Rising World Dedicated Server Version (9) 2023-08-01 00:15 Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit (Desktop) Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 6 Cores, 3696 MHz B365M DS3H (Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.) 65408 MB RAM Commit: 75c8d86c84cc5a0ae25fc4e753f346ceaf346c61 Branch: master JobID: 13279 ____________________________________________________________ [C++] Initialize Main.cpp Initialized default settings (329 ms) Initialized command-line arguments (0 ms) Load definitions... Loaded 262 block infos from db! Loaded ore spawn definitions from db! Loaded 182 item definitions from db! Loaded 5 item variants from db! Loaded 19 picking definitions from db! Loaded 31 item-info definitions from db! Loaded 24 consume definitions from db! Loaded 5 projectile definitions from db! Loaded 5 weapon definitions from db! Loaded 44 construction definitions from db! Loaded 208 plant definitions from db! Loaded 114 object definitions from db! Loaded 1 object variants from db! Loaded 9 object info definitions from db! Loaded 6 storage definitions from db! Loaded 8 clothing definitions from db! Loaded 2 vehicle definitions from db! Loaded 7 vehicle components from db! Loaded 7 vehicle assembly data from db! Loaded 29 npc definitions (13 variants, 25 loot tables) from db! Found 521 crafting recipes... Loaded 10 crafting stations from db! Loaded 463 crafting recipes from db! Loaded 9 biomes from db (200 spawns)! Loaded 2 world regions from db! Loaded 13 weather definitions from db! Initialized definitions (42 ms) Port check done! Init hm manager... 1889447505 b Hm header: 18, total: 1889447505, num: 150 Init biome data manager... 41943470 b Bd header: 14, total: 41943470, num: 4 Close SQLite databases... Check world version: Load world 'Green Valleys' (SQLite) JavaVM options: [0] -Xmx8192M [1] -Xms32M [2] -Xss1M [3] -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256M [4] -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow [5] -XX:+SuppressFatalErrorMessage JNI: Successfully created new VM (140716725524144)! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382323120, thread: 1) [Java] INITIALIZED CLASSLOADER [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/snakeyaml.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/sqlitejdbc.jar [Java] Add library: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorldDedicatedServer/Data/Java/Libs/mariadb.jar Initialize C# PluginManager... [Java] Initialize event handler (net.risingworld.api.events.Listener) [Java] PluginManager initialized! JDK 20 [Java] Initialize plugin UI manager [Java] Initialize plugin game object manager Initialized PluginManager after 158 ms [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! - Override permission 'general_pvp' -> False Default permission loaded successfully! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_place' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint__placelimitsession' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_bluerprint_maxelements' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_maxsize' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_create' not found! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'blueprint_blueprint_createown' not found! - Override permission 'general_pvp' -> False Permission 'Admin' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Builder' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Creative' loaded successfully! [WARNING] [00:15:43] Permission key 'general_voip' not found! Permission 'Visitor' loaded successfully! SQLite version: 3.42.0 [WARNING] [00:15:43] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'snowymountainsdisabled' does not exist! [WARNING] [00:15:43] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'spawnclothes' does not exist! [WARNING] [00:15:43] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'disablednpcs' does not exist! World infos: * Version: * Seed: * Gamemode: Survival * WorldType: Default * OreAmount: Default * Vegetation: Enabled * Caves: Enabled * Ocean: Enabled * SnowyMountains: Enabled * CreationDate: 1667240802 * LastPlayed: 1690830960 * SpawnPosition: (4488.20, 173.55, 1056.76) * SpawnRotation: (-0.23555, 0.06355, -0.01544, -0.96966) GlobalID counter set to 17956248 Loaded 125 areas from DB... Loaded 601 meta objects from DB... Loaded 9 growing plants from DB... Loaded 32639 npcs from DB... Loaded 73 vehicles from DB... INITIAL WEATHER: Default (2801.978) PluginLoader: Load plugins (False) [Java] Load 4 possible plugins from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: Portals.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml.bak [Java] Plugin portals.Portals (1) main class: class portals.Portals [Java] Plugin portals.Portals class: class portals.Portals [Java] Found class: portals.Portals [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Portals * Version: * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: * Description: Portals plugin * License: * Website: [Java] ADD PLUGIN: Portals 1 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: pUtilities-0.0.1.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] - /META-INF/maven/com.google.code.gson/gson/pom.properties [Java] - /META-INF/maven/com.google.code.gson/gson/pom.xml [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main (2) main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils$1 [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils$CacheModelType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.CacheUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.DebugUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.JsonUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.Main [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.PrintUtils$PrintType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.PrintUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.TimerUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.TimeUtils [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.utilities.UIUtils [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.DefaultDateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.ExclusionStrategy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldAttributes [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingPolicy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.FieldNamingStrategy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson$FutureTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.Gson [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.GsonBuilder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.InstanceCreator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonArray [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonDeserializer [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonElement [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonIOException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonNull [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonObject [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonParseException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonParser [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSerializationContext [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSerializer [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonStreamParser [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.LongSerializationPolicy [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Expose [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.JsonAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Since [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.annotations.Until [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Preconditions [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$GenericArrayTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$ParameterizedTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types$WildcardTypeImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$10 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$11 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$12 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$13 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$14 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$7 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$8 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor$9 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Excluder$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Excluder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.GsonBuildConfig [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.JavaVersion [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.JsonReaderInternalAccess [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LazilyParsedNumber [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$AvlBuilder [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$AvlIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$EntrySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$EntrySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$KeySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$KeySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$LinkedTreeMapIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap$Node [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedHashTreeMap [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$EntrySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$EntrySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$KeySet$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$KeySet [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$LinkedTreeMapIterator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap$Node [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.ObjectConstructor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.PreJava9DateFormatProvider [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Primitives [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams$AppendableWriter$CurrentWrite [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams$AppendableWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.Streams [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.UnsafeAllocator [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ArrayTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ArrayTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.CollectionTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.DateTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.DateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonAdapterAnnotationTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.MapTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$BoundField [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.SqlDateTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.SqlDateTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TimeTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TimeTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$GsonContextImpl [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter$SingleTypeFactory [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapterRuntimeTypeWrapper [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$10 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$11 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$12 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$13 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$14 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$15 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$16 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$17 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$18 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$19 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$2 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$20 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$21 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$22 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$23 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$24 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$25 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$26$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$26 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$27 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$28 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$29 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$3 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$30 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$31 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$32 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$33 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$34 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$35$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$35 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$36 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$4 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$5 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$6 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$7 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$8 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$9 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$EnumTypeAdapter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.bind.util.ISO8601Utils [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.PreJava9ReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.ReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.internal.reflect.UnsafeReflectionAccessor [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader$1 [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonScope [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonToken [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter [Java] Found class: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException [Java] Found class: module-info [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: pUtilities * Version: 0.0.1 * Author: Preach * Description: N/A * License: MIT [Java] ADD PLUGIN: pUtilities 2 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: SimpleHome-0.0.5.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome (3) main class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] Plugin net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome class: class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command$CommandFlags [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.config.Config [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.connectors.IDataConnector [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.connectors.SQLiteConnector [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.EventRegistener [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.HomeSystem [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.LoginListener [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.GlobalConfig$ConnectionType [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.GlobalConfig [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.HomeModel$HomeModelRecord [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.HomeModel [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.PlayerModel$PlayerModelRecord [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.model.PlayerModel [Java] Found class: net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.SimpleHome [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SimpleHome * Version: 0.0.2 * Author: Preach * Description: N/A * License: MIT [Java] ADD PLUGIN: SimpleHome 3 [Java] LOAD PLUGIN FROM JAR: WorldProtection.jar [Java] - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF [Java] - /Assets/BackGround.JPG [Java] - /resources/plugin.yml [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection (4) main class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Plugin worldprotection.WorldProtection class: class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Found class: worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldProtection * Version: * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: * Description: WorldProtection plugin * License: * Website: [Java] ADD PLUGIN: WorldProtection 4 [Java] -- PORTALS PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals/Green Valleys/database.db REGISTER ASSET ASSETBUNDLE (2) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle (EXT: bundle, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df4) REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (3) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalGREEN.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df48e93875d7ce29a57ef806a5455d20d2b5) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (4) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalRED.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df4a542aeca04d72a7ff3bb9918d4d46b585) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (5) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalBLUE.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df467245c1cff285a0979e2f4ee8477c8df5) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle REGISTER ASSET PREFAB (6) FROM ASSETBUNDLE: PortalYELLOW.prefab (EXT: prefab, CH: 4cbbf5165f5b5f6e5fbc88aa0e820df47a2788b7d10bdc8669c04d461e59b1305) [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalGREEN.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalBLUE.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalYELLOW.prefab [Java] Loading asset (AssetBundle) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\portal.bundle [Java] Loading asset (Prefab) from cache: PortalRED.prefab [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class portals.Portals [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerDisconnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCommandEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerKeyEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerChangeBlockPositionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerConnectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.ui.PlayerUIElementClickEvent [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.core.LoginListener [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerSpawnEvent [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class net.oxe.risingworld.plugins.simplehome.commands.Command [Java] -- WorldProtection PLUGIN ENABLED -- [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection/Green Valleys/database.db [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] Checking DataBase Version [Java] DataBase Version is up to date [Java] API: REGISTER LISTENER class worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeConstructionColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterChunkEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectColorEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerLeaveAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectInfoEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerCreativeRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveGrassEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerEnterAreaEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerDestroyTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceTerrainEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveObjectEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerHitWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerChangePositionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerEditConstructionEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveWaterEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitNpcEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerCreateBlueprintEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitItemEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerMouseButtonEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerHitPlayerEvent [Java] -> Event: net.risingworld.api.events.player.PlayerGameObjectHitEvent Starting RW Dedicated Server... Starting 3 server chunk worker threads... Starting 1 server water worker threads (update: 0.1, sync: 0.5)... Server bind to IP: *:4263 [ENET SERVER] Create Server IP: * Port: 4263 Clients: 256 Init server platform (Steam) Set environment variable to 324080 [S_API] GameServer.Init(0, 4263, 4262, eServerModeAuthentication, 202307061) Register Steam message hook... Server SteamID: 90071992547409920 (0) SERVER BLACKLIST ENABLED - Add to blacklist: 76561197991451138 SERVER LOAD SCHEDULER FILE [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerSpawn): say @{1} Hello {1}, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently {0} players online! [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerDeath): say Player {1} died... [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): say {2} killed {1} with {3} [SCHEDULER] Register event listener (OnPlayerKilledPlayer): yell @{2} {1} killed! [SCHEDULER] Register trigger (every 3600 s): say Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 41895 s): yell Daily server restart is in 5 minutes! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42015 s): yell Daily server restart is in 3 minutes! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42135 s): yell Daily server restart is in 1 minute! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42195 s): lock Server is currently restarting, please try again shortly! [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42195 s): kickall Daily server restart [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42195 s): saveall [SCHEDULER] Register fixed time trigger (in 42255 s): restart [SCHEDULER] Initialized [Masterlist] Start ping Initialized server (2070 ms) Create Public Webserver IP: Port: 4262 Add Prefix: / Add Prefix: /info Add Prefix: /playerlist Add Prefix: /images/header Initialized webserver (2 ms) Establishing connection... [Masterlist] Returned OK. IP -> [STEAM] Server connected, public IP -> Dedicated server is ready! (4.114 s) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (120 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [ENET SERVER] Client 0 connect ( [00:17:27] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CONNECTED ( [00:17:27] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 0 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [00:17:27] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (=THS= JAX, 76561198403939252, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 00:17:27:464 - 76561198403939252 =THS=JAX [20, 0, 0, 0, 150, 249, 110, 67, 154, 80, 68, 39, 180, 235, 113, 26, 1, 0, 16, 1, 7, 222, 199, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 45, 148, 63, 240, 54, 2, 57, 141, 203, 140, 201, 35, 32, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 180, 235, 113, 26, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 210, 151, 9, 24, 106, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 224, 199, 100, 205, 143, 227, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 101, 48, 247, 38, 163, 190, 18, 210, 107, 249, 129, 29, 235, 25, 253, 17, 39, 171, 19, 188, 37, 54, 129, 146, 218, 248, 200, 48, 34, 168, 2, 133, 165, 219, 232, 157, 201, 6, 174, 255, 28, 47, 119, 98, 108, 253, 166, 76, 91, 48, 20, 248, 74, 69, 56, 28, 23, 7, 118, 16, 210, 159, 178, 251, 202, 117, 85, 56, 186, 59, 181, 94, 245, 148, 164, 129, 51, 250, 183, 81, 97, 114, 188, 120, 231, 185, 22, 122, 154, 242, 197, 209, 29, 62, 81, 115, 57, 117, 241, 98, 157, 112, 69, 139, 243, 105, 249, 56, 178, 202, 73, 254, 186, 109, 56, 44, 74, 195, 70, 118, 196, 140, 184, 123, 200, 30, 88] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198403939252): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [00:17:27] Client 0 (76561198403939252) fully authenticated! 00:17:27:634 - PLAYER CONNECT: =THS=JAX (ID: 0) DB: Player 76561198403939252 exists in database Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382363920, thread: 14) Inventory for player 302 exists! Loaded 38 skin definitions from db! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 0 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 0 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (7) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png (EXT: png, CH: 9f77d6b09ef25e93d51727636bcf217c) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (8) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png (EXT: png, CH: 4574993a7124924b02e8a56da8402d4f) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (9) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png (EXT: png, CH: d2737687091509bd2586658253fb1bf4) REGISTER ASSET TEXTURE (10) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png (EXT: png, CH: efa179bbd6a205bb7df971dafa3591a3) SERVER: Send init spawn packet 32639 -> serialized 32639 npcs (32639) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198403939252) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [ENET SERVER] Client 1 connect ( [00:17:28] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CONNECTED ( [00:17:28] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [00:17:28] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (=THS=Tritonb, 76561198003962015, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 00:17:28:967 - 76561198003962015 =THS=Tritonb [20, 0, 0, 0, 183, 40, 149, 96, 193, 6, 146, 112, 159, 192, 154, 2, 1, 0, 16, 1, 161, 247, 199, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 153, 32, 235, 55, 89, 233, 18, 73, 153, 226, 231, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 159, 192, 154, 2, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 131, 184, 34, 76, 50, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 183, 191, 100, 170, 102, 219, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 52, 14, 186, 249, 135, 40, 135, 86, 241, 121, 77, 207, 238, 200, 83, 162, 161, 190, 21, 41, 15, 67, 47, 100, 193, 192, 225, 141, 11, 40, 22, 115, 121, 241, 232, 115, 108, 97, 5, 93, 237, 56, 116, 225, 112, 66, 232, 140, 21, 218, 146, 80, 212, 127, 220, 77, 76, 228, 103, 176, 17, 101, 59, 96, 224, 217, 76, 110, 32, 85, 196, 147, 98, 182, 128, 40, 49, 98, 196, 80, 217, 148, 197, 163, 146, 179, 112, 137, 8, 195, 90, 91, 122, 131, 150, 199, 176, 237, 152, 231, 1, 134, 250, 254, 186, 222, 127, 86, 64, 75, 110, 138, 167, 191, 89, 121, 18, 244, 122, 211, 87, 144, 141, 58, 230, 169, 239] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198003962015): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [00:17:28] Client 1 (76561198003962015) fully authenticated! 00:17:29:111 - PLAYER CONNECT: =THS=Tritonb (ID: 1) DB: Player 76561198003962015 exists in database Inventory for player 299 exists! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 1 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 1 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 32639 -> serialized 32639 npcs (32639) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382372080, thread: 24) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198003962015) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -25) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (6 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -24) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (15, -25) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (16, -24) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (15, -26) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (15, -22) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (27 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (2 ms) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (21 ms) Player =THS=Tritonb (1) spawned at (7445.29, 113.95, -11690.74)... WorldPart (13, -26) generated (29 ms) [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO =THS=Tritonb: Hello =THS=Tritonb, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 2 players online! WorldPart (13, -27) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (12, -24) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (12, -25) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (12, -26) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (12, -27) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (11, -24) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (11, -25) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (11, -26) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (11, -27) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382354400, thread: 12) Spawn npc sheep at (7086.00, 123.84, -12576.00) Spawn npc ram at (7100.00, 121.16, -12569.00) Spawn npc lamb at (7093.00, 122.03, -12555.00) Spawn npc ram at (7068.00, 116.56, -12377.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7040.00, 112.50, -12370.00) Spawn npc ram at (7036.00, 118.13, -12505.00) Spawn npc ram at (7022.00, 111.50, -12484.00) Spawn npc sheep at (7008.00, 109.66, -12491.00) Spawn npc goat at (6926.00, 131.81, -12544.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (6919.00, 123.03, -12516.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (136 ms) Player =THS=JAX (0) spawned at (7015.28, 109.73, -12460.60)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO =THS=JAX: Hello =THS=JAX, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 2 players online! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382358480, thread: 15) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17932602 @ 221 1 -390) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17932602 @ 221 1 -390) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17932602 @ 221 1 -390) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17932602 @ 221 1 -390) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382365280, thread: 22) [08:01 00:19:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12477) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (2 ms) [08:01 00:19:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12476) [08:01 00:19:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12476) [08:01 00:19:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 113, -12474) [08:01 00:19:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 113, -12473) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:19:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12474) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:19:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12475) [08:01 00:19:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 113, -12477) [08:01 00:19:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 113, -12479) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:19:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:19:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12480) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:20:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:20:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:20:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12478) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:20:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12478) [08:01 00:20:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12478) [08:01 00:20:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12477) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12477) [08:01 00:20:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:20:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:20:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:20:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:20:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12472) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:20:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12472) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12472) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:20:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12472) [08:01 00:20:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12472) [08:01 00:20:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12470) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [08:01 00:20:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 113, -12468) [08:01 00:20:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 113, -12469) [08:01 00:20:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12470) [08:01 00:20:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 113, -12471) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 113, -12471) [08:01 00:20:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12471) [08:01 00:20:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12471) [08:01 00:20:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12471) [08:01 00:20:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 113, -12468) [08:01 00:20:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12468) [08:01 00:20:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12468) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12469) [08:01 00:20:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12467) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:20:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12467) [08:01 00:20:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12467) [08:01 00:20:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12467) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382373440, thread: 13) [08:01 00:20:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12467) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:20:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12467) [08:01 00:20:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12466) [08:01 00:20:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12466) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:21:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12466) [08:01 00:21:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12464) [08:01 00:21:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12464) [08:01 00:21:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 112, -12464) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:21:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 113, -12465) [08:01 00:21:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12466) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:21:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12467) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:21:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12468) [08:01 00:21:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12468) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:21:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12468) [08:01 00:21:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12468) [08:01 00:21:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12468) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:21:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12464) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:21:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12463) [08:01 00:21:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7093, 112, -12464) [08:01 00:21:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7093, 112, -12464) [08:01 00:22:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12467) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12462) [08:01 00:22:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12461) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12461) [08:01 00:22:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12460) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382374800, thread: 23) [08:01 00:22:07] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17923846(type: 91, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 221 0 -390 (7092.5, 114.41, -12457.5) [08:01 00:22:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12460) [08:01 00:22:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 113, -12462) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12462) [08:01 00:22:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12461) [08:01 00:22:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12461) [08:01 00:22:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12462) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 00:22:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12462) [08:01 00:22:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12460) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:22:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12468) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079, 112, -12465) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7076, 112, -12465) [08:01 00:22:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080, 112, -12462) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080, 112, -12459) [08:01 00:22:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12460) [08:01 00:22:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084, 112, -12459) [08:01 00:22:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12458) [08:01 00:22:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12461) [DB] Saved 27 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:22:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12457) [08:01 00:22:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12458) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7089, 112, -12461) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12468) [08:01 00:22:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083, 112, -12468) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:22:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083, 112, -12470) [08:01 00:22:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12472) [08:01 00:22:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:22:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 111, -12475) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:22:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12479) [08:01 00:22:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12477) [08:01 00:22:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:23:00] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17923899(type: 260, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 221 0 -391 (7084.5, 113.84, -12481.5) [08:01 00:23:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7086, 113, -12481) [08:01 00:23:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7086, 112, -12482) [08:01 00:23:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7082, 112, -12482) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:23:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080, 112, -12480) [08:01 00:23:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079, 112, -12477) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:23:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080, 112, -12474) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:23:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7078, 112, -12474) [08:01 00:23:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12478) [08:01 00:23:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12473) [08:01 00:23:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7078, 112, -12470) [08:01 00:23:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7076, 112, -12469) [08:01 00:23:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7075, 112, -12472) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:23:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7076, 112, -12469) [08:01 00:23:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12464) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:23:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12461) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:23:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12458) [08:01 00:23:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:23:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079, 112, -12457) [08:01 00:23:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12454) [DB] Saved 32647 npcs in database (115 ms) [08:01 00:23:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12454) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:23:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7077, 112, -12452) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:23:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12452) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:23:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12452) [08:01 00:23:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084, 112, -12454) [08:01 00:23:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12453) [08:01 00:23:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12453) [08:01 00:23:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12453) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:23:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12454) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:23:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12454) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:23:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12454) [08:01 00:23:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12457) [08:01 00:23:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12457) [08:01 00:23:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 113, -12455) [08:01 00:23:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 113, -12455) [08:01 00:23:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12455) [08:01 00:24:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12455) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:24:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12455) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:24:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12455) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -24) generated (6 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (16, -25) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (16, -23) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (15, -26) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (33 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! WorldPart (12, -27) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (13, -28) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (11, -27) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (11, -26) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (12, -28) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (11, -25) generated (37 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) Create new JNIEnv (handle: 2111382377520, thread: 16) [08:01 00:25:23] KillNpc: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 13589548(type: 1, tex: 2, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 233 1 -368 (7469.65, 86.18, -11745.25) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 13589548 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:25:36] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967481(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -394 (7008.5, 137.09, -12589.5) WorldPart (11, -24) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32627 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12459) [08:01 00:26:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12458) [DB] Saved 31 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:26:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 111, -12458) [08:01 00:26:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 110, -12458) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12458) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 111, -12458) [08:01 00:26:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 110, -12457) [08:01 00:26:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 110, -12456) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:26:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 110, -12455) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 110, -12456) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 110, -12456) [08:01 00:26:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 110, -12455) [08:01 00:26:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 110, -12454) [DB] Saved 32633 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 00:26:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 111, -12457) [08:01 00:26:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 110, -12456) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:26:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 109, -12454) [08:01 00:26:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 108, -12454) [08:01 00:26:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 109, -12453) [08:01 00:26:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 109, -12453) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:26:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 108, -12454) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:26:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 111, -12454) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:26:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 109, -12452) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:26:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 110, -12455) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:27:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:27:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 108, -12451) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [08:01 00:27:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 109, -12452) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:27:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 109, -12451) [08:01 00:27:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 108, -12450) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:27:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 107, -12451) [DB] Saved 31 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:27:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 109, -12451) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:27:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 108, -12452) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:27:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 107, -12453) [08:01 00:27:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 107, -12452) [08:01 00:27:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 107, -12450) [08:01 00:27:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 107, -12449) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:27:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 108, -12450) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:27:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 108, -12450) [08:01 00:27:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104, 107, -12450) [08:01 00:27:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 107, -12448) [08:01 00:27:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 107, -12448) [DB] Saved 32633 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 00:27:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 108, -12449) Storing 4 chunks... [08:01 00:27:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 108, -12448) Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:27:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 108, -12448) [08:01 00:27:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 108, -12449) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 00:27:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 107, -12449) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:27:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12459) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12459) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12458) [08:01 00:28:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12457) [08:01 00:28:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 113, -12456) [08:01 00:28:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:28:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12456) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:28:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:28:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12456) [08:01 00:28:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12456) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12455) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 26 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12463) [08:01 00:28:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 112, -12463) [08:01 00:28:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12463) [08:01 00:28:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 113, -12463) [08:01 00:28:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12463) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:28:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12462) [08:01 00:28:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12462) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:28:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12461) [08:01 00:28:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12462) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32633 npcs in database (130 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (11, -24) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (21 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (11, -25) generated (35 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! WorldPart (11, -26) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (10, -24) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (10, -25) generated (35 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (10, -26) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -27) generated (26 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! WorldPart (12, -27) generated (40 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -25) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 32623 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 00:30:03] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17968030(type: 900, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 212 0 -393 (6814.5, 135.5, -12567.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (12, -28) generated (40 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (36 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (10, -27) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc cow at (6524.00, 127.44, -12633.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -28) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (11, -28) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (12, -26) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (31 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32634 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc goat at (6446.00, 103.44, -12690.00) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:31:29] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17968585(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 205 0 -400 (6580.5, 205.72, -12771.5) [DB] Saved 27 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (24 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn npc bull at (6791.00, 221.69, -12836.00) Spawn npc cow at (6798.00, 222.03, -12836.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (16 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (6766.00, 167.88, -13081.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:32:07] KillNpc: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 13772412(type: 1, tex: 2, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 233 1 -367 (7476.86, 83.64, -11717.19) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 13772412 [DB] Saved 32627 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -29) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (12, -29) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (6880.00, 448.94, -13291.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (34 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32618 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 00:33:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 270, -13177) [08:01 00:33:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 271, -13178) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:33:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 273, -13179) [08:01 00:33:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6822, 274, -13180) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:33:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 274, -13180) [08:01 00:33:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6824, 274, -13180) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 272, -13179) [08:01 00:34:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 273, -13180) [08:01 00:34:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 274, -13180) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 273, -13181) [08:01 00:34:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 273, -13181) [DB] Saved 32614 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6824, 275, -13181) [08:01 00:34:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6824, 276, -13182) [08:01 00:34:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6824, 277, -13181) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 277, -13182) [08:01 00:34:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 275, -13181) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:34:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6826, 275, -13182) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:34:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6822, 274, -13181) [08:01 00:34:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6824, 273, -13182) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 274, -13183) [08:01 00:34:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 275, -13184) [08:01 00:34:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 275, -13185) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:34:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 274, -13186) [08:01 00:34:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 274, -13187) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 275, -13188) [08:01 00:34:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13185) [08:01 00:34:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 276, -13186) [08:01 00:34:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 276, -13187) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:34:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 277, -13185) SERVER: Updated 9 growing plants! [08:01 00:34:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 278, -13186) [08:01 00:34:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 278, -13187) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:35:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 277, -13186) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Delete growing plant 17757288 (226) [08:01 00:35:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823, 275, -13184) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:35:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6822, 275, -13184) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:35:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6825, 274, -13184) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:35:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 274, -13185) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -29) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (12, -29) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (12, -28) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (11, -28) generated (39 ms) [DB] Saved 32613 npcs in database (139 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:35:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 275, -13189) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:35:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13187) [08:01 00:35:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 274, -13190) [08:01 00:35:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 275, -13190) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:35:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 274, -13191) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:35:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13189) [08:01 00:35:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13190) [08:01 00:35:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13191) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:35:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 277, -13190) [08:01 00:35:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 276, -13191) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:35:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 276, -13191) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:36:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 274, -13191) [08:01 00:36:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 273, -13191) [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:36:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 274, -13192) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:36:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 278, -13186) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:36:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 279, -13186) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:36:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 280, -13186) [08:01 00:36:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 280, -13186) [08:01 00:36:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 280, -13186) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:36:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 280, -13186) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:36:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 278, -13186) [08:01 00:36:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 278, -13186) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:36:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 279, -13187) [08:01 00:36:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 278, -13185) [08:01 00:36:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6817, 278, -13185) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:36:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 278, -13188) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:36:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 275, -13188) [DB] Saved 13 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:36:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 274, -13188) [08:01 00:36:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 273, -13188) [08:01 00:36:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 272, -13189) [08:01 00:37:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 273, -13190) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:37:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 273, -13192) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:37:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 272, -13192) [08:01 00:37:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 272, -13191) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (128 ms) [08:01 00:37:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 274, -13192) [08:01 00:37:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 274, -13193) [08:01 00:37:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 274, -13193) [08:01 00:37:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 276, -13192) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:37:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 276, -13192) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:37:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 276, -13192) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:37:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 275, -13190) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:37:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 276, -13190) [08:01 00:37:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 277, -13189) [08:01 00:37:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 277, -13188) [08:01 00:37:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 278, -13187) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:38:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7433, 115, -11688) [08:01 00:38:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7432, 115, -11687) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:38:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7431, 115, -11688) [08:01 00:38:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7433, 113, -11689) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:38:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7430, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6822, 277, -13184) [08:01 00:38:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7432, 116, -11688) [08:01 00:38:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6821, 277, -13183) [08:01 00:38:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6820, 276, -13184) [08:01 00:38:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7431, 115, -11686) [08:01 00:38:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6819, 276, -13183) [08:01 00:38:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7429, 115, -11687) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:38:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7429, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6818, 275, -13183) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:38:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7428, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6818, 277, -13184) [08:01 00:38:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7430, 114, -11688) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 00:38:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 276, -13185) [08:01 00:38:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7427, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6817, 276, -13184) [08:01 00:38:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7427, 115, -11687) [08:01 00:38:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6816, 275, -13183) [08:01 00:38:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7426, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7426, 115, -11686) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:38:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6817, 274, -13183) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:38:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7428, 117, -11688) [08:01 00:38:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6819, 274, -13184) [08:01 00:38:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7431, 115, -11689) [08:01 00:38:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6819, 274, -13182) [08:01 00:38:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6818, 276, -13182) [08:01 00:38:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6818, 277, -13181) [08:01 00:38:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7429, 115, -11689) [08:01 00:38:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6817, 276, -13181) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:38:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7427, 115, -11689) [08:01 00:38:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6817, 274, -13181) [08:01 00:38:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7426, 116, -11688) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:38:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6819, 276, -13181) [08:01 00:38:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7425, 116, -11688) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:38:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6819, 275, -13181) [08:01 00:38:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7424, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7425, 116, -11686) [08:01 00:38:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6816, 274, -13182) [08:01 00:38:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7424, 117, -11686) [08:01 00:38:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 212 4 -412 (6815, 274, -13183) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:38:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7424, 117, -11688) [08:01 00:38:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6816, 274, -13184) [08:01 00:38:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7423, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:38:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 212 4 -412 (6815, 275, -13184) [08:01 00:38:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7424, 115, -11687) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:38:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6817, 277, -13183) [08:01 00:39:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7423, 115, -11688) [08:01 00:39:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6816, 277, -13182) [08:01 00:39:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7422, 116, -11687) [08:01 00:39:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 212 4 -412 (6815, 277, -13181) [08:01 00:39:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7421, 117, -11688) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:39:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7425, 114, -11688) [08:01 00:39:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7428, 114, -11688) [08:01 00:39:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 277, -13187) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (132 ms) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:39:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 279, -13188) [08:01 00:39:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7425, 116, -11689) [08:01 00:39:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 279, -13188) [08:01 00:39:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7423, 116, -11689) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:39:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 280, -13188) [08:01 00:39:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7422, 116, -11690) [08:01 00:39:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 281, -13189) [08:01 00:39:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 281, -13190) [08:01 00:39:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7422, 115, -11689) Load sector from db (0, -2) [08:01 00:39:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6817, 282, -13190) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (38 ms) [08:01 00:39:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 283, -13190) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:39:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 283, -13191) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:39:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 282, -13190) [08:01 00:39:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7421, 116, -11689) [08:01 00:39:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 282, -13190) [08:01 00:39:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7420, 116, -11689) [08:01 00:39:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 282, -13191) [08:01 00:39:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7420, 116, -11690) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 00:39:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7420, 115, -11688) [08:01 00:39:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 281, -13189) [08:01 00:39:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7421, 114, -11690) [08:01 00:39:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 280, -13189) [08:01 00:39:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7419, 115, -11689) [08:01 00:39:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 280, -13189) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:39:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7419, 117, -11689) [08:01 00:39:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 281, -13190) [08:01 00:39:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7418, 117, -11690) [08:01 00:39:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 282, -13190) [08:01 00:39:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7417, 116, -11690) [08:01 00:39:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 282, -13190) [08:01 00:39:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7418, 114, -11689) [08:01 00:39:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 282, -13190) [08:01 00:39:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7418, 114, -11690) [08:01 00:39:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 282, -13189) [08:01 00:39:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7423, 115, -11690) [08:01 00:39:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 282, -13189) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:39:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7425, 115, -11690) [08:01 00:39:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 281, -13188) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:39:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7426, 114, -11689) [08:01 00:39:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 280, -13187) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:39:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7426, 114, -11690) [08:01 00:39:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 282, -13189) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:39:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 283, -13188) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7417, 114, -11690) [08:01 00:40:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7416, 115, -11690) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:40:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7416, 114, -11691) [08:01 00:40:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7415, 115, -11691) [08:01 00:40:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7414, 115, -11691) [08:01 00:40:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7414, 114, -11690) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7414, 115, -11692) [08:01 00:40:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7413, 115, -11690) [08:01 00:40:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7415, 116, -11690) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 283, -13191) [08:01 00:40:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7413, 116, -11691) [08:01 00:40:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 284, -13191) [08:01 00:40:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7412, 115, -11691) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:40:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 285, -13191) [08:01 00:40:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7412, 115, -11692) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 285, -13191) [08:01 00:40:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 115, -11690) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:40:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 285, -13192) [08:01 00:40:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 115, -11691) [08:01 00:40:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 115, -11690) [08:01 00:40:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 284, -13191) [08:01 00:40:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7412, 116, -11690) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:40:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 284, -13192) [08:01 00:40:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 116, -11692) [08:01 00:40:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 284, -13192) [08:01 00:40:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 114, -11691) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 284, -13192) [08:01 00:40:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 114, -11691) [08:01 00:40:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 284, -13193) [DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:40:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 115, -11692) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 114, -11692) [08:01 00:40:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 114, -11693) [08:01 00:40:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 114, -11692) [08:01 00:40:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 114, -11691) [08:01 00:40:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 115, -11691) [08:01 00:40:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11693) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 114, -11694) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:40:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 115, -11695) [08:01 00:40:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11694) [08:01 00:41:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11696) [08:01 00:41:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11693) [DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 116, -11693) [08:01 00:41:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11694) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11695) [08:01 00:41:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 115, -11696) [08:01 00:41:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 114, -11696) [08:01 00:41:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 114, -11695) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11697) [08:01 00:41:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 115, -11695) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 115, -11696) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:41:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 114, -11696) [08:01 00:41:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 113, -11696) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 112, -11697) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 00:41:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 112, -11697) [08:01 00:41:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 114, -11697) [08:01 00:41:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 116, -11697) [08:01 00:41:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11698) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 116, -11699) [08:01 00:41:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 115, -11698) [08:01 00:41:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 114, -11698) [08:01 00:41:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 113, -11698) [08:01 00:41:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11699) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11700) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:41:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11701) [DB] Saved 6 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:41:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 114, -11702) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:41:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 115, -11699) [08:01 00:41:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 114, -11699) [08:01 00:41:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 113, -11699) [08:01 00:42:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 112, -11699) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 114, -11699) [08:01 00:42:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 113, -11700) [08:01 00:42:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 113, -11700) [08:01 00:42:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 114, -11700) [08:01 00:42:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 115, -11699) [08:01 00:42:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11700) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 115, -11701) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (3 ms) [08:01 00:42:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 116, -11702) [08:01 00:42:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 114, -11703) [08:01 00:42:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 115, -11703) [08:01 00:42:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 115, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 113, -11700) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 111, -11697) [08:01 00:42:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 110, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 110, -11696) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:42:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 110, -11695) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 110, -11695) [08:01 00:42:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 110, -11695) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 113, -11699) [08:01 00:42:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 112, -11699) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 112, -11698) [08:01 00:42:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6827, 275, -13182) [08:01 00:42:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 112, -11700) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:42:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6828, 274, -13181) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:42:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 113, -11701) [08:01 00:42:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6829, 274, -13181) [08:01 00:42:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6829, 273, -13181) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:43:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6827, 273, -13181) [08:01 00:43:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 109, -11696) [08:01 00:43:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6828, 275, -13183) [08:01 00:43:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 110, -11698) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:43:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6829, 274, -13183) [08:01 00:43:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 109, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:43:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6830, 274, -13184) [08:01 00:43:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 110, -11699) [08:01 00:43:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 109, -11699) [08:01 00:43:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6829, 275, -13184) [08:01 00:43:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 110, -11700) [08:01 00:43:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6830, 275, -13183) [08:01 00:43:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 109, -11700) [08:01 00:43:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6830, 275, -13184) [08:01 00:43:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 108, -11699) [08:01 00:43:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 275, -13185) [08:01 00:43:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7411, 108, -11700) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:43:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6826, 276, -13184) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:43:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 276, -13185) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:43:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 113, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:43:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 113, -11697) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:43:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 114, -11698) [08:01 00:43:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 114, -11699) [08:01 00:43:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 113, -11699) [08:01 00:43:36] KillNpc: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 16809286(type: 5, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 233 1 -367 (7473.43, 86.96, -11715.53) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 16809286 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 00:43:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 112, -11700) [08:01 00:43:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 113, -11701) [08:01 00:43:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 112, -11701) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:43:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 111, -11701) [08:01 00:43:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 111, -11702) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:43:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 110, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:43:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 109, -11702) [08:01 00:44:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 109, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 110, -11704) [08:01 00:44:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 110, -11705) [08:01 00:44:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 111, -11705) [08:01 00:44:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 111, -11704) [DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:44:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 110, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 109, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 109, -11703) [08:01 00:44:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 108, -11704) [08:01 00:44:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 108, -11703) [08:01 00:44:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 281, -13187) [08:01 00:44:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 108, -11704) [08:01 00:44:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 282, -13187) [08:01 00:44:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 108, -11705) [08:01 00:44:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 279, -13186) [08:01 00:44:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 109, -11702) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 279, -13187) [08:01 00:44:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 109, -11703) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:44:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 109, -11702) [08:01 00:44:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 108, -11704) [08:01 00:44:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6822, 276, -13182) [08:01 00:44:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 108, -11705) [08:01 00:44:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6821, 273, -13181) [DB] Saved 32647 npcs in database (116 ms) [08:01 00:44:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7405, 108, -11705) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6827, 274, -13184) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:44:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 110, -11704) [08:01 00:44:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 109, -11705) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 108, -11705) [08:01 00:44:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 107, -11705) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:44:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 108, -11706) [08:01 00:44:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 108, -11706) [08:01 00:44:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 107, -11706) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:44:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 107, -11707) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:45:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 106, -11708) [08:01 00:45:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 107, -11708) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:45:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7395, 107, -11708) [08:01 00:45:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 107, -11709) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:45:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 106, -11710) [08:01 00:45:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7395, 106, -11709) [08:01 00:45:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7395, 107, -11709) [08:01 00:45:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7394, 106, -11710) [08:01 00:45:15] KillNpc: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 16809285(type: 6, tex: 2, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 233 1 -367 (7473.25, 86.3, -11718.85) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 16809285 Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:45:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 106, -11711) [08:01 00:45:18] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967999(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 213 0 -412 (6844.5, 257.53, -13163.5) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:45:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 107, -11711) [08:01 00:45:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7395, 106, -11712) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (17978498) [08:01 00:45:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 105, -11710) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:45:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7394, 105, -11712) [08:01 00:45:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 105, -11713) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:45:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 104, -11713) [08:01 00:45:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7396, 107, -11713) [08:01 00:45:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7397, 106, -11713) [08:01 00:45:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 107, -11713) [08:01 00:45:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 106, -11714) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32635 npcs in database (132 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 00:45:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 106, -11705) [08:01 00:45:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 109, -11707) [08:01 00:45:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 108, -11707) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (30 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7022.00, 318.50, -13177.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:46:09] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967895(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 214 0 -410 (6848.5, 228.44, -13115.5) [08:01 00:46:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 106, -11708) [08:01 00:46:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 106, -11708) [08:01 00:46:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 105, -11707) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 107, -11706) [08:01 00:46:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 107, -11706) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 104, -11707) [08:01 00:46:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7400, 103, -11707) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (17978508) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 104, -11706) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 00:46:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 105, -11707) [08:01 00:46:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 104, -11708) [08:01 00:46:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 103, -11709) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 103, -11707) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 105, -11706) [08:01 00:46:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 104, -11709) [08:01 00:46:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 105, -11714) [08:01 00:46:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 105, -11714) [08:01 00:46:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7396, 104, -11714) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:46:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 105, -11712) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:46:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7396, 103, -11714) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:46:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 104, -11712) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:47:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7394, 104, -11711) [08:01 00:47:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7392, 103, -11712) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 00:47:03] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824.97, 273.46, -13184.7) [08:01 00:47:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 104, -11713) [08:01 00:47:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 103, -11711) [08:01 00:47:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 103, -11711) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:47:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7396, 102, -11711) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 00:47:22] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17978518(type: 1, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6821.92, 273.39, -13180.57) Player =THS=JAX placed object element primitiveworkbench (ID: 17978518) [08:01 00:47:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 112, -11702) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:47:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7406, 112, -11698) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 00:47:31] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 501, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823.85, 272.43, -13180.57) [08:01 00:47:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 111, -11699) [08:01 00:47:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 112, -11700) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 00:47:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 110, -11700) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:47:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 109, -11699) [08:01 00:47:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 108, -11700) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:47:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 108, -11699) [08:01 00:47:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7409, 108, -11697) [08:01 00:47:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7408, 107, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 00:47:58] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 799, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6823.85, 272.43, -13180.57) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:48:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 115, -11696) [08:01 00:48:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 115, -11697) [08:01 00:48:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7404, 116, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:48:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7402, 115, -11700) [08:01 00:48:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7401, 115, -11698) [08:01 00:48:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 112, -11703) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:48:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7397, 109, -11708) [08:01 00:48:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 109, -11709) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 00:48:21] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17978519(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825.72, 272.92, -13187.23) Player =THS=JAX placed object element standingtorch (ID: 17978519) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:48:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7398, 108, -11710) Object standingtorch (17978519) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:48:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 106, -11714) [08:01 00:48:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 106, -11715) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:48:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 274, -13193) [08:01 00:48:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 105, -11716) [08:01 00:48:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 274, -13194) [08:01 00:48:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 104, -11716) [08:01 00:48:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 273, -13194) [08:01 00:48:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 104, -11716) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:48:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 273, -13195) [08:01 00:48:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 103, -11717) [08:01 00:48:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 272, -13193) [08:01 00:48:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 105, -11716) [08:01 00:48:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 273, -13192) [08:01 00:48:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 104, -11715) [08:01 00:48:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 274, -13193) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:48:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 103, -11715) [DB] Saved 32637 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:48:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 274, -13192) [08:01 00:48:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 103, -11717) [08:01 00:48:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 275, -13191) [08:01 00:48:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 104, -11718) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:48:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 274, -13190) [08:01 00:48:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 104, -11718) [08:01 00:48:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 274, -13189) [08:01 00:48:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 102, -11717) [08:01 00:48:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 274, -13188) [08:01 00:48:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 102, -11717) [08:01 00:48:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 273, -13190) [08:01 00:48:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 103, -11716) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:48:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 275, -13189) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:48:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 104, -11716) [08:01 00:48:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 275, -13190) [08:01 00:48:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7389, 104, -11716) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:49:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 276, -13191) [08:01 00:49:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 103, -11717) [08:01 00:49:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 275, -13192) [08:01 00:49:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 103, -11718) [08:01 00:49:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 276, -13193) [08:01 00:49:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 101, -11718) [08:01 00:49:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 276, -13192) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 00:49:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 276, -13193) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:49:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 100, -11718) [08:01 00:49:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 276, -13194) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:49:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 101, -11719) [08:01 00:49:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 276, -13195) [08:01 00:49:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 103, -11719) [08:01 00:49:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 276, -13194) [08:01 00:49:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 103, -11720) [08:01 00:49:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 276, -13195) [08:01 00:49:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 104, -11721) [08:01 00:49:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 276, -13196) [08:01 00:49:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 105, -11722) [08:01 00:49:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 276, -13194) [08:01 00:49:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 104, -11722) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:49:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 275, -13194) [08:01 00:49:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 102, -11720) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:49:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 275, -13195) [08:01 00:49:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 101, -11720) [08:01 00:49:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 276, -13196) [08:01 00:49:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 100, -11719) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:49:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 277, -13194) [08:01 00:49:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 100, -11720) [08:01 00:49:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13195) [08:01 00:49:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 100, -11721) [08:01 00:49:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 277, -13195) [DB] Saved 32634 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:49:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 277, -13196) [08:01 00:49:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 103, -11722) [08:01 00:49:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 278, -13196) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:49:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 278, -13194) [08:01 00:49:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 279, -13195) [08:01 00:49:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 277, -13193) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:49:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 277, -13192) [08:01 00:49:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 105, -11719) [08:01 00:49:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13191) [08:01 00:49:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13190) [08:01 00:49:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 105, -11720) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:49:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 277, -13190) [08:01 00:49:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 104, -11722) [08:01 00:49:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 277, -13189) [08:01 00:49:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 103, -11723) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:49:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 102, -11723) [08:01 00:49:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 277, -13188) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:49:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 104, -11723) [08:01 00:49:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 278, -13189) [08:01 00:49:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 104, -11723) [08:01 00:49:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 278, -13190) [08:01 00:50:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 104, -11724) [08:01 00:50:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 279, -13190) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:50:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 104, -11725) [08:01 00:50:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 277, -13191) [08:01 00:50:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 103, -11725) [08:01 00:50:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 277, -13190) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:50:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 103, -11726) [08:01 00:50:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 275, -13191) [08:01 00:50:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 102, -11725) [08:01 00:50:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 275, -13190) [08:01 00:50:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 104, -11725) [08:01 00:50:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 275, -13190) [08:01 00:50:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 104, -11725) [08:01 00:50:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 275, -13189) [08:01 00:50:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 103, -11726) [08:01 00:50:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 275, -13188) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:50:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 103, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:50:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 275, -13187) [08:01 00:50:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 102, -11726) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:50:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 101, -11727) [08:01 00:50:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 274, -13190) [08:01 00:50:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 101, -11726) [08:01 00:50:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 276, -13188) [08:01 00:50:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 100, -11727) [08:01 00:50:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 276, -13187) [08:01 00:50:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 100, -11727) [08:01 00:50:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 276, -13189) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:50:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 101, -11728) [08:01 00:50:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 277, -13188) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:50:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 102, -11727) [08:01 00:50:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13188) [08:01 00:50:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 103, -11728) [08:01 00:50:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13187) [08:01 00:50:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 102, -11728) [08:01 00:50:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 277, -13186) [08:01 00:50:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 101, -11728) [08:01 00:50:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 278, -13185) [08:01 00:50:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 101, -11729) [08:01 00:50:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 277, -13185) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:50:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 100, -11728) [08:01 00:50:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6829, 277, -13184) [08:01 00:50:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 100, -11730) [DB] Saved 32635 npcs in database (112 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:50:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6829, 277, -13186) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (27 ms) [08:01 00:50:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 278, -13185) [08:01 00:50:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 278, -13185) [08:01 00:50:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7389, 101, -11729) [08:01 00:50:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 278, -13186) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:50:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 100, -11730) [08:01 00:50:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 276, -13187) [08:01 00:50:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 102, -11729) [08:01 00:50:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 275, -13186) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:50:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7388, 101, -11729) [08:01 00:50:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7389, 100, -11730) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:50:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 278, -13192) [08:01 00:50:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7390, 101, -11731) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7388, 100, -11730) [08:01 00:51:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 274, -13192) [08:01 00:51:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 100, -11729) [08:01 00:51:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 273, -13192) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:51:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 