) [09:09 17:51:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -338, -2424) [09:09 17:51:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -337, -2423) [09:09 17:51:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -336, -2423) [09:09 17:51:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -335, -2423) [09:09 17:51:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -336, -2424) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -337, -2423) [09:09 17:51:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -338, -2422) [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:51:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -338, -2422) [09:09 17:51:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -336, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -334, -2423) [09:09 17:51:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -333, -2423) [09:09 17:51:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -334, -2424) [09:09 17:51:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -333, -2424) [09:09 17:51:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -334, -2425) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:51:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -335, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906236(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -340.5, -2429.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906237(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -340.5, -2429.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -341, -2429) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:29] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906239(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -341.5, -2428.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:30] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906240(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -341.5, -2428.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:51:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -341, -2428) [09:09 17:51:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -342, -2428) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906241(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -342.5, -2427.5) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906243(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -342.5, -2427.5) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -341, -2427) [09:09 17:51:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -341, -2426) [09:09 17:51:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -341, -2424) [09:09 17:51:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -341, -2424) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -342, -2426) [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -342, -2425) [09:09 17:51:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -341, -2423) [09:09 17:51:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -340, -2422) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -340, -2421) [09:09 17:51:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -340, -2421) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -340, -2423) [09:09 17:51:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -340, -2422) [09:09 17:51:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -341, -2421) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [09:09 17:51:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -341, -2421) [09:09 17:51:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -341, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -342, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -343, -2427) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:51] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906244(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -343.5, -2426.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906245(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -343.5, -2426.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -343, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -343, -2427) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:51:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -344, -2427) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 30 growing plants! [09:09 17:51:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -343, -2424) [09:09 17:51:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -344, -2424) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:58] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -343, -2423) [09:09 17:51:58] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875770(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 175 (1964.5, 94.5, 5602.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:51:59] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -344, -2425) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (3906246) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906254(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -344.5, -2425.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:02] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906255(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -344.5, -2425.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -345, -2425) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1153 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -345, -2425) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:06] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906256(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -345.5, -2424.5) [09:09 17:52:07] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875770(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 175 (1964.5, 94.5, 5602.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:07] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906258(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -345.5, -2424.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -345, -2423) [09:09 17:52:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -344, -2422) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:52:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -343, -2421) [09:09 17:52:10] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875771(type: 573, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 61 0 175 (1966.5, 94.5, 5604.5) [09:09 17:52:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -342, -2420) [09:09 17:52:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -343, -2420) [09:09 17:52:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -345, -2421) [09:09 17:52:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -346, -2422) [09:09 17:52:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -346, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -346, -2424) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -343, -2423) [09:09 17:52:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -343, -2422) [09:09 17:52:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -342, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -345, -2421) [09:09 17:52:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -345, -2420) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [09:09 17:52:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -345, -2419) [09:09 17:52:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -344, -2418) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:52:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -344, -2417) [09:09 17:52:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -346, -2419) [09:09 17:52:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -346, -2418) [09:09 17:52:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -346, -2421) [09:09 17:52:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -347, -2421) [09:09 17:52:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -347, -2420) [09:09 17:52:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -346, -2417) [09:09 17:52:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -346, -2419) [09:09 17:52:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -344, -2420) [09:09 17:52:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -343, -2419) [09:09 17:52:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -343, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906259(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -346.5, -2423.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906260(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -346.5, -2423.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -347, -2423) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -347, -2423) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 97 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:28] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906261(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -347.5, -2422.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:29] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906262(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -347.5, -2422.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -346, -2421) [09:09 17:52:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -347, -2422) [09:09 17:52:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -345, -2423) [09:09 17:52:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -344, -2424) [09:09 17:52:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -342, -2423) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -348, -2422) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 30 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906263(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -348.5, -2421.5) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906264(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -347.5, -2421.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:37] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906265(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -348.5, -2421.5) WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Despawn 3 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:39] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906264(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -347.5, -2421.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -348, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:41] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906266(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1883, 98.97, 5609) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906266), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906266), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -349, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:43] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906267(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1883, 97.73, 5613) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906267), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906267), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:44] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906268(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1885, 98, 5617) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906268), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906268), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:44] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906269(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1885, 98, 5617) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906269), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906269), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906270(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -349.5, -2420.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906271(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -349.5, -2420.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:46] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906272(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1885, 96, 5621) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906272), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906272), growth time: 7000 SERVER: Updated 2 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -348, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:47] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906273(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1885, 95, 5625) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906273), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906273), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -348, -2420) [09:09 17:52:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -349, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:49] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906274(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1882, 95.14, 5625) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906274), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906274), growth time: 7000 Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:49] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906275(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1880, 95.64, 5621) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906275), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906275), growth time: 7000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -350, -2421) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:50] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906276(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 58 1 175 (1878, 96.07, 5617) Player temerenon placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 3906276), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (3906276), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 164 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -349, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -350, -2420) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906277(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -350.5, -2419.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:52:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906278(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -350.5, -2420.5) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:00] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906278(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -350.5, -2420.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:03] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906279(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -350.5, -2419.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -350, -2418) [09:09 17:53:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -350, -2417) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -347, -2417) [09:09 17:53:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -347, -2416) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [09:09 17:53:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -347, -2418) [09:09 17:53:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -348, -2418) [09:09 17:53:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -351, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -350, -2416) [09:09 17:53:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -349, -2416) [09:09 17:53:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -348, -2415) [09:09 17:53:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -348, -2417) [09:09 17:53:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -349, -2416) [09:09 17:53:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -349, -2418) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -351, -2419) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1632.00, -40.50, 5742.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:13] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875669(type: 320, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 176 (1818.5, 101.53, 5632.