Rising World - - Dedicated Server Linux 4.4.0-109-generic Java 1.8.0_162 (amd64) Memory: 1908 MB 2018/02/19 07:41 PM ____________________________________________________ Start context... Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Projectile-Definitions initialized! Weapon-Definitions initialized! Objects initialized! Clothing initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Initializing world (sqlite) LOAD WORLD Rising City DATABASE TYPE: SQLite /home/s1248399/risingworld/Worlds/Rising City:::Rising City CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM z.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 1 WORLDINFO Gamemode: Creative Gametype set to Creative WORLDINFO Seed: 4933499228090898 WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 3 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO DisabledDungeons: WORLDINFO DisabledWaterSources: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: 4933499228090898 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 3 disablednpc: [] disableddungeons: [] disabledwatersources: [] WORLDINFO Time: 13.4.58 3:3:1.3127563 WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1451473664416 WORLDINFO Version: TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 3 0 3 32 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 1 0 117 1 3 32 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 2 2 -68 21 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 0 9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 -9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Spawnclothing: 5 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (4ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: 0 - 0 (401ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: -506.22568 75.35669 -109.31189 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 0.18995778 0.40147248 -0.08550933 0.8918655 Loading custom images... 23 images successfully loaded! INITIAL WEATHER Default 2198.0 419 chests loaded from DB! 416 texts loaded from DB! 1 Plants loaded from DB! 28 Furnaces loaded from DB! 4421 NPCs loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,255 Type:TCP Index:0 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,256 Type:UDP Index:1 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,256 Type:TCP Index:2 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,257 Type:UDP Index:3 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,257 Type:TCP Index:4 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,258 Type:UDP Index:5 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,258 Type:TCP Index:6 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! Found 10 files in groups folder 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Tutorial" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Bewerber" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Member" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "VIP" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Support" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Member2" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "VIP2" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "MemberPlus" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/19 07:41 PM I.g INFO: Group "Vertreter" permissions loaded successfully! RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED /home/s1248399/risingworld/scripts [LUA]Script "World Edit" loaded. Author: LordFoobar Team: [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale de... [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale en... [LUA][World Edit] Script v0.5.85 loaded. - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 0 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 1 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 2 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@6ee3406b load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@165a8440 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[1] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[2] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[3] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null 2018/02/19 07:41 PM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,253 Type:TCP Index:0 RCON Server bind to IP: Steam - Load native library: libsteam_api.so Filesize: 370330 bytes Steam - Load native library: libsteamworks4j.so Filesize: 256928 bytes Steam - Load native library: libsteamworks4j-server.so Filesize: 76320 bytes STEAM BIND TO 1503903886 (, PORT 4255, 4259 Authentication SteamID: 76561197960265728 (0) Query IP: Steam Query Server bind to ( Steam Servers Connected (1433573729 -> [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@56523028 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6edcd308 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2eca2071 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1cb67ea4 PORT:4258 CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 07:41 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 98712841 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 107, 13, 105, 82, -83, -60, -9, 34, 9, 61, -30, 5, 1, 0, 16, 1, 109, 18, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -128, 106, -34, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, -114, 42, 35, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 9, 61, -30, 5, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 38, 99, -34, 93, 20, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, -37, -123, 90, -49, -118, -95, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 47, -1, -117, -87, -7, -8, 109, 50, 81, -85, -43, 91, -57, 52, -48, 29, -110, -60, 27, -39, -121, 116, 85, -60, 75, 50, -28, 19, -21, 114, 4, 39, -21, 93, 123, -36, -14, -110, 72, -90, -78, 112, -99, -15, -51, -95, -119, 122, 76, -57, 11, -74, -9, -116, 36, 37, 53, -123, -56, -95, -125, -110, 119, -112, 36, 88, -46, 70, -55, -76, 79, 57, -115, 37, -37, 39, 57, -4, 65, 42, 30, -72, -56, -81, -56, -49, -123, -32, 99, 110, 25, -22, 83, -99, 36, 72, -15, 41, 95, -2, 61, 98, -89, 105, -71, 78, 111, -12, -74, 93, 72, 105, 12, -93, 45, 47, -125, 5, 7, -80, 88, 13, 44, -94, -121, -36, 99] PLAYER CONNECT: PatrickBronke LOADPLAYER: PatrickBronke (76561198058978569) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[1] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[2] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[2] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[2] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[1] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[3] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[3] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[3] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[3] Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -1 Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000105e23d09 - 110000105e23d09 OK [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[3] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 3 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[3] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@d276c52] wText[3] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 3 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|3] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 3 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@b5b197d] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] Worldpart generating... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 0 Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -1 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -1 - -1 (169ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 0 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -1 - 0 (130ms) [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@908b450 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@21262a98 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6130c1e3 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2ac3d290 PORT:4258 CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 07:45 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 94, -51, -28, 16, 18, 45, -22, -39, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -74, 10, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 29, 13, -96, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, -16, 127, 90, 79, -96, -101, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 57, 46, -126, 70, 103, 68, -65, 17, -98, -51, -28, 49, 31, 39, 88, -102, 42, -18, -50, 68, -125, -30, 112, -26, 77, 91, -97, -30, -118, -50, 87, -82, 116, 0, 86, -80, 124, 32, 12, 86, 49, 18, 88, -66, -67, -112, -99, -31, 20, -118, 100, -100, 117, 98, -12, 26, -8, 11, 11, -46, -79, 40, -125, 73, -6, -31, 115, -74, -35, 26, -76, -9, -68, 115, -82, -10, -93, -24, 37, 40, 70, 10, -48, -119, -61, -17, 120, 67, 62, -88, 90, 73, 99, -87, -94, -50, 69, -124, 8, 90, -62, 113, 53, 32, 96, 103, 87, -84, 96, 7, -3, 65, -25, -12, -63, -89, 3, -62, -5, 33, 123, -77, -58, -65, 83, 45, 62] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[1] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[2] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[2] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[2] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[5] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[3] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[3] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[3] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[7] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[3] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 3 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[3] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@5cef8a75] wText[7] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 3 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|3] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 3 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@b5b197d] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 3 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 4 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 5 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@2b9be6a2 load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@3cb0163 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] neu areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] neu areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] neu areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] neu bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] neu cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] neu command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] neu command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] neu command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] neu command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] neu command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] neu command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] neu command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] neu command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] neu command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] neu command_region_author = author [WorldGard] neu command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] neu command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] neu command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] neu command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] neu command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] neu command_select_property = property [WorldGard] neu command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] neu command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] neu command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] neu command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] neu command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] neu command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] neu command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] neu command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] neu command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] neu command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] neu command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] neu command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] neu command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] neu command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] neu command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] neu command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] neu command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] neu command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] neu command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] neu command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] neu command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] neu command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] neu command_info_aName = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aID = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] neu command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] neu event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] neu event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] neu event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] neu event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] neu event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] neu event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] neu event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] neu event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] neu event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] neu event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] neu event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] neu event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] neu event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] neu event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] neu event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] neu event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] neu event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] neu event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] neu event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] neu event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] neu event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] neu event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] neu event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] neu event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] neu event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] neu event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] neu event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] neu event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] neu event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] neu event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] neu event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] neu event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] neu event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] neu NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] neu Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] neu Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 233 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren en 1 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]not removed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]removed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]not hided [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]hided [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Config edited [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Owner changed [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren property [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Cancel [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Create [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Please select an Area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Description [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren author [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren show Area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren show help [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren ======================= [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren ======================= [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren List of category: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Cancle [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] neu areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] neu areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] neu areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] neu areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] neu bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] neu command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] neu cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] neu command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] neu command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] neu command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] neu command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] neu command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] neu command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] neu command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] neu command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] neu command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] neu command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] neu command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] neu command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] neu command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] neu command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] neu command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] neu command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] neu command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] neu command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] neu command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] neu command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] neu command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] neu command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] neu command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] neu command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] neu command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] neu command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] neu command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] neu command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] neu command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] neu command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] neu command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] neu command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] neu command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] neu command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] neu command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] neu command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] neu command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] neu command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] neu command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] neu command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] neu command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] neu command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] neu command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] neu event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] neu event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] neu event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] neu event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] neu event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] neu event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] neu event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] neu event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] neu event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] neu event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] neu event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] neu event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] neu event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] neu event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] neu event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] neu event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] neu event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] neu event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] neu event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] neu event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] neu event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] neu event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] neu event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] neu event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] neu event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] neu event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] neu event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] neu event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] neu event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] neu event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] neu event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] neu event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] neu event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] neu event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] neu event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] neu event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] neu event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] neu GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] neu Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] neu NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] neu Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] neu Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 233 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren de 1 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Abbrechen [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Erstellen [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Beschreibung [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Autor [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren ======================= [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren ======================= [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Abbrechen [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[4] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[5] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[6] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[4] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[5] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[5] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[5] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[9] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[6] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[6] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[6] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[11] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[4] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[5] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[5] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[5] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[6] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[6] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[6] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[15] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[6] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 6 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[6] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@2ea7c720] wText[11] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 6 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|6] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 6 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@2c8a77d] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[6] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 6 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[6] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@566211cc] wText[15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 6 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|6] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 6 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@2c8a77d] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[6] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 6 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.72864-54.35739--109.75215] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@2c8a77d] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 6 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 7 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 8 [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[7] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[8] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[9] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@41362903 load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@41352789 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.ClassCastException: de.pbplugins.tools.classWorldArea cannot be cast to de.pbplugins.tools.classWorldArea at de.pbplugins.wgArea.getAreaBy(wgArea.java:219) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerEnterAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:197) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:386) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[7] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[8] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[8] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[8] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[17] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[9] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[9] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[9] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[19] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[7] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[8] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[8] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[8] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[21] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[9] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[9] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[9] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[23] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[9] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@68f7d1ac] wText[19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[9] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@63e561fc] wText[23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-505.41238-54.359653--58.952282] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.964-54.357513--86.432976] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.99872-54.357437--73.02956] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-485.91464-54.355965--59.994698] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[9] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@68f7d1ac] wText[19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.16382-54.363235--59.573196] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[9] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@68f7d1ac] wText[19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 9 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 9 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.96283-54.356514--119.58513] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[9] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 9 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.98584-54.356636--118.605484] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@30091200] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [null] Erstelle[en] [null] Fehler null/locale/en.lang (No such file or directory) [null] Erstelle[de] [null] Fehler null/locale/de.lang (No such file or directory) PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException at de.chaoswg.SprachAPI.INI(SprachAPI.java:271) at de.chaoswg.AGBs.agb(AGBs.java:461) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:310) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:400) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [WorldGard] Desabled [AGBs] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 9 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 10 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 11 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@14b521ca load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@5ed33c20 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[10] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[11] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[12] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[12] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 12 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID PLUGIN EXCEPTION (WorldGard, 0.1.5, PatrickBronke, noci) ----> java.lang.ClassCastException: de.pbplugins.tools.classWorldArea cannot be cast to de.pbplugins.tools.classWorldArea at de.pbplugins.wgArea.getAreaBy(wgArea.java:219) at de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer.onPlayerEnterAreaEvent(WorldGardListenerPlayer.java:197) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:201) at G.f.a(SourceFile:386) at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:122) at de.jiw.network.server.core.ServerUdpChannel.onMessageReceived(ServerUdpChannel.java:100) at de.jiw.network.server.core.AbstractServerChannel.dispatchUDP(AbstractServerChannel.java:71) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:61) at de.jiw.network.server.session.UdpSessionHandler.channelRead0(UdpSessionHandler.java:16) at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:105) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(MessageToMessageDecoder.java:102) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:340) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline$HeadContext.channelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:1359) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:362) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(AbstractChannelHandlerContext.java:348) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:935) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe.read(AbstractNioMessageChannel.java:93) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[10] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[11] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[11] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[11] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[25] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[12] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[12] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[12] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[27] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[10] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[11] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[11] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[11] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[29] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[12] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[12] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[12] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[31] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[12] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 12 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[12] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@7e7810e8] wText[27] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 12 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|12] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 12 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[12] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 12 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.6346-54.355713--108.85365] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[12] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 12 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-507.5827-54.35569--59.785496] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 12 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|12] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 12 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.28827-54.354267-9.75516] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.27313-60.477047-22.943546] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Test [19:59] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Test CMD: makeadmin PatrickBronke MAKE ADMIN: PatrickBronke [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-422.5722-136.07733-98.56006] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@16ac1861] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 12 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 13 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 14 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@a634ebf load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@425595d6 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[13] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[14] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[15] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[14] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[15] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[35] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[14] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[37] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[15] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[39] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-502.29724-54.326458--71.09163] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] CMD: setadmin noci MAKE ADMIN: noci [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-501.80267-54.258945--71.521736] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.66867-70.48432--128.21944] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -1 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: 0 - -1 (133ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -1 Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-574.4768-55.3472-49.261665] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-526.4418-94.62777-295.33838] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-512.3696-96.43127-281.977] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[108.27368-124.94785--425.70593] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[145.25304-149.41368--444.72742] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[93.177444-119.48699--431.65332] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-558.88605-73.344894--105.4134] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying clear temporary voxel maps [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-28.794792-59.082386-9.719984] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.281906-133.07846-297.8319] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.281906-132.96182-297.8319] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.2725-38.3925-297.87] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.2725-37.495-297.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.275-36.5975-297.875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-75.3725-37.495-297.87] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-75.3775-36.5975-297.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-75.3725-38.3925-297.8675] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-75.3725-39.2925-297.8675] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.2725-39.2925-297.87] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.17-39.2925-297.8675] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.17-38.3925-297.8675] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.1725-37.495-297.87] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.175-36.5975-297.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.99974-133.09665-310.0232] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-40.947502-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-40.947502-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3275-40.925-307.4025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-40.9725-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-40.947502-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-40.947502-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-40.915-307.4775] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-40.947502-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-37.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-37.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-37.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3275-37.675-307.4025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-37.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-37.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-37.665-307.4775] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-37.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.875-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.875-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.8475-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.8475-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.8475-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.8475-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.8475-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.8475-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.8475-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.8475-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.8475-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.8475-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3275-35.83-307.4025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3275-35.83-307.4025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.8175-307.4775] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.8175-307.4775] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-35.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-35.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-35.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-80.69517-144.9746-282.00638] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-35.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-35.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-35.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.63478-133.0779-306.6673] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3225-44.4425-307.375] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-45.6975-307.4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.4375-44.4425-307.35] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3275-45.675-307.4025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.415-45.6975-307.39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3475-44.47-307.4125] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.335-45.6975-307.4175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.305-45.7225-307.425] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.34-44.4225-307.445] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.325-45.6975-307.4475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.2825-44.4425-307.46] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.28-44.4425-307.44] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3025-45.665-307.4775] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.265-44.41-307.455] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3125-45.6975-307.51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-76.3525-44.4425-307.53] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyConstruction FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-5.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-66.4525-38.925-310.38] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-66.4525-38.925-310.38] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-64.017075-134.39134-310.75412] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[2.0-3.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-3.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-3.0-6.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-3.0-8.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[15.0-3.0-9.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[3.0-3.0-8.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[6.0-3.0-7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-3.0-6.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-5.0-4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-6.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[5.0-3.0-13.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-3.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0-5.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-6.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-6.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-6.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-4.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-5.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-4.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-5.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-6.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.34528-134.86932-307.18204] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-4.0-4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-6.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-4.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-4.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[6.0-3.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-3.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-3.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-3.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[2.0-3.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-3.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[29] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-66.6275-39.0-310.335] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-3.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-66.6275-39.0-310.335] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-68.0325-39.375-301.23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-68.0325-39.375-301.23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-67.80337-135.24069-301.40628] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-81.0375-39.075-298.3075] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-81.0375-39.075-298.3075] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-79.71697-134.51833-297.7504] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (10, 5) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-85.8625-38.7075-303.4575] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-85.8625-38.7075-303.4575] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-85.4499-134.15723-301.72565] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-86.0875-38.6025-310.575] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-86.0875-38.6025-310.575] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-86.402275-134.57791-309.9335] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[10] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.1075-37.915-317.6525] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.1075-37.915-317.6525] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[52] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[4] Origin[Deconstruct] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.45995-133.6854-317.42273] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.93715-138.38533-310.538] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[40] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.93715-138.38533-310.538] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.93715-138.38533-310.538] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[5] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.93715-138.38533-310.538] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-73.72273-133.02086-310.02682] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[9] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-94.8275-35.6975-282.785] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[9] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-94.8275-35.6975-282.785] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-93.26388-131.69557-282.27234] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[40] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-93.26388-131.69557-282.27234] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-85.705-38.7825-303.5475] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-85.9125-38.677498-310.53] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-80.9475-39.15-298.465] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-68.19-39.45-301.32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-77.1075-37.989998-317.47] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-89.859116-133.05632-283.23395] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-89.55339-133.05852-283.247] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-89.55339-133.05852-283.247] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05722-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05722-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05733-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.0579-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05792-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05725-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05768-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05768-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.0577-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05792-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05722-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05785-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05768-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05807-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05731-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05768-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05731-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.0577-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.0577-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05768-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.1871-133.05792-283.82135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.73744-133.0615-285.44928] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.719864-133.0617-285.41095] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.719864-133.0617-285.41095] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.719864-133.0617-285.41095] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ChangeGamemode [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-86.336365-133.05957-291.63208] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativModus FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativModus [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.38637-133.05862-285.30637] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.38637-133.05862-285.30637] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-88.01042-133.06082-286.1098] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.83345-133.05997-286.52716] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.83345-133.05981-286.52716] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.83345-133.05997-286.52716] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-78.11-38.0675-294.72] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] PVP [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-80.59538-133.06-292.26135] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PVP FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PVP [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0-2.0-12.