101, -11728) [08:01 00:51:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 274, -13190) [08:01 00:51:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7386, 100, -11729) [08:01 00:51:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 274, -13189) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:51:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 100, -11728) [08:01 00:51:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 274, -13188) [08:01 00:51:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7386, 99, -11727) [08:01 00:51:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6833, 274, -13187) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7386, 101, -11728) [08:01 00:51:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 101, -11730) [08:01 00:51:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 274, -13186) [08:01 00:51:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 100, -11731) [08:01 00:51:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 273, -13186) [08:01 00:51:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7387, 99, -11731) [08:01 00:51:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 275, -13187) [08:01 00:51:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7385, 99, -11728) [08:01 00:51:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 275, -13186) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:51:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7385, 99, -11727) [08:01 00:51:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 276, -13188) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7384, 99, -11728) [08:01 00:51:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6836, 275, -13187) [08:01 00:51:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 99, -11727) [08:01 00:51:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6837, 276, -13186) [08:01 00:51:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 99, -11727) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (129 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:51:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6836, 277, -13188) [08:01 00:51:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7385, 99, -11726) [08:01 00:51:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6836, 277, -13189) [08:01 00:51:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:51:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 276, -13190) [08:01 00:51:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7384, 100, -11726) [08:01 00:51:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 276, -13191) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7385, 100, -11726) [08:01 00:51:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 276, -13192) [08:01 00:51:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7386, 100, -11725) [08:01 00:51:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 277, -13193) [08:01 00:51:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:51:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 278, -13194) [08:01 00:51:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7381, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:51:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 279, -13196) [08:01 00:51:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 100, -11728) [08:01 00:51:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6832, 280, -13197) [08:01 00:51:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7384, 99, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6831, 279, -13196) [08:01 00:51:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7386, 98, -11729) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:51:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 279, -13196) [08:01 00:51:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6830, 279, -13197) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:51:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7389, 99, -11730) [08:01 00:51:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 275, -13193) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:51:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 276, -13194) [08:01 00:51:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 276, -13195) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:52:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 276, -13196) [08:01 00:52:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 276, -13194) [08:01 00:52:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 277, -13195) [08:01 00:52:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 99, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:52:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 277, -13196) [08:01 00:52:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 98, -11730) [08:01 00:52:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 278, -13197) [08:01 00:52:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 98, -11730) [08:01 00:52:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6828, 279, -13197) [08:01 00:52:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7381, 98, -11729) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 7 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:52:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 278, -13195) [08:01 00:52:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 99, -11729) [08:01 00:52:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 279, -13196) [08:01 00:52:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6827, 280, -13196) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:52:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 98, -11730) [08:01 00:52:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7381, 98, -11728) [08:01 00:52:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:52:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6826, 278, -13196) [08:01 00:52:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:52:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 278, -13197) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:52:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 98, -11727) [08:01 00:52:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 279, -13197) [08:01 00:52:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 98, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:52:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:52:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825, 278, -13195) [08:01 00:52:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7383, 98, -11724) [08:01 00:52:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 279, -13195) [08:01 00:52:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7381, 99, -11725) [08:01 00:52:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 280, -13196) [08:01 00:52:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 98, -11725) [DB] Saved 32645 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:52:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 97, -11724) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:52:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 278, -13194) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:52:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7379, 97, -11727) [08:01 00:52:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 279, -13194) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:52:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7379, 97, -11725) [08:01 00:52:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 280, -13194) [08:01 00:52:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7379, 99, -11727) [08:01 00:52:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7378, 98, -11728) [08:01 00:52:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 277, -13193) [08:01 00:52:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 97, -11729) [08:01 00:52:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 278, -13193) [08:01 00:52:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 98, -11728) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 00:52:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6824, 279, -13193) [08:01 00:52:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:52:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 278, -13192) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:52:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 97, -11727) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:52:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 279, -13192) [08:01 00:52:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7378, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:52:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 278, -13195) [08:01 00:52:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 97, -11725) [08:01 00:52:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 278, -13195) [08:01 00:52:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 97, -11727) [08:01 00:52:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 97, -11724) [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:53:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7375, 97, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 279, -13194) [08:01 00:53:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 97, -11729) [08:01 00:53:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 278, -13194) [08:01 00:53:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 97, -11730) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:53:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 277, -13194) [08:01 00:53:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7375, 98, -11729) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:53:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7374, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:53:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 278, -13192) [08:01 00:53:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 99, -11727) [08:01 00:53:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 277, -13191) [08:01 00:53:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7376, 98, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 277, -13190) [08:01 00:53:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 99, -11725) [08:01 00:53:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 276, -13189) [08:01 00:53:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7378, 98, -11724) [08:01 00:53:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7375, 96, -11723) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:53:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 275, -13188) [08:01 00:53:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:53:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 96, -11722) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (7 ms) [08:01 00:53:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 276, -13191) [08:01 00:53:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7375, 98, -11723) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 275, -13191) [08:01 00:53:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7374, 97, -11724) [08:01 00:53:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 275, -13191) [08:01 00:53:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7374, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:53:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 274, -13191) [08:01 00:53:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:53:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 276, -13192) [08:01 00:53:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7374, 97, -11729) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:53:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 276, -13192) [08:01 00:53:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7372, 97, -11728) [08:01 00:53:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 275, -13192) [08:01 00:53:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 98, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:53:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 278, -13190) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:53:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 97, -11725) [08:01 00:53:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 275, -13190) [08:01 00:53:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7372, 97, -11724) [08:01 00:53:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 275, -13187) [08:01 00:53:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 96, -11727) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:53:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6821, 274, -13187) [08:01 00:53:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7372, 97, -11726) [DB] Saved 32641 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 00:53:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6823, 273, -13188) [08:01 00:53:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7371, 97, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6822, 275, -13188) [08:01 00:53:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7372, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:53:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7375, 97, -11722) [08:01 00:53:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 98, -11724) [08:01 00:53:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 99, -11723) [08:01 00:53:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7372, 99, -11725) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:53:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7371, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:53:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7370, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:54:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7370, 97, -11727) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (28 ms) [08:01 00:54:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7371, 98, -11728) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) [08:01 00:54:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7371, 98, -11729) [08:01 00:54:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 98, -11727) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (22 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7054.00, 345.31, -13252.00) Spawn npc pig at (7054.00, 346.97, -13259.00) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 98, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7370, 98, -11724) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (26 ms) Spawn npc ram at (7079.00, 137.28, -13074.00) Spawn npc ram at (7086.00, 135.69, -13060.00) [08:01 00:54:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7371, 98, -11723) [08:01 00:54:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7370, 97, -11722) WorldPart (13, -29) generated (27 ms) [08:01 00:54:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 98, -11723) [08:01 00:54:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 98, -11724) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:54:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 97, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 00:54:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 96, -11724) [08:01 00:54:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7367, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:54:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 96, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7370, 96, -11726) [DB] Saved 32637 npcs in database (113 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7054.00, 140.84, -12985.00) [08:01 00:54:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 97, -11727) [08:01 00:54:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 96, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 97, -11726) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:54:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7367, 97, -11725) [08:01 00:54:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 97, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7367, 97, -11724) [08:01 00:54:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:54:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7369, 97, -11721) [08:01 00:54:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 97, -11722) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:54:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7365, 96, -11724) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:54:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7368, 96, -11723) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7182.00, 98.16, -13010.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (7182.00, 97.84, -13003.00) Spawn npc goat at (7196.00, 94.50, -12996.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (7182.00, 238.50, -13170.00) [08:01 00:54:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 97, -11722) [08:01 00:54:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7365, 98, -11724) [08:01 00:54:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7364, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:54:58] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967510(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -410 (7028.5, 180.91, -13091.5) [08:01 00:55:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7363, 97, -11725) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7364, 97, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7365, 97, -11727) [08:01 00:55:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 97, -11728) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:55:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7362, 96, -11725) [08:01 00:55:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7363, 97, -11724) [08:01 00:55:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7361, 97, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7362, 97, -11726) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:55:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7363, 96, -11727) SERVER: Despawn 3 world items... [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:55:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7362, 96, -11728) [08:01 00:55:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7360, 96, -11725) [08:01 00:55:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7361, 96, -11727) [08:01 00:55:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7361, 95, -11727) [08:01 00:55:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 221, -13134) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [08:01 00:55:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7363, 98, -11726) [08:01 00:55:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 221, -13135) [08:01 00:55:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7362, 98, -11726) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:55:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 220, -13136) [08:01 00:55:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7361, 98, -11725) [08:01 00:55:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 220, -13134) [08:01 00:55:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7360, 98, -11724) [08:01 00:55:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13134) [08:01 00:55:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7359, 97, -11724) [08:01 00:55:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 220, -13134) [08:01 00:55:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7358, 96, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 221, -13135) [08:01 00:55:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7360, 97, -11726) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:55:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7359, 96, -11727) [08:01 00:55:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 222, -13135) [DB] Saved 32641 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 00:55:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7358, 96, -11723) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:55:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 221, -13136) [08:01 00:55:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7359, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:55:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 221, -13135) [08:01 00:55:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 221, -13137) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 221, -13138) [08:01 00:55:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 221, -13136) [08:01 00:55:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 222, -13136) [08:01 00:55:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 223, -13137) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:55:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7366, 99, -11726) [08:01 00:55:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 222, -13137) [08:01 00:55:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7363, 99, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:55:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7362, 99, -11725) [08:01 00:56:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7359, 98, -11722) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:56:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7357, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:56:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 222, -13136) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:56:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7357, 96, -11724) [08:01 00:56:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 222, -13137) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:56:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7357, 96, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:56:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 222, -13138) [08:01 00:56:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 96, -11724) [08:01 00:56:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7358, 95, -11722) [08:01 00:56:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13137) [08:01 00:56:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7358, 95, -11724) [08:01 00:56:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 220, -13137) [08:01 00:56:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 220, -13137) [08:01 00:56:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7357, 97, -11722) [08:01 00:56:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 219, -13137) [08:01 00:56:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 97, -11722) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:56:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 218, -13137) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:56:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 96, -11722) [08:01 00:56:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 219, -13137) [08:01 00:56:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 96, -11725) [08:01 00:56:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 218, -13138) [08:01 00:56:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 95, -11725) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:56:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 95, -11723) [08:01 00:56:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13138) [08:01 00:56:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 97, -11723) [08:01 00:56:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 219, -13139) [08:01 00:56:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 96, -11724) [08:01 00:56:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 218, -13140) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:56:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 95, -11724) [08:01 00:56:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 219, -13138) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (7 ms) [08:01 00:56:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 95, -11723) [08:01 00:56:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 223, -13138) [08:01 00:56:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 94, -11723) [08:01 00:56:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 224, -13139) [08:01 00:56:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 94, -11725) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:56:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 224, -13140) [08:01 00:56:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7357, 95, -11726) [08:01 00:56:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 221, -13138) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:56:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 96, -11726) [08:01 00:56:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7000, 221, -13139) [08:01 00:56:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7356, 95, -11727) [08:01 00:56:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7000, 221, -13140) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (2 ms) [08:01 00:56:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 95, -11727) [08:01 00:56:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6999, 221, -13140) [08:01 00:56:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 94, -11726) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 00:56:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 221, -13139) [08:01 00:56:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7354, 94, -11728) [08:01 00:56:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 221, -13140) [08:01 00:56:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 94, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:56:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 221, -13141) [08:01 00:56:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7355, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:56:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7353, 94, -11726) [08:01 00:56:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 223, -13141) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:56:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 222, -13142) [08:01 00:57:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7352, 93, -11726) [08:01 00:57:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 222, -13143) [08:01 00:57:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7352, 93, -11725) [08:01 00:57:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7000, 222, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7353, 95, -11725) [08:01 00:57:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 223, -13140) [08:01 00:57:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7351, 94, -11726) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [08:01 00:57:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6999, 223, -13140) [08:01 00:57:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7350, 94, -11727) [08:01 00:57:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6998, 223, -13140) [08:01 00:57:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7351, 94, -11727) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:57:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6997, 223, -13141) [08:01 00:57:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7352, 94, -11728) [08:01 00:57:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7353, 94, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6999, 223, -13141) [08:01 00:57:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7353, 95, -11726) [08:01 00:57:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6997, 223, -13142) [08:01 00:57:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7351, 95, -11727) [08:01 00:57:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7349, 93, -11727) [08:01 00:57:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7348, 93, -11727) [08:01 00:57:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7350, 95, -11726) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 00:57:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7349, 95, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7349, 95, -11728) [08:01 00:57:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7350, 93, -11728) [08:01 00:57:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7349, 93, -11728) [08:01 00:57:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7348, 93, -11729) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:57:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7348, 92, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7347, 92, -11728) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:57:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7346, 92, -11727) [08:01 00:57:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7347, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:57:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7346, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:57:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7347, 92, -11730) [08:01 00:57:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7346, 93, -11730) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7345, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:57:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 93, -11728) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7345, 93, -11727) [08:01 00:57:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7345, 92, -11727) [08:01 00:57:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:57:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 92, -11730) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:57:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7345, 94, -11730) [08:01 00:58:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 93, -11730) [08:01 00:58:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 93, -11729) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 93, -11727) [08:01 00:58:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 92, -11728) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 00:58:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 93, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7341, 93, -11728) [08:01 00:58:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 94, -11729) [08:01 00:58:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 94, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 94, -11726) [08:01 00:58:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 93, -11726) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 94, -11728) [08:01 00:58:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7340, 94, -11728) [08:01 00:58:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 95, -11728) [08:01 00:58:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 94, -11729) [08:01 00:58:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7340, 93, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 93, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7341, 94, -11726) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:58:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7341, 94, -11730) [08:01 00:58:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7340, 93, -11731) [08:01 00:58:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7342, 94, -11731) [08:01 00:58:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 94, -11732) [08:01 00:58:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 95, -11733) [08:01 00:58:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 95, -11732) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:58:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7343, 93, -11732) [08:01 00:58:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7344, 92, -11733) [08:01 00:59:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:59:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7338, 94, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 93, -11725) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 00:59:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7339, 93, -11724) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7340, 94, -11725) [08:01 00:59:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7340, 95, -11726) [08:01 00:59:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7338, 95, -11726) [08:01 00:59:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7338, 95, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 93, -11726) [08:01 00:59:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 94, -11725) [08:01 00:59:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 95, -11725) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 95, -11726) [08:01 00:59:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 94, -11727) [08:01 00:59:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 94, -11726) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 95, -11728) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 00:59:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 94, -11729) [08:01 00:59:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 93, -11727) [08:01 00:59:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 95, -11728) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 94, -11729) [08:01 00:59:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 94, -11728) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 00:59:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11729) [08:01 00:59:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 94, -11730) [08:01 00:59:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 94, -11730) [08:01 00:59:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 93, -11730) [08:01 00:59:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 93, -11731) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11731) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 00:59:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 93, -11732) [08:01 00:59:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 94, -11732) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 00:59:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 94, -11733) [08:01 00:59:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 94, -11732) [08:01 00:59:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 93, -11731) [08:01 01:00:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 93, -11730) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 95, -11731) [08:01 01:00:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 95, -11733) [08:01 01:00:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 94, -11734) [08:01 01:00:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11733) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:00:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 92, -11733) [08:01 01:00:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 93, -11731) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 94, -11730) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 93, -11734) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:00:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 94, -11732) [08:01 01:00:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 93, -11732) [08:01 01:00:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 95, -11731) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 94, -11734) [08:01 01:00:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 217, -13138) [08:01 01:00:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 94, -11734) [08:01 01:00:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7338, 93, -11734) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:00:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7338, 94, -11735) [08:01 01:00:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11735) [08:01 01:00:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13140) [08:01 01:00:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11733) [08:01 01:00:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 220, -13141) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 92, -11735) [08:01 01:00:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:00:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11736) [08:01 01:00:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 219, -13143) [08:01 01:00:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 94, -11736) [08:01 01:00:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 219, -13144) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:00:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7337, 94, -11736) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:00:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 219, -13145) [08:01 01:00:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11736) [08:01 01:00:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11737) [08:01 01:00:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 220, -13141) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 92, -11737) [08:01 01:00:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 219, -13141) [08:01 01:00:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 93, -11738) [08:01 01:00:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 218, -13140) [08:01 01:00:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 93, -11738) [08:01 01:00:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 93, -11739) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:00:51] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17978584(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001.6, 217.97, -13139.9) Player =THS=JAX placed object element standingtorch (ID: 17978584) [08:01 01:00:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 93, -11738) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) Object standingtorch (17978584) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:00:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 93, -11738) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:00:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 92, -11740) [08:01 01:00:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11739) [08:01 01:01:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11740) [DB] Saved 32635 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:01:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 93, -11740) [08:01 01:01:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 93, -11741) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:01:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11739) [08:01 01:01:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11738) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:01:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 91, -11737) [08:01 01:01:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 91, -11738) [08:01 01:01:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 93, -11738) [08:01 01:01:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11741) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:01:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 91, -11742) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:01:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 91, -11740) [08:01 01:01:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 91, -11741) [08:01 01:01:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 90, -11741) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:01:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7336, 91, -11740) [08:01 01:01:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 91, -11741) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:01:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 221, -13143) [08:01 01:01:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7335, 92, -11742) [08:01 01:01:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 221, -13144) [08:01 01:01:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7334, 91, -11742) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:01:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 221, -13145) [08:01 01:01:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 90, -11743) [08:01 01:01:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 220, -13146) [08:01 01:01:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 89, -11743) [08:01 01:01:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 90, -11741) [08:01 01:01:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 93, -11740) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:01:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 222, -13141) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:01:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11742) [08:01 01:01:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 222, -13140) [08:01 01:01:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11743) [08:01 01:01:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 222, -13142) [08:01 01:01:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 92, -11744) [08:01 01:01:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 222, -13142) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:01:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7332, 92, -11744) [08:01 01:01:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 222, -13143) [08:01 01:01:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7332, 91, -11745) [DB] Saved 32638 npcs in database (141 ms) [08:01 01:01:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 222, -13144) [08:01 01:01:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7333, 92, -11746) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:01:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7333, 92, -11747) [08:01 01:01:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7332, 93, -11746) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (24 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:01:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7333, 90, -11745) [08:01 01:02:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7331, 89, -11744) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:02:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7330, 90, -11743) [08:01 01:02:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7329, 90, -11744) [08:01 01:02:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7329, 89, -11743) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [08:01 01:02:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7329, 88, -11744) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:02:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7330, 90, -11745) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:02:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7331, 90, -11746) [08:01 01:02:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 223, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:02:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 90, -11746) [08:01 01:02:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 223, -13144) [08:01 01:02:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7329, 88, -11742) [08:01 01:02:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 222, -13142) [08:01 01:02:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7328, 89, -11744) [08:01 01:02:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 222, -13142) [08:01 01:02:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7328, 88, -11744) [08:01 01:02:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 223, -13142) [08:01 01:02:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 88, -11745) [08:01 01:02:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 221, -13140) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:02:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 90, -11747) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:02:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 221, -13139) [08:01 01:02:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 221, -13140) [08:01 01:02:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7330, 91, -11746) [08:01 01:02:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 91, -11747) [08:01 01:02:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:02:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7330, 92, -11748) [08:01 01:02:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 220, -13141) [08:01 01:02:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 92, -11749) [DB] Saved 26 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:02:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 93, -11748) [08:01 01:02:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 219, -13140) [08:01 01:02:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 94, -11749) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:02:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:02:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 93, -11750) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:02:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:02:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 93, -11749) [08:01 01:02:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:02:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 94, -11750) [08:01 01:02:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 220, -13144) [08:01 01:02:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 93, -11750) [08:01 01:02:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 220, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:02:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 92, -11748) [08:01 01:02:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 91, -11749) [08:01 01:02:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 92, -11749) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:02:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 91, -11748) [08:01 01:02:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7331, 91, -11748) [08:01 01:02:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 88, -11746) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:02:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 89, -11746) [08:01 01:02:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7328, 91, -11745) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:03:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 221, -13144) [08:01 01:03:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -367 (7327, 87, -11744) [08:01 01:03:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 221, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:03:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7010, 220, -13144) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:03:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7333, 89, -11741) [08:01 01:03:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7011, 220, -13145) [08:01 01:03:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 221, -13145) [08:01 01:03:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 221, -13146) [08:01 01:03:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -367 (7329, 91, -11743) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:03:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 221, -13147) [08:01 01:03:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -367 (7327, 91, -11744) [08:01 01:03:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 220, -13148) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:03:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 91, -11745) [08:01 01:03:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 221, -13146) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:03:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 90, -11745) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (26 ms) [08:01 01:03:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13147) [08:01 01:03:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 91, -11746) [08:01 01:03:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 92, -11747) [08:01 01:03:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 93, -11748) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:03:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 92, -11749) [08:01 01:03:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 91, -11750) [08:01 01:03:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7325, 91, -11748) [08:01 01:03:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7327, 93, -11751) [08:01 01:03:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 229 1 -368 (7329, 93, -11751) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:03:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7326, 93, -11752) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:03:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7325, 93, -11750) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:03:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 228 1 -368 (7324, 93, -11751) [08:01 01:03:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 221, -13146) [08:01 01:03:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 221, -13147) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:03:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7010, 220, -13148) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:03:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 221, -13145) [08:01 01:03:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7010, 222, -13145) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 01:04:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7374, 99, -11725) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:04:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7373, 99, -11727) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:04:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7377, 100, -11726) [08:01 01:04:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7380, 100, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:04:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7379, 99, -11725) [08:01 01:04:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 100, -11725) [08:01 01:04:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7382, 101, -11726) [08:01 01:04:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7384, 101, -11727) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:04:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 103, -11721) [08:01 01:04:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 104, -11720) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:04:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 105, -11718) [08:01 01:04:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7393, 105, -11718) [08:01 01:04:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7392, 105, -11719) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:04:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 230 1 -367 (7391, 105, -11718) [08:01 01:04:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7394, 106, -11717) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:04:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -367 (7395, 106, -11716) [08:01 01:04:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7399, 108, -11702) [08:01 01:04:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 218, -13138) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:04:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7403, 111, -11699) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:04:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 217, -13139) [08:01 01:04:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 216, -13138) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 01:04:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 217, -13138) [08:01 01:04:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 217, -13139) [08:01 01:04:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7407, 116, -11692) [08:01 01:04:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 217, -13140) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:04:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 231 1 -366 (7410, 115, -11689) [08:01 01:04:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 217, -13141) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:05:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 218, -13142) [08:01 01:05:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 217, -13143) [08:01 01:05:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 219, -13143) [08:01 01:05:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 218, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:05:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 220, -13142) [08:01 01:05:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7000, 220, -13143) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:05:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6999, 219, -13143) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:05:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 220, -13144) [08:01 01:05:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7000, 219, -13145) [08:01 01:05:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 220, -13146) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:05:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 219, -13146) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:05:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 218, -13146) [08:01 01:05:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448, 115, -11695) [08:01 01:05:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 218, -13145) [08:01 01:05:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448, 115, -11695) [08:01 01:05:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 218, -13143) [08:01 01:05:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448, 115, -11695) [08:01 01:05:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447, 117, -11696) [08:01 01:05:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 218, -13143) [08:01 01:05:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447, 117, -11697) [08:01 01:05:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 217, -13143) [08:01 01:05:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 217, -13144) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:05:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 217, -13146) [08:01 01:05:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 217, -13145) [08:01 01:05:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7007, 216, -13145) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) [08:01 01:05:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7006, 217, -13146) [DB] Saved 32636 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:06:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 218, -13145) [08:01 01:06:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 217, -13146) [08:01 01:06:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 217, -13145) [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:06:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 216, -13145) [08:01 01:06:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 216, -13144) [08:01 01:06:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 217, -13144) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:06:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 217, -13143) [08:01 01:06:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978587(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.72, 116.16, -11694.17) [08:01 01:06:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 217, -13143) [08:01 01:06:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 217, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:06:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 217, -13145) [08:01 01:06:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7001, 217, -13146) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:06:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 217, -13146) [08:01 01:06:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 217, -13147) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32645 npcs in database (122 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7009, 217, -13142) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 npcs in database (3 ms) [08:01 01:07:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7010, 217, -13142) [08:01 01:07:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 217, -13142) [08:01 01:07:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7008, 217, -13141) [08:01 01:07:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978589(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:07:17] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978590(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11687.5) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (29 ms) [08:01 01:07:18] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978595(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 115.5, -11687.5) Spawn npc goat at (7164.00, 348.03, -13280.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:07:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 217, -13142) [08:01 01:07:30] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978597(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 115.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978598(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 116.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:07:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978599(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 117.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:07:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978600(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11693.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978601(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 116.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:07:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978602(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:07:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978603(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11693.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:07:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978604(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:07:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978605(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:07:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978606(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978607(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978608(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:07:50] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978609(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:07:51] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978610(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 115.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:07:55] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978611(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 115.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 01:07:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978612(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:07:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978613(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 114.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:07:59] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978614(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 115.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978615(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 116.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978616(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:03] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978617(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 117.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:08:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978618(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978619(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 117.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978620(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 117.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:08:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978621(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11687.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:15] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978622(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:08:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978623(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:27] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978624(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 116.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:27] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978625(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 117.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978626(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978627(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978628(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:08:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978629(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:08:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978630(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978631(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11692.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 npcs in database (3 ms) [08:01 01:08:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978632(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:08:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978633(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:08:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978634(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:08:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978635(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978636(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:08:50] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978637(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:08:52] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978638(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:55] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978639(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:08:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978640(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11690.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:08:59] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978641(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:09:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978642(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:09:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978643(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:09:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978644(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11692.5) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:09:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978645(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:09:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978646(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978647(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:09:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978648(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:09:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978649(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11688.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978650(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:09:11] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978651(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:09:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978652(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:09:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978653(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:09:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978654(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:09:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978655(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:09:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978656(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:09:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978657(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:09:17] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978658(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:09:17] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978659(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:09:18] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978660(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 120.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:09:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978661(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:36] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978587(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.72, 116.16, -11694.17) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978662(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:09:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978663(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 115.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978664(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:09:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978665(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 117.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:09:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978666(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:55] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978667(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 115.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:09:56] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978668(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:09:57] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978669(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 117.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:09:59] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978670(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 115.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978671(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 116.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978672(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 117.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:10:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978673(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 116.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978674(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978675(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 118.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978676(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 119.5, -11694.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:10:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978677(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 119.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978678(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 119.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:10:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978679(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 119.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:10:15] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978680(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 119.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:10:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978681(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 119.5, -11690.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:10:23] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978660(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 120.5, -11692.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:10:30] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978682(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 118.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978683(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 118.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978684(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 119.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978685(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 119.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:10:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978686(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 118.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:10:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978687(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 118.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:10:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978688(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:10:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978689(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11690.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:10:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978690(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:10:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978691(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 117.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:10:57] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978692(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 117.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:11:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978693(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11692.5) [DB] Saved 32638 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:11:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978694(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:11:15] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978689(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11690.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:11:24] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978688(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 117.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:11:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447, 116, -11690) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:11:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978695(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:11:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978696(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 116.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:11:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978697(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 115.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:11:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978698(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 114.5, -11688.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:11:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978699(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 112.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:11:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978700(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:11:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978701(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 112.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:11:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978702(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11688.5) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (27 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:12:01] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967715(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 218 0 -407 (6976.5, 186.63, -13023.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:12:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448, 114, -11693) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:12:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446, 114, -11693) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:12:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446, 114, -11691) [08:01 01:12:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7442, 114, -11689) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:12:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7444, 114, -11690) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:12:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978703(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 114.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:12:37] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967578(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 217 0 -407 (6952.5, 191.22, -12993.5) [08:01 01:12:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447, 116, -11693) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:12:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978704(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 115.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:12:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978705(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 114.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:12:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978706(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:12:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978707(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:12:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978708(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11693.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 31 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:13:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983251(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11695.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983252(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:13:03] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983254(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:13:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983256(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:13:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983257(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11699.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449, 113, -11697) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450, 113, -11700) [DB] Saved 32645 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:13:23] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983264(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 112.5, -11700.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983267(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:13:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983268(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11700.5) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:28] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983269(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:13:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983271(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:13:30] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983272(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:13:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983275(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 111.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:13:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983276(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11699.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983277(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:13:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983279(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983281(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11695.5) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:13:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983282(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:13:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983283(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:13:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983284(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 111.5, -11698.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983285(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 112.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:13:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983286(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:13:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983287(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:13:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983288(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:13:50] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983289(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:13:52] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983290(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983291(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:13:56] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983292(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:13:57] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983293(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:13:59] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983296(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:14:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983297(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:14:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983298(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11696.5) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:14:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983300(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:14:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983301(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:14:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983302(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11698.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983305(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11697.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983306(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:14:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983307(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:14:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983308(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11697.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:14:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983311(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:14:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983312(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:14:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983314(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11701.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983317(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11702.5) [08:01 01:14:21] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983318(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11703.5) [08:01 01:14:22] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983319(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11704.5) [08:01 01:14:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983321(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:14:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983323(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11706.5) [DB] Saved 32628 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983325(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 115.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:14:30] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983326(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 116.5, -11706.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983328(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:14:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983329(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 115.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:14:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983330(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 116.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:14:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983331(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 115.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:14:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983333(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 116.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:14:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983335(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 116.5, -11709.5) [08:01 01:14:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983336(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 116.5, -11710.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983339(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 116.5, -11709.5) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 01:14:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983340(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 116.5, -11708.5) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:14:52] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983342(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 116.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:14:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983343(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 116.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:14:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983345(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 115.5, -11706.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:15:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450, 114, -11706) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:15:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450, 115, -11702) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32627 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:15:13] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7081.95, 112.71, -12459.05) [08:01 01:15:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983346(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11701.5) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [08:01 01:15:22] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983347(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11701.5) [08:01 01:15:23] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983348(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11702.5) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:15:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983349(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11703.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:15:26] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983350(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083.38, 112.7, -12461.85) Player =THS=JAX placed object element standingtorch (ID: 17983350) [08:01 01:15:27] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983351(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11704.5) Object standingtorch (17983350) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:15:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983352(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 114.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:15:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983353(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 115.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:15:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983354(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 115.5, -11705.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:15:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983355(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11702.5) [08:01 01:15:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983356(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11703.5) [08:01 01:15:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983357(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11704.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) CHAT MESSAGE: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [2023-08-01 01:15] Server: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [08:01 01:15:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983365(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11706.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:15:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983367(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:15:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983368(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 114.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:15:57] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983369(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 115.5, -11705.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 31 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:16:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983370(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 116.5, -11707.5) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:16:01] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085.31, 112.71, -12458.75) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983371(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11699.5) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:16:11] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983372(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.23, 112.7, -12455.07) Player =THS=JAX placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 17983372) [WARNING] [01:16:11] CREATE NEW FURNACE 17983372 (221|1|-390) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:16:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983373(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:16:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983374(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11697.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:18] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983375(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11696.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32626 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:16:23] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983376(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:16:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983377(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 114.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983378(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:16:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983379(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:16:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983381(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:16:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983383(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:16:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983387(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:16:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983388(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11690.5) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [08:01 01:16:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983392(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11688.5) Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:16:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983393(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:16:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983394(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11687.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983395(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 15 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:16:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983396(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:16:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983397(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:16:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983398(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:16:51] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983399(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983400(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 112.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:16:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983401(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 112.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:16:55] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983402(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 112.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:16:59] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983403(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:17:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983404(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:17:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983405(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:17:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983406(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:17:03] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983407(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983408(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:17:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983409(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:17:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983410(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:17:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983411(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983412(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:17:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983413(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:17:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983414(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:17:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983415(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11692.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983416(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 111.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:17:21] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983417(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11686.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:22] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983418(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:17:24] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983419(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11685.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:27] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983420(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:17:28] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983421(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7450.5, 113.5, -11685.5) [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:17:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983422(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:17:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983423(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 112.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983424(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 112.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:17:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983425(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:17:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983426(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:17:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983427(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:17:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983428(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:17:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983429(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:17:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983430(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7447.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:17:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983431(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11692.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:17:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983432(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7448.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:17:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983433(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:17:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983434(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:17:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983435(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7449.5, 113.5, -11690.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:01] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978694(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:18:02] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967568(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 218 0 -391 (6988.5, 115.03, -12511.5) [08:01 01:18:04] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978690(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7446.5, 117.5, -11690.5) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17983436) [08:01 01:18:08] DestroyConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17978691(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445.5, 117.5, -11691.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7445, 117, -11691) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983445(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:18:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983446(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:18:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983447(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11693.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983448(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:18:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983449(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11694.5) [08:01 01:18:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983450(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:18:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983451(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:18:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983452(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11692.5) [08:01 01:18:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983453(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11692.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:18:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983454(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:18:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983455(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11691.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983456(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:18:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983457(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:18:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983458(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:18:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983459(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:18:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983460(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:18:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983461(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:18:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983462(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:18:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983463(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:18:51] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983464(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11688.5) [08:01 01:18:51] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983465(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983466(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:18:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983467(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11687.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:18:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983468(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:18:55] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983469(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:18:56] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983470(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:18:56] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983471(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:18:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983472(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11685.5) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:18:58] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085.5, 112.71, -12464.89) [08:01 01:18:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983473(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11685.5) [08:01 01:19:00] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983474(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11685.5) [08:01 01:19:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983475(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11686.5) [08:01 01:19:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983476(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11687.5) [08:01 01:19:03] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983477(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 9 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983478(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 109.5, -11688.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983479(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11689.5) [08:01 01:19:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983480(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 109.5, -11689.5) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:19:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983481(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:19:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983482(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 109.5, -11690.5) [08:01 01:19:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983483(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:19:11] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983484(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 109.5, -11691.5) [08:01 01:19:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983485(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11692.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:19:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983486(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11693.5) [08:01 01:19:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983487(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11694.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:19] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983488(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 110.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:19:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983489(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:19:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983490(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:19:21] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983491(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11695.5) [08:01 01:19:22] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983492(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7079.5, 112.5, -12480.5) [08:01 01:19:24] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983493(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 112.5, -11701.5) [08:01 01:19:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983494(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11701.5) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 01:19:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983495(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11702.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:28] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983496(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11703.5) [08:01 01:19:29] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983497(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11704.5) [08:01 01:19:30] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983498(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:19:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983499(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11706.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983500(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 113.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:19:34] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983501(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 114.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:19:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983502(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7451.5, 115.5, -11709.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:19:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983503(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:19:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983504(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11696.5) [08:01 01:19:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983505(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11696.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983506(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:19:46] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983507(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:19:47] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983508(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11697.5) [08:01 01:19:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983509(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11698.5) [08:01 01:19:48] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983510(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11698.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:19:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983511(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11698.5) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:19:52] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983512(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:19:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983513(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11699.5) [08:01 01:19:53] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983514(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11699.5) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:19:58] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084.13, 112.71, -12467.14) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:01] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983515(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 111.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:20:02] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983516(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:20:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983517(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:20:06] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983518(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11701.5) [08:01 01:20:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983519(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11702.5) [08:01 01:20:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983520(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11702.5) [08:01 01:20:09] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983521(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11701.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983522(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11703.5) [DB] Saved 32637 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:20:12] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983523(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11704.