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -351, -2416) [09:09 17:53:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -351, -2415) [DB] Saved 1131 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:53:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -350, -2414) [09:09 17:53:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -349, -2413) [09:09 17:53:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -349, -2413) [09:09 17:53:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -349, -2415) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:53:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -350, -2414) [09:09 17:53:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -351, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -351, -2416) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -351, -2419) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906281(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -351.5, -2418.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906282(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -351.5, -2418.5) [09:09 17:53:21] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875705(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1818.5, 102.22, 5630.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -352, -2417) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:23] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -352, -2418) [09:09 17:53:24] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875705(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1818.5, 102.22, 5630.5) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3906280 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:25] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906285(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -352.5, -2417.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906286(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -352.5, -2417.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -352, -2416) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -353, -2417) Spawn 4 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (3906283) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906298(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -353.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906299(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -353.5, -2416.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -352, -2415) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -353, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -353, -2415) [09:09 17:53:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184, -354, -2415) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -354, -2416) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:38] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906300(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -354.5, -2415.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:38] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906301(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -354.5, -2415.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:40] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875704(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1818.5, 103.16, 5628.5) [09:09 17:53:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -351, -2414) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:53:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -353, -2414) [09:09 17:53:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -354, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -350, -2412) [09:09 17:53:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -351, -2412) [09:09 17:53:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -352, -2413) [09:09 17:53:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -353, -2413) [09:09 17:53:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -352, -2413) [09:09 17:53:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -352, -2412) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:53:45] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875704(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1818.5, 103.16, 5628.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -354, -2415) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3906302) [09:09 17:53:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -355, -2416) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -354, -2413) [09:09 17:53:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -354, -2412) [09:09 17:53:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -353, -2411) [09:09 17:53:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -351, -2411) [09:09 17:53:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -350, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -352, -2412) [09:09 17:53:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -354, -2412) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -354, -2414) [09:09 17:53:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -355, -2414) [09:09 17:53:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -355, -2413) [09:09 17:53:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -356, -2412) [09:09 17:53:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -356, -2412) [09:09 17:53:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -356, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -355, -2413) [09:09 17:53:54] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875702(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1812.5, 104.09, 5626.5) [09:09 17:53:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -354, -2411) [09:09 17:53:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -352, -2410) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:53:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -351, -2410) [09:09 17:53:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -352, -2411) [09:09 17:53:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -354, -2411) [09:09 17:53:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -355, -2410) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:53:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -355, -2411) [09:09 17:53:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -355, -2412) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:53:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -353, -2415) [09:09 17:53:58] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875702(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 175 (1812.5, 104.09, 5626.5) [DB] Saved 165 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906313(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -355.5, -2414.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (3906311) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -355, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:06] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906321(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -355.5, -2414.5) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -356, -2414) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:10] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906322(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -356.5, -2413.5) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1696.00, -9.50, 5436.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:10] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906324(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -356.5, -2413.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:13] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875726(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 174 (1808.5, 116.59, 5586.5) [09:09 17:54:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -357, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -357, -2413) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906325(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -357.5, -2412.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906326(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -357.5, -2412.5) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -357, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -358, -2412) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -357, -2411) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906327(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -358.5, -2411.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906328(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -358.5, -2411.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1130 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -357, -2410) [09:09 17:54:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -356, -2409) [09:09 17:54:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -355, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -356, -2409) [09:09 17:54:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -357, -2409) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -357, -2408) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [09:09 17:54:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -356, -2408) [09:09 17:54:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -356, -2408) [09:09 17:54:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -357, -2408) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 17:54:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -358, -2408) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -358, -2411) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -358, -2410) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -359, -2411) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3906323 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -359, -2412) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906329(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -359.5, -2410.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906330(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -359.5, -2410.5) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -358, -2408) [09:09 17:54:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -358, -2407) [09:09 17:54:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184, -358, -2406) [09:09 17:54:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -359, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:54:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -359, -2410) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -360, -2409) [09:09 17:54:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -359, -2407) [09:09 17:54:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -358, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -359, -2409) [09:09 17:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -359, -2408) [09:09 17:54:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -359, -2406) [09:09 17:54:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -359, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5185, -359, -2406) [09:09 17:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5185, -359, -2405) [09:09 17:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5185, -359, -2407) [09:09 17:54:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5186, -359, -2407) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:54:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -360, -2410) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:48] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906331(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -360.5, -2409.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:48] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906332(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -360.5, -2409.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -361, -2410) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -361, -2408) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:53] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906338(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -361.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:53] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906340(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -361.5, -2408.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -362, -2408) [09:09 17:54:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -363, -2408) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! Object primitivefurnace (3880839) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:54:59] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906341(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -362.5, -2407.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906342(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -362.5, -2407.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -360, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -361, -2405) [09:09 17:55:03] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -361, -2404) [09:09 17:55:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -360, -2407) [09:09 17:55:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -361, -2406) [09:09 17:55:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -361, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -361, -2404) [09:09 17:55:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -362, -2406) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 17:55:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -363, -2405) [09:09 17:55:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -361, -2403) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [09:09 17:55:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -360, -2403) [09:09 17:55:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -360, -2404) [09:09 17:55:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -360, -2405) [09:09 17:55:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -362, -2405) [09:09 17:55:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -363, -2405) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 17:55:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -363, -2404) [09:09 17:55:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -363, -2403) [DB] Saved 1205 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:55:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -362, -2403) [09:09 17:55:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -360, -2403) [09:09 17:55:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -359, -2404) [09:09 17:55:10] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -363, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -362, -2407) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -361, -2407) [09:09 17:55:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -362, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -361, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -363, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -363, -2407) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:20] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906345(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -363.5, -2406.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906346(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -363.5, -2406.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -364, -2404) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:55:25] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -365, -2403) [09:09 17:55:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -363, -2402) [09:09 17:55:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -362, -2402) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 17:55:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -360, -2401) [09:09 17:55:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -359, -2401) [09:09 17:55:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -362, -2401) [09:09 17:55:27] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879040(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 175 (1917.77, 97.54, 5603.43) [09:09 17:55:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -75 (5183, -362, -2400) [09:09 17:55:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -75 (5183, -363, -2400) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -364, -2402) [09:09 17:55:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -364, -2401) [09:09 17:55:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -364, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -363, -2401) [09:09 17:55:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -361, -2402) [09:09 17:55:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -360, -2402) [09:09 17:55:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -361, -2401) [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -363, -2401) [09:09 17:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -363, -2403) [09:09 17:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -363, -2403) [09:09 17:55:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -362, -2403) [09:09 17:55:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -362, -2403) [09:09 17:55:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -364, -2403) [09:09 17:55:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -365, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -365, -2402) [09:09 17:55:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -365, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -365, -2401) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -364, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -364, -2406) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -364, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906347(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -364.5, -2405.