Rising World - - Dedicated Server Linux 4.4.15-nitradoV3-MC-1000-nH-dP-d-i Java 1.8.0_101 (amd64) Memory: 2863 MB 2016/10/21 03:50 AM Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Objects initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! read bytes from resource: 11417 read bytes from resource: 7342 read bytes from resource: 5351 read bytes from resource: 32120 Initializing world (sqlite) LOAD WORLD New World DATABASE TYPE: SQLite /mnt/Worlds/New World:::New World CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! 2016/10/21 03:51 AM x.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 1 WORLDINFO Gamemode: Survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed: 1470767009645 WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 3 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: 1470767009645 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 3 disablednpc: [] WORLDINFO Time: 19.5.2 20:29:1.0590862 set game time from string: 19.5.2 20:29:1.0590862 WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1470767009645 WORLDINFO Version: TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 5 0 1 8 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 8 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 8 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 95 0 0 32 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 98 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 0 - 0 (138ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: 2207.137 66.35 -2201.3274 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 0.0016263888 -0.9983719 0.041230757 0.039381787 Loading custom images... 414 images successfully loaded! 1122 chests loaded from DB! 709 texts loaded from DB! 1 Plants loaded from DB! 97 Furnaces loaded from DB! 2016/10/21 03:51 AM i.a INFO: Custom journal loaded (23)! 11823 NPCs loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: NetworkServer version 0.6 ThreadPoolSize 4255 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4255 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4258 TCP: 1 (1) 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! Found 6 files in groups folder clear items_crafting_denied 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "greenland" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "buerger" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "erbauer" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "siedler" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully! 2016/10/21 03:51 AM G.g INFO: Group "freunde" permissions loaded successfully! StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4258 RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED /mnt/scripts [LUA]Script "HomeScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: TMN-Team [LUA][HomeScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][HomeScript] TMNs Home Script loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "TP - Teleport 0.6" loaded. Author: s3mt3x Team: Pixelcoder [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Teleport plugin loaded. [LUA]Script "MarkerScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: TMN-Team [LUA][MarkerScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][MarkerScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][MarkerScript] TMNs Marker Script loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "AreaProtection 1.8" loaded. Author: KingGenius Team: JIW-Games [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerEnterWorldpart" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectStatusChange" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainFill" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerGrassRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "InventoryToChest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestToInventory" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestItemDrop" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerRespawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerDamage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "Update" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] AREA PROTECTION script started! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Admin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Default Group found "Guest" [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Guest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Owner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:655 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:657 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1157 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1158 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1625 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1626 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1733 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1734 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1739 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1740 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1748 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1749 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1751 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1752 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1753 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1764 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1793 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1800 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1895 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1945 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1984 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1985 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1987 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1990 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1991 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1993 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1994 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1995 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1996 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1997 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1998 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1999 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2000 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2001 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2002 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2003 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2004 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2005 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2006 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2007 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2008 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2009 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2010 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2011 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2012 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2013 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2018 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2019 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2020 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2021 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2022 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2023 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2024 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2025 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2026 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2027 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2032 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2058 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2070 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2085 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2087 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2088 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2131 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2132 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2143 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2144 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2168 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:2183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Altes Dorf " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Schutzone" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Muster" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Taylor & Ronon" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Claptrap" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gespert" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Gespert" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Aussichts-Turm Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Urlik" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar`s - Freibad" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ceddis Strandvilla" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lapreno" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Green Island Startpunkt" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "K?nigstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "K?nigstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "K?nigstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "K?nigstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Smoka" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Studentenwohnheim-Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Teich #S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Internat-Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominikPL" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Stadt-Krankenhaus Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Skatepark" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Skatepark" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Skatepark" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Skatepark" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Musterhaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Stadthotel-Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lantia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lantia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lantia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "NiShocks" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lorenzendamm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lorenzendamm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grassweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kreuzung Lorenzendamm / Grassweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kreuzung K?nigsstrasse / Grassweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "K?nigsstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grassweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "NiShocks" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Martinqwe" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BttelRose" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bahn?bergang Bergstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bahnsteig Siedlerbahnhof" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenlandbahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Siedlerbahnhof" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lorenzendamm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lorenzendamm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kreuzung Lorenzendamm/Siedlerstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Greenland Zoo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Biergarten" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Biergarten" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Biergarten" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Jungfernsteg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kreuzung Siedlerweg / Jungfernsteg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BttelRose-2" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zepi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sommerhaus/Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Das Meerhotel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Tomassonl" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Siedlerweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kreuzung Lorenzendamm / Siedlerweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Siedlerweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Tomassonl-02" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "#S" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SebbeTheBull" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Shereesa" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DOM zu Grenn Island" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Uschan_de_Luka" successfully [LUA]Script "World Edit" loaded. Author: LordFoobar Team: [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale de... [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale en... [LUA][World Edit] Script v0.5.85 loaded. HTTP Server bind to IP: *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 1 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** 2016/10/21 08:13 AM E.d INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@2b14a9f0 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@2b14a9f0 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@2b14a9f0 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@678ecdb4 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6a42a460 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6e7d3df0 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@3338c45a 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@2b7fae5b 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4df0151b 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@b708429 1 2016/10/21 08:13 AM E.d INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Solitar *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** PLAYER CONNECT: Solitar LOADPLAYER: Solitar *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** serverPlayerListener -> Survival PLAYER PERMISSION: 100 write pages: 6 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Load WorldPartSQLite 3 -6... Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - -3 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 3 - -6 (102ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 3 -5... Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 3 - -5 (147ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 4 -6... Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 2 - -3 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart from cache: 4 - -6 (110ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 4 -5... Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart from cache: 4 - -5 (83ms) *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 ... (8, 8) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] CHEST:2147 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 263 -329 0 800 24800 2000 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 263 -329 0 800 24800 1200 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 263 -329 0 400 24800 800 server: place object 262 -329 0 6000 24800 800 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 5200 24800 800 server: place object 262 -329 0 4400 24800 800 server: place object 262 -329 0 3600 24800 800 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 2800 24800 800 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 2000 24800 800 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 1600 24800 1600 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 item value: -1.0 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 4677 24800 297 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 3845 24800 311 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! server: place object 262 -329 0 3044 24800 310