[WARNING] UNABLE TO GET LATEST SERVER VERSION... Rising World Dedicated Server Version 0.3 (1) 2021-10-02 15:05 Linux 4.18 CentOS Linux 8 64bit (Desktop) Common KVM processor, 8 Cores, 2599 MHz PC 7767 MB RAM Commit: ac93d51fbac2659583e813c5ed61edf6d48ac198 Branch: master JobID: 5465 _______________________________________________________________________________________ [C++] Initialize Main.cpp Initialized default settings (1044 ms) Initialized command-line arguments (0 ms) Load definitions... Loaded 217 block infos from db! Loaded 13 item definitions from db! Loaded 1 picking definitions from db! Loaded 1 consume definitions from db! Loaded 1 projectile definitions from db! Loaded 1 weapon definitions from db! Loaded 34 construction definitions from db! Loaded 2 plant definitions from db! Loaded 25 object definitions from db! Found 217 crafting recipes... Loaded 217 crafting recipes from db! Loaded 2 crafting stations from db! Loaded 13 weather definitions from db! Initialized definitions (14 ms) Port check done! Init hm manager... 64922375 b Hm header: 28, total: 64922375, num: 5 Close SQLite databases... Check world version: 0.3_1 Load world 'New World' (SQLite) [WARNING] No permissions folder found! [WARNING] No default permission found! [WARNING] SQLite: WorldInfo key 'snowinesswetness' does not exist! World infos: * Version: 0.3_1 * Seed: * Gamemode: Survival * WorldType: Default * OreAmount: Default * Vegetation: Enabled * Caves: Enabled * CreationDate: 1633186536 * LastPlayed: 1633186723 * SpawnPosition: (1037.3, 524.0, 597.7) * SpawnRotation: (0.1, 0.5, 0.0, 0.9) SERVER INVENTORY: Quickslot focus: 0 Hash: 367883703 Items: [0] pickaxe (1), tex: 0, stack: 1, status: 0, value: 0, durability: 5000, modifier: Normal [1] repeater (3), tex: 0, stack: 1, status: -10, value: 0, durability: 1000, modifier: Normal [2] paintroller (12), tex: 0, stack: 1, status: 0, value: 0, durability: 500, modifier: Normal [3] bottle (4), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [4] apple (2), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [5] NULL [6] NULL [7] NULL [8] NULL [9] NULL [10] NULL [11] NULL [12] NULL [13] NULL [14] bottle (4), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [15] bottle (4), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [16] bottle (4), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [17] apple (2), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [18] apple (2), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [19] apple (2), tex: 0, stack: 16, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [20] NULL [21] NULL [22] NULL [23] NULL [24] NULL [25] NULL [26] constructionitem (14), tex: 201, stack: 922, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [27] constructionitem (14), tex: 239, stack: 858, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal [28] NULL [29] NULL [30] NULL [31] NULL [32] pickaxe (1), tex: 0, stack: 1, status: 0, value: 0, durability: 5000, modifier: Normal [33] NULL [34] NULL [35] NULL [36] NULL [37] NULL [38] NULL [39] NULL [40] NULL [41] NULL [42] NULL [43] NULL [44] NULL [45] NULL [46] NULL [47] NULL [48] NULL [49] NULL GlobalID counter set to 221422 INITIAL WEATHER: Default (2777) JavaVM options: [0] -Xmx1024M [1] -Xms32M [2] -Xss1M [3] -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=32M [4] -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow JNI: Successfully created new VM (140166119508768)! Create new JNIEnv (handle: 94395281371912, thread: 1) [Java] Classloder.load: /home/rwserver/serverfiles/Data/Java/Runtime.jar, /home/rwserver/serverfiles/Data/Java/PluginAPI.jar [Java] Classloader.unload: null [Java] Add library: /home/rwserver/serverfiles/Data/Java/Libs/snakeyaml.jar Plugin API is currently disabled... Starting RW Dedicated Server... Starting 4 server chunk worker threads... Server bind to IP: ***.***.***.***:4255 Init server platform (Steam) [S_API] GameServer.Init(0, 4254, 4255, 4254, eServerModeAuthentication, 202109011) [ERROR] !!! UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION !!! RisingWorld.Server.Main:HandleError(Exception) RisingWorld.Common.JIWApplication:Update() [ERROR] SteamException: [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed RisingWorld.Server.Platforms.SteamServerSDK.SteamServer..ctor () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) RisingWorld.Server.Platforms.PlatformServerSDK.Initialize (RisingWorld.Server.GameServer+Type type, RisingWorld.Common.Platforms.SDK sdk) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) RisingWorld.Server.GameServer.InitServerPlatform (RisingWorld.Common.Platforms.SDK sdk) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) RisingWorld.Server.Main.InitServerContext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) RisingWorld.Server.Main.OnPostInitialize () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Action.Invoke () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) RisingWorld.Common.JIWApplication.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) ExceptionExtensions:PrintStackTrace(Exception) RisingWorld.Server.Main:HandleError(Exception) RisingWorld.Common.JIWApplication:Update() [WARNING] Exit (1)