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906348(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -364.5, -2405.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -365, -2405) [09:09 17:55:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -366, -2406) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906349(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -365.5, -2404.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:47] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906350(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -365.5, -2404.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -365, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -366, -2404) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 17:55:50] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906351(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.61, 98.84, 5585.63) Player temerenon placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 3906351) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:54] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906352(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -366.5, -2403.5) [DB] Saved 140 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:55:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -366, -2404) [09:09 17:55:56] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184, -367, -2404) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:55:59] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875792(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 174 (1922.5, 98.38, 5584.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:00] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906353(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -365.5, -2403.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:01] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906354(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -366.5, -2403.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:03] DestroyConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906353(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -365.5, -2403.5) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -366, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -366, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:08] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -366, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:09] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -367, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 9) generated (32 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -367, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -367, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:15] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876011(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 172 (1916.5, 133.25, 5522.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:15] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906364(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -367.5, -2402.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:16] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906365(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -367.5, -2402.5) SERVER: Updated 38 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:56:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182, -368, -2401) [DB] Saved 1176 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906366(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -368.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:21] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906367(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.5, -368.5, -2401.5) WorldPart (3, 9) generated (25 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906424(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -368.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:22] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906425(type: 0, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5182.5, -368.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183, -368, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -368, -2401) [09:09 17:56:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -367, -2401) [09:09 17:56:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -367, -2401) SERVER: Updated 56 growing plants! [09:09 17:56:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -365, -2402) [09:09 17:56:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -366, -2402) [09:09 17:56:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -368, -2402) [09:09 17:56:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -369, -2403) [09:09 17:56:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -370, -2403) [09:09 17:56:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181, -367, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180, -367, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -367, -2404) [09:09 17:56:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -367, -2403) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:56:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -368, -2402) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:56:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -364, -2401) [09:09 17:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -364, -2401) [09:09 17:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -366, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:31] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -368, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -369, -2401) [09:09 17:56:32] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -370, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -368, -2401) [09:09 17:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -369, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -368, -2401) [09:09 17:56:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -367, -2401) [09:09 17:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -366, -2402) [09:09 17:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -365, -2403) [09:09 17:56:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -367, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -368, -2403) [09:09 17:56:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -369, -2402) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -369, -2403) [09:09 17:56:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -370, -2403) [09:09 17:56:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -370, -2404) [09:09 17:56:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -369, -2404) [09:09 17:56:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -370, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -371, -2402) WorldPart (4, 10) generated (27 ms) [09:09 17:56:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -370, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 127 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:43] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906433(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181.5, -368.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906434(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5181.5, -368.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:44] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906435(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180.5, -369.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:45] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906436(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5180.5, -369.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:46] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906437(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -370.5, -2400.5) Delete growing plant 3827411 (300) Delete growing plant 3827412 (300) Delete growing plant 3827413 (300) Delete growing plant 3827414 (300) Delete growing plant 3827415 (300) Delete growing plant 3827416 (300) Delete growing plant 3827417 (300) Delete growing plant 3827418 (300) Delete growing plant 3827419 (300) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:47] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906438(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179.5, -370.5, -2401.5) WorldPart (5, 10) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (5, 9) generated (33 ms) Spawn npc ram (0) at (2126.00, 119.84, 5344.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5179, -370, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178, -371, -2402) [09:09 17:56:50] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876004(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 64 0 172 (2078.5, 99.5, 5508.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906447(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178.5, -371.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:56:53] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906448(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5178.5, -371.5, -2401.5) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3877550 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Load sector from db (0, -1) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -5) generated (59 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (40 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3827420 (300) Delete growing plant 3827421 (300) Delete growing plant 3827422 (300) Delete growing plant 3827483 (300) Delete growing plant 3827484 (300) Delete growing plant 3827485 (300) Delete growing plant 3827486 (300) Delete growing plant 3827487 (300) Delete growing plant 3827618 (300) Delete growing plant 3827651 (300) Delete growing plant 3827652 (300) Delete growing plant 3827655 (300) Delete growing plant 3827656 (300) Delete growing plant 3827657 (300) Delete growing plant 3827744 (300) Delete growing plant 3827745 (300) Delete growing plant 3827746 (300) Delete growing plant 3827747 (300) Delete growing plant 3827748 (300) Delete growing plant 3827749 (300) Delete growing plant 3827750 (300) Delete growing plant 3827954 (300) SERVER: Updated 30 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:00] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876004(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 64 0 172 (2078.5, 99.5, 5508.5) Delete growing plant 3876004 (551) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1178 npcs in database (3 ms) [09:09 17:57:04] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876004(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 64 0 172 (2078.5, 99.5, 5508.5) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (3906451) Delete growing plant 3828159 (300) Delete growing plant 3828160 (300) Delete growing plant 3828161 (300) Delete growing plant 3828162 (300) Delete growing plant 3828163 (300) Delete growing plant 3828164 (300) Delete growing plant 3828165 (300) Delete growing plant 3828166 (300) Delete growing plant 3828167 (300) Delete growing plant 3828344 (300) Delete growing plant 3828345 (300) Delete growing plant 3828346 (300) Delete growing plant 3828348 (300) Delete growing plant 3828349 (300) Delete growing plant 3827955 (300) Delete growing plant 3827956 (300) Delete growing plant 3827957 (300) Delete growing plant 3827958 (300) Delete growing plant 3827959 (300) Delete growing plant 3827960 (300) Delete growing plant 3827961 (300) SERVER: Updated 34 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3828350 (300) Delete growing plant 3828545 (300) Delete growing plant 3828548 (300) Delete growing plant 3828549 (300) Delete growing plant 3828550 (300) Delete growing plant 3828551 (300) Delete growing plant 3828552 (300) Delete growing plant 3828553 (300) Delete growing plant 3828554 (300) Delete growing plant 3828555 (300) Delete growing plant 3828557 (300) Delete growing plant 3828558 (300) Delete growing plant 3828736 (300) Delete growing plant 3828768 (300) Delete growing plant 3828769 (300) Delete growing plant 3828770 (300) Delete growing plant 3828771 (300) Delete growing plant 3828772 (300) Delete growing plant 3828773 (300) Delete growing plant 3828774 (300) Delete growing plant 3828775 (300) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -371, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc lion (0) at (2229.00, 104.28, 5344.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:26] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177, -372, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3829018 (300) Delete growing plant 3829019 (300) Delete growing plant 3829020 (300) Delete growing plant 3829021 (300) Delete growing plant 3829022 (300) Delete growing plant 3829023 (300) Delete growing plant 3829024 (300) Delete growing plant 3829025 (300) Delete growing plant 3829026 (300) Delete growing plant 3829027 (300) Delete growing plant 443466 (200) Delete growing plant 3828776 (300) Delete growing plant 3828777 (300) Delete growing plant 3828778 (300) Delete growing plant 3828779 (300) Delete growing plant 3828780 (300) Delete growing plant 3828781 (300) Delete growing plant 3828782 (300) Delete growing plant 3828783 (300) Delete growing plant 3828784 (300) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -372, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -372, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:27] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -369, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:28] KillNpc: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3878298(type: 75, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 64 1 170 (2052.3, 109.34, 5471.84) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3878298 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -369, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -370, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -372, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906522(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177.5, -372.5, -2400.5) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:35] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906523(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5177.5, -372.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 17:57:37] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -373, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:38] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -372, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906524(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176.5, -373.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:40] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906525(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176.5, -373.