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:20:13] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983524(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:20:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983525(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 112.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:20:15] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983526(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:20:15] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983527(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:20:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983528(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11704.5) [08:01 01:20:16] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983529(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11703.5) [08:01 01:20:18] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983530(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11706.5) [08:01 01:20:19] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983531(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11705.5) [08:01 01:20:19] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983532(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11704.5) [08:01 01:20:20] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983533(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11703.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:24] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983534(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11702.5) [08:01 01:20:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983535(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11701.5) [08:01 01:20:28] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983536(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11700.5) [08:01 01:20:31] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983537(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11707.5) [08:01 01:20:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983538(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11707.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983539(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 113.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:20:33] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983540(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11708.5) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:20:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983541(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 114.5, -11709.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:38] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983542(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 116.5, -11709.5) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:20:39] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983543(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 116.5, -11710.5) [08:01 01:20:40] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983544(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 116.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:20:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983545(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7079.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [08:01 01:20:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983546(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 115.5, -11709.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (15, -22) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) [08:01 01:20:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983547(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 115.5, -11710.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:20:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17983548(type: 0, tex: 227, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 232 1 -366 (7452.5, 115.5, -11708.5) [08:01 01:20:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7080, 112, -12483) [08:01 01:20:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7080, 112, -12483) [08:01 01:20:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7078, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:20:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7078, 112, -12483) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:20:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7081, 112, -12483) Processing object 17946981 ran out of fuel... Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 01:20:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7083, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:20:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7083, 112, -12482) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32638 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7104.00, 200.25, -11698.00) Spawn npc pig at (7125.00, 203.88, -11705.00) Spawn npc piglet at (7125.00, 203.69, -11691.00) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 44 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7061.00, 181.25, -11794.00) Spawn npc pig at (7054.00, 180.84, -11801.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7054.00, 194.50, -11648.00) Spawn npc goat at (7068.00, 195.50, -11641.00) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 32654 npcs in database (132 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:22:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7078, 112, -12483) [08:01 01:22:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7077, 112, -12481) Player =THS=Tritonb sets secondary spawn point (object: 14297371 @ 220 3 -366) [08:01 01:22:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7078, 112, -12479) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (5 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [2023-08-01 01:22] =THS=Tritonb: Sleep Jax Sleep SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17932602 @ 221 1 -390) Skip night (server) 388 ingame minutes skipped... [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [2023-08-01 01:22] =THS=Tritonb: lol..just walked by jumped in tent [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:23:27] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083.48, 112.71, -12468.22) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:23:31] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083.48, 112.71, -12468.22) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:23:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983587(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7080.5, 112.5, -12481.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:23:52] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983588(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7081.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [08:01 01:23:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:24:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099, 112, -12481) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:24:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099, 112, -12481) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:24:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099, 112, -12481) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:24:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12478) [08:01 01:24:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12479) [08:01 01:24:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12480) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (130 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 01:24:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983607(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:24:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983608(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099.5, 112.5, -12480.5) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:24:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12466) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:24:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12466) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:24:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12465) [08:01 01:25:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 112, -12466) [08:01 01:25:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12466) [08:01 01:25:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12467) [08:01 01:25:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12465) [08:01 01:25:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12466) [08:01 01:25:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12466) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:25:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12466) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) Processing object 17983372 ran out of fuel... Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 01:25:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12466) [DB] Saved 32639 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:25:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12466) [08:01 01:25:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12466) [08:01 01:25:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12466) [08:01 01:25:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12467) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:25:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12467) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:25:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 111, -12463) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:25:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 112, -12463) [08:01 01:25:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12463) [08:01 01:25:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12463) [08:01 01:25:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12462) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:25:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12463) [08:01 01:25:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104, 113, -12461) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:25:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104, 113, -12460) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:25:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12461) [08:01 01:25:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 113, -12462) [08:01 01:25:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 112, -12461) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:25:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 111, -12459) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:25:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 112, -12458) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 46 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:26:12] RemoveObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17932602(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080.59, 112.84, -12468.57) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32631 npcs in database (128 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:26:23] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983627(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.2, 112.84, -12473.11) Player =THS=JAX placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 17983627) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17983627 @ 221 1 -390) [ENET SERVER] Client 2 connect ( [01:26:30] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CONNECTED ( [01:26:30] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [01:26:30] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (OniFogu, 76561198016547959, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 01:26:30:032 - 76561198016547959 OniFogu [20, 0, 0, 0, 139, 254, 67, 34, 141, 36, 89, 147, 119, 204, 90, 3, 1, 0, 16, 1, 210, 248, 199, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 128, 90, 33, 114, 70, 202, 5, 160, 149, 113, 34, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 119, 204, 90, 3, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 104, 159, 152, 91, 5, 0, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 131, 72, 190, 100, 3, 248, 217, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 28, 34, 16, 165, 118, 68, 30, 204, 84, 83, 197, 245, 101, 7, 175, 144, 122, 166, 33, 108, 196, 11, 57, 40, 226, 117, 127, 235, 23, 0, 51, 251, 72, 184, 151, 94, 44, 52, 102, 97, 34, 1, 36, 86, 189, 139, 175, 17, 53, 101, 236, 76, 70, 237, 110, 181, 139, 87, 186, 136, 209, 52, 65, 220, 227, 224, 217, 32, 41, 76, 219, 33, 114, 113, 3, 64, 228, 240, 86, 148, 160, 176, 32, 19, 185, 121, 23, 202, 176, 50, 154, 240, 45, 38, 213, 74, 112, 216, 33, 102, 208, 142, 12, 82, 157, 90, 27, 143, 131, 131, 240, 253, 97, 200, 24, 118, 75, 148, 199, 189, 166, 32, 79, 242, 133, 35, 118] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198016547959): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [01:26:30] Client 2 (76561198016547959) fully authenticated! 01:26:30:095 - PLAYER CONNECT: OniFogu (ID: 2) DB: Player 76561198016547959 exists in database Inventory for player 708 exists! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 2 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 2 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 32669 -> serialized 32669 npcs (32669) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198016547959) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (0, -28) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (0, -29) generated (5 ms) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-1, -28) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-1, -29) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-1, -30) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-1, -27) generated (12 ms) WorldPart (0, -27) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (0, -30) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-1, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-1, -31) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (-2, -26) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (-2, -27) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-2, -28) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-2, -29) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-2, -30) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-2, -31) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (-3, -31) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (-3, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-3, -27) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-3, -30) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (-4, -31) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (-4, -26) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (-4, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (-4, -28) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (-4, -29) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-4, -30) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-5, -27) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-5, -29) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (-5, -30) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (-5, -28) generated (26 ms) Spawn npc cow at (-1138.00, 211.44, -14272.00) Spawn npc bull at (-1131.00, 211.16, -14265.00) Spawn npc bull at (-1131.00, 210.50, -14251.00) Spawn npc bull at (-1138.00, 209.69, -14258.00) Spawn npc chicken at (-1152.00, 211.69, -14386.00) Spawn npc chick at (-1131.00, 211.50, -14393.00) Spawn npc chicken at (-1131.00, 211.81, -14379.00) Spawn npc chicken at (-1138.00, 212.50, -14386.00) Spawn npc chicken at (-1152.00, 210.66, -14393.00) Spawn npc ram at (-1099.00, 195.38, -14496.00) Spawn npc lamb at (-1113.00, 198.28, -14482.00) Spawn npc sheep at (-1220.00, 191.22, -14361.00) Spawn npc sheep at (-1248.00, 189.84, -14354.00) Spawn npc sheep at (-1227.00, 189.13, -14361.00) Player OniFogu (2) spawned at (-1183.24, 173.03, -14312.30)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO OniFogu: Hello OniFogu, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 3 players online! [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:26:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990233(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079.5, 112.5, -12479.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:03] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990263(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079.5, 112.5, -12450.5) [2023-08-01 01:27] OniFogu: hi all [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 177, -14315) [08:01 01:27:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14316) [08:01 01:27:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14317) [08:01 01:27:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:27:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 179, -14322) [08:01 01:27:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:27:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:27:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:27:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 179, -14326) [08:01 01:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 178, -14327) [08:01 01:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 178, -14328) [08:01 01:27:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7084, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 178, -14329) [08:01 01:27:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 179, -14328) [08:01 01:27:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 178, -14328) [08:01 01:27:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 179, -14329) [08:01 01:27:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 178, -14329) [08:01 01:27:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14329) [08:01 01:27:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 179, -14329) [08:01 01:27:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 179, -14330) [08:01 01:27:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12452) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:27:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 179, -14329) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 178, -14330) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:27:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 179, -14329) [08:01 01:27:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 178, -14329) [08:01 01:27:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7083, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:27:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 179, -14329) [08:01 01:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 177, -14328) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 176, -14329) [08:01 01:27:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 176, -14329) [08:01 01:27:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 177, -14328) [08:01 01:27:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 175, -14328) [08:01 01:27:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 176, -14328) [08:01 01:27:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 175, -14328) [08:01 01:27:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 176, -14328) [08:01 01:27:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 176, -14328) [08:01 01:27:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 176, -14328) [08:01 01:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14327) [08:01 01:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14326) [08:01 01:27:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14325) [08:01 01:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14324) [08:01 01:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14321) [DB] Saved 32641 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 174, -14320) [08:01 01:27:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:27:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:27:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 175, -14316) [08:01 01:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:27:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 174, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:27:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:27:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 175, -14310) [08:01 01:27:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:27:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12452) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:27:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:27:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 173, -14308) [08:01 01:27:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 175, -14311) [08:01 01:27:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 176, -14312) [08:01 01:27:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 177, -14312) [08:01 01:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 176, -14313) [08:01 01:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 177, -14314) [08:01 01:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 177, -14315) [08:01 01:27:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:27:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 177, -14314) [08:01 01:27:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 178, -14315) [08:01 01:27:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:27:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 177, -14316) [08:01 01:27:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 177, -14317) [08:01 01:27:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:27:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:27:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:27:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:27:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 176, -14319) [08:01 01:27:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:27:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 176, -14320) [08:01 01:27:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 177, -14321) [08:01 01:27:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 178, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:27:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 177, -14323) [08:01 01:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 177, -14324) [08:01 01:27:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:27:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7089, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:27:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:27:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:27:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:27:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:27:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 177, -14326) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:27:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 176, -14327) [08:01 01:27:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 177, -14327) [08:01 01:27:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 177, -14326) [08:01 01:27:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 177, -14325) [08:01 01:27:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:27:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 177, -14326) [08:01 01:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:27:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 177, -14327) [08:01 01:27:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 177, -14327) [08:01 01:27:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 177, -14326) [08:01 01:27:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 178, -14327) [08:01 01:27:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7090, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:27:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 177, -14328) [08:01 01:27:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14327) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:27:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 178, -14327) [08:01 01:27:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:27:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 177, -14327) [08:01 01:27:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 178, -14326) [DB] Saved 53 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:27:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 177, -14328) [08:01 01:27:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:27:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 177, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:27:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 177, -14330) [08:01 01:27:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14328) [08:01 01:27:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 176, -14330) [08:01 01:27:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 177, -14329) [08:01 01:27:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14329) [08:01 01:27:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 178, -14328) [08:01 01:27:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 176, -14329) [08:01 01:27:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 176, -14328) [08:01 01:27:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 176, -14327) [08:01 01:27:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:27:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:27:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 177, -14325) [08:01 01:27:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 177, -14324) SERVER: Despawn 2 world items... [08:01 01:27:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:27:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12451) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:27:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:27:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 176, -14323) [08:01 01:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 177, -14322) [08:01 01:28:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 177, -14320) [08:01 01:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 177, -14319) [08:01 01:28:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7093, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14317) [08:01 01:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 178, -14316) [08:01 01:28:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7093, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 178, -14315) [08:01 01:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 178, -14314) [08:01 01:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 178, -14313) [08:01 01:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 177, -14312) [08:01 01:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 177, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:28:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 177, -14310) [08:01 01:28:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 179, -14313) [08:01 01:28:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14313) [08:01 01:28:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 179, -14312) [08:01 01:28:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14311) [08:01 01:28:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14312) [08:01 01:28:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12451) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:28:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 177, -14312) [08:01 01:28:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 177, -14314) [08:01 01:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 177, -14315) [08:01 01:28:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14314) [08:01 01:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 179, -14314) [08:01 01:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 179, -14315) [08:01 01:28:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 179, -14315) [08:01 01:28:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 179, -14313) [08:01 01:28:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 179, -14314) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:28:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 179, -14315) [08:01 01:28:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 179, -14315) [08:01 01:28:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 179, -14313) [08:01 01:28:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7095, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 179, -14313) [08:01 01:28:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14314) [08:01 01:28:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 179, -14315) [08:01 01:28:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14314) [08:01 01:28:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 177, -14314) [08:01 01:28:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 177, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:28:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14316) [08:01 01:28:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7096, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14317) [08:01 01:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:28:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:28:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 178, -14326) [08:01 01:28:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 178, -14325) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:28:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:28:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 179, -14324) [08:01 01:28:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12451) [08:01 01:28:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 179, -14325) [08:01 01:28:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098, 112, -12452) [08:01 01:28:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 179, -14325) [08:01 01:28:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 113, -12451) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 178, -14325) [08:01 01:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 178, -14324) [08:01 01:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 178, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 178, -14323) [08:01 01:28:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 178, -14322) [08:01 01:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:28:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:28:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 179, -14320) [08:01 01:28:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 179, -14322) [08:01 01:28:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7101, 113, -12450) [08:01 01:28:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 179, -14319) [08:01 01:28:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 179, -14318) [08:01 01:28:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 179, -14317) [08:01 01:28:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 179, -14318) [08:01 01:28:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 114, -12449) [08:01 01:28:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 179, -14316) [08:01 01:28:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 179, -14320) [08:01 01:28:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099, 114, -12449) [08:01 01:28:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 179, -14321) [08:01 01:28:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 179, -14321) [08:01 01:28:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 179, -14322) [08:01 01:28:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:28:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14321) [08:01 01:28:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 179, -14320) [08:01 01:28:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:28:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14317) [08:01 01:28:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 179, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:28:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 179, -14319) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:28:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 178, -14319) [08:01 01:28:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 178, -14318) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:28:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 178, -14318) [08:01 01:28:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 178, -14320) [08:01 01:28:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 177, -14319) [08:01 01:28:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 178, -14317) [08:01 01:28:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 179, -14317) [08:01 01:28:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 178, -14316) [08:01 01:28:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 180, -14319) [08:01 01:28:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 178, -14316) [08:01 01:28:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 177, -14315) [08:01 01:28:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 178, -14315) [08:01 01:28:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 178, -14314) [08:01 01:28:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 178, -14315) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:28:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990264(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080.5, 112.5, -12450.5) [08:01 01:28:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 177, -14314) [08:01 01:28:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 179, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:28:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:28:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 175, -14325) [08:01 01:28:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 174, -14325) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:28:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:28:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:28:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 175, -14327) [08:01 01:28:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14327) [08:01 01:28:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:28:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 175, -14327) [08:01 01:28:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14327) [08:01 01:28:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:28:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 174, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:28:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:28:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14324) [08:01 01:29:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 175, -14326) [08:01 01:29:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14325) [DB] Saved 63 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:29:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 176, -14327) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:29:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:29:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14324) [08:01 01:29:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14324) [08:01 01:29:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14324) [08:01 01:29:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 175, -14327) [08:01 01:29:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 175, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:29:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14324) [08:01 01:29:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 174, -14325) [08:01 01:29:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14326) [08:01 01:29:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12461) [08:01 01:29:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14321) [08:01 01:29:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 113, -12462) [08:01 01:29:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14322) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:29:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:29:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:29:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 113, -12462) [08:01 01:29:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:29:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:29:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:29:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 176, -14326) [08:01 01:29:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12462) [08:01 01:29:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:29:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12462) [08:01 01:29:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 176, -14324) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:29:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12460) [08:01 01:29:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14322) [08:01 01:29:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 175, -14321) [08:01 01:29:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 176, -14323) [08:01 01:29:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12460) [08:01 01:29:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14324) [08:01 01:29:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 176, -14323) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:29:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 176, -14325) [08:01 01:29:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12459) [08:01 01:29:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 176, -14323) [08:01 01:29:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 176, -14323) [08:01 01:29:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12459) [08:01 01:29:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 176, -14324) [08:01 01:29:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 176, -14323) [08:01 01:29:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 176, -14321) [08:01 01:29:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12458) [08:01 01:29:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 176, -14320) [08:01 01:29:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 174, -14320) [08:01 01:29:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 174, -14319) [08:01 01:29:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 174, -14318) [08:01 01:29:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12458) [08:01 01:29:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 174, -14316) [08:01 01:29:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 174, -14314) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:29:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 174, -14314) [08:01 01:29:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:29:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:29:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12458) [08:01 01:29:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14310) [08:01 01:29:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 174, -14310) [08:01 01:29:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:29:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:29:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12458) [08:01 01:29:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:29:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 174, -14314) [08:01 01:29:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 174, -14315) [08:01 01:29:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:29:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 113, -12457) [08:01 01:29:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 174, -14318) [08:01 01:29:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 175, -14316) [08:01 01:29:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:29:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 113, -12457) [08:01 01:29:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14318) [08:01 01:29:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14319) [08:01 01:29:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12456) [08:01 01:29:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14321) [08:01 01:29:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 175, -14322) [08:01 01:29:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12456) [08:01 01:29:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14321) [08:01 01:29:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12456) [08:01 01:29:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 175, -14323) [08:01 01:29:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 175, -14322) [08:01 01:29:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 174, -14321) [08:01 01:29:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 174, -14323) [08:01 01:29:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12456) [08:01 01:29:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 174, -14322) [08:01 01:29:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 174, -14321) [08:01 01:29:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 175, -14321) [08:01 01:29:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12455) [08:01 01:29:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14320) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:29:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14320) [08:01 01:29:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:29:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:29:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12455) [08:01 01:29:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 175, -14316) [08:01 01:29:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:29:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12455) [08:01 01:29:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:29:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12454) [08:01 01:29:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14319) [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (129 ms) [08:01 01:29:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12454) [08:01 01:29:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 176, -14321) [08:01 01:29:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 176, -14318) [08:01 01:29:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12454) [08:01 01:29:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 175, -14321) [08:01 01:29:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 176, -14320) [08:01 01:29:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12453) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:29:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:29:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12453) [08:01 01:29:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 176, -14322) [08:01 01:29:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 176, -14318) [08:01 01:29:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 176, -14321) [08:01 01:29:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12453) [08:01 01:29:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:29:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 174, -14316) [08:01 01:29:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12453) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:29:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 174, -14318) [08:01 01:29:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14317) [08:01 01:29:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12453) [08:01 01:29:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 175, -14320) [08:01 01:29:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12452) [08:01 01:29:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 175, -14319) [08:01 01:29:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 177, -14319) [08:01 01:29:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 176, -14320) [08:01 01:29:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12452) [08:01 01:30:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 176, -14319) [08:01 01:30:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 175, -14318) [08:01 01:30:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 176, -14320) [08:01 01:30:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12452) [08:01 01:30:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 176, -14319) [08:01 01:30:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14316) [08:01 01:30:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12452) [08:01 01:30:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:30:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:30:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 175, -14308) [08:01 01:30:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:30:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12451) [08:01 01:30:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12450) [08:01 01:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 174, -14314) [08:01 01:30:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 174, -14315) [08:01 01:30:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12450) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:30:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:30:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12450) [08:01 01:30:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 174, -14314) [DB] Saved 63 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:30:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12450) [08:01 01:30:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 174, -14317) [08:01 01:30:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 174, -14316) [08:01 01:30:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12450) [08:01 01:30:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:30:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14316) [08:01 01:30:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 176, -14315) [08:01 01:30:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 112, -12450) [08:01 01:30:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:30:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14314) [08:01 01:30:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 175, -14313) [08:01 01:30:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 175, -14312) [08:01 01:30:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 174, -14310) [08:01 01:30:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14309) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:30:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14307) [08:01 01:30:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 174, -14309) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:30:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14308) [08:01 01:30:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 174, -14309) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (10 ms) [08:01 01:30:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14309) [08:01 01:30:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 174, -14310) [08:01 01:30:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 174, -14311) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:30:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 176, -14310) [08:01 01:30:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 175, -14311) [08:01 01:30:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 175, -14312) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:30:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990287(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102.5, 112.5, -12450.5) [08:01 01:30:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 176, -14311) [08:01 01:30:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 175, -14311) [08:01 01:30:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 175, -14310) [08:01 01:30:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 176, -14310) [08:01 01:30:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 175, -14311) [08:01 01:30:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 175, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:30:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14309) [08:01 01:30:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 176, -14310) [08:01 01:30:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14311) [08:01 01:30:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:30:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14312) [08:01 01:30:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 174, -14312) [08:01 01:30:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 174, -14313) [08:01 01:30:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 174, -14314) [08:01 01:30:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 176, -14313) [08:01 01:30:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 176, -14313) [08:01 01:30:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 176, -14314) [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 01:30:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 176, -14312) [08:01 01:30:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 176, -14315) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:30:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 177, -14316) [08:01 01:30:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 176, -14315) [08:01 01:30:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990291(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105.5, 112.5, -12450.5) [08:01 01:30:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:30:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 175, -14314) [08:01 01:30:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:30:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 174, -14315) [08:01 01:30:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 174, -14315) [08:01 01:30:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 177, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:30:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 177, -14316) [08:01 01:30:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 176, -14315) [08:01 01:30:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 175, -14314) [08:01 01:30:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 175, -14314) [08:01 01:30:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14315) [08:01 01:30:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 175, -14314) [08:01 01:30:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 174, -14315) [08:01 01:30:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 176, -14313) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:30:43] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990292(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105.5, 112.5, -12451.5) [08:01 01:30:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 176, -14313) [08:01 01:30:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 173, -14307) [08:01 01:30:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14306) [08:01 01:30:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:30:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:30:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:30:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 174, -14311) [08:01 01:30:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 173, -14310) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:30:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 174, -14316) [08:01 01:30:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 173, -14317) [08:01 01:30:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 174, -14316) Remove item ironingot (17983380) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983382) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983384) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983385) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983386) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983389) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983390) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17983391) from meta object 17983372 [WARNING] [01:30:59] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17983372) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) Remove item ironingot (17983358) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983359) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983360) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983361) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983362) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983363) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983364) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17983366) from meta object 17946981 [WARNING] [01:31:02] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17946981) [08:01 01:31:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14336) [08:01 01:31:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14336) [08:01 01:31:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:31:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 171, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:31:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 171, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:31:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 171, -14336) [DB] Saved 55 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:31:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 171, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:31:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14336) [08:01 01:31:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 172, -14336) [08:01 01:31:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14335) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:31:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:31:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14333) [08:01 01:31:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14332) [08:01 01:31:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14331) [08:01 01:31:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14330) [08:01 01:31:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14329) [08:01 01:31:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14328) [08:01 01:31:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14327) [08:01 01:31:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14326) [08:01 01:31:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14325) [08:01 01:31:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:31:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14323) [08:01 01:31:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14322) [08:01 01:31:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14321) [08:01 01:31:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14320) [08:01 01:31:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14319) [08:01 01:31:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14318) [08:01 01:31:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14317) [08:01 01:31:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14316) [08:01 01:31:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14315) [08:01 01:31:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14314) [08:01 01:31:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14313) [08:01 01:31:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14312) [08:01 01:31:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14311) [08:01 01:31:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14310) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:31:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:31:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14308) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:31:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:31:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14306) [08:01 01:31:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 171, -14305) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:31:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 172, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-3, -31) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (-4, -26) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (-4, -31) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (-4, -30) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-4, -27) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-5, -27) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-5, -30) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-5, -29) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (-5, -28) generated (25 ms) [08:01 01:31:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:31:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:31:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:31:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:31:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:31:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 171, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:31:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 171, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:31:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 171, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:31:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:31:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:31:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:31:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:31:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 171, -14305) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (5 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:32:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:14] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967475(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -392 (7022.5, 128.5, -12539.5) [08:01 01:32:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14305) [08:01 01:32:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:32:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 171, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:32:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14305) [08:01 01:32:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 171, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (0, -28) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (0, -27) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (-1, -27) generated (12 ms) WorldPart (-1, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-2, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-2, -28) generated (21 ms) Spawn 4 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (17990317) No felled tree found: 17990317 [08:01 01:32:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32661 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:32:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 170, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:32:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14305) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (21 ms) [08:01 01:32:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14305) [08:01 01:32:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1154, 172, -14304) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:32:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14305) [08:01 01:32:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:32:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 167, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:32:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:32:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:32:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:32:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 167, -14305) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:32:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14305) [08:01 01:32:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 167, -14304) Load sector from db (1, -2) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (20 ms) [08:01 01:33:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 167, -14303) [08:01 01:33:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 166, -14303) [08:01 01:33:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1160, 166, -14303) [08:01 01:33:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1161, 165, -14303) [08:01 01:33:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 165, -14302) [08:01 01:33:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1160, 167, -14302) [08:01 01:33:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 166, -14302) [08:01 01:33:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1161, 166, -14302) [08:01 01:33:10] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967538(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -394 (7132.5, 112.5, -12579.5) [08:01 01:33:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1161, 166, -14302) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:33:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 166, -14302) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Spawn 1 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (17990329) [08:01 01:33:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 166, -14302) [08:01 01:33:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 166, -14302) [DB] Saved 46 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:33:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1161, 167, -14303) [08:01 01:33:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14305) [08:01 01:33:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 169, -14305) [08:01 01:33:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:33:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1165, 168, -14304) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:33:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1157, 165, -14304) [08:01 01:33:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 165, -14305) [08:01 01:33:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:33:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 168, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:33:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 168, -14305) [DB] Saved 32657 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:33:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 168, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:33:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14305) Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:33:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 168, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:33:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 166, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:33:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 169, -14305) [08:01 01:33:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14305) [08:01 01:33:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 169, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:33:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14305) [08:01 01:33:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14306) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:33:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14307) [08:01 01:33:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:33:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:33:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:34:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14307) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:34:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:34:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:34:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:34:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14311) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:34:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 165, -14306) [08:01 01:34:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 165, -14308) [08:01 01:34:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:34:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:34:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:34:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:34:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:34:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:34:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:34:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14312) [08:01 01:34:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:34:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14314) [08:01 01:34:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14315) [08:01 01:34:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:34:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14317) [08:01 01:34:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14318) [08:01 01:34:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14319) [08:01 01:34:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14320) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:34:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:34:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:34:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14321) [08:01 01:34:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14322) [08:01 01:34:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:34:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:34:19] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.9, 112.71, -12464.29) [08:01 01:34:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14325) [08:01 01:34:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:34:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14327) [08:01 01:34:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14322) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:34:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14319) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:34:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:34:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:34:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:34:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:34:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:34:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:34:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14330) DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:34:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:34:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14332) [08:01 01:34:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14328) [08:01 01:34:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:34:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14330) [08:01 01:34:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14331) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:34:32] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990336(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085.15, 114.36, -12461.87) Player =THS=JAX placed object element anvil (ID: 17990336) [08:01 01:34:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14332) [08:01 01:34:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14333) [08:01 01:34:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:34:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:34:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14335) [08:01 01:34:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1184, 166, -14337) [08:01 01:34:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1184, 166, -14338) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:34:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 106, -12450) [08:01 01:34:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1184, 166, -14339) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:34:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 105, -12449) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:34:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 168, -14334) [08:01 01:34:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:34:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 169, -14336) [08:01 01:34:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1184, 168, -14337) [08:01 01:34:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 166, -14336) [DB] Saved 32656 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:34:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:34:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:34:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:34:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14336) [08:01 01:34:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:34:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:34:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:34:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:34:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:34:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 168, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:34:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:34:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14336) [08:01 01:35:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 168, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14336) [08:01 01:35:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 106, -12448) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:35:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14336) [08:01 01:35:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14336) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 38 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:35:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 105, -12448) [08:01 01:35:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14336) [08:01 01:35:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:35:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14336) [08:01 01:35:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 167, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1154, 168, -14337) [08:01 01:35:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:35:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 105, -12446) [08:01 01:35:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 171, -14333) [08:01 01:35:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 106, -12447) [08:01 01:35:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14334) [08:01 01:35:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14333) [08:01 01:35:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:35:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14335) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:35:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14335) [08:01 01:35:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 106, -12446) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:35:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14333) [08:01 01:35:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 106, -12448) [08:01 01:35:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14334) [08:01 01:35:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7099, 106, -12447) [08:01 01:35:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14334) [08:01 01:35:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100, 106, -12450) [08:01 01:35:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:35:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14334) [08:01 01:35:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 106, -12445) [DB] Saved 32641 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:35:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14335) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:35:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14334) [08:01 01:35:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14335) [08:01 01:35:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 107, -12445) [08:01 01:35:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 169, -14335) [08:01 01:35:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14334) [08:01 01:35:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14333) [08:01 01:35:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 107, -12447) [08:01 01:35:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 172, -14335) [08:01 01:35:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14333) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:35:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 171, -14331) [08:01 01:35:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:35:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:35:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14329) [08:01 01:35:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:35:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:35:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:35:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14327) [08:01 01:35:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:35:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:35:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14325) [08:01 01:35:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:35:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:35:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:35:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 171, -14322) [08:01 01:35:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14322) [08:01 01:35:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 106, -12444) [08:01 01:35:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14320) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:35:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14320) [08:01 01:35:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 105, -12444) [08:01 01:35:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14318) [08:01 01:35:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:35:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:35:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:35:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 170, -14316) [08:01 01:35:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14315) [08:01 01:35:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 104, -12446) [08:01 01:35:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14316) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (21 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -24) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) [08:01 01:35:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14314) WorldPart (16, -23) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (11 ms) [08:01 01:35:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14314) [08:01 01:35:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14313) [08:01 01:35:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14312) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:35:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7107, 106, -12447) [08:01 01:35:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 170, -14311) [08:01 01:35:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:35:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:35:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:35:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 171, -14308) [08:01 01:35:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:35:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:35:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 169, -14306) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:35:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 172, -14306) [08:01 01:35:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 105, -12446) [08:01 01:35:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 170, -14306) [08:01 01:35:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:35:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:35:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 105, -12445) [08:01 01:35:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 171, -14306) [08:01 01:35:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14307) [08:01 01:35:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:35:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:35:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7107, 105, -12444) [08:01 01:36:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14307) Storing 7 chunks... Storing 7 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 14 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:36:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14306) [08:01 01:36:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 105, -12444) [08:01 01:36:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14307) [08:01 01:36:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 104, -12443) [08:01 01:36:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14307) [08:01 01:36:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 104, -12445) [08:01 01:36:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14307) [08:01 01:36:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 168, -14306) [08:01 01:36:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 104, -12445) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:36:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 168, -14306) [08:01 01:36:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 103, -12446) [08:01 01:36:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 104, -12447) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:36:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14306) [08:01 01:36:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14307) [08:01 01:36:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 103, -12448) [08:01 01:36:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 171, -14308) [08:01 01:36:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14309) [08:01 01:36:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 171, -14307) [08:01 01:36:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 169, -14306) [08:01 01:36:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104, 104, -12449) [08:01 01:36:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14308) [08:01 01:36:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14307) [08:01 01:36:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14308) [DB] Saved 36 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:36:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:36:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 104, -12450) [08:01 01:36:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 171, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:36:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 171, -14311) [08:01 01:36:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:36:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 105, -12451) [08:01 01:36:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14310) [08:01 01:36:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14312) [08:01 01:36:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 171, -14311) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:36:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14307) [08:01 01:36:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:36:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:36:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:36:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14309) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:36:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14309) [08:01 01:36:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 168, -14307) [08:01 01:36:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:36:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:36:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14309) [08:01 01:36:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14311) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:36:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:36:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:36:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:36:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14309) [08:01 01:36:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 171, -14310) [08:01 01:36:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 105, -12449) [08:01 01:36:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 171, -14309) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:36:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 172, -14310) [08:01 01:36:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14309) [08:01 01:36:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 104, -12448) [08:01 01:36:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 172, -14311) [08:01 01:36:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14311) [08:01 01:36:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:36:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:36:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:36:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:36:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:36:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:36:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 104, -12448) [08:01 01:36:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:36:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 171, -14320) [08:01 01:36:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:36:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:36:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 103, -12449) [08:01 01:36:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:36:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:36:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:36:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:36:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:36:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:36:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 103, -12450) [08:01 01:36:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14330) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:36:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 172, -14331) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:36:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 172, -14332) [08:01 01:36:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14332) [08:01 01:36:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:36:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 103, -12451) [08:01 01:36:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:36:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:36:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:36:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:36:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32650 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 01:36:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:36:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:36:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 104, -12446) [08:01 01:36:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:36:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14320) [08:01 01:36:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:36:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:36:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:36:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:36:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 104, -12446) [08:01 01:36:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:36:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:36:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:36:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:36:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:36:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:36:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:36:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:36:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:36:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 105, -12448) [08:01 01:36:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14320) [08:01 01:36:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:36:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 171, -14322) [08:01 01:36:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:36:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 173, -14324) [08:01 01:36:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 173, -14325) [08:01 01:36:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 105, -12448) [08:01 01:36:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 173, -14326) [08:01 01:36:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:36:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:36:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:36:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 172, -14332) [08:01 01:36:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:36:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:36:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:36:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14329) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:36:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14328) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:36:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:36:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 173, -14326) [08:01 01:36:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:36:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:36:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:36:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:36:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:36:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:36:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:36:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:36:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 106, -12447) [08:01 01:36:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:36:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 173, -14317) [08:01 01:36:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:36:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:36:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:36:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:36:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 171, -14311) [08:01 01:36:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 173, -14313) [08:01 01:36:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 173, -14314) [08:01 01:36:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 105, -12446) [08:01 01:36:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:36:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:36:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 171, -14316) [08:01 01:37:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:37:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 107, -12446) [08:01 01:37:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14320) [08:01 01:37:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:37:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 107, -12447) [08:01 01:37:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:37:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:37:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 172, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 172, -14332) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:37:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 107, -12448) [08:01 01:37:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14331) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:37:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:37:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:37:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:37:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:37:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:37:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:37:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14318) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:37:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 173, -14317) [08:01 01:37:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:37:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 173, -14311) [08:01 01:37:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 173, -14312) [08:01 01:37:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:37:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14314) Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 01:37:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:37:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:37:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 173, -14324) [08:01 01:37:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:37:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:37:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14332) [08:01 01:37:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 171, -14332) [08:01 01:37:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 171, -14331) [08:01 01:37:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 173, -14329) [08:01 01:37:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:37:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:37:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14325) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:37:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:37:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 173, -14323) [08:01 01:37:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14321) Remove item ironingot (17990309) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990310) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990311) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990312) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990313) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990314) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990315) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990316) from meta object 17983372 [WARNING] [01:37:25] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17983372) [08:01 01:37:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:37:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 172, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (2 ms) [08:01 01:37:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:37:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 173, -14315) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:37:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:37:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:37:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 173, -14314) [08:01 01:37:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14312) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:37:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:37:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 173, -14316) [08:01 01:37:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14317) Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:37:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:37:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 173, -14322) [08:01 01:37:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14323) [08:01 01:37:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 171, -14323) [08:01 01:37:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:37:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:37:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:37:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14330) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:37:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 173, -14326) [08:01 01:37:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 173, -14325) [08:01 01:37:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 173, -14323) [08:01 01:37:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:37:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:37:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 173, -14319) [08:01 01:37:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 172, -14316) [08:01 01:37:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:37:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14314) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14313) [08:01 01:37:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 106, -12448) [08:01 01:37:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14312) [08:01 01:37:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 172, -14311) [08:01 01:37:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14314) [08:01 01:37:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 105, -12448) [08:01 01:37:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14315) [08:01 01:37:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 173, -14316) [08:01 01:37:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14317) [08:01 01:37:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7111, 105, -12449) [08:01 01:37:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14318) [08:01 01:37:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 173, -14320) [08:01 01:37:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14321) [08:01 01:37:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14320) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (8 ms) [08:01 01:37:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14320) [08:01 01:37:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7111, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:37:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14319) [08:01 01:37:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 173, -14322) [08:01 01:37:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14322) [08:01 01:37:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 173, -14323) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:37:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14325) [08:01 01:37:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 104, -12448) [08:01 01:37:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 172, -14326) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:37:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:37:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14324) [08:01 01:37:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 172, -14326) [08:01 01:37:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7112, 103, -12449) [08:01 01:37:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14327) [08:01 01:37:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14328) [08:01 01:37:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14329) [08:01 01:37:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:37:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 172, -14330) [08:01 01:37:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 105, -12445) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:37:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14331) [08:01 01:37:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 172, -14332) [08:01 01:37:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 172, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:37:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 105, -12444) [08:01 01:37:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 173, -14332) [08:01 01:37:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 105, -12443) [08:01 01:38:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14332) [08:01 01:38:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 171, -14333) [08:01 01:38:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 106, -12443) [08:01 01:38:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14334) [08:01 01:38:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 106, -12442) [08:01 01:38:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 168, -14333) [08:01 01:38:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 107, -12445) [08:01 01:38:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14330) [08:01 01:38:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14330) [08:01 01:38:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14331) [08:01 01:38:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 108, -12444) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 01:38:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:38:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14332) [08:01 01:38:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 108, -12443) [08:01 01:38:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14329) [08:01 01:38:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 169, -14329) [08:01 01:38:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 109, -12442) [08:01 01:38:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14332) [08:01 01:38:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14331) [DB] Saved 27 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:38:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14330) [08:01 01:38:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:38:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14329) [08:01 01:38:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14330) [08:01 01:38:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14332) [08:01 01:38:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 107, -12444) [08:01 01:38:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14333) [08:01 01:38:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 107, -12444) [08:01 01:38:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14331) [08:01 01:38:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 107, -12442) [08:01 01:38:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:38:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14333) [08:01 01:38:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 170, -14332) [08:01 01:38:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14330) [08:01 01:38:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14330) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:38:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:38:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 107, -12441) [08:01 01:38:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14333) [08:01 01:38:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14329) [08:01 01:38:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 107, -12440) [08:01 01:38:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 107, -12439) [08:01 01:38:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14326) [08:01 01:38:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14327) [08:01 01:38:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14327) [08:01 01:38:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7113, 107, -12443) [08:01 01:38:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 169, -14328) [08:01 01:38:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14328) [08:01 01:38:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:38:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 106, -12442) [08:01 01:38:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14326) [08:01 01:38:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:38:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14326) [08:01 01:38:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:38:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:38:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 105, -12443) [08:01 01:38:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 169, -14326) [08:01 01:38:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 170, -14326) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:38:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14327) [08:01 01:38:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14326) [DB] Saved 32653 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 01:38:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7113, 105, -12444) [08:01 01:38:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:38:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14326) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:38:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 104, -12445) [08:01 01:38:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 170, -14327) [08:01 01:38:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14326) [08:01 01:38:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14325) [08:01 01:38:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7113, 105, -12446) [08:01 01:38:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:38:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14324) [08:01 01:38:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:38:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 171, -14327) [08:01 01:38:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14323) [08:01 01:38:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 170, -14323) [08:01 01:38:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14325) [08:01 01:38:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14324) [08:01 01:38:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14323) [08:01 01:38:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:38:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14323) [08:01 01:38:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14323) [08:01 01:38:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:38:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 107, -12448) [08:01 01:38:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 171, -14326) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:38:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 171, -14322) [08:01 01:38:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14321) [08:01 01:38:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7109, 106, -12450) [08:01 01:38:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14321) [08:01 01:38:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14320) [08:01 01:38:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14328) [08:01 01:38:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 169, -14330) [08:01 01:38:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 169, -14331) [08:01 01:38:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 107, -12449) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:38:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:38:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 167, -14334) [08:01 01:38:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14333) [08:01 01:38:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14334) [08:01 01:38:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14333) [08:01 01:38:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:38:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14332) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (21 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (0, -29) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (0, -30) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (-1, -30) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (-2, -29) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-1, -31) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (-2, -31) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (-3, -31) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (-4, -31) generated (14 ms) [08:01 01:38:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14335) [08:01 01:38:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 165, -14334) [08:01 01:38:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14335) [08:01 01:38:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:38:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14333) Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 01:38:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14332) [08:01 01:38:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14332) [08:01 01:38:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14334) [DB] Saved 41 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:39:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14333) Storing 7 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 13 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:39:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 165, -14333) [08:01 01:39:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14334) [08:01 01:39:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14333) [08:01 01:39:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 165, -14334) [08:01 01:39:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 167, -14335) [08:01 01:39:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 165, -14335) Remove item ironingot (17990301) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990302) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990303) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990304) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990305) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990306) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990307) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990308) from