Rising World Dedicated Server Version (9) 2023-08-01 12:00 Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit (Desktop) Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 6 Cores, 3696 MHz B365M DS3H (Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.) 65408 MB RAM Commit: 75c8d86c84cc5a0ae25fc4e753f346ceaf346c61 Branch: master JobID: 13279 ____________________________________________________________ [C++] Initialize Main.cpp Initialized default settings (330 ms) [WARNING] [12:00:04] Server was restarted before... Initialized command-line arguments (0 ms) Load definitions... Loaded 262 block infos from db! Loaded ore spawn definitions from db! Loaded 182 item definitions from db! Loaded 5 item variants from db! Loaded 19 picking definitions from db! Loaded 31 item-info definitions from db! Loaded 24 consume definitions from db! Loaded 5 projectile definitions from db! Loaded 5 weapon definitions from db! Loaded 44 construction definitions from db! Loaded 208 plant definitions from db! Loaded 114 object definitions from db! Loaded 1 object variants from db! Loaded 9 object info definitions from db! Loaded 6 storage definitions from db! Loaded 8 clothing definitions from db! Loaded 2 vehicle definitions from db! Loaded 7 vehicle components from db! Loaded 7 vehicle assembly data from db! Loaded 29 npc definitions (13 variants, 25 loot tables) from db! Found 521 crafting recipes... Loaded 10 crafting stations from db! Loaded 463 crafting recipes from db! Loaded 9 biomes from db (200 spawns)! Loaded 2 world regions from db! Loaded 13 weather definitions from db! Initialized definitions (40 ms) Port check done! Init hm manager... 1889447505 b Hm header: 18, total: 1889447505, num: 150 Init biome data manager... 41943470 b Bd header: 14, total: 41943470, num: 4 Close SQLite databases... Check world version: Load world 'Green Valleys' (SQLite) JavaVM options: [0] -Xmx8192M [1] -Xms32M [2] -Xss1M [3] -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256M [4] -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow [5] -XX:+SuppressFatalErrorMessage JNI: Successfully created new VM (140716772578992)! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368954983216, thread: 1) [Java] INITIALIZED CLASSLOADER [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/snakeyaml.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/sqlitejdbc.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/mariadb.jar Initialize C# PluginManager... [Java] Initialize event handler (net.risingworld.api.events.Listener) [Java] PluginManager initialized! JDK 20 [Java] Initialize plugin UI manager [Java] Initialize plugin game object manager Initialized PluginManager after 147 ms [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! - Override permission 'general_pvp' -> False Default permission loaded successfully! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_place' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint__placelimitsession' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_bluerprint_maxelements' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_maxsize' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_create' not found! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_createown' not found! - Override permission 'general_pvp' -> False Permission 'Admin' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Builder' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Creative' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [12:00:04] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Visitor' loaded successfully! SQLite version: 3.42.0 [WARNING] [12:00:04] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'snowymountainsdisabled' does not exist! [WARNING] [12:00:04] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'spawnclothes' does not exist! [WARNING] [12:00:04] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'disablednpcs' does not exist! World infos: * Version: * Seed: * Gamemode: Survival * WorldType: Default * OreAmount: Default * Vegetation: Enabled * Caves: Enabled * Ocean: Enabled * SnowyMountains: Enabled * CreationDate: 1667240802 * LastPlayed: 1690883775 * SpawnPosition: (4488.20, 173.55, 1056.76) * SpawnRotation: (-0.23555, 0.06355, -0.01544, -0.96966) GlobalID counter set to 18113217 Loaded 125 areas from DB... Loaded 604 meta objects from DB... Loaded 33005 npcs from DB... Loaded 73 vehicles from DB... INITIAL WEATHER: Overcast (1317.817) PluginLoader: Load plugins (False) [Java] Load 4 possible plugins from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: Portals.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml.bak [Java] Plugin portals.Portals (1) main class: class portals.Portals [Java] Plugin portals.Portals class: class portals.Portals [Java] Found class: portals.Portals [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Portals * Version: * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: * Description: Portals plugin * License: * Website: [Java] ADD PLUGIN: Portals 1 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: pUtilities-0.0.1.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] - /META-INF/maven/com.google.code.gson/gson/pom.properties [Java] - /META-INF/maven/com.google.code.gson/gson/pom.xml [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main (2) main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils$1 [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils$CacheModelType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.DebugUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.JsonUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.PrintUtils$PrintType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.PrintUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.TimerUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.TimeUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.UIUtils [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.DefaultDateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.ExclusionStrategy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldAttributes [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingStrategy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$FutureTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.GsonBuilder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.InstanceCreator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonArray [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonElement [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonIOException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonNull [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonObject [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonParseException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonParser [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSerializer [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonStreamParser [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Expose [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.JsonAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Since [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Until [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Preconditions [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$GenericArrayTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$ParameterizedTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$WildcardTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$10 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$11 