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -372, -2403) [09:09 17:57:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -372, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -370, -2403) [09:09 17:57:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -370, -2404) [09:09 17:57:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -370, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -370, -2403) [09:09 17:57:44] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876100(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 64 0 170 (2068.5, 106, 5464.5) [09:09 17:57:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -370, -2402) [09:09 17:57:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -371, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -371, -2401) [09:09 17:57:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -372, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -372, -2403) [09:09 17:57:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -372, -2404) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [09:09 17:57:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -372, -2405) [09:09 17:57:47] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -372, -2405) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -373, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:50] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -373, -2401) [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -373, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:51] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -373, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -374, -2403) [09:09 17:57:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174, -375, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:54] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5176, -374, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:55] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175, -374, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:57] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906526(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175.5, -374.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:57:57] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906527(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5175.5, -374.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -374, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -375, -2401) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:03] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906528(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174.5, -375.5, -2400.5) WorldPart (3, 11) generated (16 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:03] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906529(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5174.5, -375.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:05] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -376, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:06] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -374, -2403) [09:09 17:58:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -375, -2402) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 17:58:07] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -376, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:10] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906530(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173.5, -376.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:10] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906531(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173.5, -376.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5173, -376, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:58:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -375, -2401) [09:09 17:58:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -375, -2401) [09:09 17:58:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -373, -2401) [09:09 17:58:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -373, -2402) [09:09 17:58:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -374, -2403) [09:09 17:58:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -376, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [09:09 17:58:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172, -377, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -377, -2401) [09:09 17:58:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -376, -2401) [09:09 17:58:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -375, -2401) [09:09 17:58:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -374, -2402) [09:09 17:58:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -373, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:58:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -374, -2403) [09:09 17:58:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -375, -2403) [09:09 17:58:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -376, -2403) [09:09 17:58:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -377, -2403) [09:09 17:58:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -378, -2402) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 17:58:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -378, -2404) [09:09 17:58:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -376, -2404) [09:09 17:58:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -374, -2404) [09:09 17:58:22] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -373, -2405) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:25] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906532(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172.5, -377.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906533(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5172.5, -377.5, -2401.5) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:28] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171, -378, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -378, -2403) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906534(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171.5, -378.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:31] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906535(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5171.5, -378.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:33] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -378, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:34] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -379, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -379, -2403) [DB] Saved 78 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906536(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170.5, -379.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:36] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906537(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170.5, -379.5, -2401.5) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -379, -2401) [09:09 17:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -379, -2401) [09:09 17:58:39] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -377, -2401) [09:09 17:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -376, -2401) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -375, -2402) [09:09 17:58:40] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -376, -2403) [09:09 17:58:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -378, -2403) [09:09 17:58:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -379, -2403) [09:09 17:58:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -380, -2402) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -378, -2402) [09:09 17:58:42] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -378, -2402) [09:09 17:58:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -375, -2403) [09:09 17:58:43] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -378, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:44] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -381, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:45] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906538(type: 202, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5565) Player temerenon placed growable plant tomato_sapling (ID: 3906538), growth time: 600 Created growing plant tomato_sapling (3906538), growth time: 600 [09:09 17:58:45] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -379, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -376, -2401) [09:09 17:58:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -377, -2403) [09:09 17:58:46] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -377, -2404) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:48] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5170, -380, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:49] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906539(type: 202, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5564) Player temerenon placed growable plant tomato_sapling (ID: 3906539), growth time: 600 Created growing plant tomato_sapling (3906539), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:49] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -380, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:51] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906540(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169.5, -380.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:51] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906541(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169.5, -380.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:52] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906542(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168.5, -381.5, -2400.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:58] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906543(type: 322, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5566) Player temerenon placed growable plant sugarbeet_sapling (ID: 3906543), growth time: 600 Created growing plant sugarbeet_sapling (3906543), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:58] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906544(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168.5, -381.5, -2401.5) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:58:59] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906545(type: 322, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5565) Player temerenon placed growable plant sugarbeet_sapling (ID: 3906545), growth time: 600 Created growing plant sugarbeet_sapling (3906545), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:00] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -381, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:01] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -382, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -380, -2403) [09:09 17:59:02] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5169, -380, -2404) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:04] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5168, -382, -2401) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:07] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906546(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167.5, -382.5, -2400.5) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:07] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906547(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167.5, -382.5, -2401.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:09] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906548(type: 281, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5560) Player temerenon placed growable plant watermelon_seeds (ID: 3906548), growth time: 600 Created growing plant watermelon_seeds (3906548), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:10] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906549(type: 281, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1913, 98, 5560) Player temerenon placed growable plant watermelon_seeds (ID: 3906549), growth time: 600 Created growing plant watermelon_seeds (3906549), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -381, -2401) [09:09 17:59:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -381, -2401) [09:09 17:59:11] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -380, -2401) [09:09 17:59:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -379, -2401) [09:09 17:59:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -379, -2403) [09:09 17:59:12] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -380, -2403) [09:09 17:59:13] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -381, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -382, -2401) [09:09 17:59:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -382, -2401) [09:09 17:59:14] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -381, -2401) [09:09 17:59:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162, -381, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:59:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162, -380, -2402) [09:09 17:59:15] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162, -381, -2403) [09:09 17:59:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -381, -2404) [09:09 17:59:16] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -381, -2404) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [09:09 17:59:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -382, -2403) [09:09 17:59:17] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5164, -383, -2403) [09:09 17:59:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5162, -382, -2402) [09:09 17:59:18] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5161, -381, -2402) [09:09 17:59:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5160, -381, -2402) [09:09 17:59:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5161, -383, -2401) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:59:19] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5161, -384, -2401) [09:09 17:59:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -383, -2401) [09:09 17:59:20] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -384, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:21] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -383, -2401) [DB] Saved 1202 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:24] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5167, -383, -2401) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:26] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906550(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166.5, -383.5, -2400.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:27] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906551(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166.5, -383.5, -2401.