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[4] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-87.0997-133.05692-285.44528] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-9.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[309] ItemVariation[3] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[3] Origin[Dig] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-102.72019-136.15668-284.99042] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] ChangeGamemode [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-93.315994-133.05928-287.46234] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativModus FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativModus [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-84.5-32.5-284.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[0.0-3.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[0.0-3.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[140] Variante[6] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-90.2575-35.7-270.6875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0-3.0-10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-3.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0-4.0-10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-4.0-10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-12.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-13.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-14.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-5.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-4.0-15.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-4.0-0.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.0-3.0-2.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.0-3.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[140] Variante[6] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-90.2575-35.7-270.6875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-78.829056-133.01581-264.01813] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-90.2575-35.7-270.6875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-64.553764-101.39283-364.55225] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[false] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[17] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-19.215-57.699997-374.8225] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ChangeObjectStatus [WorldGard] Neuer Status: 1 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[1] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ChangeObjectStatus [WorldGard] Neuer Status: 0 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@290b81f2 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@61e73d11 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1e06ac1c PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3d5daa73 PORT:4258 CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 08:36 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 3 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 453950170 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -9, 54, 31, 19, -127, -6, 92, 40, -38, -70, 14, 27, 1, 0, 16, 1, -45, 3, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 106, -92, -75, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, -59, -118, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -38, -70, 14, 27, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -31, 40, -75, 77, 97, 1, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 126, -120, 90, -94, 45, -92, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 21, 105, -19, 80, -109, 121, 5, 76, 59, -63, 27, -57, 115, 115, -70, -123, -109, 101, -87, -97, 39, 1, -126, -4, -4, -54, 19, -16, -75, -8, -75, -102, -108, 24, -104, -59, -120, 13, 6, -122, 80, 125, -82, -123, 23, -38, 1, -3, 25, -13, -108, 90, 22, 20, -39, 115, 52, -117, 70, 31, 127, 0, 0, 4, -16, 63, -60, -125, 110, -97, -57, -118, 82, 109, 87, -115, -57, 46, 48, 42, -40, -75, -121, -7, 97, 69, -128, -26, -68, 28, -112, 31, -43, -23, 21, 76, 97, 18, -18, -59, 87, -29, 81, 25, 81, -77, 18, -1, 87, -116, 71, -117, -56, 23, 56, -12, 62, 80, 55, 107, 80, -2, -78, -21, 81, 20, 91] PLAYER CONNECT: danys110 CREATEPLAYER: danys110 (76561198414215898) LOADPLAYER: danys110 (76561198414215898) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[14] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[41] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[15] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[43] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000011b0ebada - 11000011b0ebada OK [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@14eab68f] wText[43] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.22568-112.409546--109.31189] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-505.99924-75.34864--106.6648] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.29742-55.460175--59.621464] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.2894-54.35605--59.651543] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.28522-54.35929--59.968277] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.81982-54.357487--108.74489] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea CANCEL 0 [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter Area int[-1] [WorldGard] getAreaByName srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByName srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByName srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByName srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags noArea [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste HealingPoint [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste BrokenBonesPoint [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste BleedingPoint [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste DefineOwner [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste Music [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste Enter [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste Leave [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Liste Finde Leave [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-516.8829-91.23593--86.245186] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 15 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|49.0|9.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 15 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 3 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 3 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaAndParameter flags Name Name[Spawn] Ausfüren[true] [WorldGard] getFlags flags show parameter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste HealingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBonesPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BleedingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DefineOwner [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Music [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Enter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Leave [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestAccess [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestToInv [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InvToChest [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestDrop [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Chat [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Command [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Craft [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PVP [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractElement [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Damage [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PickupItem [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Sleep [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Fly [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DoorOpen [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BlueprintCreate [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativModus [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Gamemode [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlueprint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Healing [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBones [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Bleeding [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Explosion [WorldGard] getFlags flags show parameter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste HealingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBonesPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BleedingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DefineOwner [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Music [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Enter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Leave [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestAccess [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestToInv [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InvToChest [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestDrop [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Chat [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Command [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Craft [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PVP [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractElement [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Damage [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PickupItem [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Sleep [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Fly [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DoorOpen [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BlueprintCreate [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativModus [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Gamemode [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlueprint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Healing [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBones [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Bleeding [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Explosion [WorldGard] Command flags findArea[15] | leave=1| [WorldGard] Command flags pos[6] value[leave|1] [WorldGard] Command flags sCommand[leave=1] do[Leave=>1] [WorldGard] Command flags sCommand[leave=1] do[Leave=>true] [WorldGard] Command flags go_setDBWert queryLength[1] [WorldGard] setDBWert Liste 1 [WorldGard] setDBWert Value 2 0 [WorldGard] setDBWert Name[Leave] Value[-1] [WorldGard] setDBWert sqlQuery:Leave=-1 [WorldGard] setDBWert sqlAreaQuery: [WorldGard] setDBWert sqlMsgQuery: [WorldGard] setDBWert Rechte[true] Area[true] Msg[true] [WorldGard] Command flags Parameter Ausgabe: [#00d278] Leave [#ffffff]= [#a4ffa4]true [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[noci] [#FFFFFF]du kannst die Area jetzt Verlassen, wir Testen hier ein Bischen [20:38] noci: [#FFFFFF]du kannst die Area jetzt Verlassen, wir Testen hier ein Bischen [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-502.81113-111.52955--77.04347] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-483.7137-111.74452--79.31049] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-505.51004-55.526268--161.36551] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-505.7477-54.361706--167.0338] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-507.97098-104.586044--108.7628] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 15 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|49.0|9.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 15 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 3 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 3 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT AreaName, Eigenschaft, Eigentümer, EigentümerID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command info 15 [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] Command info mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getFlags flags show parameter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste HealingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBonesPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BleedingPoint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DefineOwner [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Music [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Enter [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Leave [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestAccess [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestToInv [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InvToChest [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste ChestDrop [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Chat [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Command [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Craft [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PVP [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractElement [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste InteractObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Damage [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PickupItem [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Sleep [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Fly [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DoorOpen [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BlueprintCreate [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativModus [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Gamemode [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativePlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlock [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceBlueprint [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceTerrain [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste PlaceWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveConstruction [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveGrass [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveObject [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste RemoveWater [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Healing [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste BrokenBones [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Bleeding [WorldGard] getFlags flags Liste Explosion [WorldGard] Command info Flags[50] Spalten[3.0] Zeilen[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT HealingPoint, BrokenBonesPoint, BleedingPoint, DefineOwner, Music, Enter, Leave, ChestAccess, ChestToInv, InvToChest, ChestDrop, Chat, Command, Craft, PVP, InteractElement, InteractObject, Damage, PickupItem, Sleep, Fly, DoorOpen, BlueprintCreate, CreativModus, Gamemode, CreativePlaceBlock, CreativePlaceVegetation, CreativeTerrainEdit, DestroyBlock, DestroyConstruction, DestroyObject, DestroyTerrain, DestroyVegetation, PlaceBlock, PlaceBlueprint, PlaceConstruction, PlaceGrass, PlaceObject, PlaceTerrain, PlaceVegetation, PlaceWater, RemoveConstruction, RemoveGrass, RemoveObject, RemoveVegetation, RemoveWater, Healing, BrokenBones, Bleeding, Explosion FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[-1] [WorldGard] Command info Type[0] [WorldGard] Command info Ausgabe: [E]HealingPoint[N]=[C]0 [E]BrokenBonesPoint[N]=[C]0 [E]BleedingPoint[N]=[C]0 [E]DefineOwner[N][N] [E]Music[N]=[C] [O]Enter[N][N] [O]Leave[N][N] [E]ChestAccess[N][N] [E]ChestToInv[N][N] [E]InvToChest[N][N] [E]ChestDrop[N][N] [E]Chat[N]=[C]-1 [O]Command[N][N] [O]Craft[N][N] [E]PVP[N][N] [O]InteractElement[N][N] [O]InteractObject[N][N] [O]Damage[N][N] [E]PickupItem[N][N] [E]Sleep[N][N] [E]Fly[N][N] [E]DoorOpen[N][N] [E]BlueprintCreate[N][N] [E]CreativModus[N][N] [E]Gamemode[N][N] [E]CreativePlaceBlock[N][N] [E]CreativePlaceVegetation[N][N] [E]CreativeTerrainEdit[N][N] [E]DestroyBlock[N][N] [E]DestroyConstruction[N][N] [E]DestroyObject[N][N] [E]DestroyTerrain[N][N] [E]DestroyVegetation[N][N] [E]PlaceBlock[N][N] [E]PlaceBlueprint[N][N] [E]PlaceConstruction[N][N] [E]PlaceGrass[N][N] [O]PlaceObject[N][N] [E]PlaceTerrain[N][N] [E]PlaceVegetation[N][N] [E]PlaceWater[N][N] [E]RemoveConstruction[N][N] [E]RemoveGrass[N][N] [E]RemoveObject[N][N] [E]RemoveVegetation[N][N] [E]RemoveWater[N][N] [E]Healing[N][N] [O]BrokenBones[N][N] [O]Bleeding[N][N] [E]Explosion[N][N] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-489.55283-111.68866--105.66923] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-558.15283-107.04611--109.95935] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[15] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@36c8bb88] wText[39] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 15 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|15] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 15 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[15] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 15 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-488.55267-111.66881--67.9925] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[23.685955-59.356544-323.80396] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[23.685955-59.356544-323.80396] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[23.626781-59.36926-324.0017] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[16] dbID[4] Name[Abbaustation] TextID[45] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[16] dbID[4] Name[Abbaustation] TextID[47] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[16] dbID[4] Name[Abbaustation] TextID[49] [WorldGard] Test IDs 4 16 Abbaustation [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@56de798a, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@63dae873, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@54b6d3f7] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[114] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-422.5-17.5-484.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[21.105831-59.357056-347.96277] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[23.4211-59.35995-347.68256] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[7] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-433.5-17.5-482.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[100] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-417.5-17.5-480.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[17.560112-59.357548-347.78235] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[23.122177-59.360985-347.90115] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlaceObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-414.735-16.6975-487.32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PlaceObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PlaceObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlaceObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-412.98-16.6975-488.7875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PlaceObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PlaceObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlaceObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-411.4275-16.6975-487.22] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PlaceObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PlaceObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@605b1c92 - 3 - 2 2018/02/19 08:45 PM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 3 [EndAuthSession] 453950170 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Die Meldung für Hide ist noch flasch [20:45] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Die Meldung für Hide ist noch flasch [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.119142-59.35705-359.33286] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[26.946777-59.38371-334.3239] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.31918-59.358242-333.48212] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|33.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.31918-59.358242-333.48212] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.201946-59.364075-328.4931] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[17.608576-58.99863-326.33804] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.88325-60.989323-325.56735] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.587969-62.688152-326.84027] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[17] dbID[5] Name[Bereich1] TextID[51] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[17] dbID[5] Name[Bereich1] TextID[53] [WorldGard] Test IDs 5 17 Bereich1 [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@56de798a, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@63dae873, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@54b6d3f7, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@268bb47] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.854031-59.35586-340.76147] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|33.