meta object 17946981 [WARNING] [01:39:11] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17946981) [08:01 01:39:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 168, -14334) [08:01 01:39:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14333) [08:01 01:39:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 167, -14333) [08:01 01:39:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 168, -14332) [08:01 01:39:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14334) [08:01 01:39:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14333) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 168, -14335) [08:01 01:39:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 168, -14334) [08:01 01:39:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14333) [08:01 01:39:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14331) [08:01 01:39:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14334) [08:01 01:39:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 167, -14333) [08:01 01:39:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14331) [08:01 01:39:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14331) [08:01 01:39:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14331) Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 01:39:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14331) [08:01 01:39:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 167, -14331) [08:01 01:39:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 165, -14331) [08:01 01:39:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 165, -14330) [08:01 01:39:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14330) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:39:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 165, -14333) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:39:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14331) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:39:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7109, 104, -12449) [08:01 01:39:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7113, 104, -12449) [08:01 01:39:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14331) [08:01 01:39:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14328) [08:01 01:39:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14330) [08:01 01:39:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7113, 104, -12447) [08:01 01:39:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14332) [08:01 01:39:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14332) [08:01 01:39:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 104, -12446) [08:01 01:39:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14331) [08:01 01:39:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 168, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14330) [08:01 01:39:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 104, -12445) [08:01 01:39:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14328) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:39:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14328) [08:01 01:39:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 104, -12444) [08:01 01:39:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 168, -14331) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:39:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14329) [08:01 01:39:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 104, -12443) [08:01 01:39:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 168, -14328) [08:01 01:39:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14329) [08:01 01:39:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 104, -12443) [08:01 01:39:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14330) [08:01 01:39:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14329) [08:01 01:39:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14330) [08:01 01:39:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14330) [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:39:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7107, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 165, -14328) [08:01 01:39:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 165, -14327) [08:01 01:39:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14328) [08:01 01:39:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:39:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14328) [08:01 01:39:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7110, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:39:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14329) [08:01 01:39:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14328) [08:01 01:39:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:39:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7111, 104, -12441) [08:01 01:39:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:39:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14326) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:39:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:39:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14326) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:39:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:39:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:39:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7113, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:39:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:39:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14329) [08:01 01:39:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 104, -12442) [08:01 01:39:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14329) [08:01 01:39:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 165, -14329) [08:01 01:39:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 106, -12443) [08:01 01:39:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 165, -14329) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14324) [08:01 01:40:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7115, 105, -12443) [08:01 01:40:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14328) [08:01 01:40:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14327) [08:01 01:40:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7115, 106, -12444) [08:01 01:40:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:40:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14327) [08:01 01:40:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14327) [08:01 01:40:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7115, 105, -12445) [08:01 01:40:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:40:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:40:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14327) [08:01 01:40:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7116, 105, -12445) [08:01 01:40:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14327) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:40:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:40:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 167, -14327) [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:40:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:40:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 167, -14328) [08:01 01:40:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:40:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14327) [08:01 01:40:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14326) [08:01 01:40:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14324) [08:01 01:40:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14324) [08:01 01:40:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7115, 106, -12447) [08:01 01:40:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:40:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14322) [08:01 01:40:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:40:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:40:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:40:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7116, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:40:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14318) [08:01 01:40:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:40:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:40:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:40:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:40:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:40:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7117, 106, -12446) [08:01 01:40:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:40:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:40:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:40:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:40:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7117, 106, -12444) [08:01 01:40:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:40:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:40:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:40:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:40:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:40:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7118, 106, -12445) [08:01 01:40:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:40:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:40:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14311) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:40:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:40:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:40:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:40:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7117, 105, -12447) [08:01 01:40:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:40:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:40:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:40:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:40:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:40:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7116, 105, -12448) [08:01 01:40:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 166, -14321) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:40:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14322) [08:01 01:40:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:40:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:40:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7115, 105, -12449) [08:01 01:40:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:40:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:40:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14324) [08:01 01:40:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:40:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:40:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114, 105, -12450) [08:01 01:40:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14320) [08:01 01:40:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:40:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14318) [08:01 01:40:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:40:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14315) [08:01 01:40:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14314) [08:01 01:40:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 168, -14312) [08:01 01:40:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14311) [08:01 01:40:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 107, -12447) [08:01 01:40:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:40:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:40:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:40:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:40:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:40:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:40:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14313) [DB] Saved 32650 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:40:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14314) [08:01 01:40:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14316) [08:01 01:40:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 170, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:40:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14320) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:40:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:40:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7113, 105, -12451) [08:01 01:40:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 168, -14323) [08:01 01:40:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:40:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:40:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:40:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7112, 105, -12452) [08:01 01:40:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 169, -14322) [08:01 01:40:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:40:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14321) [08:01 01:40:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14320) [08:01 01:40:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14319) [08:01 01:40:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7111, 104, -12452) [08:01 01:40:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 168, -14317) [08:01 01:40:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:40:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14315) [08:01 01:40:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14314) [08:01 01:40:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 168, -14312) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:40:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 168, -14311) [08:01 01:40:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7110, 104, -12451) [08:01 01:40:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 167, -14310) [08:01 01:40:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:40:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 168, -14307) [08:01 01:40:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:40:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:40:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7111, 103, -12450) [08:01 01:40:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:40:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:40:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:40:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:40:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:40:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:40:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7112, 103, -12451) [08:01 01:40:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:40:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:40:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:40:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14324) [08:01 01:40:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114, 104, -12451) [08:01 01:40:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:40:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:40:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:40:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14322) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:40:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 169, -14320) [08:01 01:40:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7115, 104, -12450) [08:01 01:40:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14320) [08:01 01:40:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:40:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:40:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7116, 104, -12449) [08:01 01:40:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14316) [08:01 01:40:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:40:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:40:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 170, -14312) [08:01 01:40:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 170, -14311) [08:01 01:40:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 104, -12447) [08:01 01:40:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 169, -14310) [08:01 01:40:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:40:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14310) [08:01 01:40:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14312) [08:01 01:40:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:40:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7115, 104, -12446) [08:01 01:40:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 169, -14314) [08:01 01:40:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 170, -14315) [08:01 01:40:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14314) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:40:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14314) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:40:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14316) [08:01 01:40:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:40:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7114, 103, -12444) [08:01 01:40:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14316) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:40:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 169, -14318) [08:01 01:40:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:40:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14318) [08:01 01:40:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 170, -14320) [08:01 01:40:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:40:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14322) [08:01 01:40:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7112, 103, -12444) [08:01 01:40:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:40:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14322) [08:01 01:40:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:40:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:40:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 103, -12445) [08:01 01:40:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:40:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 167, -14317) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:40:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:41:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:41:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 167, -14313) [08:01 01:41:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14313) [08:01 01:41:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 167, -14315) [08:01 01:41:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14312) [08:01 01:41:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 167, -14311) [08:01 01:41:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7107, 103, -12445) [08:01 01:41:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:41:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 167, -14310) [08:01 01:41:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14309) [08:01 01:41:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 103, -12446) [08:01 01:41:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:41:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:41:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:41:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7107, 102, -12447) [08:01 01:41:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:41:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14310) [08:01 01:41:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14309) [08:01 01:41:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:41:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14307) [08:01 01:41:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:41:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14311) [08:01 01:41:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 103, -12443) [08:01 01:41:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14312) [08:01 01:41:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14312) [08:01 01:41:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14313) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 [08:01 01:41:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:41:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:41:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 103, -12443) [08:01 01:41:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:41:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14315) [08:01 01:41:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:41:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:41:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 102, -12443) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:41:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:41:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 165, -14314) [08:01 01:41:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:41:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:41:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 103, -12445) [08:01 01:41:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:41:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:41:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:41:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 103, -12446) [08:01 01:41:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:41:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:41:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:41:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 168, -14322) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:41:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:41:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 102, -12447) [08:01 01:41:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:41:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14324) [08:01 01:41:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:41:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:41:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14321) [08:01 01:41:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14320) [08:01 01:41:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:41:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14318) [08:01 01:41:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:41:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14315) [08:01 01:41:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14314) [08:01 01:41:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:41:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 170, -14312) [08:01 01:41:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:41:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 169, -14310) [08:01 01:41:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 169, -14309) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:41:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:41:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:41:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14308) [08:01 01:41:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:41:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 169, -14310) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:41:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:41:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14312) [08:01 01:41:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 170, -14313) [08:01 01:41:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:41:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14315) [08:01 01:41:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 170, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:41:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:41:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:41:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14320) [08:01 01:41:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:41:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 168, -14321) [08:01 01:41:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:41:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:41:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14322) [08:01 01:41:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14322) [08:01 01:41:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 168, -14325) [08:01 01:41:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 167, -14324) [08:01 01:41:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 168, -14325) [08:01 01:41:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 168, -14327) [08:01 01:41:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 168, -14325) [08:01 01:41:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14327) [08:01 01:41:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:41:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14327) [08:01 01:41:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14327) [08:01 01:41:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14326) [08:01 01:41:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14325) [08:01 01:41:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 165, -14326) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (11 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:41:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 165, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:41:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 165, -14324) [08:01 01:41:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 165, -14323) [08:01 01:41:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:41:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14325) [08:01 01:41:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14324) [08:01 01:41:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14323) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (129 ms) [08:01 01:41:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14322) [08:01 01:41:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14325) [08:01 01:41:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:41:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14324) [08:01 01:41:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 168, -14323) [08:01 01:41:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14322) [08:01 01:41:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:41:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14322) [08:01 01:41:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:41:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:41:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14323) [08:01 01:41:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14322) [08:01 01:41:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14322) [08:01 01:41:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14323) [08:01 01:41:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 165, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:41:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:41:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14323) [08:01 01:41:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14322) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:41:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 167, -14322) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:41:52] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086.38, 112.71, -12459.88) [08:01 01:41:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14322) [08:01 01:41:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 167, -14322) [08:01 01:41:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14322) [08:01 01:41:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14321) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:41:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:41:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:41:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:41:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:41:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:41:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:41:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14315) [08:01 01:41:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:41:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14313) [08:01 01:41:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14312) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:41:57] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086.38, 112.71, -12459.88) [08:01 01:41:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:41:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:41:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:41:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:41:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:41:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:41:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:41:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14320) [08:01 01:42:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:42:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 167, -14321) [08:01 01:42:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14321) [08:01 01:42:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:42:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 167, -14320) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:42:02] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086.38, 112.71, -12459.88) [08:01 01:42:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 168, -14319) [08:01 01:42:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14322) [08:01 01:42:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14320) [08:01 01:42:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 169, -14320) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:42:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:42:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14321) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (9 ms) [08:01 01:42:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14321) [08:01 01:42:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:42:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14320) [08:01 01:42:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14320) [08:01 01:42:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14321) [08:01 01:42:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14320) [08:01 01:42:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:42:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:42:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:42:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14318) [08:01 01:42:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14317) [08:01 01:42:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14316) [08:01 01:42:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:42:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 170, -14313) [08:01 01:42:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 170, -14310) [08:01 01:42:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:42:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:42:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:42:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:42:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 166, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:42:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:42:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:42:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:42:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:42:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:42:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14309) [08:01 01:42:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:42:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14311) [08:01 01:42:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 168, -14311) [08:01 01:42:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14310) [08:01 01:42:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:42:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 168, -14314) [08:01 01:42:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:42:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14312) [08:01 01:42:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14314) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 169, -14316) [08:01 01:42:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:42:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 169, -14318) [08:01 01:42:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:42:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14318) [08:01 01:42:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 170, -14316) [08:01 01:42:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14317) [08:01 01:42:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:42:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:42:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:42:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:42:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14319) [08:01 01:42:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 169, -14319) [08:01 01:42:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14320) [08:01 01:42:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:42:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14319) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:42:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:42:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14319) [08:01 01:42:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14318) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 01:42:24] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990353(type: 32, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082.63, 112.7, -12471.38) Player =THS=JAX placed object element furnacebig (ID: 17990353) [WARNING] [01:42:24] CREATE NEW FURNACE 17990353 (221|1|-390) [08:01 01:42:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:42:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:42:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:42:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14315) [08:01 01:42:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:42:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 168, -14315) [08:01 01:42:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 168, -14315) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:42:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:42:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:42:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:42:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 170, -14315) [08:01 01:42:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14315) [08:01 01:42:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14316) [08:01 01:42:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:42:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14313) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14313) [08:01 01:42:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 170, -14315) [08:01 01:42:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:42:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 170, -14313) [08:01 01:42:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 169, -14312) [08:01 01:42:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:42:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:42:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 168, -14315) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14315) [08:01 01:42:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 168, -14312) [08:01 01:42:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:42:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14310) [08:01 01:42:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:42:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 168, -14312) [08:01 01:42:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 168, -14311) [08:01 01:42:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14312) [08:01 01:42:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 167, -14314) [08:01 01:42:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:42:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 167, -14316) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:42:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:42:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:42:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:42:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 167, -14316) [08:01 01:42:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14318) [08:01 01:42:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:42:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:42:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 167, -14318) [08:01 01:42:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14318) Processing object 17983372 ran out of fuel... Object primitivefurnace (17983372) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 01:42:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 167, -14317) [08:01 01:42:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:42:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14315) [08:01 01:42:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14314) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:42:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14317) [08:01 01:42:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14316) [08:01 01:42:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14315) [08:01 01:42:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 168, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14314) [08:01 01:42:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:42:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:42:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 170, -14318) [08:01 01:42:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14317) [08:01 01:42:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14317) [08:01 01:42:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14318) [08:01 01:42:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14317) [08:01 01:42:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14316) [08:01 01:42:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 170, -14315) [08:01 01:42:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 169, -14317) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:42:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14315) [08:01 01:42:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 170, -14314) [08:01 01:42:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14313) [08:01 01:42:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 170, -14313) [08:01 01:42:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:42:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14312) [08:01 01:42:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:42:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14313) [08:01 01:42:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 168, -14312) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:42:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14312) [08:01 01:42:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:42:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:42:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:42:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14309) [08:01 01:42:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 168, -14308) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:42:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 169, -14309) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:42:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 168, -14308) [08:01 01:42:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14307) [08:01 01:42:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 168, -14310) [08:01 01:42:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 169, -14309) Remove item ironingot (17990337) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990338) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990339) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990340) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990341) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990342) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990343) from meta object 17983372 Remove item ironingot (17990344) from meta object 17983372 [WARNING] [01:42:58] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17983372) [08:01 01:42:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 170, -14311) [08:01 01:42:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 168, -14309) [08:01 01:43:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 169, -14311) [08:01 01:43:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 167, -14310) [08:01 01:43:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 167, -14309) [08:01 01:43:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:43:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14307) [08:01 01:43:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:43:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:43:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14312) [08:01 01:43:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 165, -14307) [08:01 01:43:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14307) [08:01 01:43:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14307) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:43:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14308) [08:01 01:43:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:43:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 167, -14308) [08:01 01:43:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 165, -14310) [08:01 01:43:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14309) [08:01 01:43:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:43:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14311) [DB] Saved 36 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:43:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 165, -14312) [08:01 01:43:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:43:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:43:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:43:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 167, -14311) [08:01 01:43:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:43:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14311) [08:01 01:43:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14310) [08:01 01:43:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:43:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:43:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 166, -14313) [08:01 01:43:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:43:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:43:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:43:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:43:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14318) [08:01 01:43:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14316) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:43:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 166, -14319) [08:01 01:43:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 165, -14320) [08:01 01:43:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 165, -14320) [08:01 01:43:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 166, -14316) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:43:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:43:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:43:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14317) [08:01 01:43:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14317) [08:01 01:43:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 166, -14314) [08:01 01:43:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:43:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 165, -14316) [08:01 01:43:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 166, -14315) [08:01 01:43:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 165, -14315) [08:01 01:43:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 165, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 166, -14316) [08:01 01:43:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 165, -14317) [08:01 01:43:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 165, -14315) [08:01 01:43:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14316) [08:01 01:43:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14316) [08:01 01:43:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14314) [08:01 01:43:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14315) [08:01 01:43:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14316) [08:01 01:43:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 165, -14314) [08:01 01:43:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 164, -14313) [08:01 01:43:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 166, -14312) [08:01 01:43:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 165, -14312) [08:01 01:43:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 164, -14312) [08:01 01:43:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14312) [08:01 01:43:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 165, -14310) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:43:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 165, -14309) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:43:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14309) [08:01 01:43:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 163, -14308) [08:01 01:43:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14309) [08:01 01:43:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14309) [08:01 01:43:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14310) [08:01 01:43:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 163, -14310) [08:01 01:43:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 162, -14311) [08:01 01:43:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 163, -14311) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:43:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 163, -14312) [08:01 01:43:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14312) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14310) [08:01 01:43:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 162, -14310) [08:01 01:43:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14311) [08:01 01:43:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14313) [08:01 01:43:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14314) [08:01 01:43:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14312) [08:01 01:43:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 164, -14315) [08:01 01:43:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 165, -14317) [08:01 01:43:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 165, -14318) [08:01 01:43:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14317) [08:01 01:43:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 164, -14318) [08:01 01:43:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14315) [08:01 01:43:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14316) [08:01 01:43:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14317) [08:01 01:43:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 163, -14314) [08:01 01:43:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 165, -14318) [08:01 01:43:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 165, -14319) [08:01 01:43:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 165, -14320) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 165, -14321) [08:01 01:43:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 165, -14322) [08:01 01:43:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 165, -14323) [08:01 01:43:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 165, -14324) [08:01 01:43:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 165, -14322) [08:01 01:43:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14322) [08:01 01:43:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 165, -14325) [08:01 01:43:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 165, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:43:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 165, -14329) [08:01 01:43:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14331) [08:01 01:43:52] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967530(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -389 (7130.5, 125, -12419.5) [08:01 01:43:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 165, -14332) [08:01 01:43:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 165, -14329) [08:01 01:43:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 164, -14330) [08:01 01:43:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14329) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:43:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 165, -14329) [08:01 01:43:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14331) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (17990414) [08:01 01:43:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 165, -14336) [08:01 01:43:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:43:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:43:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14336) [DB] Saved 32653 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:43:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14336) [08:01 01:44:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 162, -14336) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:44:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 162, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:44:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14336) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 0 -> 2 [08:01 01:44:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:44:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14336) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:44:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1168, 164, -14337) [08:01 01:44:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 162, -14336) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:44:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14336) [08:01 01:44:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14336) [08:01 01:44:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 164, -14336) [08:01 01:44:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:44:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14335) [08:01 01:44:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14334) [08:01 01:44:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14333) [08:01 01:44:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14332) Object primitivefurnace (17946981) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:44:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14331) [08:01 01:44:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14330) [08:01 01:44:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14333) [08:01 01:44:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14332) [08:01 01:44:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14330) [08:01 01:44:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 164, -14334) [08:01 01:44:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14329) [08:01 01:44:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14328) [08:01 01:44:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14327) [08:01 01:44:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14326) [08:01 01:44:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14325) [08:01 01:44:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14324) [08:01 01:44:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:44:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14327) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (30 ms) [08:01 01:44:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14325) [08:01 01:44:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14324) [08:01 01:44:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 164, -14328) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:44:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14323) [08:01 01:44:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14322) [08:01 01:44:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14321) [08:01 01:44:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14320) [08:01 01:44:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14319) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:44:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14318) [08:01 01:44:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14322) [08:01 01:44:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14320) [08:01 01:44:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14319) [08:01 01:44:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14318) [08:01 01:44:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14317) [08:01 01:44:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14316) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (23 ms) [08:01 01:44:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14316) [08:01 01:44:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14315) [08:01 01:44:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14314) Spawn npc cow at (7157.00, 187.81, -12185.00) Spawn npc bull at (7164.00, 189.66, -12171.00) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:44:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:44:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 161, -14317) [08:01 01:44:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14315) [08:01 01:44:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14314) [08:01 01:44:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14313) [08:01 01:44:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14312) [08:01 01:44:49] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967406(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -386 (7054.5, 127.88, -12345.5) [08:01 01:44:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14312) [08:01 01:44:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14311) [08:01 01:44:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14310) [08:01 01:44:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14309) [08:01 01:44:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14308) [08:01 01:44:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14307) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (17990427) [08:01 01:44:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14311) [08:01 01:44:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14310) [08:01 01:44:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14306) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:44:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 162, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:44:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:44:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 163, -14307) [08:01 01:44:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 164, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:44:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:44:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:44:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:44:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:44:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:44:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:04] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967406(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -386 (7054.5, 127.88, -12345.5) [08:01 01:45:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 162, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:45:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14305) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:45:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14306) [08:01 01:45:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14307) [08:01 01:45:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14306) [08:01 01:45:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14307) [08:01 01:45:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:14] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967404(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -386 (7042.5, 132, -12325.5) [08:01 01:45:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 162, -14305) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree redmaple (17990437) [08:01 01:45:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1168, 164, -14304) [08:01 01:45:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1165, 163, -14304) [08:01 01:45:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 162, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:45:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 164, -14304) [WARNING] [01:45:20] Player =THS=JAX illegal state: Player tried to pick up an invalid item: 17990443 [08:01 01:45:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14305) [08:01 01:45:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:45:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1159, 163, -14304) [08:01 01:45:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14305) [08:01 01:45:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14305) [08:01 01:45:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14305) [08:01 01:45:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 161, -14305) [08:01 01:45:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:45:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 159, -14305) [DB] Saved 60 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:45:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:45:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14305) [08:01 01:45:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 159, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:45:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 159, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:45:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:45:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 160, -14305) [08:01 01:45:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14305) [08:01 01:45:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14306) [08:01 01:45:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14307) [08:01 01:45:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14308) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:45:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14309) [08:01 01:45:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14310) [08:01 01:45:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14311) [08:01 01:45:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14312) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:45:54] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17923792(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 221 0 -389 (7074.5, 116.41, -12437.5) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:45:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14313) [08:01 01:45:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14314) [08:01 01:45:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14315) [08:01 01:45:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14316) [08:01 01:45:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14317) [08:01 01:45:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14318) [08:01 01:45:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14319) [08:01 01:45:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14320) [08:01 01:45:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14321) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:45:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14322) [08:01 01:45:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14323) [08:01 01:45:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14324) [08:01 01:46:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14325) [08:01 01:46:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14326) [08:01 01:46:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 160, -14323) [08:01 01:46:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:46:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14328) [08:01 01:46:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14329) [08:01 01:46:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14330) [08:01 01:46:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14331) [08:01 01:46:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14332) [08:01 01:46:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14333) [08:01 01:46:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14334) [08:01 01:46:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14335) [08:01 01:46:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 160, -14336) [08:01 01:46:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 159, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:46:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 159, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:46:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14336) [DB] Saved 31 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:46:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 159, -14336) [08:01 01:46:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 159, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:46:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 159, -14336) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 2 -> 1 [08:01 01:46:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14336) [08:01 01:46:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 157, -14336) [08:01 01:46:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 155, -14336) [08:01 01:46:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 154, -14336) [08:01 01:46:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 155, -14336) [08:01 01:46:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14336) [08:01 01:46:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14336) Remove item ironingot (17990345) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990346) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990347) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990348) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990349) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990350) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990351) from meta object 17946981 Remove item ironingot (17990352) from meta object 17946981 [WARNING] [01:46:33] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17946981) [08:01 01:46:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 157, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:46:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14336) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:46:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 157, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:46:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 156, -14336) [DB] Saved 41 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:46:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:40] RemoveObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17946981(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082.33, 112.71, -12455.4) DELETE META OBJECT: 17946981 [08:01 01:46:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:46] RemoveObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983372(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.23, 112.7, -12455.07) DELETE META OBJECT: 17983372 [08:01 01:46:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 156, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:46:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14336) [08:01 01:46:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 158, -14336) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:46:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14335) [08:01 01:46:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14334) [08:01 01:46:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14333) [08:01 01:46:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14332) [08:01 01:46:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14331) [08:01 01:46:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14330) [08:01 01:46:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14329) [08:01 01:46:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14328) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:46:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14327) [08:01 01:46:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14326) [08:01 01:46:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14325) [08:01 01:46:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14324) [08:01 01:46:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14323) [08:01 01:46:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14322) [08:01 01:46:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14320) [08:01 01:47:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14319) [08:01 01:47:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14318) [08:01 01:47:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14317) [08:01 01:47:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14316) [08:01 01:47:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14315) [08:01 01:47:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14314) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (114 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:47:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14313) [08:01 01:47:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14312) [08:01 01:47:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14311) [08:01 01:47:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14310) [08:01 01:47:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14309) [08:01 01:47:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14308) [08:01 01:47:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14307) [08:01 01:47:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14306) [08:01 01:47:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 157, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:47:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14305) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:47:17] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.33, 112.71, -12460.04) [08:01 01:47:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 156, -14305) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:47:21] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.33, 112.71, -12460.04) [08:01 01:47:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 156, -14305) [08:01 01:47:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 156, -14305) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:47:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 155, -14305) [08:01 01:47:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 154, -14305) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:47:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14305) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 01:47:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:47:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 153, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:36] DestroyConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17983607(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [08:01 01:47:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:47:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 153, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7101, 112, -12481) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:47:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 154, -14305) [08:01 01:47:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7101, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:47:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14305) [08:01 01:47:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7101, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:47:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14306) [08:01 01:47:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14307) [08:01 01:47:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7101, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:47:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14308) [08:01 01:47:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14309) [08:01 01:47:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 153, -14310) [08:01 01:47:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 153, -14311) [08:01 01:47:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7101, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:47:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14312) [DB] Saved 32657 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:47:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7103, 113, -12481) [08:01 01:47:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 153, -14310) [08:01 01:47:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12480) [08:01 01:47:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14313) [08:01 01:47:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14314) [08:01 01:47:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14315) [08:01 01:47:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12479) [08:01 01:47:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14316) [08:01 01:47:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14317) [08:01 01:47:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:47:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 113, -12476) [08:01 01:47:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 154, -14311) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:47:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7104, 113, -12481) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:47:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14319) [08:01 01:47:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14320) [08:01 01:47:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14321) [08:01 01:47:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7104, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:47:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14322) [08:01 01:47:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14323) [08:01 01:47:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14324) [08:01 01:47:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7104, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:47:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14325) [08:01 01:47:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7104, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:47:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14326) [08:01 01:48:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14327) [08:01 01:48:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14328) [08:01 01:48:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14329) [08:01 01:48:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14330) [08:01 01:48:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 112, -12480) [08:01 01:48:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14331) [08:01 01:48:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14332) [08:01 01:48:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7105, 113, -12482) [08:01 01:48:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14333) [08:01 01:48:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14334) [08:01 01:48:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14335) [08:01 01:48:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7106, 113, -12482) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 154, -14336) [08:01 01:48:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7106, 113, -12482) [08:01 01:48:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 113, -12481) [08:01 01:48:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14336) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:48:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7106, 112, -12483) [08:01 01:48:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12483) [08:01 01:48:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14336) [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:48:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 153, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12482) [08:01 01:48:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12480) [08:01 01:48:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 153, -14336) [08:01 01:48:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1154, 153, -14337) [08:01 01:48:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 113, -12478) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 16 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:48:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12480) [08:01 01:48:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14336) [08:01 01:48:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 151, -14336) [08:01 01:48:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7107, 112, -12481) [08:01 01:48:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:48:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 113, -12479) [08:01 01:48:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 113, -12478) [08:01 01:48:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12478) [08:01 01:48:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12478) [08:01 01:48:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 112, -12478) [08:01 01:48:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 113, -12477) [08:01 01:48:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 113, -12477) [08:01 01:48:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 150, -14336) Storing 7 chunks... Storing 7 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 14 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:48:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14336) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:48:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 113, -12475) [08:01 01:48:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7107, 113, -12475) [08:01 01:48:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14335) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12475) [08:01 01:48:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:48:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14336) [08:01 01:48:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12475) [08:01 01:48:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 152, -14336) [08:01 01:48:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12475) [08:01 01:48:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14335) [08:01 01:48:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14334) [08:01 01:48:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14333) [08:01 01:48:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14332) [08:01 01:48:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14331) [08:01 01:48:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14330) [08:01 01:48:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14329) [08:01 01:48:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14328) [08:01 01:48:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14327) [08:01 01:48:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14326) [08:01 01:48:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14325) [08:01 01:48:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14324) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:48:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14323) [08:01 01:48:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14321) [08:01 01:48:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14320) [08:01 01:48:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14319) [08:01 01:48:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14318) [08:01 01:48:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14317) [08:01 01:48:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14316) [08:01 01:48:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14315) [08:01 01:48:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 113, -12474) [08:01 01:48:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14314) [08:01 01:48:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12474) [08:01 01:48:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14313) [08:01 01:48:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14312) [08:01 01:48:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14311) [08:01 01:48:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14310) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:48:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14309) [08:01 01:48:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14308) [08:01 01:48:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12473) [08:01 01:48:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14307) [08:01 01:48:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14306) [DB] Saved 32656 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:48:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12473) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:48:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:48:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12473) [08:01 01:49:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 151, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:49:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12472) [08:01 01:49:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 152, -14311) [08:01 01:49:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 113, -12471) [08:01 01:49:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 151, -14319) [08:01 01:49:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7108, 112, -12471) [08:01 01:49:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1186, 151, -14319) [08:01 01:49:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 151, -14319) [08:01 01:49:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12472) [08:01 01:49:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1188, 151, -14319) [08:01 01:49:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 151, -14321) [08:01 01:49:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12472) [08:01 01:49:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1186, 151, -14321) [08:01 01:49:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1186, 150, -14321) [08:01 01:49:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12471) [08:01 01:49:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 149, -14322) [08:01 01:49:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1186, 149, -14320) [08:01 01:49:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12471) [08:01 01:49:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 149, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:49:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 149, -14319) [08:01 01:49:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12471) [08:01 01:49:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 148, -14321) [08:01 01:49:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12471) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:49:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1188, 148, -14321) [08:01 01:49:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104, 112, -12471) [08:01 01:49:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1188, 148, -14321) [08:01 01:49:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12470) [08:01 01:49:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 148, -14321) [08:01 01:49:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 149, -14321) [08:01 01:49:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7106, 112, -12470) [08:01 01:49:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 150, -14320) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:49:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1188, 150, -14319) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:49:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1187, 150, -14319) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:49:25] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990448(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105.5, 112.5, -12459.5) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:49:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:37] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990471(type: 16, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7105.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [08:01 01:49:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:49:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14305) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:49:42] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990472(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7099.5, 112.5, -12481.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:49:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14305) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:49:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7102, 112, -12473) [08:01 01:49:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 112, -12473) [08:01 01:49:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 150, -14305) [08:01 01:49:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14305) [08:01 01:49:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103, 112, -12473) [08:01 01:49:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 148, -14305) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 14 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:49:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:49:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:49:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 147, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:50:05] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990479(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -391 (7104.5, 112.5, -12480.5) Storing 8 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:50:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 147, -14305) [DB] Saved 32653 npcs in database (133 ms) [08:01 01:50:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 147, -14305) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:50:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990548(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7100.5, 112.5, -12480.5) [08:01 01:50:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14305) [08:01 01:50:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 148, -14305) [08:01 01:50:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14306) [08:01 01:50:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14307) [08:01 01:50:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14308) [08:01 01:50:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14309) [08:01 01:50:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14310) [08:01 01:50:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14311) [08:01 01:50:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14312) [08:01 01:50:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14313) [08:01 01:50:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:50:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14315) [08:01 01:50:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14316) [08:01 01:50:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14317) [08:01 01:50:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14318) [08:01 01:50:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14319) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:50:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14320) [08:01 01:50:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14321) [08:01 01:50:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14322) [08:01 01:50:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14323) [08:01 01:50:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14324) [08:01 01:50:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14325) [08:01 01:50:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14326) [08:01 01:50:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14327) [08:01 01:50:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14328) [08:01 01:50:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14329) [08:01 01:50:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14330) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:50:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14331) [08:01 01:50:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14332) [08:01 01:50:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14333) [08:01 01:50:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14334) [08:01 01:50:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14335) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:50:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 148, -14336) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:50:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 147, -14336) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:50:32] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.86, 112.71, -12464.16) [08:01 01:50:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 147, -14336) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:50:33] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.86, 112.71, -12464.16) [08:01 01:50:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 147, -14336) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:50:35] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.86, 112.71, -12464.16) [08:01 01:50:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 147, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:50:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 147, -14336) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:50:44] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990552(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100.5, 112.5, -12477.5) [08:01 01:50:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 147, -14336) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:50:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 147, -14336) [08:01 01:50:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 148, -14336) [08:01 01:50:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1154, 149, -14337) [08:01 01:50:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 146, -14336) [08:01 01:50:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 145, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:50:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 144, -14336) [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:50:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 144, -14336) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:50:54] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990567(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -391 (7098.5, 112.5, -12480.5) [08:01 01:50:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 144, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:50:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 144, -14336) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:50:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:50:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 144, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:51:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 144, -14336) [08:01 01:51:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -449 (-1185, 146, -14337) [08:01 01:51:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14335) [08:01 01:51:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14334) [08:01 01:51:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14333) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:51:08] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990834(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7100.5, 112.5, -12463.5) [08:01 01:51:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14332) [08:01 01:51:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14331) [08:01 01:51:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14330) [08:01 01:51:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14329) [08:01 01:51:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14328) [08:01 01:51:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14327) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:51:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14326) [08:01 01:51:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14325) [08:01 01:51:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14324) [08:01 01:51:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14323) [08:01 01:51:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14322) [08:01 01:51:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14321) [08:01 01:51:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14320) [08:01 01:51:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14319) [DB] Saved 39 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:51:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14318) [08:01 01:51:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14317) [08:01 01:51:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14316) [08:01 01:51:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14315) [08:01 01:51:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14314) [08:01 01:51:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14313) [08:01 01:51:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14312) [08:01 01:51:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14311) [08:01 01:51:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14310) [08:01 01:51:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14309) [08:01 01:51:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14308) [08:01 01:51:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14307) [08:01 01:51:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14306) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:51:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 146, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:51:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 144, -14305) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:51:28] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092.01, 112.71, -12464.65) [08:01 01:51:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 144, -14305) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:51:29] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092.01, 112.71, -12464.65) [08:01 01:51:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 144, -14305) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 01:51:30] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092.01, 112.71, -12464.65) [08:01 01:51:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 144, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:51:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:36] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990850(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082.5, 114.5, -12467.5) [08:01 01:51:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 144, -14305) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (11 ms) [08:01 01:51:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 144, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:51:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 144, -14305) [08:01 01:51:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 145, -14305) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:51:58] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990851(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080.5, 112.5, -12451.5) [DB] Saved 32652 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991076(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094.5, 112.5, -12460.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:07] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991105(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098.5, 112.5, -12461.5) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:10] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991112(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7099.5, 112.5, -12461.5) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:14] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991115(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7098.5, 112.5, -12460.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:52:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 143, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:52:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 142, -14319) [08:01 01:52:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14319) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:26] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991123(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7094.5, 112.5, -12451.