Java: 1.8.0_25 Initialize Default Options... 1280 X 720 SSL SOCKET HIVE OnConnect - STEAM VERSION -> 1 Initialize Materials... INFO: Initialize Static Classes... Starting initialization... Collision Shapes initialized! Constructions initialized! Items initialized! Objects initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! SEVERE: Classpath for Item clockgold not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item ledflashlight not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item spotlight not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item helmetlight not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item chemlight not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item tipitentbag not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item largetentbag2 not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item campbed not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item fireplace not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item fireplacegrill not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item fireplacepot not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item halfcylindercorner not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item halfcylindercross not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item halfcylindertcross not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair1corner not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair1cornerinner not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair2cornerinner not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair2cornerouter not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair3 not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair3cornerinner not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item stair3cornerouter not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item swordironold not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item swordsteel not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item swordtitan not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item swordmithril not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Item swordgold not found! Initialize RenderingSettings... Initialize Bulletphysics... SEVERE: Classpath for Object rocksmall1 not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Object rocksmall2 not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Object fireplace not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Object fireplacegrill not found! SEVERE: Classpath for Object fireplacecookingpot not found! WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: imageposter WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: woodplank WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: woodbeam WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: glasspane WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: window1 WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: window2 WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: window3 WARNING: Localized name or description not found for Construction: window4 WARNING: Classpath for Plant scrub1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant mapletree1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant mapletree2 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant mapletree3 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant dead1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant pine1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant forestpine1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower1_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower1_m not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower1_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant fern1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant pumpkin1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower2_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower2_m not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower2_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower3_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower3_m not found! Initialize IngameContext... WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower3_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower4_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower4_m not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower4_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower5_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower5_m not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower5_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower6_s not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower6_m not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant flower6_l not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant maplesapling_s0 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant maplesapling_s1 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant pinesapling_s0 not found! WARNING: Classpath for Plant pinesapling_s1 not found! Initialize SerializerRegistrations... INFO: VOXELMATERIAL loaded SEVERE: Unable to load localizated months: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name bundles/Bundle, locale en_EN INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: object.plank INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: ores.copper INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: world.dirt INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: world.stone INFO: Register MainPermission: permission.changespawn Initialize InputMappings... Initialize LocalPlayer... WARNING: Attempted to add mapping "SelectorModular" twice to trigger. Initialize AppStates... INFO: LODMATERIAL loaded INFO: OREMATERIAL loaded Initialize GUI... INFO: GRASSMATERIAL loaded Unable to read from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\server.favorites (The system cannot find the file specified) Initialize PostProcessFilters... Initialize Sounds... INFO: CONSTRUCTIONMATERIAL loaded INFO: GLASSMATERIAL loaded INFO: SKYMATERIAL loaded INFO: PLAYERMATERIAL loaded INFO: VEHICLEMATERIAL loaded INFO: ITEMMATERIAL loaded INFO: MAPMATERIAL loaded INFO: OREITEMMATERIAL loaded INFO: OBJECTMATERIAL loaded INFO: VEGETATIONMATERIAL loaded INFO: CHOPPEDTREEMATERIAL loaded INFO: FIREMATERIAL loaded INFO: FLAREFIREMATERIAL loaded INFO: DEBRISMATERIAL loaded INFO: HELLLAVAMATERIAL loaded INFO: INSECTMATERIAL loaded INFO: SELECTORMATERIALS loaded INFO: OCCLUSIONMATERIAL loaded INFO: UNSHADEDMATERIALS loaded GrassOccludeProcessor initialized! skip registration/login Loadingtime: 9.90 seconds Graphics saved!