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.854031-59.35586-340.76147] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.311691-61.55653-337.44476] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Abbaustation 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[18.672148-56.2021-339.42114] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[18.672148-56.2021-339.42114] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.394291-58.457787-339.94028] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[18] dbID[6] Name[Bereich_Eisen] TextID[55] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[18] dbID[6] Name[Bereich_Eisen] TextID[57] [WorldGard] Test IDs 6 18 Bereich_Eisen [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@56de798a, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@63dae873, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@54b6d3f7, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@268bb47, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@72d326d9] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@76d974e] wText[55] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Coole neue Musik [20:48] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Coole neue Musik [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.943428-59.356724-355.11792] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|33.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.943428-59.356724-355.11792] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.028542-60.105244-350.63507] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.443714-59.53713-352.14618] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[19] dbID[7] Name[Bereich_Eisen] TextID[59] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[19] dbID[7] Name[Bereich_Eisen] TextID[61] [WorldGard] Test IDs 7 19 Bereich_Eisen [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@56de798a, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@63dae873, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@54b6d3f7, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@268bb47, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@72d326d9, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@8166e95] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@10a8737a] wText[59] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.839527-61.038486-354.91766] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 19 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 19 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@10a8737a] wText[59] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 19 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 19 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 19 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich_Eisen 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.9113865-60.690952-355.83456] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0007305-59.39602-343.668] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@76d974e] wText[55] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-58.0-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.969736-59.383083-343.9686] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich_Eisen 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.969736-59.383083-343.9686] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@10a8737a] wText[59] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 19 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 19 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 19 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[15.808363-60.444923-355.21072] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 19 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@10a8737a] wText[59] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 19 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|59.0|10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 19 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|19] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 19 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 7 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 7 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[7] rID[7] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 17 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 5 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 5 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@10a8737a] wText[59] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[14.745316-60.470234-352.2797] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.854748-59.334126-352.9806] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[14.266246-59.129494-352.25644] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[14.0445595-59.142788-352.30353] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@76d974e] wText[55] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-58.0-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Bereich1|17] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 18 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.954621-59.624-343.22458] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich_Eisen 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.954621-59.624-343.22458] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 16 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich1 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.612229-59.363567-347.12372] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 17 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.778923-59.8721-352.47662] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[Abbaustation|16] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 17 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|59.0|131.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-59.5-459.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich1 17 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|57.0|328.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|591.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|5.0|263.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich1|17] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 17 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 5 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 5 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[5] rID[5] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@6d8cd47c] wText[51] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.486664-59.358917-346.714] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[4.0|33.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-64.5-342.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Abbaustation 16 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-14.0|57.0|327.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[22.0|72.0|358.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [36.0|15.0|31.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Abbaustation|16] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 16 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 4 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[4] rID[4] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@34efaa37] wText[45] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[15.006517-59.357235-347.3687] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[14.255657-59.356247-347.85455] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.812855-59.94055-341.07227] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@76d974e] wText[55] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 18 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|58.0|4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-58.0-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich_Eisen 18 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|54.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|62.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|8.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich_Eisen|18] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 18 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 6 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 6 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[6] rID[6] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@76d974e] wText[55] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.729065-59.788574-341.16455] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.906414-60.298904-333.77045] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[14] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[15] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[16] Name[Abbaustation] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[17] Name[Bereich1] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[18] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[19] Name[Bereich_Eisen] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.0933886-59.336617-364.08487] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Hä [20:50] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Hä [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[noci] [#FFFFFF]bist du gerade am abbauen? [20:50] noci: [#FFFFFF]bist du gerade am abbauen? [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Nein [20:50] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Nein [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Am erstellen von Areas [20:51] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Am erstellen von Areas [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[PatrickBronke] [#FFFFFF]Ich habe einen Bug gefunden [20:51] PatrickBronke: [#FFFFFF]Ich habe einen Bug gefunden [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[6.2635756-59.35793-351.50366] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command hide all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[6.889814-59.345036-370.62207] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[2.2665443-59.257587-371.4253] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[8.064588-59.319225-377.50793] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@688f47ff] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[17] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 17 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[18] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 18 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@293ea711 - 2 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/19 08:54 PM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 2 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@258457 - 1 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/19 08:54 PM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 1 [EndAuthSession] 98712841 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@511635d8 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@68c097dc PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@25febd15 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1414c9e6 PORT:4258 CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 08:54 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 4 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -76, -4, -109, 12, -20, 101, 12, 49, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -34, 10, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, -110, 26, -33, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, -16, 127, 90, 79, -96, -101, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 57, 46, -126, 70, 103, 68, -65, 17, -98, -51, -28, 49, 31, 39, 88, -102, 42, -18, -50, 68, -125, -30, 112, -26, 77, 91, -97, -30, -118, -50, 87, -82, 116, 0, 86, -80, 124, 32, 12, 86, 49, 18, 88, -66, -67, -112, -99, -31, 20, -118, 100, -100, 117, 98, -12, 26, -8, 11, 11, -46, -79, 40, -125, 73, -6, -31, 115, -74, -35, 26, -76, -9, -68, 115, -82, -10, -93, -24, 37, 40, 70, 10, -48, -119, -61, -17, 120, 67, 62, -88, 90, 73, 99, -87, -94, -50, 69, -124, 8, 90, -62, 113, 53, 32, 96, 103, 87, -84, 96, 7, -3, 65, -25, -12, -63, -89, 3, -62, -5, 33, 123, -77, -58, -65, 83, 45, 62] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[16] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[17] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[18] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[19] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[14] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[63] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[15] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[65] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2ace3dfd PORT:4255 / CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@23224ea8 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7dc37840 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@47db96ae PORT:4258 CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 08:54 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 5 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 98712841 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -26, 75, 51, 71, -54, 100, 42, 117, 9, 61, -30, 5, 1, 0, 16, 1, -112, 22, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -128, 106, -34, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, -96, -24, 101, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 9, 61, -30, 5, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 38, 99, -34, 93, 20, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, -37, -123, 90, -49, -118, -95, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 47, -1, -117, -87, -7, -8, 109, 50, 81, -85, -43, 91, -57, 52, -48, 29, -110, -60, 27, -39, -121, 116, 85, -60, 75, 50, -28, 19, -21, 114, 4, 39, -21, 93, 123, -36, -14, -110, 72, -90, -78, 112, -99, -15, -51, -95, -119, 122, 76, -57, 11, -74, -9, -116, 36, 37, 53, -123, -56, -95, -125, -110, 119, -112, 36, 88, -46, 70, -55, -76, 79, 57, -115, 37, -37, 39, 57, -4, 65, 42, 30, -72, -56, -81, -56, -49, -123, -32, 99, 110, 25, -22, 83, -99, 36, 72, -15, 41, 95, -2, 61, 98, -89, 105, -71, 78, 111, -12, -74, 93, 72, 105, 12, -93, 45, 47, -125, 5, 7, -80, 88, 13, 44, -94, -121, -36, 99] PLAYER CONNECT: PatrickBronke LOADPLAYER: PatrickBronke (76561198058978569) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[16] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[17] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[18] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[19] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[13] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[14] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[14] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[67] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[15] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[15] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[69] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000105e23d09 - 110000105e23d09 OK [WorldGard] Command show all REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[19] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 19 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[16] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 16 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 15 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 16 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 17 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@52ae863b load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@227e3 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[20] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[21] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[22] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onExplosion Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[20] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[21] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[71] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[22] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[73] [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[20] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[21] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[75] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[22] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[77] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.762331-59.345177-335.01642] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.716793-68.776436-351.9175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.716793-68.776436-351.9175] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[23] dbID[8] Name[Bereich12] TextID[79] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[23] dbID[8] Name[Bereich12] TextID[81] [WorldGard] Test IDs 8 23 Bereich12 [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@359150fd, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@d90c898, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@421c1c73] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich12 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[9.825109-68.00412-353.57642] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[17.821844-67.46027-352.74847] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich12 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.899107-66.96819-352.91165] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich12 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.443212-67.17605-352.73495] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[18.709-69.937485-342.81165] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[19.196747-68.88721-339.54095] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[19.196747-68.88721-339.54095] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[4] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[17.060549-68.45883-337.9836] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[17.060549-68.45883-337.9836] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[24] dbID[9] Name[Bereich11] TextID[83] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[24] dbID[9] Name[Bereich11] TextID[85] [WorldGard] Test IDs 9 24 Bereich11 [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@359150fd, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@d90c898, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@421c1c73, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@77085b26] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[24] Name[Bereich11] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@61ab1de7] wText[83] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Command show all REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich12 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.653879-66.49519-352.36993] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 23 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StopFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[15.753153-65.35736-354.24652] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[21] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[22] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 23 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|3.0|10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich12 23 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich12|23] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 23 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 8 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 8 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[8] rID[8] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[24] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[24] Name[Bereich11] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@61ab1de7] wText[83] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich11 24 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich11|24] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 24 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[9] rID[9] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[24] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Bereich11 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.82876-66.36367-342.41974] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich11 24 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich11|24] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 24 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[9] rID[9] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] Command Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] Command srvID[21] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 21 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] Command srvID[22] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 22 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] Command srvID[21] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 21 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] Command srvID[22] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 22 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Bereich12] [WorldGard] Command srvID[23] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Bereich12] [WorldGard] Command srvID[23] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Bereich11] [WorldGard] Command srvID[24] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] Command Name[Bereich11] [WorldGard] Command srvID[24] [WorldGard] Command Owner[PatrickBronke] [WorldGard] Command IF[false] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, Leave, Fly FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] Command | class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer [WorldGard] Command playerMaxNamenListe[9] playerMaxIDListe[2] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command hide int[23] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 23 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|3.0|10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] Command hide Name Name[Bereich12] Ausfüren[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[23] Name[Bereich12] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@eaec0c5] wText[79] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] Command hide int[24] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[24] Name[Bereich11] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@61ab1de7] wText[83] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 24 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|3.0|4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Bereich11 24 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Bereich11|24] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 24 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 9 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 9 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198058978569 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[9] rID[9] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@5216734b] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] Command hide Name Name[Bereich11] Ausfüren[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[24] Name[Bereich11] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@61ab1de7] wText[83] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] Command show all REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT REGISTER PLAYER WITH ELEMENT [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[23] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 23 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[24] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[24] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 24 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@50f36efc - 4 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/19 09:02 PM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: Delete Client ID: 4 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4263bc2e PORT:4255 / CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5cf7084f PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@551c30a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@68cd4fd3 PORT:4258 CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 09:02 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 6 