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:52:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 143, -14305) [08:01 01:52:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 142, -14305) [08:01 01:52:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 140, -14305) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:32] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991133(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104.5, 112.5, -12459.5) [08:01 01:52:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 141, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:52:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 141, -14305) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:41] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991144(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7104.5, 112.5, -12458.5) [08:01 01:52:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 141, -14305) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:52:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 141, -14305) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 01:52:45] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17991153(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7103.5, 112.5, -12451.5) [08:01 01:52:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 141, -14305) [DB] Saved 32658 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:52:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 142, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:52:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14305) [08:01 01:52:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14306) [08:01 01:52:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14307) [08:01 01:52:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14308) [08:01 01:52:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14309) [08:01 01:52:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14310) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:52:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7097, 112, -12455) [08:01 01:52:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14311) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:52:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14312) [08:01 01:52:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14313) [08:01 01:52:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14314) [08:01 01:52:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14315) [08:01 01:52:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14316) [08:01 01:52:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14317) [08:01 01:52:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14318) [08:01 01:52:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14319) [08:01 01:53:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 142, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14320) [08:01 01:53:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14321) [08:01 01:53:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 142, -14322) [08:01 01:53:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14323) [08:01 01:53:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14324) [08:01 01:53:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14325) [08:01 01:53:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14326) [08:01 01:53:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 142, -14320) [08:01 01:53:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14327) [08:01 01:53:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14328) [08:01 01:53:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14329) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:53:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14330) [08:01 01:53:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14331) [08:01 01:53:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14332) [08:01 01:53:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14333) [08:01 01:53:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14334) [08:01 01:53:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14335) [08:01 01:53:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 141, -14336) [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:53:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -449 (-1185, 142, -14337) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:20] DestroyConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17990850(type: 0, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7082.5, 114.5, -12467.5) [08:01 01:53:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 141, -14336) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:53:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 141, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 141, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:53:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 141, -14336) [08:01 01:53:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 143, -14336) [08:01 01:53:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 140, -14336) [08:01 01:53:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 139, -14336) [08:01 01:53:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 137, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 138, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:53:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 138, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 138, -14336) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:53:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14336) [08:01 01:53:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 139, -14336) [08:01 01:53:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14335) [08:01 01:53:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14334) [08:01 01:53:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14333) [08:01 01:53:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14332) [08:01 01:53:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14331) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:53:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:53:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14329) [08:01 01:53:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14328) [DB] Saved 32647 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 01:53:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14327) [08:01 01:53:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14326) [08:01 01:53:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14325) [08:01 01:53:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14324) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:54:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14323) [08:01 01:54:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14322) [08:01 01:54:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14321) [08:01 01:54:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14320) [08:01 01:54:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14319) [08:01 01:54:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14318) [08:01 01:54:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14317) [08:01 01:54:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 139, -14322) [08:01 01:54:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14316) [08:01 01:54:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14315) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:54:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14314) [08:01 01:54:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14313) [08:01 01:54:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14312) [08:01 01:54:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14311) [08:01 01:54:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14310) [08:01 01:54:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14309) [08:01 01:54:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14308) [08:01 01:54:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14307) [08:01 01:54:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14306) [08:01 01:54:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 138, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:54:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 139, -14305) [08:01 01:54:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 138, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:54:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 138, -14305) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:54:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 138, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:54:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 138, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:54:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 138, -14305) [08:01 01:54:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 137, -14305) [08:01 01:54:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 136, -14305) [08:01 01:54:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 135, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:54:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 135, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:54:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 135, -14305) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:54:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 135, -14305) [08:01 01:54:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:54:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 137, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:54:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14306) [08:01 01:54:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14307) [08:01 01:54:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14308) [08:01 01:54:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14309) [08:01 01:54:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14310) [08:01 01:54:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14311) [08:01 01:54:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14312) [08:01 01:54:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14313) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:54:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14314) [08:01 01:54:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14315) [08:01 01:54:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14316) [08:01 01:54:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14317) [08:01 01:54:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14318) [08:01 01:54:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14319) [08:01 01:55:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14320) [08:01 01:55:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14321) [08:01 01:55:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14323) [08:01 01:55:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14324) [08:01 01:55:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14325) [08:01 01:55:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14326) [08:01 01:55:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14327) [08:01 01:55:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14328) [08:01 01:55:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14329) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:55:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14330) [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 01:55:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14331) [08:01 01:55:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14332) [08:01 01:55:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14333) [08:01 01:55:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14334) [08:01 01:55:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14335) [08:01 01:55:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 136, -14336) [08:01 01:55:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 135, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 135, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:55:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 135, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 135, -14336) [08:01 01:55:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1154, 135, -14337) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:55:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 134, -14336) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:55:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 133, -14336) [08:01 01:55:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 132, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:55:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 131, -14336) [08:01 01:55:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 131, -14336) [08:01 01:55:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 131, -14336) [08:01 01:55:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 132, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1156, 133, -14337) [08:01 01:55:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 132, -14336) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:55:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 132, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:55:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 132, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 132, -14336) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:55:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14336) [08:01 01:55:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 134, -14336) [08:01 01:55:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14335) [08:01 01:55:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14334) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:55:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14333) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:55:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14332) [08:01 01:55:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14331) [08:01 01:55:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:55:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14329) [08:01 01:55:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14328) [08:01 01:55:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14327) [08:01 01:56:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14326) [08:01 01:56:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14325) [08:01 01:56:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14324) [08:01 01:56:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14323) [08:01 01:56:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14322) [08:01 01:56:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14321) [08:01 01:56:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14320) [08:01 01:56:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14319) [08:01 01:56:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14318) [08:01 01:56:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14317) [08:01 01:56:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14316) [08:01 01:56:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14315) [08:01 01:56:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14314) [08:01 01:56:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14313) [08:01 01:56:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14312) [08:01 01:56:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14311) [08:01 01:56:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14310) [08:01 01:56:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14309) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14308) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14307) [08:01 01:56:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14306) [08:01 01:56:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 133, -14305) [08:01 01:56:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 132, -14305) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:56:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 132, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 132, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:56:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1161, 133, -14304) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:56:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 134, -14306) [08:01 01:56:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 132, -14305) [08:01 01:56:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 132, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 133, -14305) [08:01 01:56:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 133, -14305) [08:01 01:56:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1154, 134, -14304) [08:01 01:56:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 131, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:56:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 130, -14305) [DB] Saved 41 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:56:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 129, -14305) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:56:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 129, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 129, -14305) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:56:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 129, -14305) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:56:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14305) [08:01 01:56:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 130, -14305) [08:01 01:56:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14306) [08:01 01:56:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14307) [08:01 01:56:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14308) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:56:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14309) [08:01 01:56:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14310) [08:01 01:56:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14311) [08:01 01:56:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14312) [08:01 01:56:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14313) [08:01 01:56:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14314) [08:01 01:57:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14315) [08:01 01:57:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14316) [08:01 01:57:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14317) [08:01 01:57:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14318) [08:01 01:57:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14319) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:57:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14320) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:57:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14321) [08:01 01:57:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14322) [08:01 01:57:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:57:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14324) [08:01 01:57:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14325) [08:01 01:57:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14326) [08:01 01:57:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14327) [08:01 01:57:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14328) [08:01 01:57:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14329) [08:01 01:57:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14330) [08:01 01:57:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14331) [08:01 01:57:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14332) [08:01 01:57:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14333) [08:01 01:57:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14334) [08:01 01:57:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14335) [08:01 01:57:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 130, -14336) [08:01 01:57:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 130, -14336) [08:01 01:57:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 130, -14336) [08:01 01:57:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-2, -28) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (-2, -29) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (27 ms) [08:01 01:57:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 129, -14336) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:57:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 129, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:57:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 129, -14336) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:57:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1153, 129, -14336) [08:01 01:57:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -449 (-1157, 130, -14337) [08:01 01:57:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 128, -14336) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (0, -28) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (0, -29) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (0, -27) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (0, -30) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (-1, -27) generated (12 ms) WorldPart (-1, -30) generated (16 ms) [08:01 01:57:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:57:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 129, -14324) [08:01 01:57:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 129, -14322) [08:01 01:57:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1144, 129, -14323) [08:01 01:57:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1144, 129, -14322) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:57:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1143, 128, -14322) [08:01 01:57:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14324) [08:01 01:57:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1143, 129, -14325) [08:01 01:57:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1143, 128, -14326) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:57:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14327) [08:01 01:57:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1141, 128, -14327) [08:01 01:57:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1141, 128, -14326) [08:01 01:57:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1140, 128, -14323) [08:01 01:57:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1139, 128, -14319) [08:01 01:57:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1138, 128, -14320) [08:01 01:57:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1138, 128, -14318) [08:01 01:57:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1137, 128, -14318) [08:01 01:57:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1136, 128, -14318) [08:01 01:57:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1136, 127, -14317) [DB] Saved 46 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:57:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1123, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:57:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1123, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:57:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1122, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:57:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1122, 128, -14335) [08:01 01:57:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1125, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:57:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1121, 128, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:57:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1123, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:57:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1127, 128, -14336) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:57:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:57:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1131, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:57:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1133, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:57:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1135, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:57:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1137, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1139, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1141, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1143, 128, -14335) [08:01 01:58:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1143, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1145, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 128, -14336) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:58:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1151, 128, -14336) [08:01 01:58:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32641 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 01:58:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14332) [08:01 01:58:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14330) [08:01 01:58:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1152, 127, -14328) [08:01 01:58:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1151, 128, -14326) [08:01 01:58:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1150, 127, -14334) [08:01 01:58:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1147, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1145, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1145, 127, -14334) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:58:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:58:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1141, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1140, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1139, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1138, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1136, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1136, 127, -14334) [08:01 01:58:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1134, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1132, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1131, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1130, 128, -14333) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:58:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1128, 127, -14334) [08:01 01:58:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1130, 127, -14335) [08:01 01:58:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1126, 128, -14333) [08:01 01:58:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1124, 128, -14334) [08:01 01:58:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1125, 128, -14332) [08:01 01:58:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1126, 127, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:58:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1128, 129, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:58:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1128, 128, -14332) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:58:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1131, 128, -14330) [08:01 01:58:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1133, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1135, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1134, 127, -14332) [08:01 01:58:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1138, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1137, 127, -14332) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:58:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1140, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14330) [08:01 01:58:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1144, 128, -14330) [08:01 01:58:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1143, 127, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (21 ms) [08:01 01:58:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 129, -14327) [08:01 01:58:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 128, -14328) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:58:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:58:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1149, 127, -14330) [08:01 01:58:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14332) [08:01 01:58:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 128, -14331) [08:01 01:58:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:58:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1147, 128, -14327) [08:01 01:58:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 128, -14325) [08:01 01:58:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1149, 127, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:58:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14324) [08:01 01:58:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14325) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:58:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1152, 127, -14326) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:58:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14323) [08:01 01:58:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14321) [08:01 01:58:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14319) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:58:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1152, 128, -14317) [08:01 01:59:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14316) [08:01 01:59:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14316) [08:01 01:59:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 128, -14317) [08:01 01:59:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1145, 127, -14316) [08:01 01:59:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1149, 128, -14318) [08:01 01:59:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:59:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1150, 127, -14318) [08:01 01:59:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14320) [08:01 01:59:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1150, 128, -14322) [08:01 01:59:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14323) [08:01 01:59:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1146, 128, -14324) [08:01 01:59:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1145, 128, -14325) [08:01 01:59:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1145, 127, -14326) [08:01 01:59:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1144, 128, -14323) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 01:59:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14320) [08:01 01:59:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1147, 128, -14320) [08:01 01:59:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1148, 128, -14321) [08:01 01:59:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1148, 127, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:59:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1145, 128, -14321) [08:01 01:59:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1146, 127, -14322) [08:01 01:59:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1144, 128, -14319) [DB] Saved 32645 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 01:59:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1145, 127, -14318) [08:01 01:59:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1142, 128, -14317) [08:01 01:59:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1143, 127, -14317) [08:01 01:59:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1140, 128, -14317) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:59:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1141, 127, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:59:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1135, 128, -14320) [08:01 01:59:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1134, 128, -14319) [08:01 01:59:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 129, -14328) [08:01 01:59:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:59:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1127, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:59:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1126, 128, -14330) [08:01 01:59:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1125, 127, -14330) [08:01 01:59:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1127, 127, -14331) [08:01 01:59:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1126, 128, -14327) [08:01 01:59:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1125, 127, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:59:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14327) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 01:59:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1127, 127, -14327) [08:01 01:59:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1132, 128, -14328) [08:01 01:59:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1133, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:59:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1135, 128, -14328) [DB] Saved 46 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 01:59:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1136, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:59:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1135, 127, -14329) [08:01 01:59:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1137, 128, -14328) [08:01 01:59:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1139, 128, -14327) [08:01 01:59:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1139, 128, -14329) [08:01 01:59:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1140, 128, -14328) [08:01 01:59:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1138, 128, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 01:59:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1139, 127, -14325) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 01:59:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 1 -448 (-1137, 127, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:00:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1135, 128, -14326) [08:01 02:00:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1132, 128, -14325) [08:01 02:00:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14325) [08:01 02:00:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1128, 128, -14323) [08:01 02:00:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1129, 128, -14321) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:00:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1133, 128, -14322) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:00:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -448 (-1137, 128, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:00:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1152, 171, -14337) [08:01 02:00:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1152, 175, -14337) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:00:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1148, 172, -14337) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 02:00:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1145, 172, -14337) [08:01 02:00:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1144, 176, -14337) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:00:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1142, 174, -14337) [08:01 02:00:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1141, 178, -14337) [08:01 02:00:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1138, 178, -14337) [08:01 02:00:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1137, 182, -14337) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:00:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1128, 191, -14337) [08:01 02:00:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1125, 192, -14337) [08:01 02:00:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1124, 192, -14338) [08:01 02:00:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1125, 192, -14338) [08:01 02:00:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1129, 191, -14338) [08:01 02:00:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1131, 191, -14338) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:00:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 2 -449 (-1125, 191, -14338) [08:01 02:00:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1121, 192, -14338) [08:01 02:00:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -448 (-1120, 192, -14334) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:00:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -448 (-1120, 192, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (0, -28) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (0, -29) generated (5 ms) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-2, -29) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-2, -28) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (0, -27) generated (15 ms) WorldPart (0, -30) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (-1, -27) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (-1, -30) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-1, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-1, -31) generated (11 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (5 ms) WorldPart (-2, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (23 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object chest1 (17382727) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest1 (17382727) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (2 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (112 ms) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:01:22] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675208(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1111.16, 214.2, -14288.45) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991158) [08:01 02:01:27] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675208(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1111.16, 214.2, -14288.45) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:01:30] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675207(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1106.76, 213.7, -14286.78) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991167) [08:01 02:01:34] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675207(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1106.76, 213.7, -14286.78) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:01:37] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675206(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1102.16, 213.7, -14288.01) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991177) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:01:42] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675206(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1102.16, 213.7, -14288.01) [08:01 02:01:44] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675205(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1097.65, 213.27, -14284.77) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991186) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:01:50] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17675205(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -447 (-1097.65, 213.27, -14284.77) [08:01 02:01:53] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17303742(type: 50, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk -35 0 -447 (-1103.5, 213.5, -14295.5) Object chest1 (17382727) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object chest1 (17382727) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (0, -29) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (0, -30) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-1, -30) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-1, -31) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (-2, -31) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (-2, -29) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (21 ms) [08:01 02:02:20] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710490(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.85, -14344) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991196) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (133 ms) [08:01 02:02:25] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710490(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.85, -14344) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:02:28] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710491(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.72, -14347) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991205) [08:01 02:02:32] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710491(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.72, -14347) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:02:35] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710492(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.55, -14351) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991214) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:02:41] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710492(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.55, -14351) [08:01 02:02:43] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710493(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.23, -14355) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991224) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:02:47] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710493(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 212.23, -14355) [08:01 02:02:50] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710494(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 211.76, -14359) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991233) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:02:54] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710494(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 211.76, -14359) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:02:57] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710495(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 211.13, -14363) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991243) [08:01 02:03:01] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710495(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1109, 211.13, -14363) [08:01 02:03:04] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710502(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 211.26, -14363) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991252) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 02:03:09] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710502(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 211.26, -14363) [08:01 02:03:13] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710501(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 211.96, -14359) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991262) [08:01 02:03:16] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710501(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 211.96, -14359) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:19] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710499(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 212, -14355) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991271) [08:01 02:03:23] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710499(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 212, -14355) [08:01 02:03:26] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710498(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 212.96, -14351) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991280) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:30] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710498(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 212.96, -14351) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:03:33] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710497(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 213.2, -14347) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991290) [08:01 02:03:37] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710497(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 213.2, -14347) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:40] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710496(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 213, -14344) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991300) [08:01 02:03:45] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710496(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1113, 213, -14344) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:47] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710503(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.7, -14344) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991309) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:52] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710503(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.7, -14344) [DB] Saved 35 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:03:55] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710504(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.7, -14347) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991319) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:03:59] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710504(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.7, -14347) [08:01 02:04:02] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710505(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.45, -14351) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991328) [08:01 02:04:06] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710505(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -449 (-1117, 213.45, -14351) [08:01 02:04:09] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710512(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1120, 213.7, -14351) Spawn 2 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991338) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:04:14] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710512(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1120, 213.7, -14351) [08:01 02:04:16] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710544(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1120, 213.26, -14355) Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (17991347) [DB] Saved 32654 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 02:04:20] DestroyVegetation: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17710544(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -36 3 -449 (-1120, 213.26, -14355) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (5 ms) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest1 (17382727) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest1 (17382727) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:04:56] CraftItem: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -448 (-1096.09, 213.71, -14308.53) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:05:15] PlaceObject: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: 17991357(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -35 3 -448 (-1089.25, 213.7, -14319.5) Player OniFogu placed object element chest2 (ID: 17991357) [WARNING] [02:05:15] CREATE NEW STORAGE 17991357 (-35|3|-448) Object chest2 (17991357) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17991357) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest2 (17710515) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (115 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17710515) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest2 (17991357) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Object chest2 (17991357) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 4 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17675209) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17675209) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest2 (17378085) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest2 (17378085) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest1 (17382727) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! Object chest1 (17382727) change status 1 -> 0 Object chest3 (17378075) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest3 (17378075) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:06:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:06:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14308) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:06:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:06:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:06:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:06:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 165, -14307) [08:01 02:06:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:06:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:06:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14310) [08:01 02:06:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14311) [08:01 02:06:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 164, -14311) [08:01 02:06:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:06:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:06:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14312) [08:01 02:06:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14313) [08:01 02:06:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14314) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:06:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:06:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:06:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:06:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14316) [08:01 02:06:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:06:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14316) [08:01 02:06:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:06:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:06:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:06:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14317) [08:01 02:06:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 164, -14318) [08:01 02:06:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:06:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14320) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:06:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 164, -14321) [08:01 02:06:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14320) [08:01 02:06:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:06:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14320) [08:01 02:06:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14321) [08:01 02:06:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14322) [08:01 02:06:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:06:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14322) [08:01 02:06:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:06:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:06:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:06:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:06:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:06:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:06:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14323) [08:01 02:06:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14322) [08:01 02:06:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14323) [08:01 02:06:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:06:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14326) [08:01 02:06:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14326) [08:01 02:06:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:06:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:06:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 164, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:06:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14327) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:06:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14327) [08:01 02:06:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14327) [08:01 02:06:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14328) [08:01 02:06:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14328) [08:01 02:06:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:06:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:06:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:06:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 165, -14328) [08:01 02:06:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:06:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 164, -14331) [08:01 02:06:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:06:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:06:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14330) [08:01 02:06:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:06:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14331) [08:01 02:06:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:06:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 164, -14333) [08:01 02:06:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:06:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14332) [08:01 02:06:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14331) [08:01 02:06:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 164, -14329) [08:01 02:06:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 164, -14329) [08:01 02:06:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14330) [08:01 02:06:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14332) [08:01 02:06:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 164, -14333) [08:01 02:06:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 164, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:06:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:06:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14333) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:06:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14332) [08:01 02:06:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14331) [08:01 02:07:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14329) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (10 ms) [08:01 02:07:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14328) [08:01 02:07:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14327) [08:01 02:07:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:07:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:07:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:07:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 163, -14320) [08:01 02:07:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:07:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 163, -14316) [08:01 02:07:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 163, -14314) [08:01 02:07:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14308) [08:01 02:07:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 163, -14308) [08:01 02:07:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:07:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14308) [08:01 02:07:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:07:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14310) [08:01 02:07:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14311) [08:01 02:07:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:07:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14315) [08:01 02:07:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:07:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 163, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 164, -14318) [08:01 02:07:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:07:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:07:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 163, -14320) [08:01 02:07:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:07:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:07:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:07:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:07:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:07:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14326) [08:01 02:07:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14328) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:07:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14329) [08:01 02:07:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14330) [08:01 02:07:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14332) [08:01 02:07:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:07:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:07:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:07:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:07:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14330) [08:01 02:07:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14330) [08:01 02:07:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:07:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:07:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:07:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14328) [08:01 02:07:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14327) [08:01 02:07:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:07:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:07:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:07:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:07:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:07:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 162, -14323) [08:01 02:07:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:07:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:07:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14320) [08:01 02:07:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 163, -14319) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 02:07:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:07:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:07:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14315) [08:01 02:07:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 163, -14314) [08:01 02:07:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:07:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 162, -14311) [08:01 02:07:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14310) [08:01 02:07:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:07:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 163, -14308) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:07:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14308) [08:01 02:07:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 164, -14310) [08:01 02:07:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 165, -14311) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:07:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:07:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14316) [08:01 02:07:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 165, -14317) [08:01 02:07:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 165, -14319) [08:01 02:07:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 165, -14319) [08:01 02:07:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 165, -14321) [08:01 02:07:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 164, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:07:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:07:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:07:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:07:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 165, -14331) [08:01 02:07:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 165, -14332) [08:01 02:07:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14333) [08:01 02:07:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:07:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:07:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:07:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:07:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:07:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14334) [08:01 02:07:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:07:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:07:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 162, -14330) [08:01 02:07:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:07:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:07:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:07:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 162, -14329) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:07:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14326) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:07:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:07:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:07:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14322) [08:01 02:07:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:07:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14320) [08:01 02:07:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:07:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:07:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:07:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14315) [08:01 02:07:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14314) [08:01 02:07:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 162, -14313) [08:01 02:07:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 162, -14311) [08:01 02:07:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14311) [08:01 02:07:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14310) [08:01 02:07:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14310) [08:01 02:07:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 163, -14309) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:07:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 163, -14308) [08:01 02:07:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 163, -14308) [08:01 02:07:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:07:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 164, -14307) [08:01 02:07:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 164, -14307) [08:01 02:07:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 165, -14308) [08:01 02:07:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 165, -14310) [08:01 02:07:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 164, -14312) [08:01 02:07:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 164, -14310) [08:01 02:07:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:07:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:07:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:07:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14315) [08:01 02:07:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:07:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:07:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:07:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:07:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14322) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:07:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:07:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 162, -14324) [08:01 02:07:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:07:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 162, -14327) [08:01 02:07:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:07:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:07:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:07:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:07:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:07:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:07:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:07:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:07:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:07:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:07:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:07:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:07:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 164, -14327) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:07:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:07:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:08:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:08:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:08:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:08:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:08:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:08:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:08:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14316) [08:01 02:08:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14315) [08:01 02:08:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:08:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14311) [08:01 02:08:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14310) [08:01 02:08:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:08:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 163, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:08:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:08:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:08:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14310) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:08:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:08:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:08:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 163, -14314) [08:01 02:08:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 164, -14313) [08:01 02:08:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:08:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 164, -14310) [08:01 02:08:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:08:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 164, -14312) [DB] Saved 32661 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:08:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 165, -14317) [08:01 02:08:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 165, -14318) [08:01 02:08:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:08:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:08:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:08:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14320) [08:01 02:08:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 165, -14323) [08:01 02:08:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 164, -14320) [08:01 02:08:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 164, -14321) [08:01 02:08:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14323) [08:01 02:08:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:08:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 164, -14325) [08:01 02:08:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 164, -14321) [08:01 02:08:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 164, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:08:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:08:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:08:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:08:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:08:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:08:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:08:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:08:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14334) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:08:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 165, -14333) [08:01 02:08:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:08:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:08:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:08:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14334) [08:01 02:08:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:08:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14333) [08:01 02:08:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14331) [08:01 02:08:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:08:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:08:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14332) [08:01 02:08:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14331) [08:01 02:08:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:08:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14330) [08:01 02:08:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:08:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:08:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14329) [08:01 02:08:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14328) [08:01 02:08:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:08:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14327) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14327) [08:01 02:08:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:08:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:08:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14326) [08:01 02:08:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:08:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14325) [08:01 02:08:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 165, -14328) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:08:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14324) [08:01 02:08:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:08:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14324) [08:01 02:08:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14323) [08:01 02:08:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:08:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14321) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:08:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14323) [08:01 02:08:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:08:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14322) [08:01 02:08:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14321) [08:01 02:08:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14320) [08:01 02:08:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 163, -14320) [08:01 02:08:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14319) [08:01 02:08:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 165, -14322) [08:01 02:08:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:08:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:08:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:08:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:08:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14317) [08:01 02:08:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14316) [08:01 02:08:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14318) [08:01 02:08:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14318) [08:01 02:08:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 164, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14317) [08:01 02:08:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 164, -14316) [08:01 02:08:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14316) [08:01 02:08:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14315) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:08:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 165, -14318) [08:01 02:08:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 163, -14314) [08:01 02:08:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:08:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:08:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 164, -14315) [08:01 02:08:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:08:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14314) [08:01 02:08:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14313) [08:01 02:08:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14312) [08:01 02:08:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14313) [08:01 02:08:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 164, -14312) [08:01 02:08:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14311) [08:01 02:08:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14311) [08:01 02:08:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14310) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:08:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 164, -14310) [08:01 02:08:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 163, -14309) [08:01 02:08:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 164, -14308) [08:01 02:08:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 164, -14307) [08:01 02:08:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:08:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:08:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 164, -14309) [08:01 02:08:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 164, -14308) [08:01 02:08:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 164, -14307) [08:01 02:08:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 164, -14308) [08:01 02:08:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 164, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 163, -14307) [08:01 02:08:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14308) [08:01 02:08:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14310) [08:01 02:08:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 163, -14313) [08:01 02:08:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14314) [08:01 02:08:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14316) [08:01 02:08:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14317) [08:01 02:08:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14320) [08:01 02:08:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14323) [08:01 02:08:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 162, -14324) [08:01 02:08:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14326) [08:01 02:08:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:08:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14330) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:08:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14332) [08:01 02:08:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:08:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:08:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:08:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:08:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:08:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14334) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:08:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:08:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:08:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:08:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:08:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14334) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:08:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14333) [08:01 02:09:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:09:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:09:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14334) [08:01 02:09:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 162, -14333) [08:01 02:09:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 160, -14334) [08:01 02:09:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:09:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14334) [08:01 02:09:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14333) [08:01 02:09:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14332) [08:01 02:09:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14331) [08:01 02:09:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14330) [08:01 02:09:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14329) [08:01 02:09:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14331) [08:01 02:09:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14330) [08:01 02:09:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14330) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 02:09:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 160, -14330) [08:01 02:09:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14330) [08:01 02:09:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 160, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:09:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:09:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14331) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:09:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:09:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14329) [08:01 02:09:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14328) [08:01 02:09:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14329) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:09:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14330) [08:01 02:09:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14332) [08:01 02:09:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:09:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14332) [08:01 02:09:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14331) [08:01 02:09:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14330) [08:01 02:09:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14331) [08:01 02:09:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 162, -14329) [08:01 02:09:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14328) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:09:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14328) [08:01 02:09:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14330) [08:01 02:09:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14328) [08:01 02:09:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 162, -14327) [08:01 02:09:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14331) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:09:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14329) [08:01 02:09:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14329) [08:01 02:09:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:09:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:09:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 161, -14327) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:09:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14327) [08:01 02:09:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14327) [08:01 02:09:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14329) [08:01 02:09:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14328) [08:01 02:09:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14327) [08:01 02:09:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:09:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14326) [08:01 02:09:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14325) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:09:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:09:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:09:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14325) [08:01 02:09:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:09:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14324) [08:01 02:09:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:09:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:09:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14325) [08:01 02:09:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14324) [08:01 02:09:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:09:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:09:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:09:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:09:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:09:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14325) [08:01 02:09:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:09:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14327) [08:01 02:09:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14327) [08:01 02:09:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14327) [08:01 02:09:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14326) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:09:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14326) [08:01 02:09:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14325) [08:01 02:10:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14324) [08:01 02:10:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 162, -14326) [08:01 02:10:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14324) [08:01 02:10:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 162, -14327) [08:01 02:10:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14324) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:10:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14323) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:10:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:10:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14323) [08:01 02:10:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14323) [08:01 02:10:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14323) [08:01 02:10:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14322) [08:01 02:10:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:10:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:10:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14323) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:10:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:10:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:10:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14325) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:10:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14325) [08:01 02:10:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14324) [08:01 02:10:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14323) [08:01 02:10:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14323) [08:01 02:10:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14322) [08:01 02:10:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14322) [08:01 02:10:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14322) [08:01 02:10:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:10:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:10:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14323) [08:01 02:10:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14318) [08:01 02:10:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 162, -14321) [08:01 02:10:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 162, -14320) [08:01 02:10:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 162, -14320) [08:01 02:10:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 160, -14318) [08:01 02:10:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:10:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14319) [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:10:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 160, -14318) [08:01 02:10:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 159, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:10:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 159, -14316) [08:01 02:10:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14315) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:10:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:10:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 157, -14316) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:10:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 159, -14318) [08:01 02:10:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:10:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:10:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 157, -14317) [08:01 02:10:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:10:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:10:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 157, -14315) [08:01 02:10:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 162, -14319) [08:01 02:10:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 159, -14318) [08:01 02:10:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14317) [08:01 02:10:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14316) [08:01 02:10:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14315) [08:01 02:10:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 160, -14315) [08:01 02:10:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14316) [08:01 02:10:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 160, -14317) [08:01 02:10:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 160, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:10:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14317) [08:01 02:10:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:10:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14316) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:10:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14316) [08:01 02:10:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:10:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:10:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:10:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:10:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 162, -14322) [08:01 02:10:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:10:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14319) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:10:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:10:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:10:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:10:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:10:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:10:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:10:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 159, -14318) [08:01 02:10:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14317) [08:01 02:10:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14316) [08:01 02:10:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14315) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:10:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14316) [08:01 02:10:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 161, -14316) [08:01 02:10:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:10:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:10:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:10:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:10:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:10:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:10:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14315) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:10:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:11:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14315) [08:01 02:11:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 161, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:11:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:11:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:11:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:11:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:11:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 162, -14314) [08:01 02:11:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 162, -14312) [08:01 02:11:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 161, -14312) [08:01 02:11:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14312) [08:01 02:11:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:11:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:11:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14312) [08:01 02:11:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14309) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:11:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 163, -14312) [08:01 02:11:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 160, -14308) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:11:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14307) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 02:11:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 161, -14307) [08:01 02:11:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 161, -14307) [08:01 02:11:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 162, -14308) [08:01 02:11:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 161, -14307) [08:01 02:11:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14307) [08:01 02:11:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14312) [08:01 02:11:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14313) [08:01 02:11:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14312) [08:01 02:11:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 161, -14307) [08:01 02:11:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14311) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:11:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 161, -14308) [08:01 02:11:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 160, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:11:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14310) [08:01 02:11:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 160, -14312) [08:01 02:11:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14308) [08:01 02:11:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14311) [08:01 02:11:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14312) [08:01 02:11:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14311) [08:01 02:11:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14308) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:11:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14308) [08:01 02:11:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14310) [08:01 02:11:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14311) [08:01 02:11:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:11:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14310) [08:01 02:11:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 160, -14308) [08:01 02:11:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14308) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:11:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 160, -14311) [08:01 02:11:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14312) [08:01 02:11:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 160, -14314) [08:01 02:11:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 162, -14312) [08:01 02:11:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14313) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:11:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14312) [08:01 02:11:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14311) [08:01 02:11:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14310) [08:01 02:11:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 160, -14308) [08:01 02:11:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 161, -14310) [08:01 02:11:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14308) [08:01 02:11:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14307) [08:01 02:11:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 162, -14309) [08:01 02:11:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:11:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 160, -14311) [08:01 02:11:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14313) [08:01 02:11:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 160, -14314) [08:01 02:11:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14314) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:11:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 161, -14314) [08:01 02:11:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 161, -14309) [08:01 02:11:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 157, -14319) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:11:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 160, -14309) [08:01 02:11:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 159, -14309) [08:01 02:11:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14308) [08:01 02:11:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 157, -14308) [08:01 02:11:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 156, -14308) [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:11:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:11:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:11:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 157, -14307) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:11:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 157, -14307) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:12:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 158, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14307) [08:01 02:12:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14308) [08:01 02:12:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14309) [08:01 02:12:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14310) [08:01 02:12:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14311) [08:01 02:12:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14312) [08:01 02:12:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14313) [08:01 02:12:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14314) [08:01 02:12:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14315) [08:01 02:12:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14316) [08:01 02:12:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14317) [08:01 02:12:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:12:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14319) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:12:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:12:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14321) [08:01 02:12:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14322) [08:01 02:12:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14323) [08:01 02:12:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14324) [08:01 02:12:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:12:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:12:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 157, -14325) [08:01 02:12:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:12:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:12:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:12:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:12:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14332) [08:01 02:12:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 159, -14334) [08:01 02:12:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 158, -14333) [DB] Saved 32652 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 02:12:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14335) [08:01 02:12:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14333) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:12:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 159, -14333) [08:01 02:12:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14333) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:12:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14334) [08:01 02:12:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14333) [08:01 02:12:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 159, -14332) [08:01 02:12:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:12:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14332) [08:01 02:12:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 157, -14332) [08:01 02:12:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 157, -14331) [08:01 02:12:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 157, -14331) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:12:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 157, -14331) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:12:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 157, -14331) [08:01 02:12:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14332) [08:01 02:12:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14331) [08:01 02:12:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 159, -14331) [08:01 02:12:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 159, -14331) [08:01 02:12:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14331) [08:01 02:12:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 159, -14332) [08:01 02:12:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14331) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 02:12:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14330) [08:01 02:12:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:12:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:12:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:12:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:12:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:12:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:12:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:12:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:12:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:12:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:12:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:12:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:12:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:12:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:12:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:12:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 157, -14314) [08:01 02:12:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 157, -14313) [08:01 02:12:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 157, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 157, -14310) [08:01 02:12:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 157, -14309) [08:01 02:12:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 157, -14309) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:12:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 156, -14307) [08:01 02:12:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 156, -14308) [08:01 02:12:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14309) [08:01 02:12:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:12:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:12:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:12:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 157, -14311) [08:01 02:12:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:12:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:12:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 157, -14310) [08:01 02:12:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 157, -14309) [08:01 02:12:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:12:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:12:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:12:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 159, -14310) [08:01 02:12:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 159, -14310) [08:01 02:12:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 159, -14309) [08:01 02:12:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:13:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 159, -14309) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:13:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 159, -14309) [08:01 02:13:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:13:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:13:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:13:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:13:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 159, -14310) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:13:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:13:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:13:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 159, -14312) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:13:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 159, -14312) [08:01 02:13:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 159, -14313) [08:01 02:13:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 159, -14311) [08:01 02:13:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 159, -14312) [08:01 02:13:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14311) [08:01 02:13:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 159, -14312) [08:01 02:13:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14312) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14310) [08:01 02:13:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14313) [08:01 02:13:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 157, -14314) [08:01 02:13:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 157, -14315) [08:01 02:13:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:13:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 159, -14314) [08:01 02:13:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:13:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14314) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:13:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 159, -14315) [08:01 02:13:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 157, -14315) [08:01 02:13:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14312) [08:01 02:13:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14311) [08:01 02:13:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14309) [08:01 02:13:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 160, -14312) [08:01 02:13:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 159, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 159, -14314) [08:01 02:13:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14314) [08:01 02:13:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14315) [08:01 02:13:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:13:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 157, -14321) [08:01 02:13:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14323) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:13:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14324) [DB] Saved 32647 npcs in database (112 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:13:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:13:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:13:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:13:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:13:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 159, -14323) [08:01 02:13:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:13:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:13:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:13:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:13:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:13:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:13:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14322) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:13:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:13:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14316) [08:01 02:13:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:13:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:13:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:13:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14327) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:13:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:13:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:13:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:13:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 159, -14325) [08:01 02:13:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:13:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 157, -14322) [08:01 02:13:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:13:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:13:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:13:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:13:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:13:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14327) [08:01 02:13:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:13:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:13:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:13:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14327) [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:13:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:13:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:13:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:13:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:13:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:13:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:13:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14318) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:13:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:13:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:13:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:13:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14319) [08:01 02:13:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14318) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:14:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 157, -14317) [08:01 02:14:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:14:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:14:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:14:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:14:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:14:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 157, -14319) [08:01 02:14:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:14:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:14:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:14:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 157, -14322) [08:01 02:14:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14320) [08:01 02:14:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:14:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:14:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:14:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14319) [08:01 02:14:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:14:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:14:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:14:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 159, -14322) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14319) [08:01 02:14:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:14:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14319) [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:14:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:14:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:14:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14320) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:14:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:14:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:14:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:14:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:14:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 162, -14320) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:14:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 163, -14318) [08:01 02:14:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 164, -14319) [08:01 02:14:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14318) [08:01 02:14:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 162, -14318) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 162, -14318) [08:01 02:14:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14319) [08:01 02:14:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14320) [08:01 02:14:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 162, -14321) [08:01 02:14:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 163, -14322) [08:01 02:14:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14319) [08:01 02:14:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:14:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14321) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:14:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:14:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14319) [DB] Saved 32656 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:14:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:14:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14319) [08:01 02:14:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:14:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:14:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:14:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14317) [08:01 02:14:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14318) [08:01 02:14:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 159, -14319) [08:01 02:14:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:14:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:14:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:14:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:14:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 159, -14323) [08:01 02:14:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:14:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:14:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:14:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:14:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:14:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:14:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:14:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:14:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:14:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 157, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:14:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14320) [08:01 02:14:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14319) [08:01 02:14:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:14:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:14:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:14:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14320) [08:01 02:15:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14319) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:15:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14319) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:15:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:15:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:15:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:15:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:15:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:15:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14321) [08:01 02:15:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:15:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:15:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14319) [08:01 02:15:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 161, -14320) [08:01 02:15:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:15:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14321) [08:01 02:15:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 160, -14320) [08:01 02:15:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 160, -14318) [08:01 02:15:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:15:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14320) [DB] Saved 11 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:15:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:15:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:15:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14317) [08:01 02:15:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 158, -14318) [08:01 02:15:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14319) [08:01 02:15:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 158, -14320) [08:01 02:15:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14318) [08:01 02:15:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14319) [08:01 02:15:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14320) [08:01 02:15:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:15:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 159, -14321) [08:01 02:15:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 161, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 158, -14322) [08:01 02:15:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 157, -14323) [08:01 02:15:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 158, -14321) [08:01 02:15:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14323) [08:01 02:15:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 157, -14323) [08:01 02:15:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14325) [08:01 02:15:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:15:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14324) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:15:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14324) [08:01 02:15:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 157, -14325) [08:01 02:15:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:15:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14326) [08:01 02:15:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 158, -14327) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:15:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:15:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:15:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 158, -14329) [08:01 02:15:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 158, -14328) [08:01 02:15:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 159, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) CHAT MESSAGE: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [2023-08-01 02:15] Server: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [DB] Saved 32654 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 156, -14308) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:16:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:16:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 154, -14308) [08:01 02:16:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 154, -14307) [08:01 02:16:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:16:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:16:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:16:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:16:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:16:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:16:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:16:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:16:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:16:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14318) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:16:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 157, -14313) [08:01 02:16:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:16:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:16:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:16:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:16:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:16:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:16:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:16:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:16:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14327) [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:16:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 156, -14323) [08:01 02:16:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:16:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 154, -14328) [08:01 02:16:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:16:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:16:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:16:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 156, -14327) [08:01 02:16:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:16:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:16:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:16:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:16:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:16:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 156, -14331) [08:01 02:16:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 