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$12 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$13 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$14 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$7 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$8 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$9 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Excluder$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Excluder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.GsonBuildConfig [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.JavaVersion [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.JsonReaderInternalAccess [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LazilyParsedNumber [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$AvlBuilder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$AvlIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$EntrySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$EntrySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$KeySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$KeySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$LinkedTreeMapIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$Node [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$EntrySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$EntrySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$KeySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$KeySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$LinkedTreeMapIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$Node [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ObjectConstructor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.PreJava9DateFormatProvider [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Primitives [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams$AppendableWriter$CurrentWrite [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams$AppendableWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ArrayTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ArrayTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.DateTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.DateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonAdapterAnnotationTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$BoundField [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.SqlDateTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.SqlDateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TimeTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TimeTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$GsonContextImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$SingleTypeFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapterRuntimeTypeWrapper [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$10 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$11 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$12 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$13 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$14 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$15 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$16 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$17 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$18 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$19 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$20 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$21 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$22 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$23 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$24 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$25 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$26$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$26 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$27 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$28 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$29 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$30 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$31 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$32 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$33 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$34 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$35$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$35 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$36 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$7 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$8 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$9 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$EnumTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.PreJava9ReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.ReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.UnsafeReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonScope [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonToken [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException [Java] Found class: module-info [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: pUtilities * Version: 0.0.1 * Author: Preach * Description: N/A * License: MIT [Java] ADD PLUGIN: pUtilities 2 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: SimpleHome-0.0.5.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome (3) main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command$CommandFlags [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.config.Config [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.connectors.IDataConnector [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.connectors.SQLiteConnector [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.EventRegistener [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.HomeSystem [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.LoginListener [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.GlobalConfig$ConnectionType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.GlobalConfig [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.HomeModel$HomeModelRecord [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.HomeModel [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.PlayerModel$PlayerModelRecord [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.PlayerModel [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SimpleHome * Version: 0.0.2 * Author: Preach * Description: N/A * License: MIT [Java] ADD PLUGIN: SimpleHome 3 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: WorldProtection.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /Assets/BackGround.JPG [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection (4) main class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Found class: worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldProtection * Version: * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: * Description: WorldProtection plugin * License: * Website: [Java] ADD PLUGIN: WorldProtection 4 [Java] -- PORTALS PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals/Green Valleys/database.db REGISTER ASSET ASSETBUNDLE (2) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle (EXT: bundle, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df4) REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (3) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalGREEN.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df48e93875d7ce29a57ef806a5455d20d2b5) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (4) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalRED.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df4a542aeca04d72a7ff3bb9918d4d46b585) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (5) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalBLUE.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df467245c1cff285a0979e2f4ee8477c8df5) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (6) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalYELLOW.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df47a2788b7d10bdc8669c04d461e59b1305) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalGREEN.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalBLUE.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class portals.Portals [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerKeyEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerChangeBlockPositionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCommandEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerDisconnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerConnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.ui.PlayerUIElementClickEvent [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.LoginListener [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerSpawnEvent [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command [Java] -- WorldProtection PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection/Green Valleys/database.db [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectInfoEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerEditConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerChangePositionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerLeaveAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCreateBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitItemEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerGameObjectHitEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitNpcEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerMouseButtonEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitPlayerEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeConstructionColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterChunkEvent Starting RW Dedicated Server... Starting 3 server chunk worker threads... Starting 1 server water worker threads (update: 0.1, sync: 0.5)... Server bind to IP: *:4263 [ENET SERVER] Create Server IP: * Port: 4263 Clients: 256 Init server platform (Steam) Set environment variable to 324080 [S_API] GameServer.Init(0, 4263, 4262, eServerModeAuthentication, 202307061) Register Steam message hook... Server SteamID: 90071992547409920 (0) SERVER BLACKLIST ENABLED - Add to blacklist: 76561197991451138 SERVER LOAD SCHEDULER FILE [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerSpawn): say @{1} Hello {1}, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently {0} players online! [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerDeath): say Player {1} died... [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): say {2} killed {1} with {3} [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): yell @{2} {1} killed! [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (every 3600 s): say Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86034 s): yell Daily server restart is in 5 minutes! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86154 s): yell Daily server restart is in 3 minutes! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86274 s): yell Daily server restart is in 1 minute! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86334 s): lock Server is currently restarting, please try again shortly! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86334 s): kickall Daily server restart [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86334 s): saveall [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 86394 s): restart [SCHEDULER] Initialized [Masterlist] Start ping Initialized server (1839 ms) Create Public Webserver IP: Port: 4262 Add Prefix: / Add Prefix: /info Add Prefix: /playerlist Add Prefix: /images/header Initialized webserver (2 ms) Establishing connection... [Masterlist] Returned OK. IP -> [STEAM] Server connected, public IP -> Dedicated server is ready! (3.291 s) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (121 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (139 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (135 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (117 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (135 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (117 ms) SERVER: Transform npc piglet (17983551) -> pig (variant: 2) [DB] Saved 1 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33004 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 1 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (132 ms) SERVER: Transform npc chick (17990224) -> chicken (variant: 0) SERVER: Transform npc lamb (17990229) -> sheep (variant: 0) [DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33003 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (135 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (117 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (136 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (121 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (135 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (132 ms) CHAT MESSAGE: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [2023-08-01 13:00] Server: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (128 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (119 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 33005 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 npcs in database (4 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [13:20:41] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [13:20:41] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [13:20:41] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (=THS=Tritonb, 76561198003962015, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 13:20:41:031 - 76561198003962015 =THS=Tritonb [20, 0, 0, 0, 169, 189, 171, 78, 223, 93, 19, 175, 159, 192, 154, 2, 1, 0, 16, 1, 253, 233, 200, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 246, 78, 143, 124, 21, 28, 130, 206, 160, 51, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 159, 192, 154, 2, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 131, 184, 34, 76, 50, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 183, 191, 100, 170, 102, 219, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 52, 14, 186, 249, 135, 40, 135, 86, 241, 121, 77, 207, 238, 200, 83, 162, 161, 190, 21, 41, 15, 67, 47, 100, 193, 192, 225, 141, 11, 40, 22, 115, 121, 241, 232, 115, 108, 97, 5, 93, 237, 56, 116, 225, 112, 66, 232, 140, 21, 218, 146, 80, 212, 127, 220, 77, 76, 228, 103, 176, 17, 101, 59, 96, 224, 217, 76, 110, 32, 85, 196, 147, 98, 182, 128, 40, 49, 98, 196, 80, 217, 148, 197, 163, 146, 179, 112, 137, 8, 195, 90, 91, 122, 131, 150, 199, 176, 237, 152, 231, 1, 134, 250, 254, 186, 222, 127, 86, 64, 75, 110, 138, 167, 191, 89, 121, 18, 244, 122, 211, 87, 144, 141, 58, 230, 169, 239] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198003962015): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [13:20:41] Client 0 (76561198003962015) fully authenticated! 13:20:41:167 - PLAYER CONNECT: =THS=Tritonb (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198003962015 exists in database Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955021296, thread: 15) Inventory for player 299 exists! Loaded 38 skin definitions from db! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 0 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (7) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png (EXT: png, CH: 9f77d6b09ef25e93d51727636bcf217c) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (8) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png (EXT: png, CH: 4574993a7124924b02e8a56da8402d4f) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (9) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png (EXT: png, CH: d2737687091509bd2586658253fb1bf4) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (10) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png (EXT: png, CH: efa179bbd6a205bb7df971dafa3591a3) SERVER: Send init spawn packet 33005 -> serialized 33005 npcs (33005) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198003962015) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955022656, thread: 25) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -24) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (15, -25) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (15, -26) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (12, -24) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (12, -25) generated (29 ms) Player =THS=Tritonb (0) spawned at (7269.67, 193.28, -12335.65)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO =THS=Tritonb: Hello =THS=Tritonb, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 1 players online! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (2 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955002256, thread: 13) Spawn npc ram at (7392.00, 242.53, -12260.00) Spawn npc pig at (7342.00, 191.25, -12345.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (7164.00, 135.84, -12409.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7118.00, 171.38, -12313.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7104.00, 168.50, -12313.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7111.00, 169.84, -12320.00) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955003616, thread: 16) [DB] Saved 33004 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7061.00, 114.44, -12395.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (7061.00, 114.56, -12388.00) Spawn npc goat at (7040.00, 111.50, -12409.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955004976, thread: 23) [08:01 13:21:39] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18118853(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 223 0 -387 (7142.5, 164.5, -12371.5) WorldPart (12, -26) generated (34 ms) Spawn npc cow at (7029.00, 121.97, -12516.00) Spawn npc cow at (7022.00, 129.88, -12544.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33012 npcs in database (134 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (2 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc ram at (6933.00, 149.75, -12587.00) Spawn npc lamb at (6919.00, 163.69, -12608.00) Spawn npc sheep at (6912.00, 164.25, -12608.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (6951.00, 180.94, -12704.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (6869.00, 202.50, -12715.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (6869.00, 202.16, -12708.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc goat at (6919.00, 207.53, -12832.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (6926.00, 205.50, -12832.00) Spawn npc goat at (7015.00, 168.88, -12811.00) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (35 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -27) generated (38 ms) [DB] Saved 33002 npcs in database (118 ms) [08:01 13:22:57] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18118625(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -399 (7010.5, 164.28, -12767.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc ram at (6855.00, 200.84, -12960.00) Spawn npc lamb at (6869.00, 201.75, -12946.00) Spawn npc sheep at (6876.00, 202.38, -12939.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (20 ms) Spawn npc hare at (6869.00, 209.00, -13060.00) Spawn npc hare at (6848.00, 209.00, -13067.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32994 npcs in database (117 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:24:21] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119345(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 218 0 -408 (7006.5, 177.44, -13031.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 45 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (7118.00, 340.72, -13259.00) Spawn npc chicken at (7111.00, 339.03, -13252.00) Spawn npc chicken at (7104.00, 338.69, -13252.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32981 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -28) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -28) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (23 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32984 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2368955007696, thread: 14) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:27:04] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119753(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 218 0 -414 (6988.5, 365.94, -13247.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18148355) [DB] Saved 32988 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:27:21] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119753(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 218 0 -414 (6988.5, 365.94, -13247.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:27:30] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119824(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -415 (7010.5, 363.72, -13265.5) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18148383) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:27:37] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119824(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -415 (7010.5, 363.72, -13265.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:27:46] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119825(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -415 (7014.5, 366.53, -13275.5) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:27:58] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119825(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -415 (7014.5, 366.53, -13275.5) Delete growing plant 18119825 (551) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 2) for felled tree apple_blank (18148392) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:28:17] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119825(type: 551, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -415 (7014.5, 366.53, -13275.5) [DB] Saved 32988 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -28) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (15, -26) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:28:45] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119819(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 221 0 -415 (7098.5, 340.25, -13259.5) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18148492) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:28:52] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119819(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 221 0 -415 (7098.5, 340.25, -13259.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc hare at (7253.00, 174.56, -13113.00) Spawn npc goat at (7303.00, 261.25, -13188.