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 59, 38, -78, 67, 93, -26, -102, -85, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -39, 19, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, -110, -37, -26, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, -16, 127, 90, 79, -96, -101, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 57, 46, -126, 70, 103, 68, -65, 17, -98, -51, -28, 49, 31, 39, 88, -102, 42, -18, -50, 68, -125, -30, 112, -26, 77, 91, -97, -30, -118, -50, 87, -82, 116, 0, 86, -80, 124, 32, 12, 86, 49, 18, 88, -66, -67, -112, -99, -31, 20, -118, 100, -100, 117, 98, -12, 26, -8, 11, 11, -46, -79, 40, -125, 73, -6, -31, 115, -74, -35, 26, -76, -9, -68, 115, -82, -10, -93, -24, 37, 40, 70, 10, -48, -119, -61, -17, 120, 67, 62, -88, 90, 73, 99, -87, -94, -50, 69, -124, 8, 90, -62, 113, 53, 32, 96, 103, 87, -84, 96, 7, -3, 65, -25, -12, -63, -89, 3, -62, -5, 33, 123, -77, -58, -65, 83, 45, 62] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[20] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[21] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[87] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[22] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[89] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[23] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[24] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@38a814dc - 5 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/19 09:03 PM G.f INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 5 [EndAuthSession] 98712841 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@284527b5 - 6 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 09:03 PM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 6 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6ed9e7d6 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3f97606d PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3f1fcb83 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7c717245 PORT:4258 CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 09:33 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 7 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -89, -91, 37, 36, 81, 109, -42, -9, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, 106, 45, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, -91, -73, 2, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, -16, 127, 90, 79, -96, -101, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 57, 46, -126, 70, 103, 68, -65, 17, -98, -51, -28, 49, 31, 39, 88, -102, 42, -18, -50, 68, -125, -30, 112, -26, 77, 91, -97, -30, -118, -50, 87, -82, 116, 0, 86, -80, 124, 32, 12, 86, 49, 18, 88, -66, -67, -112, -99, -31, 20, -118, 100, -100, 117, 98, -12, 26, -8, 11, 11, -46, -79, 40, -125, 73, -6, -31, 115, -74, -35, 26, -76, -9, -68, 115, -82, -10, -93, -24, 37, 40, 70, 10, -48, -119, -61, -17, 120, 67, 62, -88, 90, 73, 99, -87, -94, -50, 69, -124, 8, 90, -62, 113, 53, 32, 96, 103, 87, -84, 96, 7, -3, 65, -25, -12, -63, -89, 3, -62, -5, 33, 123, -77, -58, -65, 83, 45, 62] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[20] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[21] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[21] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[91] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[22] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[22] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[93] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[23] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[24] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 18 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 19 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 20 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@67b73e24 load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@59726eb0 load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[25] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[26] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[27] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onExplosion Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[25] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[26] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[26] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[26] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[95] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[27] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[27] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[27] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[97] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[3] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[5.2678475-66.92898-354.31912] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[5.2678475-66.92898-354.31912] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[28] dbID[10] Name[Test_01] TextID[99] [WorldGard] Test IDs 10 28 Test_01 [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@7962a80c, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@6b9817f, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@762b73ee] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[28] Name[Test_01] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@1beed8b4] wText[99] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] cmdDefine Lenge[3] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.1578474-67.61887-341.24625] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[7.1578474-67.61887-341.24625] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[true] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[29] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[101] [WorldGard] Test IDs 11 29 Test_02 [de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@7962a80c, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@6b9817f, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@762b73ee, de.pbplugins.tools.classIDs@10c154b9] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[29] Name[Test_02] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@7d07156d] wText[101] [WorldGard] SQL Rechte I erstellt [WorldGard] SQL MSG erstellt [WorldGard] SQL Rechte II erstellt [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[29] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 29 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[29] Name[Test_02] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@7d07156d] wText[101] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-340.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Test_02 29 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|337.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|344.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Test_02|29] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 29 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[11] rID[11] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 29 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[11] rID[11] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[29] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 29 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Test_02 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[10.450324-67.82314-337.56097] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] Command show all [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[28] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 28 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[28] Name[Test_01] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@1beed8b4] wText[99] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Test_01 28 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Test_01|28] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 28 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[10] rID[10] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 28 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[10] rID[10] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[true] Recht[false] Owner[true] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[15.319263-67.73314-353.19043] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Test_01 28 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Test_01|28] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[26] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[27] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[28] Name[Test_01] [WorldGard] getAreaByDIM srvID[28] Name[Test_01] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@1beed8b4] wText[99] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt res 28 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt resAreaPos[9.0|3.0|10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[16.5-67.5-353.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Test_01 28 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[12.0|64.0|350.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[21.0|71.0|357.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [9.0|7.0|7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Test_01|28] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 28 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 10 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 10 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 76561198086208294 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[10] rID[10] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt are 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden II [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 1 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden 0 [WorldGard] getBerechtigt mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@3a57d3db] [WorldGard] getBerechtigt Rechte Admin[true] Owner[true] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[28] Name[Test_01] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@1beed8b4] wText[99] [WorldGard] Del MitgliedListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: MitgliedList) [WorldGard] Del PlayerListe[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: PlayerList) [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[true] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[28] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 28 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getDBWert[srClose]: ResultSet closed [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[true] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] [WorldGard] PlayerKeyEvent Press[false] RETURN[false] AreaCreate[false] CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@4abab18c - 7 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/19 09:34 PM[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 7 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4d7025d2 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@673cfdcc PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6fd9df60 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@202faa78 PORT:4258 CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/19 10:16 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 8 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -92, 43, -85, 88, 124, 42, -76, 82, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, 127, 55, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, -97, 20, 42, 1, 19, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, -16, 127, 90, 79, -96, -101, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 57, 46, -126, 70, 103, 68, -65, 17, -98, -51, -28, 49, 31, 39, 88, -102, 42, -18, -50, 68, -125, -30, 112, -26, 77, 91, -97, -30, -118, -50, 87, -82, 116, 0, 86, -80, 124, 32, 12, 86, 49, 18, 88, -66, -67, -112, -99, -31, 20, -118, 100, -100, 117, 98, -12, 26, -8, 11, 11, -46, -79, 40, -125, 73, -6, -31, 115, -74, -35, 26, -76, -9, -68, 115, -82, -10, -93, -24, 37, 40, 70, 10, -48, -119, -61, -17, 120, 67, 62, -88, 90, 73, 99, -87, -94, -50, 69, -124, 8, 90, -62, 113, 53, 32, 96, 103, 87, -84, 96, 7, -3, 65, -25, -12, -63, -89, 3, -62, -5, 33, 123, -77, -58, -65, 83, 45, 62] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[25] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[26] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[26] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[26] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[103] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[27] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[27] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[27] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[105] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[28] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[29] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[29] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[29] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[107] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [AGBs] Desabled [WorldGard] Desabled - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: SprachAPI * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: noci * Description: Sprach Verwaltung * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 21 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/HG.01.png - /resources/HG.02.png - /resources/Siegel.png - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AGBs * Version: 0.0.5 * Author: noci * Description: mit Bestätiegen der Server AGB's Gruppenrechte erhalten * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 22 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: WorldGard * Version: 0.1.5 * Author: PatrickBronke, noci * Description: Protect your Areas * License: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 23 [AGBs] Enabled [AGBs] Lade[System.property] [AGBs] SpracheSize[2] [AGBs] arr[Conditions] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]AGB's] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!!] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server XYZ [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!!] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group rights:[#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[[#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s] [AGBs] arr[Have fun!!!] [AGBs] arr[Habe Spaß!!!] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[] [AGBs] arr[author] [AGBs] arr[Autor] [AGBs] arr[Description] [AGBs] arr[Beschreibung] [AGBs] arr[If you need help, then '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help'] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Continue] [AGBs] arr[[#001f00]Weiter] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Agree] [AGBs] arr[[#ffff80]Zustimmen] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]Disagree] [AGBs] arr[[#000000]nicht Zustimmen] [AGBs] Sprache en [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/en.lang [AGBs] Lade[en] [AGBs] Lade Titel = Conditions [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Welcome to the server XYZ [#00001f]Please note the following rules [#880015]!!! Disregard may lead to server ban !!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Accept [#000000]and get the group permissions: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Have fun!!! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Author [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Description [AGBs] Lade command_help = If you need help write '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Next [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Agree [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]Disagree [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 30 | 30 [AGBs] Sprache de [AGBs] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/locale/de.lang [AGBs] Lade[de] [AGBs] Lade Titel = [#000000]Die Server-Regeln [AGBs] Lade Welkomme = [#000000]Wilkommen auf dem Server Sandboxgamer [#00001f]Bitte beachte folgende Regeln [#880015]!!!Misachtung kann zum Serverbann führen!!! [AGBs] Lade please accept = [#ffa500]Akzeptiere [#000000]und bekomme die Gruppenrechte: [#00ff00]%s [AGBs] Lade Rule 00 = Keine fremden Bauten zerstören! [AGBs] Lade Rule 01 = Keine fremden Gegenstände entwenden (Kein Diebstahl)! [AGBs] Lade Rule 02 = Auf die Admins hören (Keine Sorge! Sie sind Nett ^^) [AGBs] Lade Rule 03 = Nettwe Umgang mit anderen Spielern! [AGBs] Lade Rule 04 = Kein Unfug mit dem erhaltenen Rang anstellen! [AGBs] Lade Rule 05 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 06 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 07 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 08 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 09 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 10 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 11 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 12 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 13 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 14 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 15 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 16 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 17 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 18 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 19 = [AGBs] Lade Rule 20 = [AGBs] Lade command_author = Autor [AGBs] Lade command_Description = Beschreibung [AGBs] Lade command_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/%s help' [AGBs] Lade continue = [#001f00]Weiter [AGBs] Lade agree = [#ffff80]Zustimmen [AGBs] Lade disagree = [#000000]nicht Zustimmen [AGBs] Aktualiesieren 32 | 30 [AGBs] 2 von 2 API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.chaoswg.AGBs Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerGuiClick Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerPermissionGroupChange load from resources: /resources/HG.02.png [B@6c7bfd69 load from resources: /HG.02 png 4c7aed3f90e873314ef5f63d28fa2f91 503545 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/HG.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:HG load from resources: /resources/Siegel.png [B@7a8ceeec load from resources: /Siegel png 509c398589ad9707feaf3681a5be1a87 163979 [AGBs] onEnable Image existiert FILE:/home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/AGB/Siegel.png [AGBs] onEnable Image geladen IMAGE:Siegel [WorldGard] Enabled SQLite: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/database/WorldGard-Rising City.db [WorldGard] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde hergestellt! [WorldGard] Lade DB [WorldGard] Datenbank initalisiert! [WorldGard] Lade[System.property] [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/Color.property [WorldGard] Lade[Color.property] [WorldGard] Lade cmdCommando = [#ffa500] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter1 = [#00d278] [WorldGard] Lade cmdParameter2 = [#a4ffa4] [WorldGard] Lade cmdHelp = [#ffffc0] [WorldGard] Lade cmdInfo = [#00a5ff] [WorldGard] Lade cmdError = [#ffaaaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdOK = [#aaffaa] [WorldGard] Lade cmdNormal = [#ffffff] [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 8 | 8 [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/config/World.property [WorldGard] Lade[World.property] [WorldGard] Lade Enter = true [WorldGard] Lade EnterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade EnterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Leave = true [WorldGard] Lade LeaveGroup = [WorldGard] Lade LeavePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccess = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestAccessPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInv = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestToInvPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChest = false [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InvToChestPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDrop = false [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChestDropPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Chat = 1 [WorldGard] Lade ChatGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ChatPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Command = false [WorldGard] Lade CommandGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CommandPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Craft = true [WorldGard] Lade CraftGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CraftPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PVP = false [WorldGard] Lade PVPGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PVPPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElement = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractElementPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObject = false [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade InteractObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Damage = true [WorldGard] Lade DamageGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DamagePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItem = false [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PickupItemPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Sleep = false [WorldGard] Lade SleepGroup = [WorldGard] Lade SleepPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Fly = false [WorldGard] Lade FlyGroup = [WorldGard] Lade FlyPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpen = false [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DoorOpenPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreate = false [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreateGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BlueprintCreatePlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModus = false [WorldGard] Lade Gamemode = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativModusPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEdit = false [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [WorldGard] Lade CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObject = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade DestroyVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlock = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlockPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprint = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObject = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrain = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceTerrainPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWater = false [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade PlaceWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstruction = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveConstructionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrass = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveGrassPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObject = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveObjectPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetation = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveVegetationPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWater = false [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterGroup = [WorldGard] Lade RemoveWaterPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Healing = false [WorldGard] Lade HealingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade HealingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBones = true [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BrokenBonesPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Bleeding = true [WorldGard] Lade BleedingGroup = [WorldGard] Lade BleedingPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Explosion = false [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionGroup = [WorldGard] Lade ExplosionPlayer = [WorldGard] Lade Music = [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 134 | 134 [WorldGard] Debug[4] [WorldGard] SpracheSize[2] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible.] [WorldGard] arr[[N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible.] [WorldGard] arr[Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar.] [WorldGard] arr[[N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[[N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]].] [WorldGard] arr[Cancle] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[[I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[[I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]"] [WorldGard] arr[use: "%s %s [name] ([category])"] [WorldGard] arr[benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])"] [WorldGard] arr[List of category:] [WorldGard] arr[Liste der Kategorie:] [WorldGard] arr[ comming soon ^^] [WorldGard] arr[ demnächst ^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]comming soon [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[[I]in Arbeit [C]^^] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Help ] [WorldGard] arr[ WorldGard Hilfe ] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[=======================] [WorldGard] arr[show help] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Hilfe] [WorldGard] arr[show Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Area] [WorldGard] arr[show the infos of the Area] [WorldGard] arr[zeigt die Infos einer Area] [WorldGard] arr[Shows a list of all flags] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt eine liste aller Flags] [WorldGard] arr[Displays help to define an area.] [WorldGard] arr[Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an.] [WorldGard] arr[* = You must stand in a Area, to do that] [WorldGard] arr[* = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun] [WorldGard] arr[author] [WorldGard] arr[Autor] [WorldGard] arr[Description] [WorldGard] arr[Beschreibung] [WorldGard] arr[If you need help, then '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help'] [WorldGard] arr[Please select an Area] [WorldGard] arr[Bitte markiere ein Gebiet] [WorldGard] arr[Create] [WorldGard] arr[Erstellen] [WorldGard] arr[Cancel] [WorldGard] arr[Abbrechen] [WorldGard] arr[property] [WorldGard] arr[Eigenschaft] [WorldGard] arr[Area selection canceled] [WorldGard] arr[Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen] [WorldGard] arr[Area %s was deleted] [WorldGard] arr[Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Owner changed] [WorldGard] arr[Eigentümer wurde geändert] [WorldGard] arr[Config edited] [WorldGard] arr[Config bearbeitet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Not showed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be displayed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not hided] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be hidden.