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:29] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5166, -383, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:30] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5165, -384, -2401) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:32] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906552(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5165.5, -384.5, -2400.5) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:33] PlaceConstruction: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906553(type: 30, tex: 261, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5165.5, -384.5, -2401.5) [09:09 17:59:34] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 101, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:35] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5164, -385, -2402) [09:09 17:59:36] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5164, -385, -2402) Load sector from db (0, -1) [09:09 17:59:36] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 102, 5562) Loaded 11125 caves from stored sector data... WorldPart (10, -5) generated (66 ms) WorldPart (9, -5) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (10, -6) generated (50 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (9, -6) generated (54 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:40] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 98, 5561) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5163, -385, -2401) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5163, -385, -2401) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -7 -76 (5163, -385, -2401) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -384, -2403) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -384, -2403) [09:09 17:59:41] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5163, -384, -2403) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:43] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897, 98, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 101 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:59:45] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897, 99, 5561) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:59:47] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897, 101, 5561) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 17:59:49] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 102, 5561) [09:09 17:59:50] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 102, 5563) [09:09 17:59:52] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897, 101, 5563) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 17:59:54] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1896, 98, 5561) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [09:09 17:59:58] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1898, 101, 5565) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:00:00] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1899, 102, 5564) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (3880839) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1184 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:00:15] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.32, 98.01, 5571.64) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:00:21] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.32, 98.01, 5571.64) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:00:24] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.32, 98.01, 5571.64) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:00:26] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.32, 98.01, 5571.64) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! Object woodenbarrel (3396002) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:00:37] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906560(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897.91, 98.03, 5562.82) Player temerenon placed object element campfire (ID: 3906560) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342888), Stopped: True, Info: None [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:00:42] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906562(type: 370, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1897.91, 98.03, 5562.82) Player temerenon placed object element skewer (ID: 3906562) [18:00:42] CREATE NEW META OBJECT 3906562 (59|1|173) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342888), Stopped: True, Info: None [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342887), Stopped: True, Info: None [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342887), Stopped: True, Info: None [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) Object campfire (3906560) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342888), Stopped: True, Info: Headshot [09:09 18:00:56] KillNpc: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3342888(type: 120, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5182.33, 105, -2426.9) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3342888 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... Server receive weapon fire hit target - Shooter: ServerPlayer(ID: 0, DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286, Name: Kesselia), Projectile: arrow, Type: Npc (3342887), Stopped: True, Info: None [09:09 18:00:59] KillNpc: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3342887(type: 120, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 161 1 -76 (5183.11, 105, -2426.92) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3342887 Remove item ironingot (3906333) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3906334) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3906335) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3906336) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3906337) from meta object 3880839 Remove item ironingot (3906339) from meta object 3880839 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1176 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:01:17] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.21, 98.01, 5570.54) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:01:23] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906573(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.56, 98.01, 5570.87) Player temerenon placed object element anvil (ID: 3906573) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1184 npcs in database (5 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:02:16] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5139.11, 107.01, -2448.91) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:02:19] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 186, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5139.11, 107.01, -2448.91) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object campfire (3519178) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (10, -6) generated (52 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:02:51] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906577(type: 554, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1897, 98.21, 5589) Player temerenon placed growable plant apple_sapling (ID: 3906577), growth time: 8000 Created growing plant apple_sapling (3906577), growth time: 8000 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change info 0 -> 753 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:02:57] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906578(type: 554, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 60 1 174 (1923, 99, 5581) Player temerenon placed growable plant apple_sapling (ID: 3906578), growth time: 8000 Created growing plant apple_sapling (3906578), growth time: 8000 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 0 -> 5 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 5 -> 10 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 10 -> 15 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 15 -> 20 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 20 -> 25 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 25 -> 30 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 30 -> 35 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 35 -> 40 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 40 -> 45 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 45 -> 50 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 50 -> 55 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 55 -> 60 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 60 -> 65 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 65 -> 70 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 70 -> 75 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 75 -> 80 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 80 -> 85 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 85 -> 90 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 90 -> 95 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 95 -> 100 Object tanningrack (3517194) change info 753 -> 0 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change info 0 -> 753 [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:03:14] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1906, 99, 5581) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:03:17] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905, 99, 5580) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 18:03:20] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 99, 5580) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 0 -> 5 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 5 -> 10 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 10 -> 15 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 15 -> 20 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 20 -> 25 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 25 -> 30 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 30 -> 35 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 35 -> 40 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 40 -> 45 Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 45 -> 50 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 50 -> 55 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 55 -> 60 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 60 -> 65 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 65 -> 70 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 70 -> 75 [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 75 -> 80 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 80 -> 85 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 85 -> 90 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 90 -> 95 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 95 -> 100 Object tanningrack (3517194) change info 753 -> 0 Object tanningrack (3517194) change status 100 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:03:46] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.42, 98.01, 5573.47) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:03:56] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906579(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 98.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:04:00] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 164, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.54, 107.01, -2450.21) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:04:02] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.54, 107.01, -2450.21) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:04:05] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 71, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.54, 107.01, -2450.21) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:04:06] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906587(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 101.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3807880 (550) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:04:10] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906592(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 102.5, 5578.5) [09:09 18:04:10] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906600(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 104.5, 5576.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:04:17] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906600(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 104.5, 5576.5) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 Delete growing plant 3826413 (200) Delete growing plant 3826414 (200) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1156 npcs in database (4 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object campfire (3906560) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item steakcooked (3906567) from meta object 3906562 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakcooked (3906565) from meta object 3906562 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object campfire (3906560) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:04:44] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.61, 107.01, -2449.23) Remove item steakcooked (3906568) from meta object 3906562 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:04:48] CraftItem: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 160 1 -77 (5138.61, 107.01, -2449.23) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 1 connect ( [18:04:52] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CONNECTED ( [18:04:52] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [18:04:52] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (Littlelamb, 76561198341802932, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 18:04:52:814 - 76561198341802932 Littlelamb [20, 0, 0, 0, 213, 222, 14, 100, 19, 193, 3, 179, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 188, 116, 223, 102, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 214, 54, 132, 98, 170, 240, 34, 230, 178, 203, 160, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 180, 203, 189, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 54, 15, 30, 203, 221, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 114, 223, 102, 153, 33, 251, 102, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 166, 80, 101, 58, 13, 20, 231, 212, 122, 204, 108, 130, 22, 91, 56, 64, 55, 135, 196, 177, 212, 224, 152, 240, 236, 252, 222, 209, 79, 26, 50, 225, 108, 40, 159, 200, 230, 246, 168, 221, 219, 232, 46, 51, 136, 63, 103, 195, 106, 178, 245, 10, 2, 224, 246, 229, 176, 77, 112, 105, 73, 193, 7, 16, 75, 215, 139, 141, 239, 51, 7, 246, 71, 180, 42, 15, 228, 101, 51, 153, 236, 107, 149, 143, 7, 13, 229, 25, 116, 181, 40, 163, 144, 119, 114, 206, 119, 198, 205, 79, 146, 38, 187, 56, 186, 124, 236, 55, 194, 104, 109, 206, 249, 5, 101, 185, 160, 72, 138, 206, 181, 240, 183, 3, 18, 247, 141, 242] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198341802932): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [18:04:52] Client 1 (76561198341802932) fully authenticated! 18:04:53:008 - PLAYER CONNECT: Littlelamb (ID: 1) DB: Player 76561198341802932 exists in database Loaded 36 item stats from database Inventory for player 21 exists! Register 3 keys [16, 28, 20] for player 1 from plugin WorldProtection (1) [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 1366 -> serialized 1366 npcs (1366) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198341802932) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 3) generated (48 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:04:58] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906596(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 102.5, 5576.5) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:05:00] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879845(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 102.5, 5577.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:05:02] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3879843(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904.5, 102.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:05:04] DestroyTerrain: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1904, 100, 5577) Player Littlelamb (1) spawned at (3831.07, 256.01, 1824.68)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1201 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:05:07] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906595(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 102.5, 5577.5) SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:05:11] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906594(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 102.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:05:18] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906920(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.5, 102.5, 5578.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object primitivedoor1 (3879364) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (10, -6) generated (52 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 85 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:05:34] DestroyConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3905493(type: 0, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:05:55] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.66, 98.01, 5572.51) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1208 npcs in database (3 ms) Object campfire (3519178) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3396001) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:06:22] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906925(type: 75, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.5, 100.5, 5579.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:06:28] PlaceConstruction: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906926(type: 75, tex: 239, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.5, 100.5, 5579.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3396001) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (0 ms) Remove item steakcooked (3906574) from meta object 3519180 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item steakcooked (3906575) from meta object 3519180 [09:09 18:06:44] RemoveObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906351(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1910.61, 98.84, 5585.63) Remove item steakcooked (3906576) from meta object 3519180 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:06:47] RemoveObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519180(type: 370, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 107.19, -2460.5) DELETE META OBJECT: 3519180 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:06:50] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906927(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1905.43, 98.84, 5580.7) Player temerenon placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 3906927) [09:09 18:06:51] RemoveObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3519178(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5159, 107.19, -2460.