157, -14334) [08:01 02:16:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 155, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14333) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:16:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:16:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:16:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:16:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:16:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14327) [08:01 02:16:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 157, -14331) [08:01 02:16:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 156, -14330) [08:01 02:16:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 156, -14326) [08:01 02:16:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:16:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:16:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:16:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:16:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 157, -14325) [08:01 02:16:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 157, -14323) [08:01 02:16:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:16:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:16:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:16:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:16:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:16:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:16:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:16:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:16:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:16:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14312) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:16:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 156, -14314) [08:01 02:16:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:16:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 157, -14313) [08:01 02:16:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:16:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 155, -14308) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:16:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:16:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14310) [08:01 02:16:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14309) [DB] Saved 32643 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:16:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:16:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:16:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:16:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:16:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14311) [08:01 02:16:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:16:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:16:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:16:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:16:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:16:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14317) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:16:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 157, -14313) [08:01 02:16:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 157, -14311) [08:01 02:16:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 156, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:16:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:16:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:16:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:16:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14322) [08:01 02:16:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:16:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:16:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:16:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14324) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:16:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14325) [08:01 02:16:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:16:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14327) [08:01 02:16:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:16:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:16:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:16:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 156, -14331) [08:01 02:16:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:16:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:16:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:16:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 156, -14332) [08:01 02:16:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:16:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 157, -14328) [08:01 02:16:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 157, -14324) [08:01 02:16:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:16:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:16:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:16:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:16:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:16:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:16:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 154, -14315) [08:01 02:16:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:16:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 154, -14313) [08:01 02:16:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14312) [08:01 02:16:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14312) [08:01 02:16:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14310) [DB] Saved 32 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 02:16:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14309) [08:01 02:16:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14308) [08:01 02:16:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14309) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 154, -14311) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:17:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:17:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14314) [08:01 02:17:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:17:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 154, -14314) [08:01 02:17:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 154, -14316) [08:01 02:17:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:17:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:17:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:17:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:17:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:17:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:17:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14312) [08:01 02:17:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14313) [08:01 02:17:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14314) [08:01 02:17:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:17:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:17:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:17:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:17:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14316) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:17:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:17:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:17:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:17:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:17:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:17:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14322) [08:01 02:17:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:17:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:17:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:17:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14323) [08:01 02:17:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:17:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:17:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:17:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14325) [08:01 02:17:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14326) [08:01 02:17:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:17:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14327) [08:01 02:17:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:17:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:17:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:17:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:17:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 157, -14325) [08:01 02:17:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14325) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:17:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:17:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:17:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:17:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:17:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:17:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 156, -14333) [08:01 02:17:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:17:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:17:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 156, -14334) [08:01 02:17:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14333) [08:01 02:17:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:17:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 155, -14335) [08:01 02:17:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:17:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:17:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:17:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:17:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:17:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:17:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:17:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:17:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14327) [08:01 02:17:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 156, -14326) [08:01 02:17:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:17:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:17:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:17:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14324) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:17:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:17:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:17:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:17:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:17:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 156, -14319) [08:01 02:17:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:17:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:17:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:17:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:17:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 157, -14319) [08:01 02:17:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14317) [08:01 02:17:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:17:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14315) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:17:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:17:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 154, -14313) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:17:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:17:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:17:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 154, -14311) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:17:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 157, -14314) [08:01 02:17:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 156, -14313) [08:01 02:17:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14312) [08:01 02:17:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:17:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 154, -14312) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 02:17:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 154, -14311) [08:01 02:17:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:17:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:17:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 154, -14312) [08:01 02:17:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14310) [08:01 02:17:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 151, -14310) [08:01 02:17:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14310) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:17:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:17:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:17:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 148, -14310) [08:01 02:17:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 148, -14310) [08:01 02:17:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:17:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 150, -14311) [08:01 02:17:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:17:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:17:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:17:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:17:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:17:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:18:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14310) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 147, -14311) [08:01 02:18:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:18:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14311) [DB] Saved 26 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:18:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14311) [08:01 02:18:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 151, -14310) [08:01 02:18:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 153, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 154, -14312) [08:01 02:18:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:18:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14311) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 154, -14311) [08:01 02:18:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 155, -14311) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:18:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:18:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:18:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:18:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 154, -14307) [08:01 02:18:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 156, -14309) [08:01 02:18:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:18:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:18:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:18:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14309) [08:01 02:18:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:18:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 156, -14311) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (131 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:18:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14312) [08:01 02:18:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:18:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:18:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14312) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:18:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14314) [08:01 02:18:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 155, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:18:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:18:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:18:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14316) [08:01 02:18:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:18:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:18:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14317) [08:01 02:18:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:18:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:18:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:18:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:18:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:18:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:18:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:18:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:18:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:18:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14324) [08:01 02:18:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14324) [08:01 02:18:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:18:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14326) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:18:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14326) [08:01 02:18:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14327) [08:01 02:18:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:18:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:18:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 156, -14330) [08:01 02:18:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 156, -14330) [08:01 02:18:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14331) [08:01 02:18:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:18:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 156, -14333) [08:01 02:18:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:18:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14335) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14334) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:18:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14333) [08:01 02:18:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14332) [08:01 02:18:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 156, -14331) [08:01 02:18:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 156, -14330) [08:01 02:18:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 156, -14329) [08:01 02:18:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:18:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14327) [08:01 02:18:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:18:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14325) [08:01 02:18:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:18:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:18:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:18:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14321) [08:01 02:18:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14323) [08:01 02:18:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 156, -14324) [08:01 02:18:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14325) [08:01 02:18:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14318) [08:01 02:18:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:18:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 157, -14318) [08:01 02:18:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14316) [08:01 02:18:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:18:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:18:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14312) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:18:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14314) [08:01 02:18:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:18:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:18:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14310) [08:01 02:18:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:18:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:18:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:18:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 157, -14311) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:18:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:18:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14308) [08:01 02:18:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:18:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14307) [08:01 02:18:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 157, -14309) [08:01 02:18:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14309) [08:01 02:18:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 156, -14310) [08:01 02:18:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:18:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:18:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:19:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 156, -14313) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:19:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:19:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14314) [08:01 02:19:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14313) [08:01 02:19:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:19:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:19:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:19:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:19:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:19:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:19:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:19:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:19:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:19:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 156, -14322) [08:01 02:19:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:19:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:19:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 156, -14324) [08:01 02:19:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:19:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:19:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14326) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:19:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:19:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14327) [08:01 02:19:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14327) [08:01 02:19:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 156, -14328) [08:01 02:19:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:19:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:19:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:19:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:19:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14330) [08:01 02:19:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 156, -14332) [08:01 02:19:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:19:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:19:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 156, -14333) [08:01 02:19:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:19:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 155, -14334) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:19:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 155, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:19:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14332) [08:01 02:19:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:19:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:19:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 156, -14329) [08:01 02:19:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:19:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:19:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:19:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:19:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 157, -14330) [08:01 02:19:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:19:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14326) [08:01 02:19:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:19:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 156, -14324) [08:01 02:19:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14325) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:19:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:19:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14326) [08:01 02:19:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14328) [08:01 02:19:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 157, -14326) [08:01 02:19:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14329) [08:01 02:19:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14330) [08:01 02:19:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14331) [08:01 02:19:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 154, -14329) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:19:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 156, -14332) [08:01 02:19:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14332) [08:01 02:19:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:19:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14333) [08:01 02:19:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:19:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 154, -14334) [08:01 02:19:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14334) [08:01 02:19:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14334) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:19:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14324) [08:01 02:19:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:19:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14323) [08:01 02:19:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14322) [08:01 02:19:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:19:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14321) [08:01 02:19:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:19:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14322) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:19:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14320) [08:01 02:19:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14319) [08:01 02:19:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 157, -14322) [08:01 02:19:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:19:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 157, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:19:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14318) [08:01 02:19:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 154, -14318) [08:01 02:19:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14317) [DB] Saved 32660 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:19:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14317) [08:01 02:19:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:19:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:19:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:19:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14315) [08:01 02:19:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 154, -14314) [08:01 02:19:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 154, -14313) [08:01 02:19:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:19:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 154, -14315) [08:01 02:19:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:19:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:19:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:19:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:19:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14313) [08:01 02:19:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14316) [08:01 02:19:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:19:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 155, -14313) [08:01 02:19:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 156, -14313) [08:01 02:19:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 156, -14313) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (10 ms) [08:01 02:19:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:19:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 156, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:19:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:19:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14312) [08:01 02:19:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 155, -14311) [08:01 02:19:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 154, -14310) [08:01 02:19:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 154, -14309) [08:01 02:19:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 154, -14308) [08:01 02:19:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:19:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 154, -14311) [08:01 02:19:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:19:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14310) [08:01 02:19:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:19:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14309) [08:01 02:19:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:19:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14311) [08:01 02:19:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 154, -14310) [08:01 02:19:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14309) [08:01 02:19:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14308) [08:01 02:19:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 154, -14308) [08:01 02:19:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 154, -14308) [08:01 02:19:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 154, -14307) [08:01 02:19:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 154, -14307) [08:01 02:19:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 155, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 156, -14308) [08:01 02:20:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14307) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 153, -14308) [08:01 02:20:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:20:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 151, -14308) [08:01 02:20:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14307) [08:01 02:20:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 153, -14309) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:20:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 152, -14310) [08:01 02:20:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:20:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:20:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:20:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 151, -14314) [08:01 02:20:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:20:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14314) [08:01 02:20:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:20:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:20:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:20:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:20:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:20:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:20:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14320) [08:01 02:20:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:20:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:20:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:20:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:20:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:20:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:20:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:20:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:20:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:20:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:20:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:20:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 152, -14333) [DB] Saved 14 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:20:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:20:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 153, -14332) [08:01 02:20:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 153, -14330) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:20:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:20:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14333) [08:01 02:20:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:20:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 152, -14335) [08:01 02:20:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14333) [08:01 02:20:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14332) [08:01 02:20:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:20:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14331) [08:01 02:20:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14330) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:20:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:20:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14329) [08:01 02:20:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14329) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14328) [08:01 02:20:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14328) [08:01 02:20:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14327) [08:01 02:20:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14327) [08:01 02:20:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:20:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14325) [08:01 02:20:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:20:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:20:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:20:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:20:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:20:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14323) [08:01 02:20:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14322) [08:01 02:20:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14322) [08:01 02:20:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14321) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:20:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14321) [08:01 02:20:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:20:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14321) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:20:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:20:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:20:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:20:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:20:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14317) [08:01 02:20:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14316) [08:01 02:20:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:20:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:20:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14315) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 152, -14314) [08:01 02:20:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:20:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:20:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:20:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 153, -14312) [08:01 02:20:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:20:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:20:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:20:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:20:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 151, -14314) [DB] Saved 32660 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:20:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:20:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:20:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:20:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:20:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 153, -14308) [08:01 02:20:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:20:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:20:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:20:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:20:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14309) [08:01 02:20:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14311) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:20:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:20:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14308) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:20:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:20:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:20:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:20:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:20:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:20:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14314) [08:01 02:20:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 151, -14312) [08:01 02:21:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:21:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:21:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14313) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:21:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:21:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14311) [08:01 02:21:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14312) [08:01 02:21:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:21:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14313) [08:01 02:21:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 148, -14312) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:21:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:21:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 148, -14311) [08:01 02:21:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 151, -14316) [08:01 02:21:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:21:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:21:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:21:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:21:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:21:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 153, -14315) [DB] Saved 19 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:21:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:21:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:21:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:21:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14310) [08:01 02:21:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 153, -14309) [08:01 02:21:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:21:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14307) [08:01 02:21:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 151, -14307) [08:01 02:21:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14309) [08:01 02:21:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14309) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:21:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14308) [08:01 02:21:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14308) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:21:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14309) [08:01 02:21:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14308) [08:01 02:21:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 151, -14307) [08:01 02:21:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 152, -14307) [08:01 02:21:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 151, -14309) [08:01 02:21:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 151, -14310) [08:01 02:21:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 151, -14308) [08:01 02:21:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 151, -14307) [08:01 02:21:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14308) [08:01 02:21:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14307) [08:01 02:21:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:21:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 151, -14312) [08:01 02:21:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:21:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:21:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14313) [08:01 02:21:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14314) [08:01 02:21:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 149, -14315) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:21:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:21:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14314) [08:01 02:21:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:21:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:21:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:21:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:21:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:21:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:21:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 152, -14320) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:21:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14320) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:21:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:21:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 153, -14316) [08:01 02:21:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:21:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14320) [DB] Saved 32651 npcs in database (115 ms) [08:01 02:21:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:21:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:21:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:21:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:21:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:21:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:21:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:21:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14325) [08:01 02:21:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:21:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:21:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:21:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:21:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:21:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:21:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14328) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:21:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:21:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 153, -14330) [08:01 02:21:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:21:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14329) [08:01 02:21:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 153, -14330) [08:01 02:21:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 154, -14327) [08:01 02:21:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:21:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 152, -14333) [08:01 02:21:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14333) [08:01 02:21:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 152, -14333) [08:01 02:21:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 151, -14334) [08:01 02:21:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 153, -14333) [08:01 02:21:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14333) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:21:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14333) [08:01 02:21:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14334) [08:01 02:21:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:21:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 152, -14334) [08:01 02:21:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14333) [08:01 02:21:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 153, -14332) [08:01 02:21:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14331) [08:01 02:21:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 153, -14329) [08:01 02:21:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:21:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:21:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 154, -14332) [08:01 02:21:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14332) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:21:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:21:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:21:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 154, -14332) [08:01 02:21:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 154, -14332) [08:01 02:21:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14332) [08:01 02:22:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14332) [08:01 02:22:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14331) [08:01 02:22:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 153, -14330) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:22:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14328) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:22:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:22:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:22:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:22:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 153, -14325) [08:01 02:22:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:22:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:22:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:22:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:22:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14320) [08:01 02:22:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:22:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:22:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:22:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:22:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:22:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 151, -14314) [08:01 02:22:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:22:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:22:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 151, -14316) [08:01 02:22:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:22:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:22:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 151, -14313) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:22:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:22:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 151, -14316) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14316) [08:01 02:22:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:22:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:22:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:22:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:22:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14320) [08:01 02:22:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:22:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:22:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 151, -14323) [08:01 02:22:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14324) [08:01 02:22:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:22:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:22:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14326) [08:01 02:22:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14328) [08:01 02:22:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:22:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:22:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14330) [08:01 02:22:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14329) [08:01 02:22:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14328) [DB] Saved 13 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:22:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 154, -14327) [08:01 02:22:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 154, -14330) [08:01 02:22:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 154, -14328) [08:01 02:22:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:22:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14325) [08:01 02:22:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14324) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 154, -14324) [08:01 02:22:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14322) [08:01 02:22:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14323) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 154, -14322) [08:01 02:22:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 154, -14321) [08:01 02:22:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:22:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14318) [08:01 02:22:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 153, -14317) [08:01 02:22:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14316) [08:01 02:22:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:22:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:22:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14314) [08:01 02:22:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:22:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:22:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 153, -14314) [08:01 02:22:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14315) [08:01 02:22:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:22:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 153, -14318) [08:01 02:22:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:22:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14320) [08:01 02:22:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:22:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 151, -14320) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:22:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 151, -14321) [08:01 02:22:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:22:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 149, -14321) [08:01 02:22:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 149, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 148, -14319) [08:01 02:22:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 148, -14321) [08:01 02:22:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 151, -14322) [08:01 02:22:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14321) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:22:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:22:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:22:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:22:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:22:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14320) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:22:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14321) [08:01 02:22:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:22:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:22:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:22:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:22:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:22:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:22:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14330) [DB] Saved 32661 npcs in database (132 ms) [08:01 02:22:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14330) [08:01 02:22:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14329) [08:01 02:22:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 153, -14330) [08:01 02:22:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14329) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:22:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:22:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:22:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14328) [08:01 02:22:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:22:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14331) [08:01 02:22:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14329) [08:01 02:22:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14328) [08:01 02:22:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14327) [08:01 02:22:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:22:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:22:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:22:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:22:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:22:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14326) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:22:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 154, -14330) [08:01 02:22:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 153, -14331) [08:01 02:22:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14327) [08:01 02:22:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14327) [08:01 02:22:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 154, -14328) [08:01 02:22:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 154, -14328) [08:01 02:22:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 154, -14327) [08:01 02:22:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14326) [08:01 02:22:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14326) [08:01 02:22:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:22:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:22:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 153, -14323) [08:01 02:22:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 153, -14322) [08:01 02:22:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 152, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:22:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14320) [08:01 02:22:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:22:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:22:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 154, -14319) [08:01 02:22:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 154, -14321) [08:01 02:23:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 153, -14322) [08:01 02:23:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 153, -14323) [08:01 02:23:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:23:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14325) [08:01 02:23:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14325) [08:01 02:23:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14324) [08:01 02:23:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14323) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:23:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14323) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:23:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:23:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14324) [08:01 02:23:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:23:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14323) [08:01 02:23:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:23:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14322) [08:01 02:23:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:23:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14321) [DB] Saved 21 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:23:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 153, -14321) [08:01 02:23:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14320) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:23:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14321) [08:01 02:23:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14321) [08:01 02:23:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14320) [08:01 02:23:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 153, -14319) [08:01 02:23:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14323) [08:01 02:23:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:23:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:23:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14319) [08:01 02:23:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14318) [08:01 02:23:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 152, -14317) [08:01 02:23:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:23:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:23:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:23:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:23:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 154, -14318) [08:01 02:23:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 153, -14315) [08:01 02:23:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:23:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:23:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 152, -14314) [08:01 02:23:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 151, -14313) [08:01 02:23:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:23:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 151, -14315) [08:01 02:23:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 150, -14314) [08:01 02:23:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14313) [08:01 02:23:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 152, -14314) [08:01 02:23:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 152, -14312) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:23:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 152, -14312) [08:01 02:23:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:23:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 151, -14310) [08:01 02:23:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 151, -14311) [08:01 02:23:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 151, -14312) [08:01 02:23:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:23:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14313) [08:01 02:23:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:23:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14311) [08:01 02:23:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:23:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14311) [08:01 02:23:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14313) [08:01 02:23:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 152, -14316) [08:01 02:23:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 152, -14315) [08:01 02:23:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 153, -14316) [08:01 02:23:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 153, -14316) [08:01 02:23:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14309) [08:01 02:23:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:23:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14308) [DB] Saved 32650 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:23:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:23:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14309) [08:01 02:23:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:23:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:23:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14312) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:23:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14313) [08:01 02:23:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14314) [08:01 02:23:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:23:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14316) [08:01 02:23:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14314) [08:01 02:23:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1153, 150, -14315) [08:01 02:23:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:23:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:23:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:23:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:23:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14320) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:23:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14321) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:23:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14318) [08:01 02:23:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14322) [08:01 02:23:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14323) [08:01 02:23:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:23:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14325) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:23:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14326) [08:01 02:23:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14324) [08:01 02:23:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:23:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14327) [08:01 02:23:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14328) [08:01 02:23:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14329) [08:01 02:23:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14330) [08:01 02:23:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14331) [08:01 02:23:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14332) [08:01 02:23:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:23:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:23:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:23:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:23:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 151, -14332) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:23:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:23:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:23:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:23:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:23:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:23:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:23:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14331) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:23:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14331) [08:01 02:23:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:23:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:23:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:23:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14329) [08:01 02:23:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14328) [08:01 02:23:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:23:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:23:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:23:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14326) [08:01 02:23:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:23:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:23:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14325) [08:01 02:24:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:24:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:24:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:24:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:24:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14323) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 151, -14321) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:24:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:24:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:24:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:24:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:24:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:24:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14320) [08:01 02:24:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14322) [08:01 02:24:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:24:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14326) [08:01 02:24:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 148, -14327) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 151, -14325) [08:01 02:24:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 151, -14333) [08:01 02:24:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:24:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:24:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:24:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:24:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:24:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:24:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14317) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:24:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:24:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:24:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:24:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:24:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14312) [08:01 02:24:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 148, -14313) [08:01 02:24:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:24:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:24:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:24:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:24:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14308) [08:01 02:24:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 149, -14308) [08:01 02:24:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14307) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:24:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 151, -14310) [08:01 02:24:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 148, -14307) [08:01 02:24:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14308) [08:01 02:24:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:24:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14310) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:24:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:24:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 151, -14317) [08:01 02:24:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14317) [08:01 02:24:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:24:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:24:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:24:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:24:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14321) [08:01 02:24:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14322) [08:01 02:24:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:24:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14325) [08:01 02:24:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14326) [08:01 02:24:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14329) [08:01 02:24:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:24:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:24:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:24:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 149, -14332) [08:01 02:24:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14331) [08:01 02:24:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14329) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:24:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 151, -14329) [08:01 02:24:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:24:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 151, -14327) [08:01 02:24:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 150, -14324) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:24:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 151, -14323) [08:01 02:24:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 151, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 150, -14316) [08:01 02:24:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14321) [08:01 02:24:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14319) [08:01 02:24:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:24:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:24:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:24:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14314) [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (133 ms) [08:01 02:24:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 148, -14313) [08:01 02:24:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 148, -14312) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:24:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:24:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:24:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:24:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:24:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 150, -14308) [08:01 02:24:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 150, -14309) [08:01 02:24:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:24:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:24:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14310) [08:01 02:24:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:24:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14313) [08:01 02:24:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14314) [08:01 02:24:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14315) [08:01 02:24:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:24:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:24:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:24:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14317) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14318) [08:01 02:24:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:24:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14319) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:24:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14319) [08:01 02:24:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:24:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14320) [08:01 02:24:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:24:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:24:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14321) [08:01 02:24:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:24:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:24:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14323) [08:01 02:24:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14323) [08:01 02:24:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:24:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:24:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14325) [08:01 02:24:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14326) [08:01 02:24:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 150, -14326) [08:01 02:24:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14326) [08:01 02:24:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:24:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14327) [08:01 02:24:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:24:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14329) [08:01 02:24:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 149, -14327) [08:01 02:24:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:24:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 148, -14323) [08:01 02:24:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14330) [08:01 02:24:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14330) [08:01 02:24:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14328) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:24:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 151, -14330) [08:01 02:24:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:24:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:24:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:24:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:24:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:24:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 149, -14334) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:25:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:25:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14333) [DB] Saved 40 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:25:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:25:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14332) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:25:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14331) [08:01 02:25:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14329) [08:01 02:25:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14328) [08:01 02:25:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14326) [08:01 02:25:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14326) [08:01 02:25:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:25:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:25:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:25:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14322) [08:01 02:25:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:25:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14320) [08:01 02:25:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14319) [08:01 02:25:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14318) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:25:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14318) [08:01 02:25:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 150, -14315) [08:01 02:25:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:25:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:25:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14314) [08:01 02:25:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 148, -14314) [08:01 02:25:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14312) [08:01 02:25:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14312) [08:01 02:25:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 149, -14311) [08:01 02:25:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:25:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14308) [08:01 02:25:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14308) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:25:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14309) [08:01 02:25:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:25:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14308) [08:01 02:25:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 149, -14306) [08:01 02:25:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14308) [08:01 02:25:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14308) [08:01 02:25:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14308) [08:01 02:25:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 149, -14308) [08:01 02:25:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 149, -14307) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:25:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 149, -14307) [08:01 02:25:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14309) [08:01 02:25:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 149, -14309) [08:01 02:25:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14310) [08:01 02:25:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14309) [08:01 02:25:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:25:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14310) [08:01 02:25:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14310) [08:01 02:25:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14310) [08:01 02:25:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14310) [08:01 02:25:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14311) [08:01 02:25:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14312) [DB] Saved 13 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:25:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14312) [08:01 02:25:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14313) [08:01 02:25:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14314) [08:01 02:25:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:25:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 151, -14313) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:25:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:25:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14315) [08:01 02:25:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14316) [08:01 02:25:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14317) [08:01 02:25:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 149, -14317) [08:01 02:25:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14318) [08:01 02:25:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14319) [08:01 02:25:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14320) [08:01 02:25:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:25:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14322) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:25:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:25:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:25:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 151, -14325) [08:01 02:25:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 149, -14326) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:25:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 149, -14327) [08:01 02:25:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14328) [08:01 02:25:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 151, -14331) [08:01 02:25:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:25:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:25:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:25:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 149, -14330) [08:01 02:25:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 150, -14329) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:25:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 151, -14328) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:25:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:25:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 149, -14331) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:25:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:25:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:25:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14326) [08:01 02:25:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14324) [08:01 02:25:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 149, -14323) [08:01 02:25:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:25:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:25:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:25:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:25:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:25:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14332) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 02:25:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:25:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 149, -14334) [08:01 02:25:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:25:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:25:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:25:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:25:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:25:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:25:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:25:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:25:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:25:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14326) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:25:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:25:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14328) [08:01 02:25:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 151, -14329) [08:01 02:25:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14331) [08:01 02:25:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14333) [08:01 02:25:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 149, -14333) [08:01 02:25:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14332) [08:01 02:25:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14329) [08:01 02:25:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14330) [08:01 02:25:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14327) [08:01 02:25:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 151, -14326) [08:01 02:25:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14325) [08:01 02:25:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14324) [08:01 02:25:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14323) [08:01 02:25:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14322) [08:01 02:25:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:25:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14320) [08:01 02:25:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14321) [08:01 02:25:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14318) [08:01 02:26:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 150, -14319) [08:01 02:26:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 150, -14318) [08:01 02:26:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 150, -14317) [08:01 02:26:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 150, -14316) [08:01 02:26:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14317) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:26:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 150, -14313) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 150, -14312) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 149, -14316) [08:01 02:26:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 148, -14316) [08:01 02:26:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 147, -14315) [08:01 02:26:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 146, -14314) [DB] Saved 33 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:26:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 145, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 148, -14308) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:26:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 148, -14307) [08:01 02:26:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 147, -14307) [08:01 02:26:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 147, -14308) [08:01 02:26:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 148, -14310) [08:01 02:26:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14311) [08:01 02:26:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14312) [08:01 02:26:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14314) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14315) [08:01 02:26:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14316) [08:01 02:26:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14317) [08:01 02:26:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14318) [08:01 02:26:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14320) [08:01 02:26:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14321) [08:01 02:26:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14322) [08:01 02:26:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14324) [08:01 02:26:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14325) [08:01 02:26:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14326) [08:01 02:26:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14327) [08:01 02:26:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14328) [08:01 02:26:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14329) [08:01 02:26:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 147, -14331) [08:01 02:26:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:26:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 146, -14333) [08:01 02:26:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 145, -14334) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32650 npcs in database (133 ms) [08:01 02:26:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 147, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 147, -14333) [08:01 02:26:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 147, -14333) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:26:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:26:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:26:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:26:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:26:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 148, -14334) [08:01 02:26:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 147, -14334) [08:01 02:26:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 146, -14334) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:26:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 146, -14334) [08:01 02:26:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 145, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 145, -14334) [08:01 02:26:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:26:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:26:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 143, -14334) [08:01 02:26:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 143, -14334) [08:01 02:26:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 142, -14333) [08:01 02:26:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 143, -14333) [08:01 02:26:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 143, -14333) [08:01 02:26:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 143, -14333) [08:01 02:26:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 143, -14333) [DB] Saved 16 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:26:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 142, -14334) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:26:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 142, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:26:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:26:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 142, -14334) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:27:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 142, -14334) [08:01 02:27:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 144, -14334) [08:01 02:27:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 144, -14333) [08:01 02:27:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 144, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:27:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 144, -14333) [08:01 02:27:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 144, -14333) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:27:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 142, -14333) [08:01 02:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 141, -14333) [08:01 02:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 140, -14333) [08:01 02:27:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 139, -14333) [08:01 02:27:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 141, -14333) [08:01 02:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 140, -14333) [08:01 02:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 140, -14333) [08:01 02:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 140, -14333) [08:01 02:27:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 139, -14333) [DB] Saved 35 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:27:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 139, -14333) [08:01 02:27:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 138, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:27:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 138, -14333) [08:01 02:27:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 138, -14333) [08:01 02:27:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 138, -14333) [08:01 02:27:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 138, -14334) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:27:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 139, -14334) [08:01 02:27:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 138, -14334) [08:01 02:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 138, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 140, -14334) [08:01 02:27:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 139, -14334) SERVER: Updated 8 growing plants! [08:01 02:27:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 137, -14334) [08:01 02:27:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 135, -14334) [08:01 02:27:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 137, -14334) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:27:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 135, -14334) [08:01 02:27:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 136, -14334) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:27:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 135, -14334) [08:01 02:27:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 136, -14334) [DB] Saved 32646 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:27:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 136, -14334) [08:01 02:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 136, -14333) [08:01 02:27:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 135, -14333) [08:01 02:27:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 134, -14333) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:27:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 134, -14333) [08:01 02:27:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 133, -14333) [08:01 02:27:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:27:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 133, -14333) [08:01 02:27:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 133, -14333) [08:01 02:27:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 133, -14333) [08:01 02:27:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 133, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:27:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 133, -14333) [08:01 02:27:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 132, -14333) [08:01 02:27:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:27:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:27:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:27:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:27:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:27:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:27:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:27:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:27:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:27:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:27:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:27:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:28:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:28:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 133, -14334) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 133, -14334) Delete growing plant 17829465 (550) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 133, -14334) [08:01 02:28:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 134, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:28:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 133, -14334) [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:28:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 132, -14334) [08:01 02:28:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 131, -14334) [08:01 02:28:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 134, -14334) [08:01 02:28:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 130, -14333) [08:01 02:28:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 131, -14333) [08:01 02:28:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 131, -14334) [08:01 02:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 131, -14334) [08:01 02:28:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 131, -14334) [08:01 02:28:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 129, -14334) [08:01 02:28:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 129, -14334) [08:01 02:28:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 131, -14334) [08:01 02:28:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 130, -14333) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:28:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 130, -14334) [08:01 02:28:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 131, -14333) [08:01 02:28:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 129, -14334) [08:01 02:28:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 129, -14334) [08:01 02:28:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 129, -14333) [08:01 02:28:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 129, -14333) [08:01 02:28:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 129, -14333) [08:01 02:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 128, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:28:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 128, -14333) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:28:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 129, -14334) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 7 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 11 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:28:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 129, -14334) [08:01 02:28:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14334) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:28:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:28:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:28:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 128, -14334) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:28:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1158, 127, -14335) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:28:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 128, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:28:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:28:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 128, -14335) [08:01 02:28:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1161, 127, -14334) [08:01 02:28:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:28:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (143 ms) [08:01 02:28:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 128, -14334) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:28:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1166, 127, -14334) [08:01 02:28:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:28:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:29:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1176, 127, -14334) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:29:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1178, 127, -14335) [08:01 02:29:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 128, -14334) [08:01 02:29:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 128, -14336) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:29:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 128, -14336) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:29:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1182, 127, -14335) [08:01 02:29:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 128, -14336) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 3 connect ( [02:29:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CONNECTED ( [02:29:21] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [02:29:21] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (CptBerzerko, 76561198041368231, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 02:29:21:515 - 76561198041368231 CptBerzerko [20, 0, 0, 0, 156, 204, 105, 17, 68, 175, 133, 113, 167, 134, 213, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 193, 65, 200, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 182, 98, 227, 168, 85, 22, 115, 224, 253, 18, 231, 25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 167, 134, 213, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 201, 248, 77, 209, 84, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 176, 193, 100, 217, 95, 221, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 243, 78, 55, 87, 239, 198, 110, 232, 40, 41, 1, 94, 212, 108, 151, 27, 111, 247, 155, 226, 242, 72, 209, 71, 230, 87, 143, 10, 204, 206, 48, 228, 3, 117, 65, 228, 205, 166, 147, 120, 33, 190, 27, 36, 136, 236, 214, 252, 79, 65, 92, 37, 201, 154, 239, 48, 17, 218, 154, 138, 160, 140, 236, 65, 194, 178, 158, 242, 102, 115, 104, 128, 249, 79, 82, 213, 123, 209, 24, 101, 56, 214, 252, 0, 147, 156, 137, 8, 51, 49, 38, 175, 195, 116, 12, 255, 172, 139, 144, 21, 22, 18, 70, 104, 94, 49, 126, 55, 110, 216, 17, 20, 27, 85, 205, 182, 100, 84, 221, 136, 24, 42, 33, 178, 246, 228, 217] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198041368231): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [02:29:21] Client 3 (76561198041368231) fully authenticated! 02:29:21:658 - PLAYER CONNECT: CptBerzerko (ID: 3) DB: Player 76561198041368231 exists in database Inventory for player 301 exists! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 3 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 3 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png SERVER: Send init spawn packet 32685 -> serialized 32685 npcs (32685) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198041368231) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK [08:01 02:29:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 128, -14336) [08:01 02:29:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 128, -14334) Load sector from db (0, 0) WorldPart (9, 3) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (7, 3) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (9, 2) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (8, 3) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (7, 4) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (6, 3) generated (38 ms) WorldPart (6, 2) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (24 ms) [08:01 02:29:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14333) [08:01 02:29:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14332) [08:01 02:29:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:29:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14329) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:29:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14329) [08:01 02:29:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14330) [08:01 02:29:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14327) [DB] Saved 23 npcs in database (11 ms) [08:01 02:29:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14327) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:29:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14325) [08:01 02:29:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14324) API: Loading multi-platform asset bundle (bytes: 499495, version: 1, os: 1, pos: 36, len: 175497)... [08:01 02:29:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14323) [08:01 02:29:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 128, -14322) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:29:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14321) [08:01 02:29:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1184, 128, -14319) [08:01 02:29:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14318) Player CptBerzerko (3) spawned at (4039.61, 256.01, 1452.67)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO CptBerzerko: Hello CptBerzerko, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 4 players online! [08:01 02:29:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14319) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:29:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14320) [08:01 02:29:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14317) [08:01 02:29:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14316) [08:01 02:29:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14314) [08:01 02:29:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14315) [08:01 02:29:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14313) [08:01 02:29:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14312) [08:01 02:29:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14311) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:29:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14310) [08:01 02:29:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14309) [08:01 02:29:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14308) [08:01 02:29:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14306) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 32663 npcs in database (121 ms) [08:01 02:30:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -38 2 -448 (-1185, 128, -14305) [08:01 02:30:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1184, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1183, 128, -14306) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:30:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 129, -14306) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:30:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 128, -14307) [08:01 02:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1182, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1180, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1177, 128, -14304) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:30:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1178, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1175, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1176, 127, -14306) [08:01 02:30:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 128, -14306) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:30:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1172, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1173, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1170, 128, -14304) WorldPart (6, 1) generated (18 ms) [08:01 02:30:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1167, 128, -14304) [DB] Saved 41 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:30:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1168, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 128, -14306) [08:01 02:30:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 128, -14306) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:30:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1164, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1165, 127, -14304) [08:01 02:30:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1162, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1160, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1158, 128, -14304) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:30:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1156, 128, -14304) [08:01 02:30:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -447 (-1154, 128, -14304) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (21 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (10 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 02:30:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1165, 126, -14304) [08:01 02:30:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1164, 127, -14305) [08:01 02:30:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1161, 127, -14304) Load sector from db (0, -2) [08:01 02:30:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1164, 127, -14304) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) [08:01 02:30:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1165, 126, -14304) [DB] Saved 43 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:30:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1165, 127, -14304) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (24 ms) [08:01 02:30:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -447 (-1165, 127, -14303) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:30:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1167, 126, -14305) [08:01 02:30:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1167, 126, -14305) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) WorldPart (9, 2) generated (24 ms) [08:01 02:30:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1166, 127, -14305) [08:01 02:30:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 128, -14305) [08:01 02:30:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 128, -14305) [08:01 02:30:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 128, -14305) [08:01 02:30:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 128, -14305) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (132 ms) [2023-08-01 02:31] OniFogu: hi [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 6 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest1 (16632316) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest1 (16632316) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [2023-08-01 02:31] =THS=Tritonb: Hello Object chest1 (16632315) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest1 (16632315) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 02:31:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 148, -14307) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:31:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 149, -14332) [08:01 02:31:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 148, -14332) [08:01 02:31:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 148, -14332) [08:01 02:31:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 148, -14332) [08:01 02:31:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 149, -14332) [08:01 02:31:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 148, -14332) [08:01 02:31:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 147, -14332) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) CHAT MESSAGE: Player =THS=Tritonb died... [2023-08-01 02:31] Server: Player =THS=Tritonb died... [08:01 02:31:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 149, -14331) [08:01 02:31:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 148, -14331) [08:01 02:31:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 148, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:31:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 147, -14331) [08:01 02:31:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 146, -14331) [08:01 02:31:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 146, -14332) [08:01 02:31:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 145, -14332) [DB] Saved 32651 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:31:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 144, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:31:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 145, -14331) [08:01 02:31:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 145, -14332) [08:01 02:31:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 144, -14332) [08:01 02:31:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 144, -14331) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:32:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 144, -14331) [08:01 02:32:04] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 145, -14331) [08:01 02:32:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 143, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:32:06] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 143, -14331) [08:01 02:32:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 142, -14330) [08:01 02:32:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 141, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:32:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 142, -14331) WorldPart (8, 3) generated (26 ms) [08:01 02:32:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 142, -14331) WorldPart (9, 3) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (30 ms) [08:01 02:32:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 142, -14331) [08:01 02:32:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:16] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 142, -14332) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:32:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 142, -14332) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:32:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 142, -14332) [08:01 02:32:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 141, -14332) [08:01 02:32:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 140, -14331) [08:01 02:32:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 140, -14331) [08:01 02:32:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 140, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:32:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 140, -14332) [08:01 02:32:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 139, -14332) [08:01 02:32:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 139, -14332) [08:01 02:32:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 139, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:32:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 139, -14331) [08:01 02:32:29] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 139, -14331) [08:01 02:32:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:30] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 137, -14331) [08:01 02:32:31] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 137, -14331) [08:01 02:32:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 138, -14331) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:32:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:34] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 138, -14331) [08:01 02:32:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 138, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:32:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 138, -14332) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (23 ms) [08:01 02:32:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 138, -14332) [08:01 02:32:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 137, -14332) [08:01 02:32:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 137, -14332) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:32:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:45] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 136, -14332) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:32:48] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 136, -14332) [08:01 02:32:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 136, -14331) [08:01 02:32:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 135, -14331) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:32:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 135, -14331) [08:01 02:32:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:53] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:54] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 134, -14331) [08:01 02:32:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:58] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:32:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:00] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 134, -14332) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:33:01] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:02] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 134, -14332) [08:01 02:33:03] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 133, -14331) [DB] Saved 32647 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 02:33:05] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1182, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:07] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:08] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:09] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 131, -14332) [08:01 02:33:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:10] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:11] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 132, -14332) [08:01 02:33:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 132, -14332) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:12] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:13] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 132, -14331) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:33:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 132, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:33:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:14] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 132, -14331) [08:01 02:33:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:15] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:17] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1157, 131, -14331) [08:01 02:33:18] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1159, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:19] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:20] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1163, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1165, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:21] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1167, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1169, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:22] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1171, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 130, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:23] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1173, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1175, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:24] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1177, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:25] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1179, 130, -14331) [08:01 02:33:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:26] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1181, 129, -14331) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 02:33:27] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1180, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:28] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1180, 127, -14332) [08:01 02:33:32] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1178, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:33] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1176, 128, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1174, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:35] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:36] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1172, 128, -14332) [08:01 02:33:37] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:38] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 128, -14332) [08:01 02:33:39] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1170, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:40] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 129, -14331) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:41] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1168, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:42] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1168, 127, -14332) [08:01 02:33:43] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1166, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:44] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1164, 128, -14331) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:46] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1163, 127, -14332) [08:01 02:33:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1161, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:47] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1162, 128, -14330) [08:01 02:33:49] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1160, 128, -14331) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:33:49] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.35, 195.71, -11694.43) [08:01 02:33:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1158, 128, -14331) [DB] Saved 32650 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 02:33:50] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:51] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 129, -14331) [08:01 02:33:52] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1154, 128, -14331) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:33:55] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1155, 128, -14332) [08:01 02:33:56] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1154, 127, -14332) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:33:57] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 2 -448 (-1156, 128, -14331) [08:01 02:33:59] DestroyTerrain: OniFogu (DbID: 708, UID: 76561198016547959 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 708) @ chunk -37 1 -448 (-1157, 127, -14333) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (8 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 51 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:34:25] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992548(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7039.3, 195.7, -11697.69) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 17992548) [WARNING] [02:34:25] CREATE NEW FURNACE 17992548 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 39 npcs in database (4 ms) Object chest2 (17991357) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17991357) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 0 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:34:59] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7041.9, 195.71, -11693.16) [DB] Saved 32663 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (2 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-3, -28) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-4, -26) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (-5, -27) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-5, -28) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-4, -31) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (-4, -30) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-5, -30) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-3, -29) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (-5, -29) generated (16 ms) WorldPart (-5, -26) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! WorldPart (-5, -31) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (-6, -28) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (-6, -29) generated (5 ms) Spawn npc bull at (-1458.00, 138.28, -14194.00) Spawn npc cow at (-1451.00, 140.38, -14194.00) Spawn npc cow at (-1451.00, 135.75, -14208.00) Spawn npc bull at (-1458.00, 139.22, -14180.00) [DB] Saved 62 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:35:26] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992561(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7040.44, 195.7, -11693.42) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 17992561) [WARNING] [02:35:26] CREATE NEW FURNACE 17992561 (220|3|-366) Load sector from db (0, 0) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (8, 1) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (6, 1) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (-2, -26) generated (7 ms) [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (-1, -26) generated (6 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 4 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 2 disconnected ( [02:35:58] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [02:35:58] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [02:35:58] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198016547959, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198016547959 [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17992538) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992531) from meta object 13615777 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992532) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992533) from meta object 13615777 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992534) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992535) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992536) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992537) from meta object 13615777 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32619 npcs in database (131 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (7, 2) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (6, 1) generated (18 ms) WorldPart (6, 3) generated (36 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! WorldPart (7, 3) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (6, 2) generated (35 ms) [DB] Saved 55 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (42) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 72 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 WorldPart (7, 4) generated (37 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32627 npcs in database (114 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 56 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:38:30] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.05, 195.71, -11692.65) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:38:40] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992689(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.53, 197.72, -11692.19) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element anvil (ID: 17992689) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (132 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:38:53] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7044.71, 195.71, -11692.53) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 58 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 29 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32623 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992549) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992556) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992555) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992554) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992553) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992552) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992551) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992550) from meta object 17992548 DISPOSE SECTOR 0 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 28 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32617 npcs in database (132 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992562) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992569) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992568) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992567) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992566) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992565) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992564) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992563) from meta object 17992561 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 0 -> 1 Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) CHAT MESSAGE: Player CptBerzerko died... [2023-08-01 02:41] Server: Player CptBerzerko died... [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32626 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 12 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992577) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992570) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992571) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992576) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992575) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992574) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992573) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992572) from meta object 13615777 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 58 npcs in database (4 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:42:56] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.31, 195.71, -11693.09) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32624 npcs in database (135 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:43:12] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.31, 195.71, -11693.09) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 25 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:43:39] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992715(type: 32, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7034.04, 195.7, -11706.99) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element furnacebig (ID: 17992715) [WARNING] [02:43:39] CREATE NEW FURNACE 17992715 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 2 [DB] Saved 52 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 2 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32623 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 50 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 20 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32640 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [ENET SERVER] Client 3 disconnected ( [02:45:36] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Connected -> Disconnected) [02:45:36] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE (Disconnected -> Disconnected) [02:45:36] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 3 DISCONNECTED Server end player auth (76561198041368231, Steam) END STEAM AUTH: 76561198041368231 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) Processing object 17992548 ran out of fuel... Object primitivefurnace (17992548) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17992697) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992690) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992691) from meta object 17992548 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992696) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992695) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992694) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992693) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironingot (17992692) from meta object 17992548 [DB] Saved 24 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironore (17992776) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992777) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992778) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992780) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992779) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992781) from meta object 17992548 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironore (17992782) from meta object 17992548 Remove item ironore (17992783) from meta object 17992548 [DB] Saved 32656 npcs in database (113 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 1 -> 0 Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 0 -> 1 Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992705) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992704) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992703) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992702) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992701) from meta object 17992561 Remove item ironingot (17992700) from meta object 17992561 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 0 -> 1 Remove item ironingot (17992698) from meta object 17992561 Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 17 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992699) from meta object 17992561 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32654 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (13615777) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 22 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992707) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992708) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992709) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992710) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992711) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992712) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992713) from meta object 13615777 Remove item ironingot (17992714) from meta object 13615777 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 30 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:48:30] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.35, 195.71, -11694.25) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32642 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:49:01] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.47, 195.71, -11693.63) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:49:03] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.47, 195.71, -11693.63) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 37 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:49:29] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992784(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7032.65, 195.7, -11711.53) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element chest2 (ID: 17992784) [WARNING] [02:49:29] CREATE NEW STORAGE 17992784 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32651 npcs in database (131 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:49:41] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992785(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.54, 195.7, -11690.6) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element chest2 (ID: 17992785) [WARNING] [02:49:41] CREATE NEW STORAGE 17992785 (220|3|-366) [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 13 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17992716) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992735) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992717) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992718) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992719) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992720) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992721) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992722) from meta object 17992715 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 2 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992727) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992724) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992723) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992728) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 45 npcs in database (4 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992726) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992725) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992745) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992744) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992743) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992742) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992729) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992730) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992741) from meta object 17992715 [ENET SERVER] Client 2 connect ( [02:50:26] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CONNECTED ( [02:50:26] ::::SERVER: CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE (Uninitialized -> Connected) [02:50:26] PlayerAuthRequestReceived (CptBerzerko, 76561198041368231, [AuthenticatePlayer] - 02:50:26:321 - 76561198041368231 CptBerzerko [20, 0, 0, 0, 30, 79, 26, 45, 82, 41, 128, 201, 167, 134, 213, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 193, 65, 200, 100, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 76, 146, 205, 110, 66, 240, 129, 123, 156, 95, 250, 25, 6, 0, 0, 0, 178, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 167, 134, 213, 4, 1, 0, 16, 1, 240, 241, 4, 0, 201, 248, 77, 209, 84, 1, 168, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 176, 193, 100, 217, 95, 221, 100, 1, 0, 237, 199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 243, 78, 55, 87, 239, 198, 110, 232, 40, 41, 1, 94, 212, 108, 151, 27, 111, 247, 155, 226, 242, 72, 209, 71, 230, 87, 143, 10, 204, 206, 48, 228, 3, 117, 65, 228, 205, 166, 147, 120, 33, 190, 27, 36, 136, 236, 214, 252, 79, 65, 92, 37, 201, 154, 239, 48, 17, 218, 154, 138, 160, 140, 236, 65, 194, 178, 158, 242, 102, 115, 104, 128, 249, 79, 82, 213, 123, 209, 24, 101, 56, 214, 252, 0, 147, 156, 137, 8, 51, 49, 38, 175, 195, 116, 12, 255, 172, 139, 144, 21, 22, 18, 70, 104, 94, 49, 126, 55, 110, 216, 17, 20, 27, 85, 205, 182, 100, 84, 221, 136, 24, 42, 33, 178, 246, 228, 217] [SteamAuth] EBeginAuthSessionResult (76561198041368231): k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK [02:50:26] Client 2 (76561198041368231) fully authenticated! 02:50:26:474 - PLAYER CONNECT: CptBerzerko (ID: 2) DB: Player 76561198041368231 exists in database Inventory for player 301 exists! [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals Register 3 keys [30, 29, 51] for player 2 from plugin Portals (1) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - portals.Portals [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection Register 2 keys [16, 28] for player 2 from plugin WorldProtection (4) [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] - java.lang.Thread [Java] - net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginManager [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - net.risingworld.api.objects.Player [Java] - worldprotection.WorldProtection [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\BackGround.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\Exit.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\ExitOver.png [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\WorldProtection\Assets\AdminTools.png Remove item ironingot (17992740) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Player was dead... SERVER: Send init spawn packet 32689 -> serialized 32689 npcs (32689) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [STEAM] Validate auth ticket (76561198041368231) -> k_EAuthSessionResponseOK Remove item ironingot (17992731) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992732) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992739) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992738) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992737) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992736) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992734) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992733) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992755) from meta object 17992715 Load sector from db (0, 0) WorldPart (9, 2) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (9, 1) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (9, 3) generated (25 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992754) from meta object 17992715 WorldPart (8, 1) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (8, 0) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (9, 0) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (7, 1) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (8, 2) generated (29 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992753) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Spawn npc ram at (4540.00, 161.56, 1031.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4512.00, 162.50, 1038.00) Remove item ironingot (17992752) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992751) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992750) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992749) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992748) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992747) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 32637 npcs in database (114 ms) Remove item ironingot (17992746) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992765) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992764) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992763) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992762) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992761) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992759) from meta object 17992715 Spawn npc ram at (4416.00, 159.09, 1102.00) Spawn npc ram at (4437.00, 159.50, 1109.00) Remove item ironingot (17992760) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992758) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992757) from meta object 17992715 Player CptBerzerko (2) spawned at (4488.20, 173.55, 1056.76)... [Java] SQLite: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\SimpleHome/database/database.db [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) DIRECT CHAT MESSAGE TO CptBerzerko: Hello CptBerzerko, welcome to Green Valleys. There are currently 3 players online! Remove item ironingot (17992756) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992775) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992774) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992773) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992772) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992771) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992770) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992769) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992768) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992767) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17992766) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) Object doorold1 (11257401) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:51:19] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.35, 195.71, -11693.78) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (7, 0) generated (7 ms) [DB] Saved 64 npcs in database (4 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32636 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! REGISTER ASSET SOUND (11) FROM FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 (EXT: mp3, CH: e1723b236e32dae31530e81a72161160) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 48 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 44 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32632 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 Load sector from db (-1, 0) WorldPart (-1, 12) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-1, 11) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-2, 13) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-2, 12) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-2, 11) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-1, 13) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, 13) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (-3, 12) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (-3, 11) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (-4, 13) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (-4, 12) generated (34 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (-4, 11) generated (35 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 Load sector from db (0, -1) WorldPart (11, -12) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (11, -13) generated (37 ms) WorldPart (11, -14) generated (54 ms) WorldPart (10, -13) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (10, -14) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (10, -12) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (9, -12) generated (27 ms) WorldPart (9, -13) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (9, -14) generated (39 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32630 npcs in database (131 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 0 [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 8 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (5 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32603 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:55:28] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992548(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7039.3, 195.7, -11697.69) DELETE META OBJECT: 17992548 [08:01 02:55:30] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003022(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114.87, 115.39, -12450.64) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003022), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003022), growth time: 7000 DISPOSE SECTOR -1 0 [08:01 02:55:31] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003023(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114.47, 115.1, -12453.98) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003023), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003023), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:55:32] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003024(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114.06, 114.71, -12457.45) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003024), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003024), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:55:33] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 13615777(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.44, 195.7, -11697.94) DELETE META OBJECT: 13615777 Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:55:35] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003025(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7118.53, 115.19, -12450.3) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003025), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003025), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:55:36] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003026(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7117.99, 114.89, -12453.37) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003026), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003026), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:55:37] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003027(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7117.04, 114.71, -12457.25) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003027), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003027), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:55:38] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003028(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7120.77, 114.51, -12453.78) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003028), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003028), growth time: 7000 [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 [08:01 02:55:39] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003029(type: 502, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7120.75, 114.01, -12457.01) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant hickory_sapling (ID: 18003029), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant hickory_sapling (18003029), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (20 ms) [WARNING] [02:55:42] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17992561) [08:01 02:55:43] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003030(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7127.11, 114.11, -12450.67) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 18003030), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (18003030), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:55:44] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003031(type: 532, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7125.73, 112.79, -12456.42) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant birch_sapling (ID: 18003031), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant birch_sapling (18003031), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object primitivefurnace (17992561) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 02:55:54] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992561(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7040.44, 195.7, -11693.42) DELETE META OBJECT: 17992561 [08:01 02:55:57] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003032(type: 522, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7125.02, 112.73, -12460.14) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant weepingbeech_sapling (ID: 18003032), growth time: 12000 Created growing plant weepingbeech_sapling (18003032), growth time: 12000 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:56:01] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003033(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7120.45, 114.18, -12461.51) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003033), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003033), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:56:02] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003034(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7117.71, 114.7, -12461.02) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003034), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003034), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:56:04] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003035(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7114.44, 114.7, -12460.58) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003035), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003035), growth time: 7000 [DB] Saved 34 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 02:56:05] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992689(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.53, 197.72, -11692.19) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 7 growing plants! [08:01 02:56:10] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 13615775(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.62, 196.76, -11692.75) [08:01 02:56:11] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003036(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7115.4, 114.7, -12465.72) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003036), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003036), growth time: 7000 [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 [08:01 02:56:12] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003037(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7119.6, 114.51, -12465.81) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003037), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003037), growth time: 7000 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 02:56:13] PlaceVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18003038(type: 512, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7123.47, 113.09, -12464.71) Player =THS=JAX placed growable plant londonplane_sapling (ID: 18003038), growth time: 7000 Created growing plant londonplane_sapling (18003038), growth time: 7000 [08:01 02:56:18] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 13615776(type: 25, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.37, 195.71, -11689.23) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32610 npcs in database (112 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -1 Remove item ironingot (17990354) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990355) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990356) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990357) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990358) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990359) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990360) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990361) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990362) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990363) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990364) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990365) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990366) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990367) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990368) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990369) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990370) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990371) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990372) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990373) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990374) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990375) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990376) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990377) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990378) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990379) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990380) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990381) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990382) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990383) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990384) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990385) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990386) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990387) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990388) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990389) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990390) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990391) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990392) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990393) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990394) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990395) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990396) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990397) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990398) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990399) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990400) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990401) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990402) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990403) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990404) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990405) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990406) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990407) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990408) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990409) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990410) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990411) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990412) from meta object 17990353 Remove item ironingot (17990413) from meta object 17990353 [WARNING] [02:56:33] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17990353) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:56:39] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18003039(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7034.33, 195.7, -11698.88) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 18003039) [WARNING] [02:56:39] CREATE NEW FURNACE 18003039 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (4 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:56:51] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18003040(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7034.42, 195.7, -11692.98) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 18003040) [WARNING] [02:56:51] CREATE NEW FURNACE 18003040 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:57:01] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18003041(type: 30, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 219 3 -366 (7034.37, 195.7, -11686.75) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element primitivefurnace (ID: 18003041) [WARNING] [02:57:01] CREATE NEW FURNACE 18003041 (219|3|-366) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992785) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Object chest2 (17992785) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 32614 npcs in database (131 ms) [08:01 02:57:13] RemoveObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17992785(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7043.54, 195.7, -11690.6) [WARNING] [02:57:13] DELETE STORAGE: 17992785 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:57:34] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18003042(type: 3, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7042.33, 196.76, -11710.96) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element workbench (ID: 18003042) [DB] Saved 18 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:57:52] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18003043(type: 25, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7045.49, 195.71, -11711.2) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element spinningwheel (ID: 18003043) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [Java] Loading asset (Sound) from cache: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\Plugins\Portals\assets\warp.mp3 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Load sector from db (-1, -2) WorldPart (-4, -23) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-4, -25) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 83 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (-3, -23) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-3, -24) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-5, -24) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-5, -25) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (-5, -23) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (-3, -25) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-6, -24) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (-6, -25) generated (29 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:58:02] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18004908(type: 10, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7041.4, 197.72, -11711.13) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element anvil (ID: 18004908) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 02:58:21] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18004909(type: 151, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7047.79, 195.7, -11710.91) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element chest2 (ID: 18004909) [WARNING] [02:58:21] CREATE NEW STORAGE 18004909 (220|3|-366) [DB] Saved 32601 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17997605) from meta object 17992715 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 Remove item ironingot (17997604) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 54 npcs in database (4 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 Remove item ironingot (17997606) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (17997607) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997608) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997609) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997610) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997611) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997612) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (17997614) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (17997613) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997596) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997597) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997598) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997599) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997600) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17997601) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997602) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997603) from meta object 17992715 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 Remove item ironingot (17997586) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 Remove item ironingot (17997587) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (20 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17997588) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997589) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997590) from meta object 17992715 WorldPart (-4, -23) generated (23 ms) Remove item ironingot (17997591) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997592) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (17997593) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (17997594) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (17997595) from meta object 17992715 WorldPart (-5, -23) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (-6, -24) generated (18 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-6, -23) generated (15 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:59:29] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7089.29, 113.01, -12463.99) [DB] Saved 32604 npcs in database (113 ms) WorldPart (-4, -26) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (-5, -26) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 02:59:35] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 470, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7041.75, 195.71, -11709.91) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 110 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 75 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-4, -23) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32618 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 100 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-4, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-5, -22) generated (22 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Spawn npc deerred at (-2162.00, 104.50, -11648.00) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 WorldPart (-3, -23) generated (21 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 [DB] Saved 82 npcs in database (4 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 WorldPart (-6, -22) generated (6 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Spawn npc wildsow at (-2258.00, 92.25, -11584.00) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 32635 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Spawn npc wildboar at (-2226.00, 130.50, -11456.00) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (18004909) change status 0 -> 1 Object chest2 (18004909) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! WorldPart (-6, -24) generated (17 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 79 npcs in database (19 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 49 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! WorldPart (-4, -21) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-5, -21) generated (7 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-3, -22) generated (22 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32615 npcs in database (112 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:03:18] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967636(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 216 0 -402 (6912.5, 210.97, -12855.5) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (43 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:03:39] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967763(type: 205, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 215 0 -407 (6882.5, 207.81, -13023.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:03:43] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967769(type: 907, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 215 0 -408 (6888.5, 208.59, -13045.5) [DB] Saved 95 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:03:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 270, -11688) [08:01 03:03:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 270, -11688) [08:01 03:03:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 270, -11689) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:04:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 269, -11687) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 269, -11686) [08:01 03:04:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 271, -11688) [DB] Saved 32572 npcs in database (132 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:04:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 268, -11687) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:04:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 268, -11686) [08:01 03:04:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 269, -11686) [08:01 03:04:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 271, -11687) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:04:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 271, -11688) [08:01 03:04:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 270, -11689) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 270, -11688) [08:01 03:04:25] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17968025(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 212 0 -411 (6812.5, 216.5, -13133.5) [08:01 03:04:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 270, -11688) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:04:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 268, -11688) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 03:04:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 268, -11687) [08:01 03:04:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 266, -11686) [08:01 03:04:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 268, -11685) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 268, -11688) [08:01 03:04:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 267, -11690) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:04:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 265, -11690) [08:01 03:04:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 266, -11690) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 266, -11692) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:04:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6913, 266, -11691) [08:01 03:04:51] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967896(type: 520, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 214 0 -410 (6848.5, 228.16, -13113.5) [08:01 03:04:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 265, -11690) [DB] Saved 32580 npcs in database (113 ms) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:54] DestroyVegetation: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 18004557(type: 540, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk -65 0 -360 (-2079.5, 113.44, -11519.5) [08:01 03:04:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 265, -11690) [08:01 03:04:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 264, -11690) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:04:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 265, -11689) Spawn 2 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree weepingbeech (18005920) [08:01 03:05:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 264, -11689) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:05:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 263, -11689) [08:01 03:05:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 263, -11688) [08:01 03:05:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 267, -11685) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:05:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6912, 269, -11687) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:05:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 268, -11684) [08:01 03:05:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 268, -11685) [08:01 03:05:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 268, -11686) [08:01 03:05:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 267, -11685) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:05:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 267, -11684) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:05:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 267, -11684) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:05:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 266, -11685) [08:01 03:05:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 267, -11683) [08:01 03:05:26] DestroyVegetation: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 18004593(type: 513, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk -65 0 -361 (-2071.5, 112.5, -11527.5) [08:01 03:05:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 265, -11684) [08:01 03:05:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 265, -11684) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:05:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 266, -11682) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:05:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 266, -11684) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 9 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:05:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6908, 265, -11683) [08:01 03:05:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 265, -11683) [08:01 03:05:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 264, -11683) [DB] Saved 151 npcs in database (20 ms) [08:01 03:05:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 264, -11683) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:05:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6907, 266, -11682) [08:01 03:05:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6911, 266, -11686) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:05:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6912, 267, -11687) [08:01 03:05:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6912, 268, -11685) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:05:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6910, 271, -11686) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:05:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -366 (6909, 270, -11685) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (30 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32571 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-5, -23) generated (22 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-5, -24) generated (21 ms) [08:01 03:06:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 281, -13188) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:06:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -368 (6882, 290, -11761) [08:01 03:06:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 282, -13188) [08:01 03:06:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -368 (6882, 291, -11759) [08:01 03:06:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6818, 283, -13187) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 5 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 10 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:06:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -368 (6882, 291, -11758) [DB] Saved 42 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (-6, -24) generated (18 ms) [08:01 03:06:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6817, 283, -13187) [08:01 03:06:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -368 (6883, 290, -11758) [08:01 03:06:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6816, 283, -13187) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:06:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 280, -13190) [08:01 03:06:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 280, -13191) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (28 ms) [08:01 03:06:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6820, 280, -13192) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (25 ms) [08:01 03:06:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 279, -13190) Storing 6 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:06:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6819, 278, -13189) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:06:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6885, 289, -11627) [DB] Saved 32672 npcs in database (129 ms) [08:01 03:06:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 289, -11629) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:06:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6883, 290, -11628) [08:01 03:06:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 290, -11628) [08:01 03:06:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 290, -11628) [08:01 03:06:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6883, 289, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:06:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 289, -11629) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6883, 290, -11630) [08:01 03:07:03] RemoveObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17978519(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6825.72, 272.92, -13187.23) [08:01 03:07:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 288, -11629) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:07:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6887, 286, -11625) WorldPart (-4, -23) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:07:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6885, 287, -11625) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:07:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 287, -11625) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 286, -11624) [DB] Saved 59 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (-3, -23) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:07:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6885, 287, -11627) [08:01 03:07:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 288, -11626) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:07:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 277, -13178) [08:01 03:07:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 285, -11624) [08:01 03:07:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6886, 285, -11623) [08:01 03:07:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 279, -13179) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 280, -13179) [08:01 03:07:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 285, -11623) [08:01 03:07:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 281, -13180) [08:01 03:07:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6883, 285, -11624) [08:01 03:07:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 282, -13180) [08:01 03:07:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 285, -11623) WorldPart (-3, -24) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -22) generated (23 ms) [08:01 03:07:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 284, -11623) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:07:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 286, -11625) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6838, 279, -13180) [08:01 03:07:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 287, -11625) [08:01 03:07:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 286, -11625) [DB] Saved 77 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:07:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 285, -11624) [08:01 03:07:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 284, -13181) [08:01 03:07:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 288, -11626) [08:01 03:07:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 285, -13182) [08:01 03:07:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 287, -11626) [08:01 03:07:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6841, 286, -13182) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 288, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:07:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6841, 287, -13183) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:07:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 289, -11628) [08:01 03:07:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 286, -13182) [08:01 03:07:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 288, -11628) [08:01 03:07:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 287, -13183) [08:01 03:07:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 288, -11628) [08:01 03:07:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 288, -11629) [08:01 03:07:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 288, -13183) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:07:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 289, -11630) [08:01 03:07:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6840, 289, -13184) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:07:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 288, -11630) [08:01 03:07:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6839, 290, -13185) [08:01 03:07:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 287, -11629) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:07:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 288, -13183) [08:01 03:07:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 287, -11630) [DB] Saved 32636 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 03:07:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6838, 289, -13183) [08:01 03:07:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 287, -11631) [08:01 03:07:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6838, 290, -13183) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6837, 291, -13183) [08:01 03:08:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 287, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:08:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6837, 289, -13182) [08:01 03:08:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 288, -11626) [08:01 03:08:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6836, 289, -13182) [08:01 03:08:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 287, -11626) [08:01 03:08:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 286, -11627) [08:01 03:08:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6836, 291, -13184) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:08:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 286, -11627) [08:01 03:08:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6836, 292, -13183) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 286, -11625) WorldPart (-2, -23) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-2, -24) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:08:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 290, -13183) [08:01 03:08:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 287, -11626) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:08:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6837, 288, -13182) [08:01 03:08:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 287, -11627) [08:01 03:08:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 287, -11626) [08:01 03:08:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 291, -13183) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (24 ms) [08:01 03:08:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 292, -13183) [DB] Saved 74 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 287, -11627) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:08:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6838, 292, -13183) [08:01 03:08:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 286, -11626) [08:01 03:08:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6839, 291, -13186) [08:01 03:08:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 285, -11626) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:08:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 286, -11628) [08:01 03:08:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 285, -11626) [08:01 03:08:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 284, -11625) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 284, -11627) [08:01 03:08:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 284, -11626) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:08:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 286, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:08:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 286, -11629) [08:01 03:08:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 286, -11631) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6839, 283, -13181) [08:01 03:08:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 286, -11630) WorldPart (-2, -22) generated (24 ms) [08:01 03:08:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6838, 283, -13181) [08:01 03:08:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 287, -11631) [DB] Saved 90 npcs in database (19 ms) [08:01 03:08:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6837, 283, -13181) [08:01 03:08:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 289, -11629) [08:01 03:08:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6836, 283, -13181) [08:01 03:08:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 289, -11628) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:08:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6836, 285, -13181) [08:01 03:08:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 284, -11628) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:08:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 285, -13181) [08:01 03:08:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 284, -11628) [08:01 03:08:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 285, -13182) WorldPart (-3, -25) generated (22 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (-1252.00, 222.88, -11673.00) Spawn npc ram at (-1259.00, 221.88, -11673.00) [08:01 03:08:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 284, -11629) [08:01 03:08:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6834, 285, -13183) [08:01 03:08:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 283, -11629) [08:01 03:08:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 286, -13184) [08:01 03:08:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6834, 286, -13185) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:09:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 287, -13185) [08:01 03:09:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 288, -13186) [08:01 03:09:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 286, -13182) [DB] Saved 32599 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 03:09:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 286, -11624) [08:01 03:09:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6835, 287, -13183) WorldPart (-2, -25) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:09:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 284, -11625) [08:01 03:09:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6833, 286, -13183) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:09:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6834, 284, -13182) [08:01 03:09:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 285, -11624) [08:01 03:09:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -413 (6835, 286, -13185) [08:01 03:09:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 284, -11625) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:09:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 284, -11626) [08:01 03:09:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 285, -11623) [08:01 03:09:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 285, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:09:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 285, -11629) Spawn npc sheep at (-1088.00, 217.41, -11666.00) Spawn npc lamb at (-1067.00, 215.50, -11659.00) Spawn npc ram at (-1088.00, 215.50, -11673.00) Spawn npc sheep at (-1067.00, 212.88, -11680.00) [08:01 03:09:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 285, -11631) [08:01 03:09:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 284, -11631) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:09:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 285, -11628) [DB] Saved 118 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:09:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6833, 285, -13181) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:09:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 284, -11623) [08:01 03:09:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6831, 286, -13182) [08:01 03:09:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 287, -11624) [08:01 03:09:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 213 4 -412 (6830, 286, -13182) [08:01 03:09:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 286, -11623) [08:01 03:09:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 286, -11622) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-1, -23) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (-1, -24) generated (8 ms) Spawn npc hare at (-960.00, 219.25, -11748.00) Spawn npc hare at (-953.00, 214.38, -11769.00) Spawn npc sheep at (-960.00, 210.22, -11858.00) Spawn npc ram at (-939.00, 208.72, -11865.00) Spawn npc lamb at (-946.00, 204.50, -11844.00) Spawn npc ram at (-953.00, 206.84, -11851.00) [08:01 03:09:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6884, 284, -11622) [08:01 03:09:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6886, 284, -11622) SERVER: Received player damage event (39) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (25 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32599 npcs in database (131 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-1, -25) generated (8 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 173 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -21) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:10:54] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17966695(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 217 0 -356 (6952.5, 277.94, -11363.5) WorldPart (14, -21) generated (23 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (27 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32564 npcs in database (115 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! WorldPart (15, -22) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (-2, -26) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-3, -26) generated (6 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-1, -26) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (19 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 172 npcs in database (5 ms) WorldPart (-3, -24) generated (25 ms) [08:01 03:11:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7135, 275, -11368) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:11:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 223 4 -356 (7136, 276, -11369) [08:01 03:11:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7135, 276, -11367) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:11:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 223 4 -356 (7136, 275, -11366) [08:01 03:11:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7135, 275, -11365) [08:01 03:12:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 223 4 -356 (7137, 275, -11366) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:12:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7134, 276, -11365) [08:01 03:12:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7133, 275, -11366) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:12:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7133, 275, -11364) [08:01 03:12:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7132, 276, -11364) [DB] Saved 32577 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 03:12:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7133, 276, -11363) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:12:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7132, 276, -11363) [08:01 03:12:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7133, 277, -11362) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:12:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7132, 277, -11362) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:12:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7131, 276, -11363) [08:01 03:12:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7134, 277, -11364) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:12:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7134, 278, -11362) [08:01 03:12:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7135, 278, -11361) [08:01 03:12:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7133, 277, -11361) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:12:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7132, 278, -11361) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (12 ms) [08:01 03:12:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 222 4 -356 (7134, 279, -11361) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 176 npcs in database (19 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 108 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32589 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:13:28] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967847(type: 205, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 214 0 -401 (6850.5, 219.28, -12827.5) [08:01 03:13:32] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17966822(type: 902, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 214 0 -361 (6876.5, 286.69, -11541.5) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 185 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:13:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6884, 294, -11593) [08:01 03:13:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6883, 294, -11593) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 03:13:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6882, 296, -11593) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:13:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6881, 296, -11594) [08:01 03:13:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6882, 296, -11595) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:13:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6881, 297, -11595) [08:01 03:13:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 297, -11595) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:14:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 298, -11596) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:14:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6882, 298, -11596) [08:01 03:14:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 298, -11597) [DB] Saved 115 npcs in database (19 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:14:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 297, -11596) [08:01 03:14:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 299, -11598) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 03:14:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 299, -11597) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:14:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 299, -11597) [08:01 03:14:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6881, 299, -11597) [08:01 03:14:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 300, -11596) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:14:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 298, -11595) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:14:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 299, -11598) [08:01 03:14:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 299, -11599) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:14:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 300, -11600) [08:01 03:14:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 300, -11598) [DB] Saved 32524 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:14:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 301, -11599) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:14:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 300, -11600) [08:01 03:14:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 301, -11601) [08:01 03:14:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 301, -11602) [08:01 03:14:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 300, -11603) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:14:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 301, -11602) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:14:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 301, -11603) [08:01 03:14:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 301, -11600) [08:01 03:14:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 302, -11601) [08:01 03:14:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 301, -11603) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 206 npcs in database (9 ms) [08:01 03:14:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 300, -11603) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:14:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6878, 300, -11601) [08:01 03:14:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 300, -11604) [08:01 03:14:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 301, -11604) [08:01 03:14:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 301, -11605) [08:01 03:15:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 302, -11604) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:15:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -363 (6879, 302, -11603) [08:01 03:15:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 302, -11605) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:15:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6880, 303, -11606) [08:01 03:15:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -363 (6881, 300, -11603) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32518 npcs in database (130 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 93 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) CHAT MESSAGE: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [2023-08-01 03:15] Server: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 214 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 302, -11620) [08:01 03:16:09] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967620(type: 543, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 216 0 -397 (6936.5, 183.13, -12675.5) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 302, -11620) [08:01 03:16:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 303, -11621) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 03:16:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6872, 301, -11620) [08:01 03:16:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 303, -11621) [08:01 03:16:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 303, -11619) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6872, 302, -11619) [08:01 03:16:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 303, -11619) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:16:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6872, 303, -11620) [DB] Saved 32507 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 03:16:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6871, 303, -11619) [08:01 03:16:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6871, 303, -11620) [08:01 03:16:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6870, 303, -11620) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6871, 302, -11621) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:16:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6869, 302, -11620) [08:01 03:16:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6870, 302, -11619) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:16:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6872, 302, -11622) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:16:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 302, -11623) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 302, -11624) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:16:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 303, -11625) [08:01 03:16:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 301, -11622) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (18 ms) [08:01 03:16:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 300, -11623) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:16:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 300, -11623) [08:01 03:16:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 299, -11623) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:16:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 299, -11623) [08:01 03:16:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 299, -11624) [08:01 03:16:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6873, 298, -11623) [08:01 03:17:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6872, 300, -11623) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 300, -11621) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 298, -11624) [08:01 03:17:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 298, -11623) [08:01 03:17:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6874, 297, -11624) [08:01 03:17:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 296, -11623) [DB] Saved 32636 npcs in database (115 ms) [08:01 03:17:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 297, -11622) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 296, -11621) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 296, -11623) [08:01 03:17:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6875, 295, -11624) [08:01 03:17:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 296, -11622) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 296, -11622) [08:01 03:17:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6876, 297, -11621) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:17:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 297, -11623) [08:01 03:17:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 297, -11624) [DB] Saved 102 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:17:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 296, -11625) [08:01 03:17:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 296, -11623) WorldPart (-5, -24) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-6, -24) generated (17 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 295, -11623) WorldPart (-6, -25) generated (29 ms) [08:01 03:17:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 296, -11621) [08:01 03:17:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 296, -11621) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:17:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 298, -11624) WorldPart (-5, -25) generated (32 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6877, 298, -11623) [08:01 03:17:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 297, -11622) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 79 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:17:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6882, 292, -11625) WorldPart (-4, -24) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (-4, -25) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:17:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 292, -11625) Processing object 17990353 ran out of fuel... Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 03:18:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 293, -11624) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:18:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 291, -11625) [08:01 03:18:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 293, -11625) [08:01 03:18:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 293, -11626) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:18:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 292, -11627) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:18:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 292, -11628) [08:01 03:18:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6879, 292, -11629) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:18:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6880, 293, -11627) [08:01 03:18:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 293, -11627) [08:01 03:18:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 215 4 -364 (6881, 293, -11628) [DB] Saved 32610 npcs in database (131 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:18:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 289, -11631) [08:01 03:18:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 214 4 -364 (6878, 287, -11632) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) WorldPart (-3, -25) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (-4, -26) generated (20 ms) [DB] Saved 160 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (-3, -26) generated (6 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-5, -26) generated (23 ms) Spawn npc goat at (-1682.00, 140.72, -12416.00) Spawn npc goatling at (-1696.00, 142.53, -12409.00) [08:01 03:19:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6917, 260, -11681) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:19:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6917, 262, -11680) [08:01 03:19:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6916, 262, -11680) [08:01 03:19:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6915, 261, -11680) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:19:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6916, 263, -11682) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:19:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6915, 264, -11682) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:19:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6915, 262, -11681) [08:01 03:19:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6915, 259, -11680) [08:01 03:19:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6915, 262, -11682) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:19:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6915, 261, -11679) WorldPart (-3, -24) generated (20 ms) [ERROR] [03:19:24] ImageRequest: Could not find custom image 82412 [ERROR] [03:19:24] ImageRequest: Could not find custom image 82410 [ERROR] [03:19:24] ImageRequest: Could not find custom image 82402 [ERROR] [03:19:24] ImageRequest: Could not find custom image 82404 [08:01 03:19:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6914, 261, -11682) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:19:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6914, 263, -11682) [DB] Saved 32542 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 03:19:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6914, 263, -11680) [08:01 03:19:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6913, 263, -11679) [08:01 03:19:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -365 (6913, 261, -11680) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:19:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6913, 263, -11681) [08:01 03:19:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6913, 262, -11683) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:19:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 216 4 -366 (6916, 261, -11683) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 203 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32538 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 88 npcs in database (20 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 233 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32470 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 114 npcs in database (22 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (14, -23) generated (26 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 WorldPart (-2, -22) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (-2, -23) generated (21 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 [DB] Saved 32648 npcs in database (115 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 WorldPart (-3, -23) generated (21 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 WorldPart (-3, -22) generated (23 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 138 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! WorldPart (-1, -23) generated (8 ms) [08:01 03:22:35] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17966516(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 224 0 -357 (7188.5, 259, -11417.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (15, -22) generated (7 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:22:47] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 164, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.16, 113.01, -12470.19) WorldPart (14, -21) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (-1, -22) generated (8 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:22:53] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 150, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.16, 113.01, -12470.19) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 67 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -21) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (24 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:23:04] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 152, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7088.16, 113.01, -12470.19) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! WorldPart (-2, -21) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (-3, -21) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32579 npcs in database (130 ms) WorldPart (12, -21) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Remove item aluminiumingot (18005234) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005235) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005236) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005237) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005238) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005239) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005240) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005241) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005242) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005243) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005244) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005245) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005246) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005247) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005248) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005249) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005250) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005251) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005252) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005253) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005254) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005255) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005256) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005257) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005258) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005259) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005260) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005261) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005262) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005263) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005377) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005378) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005379) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005380) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005521) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005522) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005523) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005524) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005525) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005526) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005527) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005619) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005620) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005621) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005622) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005623) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005624) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005625) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005626) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005627) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005628) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005629) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005630) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18005631) from meta object 17990353 [WARNING] [03:23:26] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17990353) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:23:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -351 (7090, 318, -11232) WorldPart (-4, -22) generated (23 ms) [08:01 03:23:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7090, 319, -11233) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:23:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7090, 319, -11234) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:23:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7089, 319, -11234) [08:01 03:23:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7089, 320, -11234) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 148 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 03:23:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7089, 319, -11235) WorldPart (-4, -21) generated (6 ms) Spawn npc bull at (-1156.00, 128.03, -11033.00) Spawn npc cow at (-1177.00, 136.56, -11040.00) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:23:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7088, 318, -11233) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:23:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -352 (7092, 317, -11233) [08:01 03:23:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7088, 320, -11235) [08:01 03:23:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7088, 321, -11234) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:23:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7088, 321, -11235) [08:01 03:23:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7087, 320, -11235) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [08:01 03:23:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 5 -352 (7087, 320, -11233) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 0 -> 2 Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:23:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -351 (7087, 319, -11232) [08:01 03:24:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 221 4 -351 (7086, 319, -11231) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 2 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32545 npcs in database (114 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (13, -21) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (12, -21) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (35 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 175 npcs in database (20 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32541 npcs in database (112 ms) WorldPart (-1, -21) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6980, 286, -11251) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:25:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6982, 287, -11251) [08:01 03:25:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6983, 287, -11251) [08:01 03:25:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6983, 287, -11250) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6984, 286, -11251) WorldPart (-1, -23) generated (8 ms) WorldPart (-2, -23) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (-3, -23) generated (22 ms) [08:01 03:25:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6983, 286, -11252) [08:01 03:25:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6984, 287, -11252) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:25:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6985, 287, -11252) [DB] Saved 72 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:25:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6985, 287, -11250) [08:01 03:25:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6985, 286, -11253) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6985, 285, -11251) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6983, 285, -11251) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 03:25:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6986, 285, -11252) [08:01 03:25:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6987, 285, -11252) [08:01 03:25:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6987, 284, -11253) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 285, -11253) [08:01 03:25:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6986, 286, -11251) SERVER: Updated 1 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:25:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 285, -11251) [08:01 03:25:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 284, -11252) [DB] Saved 182 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 03:26:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6986, 285, -11254) [08:01 03:26:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6986, 284, -11255) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:26:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 284, -11254) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:26:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 283, -11252) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:26:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6987, 284, -11251) [08:01 03:26:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6989, 283, -11253) [08:01 03:26:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6990, 283, -11254) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:26:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 283, -11255) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:26:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6987, 283, -11253) [08:01 03:26:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6988, 284, -11256) [08:01 03:26:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6989, 284, -11256) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32537 npcs in database (128 ms) [08:01 03:26:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6991, 284, -11255) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:26:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6990, 284, -11253) [08:01 03:26:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6984, 285, -11253) [08:01 03:26:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6982, 285, -11252) [08:01 03:26:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6977, 283, -11251) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:26:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 218 4 -352 (6978, 282, -11253) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (23 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) WorldPart (12, -21) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (13, -21) generated (26 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 205 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (11, -22) generated (46 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (36 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-1, -24) generated (8 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -21) generated (43 ms) [DB] Saved 32520 npcs in database (113 ms) Spawn npc bull at (-722.00, 176.81, -11744.00) Spawn npc calf at (-736.00, 188.41, -11730.00) Spawn npc bull at (-708.00, 165.72, -11730.00) WorldPart (0, -23) generated (19 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (0, -24) generated (20 ms) WorldPart (-2, -24) generated (25 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 221 npcs in database (20 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (6382.00, 238.50, -11040.