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (7296.00, 272.31, -13216.00) Spawn npc goat at (7296.00, 261.94, -13188.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:29:28] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18119894(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 223 0 -416 (7162.5, 349.16, -13291.5) [DB] Saved 32990 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (13, -28) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (35 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (15) Spawn npc ram at (7360.00, 309.56, -13259.00) Spawn npc ram at (7367.00, 309.88, -13259.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7374.00, 307.75, -13252.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32990 npcs in database (115 ms) [08:01 13:30:14] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120065(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 225 0 -418 (7230.5, 381.16, -13357.5) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (18 ms) Spawn npc cow at (7406.00, 439.94, -13394.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:30:24] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120085(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 226 0 -418 (7256.5, 375.38, -13353.5) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18148698) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:30:35] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120085(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 226 0 -418 (7256.5, 375.38, -13353.5) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 51 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7470.00, 227.97, -13209.00) Spawn npc goat at (7470.00, 228.50, -13216.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! WorldPart (15, -25) generated (17 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7406.00, 129.16, -13120.00) Spawn npc ram at (7488.00, 93.75, -13099.00) Spawn npc ram at (7502.00, 91.59, -13092.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32989 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:31:38] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120012(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 229 0 -415 (7356.5, 308.56, -13249.5) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18148732) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:31:51] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120012(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 229 0 -415 (7356.5, 308.56, -13249.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (7573.00, 184.75, -13177.00) Spawn npc chicken at (7580.00, 187.22, -13177.00) Spawn npc pig at (7520.00, 453.50, -13401.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7612.00, 399.59, -13369.00) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (7637.00, 211.22, -13266.00) [DB] Saved 33029 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (16 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (7701.00, 246.44, -13330.00) Spawn npc chick at (7701.00, 248.94, -13337.00) Spawn npc chick at (7708.00, 248.94, -13337.00) Spawn npc cow at (7708.00, 117.03, -13188.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (11 ms) [08:01 13:32:27] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120192(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 236 0 -414 (7554.5, 208.53, -13233.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 13 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 33031 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:33:30] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120164(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 236 0 -413 (7558.5, 185.72, -13199.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (18148755) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:33:45] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120164(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 236 0 -413 (7558.5, 185.72, -13199.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:33:58] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120163(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 236 0 -413 (7558.5, 186.31, -13201.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (18148766) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:34:14] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120163(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 236 0 -413 (7558.5, 186.31, -13201.5) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33030 npcs in database (115 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (15, -25) generated (18 ms) Spawn npc ram at (7790.00, 109.22, -13280.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (33 ms) Spawn npc bull at (7712.00, 283.13, -13419.00) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:34:53] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18120492(type: 904, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 239 0 -415 (7650.5, 218.22, -13279.5) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (23 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7591.00, 449.53, -13472.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33030 npcs in database (146 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33024 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33033 npcs in database (133 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33035 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33025 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 33031 npcs in database (116 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33035 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:41:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7636, 313, -13342) [08:01 13:41:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7636, 313, -13343) [08:01 13:41:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7635, 314, -13344) [08:01 13:41:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7635, 315, -13344) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:41:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7635, 316, -13344) [08:01 13:41:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7635, 317, -13345) [08:01 13:41:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7635, 318, -13345) [08:01 13:41:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7634, 317, -13346) [08:01 13:41:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7634, 317, -13347) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:41:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7636, 316, -13345) [08:01 13:41:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7636, 318, -13345) [08:01 13:41:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7635, 319, -13346) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:41:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7634, 316, -13345) [08:01 13:41:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7633, 317, -13348) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:41:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7635, 317, -13348) [08:01 13:41:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7632, 317, -13348) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:41:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7635, 315, -13346) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (34 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:42:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7634, 316, -13344) [08:01 13:42:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 317, -13344) [08:01 13:42:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 