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (2 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:06:56] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906928(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5167.14, 107.31, -2453.62) Player Kesselia placed object element campfire (ID: 3906928) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 149 npcs in database (0 ms) Object grinder (3517193) change status 0 -> 254 [2024-09-09 18:07] Littlelamb: did u all survive the night Object grinder (3517193) change status 254 -> 249 Object grinder (3517193) change status 249 -> 244 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:07:07] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.69, 98.01, 5573.54) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:07:08] RemoveObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906928(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5167.14, 107.31, -2453.62) SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:07:12] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906929(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5175.61, 107.2, -2446.25) Player Kesselia placed object element campfire (ID: 3906929) [2024-09-09 18:07] temerenon: I did [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:07:16] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906930(type: 373, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5175.61, 107.2, -2446.25) Player Kesselia placed object element campfiregrill (ID: 3906930) [18:07:16] CREATE NEW META OBJECT 3906930 (161|1|-77) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:07:24] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906933(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1903.79, 98, 5580.99) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3906933) [DB] Saved 1149 npcs in database (3 ms) Object standingtorch (3906933) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:07] Littlelamb: that is good [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:07:36] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3906940(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.54, 98, 5588.91) Player temerenon placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3906940) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object standingtorch (3906940) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object campfire (3906929) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 101 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [2024-09-09 18:07] temerenon: almost died of thirst.. but all better now LOL [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 174 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:08:32] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875630(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 57 0 178 (1838.5, 91.84, 5720.5) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1131 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest3 (3393663) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc spider (0) at (1646.00, -58.50, 5824.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:08:51] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875466(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 56 0 180 (1808.5, 105.44, 5772.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (1614.00, -17.50, 5664.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:08:56] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875409(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 55 0 180 (1774.5, 107.25, 5776.5) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 18:08] Littlelamb: apples will give you food as well a quench you thirst [09:09 18:08:58] RemoveObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3302579(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5180.97, 107.72, -2443.15) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:09:11] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3906945(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5161.42, 107.3, -2463.49) Player Kesselia placed object element standingtorch (ID: 3906945) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object standingtorch (3906945) change status 0 -> 1 [09:09 18:09:13] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809872(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 58 (3872.5, 249.94, 1880.5) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3906944 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 170 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 18:09] temerenon: yes, I ran out and skelly was at the door [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3906943 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:09:33] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875522(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 58 0 181 (1878.5, 97.28, 5810.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:09:40] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875557(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 59 0 182 (1894.5, 99.97, 5844.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1130 npcs in database (3 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 142 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 10) generated (26 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1202 npcs in database (3 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 20 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:10:35] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.84, 98, 5572.83) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:10:38] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 65, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1908.84, 98, 5572.83) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:10] Littlelamb: oh scarie not a nice visitor. I heard footsteps but idi not see any one . kept diving out side to bring in my crafting tables and put fuel in my fernaces [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 66 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [2024-09-09 18:11] Littlelamb: sorry furnaces [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:11:06] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3301501(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 1 -77 (5187.38, 108.14, -2456.44) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:11:08] RemoveVegetation: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3301502(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 1 -77 (5181.38, 108.07, -2460.6) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 WorldPart (10, -6) generated (51 ms) Object campfire (3906929) change status 1 -> 0 Remove item steakcooked (3906937) from meta object 3906930 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakcooked (3906942) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906941) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906936) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906939) from meta object 3906930 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item steakcooked (3906938) from meta object 3906930 [DB] Saved 153 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item steakcooked (3906935) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906934) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906932) from meta object 3906930 Remove item steakcooked (3906931) from meta object 3906930 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1172 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:11] temerenon: ran out of fuel too... lol.... gathering things now [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3393657) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Player Kesselia sets secondary spawn point (object: 3396063 @ 160 1 -77) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 9) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:12:06] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876113(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 170 (1928.5, 144.88, 5446.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 9) generated (33 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 10) generated (27 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1182 npcs in database (3 ms) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2133.00, 180.84, 5237.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2140.00, 178.81, 5237.00) Spawn npc elephant (0) at (2133.00, 181.94, 5223.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 10) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (5, 9) generated (32 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc spider (0) at (2222.00, -51.50, 5184.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:12] Littlelamb: ahh just accidiently threw away my sledge hammer not cant find it [09:09 18:12:35] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876520(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 65 0 166 (2106.5, 112.06, 5340.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc bull (2) at (2293.00, 127.16, 5269.00) Spawn npc bull (2) at (2293.00, 129.38, 5255.00) Spawn npc cow (2) at (2286.00, 130.66, 5255.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:12] temerenon: Oh no [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, 11) generated (25 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc chicken (1) at (2382.00, 92.75, 5198.00) Spawn npc chicken (2) at (2396.00, 92.13, 5184.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Remove item ironingot (3879389) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3879390) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3879391) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3879392) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3879393) from meta object 3815889 Remove item ironingot (3879394) from meta object 3815889 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc goat (0) at (2311.00, 125.25, 5109.00) Spawn npc goat (0) at (2304.00, 120.22, 5088.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (2304.00, -3.50, 5088.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (4, 8) generated (33 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (5, 8) generated (39 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 8) generated (20 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:13:19] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3878190(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 74 0 160 (2390.5, 109.06, 5128.5) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:13:24] CraftItem: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 20, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 119 4 56 (3828.74, 256.01, 1823.18) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (2304.00, -16.50, 4949.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 18:13:32] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3878171(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 73 0 160 (2348.5, 122.5, 5124.5) [09:09 18:13:32] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808092(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 56 (3860.5, 255.5, 1800.5) [DB] Saved 1195 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:13:35] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3878173(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 73 0 160 (2358.5, 120.84, 5140.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:13:37] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808847(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 56 (3878.5, 254.84, 1812.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3908133 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3907482 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3907159 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:14] Littlelamb: i like the omount of stone and iron ore that is on the surface, easy to collect [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:14:28] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876920(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 66 0 163 (2132.5, 181.94, 5224.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:14:29] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810486(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 59 (3930.5, 244.5, 1904.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:14:35] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3800778(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 59 (3952.5, 244.41, 1904.5) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:14:41] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3800782(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 59 (3964.5, 242.56, 1890.5) [DB] Saved 1204 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:14] temerenon: yes, as long as a liion or elephant does not get ya [09:09 18:14:46] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810482(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 58 (3956.5, 242.03, 1868.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:14:51] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810479(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 123 0 58 (3948.5, 244.22, 1884.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:05] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876936(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 163 (1946.5, 195.94, 5216.5) [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [2024-09-09 18:15] Littlelamb: at present i only have zebras [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold4 (3393658) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (8, 3) generated (35 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:16] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3800772(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 124 0 58 (3978.5, 237.09, 1864.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:18] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3800773(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 124 0 58 (3978.5, 239.28, 1874.5) [09:09 18:15:18] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876531(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 166 (1924.5, 165.09, 5332.5) SERVER: Received map tile request 0 -1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:21] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3800771(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 124 0 58 (3970.5, 237.84, 1862.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1184 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:31] KillNpc: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3878730(type: 5, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 2 167 (1920.7, 151.5, 5359.83) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [18:15:31] SERVER: Npc not found 3878730 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [2024-09-09 18:15] Littlelamb: as well as the usual other anumals sheep etc [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:15:46] DestroyVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876412(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 167 (1920.5, 152.06, 5354.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:57] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876239(type: 270, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 168 (1936.5, 150.41, 5394.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:15:59] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876238(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 60 0 168 (1928.5, 150.03, 5398.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:16:01] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810074(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 122 0 58 (3932.5, 247.25, 1866.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 18:16:11] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3876066(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 62 0 171 (2008.5, 120.25, 5482.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:16:13] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809873(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 121 0 58 (3874.5, 250.5, 1876.