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[E]not removed] [WorldGard] arr[[E]nicht Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[[C]World Area [E]can not be removed.] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden.] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all showed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Angezeigt] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all hided] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Ausgeblendet] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]all removed] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]alle Gelöscht] [WorldGard] arr[Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters:] [WorldGard] arr[Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags were set:] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Flags wurden gesetzt:] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags were not found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]No area found.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Keine Area gefunden.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You don't have enough permission to do this!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]There are no areas.] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Es gibt keine Areas.] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to leave this area!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to access this chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not talk here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht reden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area!] [WorldGard] arr[[C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Hier ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten] [WorldGard] arr[[E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]You are not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]You are healed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Du wirst hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Healing process completed!] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[] [WorldGard] arr[[OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist hier verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here!] [WorldGard] arr[[E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten!] [WorldGard] arr[Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s]] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created] [WorldGard] arr[Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt] [WorldGard] arr[You have not selected an area] [WorldGard] arr[Du hast keine Area ausgewählt] [WorldGard] arr[You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not enter the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten.] [WorldGard] arr[You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d]] [WorldGard] arr[Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d]] [WorldGard] arr[You can not leave the area [%s|%d].] [WorldGard] arr[Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen.] [WorldGard] arr[You must stand in a Area, to do that!] [WorldGard] arr[Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun!] [WorldGard] arr[en 1] [WorldGard] arr[de 1] [WorldGard] arr[en 2] [WorldGard] arr[de 2] [WorldGard] Sprache en [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/en.lang [WorldGard] Lade[en] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]You enter the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]You leave the area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]You can [E]not enter[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]You can [E]not leave[N] the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]You can [E]not fly [N]in the area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = [N]The area [[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] is now not visible. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]You are in the area "[P1]%s[N]" with the ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Cancle [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]use: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [category][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = use: "%s %s [name] ([category])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = List of category: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = comming soon ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]comming soon [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = show help [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = show Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = show the infos of the Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Shows a list of all flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Displays help to define an area. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = You must stand in a Area, to do that [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = author [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Description [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = If you need help, then '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Please select an Area [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Create [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Cancel [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = property [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Area selection canceled [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Area %s was deleted [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Owner changed [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config edited [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Not showed [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be displayed. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]not hided [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be hidden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]not removed [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]World Area [E]can not be removed. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]all showed [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]all hided [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]all removed [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Use: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameters[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameters[N]=[I]true/false or 1/0 [I]Possible parameters: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags were set: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags were not found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]No area found. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]You don't have enough permission to do this! [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]There are no areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]You are not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to enter this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]You are not allowed to leave this area! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]You are not allowed to access this chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]You are not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to remove anything from the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]You are not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to put anything in the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]You are not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to throw anything out of the chest! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]You can not talk here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here is the chat off! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send and receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only send inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Here you can only receive inside the area! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]You are not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to use commands! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]You are not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to craft! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]PVP is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]PVP is for the group [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]PVP is for the player [C]%s [E]not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this element! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]You are not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to interact with this object! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]You will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]will not get any damage here! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]You are not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to pick up this item! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]You can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not sleep here! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]You can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]can not fly here! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]You are not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]The group [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]The player [C]%s [E]is not allowed to [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]You are healed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Healing process completed! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explosion is not allowed here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Group [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explosion is not allowed for the Player [C]%s [E] here! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Confirm with [%s] Cancel with [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" with ID[%d] was created [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = You have not selected an area [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = You enter the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = You can not enter the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = You leave the area [%s] with the ServerID [%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = You can not leave the area [%s|%d]. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = You must stand in a Area, to do that! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = en 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = en 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 203 | 203 [WorldGard] Sprache de [WorldGard] /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] File: /home/s1248399/risingworld/plugins/WorldGard/locale/de.lang [WorldGard] Lade[de] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultWelcomMsg = [N]Du betrittst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultFarewellMsg = [N]Du verläst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoEnterMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoLeaveMsg = [N]Du darfst die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade areaDafaultNoFlyMsg = [N]Du darfst in der Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] [E]nicht Fliegen. [WorldGard] Lade areaShowMsg = [N][N]Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaHideMsg = Die Area[[C]%s[N]|[P1]%d[N]] ist jetzt nicht sichtbar. [WorldGard] Lade areaPosMsg = [N]Du bist in der Area "[P1]%s[N]" mit der ID[[P1]%d[N]]. [WorldGard] Lade bnt_Abbruch = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_1P = [I]benutze: [N]"[C]%s [P1]%s [P2]%s [Kategorie][N]" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_2P = benutze: "%s %s [Name] ([Kategorie])" [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help1 = Liste der Kategorie: [WorldGard] Lade command_define_info_help2 = demnächst ^^ [WorldGard] Lade cs = [I]in Arbeit [C]^^ [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info1 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info2 = WorldGard Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info3 = ======================= [WorldGard] Lade command_help_help = zeigt die Hilfe [WorldGard] Lade command_help_show = zeigt die Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_info = zeigt die Infos einer Area [WorldGard] Lade command_help_flags_help = Zeigt eine liste aller Flags [WorldGard] Lade command_help_define_help = Zeigt Hilfe zum Definieren einer Area an. [WorldGard] Lade command_help_stern = * = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun [WorldGard] Lade command_region_author = Autor [WorldGard] Lade command_region_Description = Beschreibung [WorldGard] Lade command_region_help = Wenn du hilfe brauchst, dann schreibe '/region help' [WorldGard] Lade command_select = Bitte markiere ein Gebiet [WorldGard] Lade command_select_create = Erstellen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_cancel = Abbrechen [WorldGard] Lade command_select_property = Eigenschaft [WorldGard] Lade command_cancel = Gebietsauswahl abgebrochen [WorldGard] Lade command_remove = Gebiet %s wurde gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_setowner = Eigentümer wurde geändert [WorldGard] Lade command_editconfig = Config bearbeitet [WorldGard] Lade command_show_done = [OK]Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_show_not_done = [E]Kann nicht angezeigt werden [WorldGard] Lade command_show_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht angezeigt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_done = [OK]Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_not_done = [E]nicht Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht ausgeblendet werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_done = [OK]Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_not_done = [E]nicht Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_world = [C]Welt Area [E]kann nicht entfernt werden. [WorldGard] Lade command_show_all_done = [OK]alle Angezeigt [WorldGard] Lade command_hide_all_done = [OK]alle Ausgeblendet [WorldGard] Lade command_remove_all_done = [OK]alle Gelöscht [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsUse = Benutze: [P1]flags [N][[C]Parameter[N]] [P1]flags [N][[P2]ID/NAME[N]] [[C]Parameter[N]] [H]Parameter[N]=[I]true/false oder 1/0 [I]Mögliche Parameter: [WorldGard] Lade command_flagsDone = [OK]Flags wurden gesetzt: [WorldGard] Lade command_noFlags = [E]Flags wurden nicht gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_Area_found = [E]Keine Area gefunden. [WorldGard] Lade command_no_authorization = [E]Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigung, um dies zu tun. [WorldGard] Lade command_list_not_found = [E]Es gibt keine Areas. [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aName = [C]Area-Name [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aID = [C]AreaID [N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOpt = [C]Eigenschaft [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwner = [C]Eigentümer [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aOwnerID = [C]Eigentümer ID[N]: [P1]%d [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppe = [C]Gruppen [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade command_info_aGruppen = [C]Gruppe [N]: [P1]%s [WorldGard] Lade event_Enter = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht betreten! [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_EnterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht betreten [WorldGard] Lade event_Leave = [E]Du darfst die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeaveGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_LeavePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf die Area nicht verlassen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccess = [E]Du darfst diese True nicht öffnen [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestAccessPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese True nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInv = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestToInvPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe entnehmen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChest = [E]Du darfst nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_InvToChestPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts in die Truhe legen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDrop = [E]Du darfst nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChestDropPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nichts aus der Truhe werfen! [WorldGard] Lade event_ChatNoSend = [E]Du darfst hier nicht reden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat1 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier ist der Chat ausgeschalten! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat2 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat3 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat4 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden und Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat5 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Senden! [WorldGard] Lade event_Chat6 = [C]CHAT: [I]Hier kannst du nur innerhalb der Area Empfangen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Command = [E]Du darfst hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CommandPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Kommandos nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Craft = [E]Du darfst hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_CraftPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht craften! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVP = [E]Hier ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPGroup = [E]Für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten [WorldGard] Lade event_PVPPlayer = [E]Für den Player [C]%s [E]ist PVP verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElement = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractElementPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Element nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObject = [E]Du darfst mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_InteractObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf mit diesem Objekt nicht interagieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_Damage = [E]Du bekommst hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamageGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_DamagePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]bekommt hier keinen Schaden! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItem = [E]Du darfst dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_PickupItemPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Item nicht aufheben! [WorldGard] Lade event_Sleep = [E]Du darfst hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_SleepPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht Schlafen! [WorldGard] Lade event_Fly = [E]Du darfst hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_FlyPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier nicht fliegen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpen = [E]Du darfst diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DoorOpenPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Tür nicht öffnen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreate = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreateGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BlueprintCreatePlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint erstellen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModus = [E]Creativ-Modus ist verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_GamemodeInfo = [I]Dein Gamemode wurde zu %s (%d) geändert! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Kreativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativModusPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht in den Creativ-Modus! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceBlock'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativePlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'PlaceVegetation'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEdit = [E]Du darfst nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_CreativeTerrainEditPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf nicht den 'Terrain'-Editor nutzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlock = [E]Du darfst diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diesen Block nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrain = [E]Du darfst dieses Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier das Terrain nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_DestroyVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier die Vegetation nicht zerstören! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlock = [E]Du darfst hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlockPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Block setzen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprint = [E]Du darfst hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceBlueprintPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Blueprint einfügen! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstruction = [E]Du darfst hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Konstruktion platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrass = [E]Du darfst hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Grass platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObject = [E]Du darfst hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Objekt platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrain = [E]Du darfst hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceTerrainPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Terrain platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetation = [E]Du darfst hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier keine Vegetation platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWater = [E]Du darfst hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_PlaceWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf hier kein Wasser platzieren! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstruction = [E]Du darfst diese Konstruktion nicht löschen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveConstructionPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Konstruktion nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrass = [E]Du darfst dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveGrassPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Grass nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObject = [E]Du darfst dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveObjectPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Objekt nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetation = [E]Du darfst diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveVegetationPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf diese Vegetation nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWater = [E]Du darfst dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterGroup = [E]Die Gruppe [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_RemoveWaterPlayer = [E]Der Player [C]%s [E]darf dieses Wasser nicht entfernen! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingInfo = [I]Du wirst hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_HealingDone = [OK]Heilungsprozess abgeschlossen! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesInfo = [I]Deine Knochen werden hier geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BrokenBonesDone = [OK]Deine Knochen sind geheilt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingInfo = [I]Deine Blutung wird hier gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_BleedingDone = [OK]Deine Blutung wurde gestoppt! [WorldGard] Lade event_Explosion = [E]Explusion ist hier verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionGroup = [E]Explusion ist für die Gruppe [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade event_ExplosionPlayer = [E]Explusion ist für den Player [C]%s [E]verboten! [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreateEnter = Bestätiegen mit [%s] Abbrechen mit [%s] [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaCreate = Area "%s" mit der ID[%d] wurde Erstellt [WorldGard] Lade GuiLabelAreaNoCreate = Du hast keine Area ausgewählt [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_EnterArea = Du betrittst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoEnterArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Betreten. [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_LeaveArea = Du verläst die Area[%s] mit der ServerID[%d] [WorldGard] Lade Msg_Default_NoLeaveArea = Du darfst die Area[%s|%d] nicht Verlassen. [WorldGard] Lade NoAreaFind = Du musst in einer Area stehen, um dies zu tun! [WorldGard] Lade Variable 1 = de 1 [WorldGard] Lade Variable 2 = de 2 [WorldGard] Aktualiesieren 205 | 205 [WorldGard] 2 von 2 [WorldGard] Lade Area [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[1] SET srvID[30] ID.size[0] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[2] SET srvID[31] ID.size[1] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[3] SET srvID[32] ID.size[2] [WorldGard] Finde AreaID[11] SET srvID[33] ID.size[3] [WorldGard] WorldAsArea srvID[OK] API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListener Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerKeyEvent Add onPlayerChangeBlockPosition Add onPlayerChangeObjectStatusEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerCommand Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayer Add onPlayerInventoryAddEvent Add onPlayerHitEvent Add onPlayerChestToInventoryEvent Add onPlayerInventoryToChestEvent Add onPlayerChangeGamemodeEvent Add onPlayerCraftItemEvent Add onPlayerDamageEvent Add onPlayerEnterAreaEvent Add onPlayerLeaveAreaEvent Add onPlayerSleepEvent Add onPlayerStartFlyingEvent Add onPlayerStopFlyingEvent Add onPlayerPickupItemEvent Add onPlayerObjectInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementInteractionEvent Add onPlayerElementHitEvent Add onPlayerChatEvent Add onPlayerChestAccessEvent Add onPlayerChestDropEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.pbplugins.WorldGardListenerPlayerWorld Add onExplosion Add onPlayerCreativePlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerCreativePlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerCreativeTerrainEditEvent Add onPlayerCreateBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerDestroyBlockEvent Add onPlayerDestroyConstructionEvent Add onPlayerDestroyObjectEvent Add onPlayerDestroyTerrainEvent Add onPlayerDestroyVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlockEvent Add onPlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent Add onPlayerPlaceConstructionEvent Add onPlayerPlaceGrassEvent Add onPlayerPlaceObjectEvent Add onPlayerPlaceTerrainEvent Add onPlayerPlaceVegetationEvent Add onPlayerPlaceWaterEvent Add onPlayerRemoveConstructionEvent Add onPlayerRemoveGrassEvent Add onPlayerRemoveObjectEvent Add onPlayerRemoveVegetationEvent Add onPlayerRemoveWaterEvent [WorldGard] Cancle [WorldGard] null [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[109] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[111] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[113] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[150] Variante[12] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[101.25-58.0-375.125] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[false] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[false] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ChangeObjectStatus [WorldGard] Neuer Status: 1 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0-60.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[11.0-28.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[14.0-27.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-27.0-10.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-57.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[130] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[160.0-58.0-200.2925] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 7 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1025 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1022 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1013 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1008 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 66 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 7 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1025 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1022 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 1025 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[0] Origin[Pickup] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[157.66261-58.279606-199.10439] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[9] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[150.9075-58.05-202.065] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[152.51918-59.157356-201.31291] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[800] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[152.51918-59.157356-201.31291] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] PlaceObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[160.5-58.0-202.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PlaceObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PlaceObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[101] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[160.5-58.0-202.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[130] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[160.0-58.0-200.2925] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CraftItem [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Craft FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Craft [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[2] Origin[Craft] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 2 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 15 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 64 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] server: replace clothing 65 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[156.34842-59.942547-201.69623] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@2c9d82eb - 8 - 0 2018/02/19 10:39 PM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 8 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5e7019d PORT:4255 / CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3d29b70b PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@27c700d PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@483e263a PORT:4258 CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 12:53 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 9 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 377906514 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 116, 70, -30, 21, 44, -38, -95, -114, 82, 101, -122, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, -25, 64, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 0, 0, 0, 0, -15, 87, -121, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 82, 101, -122, 22, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 12, 0, 16, -84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 103, 37, 127, 90, -25, -44, -102, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 96, -7, -104, 63, -116, 50, 126, -89, -122, -70, 68, -93, 69, 29, 12, 59, 98, 87, -6, -128, -97, 54, 70, -74, -127, 22, -59, 76, 7, 15, 6, -97, -97, 13, 98, 100, -20, -2, -44, -46, -29, 76, 13, -86, 90, -48, 40, -69, 59, 61, -53, 56, -87, -74, -21, 31, -57, -72, -96, -104, -64, 40, -76, -114, -49, 126, -49, -103, -76, -62, -127, -76, 112, 18, -15, 72, -128, 72, -76, 93, 51, 2, -2, 120, -11, 126, 37, -4, 126, -15, 47, 85, 18, -28, -68, 75, 100, -46, 111, 69, -67, 1, 8, -109, 58, -44, -98, -104, 76, -5, 119, 34, 86, 109, 72, -99, 12, 48, -84, 63, 76, -99, 116, -73, 123, -92, -108] PLAYER CONNECT: sethsgame CREATEPLAYER: sethsgame (76561198338172242) LOADPLAYER: sethsgame (76561198338172242) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[115] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[117] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[119] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000116866552 - 110000116866552 OK [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4d592e74 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@186baf5c PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@437ef012 PORT:4257 [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@d67d8e4] wText[115] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1cccf090 PORT:4258 CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 12:53 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 10 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 853164678 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 95, 83, -102, 39, 89, 123, 112, -79, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, 29, 65, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, -56, -101, -122, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, 0, 0, 0, 0, -73, 61, 127, 90, 55, -19, -102, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -41, -57, -103, -57, -111, -70, 106, 75, -103, -55, 115, -68, -37, 57, 3, -65, 58, -25, 98, -17, -121, -84, -121, -6, -18, -54, -59, 10, 101, -91, -34, 10, 98, -84, 117, -112, 59, 34, 57, -114, 6, -32, -104, -58, -22, 89, -28, -69, -21, -48, -3, 50, 89, 2, -88, 53, 91, 55, 120, -52, 69, 4, 61, -108, -41, 31, 7, -45, -58, 63, -127, -5, -23, -106, 25, 103, 50, -50, -119, 99, 34, 9, -123, -25, -109, 6, 66, 49, 24, 105, -51, 46, 11, 86, 95, 125, 105, 109, -80, -111, -33, -34, 94, 91, -34, 124, 44, -45, -75, -117, 30, 124, 63, 111, 73, -81, 60, -116, -113, -33, 110, -97, 29, -54, -62, -127, -10, 52] PLAYER CONNECT: grantsgame CREATEPLAYER: grantsgame (76561198813430406) LOADPLAYER: grantsgame (76561198813430406) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[121] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[123] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[125] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000132da4286 - 110000132da4286 OK [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-500.18738-75.2564--110.30821] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-500.18738-75.2564--110.30821] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-500.18738-75.2564--110.30821] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@2e7e9095] wText[121] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.12555-54.356354--161.31223] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@d67d8e4] wText[115] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.86584-54.358387--108.54318] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.3117-54.361942--138.35477] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.3117-54.361942--138.35477] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.48773-54.079235--144.10162] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.48773-54.079235--144.10162] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.48773-53.958534--144.10403] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.48773-53.958534--144.10403] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.48773-53.958534--144.10403] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.489-53.95573--144.12918] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.489-53.95573--144.12918] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-389.489-53.95573--144.12918] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-419.2459-54.11577--139.43849] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-420.1777-54.365337--138.55606] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-420.75174-54.54608--137.91447] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-421.4762-53.957638--137.10522] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-422.29303-54.21905--136.1802] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.08685-54.4731--135.28125] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.0-53.0-7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@1b80daf3 - 10 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 12:56 AM[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 10 [EndAuthSession] 853164678 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[false] Type[16] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-314.1175-48.0225-385.84] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[17] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-342.97-48.05-405.49] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1d8af447 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3768dbdc PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4fc1fd9a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@482b3cca PORT:4258 CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 12:58 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 11 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 853164678 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 54, -44, -20, 61, -6, 114, -86, -60, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, 76, 71, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, 123, 12, -117, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, 0, 0, 0, 0, -73, 61, 127, 90, 55, -19, -102, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -41, -57, -103, -57, -111, -70, 106, 75, -103, -55, 115, -68, -37, 57, 3, -65, 58, -25, 98, -17, -121, -84, -121, -6, -18, -54, -59, 10, 101, -91, -34, 10, 98, -84, 117, -112, 59, 34, 57, -114, 6, -32, -104, -58, -22, 89, -28, -69, -21, -48, -3, 50, 89, 2, -88, 53, 91, 55, 120, -52, 69, 4, 61, -108, -41, 31, 7, -45, -58, 63, -127, -5, -23, -106, 25, 103, 50, -50, -119, 99, 34, 9, -123, -25, -109, 6, 66, 49, 24, 105, -51, 46, 11, 86, 95, 125, 105, 109, -80, -111, -33, -34, 94, 91, -34, 124, 44, -45, -75, -117, 30, 124, 63, 111, 73, -81, 60, -116, -113, -33, 110, -97, 29, -54, -62, -127, -10, 52] PLAYER CONNECT: grantsgame LOADPLAYER: grantsgame (76561198813430406) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[127] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[129] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[131] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000132da4286 - 110000132da4286 OK [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-333.44083-144.07658-357.49866] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@f7a71d9] wText[127] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-333.44083-144.07658-357.49866] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-333.44083-144.07658-357.49866] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[1.0-16.0-4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[1.0-16.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.3649-56.59351--82.66138] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.34637-56.05615--81.45717] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.33118-55.615803--80.470375] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] PlaceObject [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.3825-53.235--52.785] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PlaceObject FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true PlaceObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.51678-54.35634--59.644394] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@f7a71d9] wText[127] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.9888-54.358902--111.25543] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.0-53.0-7.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-314.65967-187.96626-376.29395] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-314.65967-187.96626-376.29395] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-314.65967-187.96626-376.29395] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-305.1491-162.19376-372.5638] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-305.1491-163.45456-372.5638] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-305.1491-164.71051-372.5638] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.5454-142.49257-372.3493] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.5454-142.49257-372.3493] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.5454-142.49257-372.3493] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.51672-142.37651-372.37958] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.51672-142.37651-372.37958] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-300.51672-142.37651-372.37958] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-299.46982-142.03502-375.43896] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-299.46982-142.03502-375.43896] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-17.0-1.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-421.99933-144.35681-310.88177] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-422.08478-144.16277-313.47318] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[1] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[211] Variante[0] Status[1] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-13.2375-58.094997-369.8725] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-57.0-9.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-444.96945-114.07665-284.58206] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-446.24045-113.55227-284.73016] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-60.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-60.0-3.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[3.6730142-66.345024-329.2768] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[3.6730142-66.345024-329.2768] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[17] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-652.205-69.697495-276.6875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyBlock [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[4.0-57.0-13.