317, -13343) [08:01 13:42:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 318, -13344) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:42:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 318, -13343) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:42:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7630, 318, -13343) [08:01 13:42:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7629, 318, -13343) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:42:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 317, -13342) [08:01 13:42:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 317, -13342) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:42:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 316, -13343) [08:01 13:42:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7630, 316, -13343) [08:01 13:42:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 315, -13342) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:42:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7634, 317, -13343) [08:01 13:42:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7634, 315, -13343) [08:01 13:42:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 318, -13343) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:42:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 319, -13343) [08:01 13:42:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 318, -13344) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:42:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7628, 318, -13345) [DB] Saved 33032 npcs in database (116 ms) [08:01 13:42:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 317, -13343) [08:01 13:42:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 316, -13343) [08:01 13:42:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7626, 318, -13345) [08:01 13:42:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7626, 317, -13346) [08:01 13:42:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 318, -13344) [08:01 13:42:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7629, 317, -13342) [08:01 13:42:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 318, -13342) [08:01 13:42:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 317, -13341) [08:01 13:42:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 318, -13341) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:42:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 318, -13341) [08:01 13:42:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 318, -13342) [08:01 13:42:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7624, 318, -13342) [08:01 13:42:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 319, -13342) [08:01 13:42:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 319, -13342) [08:01 13:42:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7624, 319, -13342) [08:01 13:42:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7624, 319, -13341) [08:01 13:42:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 318, -13340) [08:01 13:42:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 317, -13340) [08:01 13:42:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 317, -13339) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:42:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7629, 317, -13341) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:42:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7630, 316, -13340) [08:01 13:42:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7630, 315, -13340) [08:01 13:42:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7629, 318, -13341) [08:01 13:42:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7630, 319, -13341) [08:01 13:43:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 319, -13341) [08:01 13:43:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 319, -13340) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 319, -13339) [08:01 13:43:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 318, -13338) [08:01 13:43:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 317, -13338) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 316, -13338) [08:01 13:43:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 318, -13338) [08:01 13:43:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 319, -13339) [08:01 13:43:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7626, 320, -13338) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:43:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7627, 320, -13338) [08:01 13:43:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7628, 320, -13340) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7628, 321, -13340) [08:01 13:43:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7630, 320, -13341) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:43:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 319, -13342) [08:01 13:43:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 319, -13343) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:43:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 319, -13343) [08:01 13:43:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 319, -13344) [08:01 13:43:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7634, 320, -13344) [08:01 13:43:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7635, 320, -13344) [08:01 13:43:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7633, 321, -13343) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7632, 321, -13343) [08:01 13:43:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7631, 321, -13342) [08:01 13:43:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 318, -13337) [08:01 13:43:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 319, -13336) [08:01 13:43:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 319, -13338) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:43:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7624, 318, -13340) [08:01 13:43:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 320, -13342) [08:01 13:43:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 320, -13343) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 320, -13344) [08:01 13:43:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 321, -13342) [08:01 13:43:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 320, -13341) [DB] Saved 33029 npcs in database (133 ms) [08:01 13:43:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 322, -13341) [08:01 13:43:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7621, 322, -13342) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:43:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 320, -13340) [08:01 13:43:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 320, -13339) [08:01 13:43:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 321, -13339) [08:01 13:43:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 320, -13340) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:43:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 322, -13339) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7626, 321, -13340) [08:01 13:43:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7627, 322, -13339) [08:01 13:43:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 321, -13337) [08:01 13:43:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7626, 318, -13336) [08:01 13:43:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7623, 319, -13338) [08:01 13:43:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 321, -13339) [08:01 