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:16:18] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809375(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 58 (3856.5, 251.94, 1884.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc fox (0) at (3797.00, 236.97, 2037.00) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (7, 4) generated (51 ms) [09:09 18:16:25] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810080(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 120 0 60 (3840.5, 244.22, 1924.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:16:28] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810089(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 60 (3836.5, 242.5, 1940.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3810478 (550) SERVER: Updated 21 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db WorldPart (3, 11) generated (18 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:16:37] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810088(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 60 (3820.5, 243.16, 1940.5) [DB] Saved 1179 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Delete growing plant 3875797 (200) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:07] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3908298(type: 272, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5562) Player temerenon placed growable plant potato_sapling (ID: 3908298), growth time: 600 Created growing plant potato_sapling (3908298), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:09] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3908299(type: 272, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5561) Player temerenon placed growable plant potato_sapling (ID: 3908299), growth time: 600 Created growing plant potato_sapling (3908299), growth time: 600 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:10] PlaceVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3908300(type: 272, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 173 (1914, 98, 5563) Player temerenon placed growable plant potato_sapling (ID: 3908300), growth time: 600 Created growing plant potato_sapling (3908300), growth time: 600 SERVER: Updated 21 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:17:29] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3908301(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 162 -6 -76 (5184.29, -338.11, -2431.75) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3908301) Object walltorch (3908301) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 18:17:37] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809376(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 59 (3810.5, 249.22, 1918.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:41] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809881(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 60 (3806.5, 249.66, 1920.5) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:17:42] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.35, 98, 5571.39) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:17:44] PlaceObject: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: 3908302(type: 220, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5183.83, -364.41, -2400.2) Player Kesselia placed object element walltorch (ID: 3908302) Object walltorch (3908302) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 4 chunks... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Sync client inventory... [09:09 18:17:49] CraftItem: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1909.35, 98, 5571.39) [09:09 18:17:50] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809377(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 59 (3818.5, 250.72, 1902.5) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:52] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5160, -384, -2402) [09:09 18:17:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5159, -384, -2402) [09:09 18:17:53] DestroyTerrain: Kesselia (DbID: 20, UID: 76561198191018286 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 20) @ chunk 161 -6 -76 (5159, -384, -2402) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810086(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 60 (3810.5, 249, 1920.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (50 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc chicken (0) at (3680.00, 209.75, 2044.00) Spawn npc chick (0) at (3687.00, 211.22, 2044.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (3680.00, 208.16, 2030.00) Spawn npc chicken (1) at (3680.00, 208.41, 2037.00) Spawn npc chicken (0) at (3708.00, 217.88, 2044.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:17:59] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809879(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 60 (3800.5, 250.56, 1922.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:04] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809880(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 60 (3800.5, 248.47, 1942.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [09:09 18:18:09] PlaceObject: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3909923(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 23) @ chunk 59 1 174 (1911.64, 99.8, 5572.26) Player temerenon placed object element chest2 (ID: 3909923) [18:18:09] CREATE NEW STORAGE 3909923 (59|1|174) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:18:10] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810493(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 119 0 61 (3812.5, 243.5, 1958.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object chest2 (3880854) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [ENET SERVER] Client 0 disconnected ( [18:18:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Zombie) [18:18:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Zombie -> Disconnected) [18:18:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [18:18:15] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198191018286, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198191018286 [09:09 18:18:15] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810098(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3804.5, 243.5, 1972.5) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 [09:09 18:18:17] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810097(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3802.5, 244.22, 1966.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:19] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810095(type: 906, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3796.5, 244.38, 1974.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:23] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810094(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3792.5, 244.53, 1978.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:25] DestroyTerrain: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 21) @ chunk 118 3 61 (3785, 245, 1971) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:26] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810093(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3786.5, 245.66, 1972.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:28] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810090(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3778.5, 247.16, 1976.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:30] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810091(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 61 (3780.5, 245.66, 1982.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1192 npcs in database (3 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (3765.00, 208.41, 2133.00) Spawn npc rhinoceros (0) at (3744.00, 209.88, 2126.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:34] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810712(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 62 (3776.5, 245.5, 1990.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:35] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810501(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 62 (3772.5, 245.13, 1992.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:39] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810713(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 62 (3776.5, 244.91, 1996.5) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:44] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810499(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 62 (3756.5, 242.75, 1986.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:18:48] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810100(type: 908, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 61 (3748.5, 244.41, 1970.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 18:18:52] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810099(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 117 0 61 (3744.5, 245.53, 1956.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:18:55] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809885(type: 901, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 61 (3740.5, 243.84, 1960.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:19:01] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809883(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 61 (3730.5, 237.81, 1970.5) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! Object chest2 (3880854) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3909923) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:19:18] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809883(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 61 (3730.5, 237.81, 1970.5) Delete growing plant 3809883 (551) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (1 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [09:09 18:19:22] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809883(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 61 (3730.5, 237.81, 1970.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (3909926) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (3909923) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [09:09 18:19:32] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809882(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 116 0 61 (3720.5, 228.13, 1982.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Spawn npc ram (0) at (3623.00, 182.97, 2140.00) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (3616.00, 180.56, 2126.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (3630.00, 179.84, 2133.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3616.00, 181.31, 2133.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (6, 4) generated (51 ms) WorldPart (6, 3) generated (40 ms) Spawn npc sheep (0) at (3566.00, 183.50, 2016.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (3552.00, 183.50, 2030.00) Spawn npc ram (0) at (3580.00, 184.50, 2037.00) Spawn npc lamb (0) at (3580.00, 184.50, 2023.00) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object doorold3 (3879886) change status 1 -> 0 [09:09 18:19:43] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810506(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 115 0 63 (3704.5, 218, 2044.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:19:50] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810788(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 114 0 64 (3676.5, 208.75, 2048.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [09:09 18:19:54] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810786(type: 280, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 114 0 64 (3674.5, 206.88, 2054.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:19:58] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3810114(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 114 0 63 (3652.5, 204.09, 2032.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [DB] Saved 156 npcs in database (0 ms) [09:09 18:20:06] RemoveVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3809888(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 114 0 62 (3656.5, 206.59, 1992.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:20:08] RemoveVegetation: temerenon (DbID: 23, UID: 76561199133254936 element: 3875842(type: 200, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 55 0 173 (1782.5, 120.13, 5556.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1621.00, -6.50, 5468.00) Spawn npc spider (0) at (1607.00, -56.50, 5628.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:20:13] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808868(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 113 0 61 (3640.5, 204.31, 1982.5) [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [Java] SQLite: C:\Pingperfect\Users\royj\7338816\Plugins\WorldProtection/RunAndHideServer/database.db [09:09 18:20:17] DestroyVegetation: Littlelamb (DbID: 21, UID: 76561198341802932 element: 3808867(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 113 0 61 (3638.5, 204.53, 1978.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1214 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198341802932) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561199133254936) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198337454361) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 80 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1222 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 159 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 170 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1144 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 103 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 22 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 169 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1142 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1217 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 80 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1193 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1174 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1204 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1216 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1176 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1192 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 152 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3749363 (570) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 180 npcs in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1194 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 185 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 90 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1144 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 89 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1184 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1202 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1160 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 175 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1137 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 152 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1183 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1173 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 127 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1162 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 181 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 152 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 185 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1143 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 189 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1183 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1214 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1218 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3814106 (514) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1254 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 58 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 153 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 90 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1193 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (6208.00, 91.72, 1383.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1813.00, 146.66, 5461.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1724.00, 121.03, 5557.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1856.00, 122.72, 5564.