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:28:05] KillNpc: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 15272318(type: 1, tex: 2, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk -21 1 -370 (-666.78, 78.04, -11830.16) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 15272318 SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:28:11] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 200, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7085.86, 113.01, -12460) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 54 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32510 npcs in database (112 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (-1, -25) generated (8 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc cow at (6286.00, 240.50, -11104.00) Spawn npc bull at (6300.00, 239.41, -11097.00) Spawn npc bull at (6293.00, 239.75, -11097.00) Spawn npc cow at (6286.00, 241.97, -11090.00) [DB] Saved 218 npcs in database (17 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -21) generated (45 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (10, -22) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (10, -23) generated (30 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011611) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011612) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011613) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011614) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011615) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011616) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011617) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011618) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011620) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011621) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011622) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011623) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011626) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011627) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011628) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011629) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011630) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011631) from meta object 17990353 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011632) from meta object 17990353 [WARNING] [03:29:47] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17990353) [DB] Saved 32489 npcs in database (111 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:30:00] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18011899(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 193 0 -352 (6200.5, 255.41, -11245.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:30:12] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18011898(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 193 0 -352 (6196.5, 253.63, -11255.5) [DB] Saved 232 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:30:15] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 472, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086.58, 113.01, -12465.14) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:30:20] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7086.58, 113.01, -12465.14) WorldPart (0, -24) generated (19 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 03:30:27] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18033880(type: 5, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7092.27, 113, -12462.48) Player =THS=JAX placed object element workbenchmodern (ID: 18033880) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (0, -25) generated (20 ms) [DB] Saved 32481 npcs in database (131 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -21) generated (28 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (10, -21) generated (34 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 59 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (0, -23) generated (19 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:31:04] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 11, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.27, 113.01, -12464.18) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 240 npcs in database (5 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (38) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:31:31] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967414(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -389 (7060.5, 115.5, -12435.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 32458 npcs in database (114 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:31:51] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967467(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -385 (7030.5, 127.5, -12305.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (18035414) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (11 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 69 npcs in database (19 ms) [08:01 03:32:12] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967466(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 0 -384 (7010.5, 104.97, -12257.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (18035423) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32655 npcs in database (114 ms) WorldPart (-1, -23) generated (8 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (11, -21) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (10, -21) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (10, -22) generated (39 ms) WorldPart (11, -22) generated (46 ms) [08:01 03:32:47] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17923847(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -390 (7042.5, 114.31, -12457.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 53 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 49 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 WorldPart (10, -23) generated (31 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 WorldPart (0, -22) generated (19 ms) WorldPart (-1, -22) generated (8 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 [DB] Saved 32652 npcs in database (132 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 [DB] Saved 54 npcs in database (4 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 47 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:34:33] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 164, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.03, 113.01, -12465.96) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:34:47] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 150, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.03, 113.01, -12465.96) [DB] Saved 32644 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:34:52] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 152, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.03, 113.01, -12465.96) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:34:54] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 152, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.03, 113.01, -12465.96) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:34:55] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 152, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7087.03, 113.01, -12465.96) WorldPart (1, -23) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (1, -24) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 57 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -23) generated (6 ms) WorldPart (15, -23) generated (11 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 32659 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (16, -24) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (1, -22) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (15, -22) generated (7 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 58 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (22 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32636 npcs in database (113 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (14, -21) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (316.00, 98.50, -11506.00) Spawn npc lamb at (316.00, 100.75, -11492.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (15, -21) generated (11 ms) [DB] Saved 87 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (348.00, 117.13, -11595.00) Spawn npc piglet at (327.00, 107.81, -11602.00) WorldPart (13, -21) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (16, -22) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (341.00, 93.75, -11410.00) Spawn npc chicken at (334.00, 93.31, -11396.00) [DB] Saved 32659 npcs in database (111 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc goat at (412.00, 143.03, -11481.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 67 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (12, -21) generated (28 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc ram at (416.00, 153.22, -11570.00) Spawn npc ram at (437.00, 157.28, -11563.00) Spawn npc sheep at (416.00, 133.84, -11378.00) Spawn npc ram at (416.00, 134.03, -11385.00) Spawn npc sheep at (423.00, 135.53, -11378.00) Spawn npc goat at (327.00, 91.84, -11275.00) WorldPart (14, -20) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (13, -20) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (12, -20) generated (40 ms) [DB] Saved 70 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32653 npcs in database (129 ms) Spawn npc cow at (444.00, 143.88, -11289.00) Spawn npc cow at (444.00, 139.50, -11275.00) Spawn npc bull at (444.00, 145.31, -11296.00) Spawn npc sheep at (494.00, 156.97, -11456.00) Spawn npc sheep at (508.00, 160.16, -11449.00) Spawn npc ram at (480.00, 150.22, -11442.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (15, -20) generated (22 ms) WorldPart (11, -21) generated (44 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (526.00, 145.84, -11300.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (519.00, 148.56, -11307.00) WorldPart (1, -21) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (0, -21) generated (15 ms) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (11, -20) generated (46 ms) Spawn npc hare at (373.00, 94.66, -11179.00) Spawn npc hare at (366.00, 95.66, -11186.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (10, -24) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (2, -22) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (2, -23) generated (35 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (576.00, 155.44, -11474.00) Spawn npc ram at (576.00, 156.22, -11467.00) Spawn npc sheep at (501.00, 111.25, -11200.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (590.00, 159.00, -11392.00) WorldPart (10, -23) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc bull at (590.00, 134.25, -11232.00) Spawn npc bull at (604.00, 136.44, -11225.00) Spawn npc cow at (597.00, 135.03, -11225.00) Spawn npc bull at (576.00, 131.69, -11225.00) Spawn npc bull at (608.00, 154.50, -11314.00) Spawn npc cow at (622.00, 154.50, -11314.00) Spawn npc bull at (608.00, 155.50, -11321.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 106 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc bull at (672.00, 142.97, -11250.00) Spawn npc cow at (686.00, 139.66, -11250.00) Spawn npc calf at (693.00, 138.53, -11250.00) Spawn npc cow at (679.00, 141.22, -11250.00) Spawn npc chicken at (686.00, 131.97, -11424.00) Spawn npc chicken at (700.00, 129.59, -11417.00) Spawn npc chicken at (693.00, 131.56, -11417.00) Spawn npc chicken at (686.00, 134.75, -11410.00) Spawn npc chick at (672.00, 135.81, -11417.00) Spawn npc chick at (693.00, 131.41, -11424.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc ram at (668.00, 115.66, -11168.00) Spawn npc pig at (757.00, 124.75, -11193.00) Spawn npc pig at (757.00, 125.28, -11200.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc wildboar at (782.00, 130.66, -11360.00) Spawn npc wildboar at (789.00, 132.44, -11353.00) WorldPart (2, -21) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (10, -22) generated (40 ms) [DB] Saved 32649 npcs in database (130 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc bull at (853.00, 92.84, -11122.00) Spawn npc bull at (839.00, 94.38, -11129.00) Spawn npc bull at (846.00, 94.31, -11129.00) Spawn npc sheep at (860.00, 127.44, -11225.00) Spawn npc lamb at (832.00, 129.31, -11225.00) Spawn npc sheep at (853.00, 125.84, -11218.00) Spawn npc sheep at (853.00, 128.56, -11232.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (2, -24) generated (39 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (928.00, 120.38, -11250.00) Spawn npc chicken at (949.00, 122.25, -11257.00) Spawn npc chicken at (942.00, 121.38, -11250.00) Spawn npc chicken at (928.00, 119.50, -11236.00) Spawn npc chicken at (935.00, 121.38, -11250.00) Spawn npc goat at (935.00, 94.03, -11129.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 134 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (6350.00, 371.72, -11545.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (10, -21) generated (34 ms) Spawn npc hare at (6300.00, 366.72, -11467.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc cow at (1006.00, 94.03, -11200.00) Spawn npc bull at (1020.00, 91.66, -11193.00) Spawn npc cow at (1013.00, 92.59, -11193.00) Spawn npc bull at (1013.00, 93.09, -11200.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (9, -22) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (9, -23) generated (25 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, -22) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (3, -23) generated (27 ms) Spawn npc bull at (1084.00, 92.72, -11275.00) Spawn npc bull at (1063.00, 97.94, -11268.00) Spawn npc cow at (1084.00, 92.66, -11268.00) [DB] Saved 32652 npcs in database (130 ms) Spawn npc ram at (1095.00, 91.97, -11026.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1095.00, 95.28, -11012.00) Spawn npc ram at (1095.00, 93.75, -11019.00) Spawn npc ram at (1052.00, 96.59, -10937.00) Spawn npc ram at (1045.00, 94.50, -10923.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1038.00, 92.44, -10930.00) Spawn npc lamb at (1052.00, 96.84, -10944.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (10, -25) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (9, -24) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (1173.00, 92.50, -11083.00) Spawn npc pig at (1173.00, 94.13, -11090.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1180.00, 95.59, -11090.00) WorldPart (11, -20) generated (44 ms) WorldPart (3, -21) generated (40 ms) WorldPart (12, -20) generated (41 ms) WorldPart (11, -23) generated (36 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR -1 -2 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 105 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc cow at (6165.00, 296.75, -11595.00) Spawn npc bull at (6158.00, 297.25, -11602.00) Spawn npc cow at (6165.00, 298.00, -11602.00) Spawn npc goat at (6101.00, 271.88, -11552.00) Spawn npc cow at (1198.00, 97.81, -11008.00) Spawn npc bull at (1212.00, 102.59, -11001.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (9, -21) generated (24 ms) Spawn npc hare at (1120.00, 105.81, -10898.00) Spawn npc hare at (1141.00, 108.50, -10891.00) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... WorldPart (10, -20) generated (40 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 128 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc cow at (1301.00, 149.75, -11012.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32667 npcs in database (131 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (1237.00, 136.72, -10852.00) WorldPart (13, -20) generated (29 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (1372.00, 110.94, -11115.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1365.00, 113.44, -11122.00) Spawn npc pig at (1340.00, 174.75, -10937.00) Spawn npc pig at (1333.00, 176.28, -10923.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1333.00, 176.38, -10930.00) Spawn npc pig at (1312.00, 178.56, -10916.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 98 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc pig at (1390.00, 158.50, -11040.00) Spawn npc pig at (1397.00, 157.88, -11040.00) Spawn npc pig at (1383.00, 162.81, -11026.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1404.00, 157.38, -11040.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1326.00, 177.50, -10848.00) Spawn npc ram at (1340.00, 176.53, -10841.00) Spawn npc pig at (1166.00, 109.50, -10816.00) Spawn npc pig at (1173.00, 110.53, -10795.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (1052.00, 98.31, -10827.00) Spawn npc pig at (1038.00, 95.84, -10820.00) Spawn npc pig at (1045.00, 96.56, -10820.00) Spawn npc hare at (1301.00, 158.44, -10731.00) Spawn npc bull at (1088.00, 111.16, -10738.00) Spawn npc cow at (1109.00, 112.13, -10745.00) Spawn npc cow at (1109.00, 112.44, -10731.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (1408.00, 170.56, -10852.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc ram at (1454.00, 116.88, -10944.00) Spawn npc lamb at (1440.00, 117.56, -10930.00) Spawn npc ram at (1454.00, 113.84, -10937.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1390.00, 171.94, -10784.00) Spawn npc ram at (1376.00, 170.59, -10770.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1376.00, 171.50, -10777.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc ram at (1493.00, 157.00, -10809.00) Spawn npc ram at (1486.00, 157.50, -10802.00) Spawn npc lamb at (1472.00, 151.84, -10809.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1191.00, 121.25, -10699.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (1468.00, 179.28, -10713.00) Spawn npc ram at (1440.00, 177.28, -10706.00) Spawn npc pig at (1486.00, 115.75, -11044.00) [08:01 03:42:38] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17972019(type: 905, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 197 0 -352 (6334.5, 269.84, -11247.5) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (1596.00, 138.41, -10816.00) Spawn npc pig at (1575.00, 153.16, -10788.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1575.00, 153.44, -10795.00) Spawn npc goat at (1575.00, 114.13, -10987.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32680 npcs in database (144 ms) WorldPart (4, -21) generated (31 ms) WorldPart (4, -22) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc sheep at (1660.00, 152.09, -10905.00) Spawn npc lamb at (1653.00, 149.16, -10891.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1660.00, 150.41, -10891.00) Spawn npc lamb at (1639.00, 145.59, -10898.00) Spawn npc goat at (1685.00, 152.31, -10809.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1671.00, 151.38, -10809.00) Spawn npc goat at (1664.00, 152.03, -10816.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1568.00, 106.25, -11097.00) Spawn npc chick at (1575.00, 107.41, -11104.00) WorldPart (3, -20) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (2, -20) generated (27 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (1614.00, 138.50, -10720.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1621.00, 138.13, -10713.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1621.00, 138.84, -10720.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (4, -23) generated (24 ms) Spawn npc cow at (1756.00, 208.50, -10937.00) Spawn npc bull at (1749.00, 207.97, -10944.00) Spawn npc bull at (1639.00, 141.53, -11065.00) [DB] Saved 162 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (1749.00, 217.97, -11051.00) Spawn npc goat at (1742.00, 216.28, -11058.00) Spawn npc goatling at (1749.00, 217.59, -11058.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (2, -23) generated (35 ms) Spawn npc ram at (1607.00, 127.59, -11200.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1525.00, 92.22, -11186.00) Spawn npc cow at (1724.00, 203.84, -11147.00) [DB] Saved 116 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (1678.00, 163.56, -11250.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (1550.00, 110.94, -11296.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1550.00, 112.00, -11282.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1806.00, 307.28, -11108.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1813.00, 308.72, -11108.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc cow at (1813.00, 265.88, -11232.00) Spawn npc bull at (1742.00, 183.50, -11328.00) Spawn npc bull at (1728.00, 180.59, -11321.00) Spawn npc cow at (1756.00, 194.59, -11307.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32672 npcs in database (133 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (3, -24) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (2, -24) generated (39 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (1660.00, 165.53, -11385.00) Spawn npc pig at (1632.00, 159.97, -11378.00) Spawn npc pig at (1653.00, 163.94, -11385.00) Spawn npc piglet at (1632.00, 161.88, -11385.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1909.00, 365.22, -11161.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc sheep at (1852.00, 172.81, -11385.00) Spawn npc sheep at (1845.00, 173.13, -11385.00) Spawn npc ram at (1941.00, 281.69, -11296.00) [DB] Saved 176 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc goat at (1966.00, 388.81, -11104.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1952.00, 381.75, -11090.00) Spawn npc goat at (1952.00, 380.28, -11083.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (4, -24) generated (35 ms) Spawn npc bull at (1984.00, 405.50, -11193.00) Spawn npc cow at (1991.00, 409.50, -11179.00) Spawn npc calf at (1984.00, 404.59, -11200.00) Spawn npc cow at (1998.00, 409.28, -11179.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (2037.00, 303.97, -11307.00) Spawn npc pig at (2037.00, 302.84, -11314.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc goat at (1973.00, 238.41, -11417.00) Spawn npc goat at (1973.00, 238.97, -11403.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (1966.00, 238.41, -11410.00) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (29 ms) Spawn npc bull at (1952.00, 370.53, -11001.00) Spawn npc cow at (1952.00, 372.88, -11008.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc deer at (2108.00, 386.44, -11129.00) Spawn npc deercalf at (2101.00, 390.13, -11115.00) Spawn npc deerstag at (2101.00, 388.59, -11122.00) Spawn npc deer at (2087.00, 390.31, -11108.00) WorldPart (5, -22) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (5, -23) generated (22 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (2126.00, 327.66, -11300.00) Spawn npc sheep at (2119.00, 327.28, -11307.00) Spawn npc sheep at (2126.00, 326.31, -11307.00) Spawn npc ram at (2140.00, 326.41, -11300.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (2076.00, 289.75, -11396.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc cow at (2172.00, 363.50, -11211.00) Spawn npc bull at (2172.00, 362.28, -11218.00) [DB] Saved 32723 npcs in database (134 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc billygoat at (2204.00, 307.31, -11371.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1909.00, 156.41, -11481.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1909.00, 158.25, -11474.00) Spawn npc chicken at (1895.00, 155.44, -11474.00) Spawn npc chick at (1895.00, 153.81, -11481.00) Spawn npc pig at (2126.00, 238.16, -11467.00) Spawn npc pig at (2268.00, 326.69, -11193.00) Spawn npc pig at (2261.00, 328.16, -11193.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (4 ms) Spawn npc ram at (2300.00, 314.50, -11417.00) Spawn npc lamb at (2272.00, 310.25, -11410.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, -24) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (12, -24) generated (32 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:45:49] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17968655(type: 543, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 204 0 -358 (6558.5, 414.5, -11431.5) WorldPart (13, -24) generated (30 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (5, -21) generated (40 ms) [DB] Saved 14290 npcs in database (51 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (2382.00, 300.56, -11456.00) Spawn npc pig at (2389.00, 303.97, -11449.00) Spawn npc pig at (2389.00, 306.22, -11442.00) Spawn npc bull at (2485.00, 287.16, -11193.00) Spawn npc bull at (2464.00, 293.13, -11193.00) Spawn npc cow at (2492.00, 284.88, -11179.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (2464.00, 320.69, -11417.00) Spawn npc pig at (2492.00, 326.03, -11403.00) Spawn npc pig at (2464.00, 324.13, -11396.00) [DB] Saved 18610 npcs in database (84 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (6, -22) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (6, -23) generated (30 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (2574.00, 319.50, -11456.00) Spawn npc piglet at (2581.00, 319.31, -11449.00) Spawn npc piglet at (2581.00, 319.50, -11435.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:46:36] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17968085(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 210 0 -366 (6750.5, 359.19, -11695.5) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 175 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 14264 npcs in database (51 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (2734.00, 272.81, -11456.00) Spawn npc pig at (2748.00, 271.00, -11449.00) Spawn npc pig at (2720.00, 275.03, -11449.00) Spawn npc pig at (2741.00, 272.13, -11442.00) Spawn npc pig at (2798.00, 247.31, -11371.00) WorldPart (6, -21) generated (42 ms) WorldPart (6, -24) generated (41 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (2880.00, 196.22, -11346.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (2880.00, 196.28, -11353.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 18575 npcs in database (83 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 14320 npcs in database (54 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (7, -22) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (7, -23) generated (35 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011371) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011390) from meta object 17992715 Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -23) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 18563 npcs in database (85 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011391) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011392) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011389) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011372) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Received player damage event (15) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Remove item aluminiumingot (18011373) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011388) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011393) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011394) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011387) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011374) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011375) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011386) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011395) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011396) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011385) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011376) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc deerred at (3189.00, 93.41, -10976.00) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011377) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011384) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011397) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011398) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011383) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011378) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011379) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011382) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 152 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011399) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011400) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011381) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Remove item aluminiumingot (18011380) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011421) from meta object 17992715 WorldPart (7, -21) generated (31 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011420) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011401) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011402) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011419) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011422) from meta object 17992715 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (14, -24) generated (27 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011403) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011404) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011405) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011406) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011407) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011408) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011409) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011410) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011411) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011412) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011413) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011414) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011415) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011416) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011417) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 14348 npcs in database (57 ms) Remove item aluminiumingot (18011418) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011423) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011424) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011425) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011430) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011429) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011428) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011427) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18011426) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 18529 npcs in database (82 ms) [08:01 03:49:25] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17966340(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -383 (7058.5, 147.25, -12243.5) Spawn 4 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (18060553) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:49:41] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 472, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7042.2, 195.71, -11709.63) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 144 npcs in database (5 ms) WorldPart (16, -24) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (14, -25) generated (22 ms) Spawn npc cow at (7264.00, 228.50, -12274.00) Spawn npc bull at (7264.00, 228.09, -12281.00) Spawn npc calf at (7264.00, 229.56, -12260.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (16, -25) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:49:52] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7042.2, 195.71, -11709.63) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (16, -23) generated (5 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (16, -26) generated (6 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (6, -20) generated (34 ms) WorldPart (5, -20) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 14340 npcs in database (57 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 03:50:18] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18062971(type: 5, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7051.05, 195.7, -11710.14) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element workbenchmodern (ID: 18062971) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (7, -20) generated (37 ms) Spawn npc bull at (7502.00, 209.13, -12256.00) Spawn npc calf at (7495.00, 211.22, -12235.00) Spawn npc calf at (7502.00, 208.81, -12249.00) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 18582 npcs in database (85 ms) WorldPart (16, -22) generated (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (8, -21) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (8, -22) generated (41 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (3374.00, 147.38, -10500.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (3367.00, 141.31, -10521.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc billygoat at (7527.00, 145.31, -12434.00) [DB] Saved 14294 npcs in database (51 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:51:05] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17965592(type: 510, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 229 0 -385 (7358.5, 216.28, -12315.5) Spawn npc pig at (3804.00, 163.84, -10617.00) Spawn npc pig at (3797.00, 163.09, -10617.00) Spawn npc pig at (3804.00, 163.03, -10603.00) Spawn npc bull at (3744.00, 91.88, -10841.00) Spawn 4 saplings (2 - 4) for felled tree londonplane (18064559) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 174 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (8, -20) generated (38 ms) [08:01 03:51:18] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17965591(type: 530, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 229 0 -385 (7350.5, 212.44, -12317.5) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn 3 saplings (2 - 3) for felled tree birch (18064748) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (3772.00, 139.69, -10937.00) Spawn npc pig at (3765.00, 135.94, -10930.00) Spawn npc piglet at (3765.00, 138.56, -10944.00) Object chest2 (18004909) change status 0 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (18004909) change status 1 -> 0 WorldPart (8, -23) generated (33 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc bull at (3868.00, 176.50, -10905.00) Spawn npc cow at (3868.00, 176.50, -10891.00) [08:01 03:51:38] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17965682(type: 514, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 228 0 -386 (7320.5, 182.56, -12347.5) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree londonplane2 (18064936) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 18613 npcs in database (84 ms) [08:01 03:51:43] RemoveVegetation: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 18060896(type: 290, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 118 0 -337 (3784.5, 123.25, -10755.5) Storing 3 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:51:56] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967041(type: 570, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 227 0 -388 (7274.5, 151.16, -12399.5) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree redmaple (18064962) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 14281 npcs in database (53 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (24 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:52:22] RemoveVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967532(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -390 (7122.5, 114.5, -12449.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 154 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Spawn npc pig at (3989.00, 159.75, -10898.00) Spawn npc pig at (3968.00, 170.22, -10884.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (3957.00, 167.97, -10987.00) Spawn npc goatling at (3957.00, 167.00, -10994.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (3950.00, 168.13, -10980.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Spawn npc sheep at (4085.00, 139.88, -10891.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4085.00, 140.56, -10898.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4071.00, 142.88, -10898.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4092.00, 140.25, -10795.00) Spawn npc ram at (4085.00, 142.13, -10802.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4085.00, 141.81, -10788.00) Spawn npc ram at (4064.00, 149.00, -10795.00) Spawn npc deerred at (3840.00, 124.03, -11058.00) Spawn npc sheep at (4060.00, 124.50, -10987.00) [DB] Saved 32738 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc deer at (4014.00, 134.75, -11090.00) Spawn npc deer at (4007.00, 136.28, -11097.00) WorldPart (9, -21) generated (24 ms) WorldPart (9, -22) generated (31 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (4174.00, 137.50, -10848.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4188.00, 136.50, -10841.00) Spawn npc chick at (4181.00, 136.53, -10841.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4181.00, 136.50, -10827.00) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc pig at (4213.00, 106.28, -10987.00) Spawn npc pig at (4220.00, 106.09, -10987.00) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:53:13] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.23, 113.01, -12464.33) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) WorldPart (9, -23) generated (26 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (4277.00, 126.50, -10873.00) Spawn npc chick at (4277.00, 126.50, -10866.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4263.00, 126.50, -10866.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4263.00, 127.09, -10852.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4270.00, 126.50, -10852.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4263.00, 126.50, -10859.00) Spawn npc chicken at (4256.00, 126.53, -10880.00) Delete growing plant 17967636 (226) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 03:53:23] CraftItem: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 780, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7091.23, 113.01, -12464.33) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:53:49] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075028(type: 16, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079.5, 113.5, -12450.5) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:53:56] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075293(type: 0, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079.5, 113.5, -12451.5) [DB] Saved 32736 npcs in database (144 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 03:54:04] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075409(type: 0, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7079.5, 113.5, -12452.5) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 03:54:17] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075477(type: 0, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -390 (7080.5, 113.5, -12450.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 196 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 03:54:27] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075529(type: 16, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105.5, 113.5, -12450.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Receive construction place row packet... [08:01 03:54:35] PlaceConstruction: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18075659(type: 0, tex: 149, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105.5, 113.5, -12451.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 147 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32725 npcs in database (112 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (9, -24) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (8, -24) generated (35 ms) [08:01 03:55:26] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967528(type: 930, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -388 (7110.5, 131.91, -12395.5) [DB] Saved 192 npcs in database (19 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:55:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7116, 103, -12447) Spawn npc bull at (4711.00, 232.50, -11328.00) Spawn npc deerstag at (4462.00, 110.72, -11378.00) Spawn npc deerstag at (4462.00, 109.03, -11371.00) [08:01 03:55:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7117, 103, -12447) Processing object 17992715 ran out of fuel... Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:55:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7118, 103, -12448) [08:01 03:55:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7119, 103, -12448) [08:01 03:55:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7120, 103, -12449) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:55:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7121, 103, -12449) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 32724 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 03:55:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7118, 105, -12448) [08:01 03:55:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7122, 104, -12449) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:55:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7119, 105, -12448) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 03:56:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7123, 104, -12450) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 2 [08:01 03:56:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7120, 105, -12449) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 03:56:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7124, 105, -12451) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:56:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7125, 105, -12451) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 2 -> 1 [08:01 03:56:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7122, 105, -12450) [08:01 03:56:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7125, 105, -12452) [08:01 03:56:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7122, 106, -12450) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 146 npcs in database (4 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 3 [08:01 03:56:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7123, 104, -12451) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:56:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7126, 106, -12452) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 03:56:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7127, 106, -12452) [08:01 03:56:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7128, 107, -12453) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 3 -> 2 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 2 -> 1 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:56:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7123, 106, -12450) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 03:56:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7125, 107, -12451) [08:01 03:56:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7128, 108, -12453) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 03:56:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7129, 108, -12453) [DB] Saved 180 npcs in database (4 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:56:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7127, 107, -12451) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 03:56:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 103, -12442) Remove item ironingot (18064585) from meta object 17992715 Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064584) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064567) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064566) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064506) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064507) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064359) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 103, -12441) Remove item ironingot (18064358) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (18064353) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064352) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064351) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 32706 npcs in database (139 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064259) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 102, -12440) Remove item ironingot (18064355) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064354) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064357) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 102, -12439) Remove item ironingot (18064356) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064494) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064503) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064505) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064504) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 101, -12439) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064558) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064508) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064561) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064560) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (18064580) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 104, -12441) Remove item ironingot (18064582) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064579) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064583) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 103, -12440) Remove item ironingot (18064647) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064648) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18063946) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 105, -12441) Remove item ironingot (18063947) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7108, 105, -12440) Remove item ironingot (18063948) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18063949) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 105, -12439) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (18064102) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064105) from meta object 17992715 [08:01 03:57:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7109, 104, -12438) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 201 npcs in database (5 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064106) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064107) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064108) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064109) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064110) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064111) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064112) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064113) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064114) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064115) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064116) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064117) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064118) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064119) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064248) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064249) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064250) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064251) from meta object 17992715 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (18064252) from meta object 17992715 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 WorldPart (10, -24) generated (23 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064254) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064255) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064256) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18064257) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Remove item ironingot (18064258) from meta object 17992715 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 159 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! WorldPart (10, -23) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (13, -25) generated (21 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Delete 1 corpses... [DB] Saved 32715 npcs in database (112 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (29 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [WARNING] [03:58:21] Player =THS=Tritonb illegal state: ItemPlace: No item found SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (14, -25) generated (21 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (29 ms) Spawn npc pig at (7143.00, 95.31, -12921.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [WARNING] [03:58:33] Player =THS=Tritonb illegal state: ItemPlace: No item found [DB] Saved 252 npcs in database (21 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 107 npcs in database (5 ms) WorldPart (10, -22) generated (42 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32728 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! SERVER: Despawn 4 world items... [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Spawn npc cow at (5614.00, 115.50, -11328.00) Spawn npc bull at (5614.00, 112.81, -11314.00) Delete growing plant 17946997 (514) Delete growing plant 17946998 (514) Delete growing plant 17946999 (500) Delete growing plant 17947000 (500) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! WorldPart (11, -23) generated (36 ms) WorldPart (11, -22) generated (47 ms) [DB] Saved 238 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 5 growing plants! [08:01 03:59:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6977, 246, -13147) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:00:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6977, 248, -13148) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [08:01 04:00:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6977, 249, -13149) [08:01 04:00:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6976, 249, -13149) [DB] Saved 163 npcs in database (19 ms) [08:01 04:00:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6976, 250, -13149) [08:01 04:00:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6976, 252, -13150) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 [08:01 04:00:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6976, 253, -13150) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Storing 5 chunks... Storing 6 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 11 chunks in database (1 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 [08:01 04:00:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6976, 254, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 [08:01 04:00:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 3 -411 (6975, 252, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Delete growing plant 17967763 (206) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Storing 6 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 14 chunks in database (1 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 [08:01 04:00:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 3 -411 (6975, 254, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 [08:01 04:00:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 3 -411 (6974, 255, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 [08:01 04:00:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6973, 256, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 [DB] Saved 32767 npcs in database (113 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 [08:01 04:00:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6972, 257, -13152) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 [08:01 04:00:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6975, 256, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Storing 5 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 13 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 [08:01 04:00:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 3 -411 (6974, 254, -13151) SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 [08:01 04:00:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 3 -411 (6973, 254, -13151) Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (18003043) change status 100 -> 0 Storing 5 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 13 chunks in database (1 ms) Spawn npc sheep at (6012.00, 184.56, -11513.00) Spawn npc sheep at (6012.00, 184.66, -11520.00) [08:01 04:00:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6972, 258, -13152) [DB] Saved 142 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:00:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6971, 259, -13152) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:00:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6971, 260, -13152) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 04:01:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6970, 260, -13152) WorldPart (12, -23) generated (30 ms) WorldPart (12, -22) generated (23 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 04:01:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6969, 261, -13152) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:01:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6968, 262, -13152) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [08:01 04:01:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 260, -13153) [08:01 04:01:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 261, -13153) [08:01 04:01:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 261, -13154) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:01:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 262, -13154) [08:01 04:01:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 260, -13155) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (4 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 261, -13156) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 SERVER: Updated 6 growing plants! [08:01 04:01:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 263, -13153) [08:01 04:01:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 264, -13153) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 265, -13153) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 265, -13153) [08:01 04:01:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 266, -13153) [08:01 04:01:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 263, -13154) [08:01 04:01:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 264, -13154) [08:01 04:01:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 265, -13154) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32783 npcs in database (131 ms) Spawn npc bull at (6208.00, 278.50, -11659.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (6094.00, 268.81, -11680.00) Spawn npc billygoat at (6101.00, 269.53, -11673.00) [08:01 04:01:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6968, 265, -13152) Delete growing plant 17951540 (500) Delete growing plant 17951541 (500) Delete growing plant 17951542 (500) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6968, 263, -13152) [08:01 04:01:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6970, 263, -13152) [08:01 04:01:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6968, 261, -13152) Spawn npc ram at (6279.00, 247.72, -11705.00) [08:01 04:01:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6967, 261, -13152) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 262, -13153) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:01:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 263, -13153) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:01:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 265, -13154) SERVER: Despawn 1 world items... [08:01 04:01:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6965, 265, -13154) [08:01 04:01:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6966, 264, -13152) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6965, 265, -13152) [DB] Saved 158 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:02:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6966, 263, -13152) [08:01 04:02:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6965, 262, -13152) [08:01 04:02:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6964, 264, -13153) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:02:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 266, -13155) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 265, -13155) WorldPart (12, -24) generated (33 ms) [08:01 04:02:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 266, -13156) [08:01 04:02:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 264, -13156) [08:01 04:02:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 264, -13156) [08:01 04:02:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 264, -13157) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 264, -13155) [08:01 04:02:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 264, -13156) [DB] Saved 135 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:02:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 266, -13156) [08:01 04:02:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 265, -13158) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 264, -13156) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 264, -13157) [08:01 04:02:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 264, -13156) [08:01 04:02:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6972, 264, -13157) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:02:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 266, -13157) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 261, -13157) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32779 npcs in database (130 ms) [08:01 04:02:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 262, -13155) [08:01 04:02:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 262, -13156) [08:01 04:02:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 263, -13158) [08:01 04:02:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 263, -13159) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:02:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 263, -13159) [08:01 04:02:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 263, -13158) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:03:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 263, -13159) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 04:03:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 264, -13158) [08:01 04:03:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 265, -13158) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 261, -13158) [08:01 04:03:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 261, -13157) [DB] Saved 182 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 04:03:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 261, -13158) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 260, -13156) [08:01 04:03:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 260, -13158) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 262, -13158) [08:01 04:03:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 260, -13156) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:03:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 259, -13156) [08:01 04:03:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 258, -13157) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 259, -13155) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6967, 259, -13154) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 3 [08:01 04:03:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6966, 258, -13154) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 3 -> 1 [08:01 04:03:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 259, -13153) [DB] Saved 32706 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 04:03:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6969, 259, -13151) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 3 Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 3 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 04:03:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6971, 262, -13152) [08:01 04:03:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 262, -13154) Object furnacebig (17992715) change status 1 -> 0 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:03:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6972, 263, -13154) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:03:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 265, -13154) [08:01 04:03:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6971, 264, -13152) [DB] Saved 163 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:03:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 261, -13159) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:04:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 260, -13158) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Remove item ironingot (18076424) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076425) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076426) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076427) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076428) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076429) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076430) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076431) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076432) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076433) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076434) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076435) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076436) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076437) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076438) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076439) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076440) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076443) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076444) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076445) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076446) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076473) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076474) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076475) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076476) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076478) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076479) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076480) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076481) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076482) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076483) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076484) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076485) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076486) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076487) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076488) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076489) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076490) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076491) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076492) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076493) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076494) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076495) from meta object 17992715 Remove item ironingot (18076496) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076497) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076498) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076499) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076501) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076502) from meta object 17992715 Remove item aluminiumingot (18076503) from meta object 17992715 [WARNING] [04:04:03] Invalid item pickup target type: Furnace (17992715) [08:01 04:04:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13158) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:04:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 258, -13159) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 04:04:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 259, -13157) [08:01 04:04:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13156) [08:01 04:04:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 258, -13157) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:04:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 258, -13155) [08:01 04:04:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13154) [08:01 04:04:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 258, -13153) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:04:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6968, 258, -13154) [DB] Saved 225 npcs in database (19 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:04:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6969, 260, -13157) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 04:04:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6972, 263, -13155) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 7 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:04:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13160) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:04:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13161) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:04:35] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 16, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7050.02, 195.71, -11708.4) [08:01 04:04:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13162) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:04:37] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 11, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7050.02, 195.71, -11708.4) [08:01 04:04:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6970, 259, -13163) [08:01 04:04:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 259, -13164) WorldPart (13, -22) generated (22 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32704 npcs in database (114 ms) [08:01 04:04:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6971, 260, -13160) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:04:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6972, 260, -13160) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:04:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -412 (6973, 259, -13160) Spawn npc chicken at (6926.00, 134.50, -11008.00) Spawn npc chicken at (6912.00, 133.41, -10994.00) Spawn npc chicken at (6933.00, 133.38, -11001.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:05:00] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 41, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7050.02, 195.71, -11708.4) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 155 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:05:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 217 4 -411 (6975, 257, -13151) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 12 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:05:10] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 26, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7050.02, 195.71, -11708.4) [08:01 04:05:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6976, 256, -13152) [08:01 04:05:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6977, 256, -13151) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:05:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6977, 252, -13151) Object chest2 (18004909) change status 0 -> 1 WorldPart (14, -22) generated (22 ms) [08:01 04:05:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6978, 252, -13151) [08:01 04:05:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6979, 253, -13151) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 9 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:05:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6978, 254, -13151) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:05:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6979, 254, -13151) Storing 5 chunks... Storing 8 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 13 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:05:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6979, 255, -13151) [08:01 04:05:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (6980, 255, -13151) [08:01 04:05:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6979, 256, -13151) [DB] Saved 237 npcs in database (20 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:05:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6980, 257, -13151) [08:01 04:05:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6981, 258, -13151) WorldPart (13, -21) generated (25 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:05:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 4 -411 (6982, 259, -13151) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Object chest2 (18004909) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32709 npcs in database (113 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 227 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:06:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 218, -13147) [08:01 04:06:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 218, -13148) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:06:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 218, -13149) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:06:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 218, -13150) [DB] Saved 182 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:06:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 218, -13151) [08:01 04:06:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 219, -13150) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:06:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 218, -13151) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:06:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7005, 218, -13152) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:06:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 218, -13152) [08:01 04:06:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7004, 220, -13148) WorldPart (14, -21) generated (24 ms) [08:01 04:06:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7002, 219, -13152) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (11 ms) [08:01 04:06:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 218 3 -411 (7003, 219, -13150) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32728 npcs in database (130 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 214 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:07:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 246, -13143) [08:01 04:07:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 247, -13144) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:07:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 248, -13145) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [08:01 04:07:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 250, -13146) [08:01 04:07:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 251, -13146) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 [08:01 04:07:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7019, 251, -13147) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:07:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 250, -13148) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:07:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7019, 252, -13147) [08:01 04:07:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7019, 253, -13147) [08:01 04:07:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018, 253, -13146) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:07:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 254, -13147) [08:01 04:07:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 252, -13147) [08:01 04:07:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 253, -13147) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:08:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 252, -13146) [08:01 04:08:01] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17966783(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -367 (7128.5, 188.5, -11741.5) [08:01 04:08:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 251, -13146) Spawn 3 saplings (1 - 3) for felled tree hickory (18076519) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:08:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7022, 253, -13147) [08:01 04:08:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 254, -13148) [08:01 04:08:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7019, 253, -13148) [08:01 04:08:09] DestroyVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17966783(type: 500, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 222 0 -367 (7128.5, 188.5, -11741.5) [08:01 04:08:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018, 254, -13149) [DB] Saved 32758 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 04:08:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018, 254, -13147) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:08:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7017, 255, -13148) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:08:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018, 251, -13146) [08:01 04:08:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018, 250, -13146) [08:01 04:08:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 252, -13149) [08:01 04:08:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 252, -13150) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 04:08:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 252, -13151) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 3 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:08:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 252, -13152) [08:01 04:08:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -412 (7021, 252, -13153) [DB] Saved 214 npcs in database (21 ms) [08:01 04:08:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 253, -13150) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:08:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 253, -13151) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:08:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7021, 254, -13152) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:08:37] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7041.85, 195.71, -11709.83) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:08:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -412 (7021, 253, -13154) [08:01 04:08:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7020, 250, -13150) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (9 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (29 ms) WorldPart (13, -26) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (34 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (22 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 6 chunks in database (1 ms) OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 04:08:53] PlaceObject: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18076541(type: 225, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7050.85, 198.65, -11709.65) Player =THS=Tritonb placed object element brazier (ID: 18076541) Object brazier (18076541) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 181 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7035, 253, -13145) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32688 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7021, 280, -13157) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:09:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7021, 279, -13158) [08:01 04:09:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7021, 279, -13159) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:09:26] CraftItem: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: -1(type: 75, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 299) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7042.03, 195.71, -11709.91) [08:01 04:09:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 279, -13159) [08:01 04:09:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7021, 280, -13160) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7020, 280, -13159) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7019, 281, -13159) [08:01 04:09:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7020, 279, -13157) [08:01 04:09:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7020, 278, -13157) [08:01 04:09:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7019, 280, -13157) [08:01 04:09:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7019, 279, -13158) [DB] Saved 219 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 277, -13157) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 11 growing plants! [08:01 04:09:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 279, -13160) [08:01 04:09:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 278, -13161) [08:01 04:09:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 280, -13160) [08:01 04:09:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7022, 281, -13159) [08:01 04:09:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7020, 282, -13159) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7019, 280, -13160) [08:01 04:09:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7018, 280, -13161) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:09:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7018, 281, -13161) [08:01 04:10:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7018, 281, -13162) [08:01 04:10:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7017, 282, -13162) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! WorldPart (13, -22) generated (21 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7019, 281, -13158) [DB] Saved 220 npcs in database (20 ms) [08:01 04:10:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7018, 282, -13158) [08:01 04:10:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7017, 282, -13157) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7016, 282, -13156) Delete growing plant 17967847 (206) [08:01 04:10:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7024, 280, -13160) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7023, 278, -13159) [08:01 04:10:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7024, 280, -13161) [08:01 04:10:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7024, 278, -13161) Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:10:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7024, 279, -13162) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32696 npcs in database (114 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7025, 279, -13161) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7025, 280, -13162) [08:01 04:10:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7026, 281, -13162) [08:01 04:10:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7027, 280, -13162) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:10:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7028, 280, -13164) [08:01 04:10:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7028, 281, -13163) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:10:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7028, 282, -13164) [DB] Saved 216 npcs in database (4 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [08:01 04:10:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7027, 282, -13165) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:11:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 4 -412 (7018, 281, -13155) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 32748 npcs in database (130 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -26) generated (29 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -26) generated (5 ms) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (15, -27) generated (25 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (33 ms) WorldPart (14, -28) generated (28 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (29 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! WorldPart (14, -27) generated (32 ms) WorldPart (16, -28) generated (13 ms) WorldPart (15, -29) generated (17 ms) Spawn npc chicken at (7232.00, 286.41, -13248.00) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 162 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:11:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 274, -13198) [08:01 04:11:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 273, -13198) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:11:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 274, -13199) [08:01 04:11:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 274, -13200) [08:01 04:11:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 274, -13201) WorldPart (14, -21) generated (23 ms) WorldPart (14, -22) generated (21 ms) [08:01 04:11:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 275, -13199) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:11:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 274, -13200) [08:01 04:11:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 274, -13199) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:11:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 273, -13199) [08:01 04:11:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7080, 273, -13198) [08:01 04:11:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 275, -13198) [DB] Saved 207 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:12:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 273, -13198) [08:01 04:12:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 272, -13198) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:12:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 271, -13198) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 271, -13197) [08:01 04:12:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 273, -13200) [08:01 04:12:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7085, 273, -13199) [08:01 04:12:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7085, 272, -13199) [08:01 04:12:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 272, -13199) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7086, 271, -13198) [08:01 04:12:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 271, -13198) [DB] Saved 32700 npcs in database (112 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:12:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 270, -13198) [08:01 04:12:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 269, -13196) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:29] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 269, -13196) [08:01 04:12:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 268, -13196) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:12:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 268, -13197) [08:01 04:12:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 267, -13197) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 270, -13198) [08:01 04:12:42] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 269, -13198) [08:01 04:12:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 269, -13199) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 269, -13200) [DB] Saved 214 npcs in database (19 ms) [08:01 04:12:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 271, -13200) [08:01 04:12:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 270, -13201) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:12:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 270, -13202) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:12:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 270, -13202) [08:01 04:12:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 270, -13200) [08:01 04:12:58] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7080, 270, -13201) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 271, -13202) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:03] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 268, -13199) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:13:05] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 268, -13200) [08:01 04:13:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 268, -13202) [08:01 04:13:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 270, -13200) [DB] Saved 171 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 04:13:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 269, -13202) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 268, -13200) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:13:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7083, 267, -13200) [08:01 04:13:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7084, 267, -13202) [08:01 04:13:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 268, -13201) [08:01 04:13:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7080, 269, -13200) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) WorldPart (14, -23) generated (26 ms) [08:01 04:13:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 268, -13201) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7081, 267, -13198) [08:01 04:13:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 266, -13199) [DB] Saved 32736 npcs in database (113 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:44] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7080, 274, -13198) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7078, 274, -13197) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:13:52] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 273, -13197) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:13:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7076, 274, -13198) [DB] Saved 209 npcs in database (19 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:13:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7076, 275, -13198) [08:01 04:13:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7076, 276, -13199) [08:01 04:14:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7075, 277, -13199) [08:01 04:14:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7075, 278, -13199) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:14:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7074, 277, -13199) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 04:14:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 303, -13205) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:14:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 293, -13202) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:14:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 292, -13203) [08:01 04:14:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 293, -13203) [08:01 04:14:39] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 292, -13204) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32745 npcs in database (112 ms) [08:01 04:14:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7078, 294, -13204) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:14:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7077, 293, -13205) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:14:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7076, 294, -13204) [08:01 04:14:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7075, 294, -13205) [08:01 04:14:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7075, 293, -13204) [08:01 04:14:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7074, 295, -13204) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:14:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7075, 292, -13203) [08:01 04:14:55] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7076, 291, -13203) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:14:57] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7078, 292, -13203) [08:01 04:15:00] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7079, 294, -13203) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:15:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7082, 293, -13203) Object chest2 (17992784) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 237 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object chest2 (17992784) change status 1 -> 0 Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:15:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7090, 305, -13207) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:15:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7089, 306, -13207) [08:01 04:15:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7090, 307, -13208) [08:01 04:15:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7089, 308, -13208) [08:01 04:15:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7089, 309, -13209) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:15:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 4 -413 (7088, 310, -13208) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 185 npcs in database (20 ms) WorldPart (14, -27) generated (35 ms) WorldPart (13, -27) generated (33 ms) Load sector from db (1, -2) WorldPart (16, -27) generated (10 ms) WorldPart (16, -28) generated (14 ms) WorldPart (15, -28) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (15, -29) generated (17 ms) WorldPart (14, -29) generated (26 ms) WorldPart (13, -29) generated (28 ms) Spawn npc ram at (7221.00, 383.66, -13348.00) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:15:36] DestroyVegetation: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17967449(type: 903, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 220 0 -414 (7068.5, 340.28, -13235.5) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) CHAT MESSAGE: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [2023-08-01 04:15] Server: Stay connected! Join our Discord: discord.gg/EQ6a9mb [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32757 npcs in database (112 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:02] PlaceVegetation: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 18076637(type: 622, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 301) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7049.11, 195.7, -11699.96) Player CptBerzerko placed growable plant spruceforest_sapling (ID: 18076637), growth time: 8000 Created growing plant spruceforest_sapling (18076637), growth time: 8000 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 04:16:12] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 18076637(type: 622, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 301) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7049.11, 195.7, -11699.96) Delete growing plant 18076637 (622) [DB] Saved 139 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (15) [08:01 04:16:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 250, -13144) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 250, -13145) [08:01 04:16:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 249, -13146) [08:01 04:16:24] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 248, -13146) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:16:26] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 247, -13147) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7024, 250, -13145) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7024, 249, -13146) [08:01 04:16:32] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7024, 248, -13147) [08:01 04:16:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7024, 247, -13146) Player CptBerzerko sets secondary spawn point (object: 14297371 @ 220 3 -366) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 157 npcs in database (4 ms) [08:01 04:16:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7023, 248, -13147) [08:01 04:16:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7023, 247, -13146) [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7025, 247, -13145) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:16:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7017, 254, -13146) [08:01 04:16:50] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7017, 255, -13146) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 3 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:16:54] KillNpc: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 17978507(type: 1, tex: 2, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 219 3 -411 (7018.06, 249.56, -13144.94) DELETE NPC FROM DB: 17978507 [DB] Saved 32788 npcs in database (130 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Sync client inventory... [08:01 04:17:04] CraftItem: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: -1(type: 790, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 301) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7054.39, 195.71, -11695.74) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (15) CHAT MESSAGE: Player =THS=JAX died... [2023-08-01 04:17] Server: Player =THS=JAX died... [DB] Saved 172 npcs in database (5 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 1 -2 OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 04:17:35] PlaceObject: CptBerzerko (DbID: 301, UID: 76561198041368231 element: 18076643(type: 300, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 301) @ chunk 220 3 -366 (7053.29, 195.84, -11691.66) Player CptBerzerko placed object element primitiveshelter (ID: 18076643) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Player CptBerzerko sets secondary spawn point (object: 18076643 @ 220 3 -366) Player =THS=JAX sets secondary spawn point (object: 17983627 @ 221 1 -390) Player =THS=Tritonb sets secondary spawn point (object: 14297371 @ 220 3 -366) Skip night (server) 116 ingame minutes skipped... SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 104 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 SERVER: Despawn 2 world items... [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Player CptBerzerko removes secondary spawn point... SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Player CptBerzerko sets secondary spawn point (object: 18076643 @ 220 3 -366) [DB] Saved 32773 npcs in database (112 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object furnacebig (17990353) change status 0 -> 1 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 198 npcs in database (20 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (2 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 32701 npcs in database (114 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (26 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 187 npcs in database (4 ms) WorldPart (13, -23) generated (28 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 242 npcs in database (17 ms) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 [DB] Saved 32697 npcs in database (114 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 0 -> 5 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 5 -> 10 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 10 -> 15 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 15 -> 20 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 20 -> 25 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 25 -> 30 SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 30 -> 35 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 35 -> 40 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 40 -> 45 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 45 -> 50 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 50 -> 55 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 55 -> 60 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 60 -> 65 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 65 -> 70 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 70 -> 75 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 75 -> 80 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 80 -> 85 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 85 -> 90 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 90 -> 95 Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 95 -> 100 [DB] Saved 192 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) Object spinningwheel (17932824) change status 100 -> 0 [08:01 04:20:36] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17965818(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 226 0 -377 (7256.5, 144.84, -12045.5) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Storing 2 chunks... [DB] Saved 2 chunks in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 199 npcs in database (4 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:20:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 102, -12442) [08:01 04:20:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 101, -12441) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:21:02] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 100, -12439) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:21:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 99, -12438) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:21:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 99, -12440) [08:01 04:21:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 98, -12439) [08:01 04:21:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 97, -12439) [DB] Saved 32716 npcs in database (131 ms) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:21:21] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 98, -12438) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:21:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 98, -12438) [08:01 04:21:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 97, -12437) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:21:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 96, -12437) [08:01 04:21:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 96, -12436) [08:01 04:21:34] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 96, -12436) [DB] Saved 215 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 04:21:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 97, -12439) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:21:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 97, -12440) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:21:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 96, -12441) [08:01 04:21:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 98, -12440) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:21:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 98, -12441) [08:01 04:21:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 97, -12441) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! OBJECT PLACE: 0 0 [08:01 04:21:58] PlaceObject: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: 18104180(type: 216, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102.11, 95.56, -12435.45) Player =THS=JAX placed object element standingtorch (ID: 18104180) [DB] Saved 137 npcs in database (4 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) Object standingtorch (18104180) change status 0 -> 1 SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [DB] Saved 1 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:22:07] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 97, -12442) [08:01 04:22:09] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 97, -12443) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:22:11] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 98, -12441) [08:01 04:22:13] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 98, -12442) [08:01 04:22:15] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 98, -12442) [08:01 04:22:17] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 98, -12442) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:22:19] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 98, -12442) [08:01 04:22:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 97, -12442) [DB] Saved 32725 npcs in database (113 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:22:23] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 97, -12443) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:22:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 98, -12444) [08:01 04:22:27] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 98, -12444) [08:01 04:22:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 98, -12443) [08:01 04:22:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 98, -12444) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) DISPOSE SECTOR 0 -2 [08:01 04:22:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 96, -12443) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:22:35] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 97, -12445) [08:01 04:22:37] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 97, -12445) [08:01 04:22:40] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 97, -12445) [08:01 04:22:41] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 97, -12446) [08:01 04:22:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 96, -12447) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 212 npcs in database (20 ms) [08:01 04:22:46] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 97, -12445) [08:01 04:22:48] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 96, -12445) [08:01 04:22:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 96, -12443) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:22:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 96, -12443) [08:01 04:22:54] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7102, 95, -12443) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:22:56] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 95, -12443) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:22:59] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 96, -12441) [08:01 04:23:01] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 94, -12443) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:23:04] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 95, -12444) [08:01 04:23:06] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 95, -12440) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 136 npcs in database (5 ms) [08:01 04:23:08] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 96, -12439) Storing 2 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 4 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:23:10] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 94, -12445) [08:01 04:23:12] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 96, -12446) SERVER: Updated 4 growing plants! [08:01 04:23:14] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 98, -12446) [08:01 04:23:16] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 98, -12447) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:23:18] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 98, -12447) Load sector from db (0, -2) WorldPart (14, -24) generated (24 ms) [08:01 04:23:20] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7104, 97, -12448) [08:01 04:23:22] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7103, 99, -12448) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) SERVER: Updated 3 growing plants! [08:01 04:23:25] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -390 (7105, 97, -12449) [08:01 04:23:28] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 96, -12447) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:23:30] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 95, -12448) [DB] Saved 32751 npcs in database (113 ms) [08:01 04:23:31] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 95, -12446) [08:01 04:23:33] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7106, 94, -12446) Storing 4 chunks... Storing 4 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 8 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:23:36] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 95, -12442) [08:01 04:23:38] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 222 1 -389 (7105, 95, -12441) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:23:43] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 98, -12440) [08:01 04:23:43] RemoveVegetation: =THS=Tritonb (DbID: 299, UID: 76561198003962015 element: 17965723(type: 250, tex: 0, ownerDbID: -1) @ chunk 227 0 -385 (7278.5, 225.44, -12309.5) SERVER: Updated 10 growing plants! [08:01 04:23:45] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 97, -12441) [08:01 04:23:47] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 97, -12443) Storing 3 chunks... Storing 2 chunk parts... [DB] Saved 5 chunks in database (1 ms) [08:01 04:23:49] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7100, 98, -12444) [DB] Saved 3 players in database (0 ms) [DB] Saved 10 storages in database (0 ms) [08:01 04:23:51] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7099, 98, -12445) SERVER: Received player damage event (1) [08:01 04:23:53] DestroyTerrain: =THS=JAX (DbID: 302, UID: 76561198403939252 element: -1(type: 0, tex: 0, ownerDbID: 302) @ chunk 221 1 -389 (7101, 98, -12445) [DB] Saved 196 npcs in database (4 ms)