13:43:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7621, 322, -13340) [08:01 13:43:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 322, -13340) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:43:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 323, -13340) [08:01 13:43:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 321, -13338) [08:01 13:44:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 320, -13337) [08:01 13:44:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7625, 319, -13335) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:44:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 318, -13336) [08:01 13:44:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 317, -13335) [08:01 13:44:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7628, 317, -13334) [08:01 13:44:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7627, 575, -13335) [08:01 13:44:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7627, 575, -13335) [08:01 13:44:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7627, 575, -13335) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 13:44:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7627, 318, -13335) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:44:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7626, 320, -13334) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 321, -13335) [08:01 13:44:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 321, -13336) [08:01 13:44:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 322, -13336) [08:01 13:44:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 323, -13337) [08:01 13:44:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 322, -13337) [08:01 13:44:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 323, -13338) [08:01 13:44:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 324, -13339) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 325, -13340) [08:01 13:44:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 324, -13340) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 27 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:44:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7622, 321, -13337) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 322, -13335) [08:01 13:44:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 322, -13334) [08:01 13:44:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 322, -13333) [08:01 13:44:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 321, -13333) [08:01 13:44:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7623, 323, -13332) [08:01 13:44:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 322, -13332) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7624, 323, -13335) [08:01 13:44:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 323, -13335) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:44:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7626, 322, -13336) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7625, 323, -13337) [08:01 13:44:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7626, 323, -13337) [DB] Saved 33022 npcs in database (116 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 316, -13344) [08:01 13:44:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7631, 316, -13345) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:44:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7630, 317, -13345) [08:01 13:44:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7630, 317, -13346) [08:01 13:44:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7629, 316, -13346) [08:01 13:44:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7631, 318, -13346) [08:01 13:44:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7629, 318, -13346) [08:01 13:44:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7628, 317, -13346) [08:01 13:45:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7627, 317, -13347) [08:01 13:45:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7626, 316, -13345) [08:01 13:45:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7627, 316, -13346) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:45:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7624, 318, -13344) [08:01 13:45:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7623, 318, -13344) [08:01 13:45:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7623, 319, -13343) [08:01 13:45:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7622, 319, -13344) [08:01 13:45:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7621, 319, -13344) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 13:45:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7621, 319, -13345) [08:01 13:45:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7622, 319, -13345) [08:01 13:45:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -418 (7622, 320, -13345) [08:01 13:45:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -418 (7621, 321, -13345) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:45:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7622, 319, -13343) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:45:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7621, 317, -13345) [08:01 13:45:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7621, 319, -13346) [08:01 13:45:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7622, 318, -13346) [08:01 13:45:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7620, 319, -13344) [08:01 13:45:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7621, 320, -13342) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:45:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -417 (7621, 322, -13343) [08:01 13:45:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -418 (7622, 321, -13345) [08:01 13:45:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 5 -418 (7623, 320, -13346) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:45:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -418 (7622, 319, -13347) [DB] Saved 33028 npcs in database (134 ms) [08:01 13:45:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 314, -13340) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:45:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 312, -13339) [08:01 13:45:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7631, 311, -13339) [08:01 13:45:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 309, -13338) [08:01 13:45:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 307, -13338) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 13:45:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7632, 306, -13338) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 13:45:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 305, -13337) [08:01 13:45:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7633, 304, -13337) [08:01 13:45:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7634, 303, -13335) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 13:45:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 238 4 -417 (7634, 302, -13336) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (16 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7772.00, 242.25, -13515.00) WorldPart (15, -26) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (34 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33022 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (16, -28) generated (14 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7708.00, 394.38, -13586.00) [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 players in database (0 ms)