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyBlock FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyBlock [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@3f6663ca - 9 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 01:03 AM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: Delete Client ID: 9 [EndAuthSession] 377906514 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@36a55dcd - 11 - 0 2018/02/20 01:03 AM[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / G.f INFO[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / : [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 11 [EndAuthSession] 853164678 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@51096788 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4789a3d5 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2de8584c PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@39eb7f3d PORT:4258 CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 02:57 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 12 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 853164678 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -26, -12, -39, 50, -54, 67, 39, 6, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, 77, 127, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, 111, -89, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -122, 66, -38, 50, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -99, 13, 11, -83, 14, 0, 16, -84, 0, 0, 0, 0, -73, 61, 127, 90, 55, -19, -102, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -41, -57, -103, -57, -111, -70, 106, 75, -103, -55, 115, -68, -37, 57, 3, -65, 58, -25, 98, -17, -121, -84, -121, -6, -18, -54, -59, 10, 101, -91, -34, 10, 98, -84, 117, -112, 59, 34, 57, -114, 6, -32, -104, -58, -22, 89, -28, -69, -21, -48, -3, 50, 89, 2, -88, 53, 91, 55, 120, -52, 69, 4, 61, -108, -41, 31, 7, -45, -58, 63, -127, -5, -23, -106, 25, 103, 50, -50, -119, 99, 34, 9, -123, -25, -109, 6, 66, 49, 24, 105, -51, 46, 11, 86, 95, 125, 105, 109, -80, -111, -33, -34, 94, 91, -34, 124, 44, -45, -75, -117, 30, 124, 63, 111, 73, -81, 60, -116, -113, -33, 110, -97, 29, -54, -62, -127, -10, 52] PLAYER CONNECT: grantsgame LOADPLAYER: grantsgame (76561198813430406) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[133] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[135] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[137] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000132da4286 - 110000132da4286 OK CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@35aa115c - 12 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 02:58 AM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 12 [EndAuthSession] 853164678 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@63db6218 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2ddf537 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@f2592a9 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7952da3a PORT:4258 CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 08:57 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 13 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 204114267 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 12, -2, -123, 101, 84, 37, -21, 87, 91, -119, 42, 12, 1, 0, 16, 1, 18, -68, -117, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -53, 42, -124, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, -58, 100, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 91, -119, 42, 12, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -98, 41, -124, 80, 20, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 122, -126, 90, -110, 41, -98, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -95, -64, -67, 99, -21, 95, 65, -97, 3, 56, -52, -19, 127, 108, -103, 56, -102, -125, -92, -72, -28, -82, 10, -50, 9, -83, 64, 102, -101, 6, -90, -72, 36, 108, -27, 97, -89, 88, -125, 123, -120, 26, 32, -37, -40, 37, -47, -8, -65, -40, 43, 2, 55, 103, -91, -16, 120, -12, 36, -48, -101, -72, -89, 4, 42, -42, 5, 126, -87, -96, -57, 83, -94, -54, -106, -102, 96, -74, -52, -12, -85, -18, -26, -12, -77, 111, 24, 70, -116, 42, -66, 93, 8, -26, 93, -99, -77, -19, 15, 46, 71, -104, 64, 48, 117, -71, 15, 57, 5, 3, 110, -124, -52, 87, -51, 77, 121, 107, -62, -12, -50, -27, 68, -58, -65, 116, -105, -126] PLAYER CONNECT: novize54 LOADPLAYER: novize54 (76561198164379995) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[139] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[141] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[143] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010c2a895b - 11000010c2a895b OK [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-280.34448-140.25653-590.2897] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-280.3476-140.25685-590.2865] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[108] Variante[3] Status[0] InfoID[149] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-284.39-43.0075-591.6875] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[108] Variante[3] Status[0] InfoID[148] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-284.39-43.0075-590.6025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-245.97101-140.36998-595.1394] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-242.94852-140.3859-482.00983] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.21265-144.34013-108.68643] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-423.21265-144.25673-108.68643] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-437.2652-54.32774--169.54633] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@84b134 - 13 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 09:02 AM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 13 [EndAuthSession] 204114267 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@30406ea8 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@595bbf4c PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@356ecd1b PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@743bf86f PORT:4258 CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 03:22 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 14 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 271452212 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -52, 21, -68, 47, -108, -69, -62, 2, 52, 8, 46, 16, 1, 0, 16, 1, 69, 46, -116, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -110, 24, 67, 91, 100, 0, -88, -64, 105, 113, 27, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 52, 8, 46, 16, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -110, 24, 67, 91, 100, 0, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, -51, 126, 90, -70, 124, -102, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 121, -81, -12, 75, 123, 56, -27, -93, -30, 106, 96, -84, 37, 114, 10, -60, -58, -21, 111, 34, 118, -94, 95, -126, -95, -50, 17, 13, 88, 2, -71, 60, 48, -88, 41, -32, 88, 58, -89, -67, -113, 18, 36, -83, 50, -109, -22, -102, -1, -58, -47, 111, 121, -53, -41, -11, 79, -69, -11, 51, -46, 60, 109, 122, -26, -90, -6, 105, 48, 109, -30, 112, 55, 96, -119, -92, 100, -77, -25, -12, 52, 121, 79, 89, 103, -115, -36, -1, 115, 4, 27, -6, 74, 28, 35, 65, -101, 106, -116, -107, 106, -52, 5, -6, -4, 46, -24, -36, -10, -104, -20, 21, -61, 117, 4, 48, 0, 5, 115, 69, 61, -10, -63, -33, 58, -113, -28, -18] PLAYER CONNECT: Lady_whynot LOADPLAYER: Lady_whynot (76561198231717940) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[145] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[147] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[149] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 1100001102e0834 - 1100001102e0834 OK [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@486ac4db] wText[145] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-517.964-54.348938--108.981895] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.53183-54.359604--161.01001] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-502.4757-54.258522--222.25964] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.8127-54.07845--274.1731] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.81262-53.958015--274.1731] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.8045-53.957096--274.1772] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.79987-53.95705--274.1795] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.79767-53.955013--274.18704] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-498.79767-53.955013--274.18704] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-51.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-51.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-51.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-51.0-11.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyTerrain FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyTerrain [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-414.08496-53.958477--622.1891] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -1 - -2 (122ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -2... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -2... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -2 Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -2 [WorldGard] DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-527.5-55.5--969.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-527.5-55.5--969.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-527.5-55.5--969.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT DestroyVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true DestroyVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@21f3556c PORT:4255 / CLIENT 15 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2201a04d PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7583cb01 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5f2b3d57 PORT:4258 CLIENT 15 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 15 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/20 03:28 PM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 15 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 131090801 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 124, -60, -69, 40, 100, -18, 92, -75, 113, 73, -48, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, 73, 26, -116, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -68, 14, 13, 89, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, -105, 86, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 113, 73, -48, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -121, -58, -79, 77, 20, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, -96, -118, 90, -32, 79, -90, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -69, -124, 118, -50, 77, 33, -19, 38, 11, -85, -11, -110, -1, -66, -104, 52, -53, -20, -108, 14, 121, 107, 14, -33, 90, -2, 65, -71, 60, -72, 106, -1, -57, 9, -34, -3, 62, 62, 114, 34, 50, -84, -75, -21, -43, 12, 40, 99, -75, -91, -3, 55, 8, -62, 80, 32, 78, 6, 11, 101, -25, 45, 83, -49, 51, -123, -53, 66, -128, 34, 4, -111, 44, -49, -52, 93, -58, 22, -33, -49, -71, 99, -22, 44, -39, -15, 116, -43, -123, -100, -84, -121, 54, 16, 93, -95, -4, 60, 39, 1, -80, 38, 70, -90, 126, 78, 55, 106, -64, -8, 125, -93, 65, 86, -33, -14, 86, 63, -54, 103, 71, -52, -50, 80, 102, 8, -104, -124] PLAYER CONNECT: Solitar LOADPLAYER: Solitar (76561198091356529) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[151] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[153] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[155] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000107d04971 - 110000107d04971 OK [WorldGard] Chat Spieler[Lady_whynot] [#FFFFFF]Huhu Peter [15:28] Lady_whynot: [#FFFFFF]Huhu Peter CMD: say Hallo clear temporary voxel maps CLIENT 15 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 15 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@165e4bda - 15 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 03:28 PM[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 15 [EndAuthSession] 131090801 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-12.0-13.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-12.0-12.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[13.0-12.0-12.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@66e4a630 - 14 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/20 03:31 PM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 14 [EndAuthSession] 271452212 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: null - 14 - 0 2018/02/20 03:31 PM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 14 [EndAuthSession] 271452212 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Steam Servers Disconnected - NoConnection Steam Server Connect failed... (NoConnection) Steam Server Connect failed... (NoConnection) Steam Server Connect failed... (NoConnection) Steam Servers Connected (1433573729 -> [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6c84ffaa PORT:4253 java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/21 07:46 PM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4f989d77 PORT:4256 java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/21 10:48 PM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@174b1349 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 16 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2d084118 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1a46c7c5 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@28d89b01 PORT:4258 CLIENT 16 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 16 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/22 05:47 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 16 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 125942566 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -60, 71, 52, 111, 92, 119, 111, 77, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -110, 74, -114, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, -123, 57, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 38, -69, -127, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 73, -41, 88, 95, -128, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -91, -50, -115, 90, 37, 126, -87, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -92, -128, -32, 55, 39, -63, 126, -77, -70, -42, -105, -14, 120, 79, -16, 58, -123, 114, -79, -128, 122, -42, -25, 92, 58, -104, 81, 99, -32, -88, -46, 34, -52, 89, 22, -104, -88, -78, -14, -110, 49, 3, -102, 25, 120, -39, -27, 80, -54, 52, 7, -3, 111, 76, -42, 108, -10, 77, -102, -3, -92, -87, -121, 80, -41, -108, -79, -15, 93, -1, 65, -56, 122, -51, 81, 59, 29, 46, -9, -1, 117, 116, 87, -53, 41, 30, 61, 17, -79, 47, 99, -127, 27, 62, -51, 19, 96, -16, 64, 8, 122, 90, 20, -126, -99, -95, 42, -127, 109, 75, -18, 70, -121, -64, 51, -7, 23, 10, 115, -117, -119, -33, 55, 104, -11, 4, 69, -54] PLAYER CONNECT: noci LOADPLAYER: noci (76561198086208294) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[157] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[159] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[161] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010781bb26 - 11000010781bb26 OK [WorldGard] CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[12.0-57.0-4.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT CreativeTerrainEdit FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true CreativeTerrainEdit [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@7d91ea73] wText[157] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-559.10803-65.75474--109.68061] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@7d91ea73] wText[157] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-455.9747-105.09762--70.43236] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[true] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[true] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] CLIENT 16 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 16 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@4a1ca4eb - 16 - 0 2018/02/22 06:10 AM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 16 [EndAuthSession] 125942566 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4c348572 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 17 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4fbdfe26 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3955aefe PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@712b0aa3 PORT:4258 CLIENT 17 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 17 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/22 09:57 AM G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 17 IP: [BeginAuthSession] 323839771 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -88, -79, 84, 21, -104, -27, -24, -127, 27, 103, 77, 19, 1, 0, 16, 1, -34, 127, -114, 90, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -119, -60, -110, 5, 76, -78, -88, -64, 107, 87, 53, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 27, 103, 77, 19, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -119, -60, -110, 5, 76, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 36, -120, 90, -59, -45, -93, 90, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 20, -24, 91, -81, 21, -45, 61, 50, -42, -61, -69, 99, -14, 68, -112, 76, -10, -79, 97, 105, 64, 123, -97, -22, 59, -94, 99, 59, 115, -81, -39, -89, 28, 119, -15, -124, -39, 30, -108, -69, -90, 36, -26, 76, -95, 102, 96, -4, 95, -115, -128, 109, 117, -67, 100, 58, 1, 27, -51, -55, -74, -53, -102, 54, -52, -7, 4, -112, 1, -98, -56, 42, 67, 28, -97, -58, -96, 15, 122, 9, 111, -56, -101, 90, -19, -37, 110, -124, -33, -115, -112, -66, -58, -61, 118, -88, -83, -118, -46, 81, 112, -91, 28, 17, 34, -29, -128, -45, -68, 34, 123, 115, 118, -98, 61, 50, 61, -63, 19, -23, -86, 35, -36, 5, 95, -14, 70] PLAYER CONNECT: SonoBionda CREATEPLAYER: SonoBionda (76561198284105499) LOADPLAYER: SonoBionda (76561198284105499) [AGBs] Connect [AGBs] Connect Rule 00 [WorldGard] Connect [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[32] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[32] dbID[3] Name[Spawn] TextID[163] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[33] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[33] dbID[11] Name[Test_02] TextID[165] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[30] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvAreaID[31] [WorldGard] onPlayerConnect srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] [WorldGard] createWorldArea srvID[31] dbID[2] Name[Testarea] TextID[167] Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 1100001134d671b - 1100001134d671b OK [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@67f053ab] wText[163] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] server: replace clothing 2 [WorldGard] InventoryAdd AKA:PickupItem ItemType[805] ItemVariation[0] ItemStatus[0] ItemOrigin[8] Origin[Clothing] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-506.29736-75.35785--107.92109] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT PickupItem FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-505.99533-54.35676--161.33363] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] EnterArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Enter, AreaName, AreaWelcomMsg, NoEnterAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getAreaByID srvID[32] Name[Spawn] wArea[net.risingworld.api.worldelements.WorldArea@67f053ab] wText[163] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-508.0-81.0--111.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] EnterArea | class java.lang.String class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.String [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true Enter [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[17] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-466.395-53.05--62.9125] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true [WorldGard] getRight [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "FROM": syntax error) [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true false null [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[17] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-466.395-53.05--62.9125] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Spawn 32 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-557.0|52.0|-160.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[-457.0|110.0|-60.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [100.0|58.0|100.0] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension[World|0] kleiner 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[Spawn|32] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[-1] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false true true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true DoorOpen [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true ChestAccess [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true [WorldGard] getRight [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "FROM": syntax error) [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true true PickupItem [WorldGard] getRight Rechte getDB: INTEGER [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 32 value[0] [WorldGard] getRight mit Gruppe Vorhanden aID[3] rID[3] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true true false null [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[true] [WorldGard] LeaveArea ID[32] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Leave, AreaName, AreaFarewellMsg, NoLeaveAreaMsg FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 32 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] LeaveArea | Spawn -1 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-456.7573-54.35833--107.84921] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[-1] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte false false true Leave [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[true] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[223] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[true] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-416.5025-53.0--84.0025] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] StartFlying [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-458.54633-54.345493--175.45093] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT Fly, AreaName, srvID FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true Fly [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] ObjectInteraction Wehlbar[true] Type[184] Variante[0] Status[0] InfoID[-1] isDoor[false] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-503.1525-53.0--225.545] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT InteractObject, Sleep, DoorOpen FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true InteractObject [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[132] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-807.5-40.5--201.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[46] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-813.5-37.5--237.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] Load WorldPartSQLite -2 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 -1 [WorldGard] RemoveVegetation TypeID[9] TypeID[class net.risingworld.api.events.player.world.PlayerRemoveVegetationEvent] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Finde Area @[-871.5-29.5--266.5] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos World 0 [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Start @[-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9|-2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos End @[2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9|2.14748365E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Dimension [4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9|4.294967296E9] [WorldGard] getAreasFromPos Liste[World|0] [WorldGard] [WorldGard] getDBWert SELECT RemoveVegetation FROM Areas, Rechte, MSG WHERE srvID = 0 and Rechte.rAreaID=Areas.AreaID and Rechte.rMsgID=MSG.msgID [WorldGard] getRight isAdmin Player[false] AccesAdmin[true] [WorldGard] getRight are 0 value[0] [WorldGard] ResultSet closed [WorldGard] getRight ohne Gruppe Vorhanden aID[1] rID[1] result[org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet@41560894] [WorldGard] getRight Rechte true false true RemoveVegetation [WorldGard] getRight Rechte Admin[false] User[false] Recht[false] Owner[false] Gruppe[false] Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -2 - -1 (124ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -2 - -2 (129ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -2 -2... Load WorldPartSQLite -2 -2... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 -2 Return WorldPartSQLite -2 -2 CLIENT 17 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 17 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@2ce72593 - 17 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 10:13 AM G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 17 [EndAuthSession] 323839771 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@684cc41b PORT:4253 java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/22 12:47 PM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3c7fdd51 PORT:4256 java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/22 03:50 PM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for /