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1788.00, 105.66, 5639.00) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3814453 (540) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1224 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3814555 (540) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1201 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1181 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1164 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 170 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 154 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1172 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1146 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 191 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 89 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1213 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1217 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1262 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1191 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1212 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3791728 (220) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1255 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1232 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 144 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1171 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 13 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1200 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 85 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 171 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1147 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 173 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1186 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1215 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1220 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 92 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1266 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 55 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 162 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 14 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1195 npcs in database (3 ms) Delete growing plant 3905468 (290) Delete growing plant 3905469 (290) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 101 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1227 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3906543 (320) Delete growing plant 3906545 (320) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1204 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 167 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1195 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 149 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 15 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1171 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 154 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1170 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 191 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 89 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1146 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 194 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 133 npcs in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1217 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1215 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1261 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 165 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1192 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909945 SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909946 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909947 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909943 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909944 [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1223 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1201 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1182 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 23 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1166 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 168 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1193 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 150 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1162 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 194 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 80 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1150 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 192 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1191 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1218 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3908298 (270) Delete growing plant 3908299 (270) Delete growing plant 3908300 (270) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 101 npcs in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1210 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1252 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 65 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1183 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 157 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1201 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1243 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1218 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 149 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1171 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 19 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 144 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3906538 (200) SERVER: Updated 18 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3906539 (200) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1149 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 127 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 145 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1208 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1176 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3906548 (280) Delete growing plant 3906549 (280) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1147 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1164 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1203 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 103 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1245 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1181 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 157 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 17 growing plants! [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1199 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1243 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1218 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 89 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1171 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 143 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1149 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1153 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1206 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1174 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 124 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1146 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 150 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1163 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1204 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1246 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1180 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 97 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1198 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1242 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 83 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1228 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 84 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1178 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1155 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 12 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3879661 (514) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3879662 (514) Delete growing plant 3879663 (514) Delete growing plant 3879665 (514) Delete growing plant 3879666 (514) Delete growing plant 3879668 (514) Delete growing plant 3879669 (514) Delete growing plant 3879670 (514) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1156 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 16 growing plants! Delete growing plant 3879682 (500) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1213 npcs in database (3 ms) Delete growing plant 3879683 (500) Delete growing plant 3879684 (500) Delete growing plant 3879685 (500) Delete growing plant 3879686 (500) Delete growing plant 3879687 (500) Delete growing plant 3879688 (500) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3879689 (500) Delete growing plant 3879690 (500) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3879703 (500) Delete growing plant 3879704 (500) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 153 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 125 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 131 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1197 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1242 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 81 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1180 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 154 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 103 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1196 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1235 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 86 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1221 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 85 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1173 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1150 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1152 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1208 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1180 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 153 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1147 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1159 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1183 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1193 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 121 npcs in database (0 ms) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1799.00, 145.50, 5468.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1724.00, 121.03, 5557.00) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1863.00, 122.75, 5564.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (6176.00, 93.31, 1404.00) Spawn npc skeleton (0) at (1788.00, 105.66, 5639.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1238 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 83 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1198 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1237 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 80 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 127 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1216 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3879029 (550) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1168 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1154 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1157 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1209 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 156 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 91 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1206 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1216 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1196 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1181 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 165 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1160 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1189 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 120 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 111 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1179 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 169 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1145 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1155 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 157 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1167 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 133 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1156 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 142 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 123 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1162 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1209 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1185 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 150 npcs in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1182 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 99 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1195 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1229 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 124 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 117 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1175 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3301501 (550) Delete growing plant 3301502 (550) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1163 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 122 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [DB] Saved 132 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 3876113 (550) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 119 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1175 npcs in database (3 ms) Delete growing plant 3878173 (550) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 165 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1151 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 141 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1161 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 149 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1174 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 133 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1155 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 140 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 126 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1161 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1217 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1187 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 144 npcs in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1190 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 97 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 129 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1203 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1237 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 94 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1192 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 130 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 109 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1193 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 122 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909953 SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909949 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909950 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909951 DELETE NPC FROM DB: 3909952 [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1191 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1211 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 96 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1175 npcs in database (3 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 140 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1188 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 112 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 113 npcs in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1201 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1169 npcs in database (3 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 storages in database (0 ms)